IRC log for ##kierra on 20081216

00:00.10kierra_away~tickle scott
00:00.11purlACTION jumps on scott, yelling "TICKLE FIGHT!!!!"
00:00.23kierra_away~whois skintex
00:00.42kierra_awaynot on
00:19.33*** join/##kierra mviron (
00:27.39*** part/##kierra Valumzie (n=valumz@
00:48.09*** join/##kierra BZ_Win (n=iWinny@bzflag/contributor/Winny)
00:59.31mvironrings the doorbell
01:13.53mvironturns out the lights, guessing no one is home
02:51.13*** join/##kierra Abominable (
02:57.44*** join/##kierra kierra (
02:57.45*** mode/##kierra [+o kierra] by ChanServ
02:58.13gn00bieCBG`: please see the movie - it is a good one
02:58.23gn00biebusy mom :)
02:58.29gn00bieend ~shake, notice it was under 6 hours ;)
02:58.38kierrahello gn00bie :)
02:59.57gn00bielet me know if you need to be pampered ;)
03:01.48*** join/##kierra TheRedBaro1 (n=kemhof@
03:03.38orange~route TheRedBaro1
03:03.39purlACTION reboots TheRedBaro1's router 8 times in a row
03:04.37gn00bie~peel orange
03:04.38purlACTION takes a knife and cuts all the skin off an orange
03:04.50gn00bieprays that the problem he has set up is convergent
03:05.35kierrais getting an itchy kick hand
03:05.46orange~scratch kierra
03:05.46purlACTION shreds kierra's backside
03:06.13gn00biebut adding J&J talcum powder to the mix might help the itch, no?
03:06.18orangeoh man
03:06.28gn00biedisclaimer - I am no expert on such things
03:11.23kierraI'd expect that from scott!
03:11.38orangekierra: I didn't know, honest
03:11.49orangeI mean, itch, scratch, it seemed natural
03:14.15gn00bieorange: thanks for drawing fire away from me ;)
03:14.19gn00bieI appreciate it very much'
03:14.20orangeit's always a roll of the dice with purl
03:14.43gn00bieroll the dice, don't think twice as we crush! crush 'em!
03:15.20orangekierra: did you figure out who was shooting?
03:19.53gn00bienotes the attempt to change the topic
03:21.27orange~silence gn00bie
03:21.27purlACTION shoves an apple in gn00bie's mouth, shoves a spit through ... well, uhm, anyway ... then builds a nice fire and starts roasting
03:22.02kierrano orange
03:22.12orangeI actually really truly was curious
03:22.23kierrabut the owner of the farm behind us has grandkids that hunt
03:22.27orangeI mean, people coming on your property and shooting... not good, especially with kids around
03:22.47kierrai dont believe it was on our property actually....just very close
03:22.53orangeah, ok
03:23.03kierraif it happens tomorrow....I'm going out there to see who it is
03:23.09orangewear orange
03:23.59orangewould suck if you got shot, you know
03:28.53*** join/##kierra Grumpfy (n=Grumpf@about/essy/Happy/Grumpfy)
03:32.41kierrayeah, well, we all gotta go sometime
03:33.06kierrai'll be careful, I promise
03:35.27Grumpfyhey kierra! :)
03:41.36gn00bie22:21 < orange> would suck if you got shot, you know  ----> I agree wit you
03:43.33gn00biethere is nothing wrong with that
03:43.40gn00bieit is cold in the doghouse :P
03:48.57orangeonly if you live in Syracuse
03:49.32*** join/##kierra Valumzie (n=valumz@
03:49.32*** mode/##kierra [+o Valumzie] by ChanServ
03:51.04Valumzie~lart scott
03:51.04purlbeats scott severely about the head and shoulders with a rubber chicken
03:51.10gn00bieValumzie: do you know where your mom is? :P
03:51.30Valumziegn00bie: yup; she left for South FL this morning :D
03:51.59gn00bieand I have been given an address where I can send a letter in south FL :D
03:52.08gn00bieand a name :D
03:52.19gn00bieit did not work at all
03:52.28ValumzieI am not that blond :P
03:52.41gn00bieyou have to be a little bit more gullible, otherwise it is no fun
03:52.58ValumzieI would need a lot more whiskey then :)
03:53.44gn00bieyour MiL says she is filling itchy, do we get some talcum in her pampers?
