IRC log for ##kierra on 20090303

00:28.16*** join/##kierra Abominable (
01:51.18*** mode/##kierra [+v Abominable] by ChanServ
03:52.46*** join/##kierra ep_ (
03:52.46*** mode/##kierra [+v ep_] by ChanServ
05:13.57*** join/##kierra Abominable (
05:20.08*** mode/##kierra [+v Abominable] by ChanServ
05:49.29*** join/##kierra Abominable_ (
06:04.22*** join/##kierra ashvala (n=irchon@
06:04.22*** mode/##kierra [+v ashvala] by ChanServ
08:02.49*** join/##kierra QuantumT1m (n=tim@
09:48.26*** join/##kierra LongDon (
09:48.26*** mode/##kierra [+v LongDon] by ChanServ
10:01.33*** part/##kierra LongDon (
10:02.43*** join/##kierra CBG` (
10:02.43*** mode/##kierra [+v CBG`] by ChanServ
11:11.39*** join/##kierra bzmom (n=jolie@unaffiliated/kierra)
11:11.39*** mode/##kierra [+o bzmom] by ChanServ
12:40.05*** join/##kierra Grumpfy (n=Grumpf@about/essy/Happy/Grumpfy)
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13:07.06*** join/##kierra bzmom (n=jolie@unaffiliated/kierra)
13:07.06*** join/##kierra CBG` (n=CBG@about/essy/fan/CBG)
13:07.06*** mode/##kierra [+ov bzmom CBG`] by
13:44.08*** join/##kierra CBlinuxfan (n=ashvala@
13:45.26*** join/##kierra ashvala (n=abhu@
13:45.27*** mode/##kierra [+v ashvala] by ChanServ
13:47.41*** join/##kierra kierra (n=jolie@unaffiliated/kierra)
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14:17.57*** part/##kierra mviron_ (
14:18.19*** join/##kierra mvironwork (
14:18.19*** mode/##kierra [+v mvironwork] by ChanServ
14:19.51kierratimmie, id!
14:27.17kierra~weather KTLH
14:30.11gn00bie~weather KSYR
14:30.19gn00bieicy winds of night be gone this is not your domain
14:30.26gn00bieplease not the windchill of -22 C
14:30.49gn00biekierra: :P
14:31.11gn00biewhen boston gets 8 inches of snow, it is called a megastorm
14:31.21gn00biewe get 150 inches in this winter, no one even reports about it
14:32.40kierracuz of lake affect.....nothing really new
14:33.09gn00biebut it is still unfair :P
14:33.18gn00bieicy winds of night be gone this is not your domain
14:33.26gn00biein the sky a bird was heard to cry
14:35.51gn00bie-22 C windchill
14:36.05gn00bieorange and ndim deny my undeniable redneckness
14:36.10gn00bieno Baroness to make fun off
14:36.29ndimyou seem more like frozenneck to me.
14:39.07gn00biewell, I have been up for two hours, and the cold has been preventing a ~shake event thus far
14:39.35ndimUhm, why that? Car won't start?
14:39.52ndimYou should have gotten a Russian car then, not a Japanese one.
14:41.47gn00bieno the car will start (though a little reluctantly)
14:41.55gn00biethe problem is between the steering wheel and the seat
14:43.53ndimThose are the most serious class of issues.
14:45.10gn00bietrue, they are
14:49.37*** join/##kierra orange (
14:49.54*** mode/##kierra [+o orange] by ChanServ
15:00.10kierra~lart orange
15:00.11purlexecutes killall -HUP orange
15:06.26gn00bie~lart orange
15:06.26purlbeats orange senseless with a 50lb Unix manual
15:06.38gn00bieok, that is not quite what I had in mind
15:06.42gn00bieso let us try again
15:06.44gn00bie~lart orange
15:06.44purldoes a little 'renice 20 -u orange'
15:07.01gn00bie~kiss orange
15:07.02purlACTION forces orange to give brad a big kiss on the hand
15:07.09gn00bie~lart orange
15:07.09purlwhips out a hot clue gun and makes sure that orange is stuck to the floor
15:08.24orangewhat is this abuse?
15:08.30orange~lart kierra and gn00bie
15:08.30purltakes out kierra and gn00bie with the trash
15:09.09*** join/##kierra CBG` (n=CBG@about/essy/fan/CBG)
15:09.09*** mode/##kierra [+v CBG`] by
15:20.54orangecrocodile tears
15:22.49orangeshould I pamper you? ;-)
15:23.00orangegn00bie: taking a day off work?
15:28.27gn00bieorange: no done with the shower
15:28.37gn00bieI am grieving for I am no longer a redneck
15:28.40kierra~pamper gn00bie
15:28.41purlACTION towels gn00bie dry, puts talcum powder on gn00bie's butt, and puts gn00bie in a fresh clean pair of Pampers(TM)!
15:28.52kierradont pamper me, orange
15:29.04gn00biewhat, the pamperer is getting pampered!!!!
15:29.09kierrai want a massage, manicure etc
15:38.03*** join/##kierra Upsetter (
15:38.03*** mode/##kierra [+v Upsetter] by ChanServ
15:39.14purlACTION shakes it like a polaroid picture
15:39.32ashvalacrunchbang OS is too awesome!
