IRC log for ##kierra on 20080803

00:33.20*** join/##kierra gn00bie (
00:33.20gn00bienot my best effort, but it will have to do
00:33.25gn00bieruns into the shower
00:53.29*** join/##kierra TheRedBaron (n=kemhof@
00:53.29*** mode/##kierra [+o TheRedBaron] by ChanServ
01:05.05kierraoh my goodness, Valumzie
01:05.13kierrano telling stories!!!!!
01:05.40Valumzieso, who wants to hear the closet story?!
01:05.40Valumzieits  a very good one
01:05.45Valumzieit has kierra in it :D
01:05.57TheRedBaroni think we should charge tickets
01:06.01Valumziethats true
01:11.32*** join/##kierra whodaman- (n=whodaman@about/apple/macbook/whodaman-)
01:13.35kierrafeels a kick coming on
01:14.01Valumziekick kierra so the pain does not last too long :P
01:14.24kierrai go make a lasagna
01:14.49Valumziewe can tell the story now :D
01:24.33*** join/##kierra Shel2476 (
01:25.02*** part/##kierra Shel2476 (
01:29.53*** join/##kierra gn00bie_ (
01:35.25*** join/##kierra whodaman- (
01:55.20TheRedBaron~cabernet Sauvignon++
01:58.22TheRedBaronCBG: wales has comedians ?
02:01.27CBGgood clip, right? :)
02:03.04TheRedBaronis watching it again
02:03.58TheRedBaronit is funny :D
02:05.36CBGI like the "The first three time it went around the carousel,... _I_ laughed! Everyone was laughing. But then... everyone else went home." bit :D
02:06.14TheRedBaronI laughed at the part about going to france :D
02:06.22CBGahh, yeah :D
02:08.16TheRedBaronand most of the others
02:08.35TheRedBaronhas never lost his luggage
02:08.41TheRedBaronso far :)
02:08.57CBGsame :)
02:59.27kierra~wake menotume
02:59.28purlACTION throws a barrel-full of ice water on menotume and shouts "GOOD MORNING!!!!"
03:07.57kierrag'nite all
03:42.17*** join/##kierra TheRedBaron (n=kemhof@
03:42.17*** mode/##kierra [+o TheRedBaron] by ChanServ
03:46.15Blizz_workwaves at ##kierra
03:48.03FlashI wanted to hear the story!
04:52.02*** join/##kierra QuantumT1m (
05:34.09Blizzard-Night everyone
06:12.27*** join/##kierra Gilly (n=btw@
06:28.29*** join/##kierra LongDon (
06:29.24*** part/##kierra LongDon (
07:29.41*** join/##kierra Blizzard- (
10:02.45ndimYou're so mean and evil /
10:02.49ndimYou're so mean and evil /
10:07.51catayndim: drunk ? :P
10:26.39ndimcatay: Nah.
10:26.40ndimICY Info: StreamTitle='BB King - Mean And  Evil';StreamUrl='';
11:54.20*** join/##kierra ep (n=mdr@about/essy/guynextdoor/ep)
11:59.13kierrahi ep
12:01.12*** join/##kierra [suave] (
12:01.41epmorning kierra
12:18.52kierra~wake menotume
12:18.53purlACTION throws a barrel-full of ice water on menotume and shouts "GOOD MORNING!!!!"
12:38.23kierra~lart menotume
12:38.23purlburns menotume to a crisp with a laser
12:38.42kierra~coffee ep
12:38.43purlACTION steals some of Birdie's special coffee and gives it to ep on a silver platter.
12:38.50kierra~tea Manu
12:38.51purlACTION realizes it's time for high tea and gets busy in the kitchen.  He brings out tea, crumpets, scones and an assortment of delectable goodies and serves them properly to Manu and others
12:38.57kierra~beer Pimpi
12:38.58purlACTION pulls out a excellent La Maudite for Pimpi
12:39.17kierra~rubberband Flash
12:39.17purlACTION sneaks around the house, yard and town, collecting every rubberband there is, and then camps at a prime location, waiting for Flash to walk by so he can pelt Flash with thousands and thousands of rubberbands
12:39.37kierra@flash: the story leaves much to be desired
12:55.00*** join/##kierra Upsetter (
12:58.53*** join/##kierra AHA (n=aha@unaffiliated/aha)
12:59.12*** join/##kierra AHA (n=aha@unaffiliated/aha)
13:18.58Manu~coffee kierra
13:18.58purlACTION steals some of kierra's special coffee and gives it to kierra on a silver platter.