03:55.01Valumzieyeah, she might need some
03:55.05Valumzieexcellent idea!
03:56.35gn00biebut you see, I do not have the courage to deliver it :P
04:00.25Valumziewell, I know the pampers command, but then how to add talcum?
04:00.39gn00bieumm, I can do that
04:00.47gn00bie~pamper purl
04:00.47purlACTION towels purl dry and puts purl in a fresh clean pair of Pampers(TM)!
04:01.34gn00biepurl: no pamper $1 is <action>  towels $1 dry, puts talcum powder on $1's butt, and puts $1 in a fresh clean pair of Pampers(TM)!
04:01.35purlgn00bie: okay
04:01.40gn00bie~pamper purl
04:01.40purlACTION towels purl dry, puts talcum powder on purl's butt, and puts purl in a fresh clean pair of Pampers(TM)!
04:05.14kierragn00bie: ping
04:05.22orangea pre-kick ping
04:07.04gn00biekierra: pong
04:07.05gn00bieorange: :P
04:59.19*** join/##kierra Grumpfy (n=Grumpf@about/essy/Happy/Grumpfy)
04:59.29gn00bieorange: if anything bad happens to me because of the whole pampering mess, I am going to ~blame you :P
04:59.48gn00bieremember, facts do not get in the way of a good (cover-up) story
05:00.05gn00bieGrumpfy: what is Niak niak niak anyway?
05:01.47orangegn00bie: but I'm more believable
05:01.54Grumpfygn00bie: it's nothing.....but I like say that when I laugh
05:02.59gn00bieorange: I know :(
05:03.08gn00bieyou somehow win out in the credibility department
05:03.32gn00biethough I might have the DoDa weapon to deploy when she comes back and is inclined to market me on ##kierra
05:03.51gn00bieGrumpfy: you laugh?
05:04.54gn00bieorange: perhaps kierra needs to understand that even though you may have been domesticated many a moons back, you are still a tiger like me *rawr*
05:05.05gn00bieGrumpfy: are you grumpy when you laugh?
05:06.01orangetime for this kitty to go to bed
05:06.49gn00biegrumbles on
05:08.46Grumpfygn00bie: something like that I think! :P
05:08.51Grumpfyniak niak niak!
05:16.58gn00bieGrumpfy: some say that your laughter can only be heard by the cats
05:17.11gn00biendim: maybe The Stig is Grumpfy?
05:20.56Grumpfygn00bie: who did you tell such things?
05:24.21gn00bieGrumpfy: I blame Valumzie - she tells me all these things
05:24.42gn00bieGrumpfy: the other day Valumzie told me that her mother did not do a good job of raising her, and I have met her mom! she is fabulous!
05:25.52ndimMorning everyone
05:26.06ndimgn00bie: I don't think so.
05:26.14Grumpfygn00bie: mouhahahahaha
05:26.55Grumpfygn00bie: Yes she is! :P
05:27.08ndimMeh. It is cold outside. I am cold, and I have a cold.
05:27.13ndimnp: Albert Collins - Cold Cold Feeling
05:27.43gn00bieGrumpfy: so next time, can you tell Valumzie's mom that her daughter is telling bad things about her to people?
05:28.23gn00bieValumzie also calls her old and forgetful
05:29.04ndimThose might just be facts.
05:29.25Grumpfygn00bie: LOL.......of course I will tell her!
05:29.47gn00bieGrumpfy: I owe you 20 dollars :P
05:30.13ndimputs Grumpfy in a white leather racing suit, white racing gloves and helmet
05:30.27ndimgn00bie: SOrry, but I don't think the sizes match.
05:30.34gn00biendim: you might be right, but we are not on a factfinding mission here, unlike Hans Blitz, we don't care, we just want war
05:30.46gn00biendim: I have been told Grumpfy is a tall girl
05:31.43Grumpfygn00bie: waiting for the 20 dollars then! :D
05:31.57ndimI think the Stig had a WHR >> 1.
