IRC log for ##kierra on 20080827

00:05.33CBGout of/off anything..
00:05.53CBGNormally, you freefall for a while right, at terminal velocity..?
00:06.18CBGSo when you pull your chute, it takes a while to slow you down to velocity which is safe enough to land at, right?
00:08.08kierrawhodaman-: dont have time now
00:08.12whodaman-kierra, cool
00:08.15kierrabbl in 3+ hrs
00:08.17whodaman-lemme know when then
00:09.08kierraCBG: been skydiving
00:09.35CBGkierra: oh, cool :)
00:10.14kierrahad a totally blonde moment up there ;)
00:10.26kierraforgot everything they taught me beforehand
00:11.52CBGNormally, you freefall for a while right, at terminal velocity... So when you pull your chute, it takes a while to slow you down to velocity which is safe enough to land at, right?
01:25.51*** join/##kierra whodaman (n=whodaman@about/apple/macbook/whodaman-)
03:09.00*** join/##kierra TheRedBaron (n=kemhof@
03:09.01*** mode/##kierra [+o TheRedBaron] by ChanServ
03:13.02*** join/##kierra kierr1 (
03:13.02*** mode/##kierra [+o kierr1] by ChanServ
03:17.50TheRedBaronmenotume hitlisted me !
03:19.12kierr1is not surprised
03:39.43kierraTheRedBaron: thats why i left mobwars.....meno had me hitlisted
03:40.44TheRedBaron~change the world
04:27.48Flash~cookie TheRedBaron
04:27.57gn00bie~beer TheRedBaron
04:27.57purlACTION pulls out a fine Spaten Optimater for TheRedBaron
04:28.21gn00bieshe is on the dark side
04:28.25gn00biecookie and beer
04:28.30gn00biecandy and currant bun
04:28.33gn00bielet us roll another one
04:29.26kierra~rubberband Flash
04:29.27purlACTION sneaks around the house, yard and town, collecting every rubberband there is, and then camps at a prime location, waiting for Flash to walk by so he can pelt Flash with thousands and thousands of rubberbands
04:29.36ValumzieThe gn00bie is alive!
04:29.45Flashbreaks all kierra's rubberbands
04:29.50gn00bieValumzie: yes :)
04:29.58Flash~cookie TheRedBaron
04:30.12kierrapulls out her secret stash of rubberbands
04:30.27kierraindestructible rubberbands
04:30.33kierra~rubberband Flash
04:30.34purlACTION sneaks around the house, yard and town, collecting every rubberband there is, and then camps at a prime location, waiting for Flash to walk by so he can pelt Flash with thousands and thousands of rubberbands
04:30.43kierra~ducktape Flash
04:30.54kierraboo hiss
04:30.55Flashgets his mondo magnifying glass, focusing all the suns rays on FL, melting all kierra's rubberbands
04:31.05Flash~menace kierra
04:31.06purlACTION threatens to beat kierra into a bloody pulp.
04:31.10kierraits cloudy in it doesnt work
04:31.20kierragruesome beast!
04:31.31Flash~melvin TheRedBaron
04:31.32purlACTION pulls TheRedBaron underwear up to the ceiling...and smiles
04:32.06FlashI couldn't do that to kierra
04:32.39Flash~stalk kierra
04:32.40purlACTION furtively infiltrates kierra's shadows and when kierra is turned away jumps out to take a picture with his camera phone!
04:33.31TheRedBaronwho woke Flash ?
04:33.47gn00biewho Flashed wok
04:33.53gn00bieI have lost it
04:34.03gn00bieit was not even remotely funny
04:34.03FlashTheRedBaron: you did!
04:34.05gn00bie~shoot TheRedBaron
04:34.06purlACTION shoots TheRedBaron in the ear with a phase pistol!
04:34.28Flash14:45 <@TheRedBaron> Flash: Valumzie is trying to take my cookies - and Manu's advice would ruin the cookies :(
04:34.43Flash~blind TheRedBaron
04:34.54Flash~bind kierra
04:34.55purlACTION wraps kierra up with 100 rolls of duct tape
04:35.02TheRedBaronyou weren't awake then ?!?
