IRC log for ##kierra on 20081231

00:00.29Valumzie~pinch TheRedBaron
00:00.30purlACTION scuttles after TheRedBaron, pinches him, and then scuttles away
00:08.05kierrahey, I was born and raised here and they still think i talk with an accent!
00:08.18kierraand not just a NY accent
00:17.26orangeeveryone has an accent
00:20.05Valumzieand so, orange the wise spoke
00:21.44ndimWell, orange is right.
00:21.49ndimVery much so indeed.
00:22.50kierraValumzie: the old so&so is on gu
00:22.51ndimI used my best accent-free German while teaching Nels a few words, and when she repeated them, she accurately reproduced my Swabian accent.
00:23.21ndimErgo: I cannot speak German.
00:24.20Valumziekierra: no idea who this is :P
00:24.49orangemeano is on gu?
00:24.59ndimValumzie: It speaks more of Nels' excellent language abilities, not of mine.
00:26.12Valumziendim: remember that you never have to be nice to Nels
00:26.21Valumziegn00bie will confirm it
00:27.30ndimI'm usually nice to people because I want to, not because I have to.
00:29.07kierrameno is on bzf 58
00:29.20orange~seen menotume
00:29.23purlmenotume <n=George@pdpc/supporter/active/menotume> was last seen on IRC in channel ##kierra, 62d 21h 30m 8s ago, saying: 'so, cu all :)'.
00:32.09kierraI'm going to watch a chick flick
00:32.39Valumziesomeone save kierra!!!!
00:32.48Valumziechick flicks are bad for you
00:32.54Valumziethey make your brain all mushy
00:32.58ndimSave kierra?
00:33.01ndimFrom herself?
00:33.08ndimSysiphos task.
00:36.05kierra"PS, I love you"....with Milly
00:36.12kierrawe sent the men out
00:46.18orangeI doubt that
00:46.25orangeI think the "play" button sent the men out :-)
00:49.13kierrathey went to get massages
00:50.07*** join/##kierra temp_dist (n=temp_dis@bzflag/serverop/TemporalDistraction)
00:54.59kierrait was my christmas gift to him
00:55.32orangetemp_dist has no idea what we're talking about :-)
00:55.33temp_distgot here late ;0
01:03.54kierratemp_dist: you're not american?
01:04.11temp_distonly by accident
01:07.09kierrawhats that supposed to mean?
01:21.21*** topic/##kierra by kierra -> Welcome: ||Never lie, steal, cheat, or drink. But if you must lie, lie in the arms of the one you love. If you must steal, steal away from bad company. If you must cheat, cheat death. And if you must drink, drink in the moments that take your breath away.|| Merry Christmas!! || ñ || Happy New Year!
01:29.04ndimWhile you're at it, you can change the "merry christmas" to "happy easter".
01:54.20temp_distkierra: It is an accident of birth, what nationality anyone is
01:54.36temp_distmight as well be proud of your brown eyes as well
01:55.24temp_distwhat does frozen hot sauce have to do with America anyway?
01:58.03kierrawho mentioned how sauce?
01:59.06temp_dist19:03 <temp_dist> frozen hot sauce - hmm something odd here
01:59.06temp_dist19:03 <kierra> temp_dist: you're not american?
01:59.51temp_distseems kinda random to me :D
01:59.54temp_distwhich is nice...
01:59.57kierrai'm confused
02:00.32ndimYou shouldn't watch so many chick flicks.
02:00.47kierraare you kidding
02:00.55kierrathis hunk just swept her off her feet
02:00.59temp_distyes I am American, nice to meet you :D
02:01.15ndimkierra: They are confusing you
02:01.17kierranice to meet you to, temp
02:05.43CBGhugs kierra
02:06.04CBGEvery time I read that topic, I want to watch the movie again. :|
02:07.11kierrawhich movie?
02:07.18*** join/##kierra Abominable (
02:09.17CBGkierra: Hitch!
02:09.26CBGOr was the quote from somewhere else originally?
02:09.39kierrai have no clue.....i found it and liked it
02:09.49kierrai like Hitch too
02:10.04CBGYeah, great film :)
02:14.05kierraoh, a man with an irish brogue
03:04.02ashvalamorning all
03:08.08CBGmorning? I guess so...
03:08.20ashvalaIt is 7 am here cbg
03:08.26CBG3am here.. :P
03:11.39orangeCBG: you know about Universal Greeting Time after all these net-years, surely?