05:32.08ndimWhich does not match.
05:32.32gn00bieGrumpfy: consider it in your bank account once you meet Valumzie's mom :D
05:32.34ndimgoes fetch more hot milk.
05:32.43gn00biendim: you are such a killjoy :P
05:32.49Grumpfyof course!
05:33.19gn00bieGrumpfy: we have a deal then, you know where to find me once the mission has been accomplished
05:33.36ndimdrives down to .ch, waits for Grumpfy to get back home, and starts a conspiracy against gn00bie with her.
05:33.58gn00biethere is a bonus available in case you want it, feel free to add stuff Valumzie does not say about her
05:34.10gn00biendim: I am harmless :P conspire against catay
05:37.16gn00bieGrumpfy: I drive a made in australia car in the summer time
05:39.54GrumpfyAn Holden?
05:40.11ndimrebranded Holden Monaro
05:43.13gn00bieGrumpfy: yeah, the holden :)
05:47.16ndim"a triumph of torque over intelligence"
05:48.18gn00bieme to a t :)
05:56.16gn00bieturn stove off in 14 minutes
05:58.08gn00bieonions chopped
06:33.43*** join/##kierra gn00bie (
06:33.59gn00bieminor accident in kitched knocked the main circuit breaker :P
06:34.04gn00biehopefully all is good
06:35.53ndimTried to fry the onions on an electric arc?
06:38.02gn00bieno, a pan boiled over
06:38.20gn00bieand somehow caused a shortcircuit, the gas stove is electrically ignited
06:38.57gn00biebut it seems to be working OK now, so not sure what happened, I think the water boiled over and go to the air take (which is located right next to the 4 burners!)
06:39.41gn00bieimagine my surprise when suddenly the apartment goes dark
06:39.51gn00biefirst things first, turn the gas flow off
06:40.38gn00bieI think this was a near death experience :P
06:41.36ndimIt's handy to always have a flashlight near you.
06:41.52ndimPreferably one where the switch is mostly gas tight
06:42.03gn00bieyeah, I keep one in the medicine cabinet
06:42.09gn00bieand check it once a month
06:42.09ndimI love my head lamp.
06:42.55ndimOK... shopping list: Bosch type car fuses 8Amps and 16Amps, and one replacement rear window heater switch+timer.
06:44.19ndimWhen the fuse for the rear window heating broke, I had to move the fuse from the electric roof to the heater, because there were no others left :)
06:44.29gn00bielol :)
06:46.01ndimMy dad had wisely kept around some fuses from 30 years ago... but the had started corroding in the mean time, and were 8A instead of 16A.
06:46.07ndims/the had/they had/
06:46.29gn00bieyour dad has not meant rustproofing compounds?
06:46.35gn00biespray, put in a plastic bag, keep
06:46.50ndimThey were in the original plastic wrapper from Bosch of the time.
06:47.00ndimPlastic which has aged and thus broken.
06:47.03gn00bieoriginal dunnage is good for maybe 1 year of storage
06:47.14gn00bieI have a friend who is a packaging "engineer" if you will
06:47.26ndimAnd I dropped the single replacement 16A fuse down some hole into the guts of the car where no one will ever find it again.
06:48.13gn00bieyour dad is wise, but not a packaging engineer I guess :)
06:48.31ndimnope. Theoretical physicist with a doctorate.
06:48.36ndimEmphasis on the theory.
06:48.55ndimAnd, have I mentioned... very theoretical?
06:49.25gn00bieyes, I think you have
06:49.36ndimOne of the people who like to make things 200% or 500% proof while forgetting or willfully ignoring that they forgot to make one crucial link even 20% proof.
06:51.49ndimAnyway... a trip to Mercedes has been scheduled. No replacement gearboxes or diffs on the shopping list, though. :)
06:53.43gn00biethat is good
06:54.21gn00biethe diffs and trannies are basically designed for infinite life save for the lube oil and shaft seals
06:54.44gn00bieshaft seals _will_ go bad, it is a question of when, not if, and if ignored can take the whole diff/tranny out with it
06:56.13ndimThe post 1975 milspec Unimogs had a system pressurizing the whole transmission/axle/diff/etc. assembly with compressed air when in 4WD, to prevent anything from the outside getting in while fording streams or rivers.
