IRC log for ##kierra on 20081104

00:32.33*** join/##kierra Shel2476 (
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00:42.24kierramaybe in the afternoon I can stop by
00:42.33*** join/##kierra Shel2476 (
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00:45.17*** join/##kierra TheRedBaron1 (n=ZeeBaron@
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00:46.53*** join/##kierra Shel2476 (
00:47.13ndimSomeone ban the idiot.
00:47.18ndimOr give me op.
00:47.41ndimOr both.
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01:11.53*** join/##kierra Shel2476 (
01:20.07*** join/##kierra kierr1 (
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01:21.54*** join/##kierra kierra (
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01:22.03*** kick/##kierra [kierr1!] by kierra (kierra)
01:22.59*** mode/##kierra [+b shel2476!*@*] by TheRedBaron
01:23.13Winnysets ban on McCainPalin!*@*
01:27.57TheRedBaronc vvvvvvvvvv
01:28.09TheRedBaronthe kitty has officially discovered the keyboard
01:32.21TheRedBaron......255555555555555555555555550.................................................................................77789ooooooooooooooooeeeeeeee211134                                                          .
01:32.34WinnyValumzie: make it shoo
01:33.48*** join/##kierra Pimpi (
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01:33.54Valumziethat cat is a real geek already
01:33.56ValumzieWinny: ?
01:34.37Winnythe cat
01:34.56Valumziebut he is all tiny!
01:35.15Winnytiny miny no cats on freenode!
01:37.26Valumziethe first "toy" TRB gave the cat was an old Cat-5 cable to play with :)
01:38.03Winnynot sure if I should link to or
01:58.35TheRedBaronsad trambone
02:11.46*** join/##kierra ep_ (n=mdr@
02:11.46*** join/##kierra ep (n=mdr@about/essy/guynextdoor/ep) [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
02:11.46*** join/##kierra SkinTex ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
02:11.46*** join/##kierra CBG (n=CBG@about/essy/fan/CBG) [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
02:27.36gn00bieValumzie: when I come over next time, I want those kitties for lunch!
02:32.07ValumzieI am very sorry, gn00bie, I doubt either TRB or I will let you do that ;)
02:32.19Valumziebut you can have the neighbor's cat :)
02:33.25orangecat curry?
02:33.51Valumzie~bad orange!
02:33.51purlBad orange!, bad! No cookie for you!
02:36.40gn00bieorange: good idea!
02:36.49gn00bieValumzie: TheRedBaron is easy to con
02:36.58orangekitty vindaloo
02:37.09gn00bieanother excellent idea
02:38.02gn00bieI love cats!
02:38.29Valumzieyou sound like Alf
02:38.35Valumzieyou like cats to eat them :)
02:38.57gn00biewho is Alf?
02:39.07gn00bieI think cats are very underrated
02:39.18gn00biethere are over 150 million cats in the lower 48
02:39.20Valumziehe eats cat :)
02:39.39gn00bieif 1 cat is 4 lbs of edible meat, imagine 300 million kilogram of cats!
02:39.51Valumzie~lart gn00bie
02:39.51purlthrows gn00bie's poor little doggy off a cliff
02:40.05gn00bieValumzie: never saw Alf (or knew about it), but thanks :)
02:40.20gn00bieyou like doggies, I like cats, we are even :P
02:40.31ValumzieI remember that show cause he always wanted to eat the neighbor's cat
02:42.03gn00bieare cats white meat? or red?
02:42.54gn00bieso many cats, so few recipies
02:44.53*** join/##kierra kierra (
02:44.53*** mode/##kierra [+o kierra] by ChanServ
02:45.13gn00biebusy mom is here
02:46.16Valumziekierra: check my facebook :)
02:48.24gn00bieok then
02:48.27gn00bie~shake part 2
02:48.28purlACTION shakes part 2 vigorously and hangs him out to dry
02:48.31purlACTION shakes his booty all over town
02:48.35Valumzieshake part 2??
02:48.41gn00bieI came back for lunch :P
02:49.56Valumzieoh my
02:50.05Valumzieis highly confused by gn00bie's schedule :)
02:50.20gn00biedeath before dishonor, beer before lunch
02:50.23gn00bieover and out
02:53.36kierrawine before bed!
02:54.02TheRedBaronshake ?~?
02:54.05TheRedBaronat this hour?!
02:54.08TheRedBaronorange: speak to the man !