04:35.09FlashI was shaking
04:38.04kierra~lart Flash
04:38.04purlurinates on Flash
04:38.09kierraoh my
04:38.58gn00bieElizabeth Frazer ++
04:40.50kierra~ice menotume
04:40.51purlACTION sneaks up behind menotume and dumps an entire bucket of ice on top of them
04:45.12gn00bie00:37 < Flash> I was shaking
04:45.20gn00bieman, my shaking is getting copied all over the place
04:45.32gn00bieI hope everyone does understand what ~shake stands for
04:45.47TheRedBaroncharge royalties !
04:46.31gn00bienah, royalties are not the problem
04:46.31gn00bieI just do not want people to get scandalized
04:47.05gn00bieon that note
04:47.06gn00biebed time
04:48.12kierranite gn00bie
05:03.59kierranite all
05:04.05kierra~ice Flash
05:04.06purlACTION sneaks up behind Flash and dumps an entire bucket of ice on top of them
05:04.52*** topic/##kierra by kierra -> Welcome: “Be kinder than necessary, for everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle.” || 6 days till catay meets the baron family! || "Beware the fury of a patient woman" || think_tank: no channel drains me like ##kierra does || everybody ~pinch valumzie ||
05:12.04*** join/##kierra Shel2476 (
05:12.33*** part/##kierra Shel2476 (
05:17.23Flash~pinch kierra
05:17.23purlACTION scuttles after kierra, pinches him, and then scuttles away
05:17.32Flashoh... did I not read that correctly?
05:50.06*** join/##kierra Valumzie (n=valumz@
06:00.38*** join/##kierra Valumzie1 (n=valumz@
06:11.46*** join/##kierra Thonolan (n=n@unaffiliated/thonolan)
06:11.47*** mode/##kierra [+o Thonolan] by ChanServ
06:14.16kierraThonolan: :)
06:14.33ThonolanGood morning Kierra
06:14.45Thonolanmust be late there :)
06:14.52kierrait is
06:14.56kierrai'm in NY
06:15.07Thonolanah your brother ?
06:15.12kierra~whaleslap Flash
06:15.13purlACTION beats Flash upside and over the head with a freakishly huge killer whale named Hugh
06:15.18kierrawith my sister
06:15.30kierraher daughter married this past saturday
06:15.32Thonolanis he ok ?  i remember he had an accident
06:15.51kierrayes, he is ok
06:15.59Thonolangood news
06:16.05kierraty, yes
06:16.50kierrahow are you, Thonolan
06:17.04Thonolaniam fine thank you
06:17.17kierragood news :)
06:17.24kierrai head to bed now
06:17.29kierradone reading
06:17.45kierrag'nite dear heart
06:17.58Thonolanok sleep well "old " friend ;)
06:18.23kierrathono, check multiply in next few days for pics of wedding
06:18.31Thonolanok i will :)
06:18.47Thonolani see a lot of weddings there ;)
06:19.20Thonolanso now head to bed !
06:19.25Thonolanbye Kierra
08:20.07CBG[4:39am] <kierra> TheRedBaron: thats why i left mobwars.....meno had me hitlisted  --- Mobwars?!
10:04.42*** join/##kierra LongDon (
10:11.49*** part/##kierra LongDon (
10:49.31CBGtickles kierra
10:50.25kierragoes back to bed
10:51.03kierratoo little sleep
10:51.58ndim~nocoffee kierra
11:09.24Abominable~coffe amonable
11:09.42Abominable~coffee abominable
11:09.43purlACTION steals some of gn00bie's special coffee and gives it to abominable on a silver platter.
11:10.01Abominablescore, gn00bie's coffee is always the best
11:10.59*** mode/##kierra [+o Valumzie] by ChanServ
11:23.23CBG~wake kierra
11:23.24purlACTION throws a barrel-full of ice water on kierra and shouts "GOOD MORNING!!!!"
11:24.11CBG5 hours sleep is enough for anyone.
11:28.52ndimWhen followed by another 6.
11:50.34kierra~pinch CBG
11:50.34purlACTION scuttles after CBG, pinches him, and then scuttles away
11:58.36CBGAnyone got a cure for a stiff neck?
11:59.08Valumzieput something warm on it
12:05.50ndimCut down on the Viagra.