15:12.04*** join/##kierra kierr1 (
15:12.04*** mode/##kierra [+o kierr1] by ChanServ
15:14.07*** topic/##kierra by kierra -> Welcome: “Be kinder than necessary, for everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle.” || 31 days till catay meets the baron family! || Joyeux 1er aout to all the Swiss!!
15:39.17*** join/##kierra Dessy (
16:19.44*** part/##kierra brad (
16:19.45*** join/##kierra brad (
16:27.34FlashI think there is something fundamentally wrong with my standing here if ep gets coffee, Manu gets tea, Pimpi gets beer, and I get rubberbanded
16:27.54Flash~pinch kierra
16:27.55purlACTION scuttles after kierra, pinches him, and then scuttles away
16:34.51*** join/##kierra Blizzard- (
16:49.45Manu~beer Flash
16:49.46purlACTION pulls out a fine Jever for Flash
16:52.31Blizzard-waves at kierra
17:44.33*** join/##kierra mviron (n=info@
18:56.48Abominable>bonk think_tank
18:56.59Abominable~bonk think_tank
18:57.00purlACTION bonks think_tank over the head
19:08.24catayit's pretty quiet here today: p
19:08.34catayI would almost say ... it's boring here :P
19:09.14catayand no gn00bie to make fun of or slap
19:14.57Abominable~slap catay
19:14.58purlACTION slaps catay, keep your grubby fingers to yourself!
19:17.35Abominable~bonk catay
19:17.35purlACTION bonks catay over the head
19:20.23*** join/##kierra kierr1 (
19:20.25*** mode/##kierra [+o kierr1] by ChanServ
19:31.24kierrawaves at Abominable
19:31.46TheRedBaron~snowman Abominable
19:31.47purlACTION builds Abominable a ☃
19:31.56TheRedBaron~abominable snowman
19:33.54kierraaw Flash
19:34.03kierrayou wanted to know about the story
19:38.24Abominable~abominable snowman is <alias> snowman Abominable
19:38.24purlAbominable: okay
19:38.37Abominable~abominable snowman
19:38.38purlrumour has it, abominable snowman is <alias> snowman Abominable
19:38.44Abominableuh oh
19:38.57Abominable~forget abominable snowman is <alias> snowman Abominable
19:38.57purli didn't have anything called 'abominable snowman is <alias> snowman abominable' to forget, Abominable
19:39.13Abominableoh wells, TheRedBaron it's bliz :D
19:53.49Birdiehow can you call ghost racer dumb:(
19:54.37kierrayou are discussing this in #forestforce...and meno kicked me from there
19:54.43kierraits not a discussion here
19:55.00menotumeit is now
19:55.07menotumeand, WHO kicked WHOM first ?
19:55.22kierramen dont do that to ladies
19:55.30menotumei know why she calls it dumb
19:55.43menotumesee #forestforce gfor the answer
19:56.04kierrano one here cares to
19:57.24catayI still have to beat meno in ghost racer :P
19:57.42Birdiecatay cares!
19:57.55cataybut i have a crappy car
19:58.00menotumekierra is putting on her kicking boots
19:58.06menotumeme too catay
19:58.07catayso I should first race a bit against other people with crappy cars ):
19:58.12ndimThese boots are made for kicking /
19:58.18menotumewe need to rrace each other, each win some
19:58.18ndimand that's just what they'll do
19:58.29menotumethey're gonna walk all over you
19:58.44Birdiechallenge me me me!
19:58.54kierraone of these days these boots are going to walk all over you*
19:58.55Birdiesee the 3 most important men here care, good enough for a discussion
19:59.15ndimBirdie: TRB, RB2 and RB3?
