IRC log for ##kierra on 20090106

00:09.26ndimsends Valumzie a wire.
00:09.39Valumziety ndim :)
00:14.52*** join/##kierra TheRedBaron (n=ZeeBaron@
00:14.52*** mode/##kierra [+o TheRedBaron] by ChanServ
00:16.38TheRedBaronno no - our wireless hates your mac :P
00:17.08ValumzieI hate this wireless!
00:17.12Valumziemy mac is so cute!
00:17.19Valumzieit deserves a good wireless...
00:56.46brlcadValumzie & TheRedBaron: thank you
00:57.00brlcadgot the card, lovely
00:58.32Valumzieyay! :)
01:10.46Valumzienow, who is the most lovely one?
01:10.51ValumzieTRB or me? :P
01:15.06ndimpandora? :-)
01:20.56orangeValumzie: I feel for you and your router
01:21.17Valumzieit seems it does not like Macs
01:21.19Valumzieits weird
01:22.56*** join/##kierra gn00bie (
01:26.02TheRedBaronits gn00bie!
01:26.16gn00bieTheRedBaron: :)
01:26.20TheRedBaronpours the whisky
01:26.30gn00bieDoDa is not very comfortable with linux boxen
01:26.44gn00bieso she put the lid on the laptop down and did not open it all day
01:27.00TheRedBaronsends gn00bie a complimentary vista install DVD
01:28.42gn00bieshe has a windows laptop of her own
01:28.53gn00biebut that she refuses to put on the internet
01:29.07gn00bieher laptop runs exPee
01:29.25gn00bieit might get a virus according to her, even though I run a proper firewall
01:30.05TheRedBarongn00bie:  just give her a list of approved websites :P
01:30.49gn00bieTheRedBaron: that might not be  a bad idea
01:31.05gn00biethe problem is in Italy she ran a Win32 box on naked internet
01:31.13gn00bieeverything was OK when it ran windows Me
01:31.25gn00biewhen she went to XP, it got rooted multiple times
01:31.36gn00bienow she just does not believe in the whole internet thing
01:31.44Valumziegn00bie:  when are you coming for a visit? :)
01:31.46brlcadValumzie: haha
01:31.53brlcadthere's no contest
01:32.11gn00bieValumzie: idk, no boss at work today to figure out vacation schedule etc
01:32.12Valumziebrlcad: of course there is a contest!
01:32.18Valumziegn00bie: bummer
01:32.51gn00bie~weather KSYR
01:32.52brlcadwell then it's not a fair one :)
01:33.05gn00bieit would be good to get away from this weather for a few days
01:33.20gn00bieso while I have been gone, did anything interesting happen?
01:33.23brlcador it's an incontestable comparison, clear winner :)
01:33.40Valumziegn00bie: catay is still in denial
01:33.47Valumziebrlcad: how so?! :)
01:34.55gn00bieValumzie: that is to be expected, he needs to see a shrink before he will accept his baldness
01:35.07Valumziegn00bie: very true
01:36.41orangeTheRedBaron: you have a box of vista install dvds?
01:38.19gn00bieorange: I find it very disturbing
01:39.58TheRedBaronorange: well not quite a box - but a few to spare
01:40.02TheRedBaronorange: why - do you need one?
01:40.07TheRedBaron32 bit or 64 bit? :D
01:40.51TheRedBaronbrlcad: yea - its not a fair one.  I'm an ugly son of a gun ;)
01:41.30Valumziefor once, I do agree with kierra... he is more of the handsome brown-eyed man :)
01:42.28orangeTheRedBaron: why do you have spare vista dvd's?
01:43.22orangegn00bie: welcome back
01:43.44gn00bieorange: thanks
01:44.09TheRedBaronorange: cause Mr. Gates likes me?
01:44.18gn00bieDoDa pops in to say that she will try harder to be on IRC tomorrow
01:44.42Valumzieyay for DoDa!!!!!
01:45.21TheRedBarongn00bie: I recommend pidgin for all things IM
01:45.25gn00bieand now she gets back to the keyboard
01:45.46gn00bieTheRedBaron: pidgin works on exPee too?