12:14.38Valumzie~lart ndim
12:14.38purlsmacks ndim up side the head with a clue-by-4
12:19.45kierrawonders why ndim knows about viagra
12:19.56kierra~hide kierra
12:19.57purlACTION gets a huge black sheet and covers kierra with it so that nobody can see what kierra is doing!
12:20.28kierra~wake menotume
12:20.29purlACTION throws a barrel-full of ice water on menotume and shouts "GOOD MORNING!!!!"
12:20.34kierra~ice menotume
12:20.35purlACTION sneaks up behind menotume and dumps an entire bucket of ice on top of them
12:21.21Valumziekierra: are you coming home today?
12:31.55Manu~coffee kierra
12:31.56purlACTION steals some of QuantumT1m's special coffee and gives it to kierra on a silver platter.
12:32.05Manu~ice Valumzie
12:32.06purlACTION sneaks up behind Valumzie and dumps an entire bucket of ice on top of them
12:33.31Valumzie~lart Manu
12:33.31purlpours hot grits down the front of Manu's pants
12:33.59Manuforgot where are his pants
12:35.45kierrawe fly into g'ville at 11 and drive home
12:35.58kierraget in around 2am
12:36.17Valumziethats late/early
12:36.39kierrai work tomorrow and the TEACH meeting is in pm
12:37.15Valumzieouch :/
12:37.59kierralong day
12:38.04kierragoes to shower
12:38.45Valumzieshould go clean the yard....
12:39.05kierraleave it for catay when he comes
12:39.34Valumziewe cant mow the lawn until the yard has been cleaned
12:39.43Valumziebut I'll make sure catay has a chance to mow the lawn when he comes :)
12:40.02kierrai would have him do ours....but would take too long
12:40.27Valumzieyeah, thats true
12:40.34Valumzieours is the perfect size for him :D
12:41.10kierrawith laundry, learning to cook and weeding my garden.....not enough time to mow  the lawn
12:41.31ValumzieI meant
12:41.38Valumziecatay is going to have so much fun!
12:41.42Valumziecu :)
12:41.46ndimkierra: I get spam mails, and I had that very joke made on me when *I* was having a stiff neck.
12:43.46ValumzieBirdie: did you hear that Schenvencho (very bad spelling :P) is back with the Milan AC?! :D
12:43.53Valumzieand they have a swiss player again :)
13:26.18catayI think it wasn't the smartest thing to say I can't cook, do launry or work in the garden :P
13:26.30catayI should stay more quiet next time :P
13:34.27gn00biecatay: :P
13:41.43Flashcatay: you CAN do all those things. How WELL you can do them remains to be seen
14:18.52catayFlash: sure I can, the questions is , do I want too ? :P
14:18.56cataypats gn00bie
14:35.48gn00biecatay: thanks for that easy challenge :P I won :P
14:37.06gn00bieno thanks for the not so easy challenge, I lost
15:02.35cataygn00bie: :P
15:02.46cataygn00bie: i remember there was one where you started quite late :P
15:02.57catayfelt asleep or something ? :P
15:28.42gn00biecatay: I was on the phone :P
15:28.50gn00biein that race that is
15:36.19cataygn00bie: excuses excuses :P
15:42.10gn00biebut I have won two races against you now :)
15:42.14gn00biethat is good
15:43.15cataybeginners luck :P
15:43.32catayand i played these on my mobile :P
15:43.55catayis listening to Madonna :)
15:44.04gn00bieyou can play ghostracer on your mobile?
15:44.07gn00biethat is cool ;)
15:44.24catayThe immaculate collection :)
15:44.30cataygn00bie: no lol
15:44.32gn00biecatay: I am your main cash contributor, treat me with respect :P
15:44.42catayok, sry, gn00bie :p
15:45.19gn00biehehe ;P
16:09.59Birdiecatay: how is the laundry doing:)
16:14.01cataywhy are most managers idiots?
16:31.29gn00biecatay: why is the sky blue?