19:59.32menotumecatay: look at leaderboard to see which traacks i suk at
19:59.59cataymenotume: i will, later this evening, can't play right now :)
20:00.02kierrathere are more than 3 imp men here:  Pimpi, Manu, TheRedBaron, orange, ndim
20:00.08catayam i important?
20:00.17kierradid you join #ff?
20:00.22catayme ?
20:00.28kierrathen you are important
20:00.31cataynot that i know off :p
20:00.51kierrai wouldnt know as I have been rudely kicked from there
20:00.54ndimWhat is #ff? And how can catay have an @ without being important?
20:01.20purlHe is the most friendly guy on BZ flag, or a cute and cuddly penguin
20:01.27cataythere, that's why :P
20:01.29purl[kierra] The mother who spawned the infamous barons.... and is all together sweet and cute aside of that.
20:01.43kierrasee that , menotume
20:01.47cataythe first part is correct :p
20:01.51purlextra, extra, read all about it, menotume is me-not-u-me.  Mechanical Electronic Neohuman Optimized for Troubleshooting, Utility and Masterful Exploration, or nothing but trouble  BAAAAAAWK!
20:01.58purlndim is the latest victim of Bz Inc's recruiting machine...but he'll make the other teams victims of his skillz
20:02.00kierrathrown under the bus!
20:02.06ndimSomeone should change that.
20:02.16ndimpurl: no ndim is an idiot
20:02.16purlokay, ndim
20:02.37catayyou are too hard on yourself :p
20:03.02ndimI just know myself.
20:03.58purlsomebody said ndim was an idiot
20:04.06menotumewho said that? :P
20:04.23kierrathe ndim of old was like that
20:04.32kierraremember ndim....years ago
20:04.41kierrayou would try to teach me
20:05.07ndim<gonzalez>I don't recall that conversation.</gonzalez>
20:05.32cataywho is gonzalez ?
20:06.07ndimHis middle name is "I don't recall"
20:10.01cataynever heard of him
20:13.45TheRedBaronabdicates from being important
20:14.10TheRedBaronpasses the responsibility to menotume
20:14.28ndimI thought Valumzie has taken over that job?
20:14.44kierraTheRedBaron: meno is telling tales about you in pm
20:15.09TheRedBaronand you're believeing them ? i thought you knew menotume better than that :P
20:15.54kierrai do, believe me
20:16.16kierrai know better than to believe all he says
20:16.43TheRedBaronvhat is ghost racer and do I need to participate ?
20:17.00menotumeyes, you do
20:17.05kierraits on facebook
20:17.16TheRedBaronlet me go fix Og and i'll be ready for racing
20:17.21kierraa sad attempt at duplicating 'need 4 speed
20:18.02catayit's the first application on facebook that makes sense to me and which I also understand :P
20:18.20ndimenters Og at
20:18.35kierrai wouldn't admit that in public, doesnt say much
20:18.41kierrano offense
20:19.02catayoh jee, thats mean :p
20:20.47kierrai said no offense
20:20.50menotumeTheRedBaron didn't even notice that i joined his 'special' greoup
20:20.52kierraits just dumb
20:20.58TheRedBaronhas a special group ?
20:21.17kierrayou need to join wootzit's special group
20:22.08TheRedBaronooh dodge charger ?
20:22.50TheRedBaronwhat car does catay have ?
20:22.59cataya lousy one :p
20:23.06ndimAudi A4.
20:23.07catayan ford mustang or something
20:23.21TheRedBaronoh the second one :D
20:23.22catayoi, my car is great :P
20:23.22ndimUgly in a very Audi sort of way.
20:23.22TheRedBaronnice :D
20:23.36TheRedBaronndim: the 60's mustangs are beautiful :D
20:23.47ndimTheRedBaron: To look at, yes.
20:24.26TheRedBarontries to race catay
20:24.39TheRedBaronoh no, not menotume
20:24.58catayin 30min i can race :P
20:25.06catayhave to finish some work first
20:26.14TheRedBaronits sunday - what are you doing working ?