03:11.55orangewhen someone says hello it's morning, and goodbye it's night
03:11.57CBGDoesn't mean I have to use it! :P
03:12.24ashvalaalways do, good etiquette on irc channels :)
03:13.34CBG'Cause I see you lying next to me, with words I thought I'd never speak. Awake and unafraid, asleep or dead.
03:13.43ashvalais creating a gu league webpage oriented for iPhone
03:13.58ashvalaany buyers?
03:14.57orangeno iphone now, nor likely ever, for me
03:22.18CBGashvala: I have an iPhone - is that what you're asking?
03:23.14CBGNeed a tester? :)
03:24.10ashvalaI also have a IPhone dude
03:24.17CBGahh, good ;)
03:24.31CBGI have an original :P
08:27.57Pimpi~weater etnj
08:28.09Pimpi~weather etnj
10:27.24*** join/##kierra Grumpfy (n=Grumpf@about/essy/Happy/Grumpfy)
11:21.01Grumpfymorning kierra!
11:22.20kierramorning grumpfiette :)
11:22.31kierra~wake brlcad
11:22.32purlACTION throws a barrel-full of ice water on brlcad and shouts "GOOD MORNING!!!!"
11:22.44kierra~wake scott
11:22.46purlACTION throws a barrel-full of ice water on scott and shouts "GOOD MORNING!!!!"
12:07.08*** join/##kierra Gilly (
12:56.14*** join/##kierra temp_dist (n=temp_dis@bzflag/serverop/TemporalDistraction)
13:07.31*** join/##kierra kierra (
13:07.31*** mode/##kierra [+o kierra] by ChanServ
13:09.13kierraCBG: you were right, the quote is from Hitch
13:09.46kierraserves temp_dist some frozen chili to go with his hot sauce
13:10.52*** topic/##kierra by kierra -> Welcome: ||Never lie, steal, cheat, or drink. But if you must lie, lie in the arms of the one you love. If you must steal, steal away from bad company. If you must cheat, cheat death. And if you must drink, drink in the moments that take your breath away.|| ñ || Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!
13:12.38Manuhugs kierra
13:14.52kierrahola manu
13:15.30kierracasi es año nuevo
13:15.49kierracomo pasa el tiempo tan rapido
13:16.06kierrahugs Manu back :)
13:17.51Manukierra: si :)
13:18.06Manukierra: aqui será el año nuevo antes que allí ;)
13:18.12kierravoy a cocinar el desayuno
13:18.58kierranosotros vamos a pasar el dia en casa de mi sobrina
13:19.16kierray quedarnos la noche con su familia
13:19.30kierrami sobrina favorita
13:19.39Manunosotros estaremos en casa, vienen mi madre y mi suegra
13:19.59kierraesta supuesto a nevar hoy
13:20.12kierravoy a cocinar
13:20.24kierrabesos a la familia
14:02.02*** join/##kierra LongDon (
14:02.07*** part/##kierra LongDon (
14:51.53TheRedBaron~streak CBG
14:51.54purlACTION watches CBG run through the channel stark naked screeming "lennard jones!!!!"
14:52.16TheRedBaron~cookie OSX
14:52.35TheRedBaron~cookie OSX
14:52.53TheRedBaron~cookie MS
14:56.55TheRedBaron~grep osx
14:57.42TheRedBaron~grep -i osx
15:01.43brlcadheh, good morning kierra
15:04.26orange~grumpfycheck kierra
15:04.26purlACTION there is no grumpfy to check, TheRedBaron ate grumpfy
15:16.53*** join/##kierra Grumpfy (n=Grumpf@about/essy/Happy/Grumpfy)
15:46.26ndimHmm. Freezing rain outside, apparently.
15:46.34ndimmu = 0.07, IIRC :)
15:53.12*** join/##kierra purl (
15:53.12*** topic/##kierra is Welcome: ||Never lie, steal, cheat, or drink. But if you must lie, lie in the arms of the one you love. If you must steal, steal away from bad company. If you must cheat, cheat death. And if you must drink, drink in the moments that take your breath away.|| ñ || Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!
15:53.25kierraalmost 2 inches
15:54.01scottyou snow lovers can all die
15:54.02TheRedBaronsets kierra's carpet on fire
15:54.14TheRedBaronsets scott's hair on fire
15:54.58brlcadsquirts gasoline onto scott
15:55.04ndimdeduces that kierra probably is not in FL right now :)
15:58.34kierranope, i'm in NY!
15:59.01scottif you want snow, come here
15:59.28kierrawow, scott, what an invite!
15:59.37scott10' snow banks and everything!
16:00.08TheRedBaronyukon ho?
