IRC log for ##kierra on 20080911

00:09.27Grumpfy~grumpfycheck TheRedBaron
00:09.28purlACTION there is no grumpfy to check, TheRedBaron ate grumpfy
00:26.04TheRedBaron~salt Grumpfy
00:26.05purlACTION holds Grumpfy down on the ground and pours salt into a fresh open wound
00:26.12TheRedBaronno no!
00:26.27TheRedBaronsprinkles some more salt on Grumpfy
00:27.31TheRedBaron~bake Grumpfy
00:27.32purlI think you mean ~cook Grumpfy, theredbaron
00:27.37TheRedBaron~cook Grumpfy
00:27.37purlACTION throws Grumpfy in a big pan with veggies inside and cooks Grumpfy on 350 for an hour
00:27.44Grumpfyplease baron, don't eat not so tasty
00:28.05TheRedBaron~season Grumpfy
00:28.42TheRedBarondoesn't eat the Grumpfy
00:28.54TheRedBaron~cook Valumzie
00:28.55purlACTION throws Valumzie in a big pan with veggies inside and cooks Valumzie on 350 for an hour
00:29.42Grumpfyis happy cause TheRedBaron would like to eat Valumzie!
00:30.05Grumpfyruns far far way....with Shrek
00:31.52TheRedBaronwith Shrek?
00:31.54TheRedBaronthe ogre ?
00:32.27Grumpfyyup's my friend
00:32.45TheRedBaronthere are ogres in switzerland ?
00:32.53Grumpfyof course
00:33.06GrumpfyVal didn't show you?
00:33.21TheRedBaronno she hasn't :(
00:33.55Grumpfy~bad Valumzie
00:33.58purlBad Valumzie, bad! No cookie for you!
00:34.29TheRedBaroneats Valumzie's cookies
00:34.42GrumpfyI'll take one with me when i'll come!
00:34.51TheRedBaronyay :D
00:35.43GrumpfyLONG LIVE TO OGRE, LONG LIVE TO SHREK!!!!!!!!!!! :P
00:36.26Grumpfyoh my.......bed time!!! :S
00:36.37TheRedBarontakes Grumpfy's beer away
00:36.48TheRedBaronno more for you :P
00:37.17Grumpfyim not drunk and i didn't drink any beer
00:37.51TheRedBarondoesn't believe the Grumpfy
00:38.01TheRedBaronhas been to switzerland and seen the swiss people drink ;)
00:38.15Grumpfylhum hum!!!!
00:38.53Grumpfymaybe, im not a swiss peolpe
00:39.11TheRedBaronthen... you're an alien ?!?!?
00:39.29TheRedBaronhides from Grumpfy
00:39.38Grumpfyoh nooooo
00:39.51GrumpfyJE suis demasquee!
00:40.23TheRedBaronhires his translator
00:43.09TheRedBaronah ha!
00:43.24TheRedBaron~unmask Grumpfy
00:44.08Grumpfyyour translator doesn't work very well
00:44.27Grumpfyshe is very slow
00:44.35TheRedBaronyes :D
00:44.52Grumpfymaybe you have to change the battery
00:45.40TheRedBaronwell, She insists that i was slow in typing :)
00:46.10GrumpfyI don't believe her
00:46.54Grumpfythen, i have to go to bed! :)
00:47.15GrumpfyBonne soiree
00:47.28TheRedBaronbuenos nochas
01:05.40*** join/##kierra kierra (
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01:06.14kierrayay, email works!!!!
01:06.39Abominablehey kierra!
01:06.50kierrahey a bomb in a bull ;)
01:09.15TheRedBaron~pitchfork Abominable
01:09.16purlACTION charges full speed, chasing down Abominable and impales Abominable in the bottom
01:09.30Abominable~box abominable
01:20.34kierraTheRedBaron: when will the 'news' part be available
02:22.40catayfinally wifi agai
02:22.49cataybut like always ... something is messed up
02:23.20cataymy room is close to the elevator who interferes with the wifi ....
02:23.38menotumekierra: of course email works, has been for many years
02:27.39*** part/##kierra TheRedBaron (n=kemhof@
02:49.06kierra:P menotume
02:55.20catayping kierra
02:55.22catayerm pong
03:05.53menotumekierra: do you think i would be safe to meet catay at philly airport ?
03:06.11kierrais your match done?
03:06.17menotumeyes, your turn
03:06.38kierrai'm tired
03:06.42kierrai play in the am
03:07.39menotumeso, it's NOT safe then ?
06:42.27*** join/##kierra Grumpfy (n=Grumpf@about/essy/Happy/Grumpfy)
07:45.21*** join/##kierra Saturos (
07:54.58*** join/##kierra gn00bie (
07:55.03gn00biesafely back to SYR
07:55.08gn00biedrove 1060 miles today
07:55.30gn00biestarted at 11 am EDT from Birmingham, got to SYR now, with an hour long break for dinner and other misc breaks
11:03.35*** join/##kierra Valumzie (n=valumz@
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11:04.02*** join/##kierra ep (n=mdr@about/essy/guynextdoor/ep)
11:11.59Valumziekierra_away: I experience my first total lost of electricity last night....