20:26.27menotumeTheRedBaron: you have a challenge
20:27.29catayTheRedBaron: new job, new stuff to learn, so I have to spend some time on it in the weekends :p
20:28.01TheRedBarongot pwned
20:28.30kierrameno cheats
20:30.23TheRedBaronis going to get pwned again
20:33.25menotumeTheRedBaron needs an enhanced k/b :P
20:35.00TheRedBaronneeds keyboard enhancement
20:35.30menotumeYAY 3 wins, 40 losses
20:35.38menotumeguess who ALL the losses are to
20:36.00menotumehint: remove Birdie from freinds list :P
20:36.53Birdiei love it like that:)
20:36.58Birdieand they surely arent all from me
20:37.20TheRedBaronremoves birdie
20:37.38TheRedBarongot a better race time!
20:37.42TheRedBaron79sec vs 88
20:37.58menotumeya they are
20:38.07cataybirdie cheats!
20:38.10Birdieimportant is to let down your speed
20:38.16Birdiewhen you got to turn
20:38.17kierrathey all cheat
20:38.19TheRedBaronspeed FTW !
20:38.28Birdiei guess kierra tried it but failed
20:38.36cataybut birdie cheats the most, i noticed it yesterday :p
20:38.44kierrajust once
20:39.13menotumeand gave up after one try
20:39.25menotumetsk tsk
20:39.29menotumeonly because it was MY challenge
20:39.37menotumei didn't even get a win for it
20:39.53kierragive me mouse enhancement
20:39.58kierraforget the arrows
20:40.05kierraarrow keys*
20:40.24TheRedBaronbeat Grumpfy
20:40.27Birdieyou didnt quitted bzflag after one time trying
20:40.33menotume33 more wins for a corvete :P
20:40.40menotumeman, i GAVE Birdie a Corvette
20:40.53TheRedBaronmenotume: can you give me a corvette ? :D
20:41.03menotumesure, challenge me
20:41.12TheRedBaroni did
20:41.14TheRedBaronyou beat me :(
20:41.42*** join/##kierra Valumzie (n=valumz@
20:41.42*** mode/##kierra [+o Valumzie] by ChanServ
20:41.56Birdiemeno is quite good in it
20:42.32Birdie2 more wins to go for my turn enhancement
20:42.41Birdiebut actually best is not to take updates but take new cars
20:43.10Birdieinviting friends gives you points also!
20:47.36Grumpfybad baron
20:47.56menotumeman, i keep hitting handbrake BEFORE turning :(
20:48.12TheRedBaronkeeps running off the road and into objects
20:48.14menotumeGrunphy on facebook ?
20:48.42menotumei wnr totally of the course on one of yer challenges, TRB
20:48.48menotumebut, still won :P
20:49.09menotumeknow what's fun? hit and hold handbrake, THEN try to steer :P
20:49.16Grumpfymenotume: yup
20:49.52TheRedBaronalmost beat menotume
20:50.00kierrathat wouldnt be hard
20:50.10kierrahe's old
20:50.10menotumekierra is sooo nice
20:50.11TheRedBaronand he wiped out like mad
20:50.16menotumeyes, i did :)
20:50.21kierraso did i
20:50.33kierraand yes i am, meno....bout time you realized it
20:50.34menotumetell us what happened when you tried it Kierra ?
20:50.44kierrai was in the bushes
20:50.50menotumefinal result ?
20:50.55kierratimed out
20:51.00cataya laptime of 10min :P
20:51.04kierraanything else you want to know
20:51.13kierrai sucked at it
20:51.30Birdieyou use handbreaks?:s
20:51.31Birdiei never do
20:51.32menotumethen, why would you say " that wouldnt be hard" when referring to beating me ?
20:51.55kierracuz you're old like i am
20:52.03Birdiebut meno rox in it..
20:52.08Birdieso age doesnt mather
20:52.09kierradefine rox
20:52.19Birdiehe is good
20:52.29TheRedBaronhe still beat me !
20:53.04Birdiecan one just challenge me once?
