IRC log for ##kierra on 20080420

00:05.35*** join/##kierra Joss (i=cbade489@gateway/web/ajax/
00:42.07Valumziestop reading my paper!!!
02:34.43gn00biepro bon o`catay
03:05.15*** join/##kierra AHA (n=aha@unaffiliated/aha)
03:10.57ndimIt's so nice when technology is actually working for a change.
03:36.28TheRedBaronescapes into a late weekend
04:32.22*** join/##kierra mviron (
06:52.28*** join/##kierra Pimpinella (
06:52.28*** mode/##kierra [+o Pimpinella] by ChanServ
06:58.58*** join/##kierra Gilly (n=btw@
09:13.30*** join/##kierra whodaman (n=whodaman@pdpc/supporter/student/whodaman-)
09:13.31*** join/##kierra coffee (n=whoda|
09:13.44*** join/##kierra whodaman (n=whodaman@pdpc/supporter/student/whodaman-)
09:16.31*** join/##kierra whoda|Touch (n=whoda|
10:02.01*** join/##kierra ViciousM (
10:36.32*** join/##kierra Dessy (
10:54.25*** join/##kierra LongDon (
11:49.36*** join/##kierra kierra (
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11:55.47*** join/##kierra [suave] (n=totte@about/essy/MadonnaFan/suave)
11:57.24kierra"Make the lie big, make it simple, keep saying it, and eventually they will believe it"
11:57.39kierraa Hitler quote
11:57.46kierraso true of the media today
11:57.56kierramorning ircers
11:59.05whodaman~hug kierra
11:59.06purlACTION hugs kierra
12:06.32kierramorning whodaman :)
12:09.33kierra~wake catay
12:09.34purlACTION throws a barrel-full of ice water on catay and shouts "GOOD MORNING!!!!"
12:09.38kierra~poke brad
12:09.38purlACTION cuts down a small tree, sneaks up behind brad, pokes brad repeatedly, hilarity ensues.
12:09.56kierra~pinch winny
12:09.56purlACTION scuttles after winny, pinches him, and then scuttles away
12:12.18kierra~tickle whodaman
12:12.18purlACTION jumps on whodaman, yelling "TICKLE FIGHT!!!!"
12:12.45whodaman~kick brad
12:12.46purlACTION kicks brad
12:12.58whodaman~lart menotume
12:12.58purlforces menotume to use Outlook Express
12:13.04whodaman~pwn Winny
12:13.04purlACTION logs into the machine Winny is sitting at and pulls a fast one.
12:24.38*** part/##kierra LongDon (
13:02.13kierraOne of the greatest joys known to man is to take a flight into ignorance in search of knowledge”
13:02.50kierrai took liberties with this next quote
13:02.58kierra“It is almost impossible to remember how tragic a place the world is when one is playing bz.”
13:04.26*** topic/##kierra by kierra -> Welcome :) : "A stranger is just a friend I haven't met yet." || "Oy with the poodles already!" || “It is almost impossible to remember how tragic a place the world is when one is playing bz.”
13:04.43kierramenotume needs protecting like I need a hole in the head
13:05.21kierrahehe, valumzie & TRB aren't here to protest :D
13:05.57whodamanbut I am!
13:06.03whodamanwhere are they? :(
13:06.15kierrain bed still, most likely
13:06.31kierrastill sleeping
13:06.35kierrathey are night owls
13:06.49ndimit's just 9am
13:12.20Birdiegetting up before 9am on a sunday is a pain
13:12.27Birdiewell on any day but surely the sunday
13:16.06kierrai have been up since 0600
13:22.07ndimThat goes without saying
13:42.57catayi'm up since 11am :)
13:43.17cataybut i went to sleep at 4 am or something
13:50.49Birdiehehe same here
13:50.55Birdie4.30 even
13:56.47Birdiecatay! you didnt went to "rock zwalm"
13:57.02Birdiei stood near herman de croo, one of the most important people in our country:)
13:59.07*** join/##kierra anteater (n=jonathan@about/essy/TheAardvark/anteater)
14:00.09catayBirdie: nice :P
14:00.17catayhello anteater
14:00.30anteatergood morning catay
14:07.14whodamanhey anty
14:07.42anteaterhi whoda
14:10.13catayvodka ? ah whoda :p
15:28.12*** part/##kierra anteater (n=jonathan@about/essy/TheAardvark/anteater)
16:24.21*** join/##kierra ChanServ (ChanServ@services.)