01:45.48*** join/##kierra kierra (
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01:45.56gn00biekeyboard = yamaha she has
01:45.59gn00biekierra: :P
01:46.12orangeTheRedBaron: did you buy a 100-pack license?
01:46.19orangehowdy kierra :-)
01:46.24TheRedBarongn00bie: yes
01:46.29TheRedBaronpidgin works on exPeee
01:46.33TheRedBaronand vista !
01:46.46TheRedBaronorange: not that I'm aware :)
01:47.03kierragn00bie: you coming down?
01:47.13orangeTheRedBaron: 1000-pack? ;-)
01:47.20kierrawow, scott has lasted a long time here
01:47.51gn00biekierra: not sure one way or the other yet
01:48.23kierranp, i'm flexible
01:48.33kierrai went to visit my grandchildren today
01:48.40kierrathey are so cute!
01:48.55gn00biekierra: are they edible?
01:49.03Valumziegn00bie: they are :D
01:49.04TheRedBarongn00bie: technically :P
01:49.06gn00biesecond question - are they tasty?
01:49.19gn00biecuteness is tertiary
01:49.27gn00bieedibleness is primary
01:49.48orangegn00bie: we're not talking about kittens here
01:49.50orangeare we?
01:49.55TheRedBaronorange: we are :)
01:49.59gn00biethe question then is - what is baroness if she is not primary, secondary, or tertiary?
01:50.00orangeok, whew
01:50.11ndimkierra: Grandchildren?
01:50.20gn00biendim: :)
01:50.38kierrandim: yes
01:51.54ndimkierra: congrats
01:52.17kierrai love kittens/cats
01:52.24ndimNot grandkids.
01:52.36kierrai cant type/spell
01:52.52ndimThat must be why you homeschooled your kids
01:52.57kierrawow, scott has lasted a long time here
01:53.10kierrai'm a stickler for spelling
01:53.12ndimgn00bie: I drove my mother today... sideways.
01:53.26gn00biendim: :) good to know
01:53.29ndim(you wanted to know what happend while you were away :)
01:53.48gn00bieDoDa does not like going sideways and her first week here - so I was nice to her
01:54.19ndimWell, you don't have a car ATM anyway.
01:54.24ndimNot a real one anyway.
01:54.25gn00biekierra: I love kittens/cats too, I think they are tasty
01:54.36gn00biendim: true :( the real one is under a car cover in the garage
01:54.36ndimAnd going sideways with FWD is no fun.
01:54.43gn00bieI drive the fake one around
01:55.13ndimgn00bie: Decide, please. Vegetarian or cat eater.
01:55.19gn00biethis has been a very snowy winter, we are above our average by several inches and it looks like we might make a new record with 200 inches this  year
01:55.32gn00biendim: cats are vegeterian, they grow on trees
01:55.49TheRedBaronits true !
01:56.22ndimLike my Jewish friend. He's not interested what fish the ham comes from... (but I'm sure to have mentioned that before)
01:56.34gn00bieand this new place where I have rented is about 10 miles to the north and is just 10 miles away from the snowiest areas in the lower 48 that get over 300 inches of snow per year
01:56.47gn00biendim: I think you have :)
01:57.08ndimHmm. 200 inches... that means gn00bie will be entering and leaving the building via the 3rd floor...
01:57.30gn00biewell there are thaws from time to time
01:58.10gn00biebut it is no real fun when you have to get upn your driveway in reverse everytime, because going forward the FWs just spin helplessly
01:59.49gn00biewhere is meno?
01:59.54ndimShould make leaving easier, though.
02:00.04orange~seen menotume
02:00.07purlmenotume <> was last seen on IRC in channel ##kierra, 4d 6h 51m 46s ago, saying: 'byes'.
02:00.07gn00bietrue, it does
02:00.33ndimAnd quicker. When DoDa is after you with a kitchen implement.
02:00.33gn00biewhat? mininova bans btdownloadheadless?
02:01.00ndimOh. Vietnam?
02:01.18gn00biethere are no real implements in the kitchen (yet)
02:01.32gn00biea shopping spree needs to happen first. Yes TG episode!
