IRC log for ##kierra on 20080912

00:50.01*** join/##kierra Grumpfy (
02:17.49*** join/##kierra Shel2476 (
02:18.19*** part/##kierra Shel2476 (
02:33.27*** join/##kierra TheRedBaron (n=kemhof@
02:33.27*** mode/##kierra [+o TheRedBaron] by ChanServ
02:57.07*** join/##kierra Abominable (
03:14.01TheRedBaronruns away and joins the circus
03:14.15Valumzieoh uhs
04:53.02gn00biendim: I do not have the resources to break Alex Roy's record - he had a spotter plane flying overhead etc - but yeah, I like to dream about it
04:53.34gn00bieI agree with you though, disciplined drivers and unlimited speed is the best situation safety wise
04:53.49gn00bie~lart kierra
04:53.49purlchanges kierra's permissions to 0777 and tells the world
04:53.54gn00biefor illwill for speeders :P
04:54.35gn00biendim: one more thing, I got to meet catay :P
04:54.45gn00biehe did not assault me
04:54.51gn00bieand he appears to have real hair
05:35.23catayslaps gn00bie
05:35.28catayhi :P
05:42.45gn00biecatay: :P
05:42.55gn00bieNels appears really unhappy with you on fb
05:46.14catayhehe , looks like it
05:47.37catayI have no idea why she is so hard on me :P
05:48.44catayalmost looks like she is 99% of the time grumpy :P
05:49.51catayok, i'm off to bed, lots to do tomorrow :P
05:49.55gn00biebye :P
05:50.06gn00biecatay: let me know if you need some help on F
05:50.10catayoff-road driving with an impala is pretty tiring :P
05:50.23gn00bieyou know I am on your side against the girl team :P
05:50.33cataygood to know :)
05:50.39catayi can use some help :)
05:50.50gn00bieok, I will help you out
05:50.55gn00bieode for nels
05:50.59cataysure, don't hold your horses :P
05:50.59gn00bieagree with her or else
05:51.14gn00bieshe is a cow with bells
05:51.17catayI can't wait to read it :P
05:51.18gn00biewho is real mad :P
05:51.39gn00bieok, lemme work on something :P
05:52.37cataybe carefull tho ! :P
05:52.43catayok, i'm off
05:52.45cataynite nite
05:53.04gn00bieeh, I am like the child with nothing to lose but my mind
05:53.15gn00bieand there is a case to be made that I lost my mind a long time ago
06:23.23*** join/##kierra Valumzie (n=valumz@
06:23.41gn00bieValumzie: hopefully this is an auto join
06:47.24*** join/##kierra Grumpfy (n=Grumpf@about/essy/Happy/Grumpfy)
06:49.03gn00bie~grumpycheck Grumpfy
06:49.04purlACTION result of Grumpfy : very grumpy
06:51.43GrumpfyAm I?
06:52.53gn00bieumm, the verdict is yes
06:53.04gn00biepurl is always right
06:54.32*** join/##kierra Gilly (n=btw@
07:20.57GrumpfyOH MY!
09:49.48*** join/##kierra Valumzie1 (n=valumz@
10:53.51*** join/##kierra kierr1 (
10:53.51*** mode/##kierra [+o kierr1] by ChanServ
10:58.22kierra“A man always blames the woman who fools him. In the same way he blames the door he walks into in the dark.”
10:59.54*** join/##kierra Grumpfy (n=Grumpf@about/essy/Happy/Grumpfy)
11:06.28*** join/##kierra Abominable_ (
11:09.58Manu~coffee kierra
11:10.00purlACTION steals some of gn00bie's special coffee and gives it to kierra on a silver platter.
11:10.49kierraManu: you are so good to me
11:10.55kierra~tea Manu
11:10.56purlACTION realizes it's time for high tea and gets busy in the kitchen.  He brings out tea, crumpets, scones and an assortment of delectable goodies and serves them properly to Manu and others
11:11.37kierraenergy to cook!
