IRC log for ##kierra on 20100117

00:49.10*** join/##kierra Grumpfyy (
01:10.51*** join/##kierra llrr (
01:10.51*** mode/##kierra [+v llrr] by ChanServ
10:48.37*** join/##kierra emknox (
10:48.37*** mode/##kierra [+v emknox] by ChanServ
10:52.16*** join/##kierra ashvala (n=ashvala@unaffiliated/ashvala)
10:52.16*** mode/##kierra [+v ashvala] by ChanServ
11:27.36*** join/##kierra SkinTex (
11:27.36*** mode/##kierra [+v SkinTex] by ChanServ
13:11.52ndim~weather EDDS
13:12.19ndimRain is picking up, wind is picking up, ... *yawn*
13:15.18kierra~weather KTLH
13:15.29kierrawe had that yesterday all day, ndim
13:15.41kierracloudy so far
13:15.50*** mode/##kierra [+v Grumpfyy] by kierra
13:17.45ndimkierra: But it was about 30 degF warmer at your place. :)
13:17.47ndim~coffee kierra
13:17.48purlACTION steals some of ashvala's special coffee and gives it to kierra on a silver platter.
16:44.36*** join/##kierra Pimpi_ (
16:44.36*** mode/##kierra [+o Pimpi_] by ChanServ
19:25.28kierra~weather KTLH
19:38.08ndimWay to solve :
22:30.04*** join/##kierra Grumpff (
23:30.46TheRedBarongn00bie: have you seen the movie: The ugly truth?
23:43.38gn00bieTheRedBaron: I am going to say no
23:43.46gn00bieespecially if it was the one made by Al Gore
23:43.55gn00bieor was it The inconvinient truth?
23:50.20TheRedBarongn00bie: that was the inconvinient truth
23:50.36TheRedBarongn00bie: I'm talking about a movie with Katherine Hiegel
23:50.45ValumzieAnd gerard Butler!
23:50.50TheRedBaronto borrow from the brits, she is a fit bird :D
23:51.07TheRedBaronyou should watch it with DoDA.
23:51.14ValumzieI agree!
23:51.20TheRedBaronshe can watch Mr. Butler, you can watch Mrs Hiegel ;)
23:51.28TheRedBaronits win win :D
23:54.41gn00biewell, Ms Hiegel I can watch all day long
23:54.59gn00biebut the question is, is it a good movie?
23:55.11Valumziegn00bie: it is a very good movie
23:55.29gn00bieValumzie: it is off the theatres by now my guess is
23:55.33gn00biebut some day...
23:55.53Valumzieit is on dvd :)
23:56.12gn00bieDoDa does not like girls that are much taller than she is :P
23:56.25gn00bieI think there is a 10 cm limit
23:57.56mvironhello Valumzie and TheRedBaron
23:58.01mvironsends gn00bie stuff

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