20:53.09Birdiei need one more win
20:53.14TheRedBaronI did challenge you Birdie
20:53.14Birdieyea but outside that one, one more:)
20:53.20Birdiei won allready that one
20:53.26TheRedBaronmy challenege wasn't good enough ? :(
20:53.32TheRedBaron(nor is my spelling)
20:53.56Birdieit was!
20:54.01Birdiemy times were worser when i first played:)
20:54.19TheRedBaronis going to race Grumpfy again
20:56.10TheRedBaroncan't get below 73 secs
20:56.12menotumethere's yer challenge, Birdman
20:56.15TheRedBaronand i want a new map :P
20:56.19TheRedBaronthis one sucks :P
20:56.38Birdiethere are a lot of maps:)
20:56.50Birdiegod , those challenges are delayed
20:57.04Birdiei challenged meno isntead of responded to his one:s
20:57.12menotumemine is having problems 'can't get firend's list' and such
20:57.24Birdieyea its buggy
20:57.42TheRedBaronwill brb - gotta unload some firewood
20:57.44kierraha! meno cant get a friends list
20:58.00Birdieat least he doesnt time out;)
20:58.12kierraat least i have friends
20:58.15kierralots of them
20:58.23Birdieshowing off!
20:58.37catayI still have to find a cute avatar, menotume any suggestions ?
20:58.51TheRedBaronmenotume avatar is very cute :D
20:58.52kierraomg, dont ask meno for one
20:59.11kierraValumzie thinks its wierd too
20:59.30catayhow can you say that! suchs a cutie!
21:00.01ndimimagines a cute little plush duckling with a big Bismarck moustache.
21:00.18menotumego buy your next car
21:02.17Birdiendim, you play it also?
21:03.16ndimBirdie: I don't play Facebook.
21:04.36ndimThey explicitly forbid pseudonymous accounts (i.e. without real names), and they have (IMHO) no business storing my real name.
21:05.08ndimkierra: OMG!
21:05.17kierrandim, i didnt post my real name
21:05.33Birdieis that real name that important?
21:05.39Birdiei mean, what can they do with it
21:05.44ndimkierra: So you're violating your contract with Facebook.
21:05.56ndimI don't want to do that.
21:06.21kierrathey dont need to know my real name
21:06.37ndimMy feeling exactly.
21:06.52ndimBut their conditions explicitly require it.
21:07.12Birdiethe only thing i dont like is an emailadress on the net
21:07.56kierranot any of my 'real email addys
21:08.24Birdiei used my gmail
21:08.29Birdiei rarely look to that anyway
21:08.34cataythese days staying private on the net is not possible anyway
21:08.35Birdieso if people want to send trash, they may
21:08.42cataywhy even bother trying :)
21:09.26catayI get +/- 9000 spam mails on :p
21:11.24ndimAnd less than 9 mails of ham daily, I guess.
21:11.48ndimErgo: Mail servers have an efficiency of less than 0.001.
21:12.27ndimCorollary: SMTP-based email must die.
21:12.50kierrawhen did we switch languages from english
21:13.14cataykierra: ?
21:13.27ndimkierra: No sé. ¿Por qué?
21:13.36cataykierra: wat bedoel je ? :P
21:14.06ndim~x cowspeak en moo?
21:14.26cataykierra: don't trust bablefish :p
21:15.11kierrai wont
21:15.44TheRedBaronalriht !
21:15.55TheRedBarongot a 69 second race
21:16.04TheRedBaronchallenges catay with it
21:16.55TheRedBaronneeds a menotume avatar
21:16.58catayok, gonna quit working :P
21:17.02cataytime to drive
21:19.22menotumechallenges TRB on that track
21:19.24TheRedBaronmenotume keeps pwnzoring me
21:19.49ndim< Moo!  >
21:21.04TheRedBaronooh - that was rough :(
21:21.10TheRedBaron73 sec :(
21:22.02cataywow, i suck too at this game
21:22.26menotumewant easier points?
21:22.26Birdiei'm sure kierra is secretly racing against herself
21:22.50menotumepoor guy :P
21:22.58TheRedBaronbeat grumpfs again !
21:23.00menotumelet's ALL challenge him !