02:01.49gn00bieok what other bt clients are there?
02:01.54ndimHmm. My gearing tables and diagrams are taking up 84 pages now...
02:02.13ndimgn00bie: I've recently been using ktorrent. Or, on the tty, rtorrent.
02:03.13gn00biendim: thanks
02:03.20gn00biendim: you are making a trike?
02:04.05ndimgn00bie: I'm seriously thinking about a 2007 model my dealer wants to get rid of.
02:04.16ndimBut that will need some adjustment to the gearing.
02:04.23gn00biendim: how much does he want for it?
02:04.25ndimProbably from 24 to 72.
02:05.46gn00bieok then
02:05.48gn00biebed time etc
02:05.54gn00biesince I have now been domesticated ;)
02:06.10gn00bieboo to you too ndim
02:06.12ndimgood night gn00bie
02:06.18gn00biegood night
02:06.55TheRedBaronbedtime for gn00bie?
02:07.02Valumziegn00bie: !!!!
02:07.02ndimWhich reminds me... this is a good time to go to bed... in gn00bie's time zone, and I am 6 hours ahead. :-/
02:07.36orangegn00bie: rtorrent ftw
02:07.58orangertorrent+screen of course
02:08.06ndimTo be honest... if I were living with my gf, I'd also try to match the sleeping cycles. :-D
02:08.11ndimorange: screen goes without saying.
02:08.37orangendim: that was for TheRedBaron's benefit
02:09.02ndimOh. I must be getting slow, this late in the morning.
02:10.52ndimSome of my calculations are off.
02:15.04ValumzieI still cant believe gn00bie  went to bed
02:15.06Valumzieits 9pm!
02:15.26Valumzieif I were TheRedBaron's girlfriend, I would not make him go to bed that early
02:15.35orangeValumzie: :-)
02:15.44TheRedBaronbut you're my wife... so you put me to bed early :(
02:15.55ValumzieI beg your pardon?!
02:16.08Valumzienow, be honest... when was the last time you went to bed BEFORE midnight?!
02:16.16orangeValumzie: begging isn't becoming
02:17.09Valumzieorange: :P
02:25.12TheRedBaronndim: lots of thinking or a suppressed chuckle ?
02:29.39ndimNow that you are asking, it is the latter :)
02:44.40*** join/##kierra TheRedBaron (n=ZeeBaron@
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03:15.07*** join/##kierra TheRedBaron1 (n=ZeeBaron@
03:36.52*** join/##kierra Valumzie1 (n=valumz@
03:38.25*** join/##kierra TheRedBaron (n=ZeeBaron@
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03:40.03*** join/##kierra TheRedBaron1 (n=ZeeBaron@
04:27.53orangeTheRedBaron1: you're almost up to 8 now ;-)
05:37.32Flash~lart gn00bie
05:37.32purlbreaks out the Hoover and sucks up gn00bie
09:58.02*** join/##kierra LongDon (
09:58.03*** join/##kierra Gilly (
09:58.07*** part/##kierra LongDon (
11:17.58*** join/##kierra kierra (
11:17.59*** mode/##kierra [+o kierra] by ChanServ
11:30.57brlcad~wake kierra
11:30.57purlACTION throws a barrel-full of ice water on kierra and shouts "GOOD MORNING!!!!"
11:35.45Manugood morning brlcad :)
11:38.16kierrablink blink
11:38.29kierra~ice brlcad
11:38.30purlACTION sneaks up behind brlcad and dumps an entire bucket of ice on top of them
11:57.56ndim~coffee kierra
11:57.57purlACTION steals some of Pimpi's special coffee and gives it to kierra on a silver platter.
11:57.59ndim~coffee Manu
11:57.59purlACTION steals some of scott's special coffee and gives it to Manu on a silver platter.
11:58.01ndim~coffee brlcad
11:58.02purlACTION steals some of purl's special coffee and gives it to brlcad on a silver platter.
12:00.36kierrabrlcad doesnt drink coffee.....he does something like tofu tea
12:00.48kierragoes to cook breakfast
12:00.54kierrathanks for the coffee, ndim
12:03.44gn00bieforecast for today - 29F high 27 F low
12:03.52gn00bietemperature currently?