11:15.32*** mode/##kierra [+o Valumzie] by ChanServ
11:27.56*** join/##kierra Admirarc1 (
11:47.27*** join/##kierra unotmeu (n=menotume@pdpc/supporter/active/menotume)
11:47.27*** mode/##kierra [+o unotmeu] by ChanServ
11:55.07Valumziekierra: can I get a big bag of oatmeal? please :)
11:55.15Valumziethe other day, I took a small back and now Im all out :P
12:01.38kierrayou didnt take the big one?????
12:01.52Valumzieno, I dont the samel :/
12:01.58Valumziethanks :)
12:02.25kierra:P told you to take the big one :)
12:02.37ValumzieI know :P
12:02.56Valumziethey dont call me a dork for no reasons :D
12:05.23kierrayou are NOT a dork!
12:05.33kierra~hug Valumzie
12:05.34purlACTION gets a running start and tackle-hugs Valumzie
12:05.53kierrawhy is meno in alias?
12:06.39Valumziemaybe his auto rejoin is set to the alias
12:10.22kierrafunny man :)
12:10.33kierrataking boozy to a test this am
12:10.37kierracu laters
12:10.40Valumziecu :)
12:19.52*** join/##kierra LongDon (
12:32.52kierraValumzie: ping
12:36.45kierrainteresting article:
12:47.24ValumzieI had asked TRB for it, but he had not sent it yet ;)
13:07.23*** join/##kierra whodaman- (n=whodaman@about/apple/macbook/whodaman-)
13:33.13*** join/##kierra gramps (
14:12.02kierraoh my, he's aging before our very eyes
14:16.58ndim* gramps is now known as grandgramps
14:17.20kierramy sentiments exactly
14:17.37*** mode/##kierra [+o gramps] by kierra
14:17.37*** mode/##kierra [-o gramps] by ChanServ
14:24.52kierrahmmm, chanserv has a mind of its own
14:26.12Manukierra: he is not identified
14:26.29kierraoh, figures
14:26.32kierra~lart gramps
14:26.32purltakes out gramps with the trash
14:26.46Manu~jump gramps
14:26.47purlACTION scrambles up the nearest tree, screams, then leaps feet first on top of gramps
14:27.46ndimAnd not in the access list as gramps.
14:27.50*** join/##kierra Flash (
14:28.02Manu~cookie Flash
14:28.10ndimJust like I am not in the access list.
14:32.56purlFlash: :)
14:34.45kierra~rubberband Flash
14:34.46purlACTION sneaks around the house, yard and town, collecting every rubberband there is, and then camps at a prime location, waiting for Flash to walk by so he can pelt Flash with thousands and thousands of rubberbands
14:35.11kierrawhat does that mean, ndim?
14:35.18kierrais that a hint?
14:37.25ndimkierra: It means that you need to add nicks to the access list if you want your /op to succeed.
14:38.04ndimOf course, if you just want to butt your head with ChanServ, you can just /op people and ~lart chanserv afterwards :)
14:38.46kierrayes dear
14:38.52*** topic/##kierra by Valumzie -> Welcome:“The zeal of friends it is that knocks me down, and not the hate of enemies” || International Streaking Day!!!! Have fun :) || International "behind" awareness day! "Be kind to your Behind!" || It's Friday! The Non-Diezoring Day!
14:39.05kierrahugs ndim
14:39.29gn00biekierra palin :P
14:39.31ndimEh. I like that translation of /op
14:41.34kierrahey, gn00bie  she is my kinda woman
14:41.39kierrano wimpiness there
14:41.48gn00biekierra: I like her myself :P
14:42.00gn00bieshe even has glasses like you!
14:42.08catayhowdy :P
14:42.23kierrahey, I went home the same day with 7 of my 9 kids
14:42.57kierrai shoot guns
14:43.12gn00biecatay: :P
14:43.20kierrahey catay!!!!