21:23.22TheRedBarongets rb3 on ghost racer
21:23.25TheRedBaronrb3 is good
21:25.06menotumewell, that's no fun then :P
21:26.27TheRedBaronis trying to figure out where all the maps are hiding
21:30.10TheRedBaronhas only seen 3
21:31.00kierrathere's more than 1 map/
21:32.21TheRedBaronhas challenged Birdie
21:32.28kierrahmmm, maybe I will race catay then
21:32.29cataymeno is a cheater too :P
21:32.48kierrai know that is true
21:33.06menotumecatay has a cataylitic converter !
21:33.20*** join/##kierra whodaman- (n=whodaman@about/apple/macbook/whodaman-)
21:36.09*** join/##kierra LongDon (
21:36.28TheRedBaroncatay is using enhancements ?!?
21:36.29cataymenotume: ah, now I figured out why i did not see your replay car :P
21:36.36TheRedBaronchalleneges Grumpfy
21:36.39TheRedBaronagain :D
21:36.40catayyou weren't driving :P
21:40.29ndimsaw a Gallardo on the road today
21:41.12ndimDoing about 70kph as 6th in a queue of about 10 cars.
21:43.45TheRedBarondoesn't like catay
21:44.49kierratrb doesn tlike catay and he's coming in 1 month
21:45.12TheRedBaronhis car is faster :(
21:46.05menotumeBirdie: you have a challenge
21:46.11TheRedBaroncrashed the app
21:46.21TheRedBarontrying some url spoofing
21:46.28TheRedBaronfor different tracks
21:48.31TheRedBaronweee 69 secs vs meno
21:50.35menotumehmm, doesn't like track #9
21:51.21TheRedBaronor 10
21:53.31kierraomg , you can watch replays of races????
21:53.37menotumeWEEEEEE. I took a pic of someone yesterday. Her rommate put it as her profile pic :P
21:53.54catayhmmm, this game is bad for my keyboard
21:57.10menotumeok, one more, for catay
21:58.18TheRedBaronhrm - i'm getting flash errors
22:00.37TheRedBaronI almost beat catay's best time
22:00.50TheRedBaronmissed by .5 second :(
22:01.25TheRedBaronneeds a new car
22:02.26TheRedBaronneeds 3 grand more :(
22:07.38menotumeTheRedBaron: one more challenge, i gace you 10s head start
22:09.34kierrahates to admit that she doesnt understand suave parting message
22:13.58TheRedBaronholy crap
22:14.03TheRedBaronthats a fast car menotume
22:14.08TheRedBaronspeed enhancement ?
22:14.36TheRedBaronwill stick to racing catay
22:14.39TheRedBaronand Grumpfy
22:14.54menotumeGrumphy almost beat me !
22:15.09menotumehad the window scrolled dwn (could only see 1/2 the track) :)
22:16.32TheRedBaronhad that problem too
22:17.03TheRedBaronjust challeneged grumpfy
22:18.52TheRedBaronhates this game :P
22:19.08TheRedBaroncatay is going to beat me on that challenge :(
22:19.30kierrajust finished watching "meet the robinsons"
22:20.02kierrakeep moving forward
22:20.14kierraTheRedBaron: are you going with us to caspian?
22:21.07TheRedBaronI have to beat menotume on ghost racer!
22:22.37menotumeTheRedBaron: can;t (now) :P
22:25.45TheRedBaronyea :(
22:25.53TheRedBaronthe cutlass looks cool
22:29.07TheRedBaronand why is my car pink ?
22:30.17cataytime to race!
22:32.44menotumeuh oh
22:34.04TheRedBaronuh oh
22:36.15TheRedBaroncatay is getting serious
22:38.53TheRedBaronis going to run out
22:38.57TheRedBaronwill brb
22:41.20kierrai hate auto rejoin
22:41.47*** join/##kierra Pimpi_ (
22:41.47*** mode/##kierra [+o Pimpi_] by ChanServ
22:55.16kierraomg Grumpfy :PPP
22:55.21kierrai cant do it
23:43.38*** part/##kierra LongDon (

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