16:00.11kierracu peeps later, heading to my niece's
16:00.21kierrahugs TheRedBaron`
16:00.33scottwaits his turn
16:00.47TheRedBaronhugs scott
16:00.48kierrahugs channel peeps
16:01.30TheRedBaroncontemplates shaving the cats to keep them from shedding.
16:06.43orangehands TheRedBaron a chainsaw for shaving
16:38.35*** join/##kierra Pimpi_ (
16:38.35*** mode/##kierra [+o Pimpi_] by ChanServ
16:39.22ndimis designing bicycle gear ranges.
17:16.02TheRedBaroncurses the server market
17:27.20*** join/##kierra ep (
17:28.01TheRedBaronincoming ~route
17:28.18*** join/##kierra TheRedBaro1 (n=kemhof@
17:28.30*** mode/##kierra [+o TheRedBaron] by ChanServ
17:44.51orangeTheRedBaron: what's wrong with your servers?
17:45.01TheRedBaronorange: nothing
17:45.25orangewhy are you cursing it?
17:45.40TheRedBaronlack of options
17:45.56TheRedBaronand transparency - like the desktop market has.
17:46.06orangelike a plexiglass case? ;-)
17:46.18TheRedBaronno no - Like PSU size standards
17:46.43TheRedBaroneg - redundant PSUs
17:47.54orangewe just buy an extra one when we buy the server
17:47.57orangeusually not expensive
17:53.04TheRedBaronorange: where do you shop for SAS drives?
17:53.23orangewe buy all our stuff from these guys
17:53.35orangesince 1995
17:54.01orangeRoland is knowledgable and fair, doesn't mark up much, makes good recommendations
17:54.10orangewe buy our server parts there too
17:54.18TheRedBaroncould you build him a better website ? :)
17:54.25orangehehe, it hasn't changed much since 1995
17:54.33TheRedBaroni can tell :)
17:56.03orangehe's taken his pricing down recently... they moved and I don't think he's had time to get it back online... he's a very small shop
17:57.31orangewe've been buying supermicro stuff from him
17:57.41TheRedBaronI'm disappointed in newegg's SAS inventory
17:58.13TheRedBaron5 disks is all they carry.  No seagate :(
17:58.18orangewhat size?
17:58.59TheRedBaronfrom 70gb to 300 gb.
17:59.12orangehave you looked there?
17:59.34orangethere's a seagate 73GB 15krpm for $140
18:00.01orange146GB 15k for $190
18:00.30orange300GB 15k for $278
18:02.50TheRedBarondo you know where I can find a single socket F board?
18:03.30TheRedBaronsites like these scare me and do not inspire confidence in the business...
18:03.46TheRedBaronalong with the yahoo favicon
18:03.46orangeif you use a credit card you're pretty safe
18:04.04TheRedBaronoh - I guess thats better then mailing cash :P
18:04.21orangebut seriously, chargebacks are a magical thing
18:06.43TheRedBaronbut still - has me leary.
18:07.10TheRedBaronquality web shopping carts are not *that* expensive
18:07.17orangeyou'd be surprised
18:07.43orangeemail roland at net express and see what his pricing is... it isn't the cheapest, I'm sure, but I know you can trust him
18:07.55orangemany many years and servers
18:08.17TheRedBaronWhile I can't say that I know all of the web shopping carts out there, the ones I've dealt with aren't *that* expensive
18:08.29orangefew of them are quality
18:09.28TheRedBaronstrike that - the shopping cart of choice just raised its price.
18:16.14ndimMeh. Surrounded by idiots.
18:16.41*** kick/##kierra [ndim!n=kemhof@] by TheRedBaron (We idiots shall free you of ourselves :D)
18:16.52*** join/##kierra ndim (
18:16.52TheRedBaronI hope he gets the self-deprecating joke :)
18:17.06ndimFreezing rain on the roads, and people still think they need to tailgate (three car lengths distance behind me) at 30mph.
18:17.31ndimOr drive into 20ft radius corners at more than walking speed.
18:18.13ndimI just went to fetch my sister's MiL from the next village.
18:18.24ndimWhen I drove there, no accidents.
18:18.37ndimWhen I wanted to drive back, some idiots had blocked my turn.
18:18.49ndimBy crashing three post-2005 cars.
18:19.18ndimAt a place which I had passed with a 25 year old clunker which does not even have anti lock brakes!
18:19.37ndimAt the risk of repeating myself: Surrounded by idiots.
18:20.03ndimTheRedBaron: When you move up north, please do get a few driving lessons from gn00bie.