14:43.22gn00bieI tried to support you, not sure if it worked out
14:43.46kierrayour poem made boozy laugh a loud
14:43.49gn00biekierra: 7 out of your 9 kids? when? where?
14:44.09gn00biekierra: it was a lame poem, but I cannot let catay go undefended against a girl :P
14:44.10kierrawhen they were born
14:44.17gn00bieah ok
14:44.33kierraok, duty calls
14:47.05TheRedBaroncan feel it coming in the air tonight
14:50.14TheRedBarongot kicked out of the kitchen again....
14:50.21TheRedBaronAt my own house too !!!!
14:50.28TheRedBaronwonders what the world is coming to
14:50.57ValumzieTheRedBaron: the day you will know where things are in the kitchen and when you remember how to cook, you may stay in the kitchen :)
14:51.11TheRedBaronI know how to cook !!!!
14:51.21TheRedBaronand you rearranged everythign in the kitchen :P
14:51.27Valumzieyou seem to have forgotten about it since you got married :P
14:51.41Valumzierearranged?! it has been like that for six whole months now! :P
14:51.52ndimgets himself some popcorn, leans back, and enjoys the show
14:52.04TheRedBaronI know where the baptists cupboard is !
14:52.28Valumzieit does not help a lot with the cooking!
14:52.30gn00biewell, that is no good then, is it?
14:52.43kierrabaptists cupboard?
14:52.49gn00biethe baptist cupboard is very useful in a range of circumstances
14:52.52gn00biebut not cooking
14:52.56gn00biekierra: you do not know?
14:53.06TheRedBarongn00bie: she doesn't have one
14:53.06kierrauhoh, dare i ask?
14:53.15ValumzieYou have one in your bedroom!
14:53.19kierraah, its where the wine is kept
14:53.28kierrai knew it b4 you said it
14:53.35Valumzieits where alcohol is kept :D
14:53.44kierrain my closet
14:53.51gn00bieTheRedBaron: I do not have one either, my stuff sits atop a dresser
14:54.02Valumziethats because you live up North :)
14:54.11TheRedBarongn00bie: but do you have baptist minister's calling upon you?
14:54.12gn00bieValumzie: true
14:54.21gn00bieTheRedBaron: a couple of times, yes
14:54.41gn00bieonce I was visited by Jeovah's Witnesses too!
14:55.22TheRedBarongn00bie: have you pulled this routine yet? :D
14:58.06gn00bieTheRedBaron: no, not yet
14:58.12gn00biebut it is a good idea!
14:59.08gn00bieI had a pretty weird dream just before I woke up
14:59.22gn00biesome sort of reunion soccer match at school
14:59.43gn00biesaw, shook hands with, hugged several people I have not even thought of in years
15:15.16TheRedBarontries to concoct a Freudian analysis of the dream
15:16.32gn00bie2 of them, I played soccer with in the intra-mural events
15:17.09gn00biewon the bronze medal that year
15:17.09gn00bieoh well, just remembering a day before today, a day when I was young I guess
15:17.43*** join/##kierra GrumpyGirl (n=Grumpf@about/essy/Happy/Grumpfy)
15:18.18gn00bie~grumpycheck Grumpfy
15:18.18purlACTION result of Grumpfy : very grumpy
15:18.25gn00bieman, still grumpy?
15:21.29TheRedBaron~grumpfycheck GrumpyGirl
15:21.30purlACTION there is no grumpfy to check, TheRedBaron ate grumpfy
15:21.53kierrasomething funny
15:22.10kierranessie is chopping out a stump while the barons are laying brick
15:22.29kierrashe is dressed all in blue
15:22.43kierrarb2 says something about paul bunyan
15:22.53TheRedBaronnah she's more like babe the ox ?
15:23.10kierradad baron says, looks more like ..... TheRedBaron
15:23.19kierratook the words right out of my hands
15:23.34kierrayes!, exactly what dad said
15:24.05Valumzieat times, it is scary how Dad and TRB are smiliar
15:25.27gn00bienessie chopping out a stump?