12:03.55gn00bie~weather KSYR
12:04.37gn00biehow does it work? how can these idiots be allowed to keep their jobs when they are so wrong so often
12:12.43ndim-29F high and +27F low does not compute :)
12:13.20ndimThey were similarly wrong here as well.
12:13.50ndimHmm... OK, not quite. -6C instead of predicted -12C.
12:15.38ndimBut well, I guess there are weather situations when your confidence in the prediction is low, or you would need to explain a complicated range of possibilities with the associated probabilities and causalities. That might be adequate when talking among professionals, but difficult to impossible to communicate on TV or radio weather.
12:15.52ndim(while addressing Joe Sixpack).
12:16.55*** join/##kierra Grumpfy (n=Grumpf@about/essy/Happy/Grumpfy)
12:17.33ndimlifts Grumpfy back on the wall.
12:17.40ndim~coffee Grumpfy
12:17.41purlACTION steals some of gn00bie's special coffee and gives it to Grumpfy on a silver platter.
12:17.56Grumpfythanks ndim! :)
12:19.00ndimWith my duties all done here,
12:19.01ndimgoes fell a certain seasonal holiday decoration tree.
12:43.45gn00bieshower check
12:46.03gn00bieclean undies check
12:55.28purlACTION shakes his booty all over town
12:55.35gn00bieI blame the DODa for anything said after this point
13:02.58gn00biebed time etc
13:23.41Manu~coffee kierra
13:23.42purlACTION steals some of Admirarch's special coffee and gives it to kierra on a silver platter.
13:23.45Manu~coffee ndim
13:23.46purlACTION steals some of purl's special coffee and gives it to ndim on a silver platter.
13:25.25purldrops a humongous exploding nuke on gnoobie, courtesy of manu
13:25.54Manugn00bie: happy new year ;)
13:46.45ndimHumorous note from history: As in all socialist/communist countries, religion was nothing which was officially acknowledged in the GDR. But in order to get hard currency, they still sold christmas ornaments to West Germany - but they could not use the traditional name.
13:48.03ndimSo, instead of "Engel" (angel) they called the little figures "Jahresendzeitflügelfiguren" (roughly translated "end-of-the-year time winged creatures").
13:52.08*** join/##kierra temp_dist (n=temp_dis@bzflag/serverop/TemporalDistraction)
13:55.26ndim~coffee kierra
13:55.27purlACTION steals some of brlcad's special coffee and gives it to kierra on a silver platter.
13:55.45ndim~coffee kierra again
13:55.46purlACTION steals some of brlcad's special coffee and gives it to kierra again on a silver platter.
13:55.55ndim~coffee kierra yet another time
13:55.56purlACTION steals some of Admirarch's special coffee and gives it to kierra yet another time on a silver platter.
13:59.25kierratoo little sleep over the last 4 days
14:19.03*** join/##kierra ashvala (n=ashvala@
14:27.43kierrahowdy ashvala
14:38.55ashvalahowdy kierra
14:39.06ashvalakierra, PB toruney is gone!
14:39.16ashvala~seen gn00bie
14:39.18purlgn00bie is currently on ##kierra (13h 16m 22s). Has said a total of 68 messages. Is idling for 1h 36m 20s, last said: 'bed time etc'.
14:42.03scottare you?
14:42.22kierrayou can turn anything around
14:44.41Manu~pie kierra
14:44.42purlACTION hits kierra in the face with a cream pie
14:45.36kierra~frag Manu
14:45.37purlACTION readies the nuke launcher and fires some rounds at Manu
14:45.48Manukierra: was with love ;)
14:55.36*** join/##kierra Valumzie (n=valumz@
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15:02.04*** join/##kierra mviron (
15:15.31*** join/##kierra Valumzie (n=valumz@
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15:37.57*** join/##kierra Upsetter (
15:42.30kierraa cream pie in the face doesnt seem very loving
15:47.06*** join/##kierra Upsetter (
15:49.20scottkierra: when he licks it off?
15:49.41ndimkierra: Why? You get to eat the whole cream pie!