02:54.26kierrathey are sooooo cute
02:54.35kierraone looks like 'frenchie'
02:54.35Valumziearent they?!
02:54.42kierrathe grey one
02:54.45TheRedBaronpinches the cat
02:54.46ValumziePandora :)
02:55.06kierrahave they been tutored????
02:55.16Valumzieone of them, I think
02:55.32Valumzieand the other one will be in two weeks
02:55.48kierrabbiam, bl is playing my fav sogn
03:00.41kierrawind beneath my wings
03:00.59Valumzieso, how do you like the kitties?
03:01.10kierrathey look very cute, val
03:02.27ValumzieI know :)
03:02.34ValumzieI love them :)
03:10.10TheRedBaronthinks hades needs a bath
03:16.19kierrahades needs a name change
03:16.47orangewind beneath my wings?
03:18.26kierrai like the music and message
03:18.37kierraBL playing the piano
03:18.59orangeI can't get past Bette Midler
03:27.28Valumzie~squeeze orange
03:27.28purlACTION squeezes the juice out of orange until there just ain't nothin left
03:27.32Valumzie~dust TheRedBaron
03:27.32purlACTION takes TheRedBaron off the shelf and dusts TheRedBaron off
03:37.23kierraits not bette midler singing over here ....its me
03:43.12orangeANYONE would be better than bette
04:04.19orange~roll TheRedBaron
04:04.19purlACTION stuffs TheRedBaron in a hamster ball and rolls it down a steep, snow-covered mountain
04:04.34orangemy new favorite
05:57.43gn00bieorange: candy and currant bun, let us roll another one
07:37.09*** join/##kierra TheRedBaron1 (n=ZeeBaron@
07:39.00*** join/##kierra Valumzie1 (n=valumz@
07:52.08*** join/##kierra QuantumTim (n=tim@
11:28.41*** join/##kierra kierra (
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11:39.32*** join/##kierra LongDon (
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12:01.15*** join/##kierra ep (
12:02.16kierramorning sunshines
12:09.55Valumzieok, on that happy note
12:09.59Valumzietime to go to school :P
12:11.00*** part/##kierra LongDon (
13:16.12*** join/##kierra Grumpfy (n=Grumpf@about/essy/Happy/Grumpfy)
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14:25.55mvironworkrings the doorbell
14:54.44kierramorning mvironwork
14:54.51kierra~tea mvironwork
14:54.52purlACTION realizes it's time for high tea and gets busy in the kitchen.  He brings out tea, crumpets, scones and an assortment of delectable goodies and serves them properly to mvironwork and others
14:56.12TheRedBaronloads the shotgun
14:56.17TheRedBaronwho's there ?!?
15:06.32kierra~seen menotume
15:06.33purlmenotume <n=George@pdpc/supporter/active/menotume> was last seen on IRC in channel ##kierra, 6d 12h 7m 18s ago, saying: 'so, cu all :)'.
15:08.35TheRedBarongeorge !
15:12.33kierrawhats with the george?
15:39.20*** join/##kierra TheRedBaron1 (n=ZeeBaron@
15:41.58orangeeyes TheRedBaron's router suspiciously
15:43.35gn00bieorange: let us roll another one :P
15:43.52gn00bie~roll kierra
15:43.53purlACTION stuffs kierra in a hamster ball and rolls it down a steep, snow-covered mountain
15:46.35TheRedBaron1and taking this networkclass isn't helping my router :P
15:46.43*** mode/##kierra [+o TheRedBaron] by ChanServ
15:47.33TheRedBaronupgrades to ipv6 :D
15:47.50gn00bieorange: just so you know, let us roll another one => rolling a joint where I come from
15:48.22orangegn00bie: common slang
15:49.11gn00biethat is why I like your ~roll so much :D reminds me of younger days
15:50.03gn00bieok dentist's appointment
15:50.10gn00biebe back in 1.5 hours hopefully
15:53.46TheRedBarongn00bie: you are a masochist
15:54.12TheRedBarongoing to the dentist...
15:54.12TheRedBaronDentistry is just a facade for 17th century torture !