15:25.29gn00biepoor stump
15:26.21kierrashe is a force to be reckoned with
15:26.38kierrai didn't raise wimpy girls
15:28.22gn00bieyes she is
15:28.29gn00bieeven after she lost 40 pounds
15:28.44gn00biethat is why I said poor stump and not poor nessie
15:30.42gn00bieok next time I visit tally
15:30.47gn00bieI will need a police escort :P
15:33.41TheRedBaronis there a bounty for you ?
15:35.01gn00biethere might be now
15:35.10gn00bieafter my latest comments about Nels and Nessie
15:37.55*** join/##kierra Admirarch (n=Athelthr@
15:50.56kierrai cut and pasted to their emails your comments with catay earlier
15:57.41gn00bieyou want me dead? :P
16:15.48kierrahow so?
16:15.56kierrawell, no
16:16.08GrumpyGirl~bonk TheRedBaron
16:16.09purlACTION bonks grumpygirl on behalf of TheRedBaron
16:16.13kierrabut it does make for good banter
16:16.20kierrawatch out for nels!
16:17.06Grumpfy~pinch TheRedBaron
16:17.07purlACTION scuttles after TheRedBaron, pinches him, and then scuttles away
16:28.06TheRedBaronwatches out Grumpfy
16:28.37gn00biekierra: did you read my mini-poem?
16:29.59kierraon fb, yes
16:30.26gn00bienot my best work
16:30.31gn00biebut catay needed some help fast
16:46.58gn00bieok then
16:47.04gn00bietime to work the moneymaker
16:47.07purlACTION shakes his booty all over town
16:53.22TheRedBaron~shake gn00bie
16:53.22purlACTION shakes gn00bie vigorously and hangs him out to dry
17:06.10ManuTheRedBaron: watch it
17:06.17Manuand learn
17:13.47kierramanu, you have $???
17:14.17Manukierra: I havve euros
17:15.12kierrathat was a cute clip
17:15.49TheRedBaronis in trouble
17:15.54TheRedBaronhas no $ :P
17:16.32Manu~bad TheRedBaron
17:16.33purlBad TheRedBaron, bad! No cookie for you!
17:17.08ManuI found that clip and wanted to share it. :)
17:17.17kierrawhen you have looks, you dont need money :P
17:17.26kierraso dont despair, TheRedBaron
17:19.32TheRedBaronI'm really in trouble then
17:43.20*** join/##kierra Grumpfy (n=Grumpf@about/essy/Happy/Grumpfy)
18:10.06*** join/##kierra LongDon (
18:18.30TheRedBaronputs some Children of Bodom in Manu's speakers
18:19.12Manu~roll TheRedBaron
18:19.13purlACTION stuffs TheRedBaron in a hamster ball and rolls it down a steep, snow-covered mountain
18:22.16TheRedBaronManu:  you have two options
18:22.34Manu~die TheRedBaron
18:22.35purlACTION murders TheRedBaron, takes two shots to the head then crumples to the ground, lifeless...
18:22.52TheRedBaronChildren of bodom:
18:23.00TheRedBaronor alternative:
18:23.29TheRedBarongrins like a madman and runs
18:24.50Manuprefers the last one
18:25.02TheRedBaroni lied - you get three options:
18:25.12TheRedBaronneeds to stop the coffee
18:26.03Manuwell. the girl in red is not bad at all :-p
18:26.11TheRedBaron~lart Manu
18:26.11purlbeats Manu over the head with a microkernel
18:26.18Manu~bounce TheRedBaron
18:26.19purlACTION bounces TheRedBaron till TheRedBaron burps
18:26.21TheRedBaronManu: its been confirmed - you have no taste in music
18:26.38Manuwere we talking about music? lol
18:29.13TheRedBaronManu: he's children of bodom again in a different genre:
18:29.46ManuTheRedBaron: my children are enough ;)
18:30.47ManuTheRedBaron: this is music
18:30.47TheRedBaronor vivaldi's four seasons summer theme?