15:50.45ndim(And if the pie was good, you have the moral obligation to reciprocate :-D )
15:51.18ndimAnd if the pie was not good, you can still claim it was and reciprocate.
15:52.29ndimThen you can proceed to invent a jellyfish pie or something.
15:55.44scottpie logic
16:02.36ndimcan one build a computer based on pie logic instead of boolean logic?
16:05.09kierra~lart scott
16:05.09purlcrushes scott with a full height scsi disk
16:05.31scottndim: thats alot of pies
16:13.12ndimscott: And I can predict the result of the computation before starting it: The logic elements will become obese.
16:14.03scottjust use lowfat pie?
16:18.11ndimLow energy pies are no fun.
16:18.38scotti hear they cause baldness
16:20.08kierrandim: TRB makes an awesome pineapple pie with no sugar in the filling
16:20.21kierraonly the graham cracker crust has a lil sugar
16:21.05*** join/##kierra TheRedBaron (
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16:21.39ndimkierra: A pineapple with no sugar?
16:21.44ndimSounds interesting :)
16:22.00kierrano added sugar
16:22.07TheRedBaronwhile i'm obviously entering in the middle of a conversation - but pineapple needs no added sugar
16:22.14kierrait has its own natural sweetness
16:22.24ndimIMHO, in many common recipes, 5 to 30% of the amount of sugar turns out to be just right.
16:22.34kierratalking about your pineapple pie, TRB
16:22.59kierrawhich you havent made in years?
16:23.03ndimBTW, hottest recorded Geohash so far... in Tally.
16:23.20kierra~weather KTLH
16:23.21ndimTheRedBaron: Sorry for bringing this up. :)
16:24.29scott"it has its own natural sweetness"
16:24.38scottdamn, too late to jump on that one
16:26.08kierra~bury scott
16:26.09purlibot dumps 42 tons of dirt, manure, and fish heads on scott
16:26.31*** join/##kierra ep (
16:26.58kierrahello ep
16:27.45Manukierra: es una forma de entrar el año con el buen pie ;)
16:27.59Manuhi ep
16:28.13epheya Manu
16:39.57*** join/##kierra Pimpi (
16:39.57*** mode/##kierra [+o Pimpi] by ChanServ
16:41.37TheRedBaron~poke man
16:41.37purlACTION cuts down a small tree, sneaks up behind man, pokes man repeatedly, hilarity ensues.
16:41.42TheRedBaron~poke Manu
16:41.42purlACTION cuts down a small tree, sneaks up behind Manu, pokes Manu repeatedly, hilarity ensues.
16:41.56Manu~kiss TheRedBaron
16:41.57purlACTION forces TheRedBaron to give kierra a big kiss on the neck
16:42.09Manu:/  silly bot
16:47.50kierraoh, on the cheek!
16:48.39scottthats sick
16:49.52Manu~pinch kierra
16:49.53purlACTION scuttles after kierra, pinches him, and then scuttles away
16:50.27kierra~beat Manu
16:50.28purlACTION beats Manu with a very wet, sticky noodle
16:52.27Manu~bounce kierra
16:52.28purlACTION bounces kierra till kierra burps
16:57.04scottponders the bottle of baileys hidden in his desk
16:57.10Grumpfy~bonk TheRedBaron
16:57.11purlACTION bonks grumpfy on behalf of TheRedBaron
16:57.34Grumpfy~pinch TheRedBaron
16:57.35purlACTION scuttles after TheRedBaron, pinches him, and then scuttles away
16:58.03kierraTRB is at the airport
16:58.36orangendim: your historical fact was funny, plus I love the way you can put almost an entire sentence into a single word :-)
17:00.19TheRedBaroni'm here
17:00.28orangeTheRedBaron: perhaps you shouldn't be :-)
17:00.53kierrarecuperated, TheRedBaron???
17:03.42TheRedBaronorange: hrm...
