IRC log for ##kierra on 20111117

02:44.44*** join/##kierra spldart (
02:44.44*** join/##kierra spldart (~spldart2@bzflag/contributor/spldart)
04:44.10*** join/##kierra enk (
05:34.05*** join/##kierra kierra (~Jolie@unaffiliated/kierra)
05:34.05*** mode/##kierra [+o kierra] by ChanServ
08:34.28*** join/##kierra jujibo (~jujibo@
13:42.39*** join/##kierra mdskpr_ (~mdskpr@
14:05.04*** topic/##kierra by kierra -> Welcome: || "Friends are helpful not only because they will listen to us, but because they will laugh at us; Through them we learn a little objectivity, a little modesty, a little courtesy; We learn the rules of life and become better players of the game" || "Fame and riches are fleeting. Stupidity is eternal" ||
14:05.42scottchokes on his coffee
14:33.04brad~poke kierra
14:33.04purlACTION cuts down a small tree, sneaks up behind kierra, pokes kierra repeatedly, hilarity ensues.
14:33.06brad~lart mdskpr_
14:33.06purlhooks into a hydrant and hoses mdskpr_ down
14:33.23brad~bday scott
14:33.24purlACTION jumps out from his hiding place and screams HAPPY BIRTHDAY scott!!!
14:33.53TheRedBaron~moon scott
14:33.53purlACTION drops his pants and shows scott a full moon. scott drops over dead at the sight.
14:34.06brad~hug TheRedBaron
14:34.06purlACTION hugs TheRedBaron tightly until TheRedBaron turns slightly blue
14:36.08mdskpr_brad: you going to pay for my doctor's bills when I get pneumonia?
14:37.02bradhospitals are free
14:37.21bradat least over here..:P
14:39.42scottthey reject a proper health care system for some reason
14:46.35*** join/##kierra Pimpinella (
14:46.35*** mode/##kierra [+o Pimpinella] by ChanServ
14:59.35*** join/##kierra jujibo (~jujibo@
15:10.45kierrais it scott's bd?
15:11.23kierrawonders how much you pay in taxes to support such a health care system :P
15:11.35kierraand wonders about waiting lists
15:11.50kierrawon't discuss the politics of it :P
15:11.56kierra~pinch brad
15:11.56purlACTION scuttles after brad and pinches him vigorously
15:12.17mdskpr_kierra: feeling better?
15:12.23kierraa little
15:12.36kierrai think i'm just overtired
15:12.46kierrabig weekend, wheat order delivery
15:13.10kierrai can't haul around the 50lb bags like i used to
15:13.19catayman up!
15:13.28kierra~smack catay
15:13.28purlACTION smacks catay upside the head.
15:13.35kierrahello dear
15:13.38catayhi :)
15:14.05braddont think its his birthday, but thought it was better to celebrate it just incase it was
15:15.10scotti'm not commenting on my birthdate.  but presents are welcome.
15:16.38TheRedBaronscott: oblig - I've got a present for you....
15:16.49scottin your pants?
15:17.17TheRedBaronobligation met
15:20.04kierra~ice Constitution
15:20.05purlACTION sneaks up behind Constitution and dumps an entire bucket of ice on top of them
16:32.37*** join/##kierra BulletCatcher (~bc@bzflag/developer/BulletCatcher)
16:32.37*** mode/##kierra [+v BulletCatcher] by ChanServ
16:41.37*** join/##kierra spldart (
16:41.37*** join/##kierra spldart (~spldart2@bzflag/contributor/spldart)
18:06.59*** part/##kierra kierra (~Jolie@unaffiliated/kierra)
19:03.13*** join/##kierra KTL (
19:04.35*** join/##kierra kierra (~Jolie@unaffiliated/kierra)
19:04.35*** mode/##kierra [+o kierra] by ChanServ
19:44.23*** join/##kierra jujibo (~jujibo@
21:30.39*** join/##kierra Constitution (~const@bzflag/developer/Constitution)
21:30.39*** mode/##kierra [+v Constitution] by ChanServ
21:31.23kierra~ice Constitution
21:31.23purlACTION sneaks up behind Constitution and dumps an entire bucket of ice on top of them
21:41.06scottgah snow
21:43.17TheRedBaronlol canada
21:58.37scotthush you
22:12.34spldartdid someone say bewbies?
22:35.25*** part/##kierra kierra (~Jolie@unaffiliated/kierra)
23:11.31*** join/##kierra kierra (~Jolie@unaffiliated/kierra)
23:11.31*** mode/##kierra [+o kierra] by ChanServ

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