18:20.47TheRedBaronndim: I've already told the boss that if there's any hint of snow/ice on the roads - that I'll be working from home :)
18:21.17ndimi.e. from october through april?
18:21.50orangemight as well stay in florida :-)
18:22.08ndimTake the driving lessons.
18:22.18ndimThey should be fun :)=
18:28.31TheRedBaronwith gn00bie ?
18:28.40TheRedBaronneeds to get his heart in shape first :P
18:28.57ndimTheRedBaron: gn00bie knows understeer, oversteer, and how to cope with them.
18:29.26ndimSliding, drifting, etc.
18:30.17ndimYou need to do stuff like that at least once a year so you a) know what to do and b) do not panic when they happen.
18:30.21TheRedBaronI have a basic understanding of the physics and how to correct them.  But no experience in them :)
18:30.46ndimTake some lessons with the gn00bie.
18:31.04ndimOr just take the car to a large car park and train there.
18:35.21ndimStop when you are completely comfortable when the car has lost all grip.
18:36.11TheRedBaronstupid question I should already know: do you need an even amount of disks for raid 0 ?
18:36.47ndimIt makes the calculations easier.
18:37.56ndimWell, l8rz. See y'all in 2009.
19:14.31catayTheRedBaron: afaik it doesn't really matter if it's even or not
19:15.29TheRedBaronI could span it across 3 logical drives right?
19:16.17catayyeah, i don't see any reason why it shouldn't, unless the raidcontroller is crap :)
19:17.01TheRedBarondo you have a raid controller manufacturer preference?
19:18.10cataynot really
19:18.29catayI don't have much experience with it to be honest
19:18.49catayat my previous company we bought always IBM/HP servers
19:18.57catayand at my current one it's DELL
19:19.06cataythey all come with their raidcontrollers
19:19.21cataywhich are probably rebranded ones
19:22.52TheRedBaronyea - last dell I bought used a rebranded adaptec scsi controller
19:36.01orangeraid 0?
19:41.22orangebut why?
19:41.37TheRedBaronwell technically its raid 10
19:41.48orangetechnically a huge difference :-)
19:41.52orangeraid 10 rocks
19:42.13TheRedBaronit woudl be raid 10 over 6 disks total
19:42.25TheRedBaronwhich equal 3 logical raid 1 disks
19:42.44TheRedBaronhence my question if raid 0 was possible over 3 logical disks
19:43.51TheRedBaronand like I said early - it felt like a stupid question that I should know the answer to.  But I wasn't going to take it for granted :)
19:45.38orangeI just get scared when I see raid 0 :-)
19:45.49TheRedBaronhides his desktop from orange
19:46.00TheRedBaronI"m guilty of running raid 0 on this machine :)
19:46.17orangewell, if you don't care about the data
19:46.27orangewhich is sometimes the case on a desktop
19:46.40TheRedBaronits just an OS, and I was running out of room on the single HD so I brought in a spare HD and striped them
19:47.58TheRedBaronorange: how do you organize your postgres install on a filesystem?
19:48.26TheRedBarondo you just have a sizeable / partition that you put everything on?
19:52.32TheRedBaronI usually have a small disk mounted as / and a larger disk as /home
19:52.49TheRedBaronfor my dev environments, because I usually end up nuking the install some how :)
19:55.12orangewe usually use a separate partition... we're not going for super blinding speed
20:05.33TheRedBaronbut you use SAS drives :)
20:16.13orangeit leaves us room for optimization :-)
20:16.21orangethey're more reliable anyway
20:36.47TheRedBaroni've never been a fan of paritions
20:37.35orangeyou like freebsd's slices?
20:37.50TheRedBaronnah. I like harddrives :)
20:38.15orangeyou put filesystems on whole-disk devices?
20:38.23orangeor you just use a single primary partition?
20:38.47orangeerm, which? :-)
20:38.51TheRedBaronyes :)
20:39.02orangeI seem to recall some reason not to use whole disk
20:39.11orangebut I can't remember the details
20:39.13TheRedBaronIf I have 1 disk,  then I'm not going to partition it.
20:39.48orangesingle primary serves the same purpose
20:39.50orangeand is more 'standard'
20:39.52orangeif nothing else
20:40.20TheRedBaronfor example - I'll put /home on its own disk, and / on another disk
20:40.39TheRedBaronthat way I can relocate /home to another machine
20:41.26TheRedBaronthe only argument I've heard for partitions - is for reducing seek times.
20:41.55orangeboot programs like them too
20:50.50TheRedBaronshoots orange for the heck of it.
20:51.24TheRedBaronchanges his vocation from IT to clown
20:57.55ValumzieTheRedBaron: you are missing the fight!