06:56.35ndimThey anticipated broken seals.
07:00.26ndimAnyway... gotta go.
07:00.34ndimgood night everyone :)
07:01.26ndim~weather EDDS
07:01.31ndim~metar EDDS
09:56.57*** join/##kierra Grumpfy (n=Grumpf@about/essy/Happy/Grumpfy)
11:47.37*** join/##kierra quantumdot (n=jmlopez@bzflag/player/QuantumDot)
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11:56.03*** join/##kierra kierra (
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11:57.06quantumdotg'morning kierra
11:57.12quantumdoti sent you a gumail
11:57.36quantumdotlet know if ATG had any success on his search
11:57.49quantumdotnow I need to go back to work
12:02.58kierraty qd
12:03.17kierragood to see you. :)
13:01.35*** part/##kierra kierra (
13:59.57*** join/##kierra LongDon (
14:00.03*** part/##kierra LongDon (
14:15.42*** join/##kierra RedBaron2 (
14:16.05*** mode/##kierra [+o RedBaron2] by ChanServ
14:16.52Valumziedoes blink
14:16.58Valumzieyay! I made him leave!
14:17.12*** join/##kierra RedBaron2 (
14:17.19*** mode/##kierra [+o RedBaron2] by ChanServ
14:18.31scottcrazy for yououuooooo
14:22.27*** join/##kierra RedBaron2 (
14:49.27*** join/##kierra Grumpfy (n=Grumpf@about/essy/Happy/Grumpfy)
15:00.05*** join/##kierra Grumpfy (n=Grumpf@about/essy/Happy/Grumpfy)
15:23.19orangendim: do you wonder why the fuses keep blowing?
15:25.35*** join/##kierra Upsetter (
15:47.02ndimorange: With that type of fuses, and the electrucity consuming parts connected to it... no.
15:47.57orangethe fuses are designed to fail under normal operation?
15:48.57ndimorange: The timing relay switch is b0rked, so someone probably kept the rear window heater on for extended periods of time, during a hot summer day in a traffic jam, so the magnetic coupling from the crankshaft to the fan had to be engaged as well...
15:49.15ndim...which would make the fuse blow after an overload for an extended period of time.
15:49.51orangendim: indeed, so you're fixing the problem as well as the fuse
15:52.13ndimThe fuses are designed to blow under more than their design value after a longer time.
15:52.35ndimWhich could be the fault of that timing relay switch not switching off
16:18.47*** join/##kierra ep (
16:19.38scottno trb today?
16:19.53Valumziescott: he is too addicted to that stupid game you introduced him to
16:20.14scottthats why i said i was sorry last week :)
16:20.38scottjust wait when he joins the corporation...
16:20.47scottyou wont see him again
16:22.30Valumziedoes big sigh
16:22.41Valumziehe keeps repeating its the silliest game on earth, though b
16:22.45Valumziebut keeps playing it :P
16:22.49scotti know
16:22.53scottits like that
16:22.57Valumziepretty funny to watch and make fun of :D
16:23.08scottthe learning curve is really steep
16:23.14scottbut after that...
16:23.33gn00bieValumzie: I found your wedding invite while cleaning up
16:23.59Valumziegn00bie: are you coming? :P
16:25.13gn00bieValumzie: 1 day late :P
16:25.25Valumzieoh, that will be fine
16:25.29orangeall the speed in the world can't beat slackness
16:25.32Valumzieyou can meet my mommy during brunch
16:25.45gn00bieyes, I think I can :D
16:25.58gn00bieorange: I blame Supandi for that debacle
16:34.01*** join/##kierra Pimpi_ (
16:34.01*** mode/##kierra [+o Pimpi_] by ChanServ
16:35.06gn00bieValumzie: if you read the backlog from last night, there is something you will notice
16:41.11Valumzielast night when?