16:00.56kierraoh my, haven't heard 'roll one' in that context in more than 35 yrs
16:01.06kierra~roll orange
16:01.07purlACTION stuffs orange in a hamster ball and rolls it down a steep, snow-covered mountain
16:01.23kierra~rubberband gn00bie
16:01.24purlACTION sneaks around the house, yard and town, collecting every rubberband there is, and then camps at a prime location, waiting for gn00bie to walk by so he can pelt gn00bie with thousands and thousands of rubberbands
16:01.56TheRedBaron~roll orange
16:01.57purlACTION stuffs orange in a hamster ball and rolls it down a steep, snow-covered mountain
16:01.59TheRedBaron~smoke orange
16:01.59purlACTION rolls up orange, lights a match, kicks back and enjoys the noxious fumes
16:04.23orangeoh my
16:05.21TheRedBaronfor a nice clean, but sharp citrusy smoke !
16:05.59orange~stab TheRedBaron
16:05.59purlACTION runs at TheRedBaron with an origami Swiss Army knife, and inflicts a nasty paper cut.
16:06.10orangethat's a sharp citrus
16:06.40TheRedBaronhar har :P
16:06.59TheRedBarondrank some orange juice for breakfast !
16:08.24*** join/##kierra TheRedBaron1 (n=ZeeBaron@
16:08.38TheRedBaron1suspects orange of messing with his internet connexion
16:08.51*** mode/##kierra [+o TheRedBaron] by ChanServ
16:09.09TheRedBaronit can't be coincidence that every time I poke fun at orange - my internet drops
16:27.07Valumziepokes orange
16:27.22orangeshuts down Valumzie's internet connection too
16:27.34Valumzie~bad orange
16:27.34purlBad orange, bad! No cookie for you!
16:27.51kierraval, you done with class?
16:44.44Manuvote for kierra
16:44.57Manuhow is going kierra? :)=
16:47.00kierraManu: you vote for me?????
16:47.07kierrawhat am i running for?
16:48.16kierrathere are days when I wouldn't give 2 flips for men
16:48.23TheRedBaronaw :(*
16:48.32TheRedBaronvotes for orange !
16:49.31Manukierra: ya has votado? :)
16:50.16Manu~vote TheRedBaron
16:50.17purlACTION stuffs TheRedBaron in a ballot box
16:53.13kierraManu: todavia no
16:53.18kierraen un par de horas
16:53.44Manukierra: eso es lo primero que se hace en el dia ;)
16:54.10TheRedBaronhas soup !
16:56.07TheRedBaron~soup TheRedBaron
16:59.07TheRedBaronCheerio - I'm off to vote also
16:59.23TheRedBaronkierra: make sure rb2, nessy, and BL vote !
16:59.32TheRedBaronwait, BL is too young
17:02.12Valumziethankfully ;)
17:02.52*** join/##kierra kierr1 (
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17:07.12orangeTheRedBaron: leave kierra's internet connection alone
17:08.49gn00biethankfully indeed
17:09.37Pimpistarts to understand
17:09.47Pimpitoday is a good day
17:10.14kierrawishes he would explain it to her....she is confused
17:10.32Pimpiyesterday we got rid of Y (german specific)today we get rid of W
17:10.50gn00biekierra: just some gn00bie type humor from Valumzie
17:10.53gn00biesubversive :P
17:11.33kierrawe are not rid of W till January
17:13.05ValumzieIm thankful today that Brielle cannot vote :D
17:13.29Valumzieshe might get confused on the way; or run over something, or ask for color pencils to fill in the lil rounds
17:14.00kierrapoor BL
17:14.12gn00biepoor world :P
17:14.28Valumziegn00bie!!!! I was exactly about to write that!!!!
17:14.29gn00bieValumzie: I don't know what you had for breakfast, have it every day
17:14.54kierraValumzie: your cats got me in the doghouse
17:15.30gn00biekierra: can you please cook 'em cats?
17:15.44kierranooo, i love cats
17:15.54cataythey taste like rabbit :P
17:16.19gn00bieI love cats too
17:16.25orangecat soup
17:17.01gn00biecat soup for the soul
17:21.38Valumziekierra: My cats got you in the doghouse?
17:23.14Valumziehow so?
17:23.28kierralong story
17:23.32kierrawill tell you later
17:23.59Valumzieoh, shelter's call? :)
17:28.23TheRedBaronhas voted
17:32.06TheRedBaronorange: have you voted ?
17:32.14TheRedBaronep: go vote !
17:32.17TheRedBaronmvironwork: go vote !
17:32.20TheRedBaronFlash: go vote !
17:32.47catayvote gn00bie/catay!
