IRC log for ##kierra on 20110524

00:32.22*** join/##kierra KTL (
01:29.20*** join/##kierra Gabe_G23 (u557@bzflag/player/GabrielG)
01:29.20*** mode/##kierra [+v Gabe_G23] by ChanServ
02:45.34gn00bieTheRedBaron: have you sold the Duke name yet? I will probably pre order duke this week
02:45.41gn00bienot decided on PS3 or PC yet
02:46.09gn00bieand catay is quite an accomplished fellow, he is quite possibly the most interesting man in the world
02:56.02gn00bieTheRedBaron: as for scotch, experiment
02:56.13gn00bieI recommend Laphroaig 18
03:35.55TheRedBaronDuly noted
03:36.20TheRedBaronBtw, should we be wishing for the little one to make his appearance while catay is a-visiting?
03:37.15TheRedBaronWe might be able to work it into a title or something.  catay - bringer of babies
03:37.26TheRedBaronbut then some people might not want him to visit.
03:37.32TheRedBaronI'm kinda on the fence about this
03:38.16TheRedBaronOn the one hand, if the little one does make his appearance, then we do get sit back, swill scotch and puff on fine cigars in celebration
03:38.40TheRedBaronbut I wouldn't want to damage his reputation like Nels does
04:24.43gn00biecatay is sort of long, like a stork
04:24.59gn00bieTheRedBaron: we could call him Catay the stork
04:25.41gn00bieI might have to take all the Baron sisters, put them in the GTO and put the fear of God into them
04:25.51gn00biemaybe then they will stop terrorizing poor catay
04:26.20gn00bieexcept for baroness
04:26.33gn00bieshe should be kept away from all things mechanical
05:02.26*** join/##kierra sirquine (
05:36.43*** join/##kierra spldart (~spldart2@bzflag/contributor/spldart)
08:59.39*** join/##kierra gn00bie (
08:59.39*** mode/##kierra [+v gn00bie] by ChanServ
11:26.55*** join/##kierra ahs3- (
11:26.56*** mode/##kierra [+v ahs3-] by ChanServ
13:32.38kierracatay is such a great guy !
13:32.49kierraso many chores he did the last days
13:33.12kierracleaning up the housem , mowing the lawn, doing the dishes
13:33.23kierrahe is already out now working in the garden!
13:33.29kierraan example for everyone
13:51.19bradwhat a suckup
13:51.27bradslap him for me please
14:16.45*** join/##kierra sirquine (
14:36.04*** join/##kierra quine_ (~quine@
14:49.30cataybrad: shush you :p
14:49.37cataytaking a small break now, it's so hot outside :P
14:53.07BulletCatcherThe first emoticon could get you banned here, brad.  Be careful! ;-)
14:54.00bradwhat does it even mean?
14:54.44BulletCatcherI imagine it to be a naughty word, but that's just me.
14:59.34TheRedBaron:F looks like fangs.
14:59.40braddirty mind i'd say, BC
14:59.41TheRedBaronbrad is a vampire?
14:59.45bradyup :D
14:59.55TheRedBaronoh god, brad is edward cullen!
15:00.25brad~lart TheRedBaron
15:00.25purlcuts off TheRedBaron's head with a halberd that could have been a little bit sharper
15:05.33mvironsends TheRedBaron a beverage
15:05.37mviron~lart brad
15:05.37purllowers brad's priority
15:45.35kierraHe hijacked my laptop: (9:32:33 AM) kierra: catay is such a great guy !
15:45.36kierraand following
15:52.00bradah lol
15:52.05bradthat makes sense now
15:52.39brad~lart mviron
15:52.39purlchanges mviron's permissions to 0777 and tells the world
15:52.49ndim~lart kierra
15:52.49purlcalls kierra on the phone ... the lights are on but nobody's home
15:52.52ndim~lart catay
15:52.52purloffers catay some herring
15:52.58kierraso true
15:53.01ndimJust to make sure to get him.
16:07.09catayi'll just have to make sure i don't forget to lock my laptop :)
16:07.57kierrathere are more ways to payback, catay
16:10.16ndimSnake. Alligator. Catay. And a locked door.
16:12.13ndimHilarity ensues.
16:12.31kierrasnake! excellent idea
16:15.13ndimNo respect for the law, those anar^Walligators.
16:19.30ndimTheRedBaron: That does looks like proper workplace safety attire to me:
16:21.27TheRedBaronwell, considering the crushing force of a gators jaw, I think the only thing that stands a chance would be a suit of armor composed of a hefty gauge and tensile strength.
16:21.38TheRedBaronBut then I hear its not so easy to swim in one of those
16:22.36ndimBut then I would think a gun shot should take care of the alligator in a much easier way.
16:23.29ndimshuts down at work for the night - back in from the train in 10
16:46.33purl*YAWN*  I get *YAWN* tired just thinking of large boxes of unknown substances being poured into nooks and crannies and eaten by little monsters that like to kill fluffy bunnies and oh god I'm tired..
16:58.06mvironburies ndim
16:58.38mviron~lart ndim
16:58.38purlhurls dozens of incontinent, insomniac, hungry kittens with tiny little razor-sharp claws and a wide variety of contagious intestinal parasites at ndim
17:15.02ndim~moo mviron
17:15.02purlACTION moos at mviron
17:15.15ndim~foghorn mviron
17:15.15purlACTION moos at mviron with supertanker fog horn power
17:21.11mvironndim: how's it going today?
17:23.43mvironor have you managed to scare yourself off?
17:34.04*** join/##kierra short_circuit (
17:49.22ndimI have scarced myself off.
17:54.01mvironlol ndim
17:54.47*** join/##kierra Grumpfy (~Grumpf@
17:54.48*** join/##kierra Grumpfy (~Grumpf@about/essy/Happy/Grumpfy)
17:54.48*** mode/##kierra [+v Grumpfy] by ChanServ
18:41.02*** join/##kierra KTL (
19:20.53*** join/##kierra catay (
19:20.53*** mode/##kierra [+o catay] by ChanServ
20:48.59*** join/##kierra mdskpr_ (~mdskpr@
21:31.45*** join/##kierra Grumpfy (~Grumpf@about/essy/Happy/Grumpfy)
21:31.45*** mode/##kierra [+v Grumpfy] by ChanServ
22:51.24*** join/##kierra spldart (~spldart2@bzflag/contributor/spldart)
22:51.27*** join/##kierra kierra1 (
22:59.07*** join/##kierra Pimpinella (
22:59.07*** mode/##kierra [+o Pimpinella] by ChanServ
23:31.25*** join/##kierra kierra (~jolie@unaffiliated/kierra)
23:31.25*** mode/##kierra [+o kierra] by ChanServ
23:49.21mviron~hug kierra
23:49.21purlACTION hugs kierra tightly until kierra turns slightly blue

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