16:43.11gn00bieValumzie: :P
16:43.20gn00biesometime after midnight
16:43.35gn00bieI might have managed to bribe Grumpfy! :)
16:44.11Valumziethats bad :P
16:44.39orangegn00bie: can't take responsibility for your own slackness?  That's bad
16:46.14gn00bieorange: what happened to your apple?
16:46.39gn00bieValumzie: why is it bad? :P
16:47.35Valumziewell, I am a lil suspicious when people try to contact my mother
16:49.40gn00bieValumzie: :P be afraid, be very afraid ;)
16:49.50orangegn00bie: worms
16:49.50ValumzieI am, indeed
16:51.00gn00bieorange: are you identified?
16:51.19*** mode/##kierra [+o orange] by ChanServ
16:51.20gn00bieorange: apple = @ in front of your handle, that gives you power to kick ;)
16:51.31orangeindeed I was not, darn netsplits
16:51.52gn00bieI am eagle eyed, and I am never late for marriages, unless Supandi is involved
16:52.12gn00bieValumzie: you think Grumpfy will do it?
16:52.21ValumzieI dont think so
16:52.23Valumzieshe is too shy
16:52.38gn00bieI offered her 20 bucks with a possible bonus
16:53.11Valumzienot enough :P
16:53.57gn00bieI do not mind spending for a good cause
16:54.05*** kick/##kierra [gn00bie!n=mdw@about/essy/gummy/orange] by orange (thanks for the reminder!)
16:54.17*** join/##kierra gn00bie (
16:54.23gn00bieorange: :P to you too
16:54.43gn00bieValumzie: I have a $150 allocation for this project
16:54.51Valumzieoh my word...
16:54.55Valumziethat is getting pretty scary
16:55.26orangeValumzie: are you aware that you're as far away from Orlando as you are from Atlanta?
16:55.51Valumzieorange: yes, I am aware. But I have not yet driven to atlanta
16:56.35gn00bieoh atlanta is fun, pedal to the metal!
16:57.04ndimUnless Russia starts invading Georgia again.
16:57.57gn00bietrue dat
17:04.17orangeyeah, that was scary
17:04.31orangeI had to go to Wal-Mart to buy some more ammo
17:05.33gn00bieif someone had a sense of humor, South Carolina would rename itself to russia
17:05.40gn00bieSouth Carolina is sort of a lame name anyway
17:07.11ndimgn00bie: A sense of humor in the South? A sense of rumor perhaps.
17:07.31Pimpi_is still wondering about the fact that there are places in the world where you can buy ammo at a wal-mart
17:07.37gn00biendim: true, who am I kidding
17:07.56gn00biePimpi_: go to pakistan, you can buy ammo wherever
17:08.49Pimpi_at least that is pakistan
17:17.44*** join/##kierra kierra (
17:17.44*** mode/##kierra [+o kierra] by ChanServ
17:18.00gn00biekierra: :)
17:18.08kierrahello gn00bie :)
17:18.09gn00bie~pamper orange
17:18.10purlACTION towels orange dry, puts talcum powder on orange's butt, and puts orange in a fresh clean pair of Pampers(TM)!
17:18.22gn00bietoday is pamper orange day ;)
17:18.22kierraoh dear
17:19.02kierraso this purl for pamper did away with massages, 7 course meals etc???
17:19.13gn00bie~factinfo cmd: pamper (.*?)
17:19.13purlcmd: pamper (.*?) -- last modified 13h 17m 38s ago  by gn00bie!; it has been requested 21 times, last by gn00bie, 1m 3s ago.
17:19.20gn00bie~factinfo cmd: pampers (.*?)
17:19.20purlcmd: pampers (.*?) -- created by orange <n=mdw@about/essy/gummy/orange> 6d 22h 52s ago; it has been requested 4 times, last by gn00bie, 6d 1h 39m 45s ago.