17:07.53kierrabrlcad: ping
17:08.35TheRedBaronchecks his calendar
17:09.25brlcadkierra: pong
17:09.57kierrapm brlcad
17:10.53brlcadpm kierra
17:11.08orangeweird conversation
17:24.53Valumzie~lart catay
17:24.53purltakes large quantities of Krispy Kream donuts and stuffs them one after another down catay's throat until catay puts on 150lbs
18:17.42*** join/##kierra Upsette1 (
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18:47.58TheRedBaron~lart Grumpfy
18:47.58purlbrandishes Excalibur! "With this sword, I vanquish thee, Grumpfy!" and lops off Grumpfy's head
18:48.22TheRedBaroncatay: whats the report on gn00bie ?
18:48.46TheRedBaronany early shakes ?
18:48.55Valumziekierra: TRB makes pineapple pie?!
18:49.08Valumzieis ready the morning-happenings
18:50.45TheRedBaroncan neither confirm or deny the existence of said pineapple pie
18:50.54Valumziethe world looks very confusing to me today
18:50.57Valumziegn00bie is NR
18:51.03Valumziecatay is silent
18:51.04TheRedBaronor AWOL ?
18:51.18Valumziemy own husband can make a pineapple pie and i had never heard of it
18:51.22Valumziewhats next?!
18:52.05Valumzieoh, and did I mention that mviron has not been sending anybody any water, pillows or fork?!
18:52.11Valumzieand meno went "poof"
18:58.38kierraValumzie: how did it go
19:05.44TheRedBaronI know... I'm still waiting on mviron for my new silverware set
19:06.08TheRedBaronValumzie: but we still have scott!
19:06.25mvironTheRedBaron: you'll be waiting a while
19:13.17ValumzieTheRedBaron: is that a relief to have scott?
19:13.22Valumziehe is not helping me with Eve :P
19:14.37Valumziekierra: it went... not too good
19:14.39Valumziebut it went
19:16.20kierranot too good?
19:17.54Valumziethey made me feel like a retard (no offense to scott)
19:19.54kierrato scott
19:21.52Valumzieyou missed a dot
19:22.00scottblow me
19:25.14cataywhat did i do ?
19:25.30catayis gn00bie still here?
19:25.37Valumziecatay: you did not do ANYTHING
19:25.39Valumziethats the proble
19:25.44catayslaps gn00bie TheRedBaron Valumzie Grumpfy
19:25.48Valumzieyou are acting like a dead fish
19:25.56catayGrumpfy for not wishing me happy new year :P
19:26.34cataya dead fish ?
19:26.38catayi'm just home from work :(
19:26.39TheRedBaroncatay: but me?
19:26.52TheRedBaronI've been a good boi !
19:26.56catayman .. since i got my new job i work too much
19:27.07Valumzielook at catay... all grown up and busy now
19:27.17Valumziesoon, he will know how to cook and do laundry
19:27.19catayit was easy going at the start .. but the last 6 months ..
19:27.24TheRedBaroncatay: clearly you have not learned from gn00bie
19:27.46ValumzieTheRedBaron: clearly gn00bie is not being a good role model right now!
19:27.52catayTheRedBaron: if i followed his example i was already kicked out :P
19:27.52Valumziepoor catay is certainly highly confused
19:28.06Valumziecatay: maybe you could take TRB as a role model for a few days :D
19:28.07catayand Valumzie , found already a job ? :P
19:28.14cataycleary not :)
19:28.15TheRedBaroncatay: i think we all would be - except for orange
19:28.26Valumziecatay: it is not nice to stab someone already half dead on the ground :P
19:28.37scottValumzie: you shouldnt make fun of retards like that
19:28.39cataysorry :P
19:28.40TheRedBaronthinks Valumzie is coming up with ne idioms
19:29.00catayscott: moi ???