15:39.34*** join/##kierra CBG` (n=CBG@about/essy/fan/CBG)
15:39.34*** mode/##kierra [+v CBG`] by
15:39.45ashvalahey cbg
15:40.01kierrabye gn00bilicious
15:40.11ashvalahey kierra
15:40.52kierrahowdy ashvala :)
15:41.09ashvalahugs kierra
15:42.04kierra:) ty ashvala
15:43.34*** join/##kierra CBG` (n=CBG@about/essy/fan/CBG)
15:43.34*** mode/##kierra [+v CBG`] by
15:44.28orange~realpamper kierra
15:44.29purlACTION pulls out all the stops, and arranges a 2-hour massage, manicure, pedicure, facial and a full day at the spa for kierra.  In addition, food is catered from the local 5-star restaurants, prepared especially for kierra.  An army of people are available to do anything kierra might wish for!
15:44.41kierraoh, nice!!!!!
15:45.10orangeI wonder if gn00bie even saw what ~shake does now :-)
15:47.13*** join/##kierra CBG` (n=CBG@about/essy/fan/CBG)
15:47.13*** mode/##kierra [+v CBG`] by
15:49.00ashvalalol orange
15:52.23*** join/##kierra Valumzie (n=valumz@
15:52.23*** mode/##kierra [+o Valumzie] by ChanServ
15:52.31ashvalaHeya valumzie
15:52.54kierrahugs Valumzie
16:07.29orangeValumzie: did you hear we had about 6" of snow?
16:28.06ashvalapurl: eee, gifted my friend a eeepc
16:28.27purlit has been said that mac is ... MAC?!???! *chomp*
16:28.34purlwell, macosx is unix for girly men
16:28.49purlmethinks windows is either a 64bit hack on the 32 bit hack or just a 32 bit hack on a 16 bit operating system, originally designed for an 8 bit CPU, with a 4 bit system bus, made by a 2 bit company that can't stand 1 bit of competition... or the World of Warcraft bootloader, or the most important collection of bugs, or bloatware, or an operating system
16:29.06purlit has been said that linux is the cure for cancer, AIDS and slavery to corporations
16:29.23purl[sony] not very linux friendly when it comes to the memory stick
16:30.20purlit has been said that orkut is an online community that connects people through a network of trusted friends, affiliated with google, or if you want to be in orkut, /msg tarzeau name + email and he'll invite you
16:30.40ashvala~seen tarzeau
16:30.42purltarzeau is currently on #debian #gnu-kbsd. Has said a total of 7 messages. Is idling for 4h 55m 6s, last said: 'finally i updated and fixed the links:'.
16:30.53ashvalaah there :)
16:31.04ashvalahe doesnt look like a orkut inviter~
16:31.36ashvalaoh, orange, didcha see my rubiks cube vid?
16:31.50orangenot that I recall
16:31.59ashvalaok, here
16:33.50orangeI have motion sickness
16:33.53orangebut cool :-)
16:34.47ashvalawhat is motion sickness?
16:40.05ashvalaok, night all :)
16:40.21ashvalasleep well(sry), Good morning :)
17:04.44*** join/##kierra bzmom (n=jolie@unaffiliated/kierra)
17:04.44*** mode/##kierra [+o bzmom] by ChanServ
17:27.50*** join/##kierra [suave] (n=totte@about/essy/MadonnaFan/suave)
17:27.50*** mode/##kierra [+v [suave]] by ChanServ
17:30.51*** join/##kierra GrumpyGirl (n=Grumpf@about/essy/Happy/Grumpfy)
17:30.51*** mode/##kierra [+v GrumpyGirl] by ChanServ
18:09.58*** join/##kierra Pimpi (
18:09.58*** mode/##kierra [+o Pimpi] by ChanServ
18:39.18*** join/##kierra CBG (
18:39.18*** mode/##kierra [+v CBG] by ChanServ
19:12.06*** join/##kierra ep (
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19:36.13bzmomhi ep
19:38.40bzmomforget it ep
19:38.49*** part/##kierra bzmom (n=jolie@unaffiliated/kierra)
19:39.22brad~lart catay
19:39.22purlthrows a AN/M-8 smoke grenade at catay
19:54.57*** join/##kierra bzmom (n=jolie@unaffiliated/kierra)
19:54.57*** mode/##kierra [+o bzmom] by ChanServ
19:56.07*** topic/##kierra by bzmom -> Welcome: || ñ || "There is nothing worse than aggressive stupidity." || Because of spammers, you must register and identify in order to speak.||
19:57.36*** topic/##kierra by bzmom -> Welcome: || ñ || "There is nothing worse than aggressive stupidity." || Because of spammers, you must register and identify in order to speak.|| “A man, as a general rule, owes very little to what he is born with - a man is what he makes of himself”
20:25.22*** join/##kierra Upsetter (
20:25.22*** mode/##kierra [+v Upsetter] by ChanServ
20:48.24*** join/##kierra Upsette1 (
21:15.29*** mode/##kierra [+vv Upsette1 QuantumT1m] by bzmom
21:41.49*** join/##kierra LongDon (
21:41.49*** mode/##kierra [+v LongDon] by ChanServ
21:42.08*** part/##kierra LongDon (
22:15.39*** part/##kierra Upsette1 (
22:24.08*** join/##kierra Abominable_ (
22:45.23*** join/##kierra kierra (n=jolie@unaffiliated/kierra)
22:45.23*** mode/##kierra [+o kierra] by ChanServ
22:45.29kierrabrlcad pingy
23:45.37Valumzieoh, wuouaha, we are in the topic line :)
23:45.48Valumzieorange: I saw you got snow! and Im so jealous!!!!

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