17:19.53gn00bieI rest my case
17:20.19gn00biekierra: the seven course meal would only make you fat, so it had to be done away with, yes
17:20.22*** join/##kierra Pimpinella (
17:20.23*** mode/##kierra [+o Pimpinella] by ChanServ
17:21.27gn00biebut without the seven course meal, you can stay slim and trim
17:25.46ndim. o O ( dog house )
17:25.56Manuhugs kierra
17:30.02gn00biendim: thanks, I needed that like I need a hole in my head ;)
17:34.08*** join/##kierra Pimpinella (
17:34.08*** mode/##kierra [+o Pimpinella] by ChanServ
17:37.57kierraty Manu....i needed that
17:49.02*** kick/##kierra [gn00bie!] by kierra (cuz its overdue)
17:50.41*** join/##kierra gn00bie (
17:50.44gn00biekierra: :P thanks
17:52.41gn00bieValumzie: :P
17:52.58Valumziegn00bie: do you have any job for me?
17:55.30gn00bieValumzie: depends
17:57.24gn00biedepends on weather you are expecting a payment ;)
17:57.44Valumziemy bank account would be very grateful for a payment :P
17:57.58gn00bie:P you chose the wrong time to graduate
17:58.03gn00bienothing came out of fourbucks?
17:58.19Valumzienot yet
17:59.33gn00bielooking for a job in this environment is bound to be.. interesting
17:59.52gn00bieok, I have a day job for you, tell your mom the things you have told me about her
17:59.55Valumziegn00bie: you have found the perfect day to be so honest and direct :)
18:00.00Valumziegn00bie: :P
18:00.06gn00bieand the 20 bucks that was going to go to Grumpfy, you can have it
18:00.15gn00biebonus 40 bucks if you can make your mom cry
18:01.11gn00bieor you could try and do a hostile takeover of kierra's business?
18:01.49scottkierra works?!
18:02.26gn00biescott: yes, very hard actually
18:02.39gn00bieValumzie: if you need some ammo for the hostile takeover, orange might be able to help
18:02.59Valumzieor I could just drive to Walmart myself :D
18:04.04gn00biethat would cost money
18:04.13gn00bieand then you would have to pay for the ammo too, more money
18:04.17gn00biecheaper to ask orange for help
18:04.23Valumzieorange: do you need my address so you can send me some ammo? :D
18:04.25scottgn00bie: she works on irc? :)
18:05.09gn00biescott: I am not at liberty to say
18:05.26gn00bieValumzie: or you could try and stay in school
18:05.35Valumziegn00bie: :P
18:05.51scotti hear MIT is cheap
18:06.06gn00biethe MIT commute would be too long
18:06.23gn00bieValumzie: last but not the least, you could rob your parents
18:06.30Valumziegn00bie: :D
18:06.45gn00bietake them hostage, get your brother to send a big ransom from .ch
18:06.59Valumziethe plan fails when you bring in my brother :P
18:07.34Valumziehe would not pay anything :)
18:07.46gn00biein that case, hold your father hostage, send your mother back to .ch and get her to send the cash
18:08.01gn00bieif we do it the other way around, your dad might not pay any cash for your mom either
18:08.06Valumziethats true
18:08.08Valumziesounds good :)
18:08.22gn00bieValumzie: set up a toll plaza on the interstate?
18:08.54scotti read plaza as pizza
18:09.10scottnow a pizza place right on the interstate would be handy
18:09.27gn00biescott: you are a twisted twisted man
18:09.42scottactaully im just hungry
18:09.49scottbe back in a bit
18:11.31Valumziewhat is the fastest and most efficient way to kill a cat?
18:11.38ValumzieI just found Pandora in the Christmas tree...
18:13.37Valumziehopefully, it is painful enough
18:15.48kierra~lart scott
18:15.49purlsend killer squirrels to attack scott
18:16.06kierraits a sad day when I am continually assaulted in my own channel
18:16.33Valumziekierra: you are welcome to come over and chase pandora off from the Christmas tree
18:16.38Valumziethat might cheer you up
18:18.05kierrai dont think it would help
18:18.26kierragn00bie calls me fat
18:18.36kierrascott intimates that I am lazy
18:18.42ndimValumzie: You'd have to chase kierra off the tree as well
18:18.54kierra:P ndim
18:19.01Valumziethats going to make things more complicated
18:19.44kierra~weather KTLH
18:20.05Valumzieits a crappy weather for Christmas
18:21.17ndimValumzie: This morning's freezing fog was not very much fun either
18:23.34Valumziefreezing fog is much closer to Christmas than warmth and humidity
18:27.09ndimsends Valumzie to Australia for christmas
18:29.18ValumzieIm going to kill this cat
18:29.30Valumziestrangle her, cut her in little pieces and put her in a soup
18:31.52ndimToday's paper had an article on China's first three star chef. Title: "Any animal can taste great"
18:34.55*** join/##kierra CBG (
18:36.54ndimTwo weeks until the next TG, no Daily Show or Colbert Report until January, South Park season over...