19:29.26scottno, Valumzie
19:30.51catayValumzie: how come you are half dead? :p
19:30.57Valumziescott: I apologize if I hurt your feelings; next time I'll speak in French so you dont understand
19:31.10catayooh, Valumzie +1
19:31.18Valumziecatay: Im job-less and had a crappy interview this morning
19:31.48scottthat backfired
19:32.27catayi hate job interviews , specially the part where they wanna let me speak french :P
19:33.36Valumziecatay: I wish they would make me speak french
19:33.40Valumziewould be a lot easier :)
19:34.07catayyeah, i can imagine, it's not easy to explain everything in a foreign language
19:34.15catayeven not in english
19:34.55catayand writting english is still quite different compared to talking it
19:36.43ValumzieI prefer to write than speak
19:36.45Valumzieits easier :)
19:37.12catayyeah me too
19:38.07catayi always feel foolish when speaking english :P
19:38.29cataybut not as foolish as when trying to speak french :D
19:46.28TheRedBaron~lart newegg
19:46.28purlfrags newegg with his BFG9000
19:50.23*** join/##kierra moria1 (
19:50.27*** mode/##kierra [+o moria1] by ChanServ
19:52.11scottTheRedBaron: <3 the newegg
19:53.13brlcadbuttcheeks the newegg?
19:53.31TheRedBaronbrlcad: apparently scott is mooning the newegg
20:01.36*** join/##kierra LongDon (
20:15.00ValumzieI GOT A JOB!
20:25.02brlcadValumzie: congratulations!
20:25.10brlcadso apparently it wasn't as crappy as it seemed
20:28.31*** part/##kierra LongDon (
20:29.26catayTheRedBaron: you can work less hard now ... i would take a few months off if i was you :)
20:29.44catayValumzie: congrats, welcome into the real life :P
20:30.11cataywe will see now if you will follow gn00bie's example :)
20:30.37TheRedBaroncatay: I don't think any of us follow gn00bie's example ;)
20:30.48Valumziebrlcad: I already have an entire plan set up!
20:31.13Valumziebrlcad: have TRB build another computer, have an additional car, paint OG and sell the kitties on ebay
20:31.30Valumziecatay: gn00bie is my role model
20:31.39Valumziein non-real life :D
20:32.40brlcadValumzie: hehe
20:32.58gn00biehello guys,this is what gnoobie calls  Doda!
20:33.20gn00biein flesh and bones
20:33.38gn00biehappy to see you all
20:33.47brlcadmore fun: have TRB build an additional car, paint the kitties, and sell your computer on ebay ;)
20:33.48ValumzieIts good to see you too!
20:34.14TheRedBaronbrlcad: excellent idea !
20:34.35Valumzieor sell TRB on ebay?
20:34.43*** join/##kierra someone_else (
20:34.50brlcadoh, kinky
20:34.50scotti bid one dolla
20:34.53Valumziehow is gn00bie-DoDa doing?
20:34.56Valumzieand meno is here now!
20:34.59TheRedBarondon't sell me to scott !
20:35.06brlcadcraigslist would probably be better for that
20:35.17gn00biegnoobie is at work
20:35.21scottwhat features does trb come with?
20:35.34brlcadrear spoiler
20:35.36Valumziewhat are you up to, Karolina? :)
20:36.05gn00bieI was just starting my musical works
20:36.13gn00bielike recordings etc...
20:36.16Valumzieoh! nice :)
20:36.52gn00biehow's weather  in FL?
20:37.10Valumzieits very warm and humid
20:37.58Valumziewhat about for you?
20:38.06gn00biewaiting for Gnoobie to come back :)
20:38.10TheRedBaronlmao @ brlcad
20:39.07gn00bieit's slippering snowy in Syracuse!
20:40.13ValumzieI hope you like snow ;)
20:40.23gn00bieyes I do!
20:40.50gn00bieI have written you on facebook before,
20:41.05gn00biesorry from being this late in repling you.
20:41.45gn00biewill you happen these places sometimes?!
20:43.41gn00bieI quit  for a while,but I am around,see you later!
20:46.41Valumziesorry, was taking the CHristmas tree down :)
20:46.46ValumzieIm around all the time :)
21:16.08Manu~poke TheRedBaron
21:16.08purlACTION cuts down a small tree, sneaks up behind TheRedBaron, pokes TheRedBaron repeatedly, hilarity ensues.