16:24.21*** mode/##kierra [+o ChanServ] by
17:41.03*** join/##kierra iWinny (n=kylevane@unaffiliated/winny)
17:46.22mvironrings the doorbell
17:56.03cataysends the dogs
17:57.05mvirondon't do that
17:58.27gn00biewho let the dogs out
17:58.30gn00biewoof woof woof
17:58.49mvironlol gn00bie
17:58.53mvironpoints at catay
17:59.28gn00bieI guess now we can pass a law saying that the song cannot be played ever again because catay let the dogs out, we know who!
18:01.50catayit's Mr. Dr00bie :P
18:02.12catayor is it Dr00lie ?
18:03.50Birdieits like an invasion of new gu people
18:04.08Birdiei almost didnt got request for over months
18:04.19Birdienow i allready got 5 in a week
18:05.09cataywhat are these people thinking ????
18:05.24mvironsends catay 2 kitties
18:05.46Birdieyea i dont know
18:05.55Birdieit only gives me work:)
18:06.05gn00biecatay: I think it is dr00bie
18:06.30catayI like dr00bie
18:06.48cataysounds like a delicious candy to eat
18:07.05mvironsends gn00bie off to medical school
18:07.23cataycan I have a dr00bie please???
18:07.50gn00bie:p--------o-o-o-o-o-ooo--o catay
18:08.17cataytime to shake ?
18:08.50cataymaking up on a Sunday for all these days you were extremly late :P
18:08.59catayas a punishement :)
18:09.02gn00bieno shake on weekends :)
18:09.25gn00bieif I am called to shake on sunday, there is overtime (normal pay rate + 50% )
18:09.43catayah, here it's 100%
18:09.50catayso you get paid 200% :)
18:10.19gn00bieit is 200% for the union people, for management it is normal pay on every day except sunday
18:10.31gn00bielast year, OT was over 10 grand :D
18:11.26*** join/##kierra anteater (n=jonathan@about/essy/TheAardvark/anteater)
18:12.01anteaterlol! I have been @ #kierra for the last hr :-D
18:12.12anteaterI was wondering why no one was talking
18:12.16gn00bietime zone difference
18:12.38anteater(13:20:46) ChanServ has changed the topic to: THIS CHANNEL IS NOW CLOSED PERMANENTLY!  PLEASE USE ##kierra INSTEAD!  THANKS!
18:12.38anteater(13:20:46) this channel is closed, go to ##kierra instead :)
18:17.51cataylol ant
18:18.03catayyou poor thing! :p
18:18.18anteatercatay: I missed the memo... :-/
18:20.20*** join/##kierra kierra (
18:20.20*** mode/##kierra [+o kierra] by ChanServ
18:25.27ndimanteater: Welcome to 2008.
18:25.43anteaterndim: ty :-D
18:26.09anteateralways seems a little slow...'
18:31.34gn00bieI think this is a result of moving to a slow state
18:47.20ndimanteater: You working for the Amish now?