20:58.25TheRedBaronis busy being a clown
20:58.42Valumziebeing a clown is only your side-occupation :P
20:58.46Valumzieits not a full time job
21:10.55ValumzieTRB had something to say about the whisky you recommended :)
21:11.09brlcadoops, off-by-one error
21:11.32brlcadwhich one, the balvenie?
21:11.40brlcad*mouth waters*
21:11.42Valumzieyou need to ask him
21:11.47ValumzieTheRedBaron: ping
21:15.12TheRedBaronbrlcad: its the laphroaig
21:15.34brlcadah, what about it? :)
21:16.12TheRedBaronsmells like a stump in an old swamp :P
21:16.27brlcadhah, which one?
21:16.41catayTheRedBaron: try out lvm , can avoid lots of headaches when your storage needs increase
21:16.48TheRedBaronislay single malt - 10 years
21:18.09brlcadiirc, all I said was that it was "good" :)
21:18.14brlcadah yes.. "mm, Laphroaig is good"
21:18.37brlcada bit peaty, that's the stump smell ;)
21:18.49brlcadyou probably wouldn't like bowmore either
21:19.08catayyou have to be carefull about what you say here , someone might always take it against you sooner or later :)
21:19.11brlcadbalvenie is nothing like laphroaig
21:19.17cataybut gn00bie isn't here, so you are pretty save :P
21:19.48brlcadyeah, gn00bie was the one pimping up laphroaig .. :)
21:19.52cataytalks about experience :)
21:20.11orangeTheRedBaron: laphroaig is distinctive, to be sure
21:20.36TheRedBaronyea - I couldn't remember which of you was touting its praises - Just that it was spoken of favorably during the conversation
21:22.59TheRedBaronwell - when gn00bie comes for a visit, I have a whiskey for him :P
21:23.14orangegive it time
21:23.59brlcadyou'll have to find your own tastes, there are three axes of distinctiveness that cater to personal taste -- smoothity/harshness, peatyness/mildness, and complexity/flavor
21:24.58brlcadsmoothness is mostly driven by the age and smooth is generally much better, but sometimes you're in a mood for something a little more harsh (and it's easier on the pocketbook)
21:25.02TheRedBaronso far - macallan has been my favorite :)
21:25.13orange<gn00bie> Valumzie: but be careful, laphroaig is very peaty
21:25.20TheRedBaronfor the recommendation.
21:25.26Pimpi_anyone with a lathe thats not needed anymore?
21:25.35Pimpi_i'd take it...
21:25.42brlcadmacallan is kinda right in the middle of the peaty/mild spectrum
21:25.45orangeTheRedBaron: it's a decent enough drink, and if you enjoy it, then so be it :-)
21:26.04orangeI do... I don't have super sophisticated tastes, myself :-)
21:26.15orangeTheRedBaron: parts have arrived
21:26.27brlcadat 10 year, you picked a very harsh, peaty laphroig (but which does have a nice complex set of flavors)
21:31.37TheRedBaronthe taste isn't intolerable
21:31.54orangethen you can say you will probably like it in time :-)
21:32.05TheRedBaronbut its the smell that keeps bringing back memories of weekends working in mud digging up stumps :)
21:32.17brlcadTheRedBaron: fwiw, laphroiag isn't in my top-five (but probably top 20)
21:32.45TheRedBaronnot the memories one usually recalls when relaxing with a nice drink ;)
21:32.57brlcadso maybe the distaste has some pavlovian response being invoked :)
21:33.19TheRedBaronI would acquiesce :)
21:45.32*** join/##kierra jh` (
21:45.54jh`happy new year
22:29.01catayhappy new year jh`
22:29.11catayalready 2009 overthere?
22:32.08jh`now it is
22:59.59*** join/##kierra Flash (n=jwmelto@bzflag/developer/Flash)
23:09.08TheRedBaron~lart conflicting information and lack of changelogs
23:09.08purlpulls out his louisville slugger and uses conflicting information and lack of changelogs's head to break the homerun record
23:26.23catayThu Jan  1 00:26:23 CET 2009
23:26.35catayhappy new year folks :D
23:26.43TheRedBaronhappy new year catay!
23:26.53catayty :)
23:30.21*** join/##kierra temp_dist (
23:35.20Valumziehappy new year catay!!!!!!!!!
23:50.47*** join/##kierra LongDon (
23:50.51*** part/##kierra LongDon (
23:52.48Manuhappy new year folks!!!
23:57.51brlcad???fel?z a?o nuevo!!!

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