11:12.05Valumzieand I have to say, I dont like it :)
11:12.21Valumzieand I will not watch Sci Fi movies with TRB anymore! :P
11:12.28Valumziemy imagination is too vivid :)
11:16.22Manu~coffee kierra_away
11:16.23purlACTION steals some of Flash's special coffee and gives it to kierra_away on a silver platter.
11:16.27Manugood morning Valumzie :)
11:23.04kierra_awayoh Valumzie:  you remind me of me
11:23.11kierraty Manu
11:23.17kierra~tea Manu
11:23.17purlACTION realizes it's time for high tea and gets busy in the kitchen.  He brings out tea, crumpets, scones and an assortment of delectable goodies and serves them properly to Manu and others
11:47.34Abominable~coffee me
11:47.34purlACTION steals some of purl's special coffee and gives it to abominable on a silver platter.
13:04.48Manu~wake kierra
13:04.49purlACTION throws a barrel-full of ice water on kierra and shouts "GOOD MORNING!!!!"
13:05.17CBGtickles kierra
13:09.10kierrahmmm, manu.....what can i do to you?????
13:09.39Manukierra: smile? :S
13:13.43kierraspank for the ice water???
13:14.20Manupoke? :-p
13:25.17kierra~rubberband Manu
13:25.18purlACTION sneaks around the house, yard and town, collecting every rubberband there is, and then camps at a prime location, waiting for Manu to walk by so he can pelt Manu with thousands and thousands of rubberbands
13:26.49*** join/##kierra whodaman- (n=whodaman@about/apple/macbook/whodaman-)
13:32.33Manu~poke kierra
13:32.34purlACTION cuts down a small tree, sneaks up behind kierra, pokes kierra repeatedly, hilarity ensues.
13:35.20kierra~tickle Manu
13:35.20purlACTION jumps on Manu, yelling "TICKLE FIGHT!!!!"
13:35.25Manukierra: en
13:35.34Manukierra: partes
13:36.27kierraque quiere decir eso
13:37.04Manueverywhere -> en todas partes
13:40.20Manu~coffee kierra
13:40.20purlACTION steals some of Manu's special coffee and gives it to kierra on a silver platter.
13:40.30Manumy coffee!!!
13:40.39Manubad purl bad
13:40.57Manu~bad purl
13:40.57purlBad purl, bad! No cookie for you!
13:48.33kierradon't you share?????
13:48.51ManuI did it
13:49.16Manubut not funny stealing my coffee, it's better to steal others coffee :-p
13:54.41*** join/##kierra Baroness (n=d8ada652@gateway/web/cgi-irc/
13:55.14Manuhi Baroness :)
13:55.56Manu~relax kierra
13:55.57purlACTION sits kierra down for a nice long foot massage, feeds kierra an excellent, gourmet dinner and then tucks kierra in for a nap
13:59.03*** mode/##kierra [+o Baroness] by ChanServ
14:01.19Baronesshey manu
14:11.08kierraoh Manu.....that is great!!!!!!!!
15:32.26*** join/##kierra Admirarc1 (
16:34.22*** part/##kierra kierra (
16:40.27gn00biewho accused Baroness of being nice? :P
17:22.59*** join/##kierra kierra (
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17:23.11*** join/##kierra Gilly (n=btw@
17:23.18kierrahello gilly :)
17:25.24gn00biebusy mom
17:25.27gn00biesafely back in SUR
17:25.30gn00bieermm.. SYR
17:25.35*** topic/##kierra by kierra -> Welcome:
17:25.44kierrain one piece
17:26.04gn00bie1060 miles from Birmingham AL without an overnight stop
17:26.14gn00biejust pit stops and one hour long stop for dinner
17:26.25kierraremembers when she could do that at a moments notice
17:26.43gn00bieyou mean I will lose it?
17:26.52kierraNY to Maine, starting at 11pm
17:27.05gn00bieI should do my coast to coast soon then
17:27.10kierraFL to NY , a spur decision
17:27.48gn00biehumm, next summer perhaps then
17:27.57gn00bieI have some applications for the co-driver position
17:28.11kierranot DoDA?
17:28.23gn00bieDoDA does not even like to drive to the grocery store
17:28.33gn00biesupandi is unlikely to be back next summer
17:28.57gn00biethe friend I visited in Orlando, now he is on the other coast, he was very interested
17:29.04gn00biecatay could be conned into it
17:29.44gn00biedo I want to spend 3 days with menotume in a car?