18:47.32anteaterndim: lol
18:48.46anteaterif they did not make me work on the weekends I would not mind trying it
18:49.54gn00bieanteater: be the Erisian missionary to the Amish
18:51.47anteaterI would have to do some major chaining of my sleeping hrs to get on the Amish schedule
18:52.34gn00biethere used to be this one guy from the west coast, his email string in bzflag used to be Erisian missionary to the Amish
18:52.58gn00bieanother he used was - some men are dangerous
18:53.10gn00bieanyone remember his name, because I cannot for the life of me
18:53.22anteaterI can not recall it
18:53.31anteateris bad at names
18:53.34anteaterand ages
18:53.38anteaterand years
18:54.30*** join/##kierra kierr1 (
18:54.42kierr1my chat disappeared on bz!?!>!>!
18:54.49kierr1what did i do?
18:55.01anteaterand no one told me. I was there for an hr this morning...
18:55.32anteaterI think it was catay ;-)
18:55.48kierr1i'm on pb and its gone
18:55.59Birdiepress w
18:56.03Birdieor q or y
18:56.07Birdieits one of those:)
18:56.41kierr1w shoots
18:57.42anteaterlol... I was thinking kierra was talking about "#kierra" disappearing
18:57.54Birdieand t?
18:57.56anteaterI am doing doing so well with this morning
18:58.06Birdieits by default one of those
18:58.07kierr1qwe shoot
18:58.12Birdieotherwise go to options keymapping
18:58.16Birdieits in there
18:58.17anteatershe has no default keys left
18:58.38anteaterlook at the key mapping?
18:58.49anteaterlikes to push all the keys :-D
18:58.50Birdieyea, in that list it says what to do when chat dissapears:)
18:58.55anteaterbut stay away from F12
18:59.04kierr1some how I fixed it
18:59.09kierr1dont ask me how
18:59.12Birdiewe dont:)
18:59.17kierr1:P birdie
18:59.22kierr1now to id
18:59.55*** mode/##kierra [+o kierra] by ChanServ
19:00.11anteatera nick collision... does that hurt?
19:00.21kierranah, piece o cake
19:00.43anteatercake sounds nice... cheese cake!!!
19:01.03kierrawhere are all my blasted teammates
19:01.11kierraduc was fun last nite, ant
19:01.30kierra~poke brad & winny
19:01.31purlACTION cuts down a small tree, sneaks up behind brad & winny, pokes brad & winny repeatedly, hilarity ensues.
19:01.35kierra~wake menotume
19:01.36purlACTION throws a barrel-full of ice water on menotume and shouts "GOOD MORNING!!!!"
19:01.37anteaterkierra: yes. we need to that more =D
19:02.02anteaterto bad nessie could not make it for the match. we will get her next time ;-)
19:07.24kierrano one is on
19:07.35kierragoes to do something constructive
19:18.39AHA~prod kierra
19:18.40purlACTION zaps kierra with a high voltage cattle prod
19:19.46*** join/##kierra AHA (n=aha@unaffiliated/aha)
19:21.12*** join/##kierra LongDo1 (
19:21.19*** part/##kierra LongDo1 (
19:31.15kierralonely_ant :(
19:32.44gn00biekierra: is he lonley?
19:33.16gn00bienow that I think about it, I am lonely too
19:36.19gn00bienah, I am kidding :P
19:36.40gn00biegoing to see some friends in the Rochester area - one of them got married last year, get to meet the wife for the first time!
19:38.17kierralonely_ant:  trb is heading home, wants to match
19:40.37kierra~whaleslap AHA
19:40.37purlACTION beats AHA upside and over the head with a freakishly huge killer whale named Hugh
19:41.14gn00biekierra: should I take a gift along for the newlyweds? if yes, what should I take?
19:41.26*** join/##kierra AHA (n=aha@unaffiliated/aha)
19:41.38gn00biethey already have an ipod, otherwise that is usually the quick way out
19:42.31gn00bienot sure about taking along a good bottle of wine, the mrs comes from a rather conservative part of the world, where C2H5OH is a big no-no (she is a doctor though)
19:43.26gn00bieAHA: you got a whaleslap before you joined this channel
19:45.31kierrathe gift is up to you
19:47.32gn00biestraight up cash is unlikely to work with anyone but trb
19:47.43gn00bieI wish cash would work everywhere
19:48.44gn00biecome to think of it, all I have ever gifted in life is cash, ipods, and jewellery
19:49.35kierrahow about a gift card?