16:31.36gn00biefor some questions, there are no real answers
17:14.12kierra_awayno clue, Valumzie
18:12.09*** join/##kierra kierra (
18:12.09*** mode/##kierra [+o kierra] by ChanServ
18:35.21Valumziewonders if the gn00bie is still around
18:39.59catayhe is too busy trying to beat me at ghostracer :P
18:42.28Valumzie~lart gn00bie
18:42.28purlslams gn00bie against a large cement Tux
18:43.18*** join/##kierra Grumpfy (n=Grumpf@about/essy/Happy/Grumpfy)
18:46.49Valumzie~shake gn00bie
18:46.50purlACTION shakes gn00bie vigorously and hangs him out to dry
18:49.43Grumpfy~poke Valumzie
18:49.45purlACTION cuts down a small tree, sneaks up behind Valumzie, pokes Valumzie repeatedly, hilarity ensues.
18:49.48*** join/##kierra Pimpi (
18:49.48*** mode/##kierra [+o Pimpi] by ChanServ
18:49.52Grumpfy~pinch Valumzie
18:49.53purlACTION scuttles after Valumzie, pinches him, and then scuttles away
18:50.28Valumzie~lart Grumpfy
18:50.28purltakes out a cattle prod and gives Grumpfy a good jolt
18:50.49Grumpfy~bonk Valumzie
18:50.50purlACTION bonks grumpfy on behalf of Valumzie
18:51.29Valumzie~shake Grumpfy
18:51.30purlACTION shakes Grumpfy vigorously and hangs him out to dry
18:51.39Valumzie~wake gn00bie
18:51.40purlACTION throws a barrel-full of ice water on gn00bie and shouts "GOOD MORNING!!!!"
18:52.24Grumpfyis searching what means "dry" in her dictonary
18:52.38Valumzie~lart grumpfy for not knowing this
18:52.39purlwhacks grumpfy upside the head for not knowing this
18:52.56Grumpfyoh vais parler en italien et on verra! Ah ha
18:53.30Valumzieoh gn00bie, gn00bie, where are thou
18:53.36Valumziebad Grumpfy
18:55.01GrumpfyIm not a cute and wise Grumpfy
18:55.31Grumpfyare you sick?
18:56.08Grumpfyalors faut pas tousser?
18:56.43Grumpfyhum....tousse...c'est quand meme mieux!
18:56.44Valumziealso farts
18:57.07kierrawonders what my grandchildren will be like..
18:57.15Valumziethey will be very very talented!
18:57.19Valumziejust like their parents :D
18:57.38Grumpfyhum hum?
18:58.47GrumpfyValumzie: your feet are like the pinguin feet from Happy Feet!
18:59.57Valumziehmpfs :P
19:01.19Grumpfyje pense que tu sais de quoi je parle!
19:01.48Valumziebin oui :P
19:01.54Valumzie~wake kierra
19:01.55purlACTION throws a barrel-full of ice water on kierra and shouts "GOOD MORNING!!!!"
19:11.23kierra~rubberband Valumzie
19:11.24purlACTION sneaks around the house, yard and town, collecting every rubberband there is, and then camps at a prime location, waiting for Valumzie to walk by so he can pelt Valumzie with thousands and thousands of rubberbands
19:11.33Valumzieshe is alive!
19:12.26Grumpfy~rubberband Valumzie
19:12.27purlACTION sneaks around the house, yard and town, collecting every rubberband there is, and then camps at a prime location, waiting for Valumzie to walk by so he can pelt Valumzie with thousands and thousands of rubberbands
19:23.26kierragoing to eat then leave for airport
19:23.41*** part/##kierra kierra (
19:52.48*** join/##kierra Winny (n=iWinny@unaffiliated/winny)
22:19.22Birdiebwah what can soccer be depressing
22:19.26Birdievalumzie: did you saw it!
22:21.49*** join/##kierra AHA (n=aha@unaffiliated/aha)
22:24.23*** join/##kierra QuantumTim (
22:29.11ValumzieBirdie: what did I miss?!
22:30.33Birdiealmost kicked out liverpool:(
22:30.40Birdie117th min they score, bah
22:30.47Birdiethey sucked the whole 2 matches
22:35.59CBGthat's a long match :/
23:01.44Birdieyea with extra time
23:01.48Birdieliverpool really really sucked
23:01.55Birdieits a shame they went through
23:03.41CBGthey sucked less than the other guys, apparently... :P
23:35.38*** join/##kierra brad ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
23:35.38*** mode/##kierra [+o brad] by

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