18:37.03Valumzieits sad
18:37.42*** join/##kierra CBG`_ (
18:39.44gn00biekierra: I did NOT call you fat, I said you _would_ get fat with the seven course meals :P
18:40.31gn00bie13:30 <@Valumzie> strangle her, cut her in little pieces and put her in a soup ---->>> Valumzie 10 bucks for that
19:00.31gn00bieon that soupy note
19:00.41gn00bie~weather KSYR
19:00.43purlACTION shakes his booty all over town
19:23.03kierrai have to confess that i kept clicking
19:33.23scottkierra: im sorry
19:33.32scottbut you deserved it!
19:39.15*** join/##kierra TheRedBaron (n=kemhof@
19:39.15*** mode/##kierra [+o TheRedBaron] by ChanServ
19:40.03orangeTheRedBaron: tore yourself away from the game?
19:45.05TheRedBaronof course :P
19:58.03brlcadkierra: cute
19:58.34scottTheRedBaron wants to get into the stock market
20:08.04kierrai did not deserve it, scott
20:08.31kierrabrlcad: what was cute...that i indicted myself as a woman who doesn't listen?
20:10.49kierra~rubberband scott
20:10.50purlACTION sneaks around the house, yard and town, collecting every rubberband there is, and then camps at a prime location, waiting for scott to walk by so he can pelt scott with thousands and thousands of rubberbands
20:10.51scottthere is that tongue again
20:10.57kierraoh geez
20:11.24kierra~pinch scott instead of :PL
20:11.25purlACTION scuttles after scott instead of :PL, pinches him, and then scuttles away
20:12.10scottand gn00bie says that you work hard...
20:12.22ndimtakes a few of the leftover rubber bands and uses them fixes scott's tongue to his lips.
20:12.24kierrai do
20:12.51scottno!  ~ndim--
20:13.36kierra~ductape scott
20:13.44kierrahmmm, 2 ts?
20:13.53kierra~ducttape scott
20:14.16kierraFINE! scott
20:14.30kierraand you're a married know it doesnt mean fine
20:14.36orangewomen never listen
20:14.39orangethat's a good one
20:14.46scottits true
20:15.09scottorange: they are too busy doing the talking...
20:15.25orangewell, it's not really true... they actually listen to everything
20:15.28kierramen have trouble communicating clearly
20:15.31orangebut they're like cats
20:15.37orangethey do what they want anyway
20:15.43orangekierra: those directions were pretty clear
20:16.20orangeyou didn't think they were clear?
20:17.16scottkierra: would a woman like a digital picture frame?
20:17.22kierrait did not take into account was set up for women to fail
20:17.24orangeperhaps it isn't a listening/obeying problem... maybe it's more of a nosiness problem
20:17.36orangekierra: yes, like cats
20:18.05kierrafine then, I happen to love cats
20:18.26kierrahas to run to the post office
20:18.32kierrasmacks scott
20:18.35orangehow come men who do something wrong end up in the doghouse, but women who do something wrong don't end up in the cathouse?
20:19.26kierraon that note, kierra runs her errands
20:19.31kierrafor you, scott
20:19.38orangehmph, I bet scott thought that was funny
20:19.42scottanswer my question
20:19.59kierra_awaywhat question
20:20.09scott15:17 < scott> kierra: would a woman like a digital picture frame?