19:49.49kierrais there registry still online?
19:49.50gn00bieyeah, I am thinking that might work
19:51.00gn00biedoes not work like that in Indian marriages
19:51.16gn00bieI wish it did though, it does make life easier to some extent
19:52.03gn00biegift card it is then
19:52.28gn00biehopefully I do not manage to offend them with it
19:54.23kierragn00bie: want to join a fm on dub 98?
19:55.03gn00biekierra: I can do 15 minute fm
19:55.14kierraabout 20 min left
19:55.20kierraits in progress
20:06.10*** join/##kierra whoda|iPod (n=whoda|
20:22.11*** join/##kierra TheRedBaron (n=Kalen_Em@
20:22.58*** join/##kierra Valumzie (n=Valumz@
20:22.58*** mode/##kierra [+o Valumzie] by ChanServ
20:38.28*** join/##kierra Joss (i=cbade489@gateway/web/ajax/
20:54.57Valumziekierra: thanks so much for proof-reading my paper! You did a wonderful job :)
21:04.05kierrayou are so very was well written
21:06.24Valumziethank you :)
21:06.44Jossyou know you can play bzflag and talk in the irc at the same time k :P
21:11.01kierrait gives me lag
21:11.40Jossheh, (well I can talk on the irc and play bzflag at the same time ;) )
21:11.46Birdieyou lag anyway:)
21:12.10JossYes I do :P
21:20.02kierrabut it makes me way with lag warnings
21:20.56ndimuse a different computer
21:23.13kierrawell duh
21:23.32kierra~rubberband ndim
21:23.33purlACTION sneaks around the house, yard and town, collecting every rubberband there is, and then camps at a prime location, waiting for ndim to walk by so he can pelt ndim with thousands and thousands of rubberbands
21:24.30ndimOne computer for bzflag, and any ancient box still lying around for IRC
21:24.43kierramakes sense
21:25.48kierraValumzie: i meant to give trb my little laptop so he could fit one of his internet cards in it for me
21:25.55kierrasee which one fit
21:26.10Valumzieoh, oki
21:26.23Valumzieyeah, I got the idea :)
21:26.28Valumziegive it to naynay tomorrow
21:26.34kierracould I drop it off tomorrow....
21:26.46kierrawhy nay?
21:26.46Valumzieor you can drop it off tomorrow
21:26.50Valumzieanything is fine :)
21:26.52kierrain the am?
21:26.56kierrab4 work?
21:27.00kierraor too early?
21:27.12Valumziewhat time would it be?
21:27.26Valumzieits ok with me if you dont mind seeing me in my pjs :P
21:27.27kierrahmm, 6am?
21:27.37kierrajk, around 0830
21:27.45ValumzieIll be up :)
21:27.59kierra~poke joss
21:28.00purlACTION cuts down a small tree, sneaks up behind joss, pokes joss repeatedly, hilarity ensues.
21:28.24kierra~prod aha
21:28.25purlACTION zaps aha with a high voltage cattle prod
21:28.37kierraturnabout is fair play
21:28.48gn00bieok off to Rochester
21:28.57kierrahf gn00bie
21:29.36gn00biekierra: for the record, I will get there 2 hours late :D
21:30.06Valumziepretty good :)
21:30.35gn00bieover and out
21:32.18Valumziegn00bie: is it: the more important something is, the later you get there?
21:33.59AHAHi kierra :)
21:34.13AHAis on spring break
21:34.25AHAI have to spend it with my grandma though
21:34.44AHAMy mom and sister are going college touring, and i cant stay home because my dad works long days
21:34.53AHAso im stuck with my grandma :\
21:35.12AHAHer neighbors have an open wireless network though!