17:33.30gn00biecatay: :P
17:34.25TheRedBaronif you don't vote - you can't complain about whoever wins :P
17:34.38cataybe carefull when you shake hands with women ! :P
17:35.14gn00biecatay: I knew it! :P
17:35.27catayIn Belgium it's mandatory to vote :)
17:35.47catayand if you don't, you'll have to pay a fine
17:36.01catayunless you have a very good excuse :)
17:36.31Valumzieshakes catay's hand
17:36.57Valumzierb2 is playing with Hades :D
17:37.16Valumziecatay: really?!
17:37.35Valumzienow I have a question to Americans: why vote on a Tuesday?
17:37.55catayhmmm, yeah
17:38.02catayhere it's always on a Sunday
17:38.07Valumzieor maybe gn00bie-encyclopedia knows about it :)
17:38.13TheRedBaroncatay: nice :D
17:38.36gn00bieValumzie: because in words of Jefferson, weekends are for drinking :P
17:41.14gn00bieactually jefferson used coarser language, but you get the drift
17:42.02epMy sticker says "I think I voted"
17:49.10Valumziekierra: ping :)
17:50.25ndimep: "(but I have no idea for whom)"
17:52.30ndimHmm. For all of Colbert's concern about the "Alpha dog of the week" and similar alpha stuff... why is his desk Omega-shaped?
18:01.58gn00biemaybe because he drives a H3 Alpha?
18:03.34gn00bieor maybe even the H1 Alpha
18:07.27orangeTheRedBaron: I voted about a week ago
18:21.11gn00bieorange: how environmentally irresponsible do you deem a 17/24 car is?
18:21.58orangedepends on whether or not you plan to drive it ;-)
18:22.32gn00bienot for the next 5-6 months, no :)
18:23.12orangefor those 5-6 months it will be very environmentally friendly
18:23.26gn00bienote to self - get AAA membership since the corolla does not have roadside on it
18:23.53gn00bieI seem to be doing 28/34 with this corolla
18:24.23mvironworkburies gn00bie in stuff
18:24.38gn00bieI got some rubber in the 1-2 shift today with the corolla though, pulling out of the NYS Thruway toll plaza
18:24.45gn00bieso that was good :)
18:24.53orangenot for your clutch
18:25.03gn00bienot particularly no
18:25.27gn00biebut the clutch is close to done - 70k and not a good manual driver on this clutch
18:25.47gn00biethe guy who had it before me, rode the clutch a lot
18:26.12orangewhen I was first driving a stick I had one you could shift without using the clutch
18:26.17orangefairly easily
18:26.55*** join/##kierra LongDon (
18:26.56gn00bieyes, if you know how to rev match
18:27.03*** part/##kierra LongDon (
18:27.14gn00bieI am pretty decent with rev matching, the lack of a tach is a problem though (in the corolla)
18:27.15orangeeven with that, in some cars it's very difficult
18:28.48gn00biehave only driven a few cars with stick in this country
18:29.14gn00biea TDI golf with 6 speed, a few SHD diesel trucks, the GTO, and the corolla
18:29.22gn00bieand a bimmer 330
18:29.32orangethey're rare now
18:29.43gn00bieyes, sadly they are :(
18:30.15kierramisses menotume
18:30.37gn00biewhere did menotume go?
18:30.44Pimpiis surprised, that you have TDI golfs there
18:30.59Valumziemisses golfs
18:31.14ValumziePimpi: I have seen a few here, but they are quite rare
18:31.42Pimpii thought diesel cars are a european domain
18:31.55gn00biePimpi: we were thinking about designing a six speed transaxle, so we benchmarked a golf and a honda accord
18:32.26gn00biePimpi: as of last year, TDI golfs could only be sold in 41 states, the biggest car market in the US (California) has effectively banned diesels
18:32.38TheRedBaroncali sucks :P
18:32.57gn00biebluetec is supposed to be tier 2 bin 5 Cali compliant, not sure if Benz is selling them at this point
18:33.36Valumziekierra: your kids are stuck here
18:33.42Valumziethey wont stop playing with the cats :P
18:33.53gn00biewe also benchmarked the VW Bora TDI with 4Motion, since AWD is harder on the transmission
18:34.04gn00bieValumzie: they will, once you cook the cats!
18:34.33Valumzieprepares a curry
18:34.44gn00bieno no, prepare a vindaloo!