18:31.44TheRedBaronManu: its heard to beat the heart of a good spanish guitar sound.
18:31.57TheRedBaronremoves the excess e
18:32.16ManuTheRedBaron: don't you like Mark Knopfler?
18:32.21Manumusic I mean :-p
18:32.44TheRedBaronnot really familiar with him. but i like that sound.
18:33.00Manuhe is the best guitar man :-p
18:33.43ManuThe I guess you know this
18:35.00TheRedBaronManu: when it comes to instruments - piano is my choice :)
18:35.34ManuTheRedBaron: spanish guitar
18:35.52ManuPaco de Lucia is probably the best one
18:38.55ManuTheRedBaron: I like 'Concierto de Aranjuez'
18:39.15Manuit's great
18:39.23Manuand you can see a spanish guitar in action
18:44.44kierraits a beautiful piece
18:45.00Manu~relax kierra
18:45.00purlACTION sits kierra down for a nice long foot massage, feeds kierra an excellent, gourmet dinner and then tucks kierra in for a nap
18:48.50TheRedBaronand to switch gears, nobody can match Chopin or Lizts emotional piano compositions
18:50.29TheRedBaronchopin's famous revolutionary etude:
18:51.06ManuTheRedBaron: I like this one
18:52.56TheRedBaronor his Nocturne in E minor:
18:53.02ndimApropos Knopfler...
18:53.05TheRedBaronManu: ah! bach's toccatta and fuge
18:53.18ndimI have not watched "Wag The Dog" in quite some time...
18:53.45*** join/##kierra Pimpi_ (
18:53.45*** mode/##kierra [+o Pimpi_] by ChanServ
18:58.11TheRedBaronManu: this: has an orchestra arrangement of Chopin's Nocturne in E Minor. I would pay good money for that soundtrack. But i have been unable to find it :(
19:05.02ManuTheRedBaron: buy it
19:14.49kierraPimpi_: did you get my link?
19:19.58TheRedBaronManu: i can't find the soundtrack
19:23.24Manucan't you extract it from the video?
19:23.33TheRedBaronManu: probably.
19:23.46Manuit's really easy ;)
19:24.39grampsAUDIO_TS :P
19:24.49grampseeek gramps
19:25.05*** mode/##kierra [+o menotume] by ChanServ
19:29.54TheRedBaronmy piano needs tuning!
19:30.01TheRedBaronkierra: pingy
19:37.58ndimtakes a piano tuning key and applies random up and down tuning to TheRedBaron's strings.
19:50.08*** join/##kierra Grumpfy (n=Grumpf@about/essy/Happy/Grumpfy)
19:54.02gn00biemy bank account needs a million dollars!
19:58.18kierraTheRedBaron: pongy
19:58.32Manu~cookie TheRedBaron
20:06.57kierraits about time, menotume
20:18.52kierra~ice menotume
20:18.53purlACTION sneaks up behind menotume and dumps an entire bucket of ice on top of them
21:44.14*** join/##kierra Grumpfy (n=Grumpf@about/essy/Happy/Grumpfy)
21:46.25kierra_away~grumpycheck kierra_away
21:46.26purlACTION result of kierra_away : very grumpy
21:46.54*** part/##kierra kierra_away (
22:34.36TheRedBaron~dict impressed
22:43.17TheRedBaron~sleep Grumpfy
22:43.17purlACTION sends Grumpfy to bed without supper
22:43.44TheRedBaronshooo! you're supposed to be in bed :P
22:44.06Grumpfyok...i go
22:44.10Grumpfyby bye
22:54.04*** part/##kierra brad (
22:54.04*** join/##kierra brad (
23:18.16*** join/##kierra Admirarc1 (

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