21:37.39kierrahopes my grandchildren never say "I have to stay with grandma:
21:37.47kierraI will be a fun grandma
21:38.13AHAi have two grandma's, no grandpa's
21:38.22Valumziebites her lips
21:38.25AHAthey both died when my parents would young
21:38.34kierrathere was no hint there, Valumzie
21:38.42ValumzieI know kierra :)
21:38.46AHABut the one i am staying with is cool
21:38.51AHAthe other one... not so much :P
21:38.55ValumzieI was just picturing you trying to show them how to play bz and their faces :P
21:39.23kierramore funny would be me trying to teach them AA or battlefied 1942
21:39.48kierraor better yet, tryihng to hit the fool chickens on outlaws
21:40.01ValumzieIll ask DJ that :)
21:40.13kierrai didnt try :P
21:49.32*** join/##kierra Joss (i=cbade489@gateway/web/ajax/
21:49.54JossGah, got kicked
22:17.47*** join/##kierra Grumpfy (n=Grumpf@about/essy/Happy/Grumpfy)
22:18.06kierraGrumpfy: :)
22:18.38mvironhugs kierra
22:19.16Grumpfyhey kierra! :)
22:22.31mvironpasses kierra a salad
22:22.40kierraooo, i'm hungry
22:22.47kierraranch drsy plz :)
22:23.21mvironsends kierra made-from-scratch ranch dressing
22:23.51*** mode/##kierra [+o TheRedBaron] by ChanServ
22:25.30mvironping floods TheRedBaron
22:39.04*** join/##kierra menotume (n=menotume@pdpc/supporter/active/menotume)
22:39.04*** mode/##kierra [+o menotume] by ChanServ
22:45.05menotumemviron! :P
22:45.15menotumeYOU stole my memory !
22:45.46menotumeyep :P
22:46.00mvironzaps menotume and then sends him 2,000 1 GB sticks of ram
22:46.01menotumewell, something did, iand i might have to reboot :(
22:46.22menotume2 Tb
22:51.01Valumzie~lart menotume
22:51.01purlburns menotume to a crisp with a laser
22:51.13mvironburies menotume in ram
22:51.32TheRedBaronmenotume: its called old age :P
22:51.44mvironburies TheRedBaron in old age
22:51.47TheRedBaronthats who has your memory :D
22:54.15mvironzaps TheRedBaron
23:08.46ndimmenotume: Think of all the USB hubs you need to connect those 2000 USB sticks
23:08.55ndimOh wait. Nothing USB.
23:09.13ndimSomeone reboot my brain. Its memory must be too fragmented to think usefully.
23:11.07mvironsends ndim a brain upgrade
23:11.53ndimtakes his brain offline for a year to do the upgrade.
23:21.38menotumeok, i give, rebooting :(
23:24.11lonely_antkierra: sorry I was learning how to scuba dive :-)
23:24.36lonely_antnow it is time for dinner... maybe I can get a hold of trb for a match in about 30 mins or so
23:29.54*** join/##kierra menotume (n=menotume@pdpc/supporter/active/menotume)
23:29.54*** mode/##kierra [+o menotume] by ChanServ
23:30.48kierrascuba diving, lonely_ant
23:31.04kierrathe kids will be doing that soon
23:51.38lonely_antkierra: yep... makes me get out and I hope meet some people
23:51.43lonely_antI had to buy a program that has the lessons and some little tests on it. do they have that yet?
23:54.22*** join/##kierra kierr2 (
23:55.10mvironhugs kierra
23:55.49lonely_antkierra: if I can find some wierdies do you think you can find some bar? :-D
23:56.56menotumeno bar here
23:56.58kierr2depends on whether meno
23:57.28*** mode/##kierra [+o kierra] by ChanServ
23:57.59kierradepends on whether menotume wants to be found
23:58.23kierrameno, I dont htink you are as cute as kierr2
23:58.32lonely_antis not so sure about meno

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