18:34.58orangewants gn00bie's vindaloo recipe
18:35.45gn00bieactually, being a rabbit food eater, I doubt that I can do a vindaloo first time around
18:35.46Valumziewants the recipe too
18:35.49gn00bieI might need to iterate
18:36.03orangeveggietarian :-)
18:36.19gn00biethank god I am not running for an office in Montana
18:36.30gn00bieone of the candidates accused the other of being a vegeterian!
18:37.11*** join/##kierra QuantumT1m (n=tim@
18:37.22gn00bieValumzie: for the upcoming event
18:37.31gn00biePearl Jam song with lyrics!
18:39.50Valumziegn00bie: :P
18:40.22gn00bieit is a good song :P
18:42.36Valumzieyeah :P
18:42.51gn00bieI thought you might like it :P
18:43.42Valumzieis that my birthday song? :D
18:44.19gn00bieit can be
18:44.43gn00bieit is from their second album Vs.
18:44.59gn00bieI actually have that CD in the GTO disc changer
18:46.13TheRedBaronmourns the locked up GTO
18:46.54gn00bieTheRedBaron: :( Salt - otherwise I would have blizzaks on her and be driving around tail out
18:47.09gn00bieand it is an aussie car not designed to handle the harsh environment
18:47.42gn00biebut at least orange is happy about it :P
19:09.14TheRedBarongn00bie: orange is a greenie
19:09.20TheRedBaronhe is not ripe yet
19:10.25gn00bieTheRedBaron: :)
19:14.48gn00biefor anyone who is interested - a clip from the best Indian movie in the last 10 years
19:15.27TheRedBarondoesn't understand a word they are saying
19:16.11gn00biewhich is good
19:16.24gn00bieit is utterly profane (and profound) at the same time
19:23.30orangefunny, I don't think of myself as a greenie
19:23.58TheRedBaronchanges orange's nick from orange --> lime
19:24.10orangeand I would vote for elmer fudd before I'd vote for Cynthia McKinney
19:26.52TheRedBaronhas a cat who thinks its a parrot
19:27.10TheRedBaronits sitting on my shoulder
19:27.18orangeparrot vindaloo
19:28.09gn00bieyou are not a pirate though
19:28.42TheRedBaronillegally downloads some mp3's
19:28.50TheRedBaronnow am I a pirate ?
19:28.53gn00bieyaaar matey
19:29.00gn00bieand the cat is a parrot
19:35.50gn00bieI think this proves that orange is a lime
19:39.56Valumziesqueezes orange to make a Cosmopolitan
19:45.14gn00bieon that rather sour note
19:45.15purlACTION shakes his booty all over town
19:47.16Valumzie~glue gn00bie
19:51.24Manukierra: go vote, go ;)
19:52.32orangeI make a good cosmo
19:52.39orangeaccording to my wife
19:56.12Valumziea man who can make cosmo is a good man :D
19:56.37TheRedBaronhas never made a cosmo
19:56.46Valumziebut you drink mine :)
19:56.47ManuTheRedBaron: go vote, go
19:56.52orangeyou must have a shaker
19:56.54Valumzieso it counts ;)
19:56.55TheRedBaronManu: i did  :)
19:57.12ManuTheRedBaron: can vote Valumzie?
19:57.24TheRedBaronManu: no - Valumzie is not allowed to vote :(
19:57.56ValumzieValumzie might vote next time though :D
19:59.54orangeyou going for citizenship?
20:04.56ValumzieI will, yes
20:05.02ValumzieI can have dual citizenship
20:06.50orangegood to be a citizen of switzerland in case the whole world goes nuts
20:09.28ManuValumzie: you and your watch ;)
20:09.32TheRedBarongoes nuts
20:09.56TheRedBaronhas been nuts ?