20:20.14orangegn00bie: your new home
20:20.25orangekierra_away: that image is safe for ##kierra
20:20.42kierra_awayscott: me thinks this is a trick question
20:20.53scottno, no
20:20.55scottfor my mom
20:21.10orangescott: I bet your mom will love it... IF you preload it with great pictures
20:21.20kierra_awayi would love a dig photo frame, esp if you dl it with pics of family, grandkids etc
20:21.23orangemy parents both like the one we gave them... with hundreds of great pics
20:21.38orangeTheRedBaron: ping
20:21.46scottthere was a 10.2" one that sold out :(
20:21.51kierra_awaysis gave me one last year and my niece loaded it with pics of NY family.....I love it
20:22.18scottthanks for your opinions
20:22.32cataywow, scott has a soft side :P
20:22.51scottno, its just crunch time
20:23.01scottim running out of time before xmas
20:23.29TheRedBaronorange: pong
20:30.29kierra_awaywish there was a super lart option
20:30.35kierra_awayscott would get it
20:30.43kierra_away~beer Pimpinella
20:30.44purlACTION pulls out a exquisite Yuengling Lager for Pimpinella
20:35.04*** part/##kierra kierra_away (
21:00.28*** join/##kierra LongDon (
21:01.45Valumziescott: I do apologize for what I am about to say
21:01.52Valumziebut I do really hate you today
21:02.13ValumzieTheRedBaron is totally non-responsive
21:02.53*** join/##kierra mvironwork (
21:10.28TheRedBaronjust like all the other days
21:13.26scottValumzie: its all going according to my plan
21:13.59orangefear the plan
21:15.52Valumziescott: :P
21:15.58ValumzieTheRedBaron: not like all the other days :P
21:20.03orangewait, wait, "magnasonic"?
21:20.44orangenot "panavox"?
21:25.22scottit wont ship until the 29th
21:27.26ndimorder it for christmas 09.
21:34.25*** part/##kierra LongDon (
21:59.01CBG`_scott: you should be able to pick that up in the high street
22:25.40*** join/##kierra kierra (
22:25.40*** mode/##kierra [+o kierra] by ChanServ
22:25.56kierraare gn00bie and scott behaving?????
22:29.09catayofcourse NOT
22:29.35Valumziecatay is alive!!!
22:32.48ndimBut they must be not behaving elsewhere.
22:39.21CBG`_hugs kierra and wishes her a very Merry Christmas.
22:39.31CBG`_hugs ndim and wishes him a very Merry Christmas.
22:39.41CBG`_hugs brad and wishes him a very Merry Christmas.
22:39.45CBG`_hugs brlcad and wishes him a very Merry Christmas.
22:39.53CBG`_hugs catay and wishes him a very Merry Christmas.
22:39.54CBG`_hugs Manu and wishes him a very Merry Christmas.
22:39.59CBG`_hugs orange and wishes him a very Merry Christmas.
22:40.10CBG`_hugs Pimpinella and wishes him a very Merry Christmas.
22:40.18CBG`_hugs Valumzie and wishes her a very Merry Christmas.
22:40.20bradmerry christmas:o
22:40.33CBG`_hugs Admirarch and wishes him a very Merry Christmas.
22:40.37CBG`_hugs ep and wishes him a very Merry Christmas.
22:40.44CBG`_hugs gn00bie and wishes him a very Merry Christmas.
22:40.46CBG`_hugs mvironwork and wishes him a very Merry Christmas.
22:40.53CBG`_hugs QuantumT1m and wishes him a very Merry Christmas.
22:41.01CBG`_hugs scott and wishes him a very Merry Christmas.
22:41.01CBG`_hugs ViciousM and wishes him a very Merry Christmas.
22:41.05CBG`_hugs Winny and wishes him a very Merry Christmas.
22:43.00epthanks cbg merry christmas
23:11.38*** join/##kierra TheRedBaron (n=ZeeBaron@
23:11.38*** mode/##kierra [+o TheRedBaron] by ChanServ
23:30.33kierrathanks CBG
23:30.49CBGhugs TheRedBaron and wishes him a very Merry Christmas.
23:30.56kierrahugs the channel peeps on the 9 day b4 christmas
23:38.21TheRedBaronmakes an exception and hugs CBG and wishes him a very Merry Christmas

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