IRC log for ##kierra on 20090919

00:14.54gn00bieI am looking forward to 8 hours tonight
00:47.06*** join/##kierra Valumzie (
00:47.06*** mode/##kierra [+o Valumzie] by ChanServ
00:57.51*** join/##kierra ep_ (n=quassel@about/essy/guynextdoor/ep)
00:57.51*** mode/##kierra [+v ep_] by ChanServ
01:25.12*** join/##kierra ndim (
01:25.12*** mode/##kierra [+v ndim] by ChanServ
01:25.31*** join/##kierra Bambino (n=Bambino@unaffiliated/sniper15)
01:25.31*** mode/##kierra [+v Bambino] by ChanServ
01:33.47*** join/##kierra kierra (n=jolie@unaffiliated/kierra)
01:33.47*** mode/##kierra [+o kierra] by ChanServ
01:33.55kierraep_: ping
01:44.54*** join/##kierra Valumzie (
01:44.54*** mode/##kierra [+o Valumzie] by ChanServ
01:56.37Valumziekierra: having your boys over is always so entertaining :)
02:00.16kierrai can well imagine
02:00.24kierraits quiet here :)
02:00.44*** mode/##kierra [+v Admirarch] by kierra
02:06.16Valumzienot so quiet here ;)
02:07.43ValumzieI need to remember to come to your house next time ;)
02:27.23kierrayou should have :(
02:27.33kierrayou can sleep here too
02:54.51Valumziekierra: discussion between trb and rb3
02:54.57Valumzie"the spy is dead!"
02:55.05Valumzie"Dude, he is not, I just saw him walk away"
02:55.12Valumzie"dude, he fragmented!"
02:55.16Valumzie"Well, he walked away"
02:55.34Valumzie"Dude, he fragmented! He has to be dead!"
02:56.25ndimimagines pandora and hades having similar conversations about mice
03:09.10kierralol, ndim
06:39.12*** join/##kierra Upsetter (n=ups@
06:39.12*** mode/##kierra [+v Upsetter] by ChanServ
06:59.55*** join/##kierra jh` (
06:59.55*** mode/##kierra [+v jh`] by ChanServ
09:34.52CBGis playing Monopoly City Streets - monopoly online, with google maps. :)
09:36.45CBGEveryone starts with 3 million to buy real streets, then you can build buildings on streets you own. You get rent each day: streets typically give 10% return and buildings return between 30% and 100% depending on the size of the street. Today is day two, everyone got an extra 1 million (for passing go) so how much money could they possibly have?
09:38.20CBGEven if we assume they got 100% return on the full 3 million they started with, lets assume they also got LOADS of (very rare) chance cards that gave them more cash, so they had 10 million to start... That gives them 10 + 1 million rent today, on top of their streets worth 10 million -> 21 million. The chap at the top of the scoreboard has 2.2 billion.
09:38.29CBGdoesn't get it.
09:41.42jh`perhaps you could ask monopoly city street admins to run their washed money detector against him
09:46.28purlACTION bakes his shooty all over town
09:53.38jh`what games do you play these days cbg
09:57.57*** join/##kierra emknox (
09:57.57*** mode/##kierra [+v emknox] by ChanServ
10:27.54brad~poke kierra
10:27.54purlACTION cuts down a small tree, sneaks up behind kierra, pokes kierra repeatedly, hilarity ensues.
10:28.36braddid you get the team msg? im not sure if it sent
10:28.59purl*YAWN*  I get *YAWN* tired just thinking of large boxes of unknown substances being poured into nooks and crannies and eaten by little monsters that like to kill fluffy bunnies and oh god I'm tired..
10:34.51*** join/##kierra Pimpi (
10:34.51*** mode/##kierra [+o Pimpi] by ChanServ
10:42.35*** join/##kierra [suave] (n=totte@about/essy/MadonnaFan/suave)
10:42.35*** mode/##kierra [+v [suave]] by ChanServ
10:43.34*** join/##kierra GrumpyGirl (n=Grumpf@about/essy/Happy/Grumpfy)
10:43.34*** mode/##kierra [+v GrumpyGirl] by ChanServ
11:05.14kierra~pinch brad
11:05.14purlACTION scuttles after brad and pinches him vigorously
11:05.29kierrai got a team eulogy....does that count?
11:06.11bradi think
11:06.18bradnot sure what a eulogy is :p
11:06.27kierraIts one thing to ask to join another team, but quite another to be wooed away by another team :P
11:06.38bradim a terrible person
11:06.41kierrathe speech given at a funeral
11:06.57kierrayou're not terrible!
11:07.05kierraI'm just sad
11:07.20kierraw/e, I'll get over it
11:08.03bradwont be forever
11:10.27ndim~coffee kierra
11:10.28purlACTION steals some of GrumpyGirl's special coffee and gives it to kierra on a silver platter.
11:11.50kierratrue brad, dex is the male Rc, changing teams and orbit will eventually start another
11:17.03kierraty ndim!
11:26.36*** part/##kierra jh` (
12:36.52gn00bie10 hours of sleep feels good
12:38.54ndim12 hours of sleep feels better
12:39.35ndimMy nose moved to the side due to me lying on the side for too long.
12:42.18ndimrolling-on-floor-laughing? looks more like rolling-on-keyboard-laughing-and-hitting-alt-F4 to me...
13:09.50gn00bieshower check
13:16.35purlACTION bakes his shooty all over town
13:46.27*** join/##kierra Upsetter (n=ups@
13:46.27*** mode/##kierra [+v Upsetter] by ChanServ
14:38.11*** join/##kierra Valumzie (
14:38.11*** mode/##kierra [+o Valumzie] by ChanServ
15:08.42*** join/##kierra Upsetter (n=ups@
15:08.42*** mode/##kierra [+v Upsetter] by ChanServ
16:26.47*** join/##kierra ep (n=quassel@about/essy/guynextdoor/ep)
16:26.47*** mode/##kierra [+v ep] by ChanServ
17:27.06*** join/##kierra Valumzie (
17:27.06*** mode/##kierra [+o Valumzie] by ChanServ
17:41.05*** join/##kierra Valumzie (
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21:09.27*** join/##kierra kierra (n=jolie@unaffiliated/kierra)
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21:34.41*** join/##kierra Valumzie (
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21:46.29*** join/##kierra Valumzie (
21:46.29*** mode/##kierra [+o Valumzie] by ChanServ
22:33.47*** join/##kierra SkinTex (
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22:40.52*** join/##kierra Valumzie (
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23:39.27*** join/##kierra Valumzie (
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23:40.18*** join/##kierra Grumpfy (n=Grumpf@about/essy/Happy/Grumpfy)
23:40.18*** mode/##kierra [+v Grumpfy] by ChanServ
23:56.41ndim~beer Grumpfy
23:56.42purlACTION pulls out a tasty Jever for Grumpfy
23:59.02Grumpfyyaayyyy! One beer for me, ty ndim! :P
23:59.31Grumpfy~beer ndim
23:59.32purlACTION pulls out a exquisite Franziskaner Hefeweizen for ndim
23:59.41Grumpfyand one back for you
23:59.42ndimGrumpfy: Merci beaucoup!
23:59.53Grumpfymais de rien!

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