20:10.23kierragoes to exercise her civic duty
20:11.07Manukierra: run kierra run :)
20:12.21Manu~vote kierra
20:12.22purlACTION stuffs kierra in a ballot box
20:12.41kierra~lart Manu
20:12.41purlacting on orders from an unspecified client drags Manu into court suing for $200 million
20:12.51kierra~grumpycheck kierra
20:12.51purlACTION result of kierra : very grumpy
20:13.03Manu~fry kierra
20:13.04purlACTION grabs kierra and fries him on his BFCooker9000
20:13.19Manu~ice kierra
20:13.20purlACTION sneaks up behind kierra and dumps an entire bucket of ice on top of them
20:13.35Manukierra: it's good for your skin ;)
20:13.58kierrai have enough wrinkles, ty
20:13.58Manu~relax kierra
20:13.59purlACTION sits kierra down for a nice long foot massage, feeds kierra an excellent, gourmet dinner and then tucks kierra in for a nap
20:14.05kierrajust like a man
20:14.26Manukierra: and now.. go vote ;)
20:14.33catayManu: be carefull, it's anti-men day today :P
20:14.37orangethinks Manu cannot win here
20:14.44Manucatay: I'm a tank :-p
20:14.58catayah true, i always forget :P
20:16.00Manucatay: and i'm only a little kid.. 10 yr old :-p
20:16.18Manubegins to believe it himself
20:16.28kierraknows it for sure
20:16.46catayrofl :P
20:17.10TheRedBaronis guessing orange is the oldest here then
20:17.17orangethe oldest male?
20:17.18TheRedBaroncatay !
20:17.24kierrawhen gramps is absent...yes
20:17.32Manuorange: is an oldie ;)
20:17.37catayTheRedBaron :)
20:17.40orangemy joints creak and pop
20:17.52catayTheRedBaron: how are the kittens doing ? :P
20:17.53TheRedBaron~oil orange
20:18.03Manu~juice orange
20:18.07TheRedBaroncatay:  one is sleeping on my shoulder, the other is sleeping in my lap
20:18.13catayi'm not that old yet and my joints creak and pop too :P
20:18.55cataytoo much excercise isn't healhty :p
20:19.26catayTheRedBaron: heh always fun, specially when you wanna stand up and feel bad you have to wake them :P
20:19.42TheRedBaronyea - i'm stuck in one position
20:19.57Manuorange: you inspired me one of my callsigns ;)
20:20.01catayi know the feeling .. i've been sitting that way for hours when mine was small :)
20:20.06orangeManu: oh?
20:20.09orangewhich one?
20:20.21Manuorange: lemon ;)  (not lem0n)
20:20.49orangehehe... I haven't played bzflag in... wow, a long time
20:20.52catayjeez, I forgot what i was going to do :P
20:20.59orangecatay: another sign of old age
20:21.14Manucatay: eat nuts ;)
20:24.01TheRedBaroncatay: what do you do when they get bigger ?
20:36.11Valumziegn00bie would say that they make a bigger roast
20:38.14Valumziekierra: are you still coming or did you change your mind?
20:40.56kierraleaving now
20:41.24Valumziebecause you are very similar to catay, forgetting what you were about to do and such :P
20:41.35Valumziecatay, btw, have you found what you were about to do?
21:03.48*** join/##kierra dexter- (n=whodaman@bzflag/player/Dexter)
21:04.55catayValumzie: not yet :P
21:05.01catayTheRedBaron: throw them outside and lock the door :)
21:08.16Valumziepoor catay
21:08.22ValumzieI never realized you were that old
21:09.50dexter-Everyone voted?
21:10.11Valumziepandora is chasing the cursor on TRB's screen :D
21:10.13Valumziesmart cat
21:10.19Valumziedexter: i did not
21:10.24Valumziebut thats because Im not American :P
21:10.31dexter-Oh, yeah
21:10.41dexter-That's one less vote for McCain!
21:10.49Valumziepoor kid
21:10.51dexter-(I don't even know who you wanted :P)
21:11.02TheRedBaronthe kitty is trying to steal my cursor !
21:11.36Valumziesmart kitty :)
21:14.39Valumzieheard the kitty sneeze;
21:14.44Valumziehands the kitty a tissue
21:14.59catayis it a boy and a girl or ?
21:16.03TheRedBaronones a boy - the other is a girl
21:16.08TheRedBaronthe girl one is trying to steal my cursor
21:16.27Valumzienone of them is a "or"
21:17.00catayso, it means .. in a year .. a bunch of new little kitties :P
21:17.16Valumzieit has been taken care of :)
21:17.30cataysame with mine
21:17.41Valumziewont say a thing
21:17.50cataymy cat :P
21:18.01catayoh jeez
21:18.05ValumzieIm glad you clarified that
21:18.09ValumzieI got confused there
21:18.35cataywell, my cat never goes out far  :)
21:18.58catayand they stay much more pretty too
21:19.20cataythey don't get into nasty fights when it's that time of the year :)
21:19.35Valumzietrue :)
21:21.39catayand more important, they don't keep you awake at night when they are meouwing at the girls :P
21:22.11cataybecause .. that can be really annoying .. i had one that was doing that every night under my window
21:32.59TheRedBaroncatay: thats when you cook the cat
21:37.03TheRedBaroncatay: can you give the cats beer ?