17:30.59kierrahmmm, that is a bit much
17:31.49gn00biehumm, or it could be the most brilliant idea
17:31.51gn00biehard to say :P
17:32.31kierrai think it would be fun.....but your speed might be a bit much for him
17:32.35kierrahe's kinda old
17:32.58gn00bieI am not reckless now, am I? :P
17:33.05gn00bieplus IIRC meno is younger than you are
17:33.25kierrajust a bit
17:33.29kierra7 yrs younger
17:33.38kierrayoung enough to boss around
17:33.49kierrabut old enough to not listen to my good advice
17:34.09gn00bieis my speed a legend in tally now? :P
17:34.16gn00bieI am sure 319 has seen passes faster than mine
17:34.25gn00bieI only did 120 mph from a roll
17:34.42kierrathat is amazing
17:34.46kierrafor 319
17:34.51gn00biehad I been more familiar with the area, I would have felt comfortable doing 150 mph
17:35.10kierragn00bie, you worry me
17:35.12gn00bieno shoulders, somewhat limited visibility at night
17:35.23gn00biekierra: that is good, right?
17:35.37kierraand no
17:35.45kierrayes, b/c I care about you
17:35.56kierrano, b/c speeding is dangerous
17:36.03gn00biemy DoDA says I should have never been allowed to buy this car
17:36.15kierralol, i have to agree ;)
17:36.15gn00bieI should be limited to sub 150 hp category according to her
17:36.38gn00biespeeding is dangerous, agreed
17:36.39kierrareminds me of my first car....i wanted something with pickup
17:37.03gn00bieI keep that in mind all the time
17:37.04kierradad & younger bro bought me a plym fury 3, 6 cylinder
17:37.19gn00biethat was not very fast then, was it?
17:37.19kierraneeded a mile to accelerate to 555
17:37.52gn00biehumm, GTO is past 140 at the end of a mile I think
17:38.14gn00bieand I am pretty sure the plymouth managed a respectable 80 or so at the end of a standing mile
17:38.34kierraman, and i think going 75 in 70 mph speed zone is pushing it
17:39.19gn00biekierra: I-10W on the way to AL was moving at 85
17:39.32gn00bieand there was a pickup doing 90-95, I just followed him
17:39.46gn00biemax speed clocked on I-10 was 112.3 according to the GPS
18:18.24purlACTION shakes his booty all over town
18:25.37kierrahf, gn00bie
18:26.15*** join/##kierra GrumpyGirl (n=Grumpf@about/essy/Happy/Grumpfy)
18:53.37*** join/##kierra Pimpi_ (
18:53.37*** mode/##kierra [+o Pimpi_] by ChanServ
19:46.00ndimgn00bie: You want to break Alex Roy's record or what?
19:57.02ndimBTW... driving on two lane highways with significant truck traffic, I definitely prefer the highway without a speed limit to the one with the 130kph limit.
19:57.34ndimLast monday, I drove a few hundred km in both the Czech Republic (130kph limit) and Germany (unlimited).
19:58.16ndimI drove about 120..135kph in both cases, and being overtaken was much easier when the speed difference was significant.
20:00.26*** join/##kierra kierra (
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20:03.00ndimI was just remarking on how easier it is when driving 75mph to be overtaken by someone doing 125mph than 90mph...
20:03.53kierrai like seeing those ppl pulled over by blue flashing lights further down the road ;)
20:03.54ndimHad German (unlimited) and Czech (75mph) highways to compare on monday...
20:04.15kierrado you have highway police over there?
20:04.23kierrato monitor speed limits
20:04.32*** join/##kierra LongDon (
20:04.42ndimMake that 80mph for Czech highways.
20:05.09ndimRumour has it, Czech police do not have the money to do significant enforcing.
20:06.17ndimAnd in Germany, most speed limit enforcing is done by cameras, even though there are a few special civilian-looking police cars equipped with video cameras to chase reckless and/or fast drivers.
20:09.21kierrahere, we are monitored more closely....helicopters, hidden police cars with radar guns
20:11.27ndimThe cameras can be stationary ones or "mobile" ones. The "mobile" ones are set up in a place, and work there for a few hours, then removed and set up someplace else.
20:20.17ndimWhen someone drives too fast and is caught by a camera, the person the car is registered to will get a letter a few weeks later.
20:21.15kierrawe have cameras in the city as well, at key intersections
20:21.38kierraPimpi_: ping
20:21.48kierraLongDon: :)
20:26.52*** join/##kierra Admirarch (
20:38.26*** part/##kierra LongDon (
21:07.55Pimpi_kierra: pong
21:08.12Pimpi_duh, she's not here
21:09.22Pimpi_btw, what happened to the channel subject?
21:16.45*** join/##kierra kierra (
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21:16.54ndimPimpi_: The topic is currently on vacation.
21:17.05kierraPimpi_:  :)
21:21.56Manukierra: nice topic ;)
22:34.35Valumzieoh?! what happened to the topic?!
22:35.22*** topic/##kierra by Valumzie -> Welcome:“The zeal of friends it is that knocks me down, and not the hate of enemies” || International Streaking Day!!!! Have fun :) || International "behind" awareness day! "Be kind to your Behind!" ||
22:35.32Valumziethere we go
22:36.54*** join/##kierra LongDon1 (
22:36.59*** part/##kierra LongDon1 (
22:39.11*** join/##kierra jh` (
22:41.37Pimpi_kierra: there for you now
23:39.36catayhi :P
23:43.44*** part/##kierra jh` (
23:43.58*** join/##kierra jh` (

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