21:29.56kierrasomeone_else: :P
21:35.58kierra~pinch Manu
21:35.59purlACTION scuttles after Manu, pinches him, and then scuttles away
21:36.49Manu~smooch kierra
21:36.49purlACTION forces orange to give kierra a big smooch
21:37.08orange~lart Manu and kierra
21:37.08purlgrabs a large, mis-shapened log, with squirrels, and beats Manu and kierra until only the nuts remain ... which the squirrels run off with
21:38.06Manuexecutes /mv orange /dev/juicer
21:38.35orange/mv: command not found
21:39.41Manupoints the '/' is the promt :-p
21:43.33kierrais bored
21:43.38kierrabut has lots to do
21:44.02Manukierra: celebras el dia de reyes?
21:44.15cataykierra bored?????????
21:44.34scottdangerous situation?
21:44.53kierrasi vivia en puerto rico, si....manu
21:44.56kierrapero no
21:45.17Manukierra: una pena ;)
21:45.33kierrasupongo que si
21:45.38Valumziekierra: Christmas just died at our house too :)
21:45.43Valumzieand Pandora is very very depressed
21:45.44kierra~lart scott
21:45.44purlexecutes killall -KILL scott
21:45.56kierrachristmas doesnt die!
21:46.01kierrait lives in your heart
21:46.06kierraall year long
21:46.16Valumzieyes mother :)
21:46.28kierraoh my
21:46.33kierraI dont like that
21:46.46kierraliked it better when we were friends :P
21:47.08kierrano tu, manu
21:47.17Manuah :)
21:47.24TheRedBaronputs Manu to work
21:47.28kierra~lart someone_else
21:47.28purlraises middle finger to someone_else
21:47.52kierrawhy do i win that lottery
21:48.10kierra~lart orange
21:48.10purlcats /dev/urandom into orange's ear
21:49.46Manu~fry orange
21:49.47purlACTION grabs orange and fries him on his BFCooker9000
21:52.39TheRedBaron~route me
21:52.40purlACTION reboots theredbaron's router 8 times in a row
21:52.55*** join/##kierra TheRedBaro1 (n=kemhof@
21:53.22*** mode/##kierra [+o TheRedBaron] by ChanServ
21:58.20orangewhy kierra, such language
21:58.43kierrait was purl
21:58.54orangea likely story
22:04.01ndimblames the kittens.
22:04.14ndimExcuse me.
22:04.17ndimThe GRANDkittens.
22:05.51Valumziendim: one of the grandkittens is highly depressed
22:05.58Valumziecause the christmas tree went down today
22:06.56ndimValumzie: The climbing toy went down?
22:06.59ndimPoor kitty.
22:07.17ValumzieI know
22:08.29ndimhands Valumzie an 9 foot tree trunk (with 6 feet circumference) as replacement.
22:10.13ndimOn saturday, my brother-in-law bought four wooden boards (2ft by 6ft), arranged them as a cage with four sides, and then let the gerbils run free in there.
22:10.39ndimThat was fun, too. Especially when he sat himself among them :-)
22:12.26TheRedBaron~dizzy kitten++
22:15.30TheRedBaron~curse ftp
22:15.31purlMay you be reincarnated as a Windows XP administrator, ftp !
22:15.44TheRedBaron~curse ftp
22:15.45purlMay you be reincarnated as a Windows XP administrator, ftp !
22:15.57TheRedBaronthats hardly a curse....
22:16.44orangewhat did it do?
22:17.09TheRedBaronI don't like it :P
22:17.23ndimorange: Live beyond its time.
22:27.23TheRedBaronwould be nice to see rsync gain the popularity of FTP
22:33.03TheRedBaronand a windows GUI rsync client.
22:47.37TheRedBaronndim: Is there something wrong with this rsync syntax?: rsync -vzr$user/dir ./dir
22:48.12ndimI can only offer Schroedinger's Answer.
22:48.27ndimTry it, and you will know.
22:48.41TheRedBaronit fails
22:52.29ndimcheck and mate.
22:52.31TheRedBaronbut according to the never helpful man pages, the syntax is: rsync [OPTION]  user@host:src [DEST]
22:52.49TheRedBaronkills Schroedinger's cat
23:07.50TheRedBaron~lart TheRedBaron's memory
23:07.50purlholds TheRedBaron's memory to the floor and spanks him with a cat-o-nine-tails
23:35.07*** join/##kierra temp_dist (n=temp_dis@bzflag/serverop/TemporalDistraction)

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