21:40.06cataysure you can
21:40.19catayit's good to start with it when they are very young
21:40.41cataygive them a lot of beer and they stay crazy the rest of the their lives :)
21:40.47cataydoubles your fun with it :P
21:41.45TheRedBaronperfect !
21:42.11TheRedBaronwhat about coffee ?
22:01.09cataynot sure about coffee
22:01.14cataymy cat likes chocolate
22:22.03ndimI think I have already told you the cat-and-the-swivel-chair story.
22:23.44TheRedBaronput cat in swivel chair.  spin chair rapidly until cat is thoroughly dizzy. Put cat down - proceed to laugh head off ? :D
22:24.51Valumziehas never heard the story
22:25.06Valumziesits down and listens to ndim's story
22:25.15ValumzieTheRedBaron: kierra wants to know if you are sneezing like the cat :D
22:25.18ndimValumzie: OK.
22:25.41ndimstep 1: put cat on swivel chair (or wait until it has laid down on it by itself)
22:25.55ndimstep 2: spin chair with increasing velocity
22:26.09ndimstep 3: stop chair and immediately grab and lift the cat
22:26.23ndimstep 4: laugh your head off as the cat's tail starts spinning like a windmill.
22:26.38ndimThe End.
22:27.11ndim(Optional step 5: Add story to your archive of stories ready to tell when the topic of cats comes up.)
22:27.39ndimValumzie: TheRedBaron left out the funny bit of the story :-)
22:28.03TheRedBaronthe cat's tail spins ?
22:28.09ndimOf course!
22:28.30TheRedBaronthis i've got to try
22:28.46Valumzieoh wouaha
22:28.51Valumziethats real cool!!!!!
22:28.52ndimThe balance organ in the cat's ear has adapted to the rotation, so the cat, when lifted, tries to correct that felt imbalance.
22:29.27ndimTheRedBaron: Stand up. Extend your hands. Turn yourself clockwise (along the vertical axis) 15 times. Now close your eyes and stand still.
22:29.34ndimSame problem.
22:29.53ndimBut without the tail.
22:30.12ndim(Careful: Do not try shortly after meals)
22:30.36TheRedBaronndim: I'm familiar with how the inner ear works to detect balance - but I did not know the cat used its tail to that extent
22:31.07ndimTheRedBaron: You know that cats always land on their feet?
22:31.21ndimThey use their tail to correct their attitude.
22:32.48ndimBTW... I have this strange issue where I sometimes feel a little out of balance... but I know how to cure it: Move my upper body (with the head) in a certain way such that some kind of sand in the inner ear is deposited out of the way where it does not irritate my sense of balance.
22:35.29*** join/##kierra LongDon (
22:38.11TheRedBaron~shake ndim
22:38.11purlACTION shakes ndim vigorously and hangs him out to dry
22:38.15TheRedBaronbetter ?
22:40.34CBGwonders what he should ask for for christmas as an upgrade for ?
22:42.20TheRedBaronCBG: new grfx card :P
22:42.43CBGEven with the shockingly bad RAM? :P
22:43.47*** part/##kierra LongDon (
22:43.53TheRedBaronCBG: what's your ram speed ?
22:44.06TheRedBaronocz is a solid brand
22:44.13TheRedBaronall my desktops here run ocz
22:46.32ndimCBG: Upgrade for that? A life?
22:54.34CBGTheRedBaron: It's 800MHz PC2-6400.
22:54.42CBGndim: hmm?
22:57.55TheRedBaronCBG: thats JDEC specs for ddr2
22:58.38TheRedBaronthe only thing I see to  upgrade is either the CPU or the graphic's card
22:58.59TheRedBaronerr JEDEC
22:59.02TheRedBaronmissed an e
22:59.27TheRedBaronCBG: I say read this article: and decide what GPU you want :)
22:59.38CBGThe plan was always to upgrade the graphics card first and I had intended to get an E4400 and overclock it but they were out of stock. So I got the E4500 and never got around to overclocking.
23:19.19TheRedBaronheads to class
23:21.16ndimheads to bed.
23:27.13Valumzieheads to obvilion
23:32.30kierranite catay
23:36.00CBGBig ATI fan then, TheRedBaron?

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