IRC log for ##kierra on 20080404

00:57.29*** join/##kierra Valumzie (n=Valumz@
00:57.29*** mode/##kierra [+o Valumzie] by ChanServ
02:34.31*** join/##kierra whodaman- (
03:03.36*** join/##kierra mviron (
05:32.28*** join/##kierra whodaman- (
06:57.57*** join/##kierra Gilly (n=btw@
07:59.17*** join/##kierra QuantumTim (
08:12.00*** join/##kierra [suave] (n=totte@about/essy/MadonnaFan/suave)
08:25.44*** join/##kierra CBG (
08:36.50*** join/##kierra Saturos (
08:38.12gn00bieValumzie: have you read
08:55.33*** join/##kierra Dessy (
10:00.48*** join/##kierra ViciousM (
10:29.07ndimHmm. It's not effective to search the house for something you've been holding on your left hand the whole time
10:46.28*** join/##kierra LongDon (
10:53.35*** part/##kierra LongDon (
11:15.45*** join/##kierra g-grace (i=g-grace@
11:26.03whodaman-german exam over
11:26.31whodaman-ooOhh, the new WP admin UI looks neat
11:41.09*** part/##kierra g-grace (i=g-grace@
11:50.13*** join/##kierra Pimpinella (
11:50.13*** mode/##kierra [+o Pimpinella] by ChanServ
12:01.18Valumziegn00bie: no, I have not.
12:01.24Valumziehave you?
12:45.10*** join/##kierra Saturos (
12:45.52*** join/##kierra Grumpfy (n=Grumpf@about/essy/Happy/Grumpfy)
12:49.08TheRedBaron~pinch gn00bie
12:49.09purlACTION scuttles after gn00bie, pinches him, and then scuttles away
12:55.16Manuhi whodaman- :)
12:55.50whodaman-is burning a CD with his dad's favorite pictures
12:58.43TheRedBaron~blast Manu
12:58.44purlACTION pulls her blaster and uses Manu for target practice
12:59.19Manu~smooch TheRedBaron
12:59.20purlACTION forces brlcad to give TheRedBaron a big smooch
13:01.49whodaman-CD failed to be written
13:11.48Manuwhodaman-: I wonder how your dad trusts you ;)
13:12.14whodaman-oh, this works
13:20.18TheRedBaronbad manu!
13:20.30ManuTheRedBaron: I didn't do it
13:20.40Manuwas brlcad
13:20.47Manu~hide menotume
13:20.48purlACTION gets a huge black sheet and covers menotume with it so that nobody can see what menotume is doing!
13:20.57Manufeels safe now
13:21.11Manu~hide Manu
13:21.12purlACTION gets a huge black sheet and covers Manu with it so that nobody can see what Manu is doing!
13:37.15brlcadit was manu
13:37.21brlcadis innocent
13:37.51Manuimagines brlcad giving TheRedBaron a big smooch
13:38.24whodaman-plays beeezeeeeeflaaaaaag
13:38.43Manuhehe Valumzie ;)
13:39.19*** join/##kierra ep (n=mdr@about/essy/guynextdoor/ep)
13:39.42epyou da man!
13:40.08whodaman-well, at least it's friday
13:40.19epthat counts for something!
13:44.24Birdieoh yea its friday
13:44.31Birdiei would forget with a week at home from work:)
13:46.46Valumziea week at home?
13:51.55TheRedBaronlucky birdie
13:52.32TheRedBaronep !!
13:52.49TheRedBaronep: kierra is gone for the extended weekend - how shall we celebrate?
13:52.59Birdieyea they call it holiday:)
13:53.27TheRedBaronep: some mis-guided intuition of mine tells me you know how to throw a party
13:53.53Valumziewikis the concept of "holiday"
13:54.42Valumzienah, they dont have that here in the States :P
13:55.33ephmm i'm having some ideas -- risky business
13:55.58TheRedBaronep: we have a really good clean-up crew ;)
13:56.05Valumziesits down and listens to ep
13:56.17Valumziegrabs a sheet of paper too, to take some notes
13:57.53Birdiei needed the holidays for sleep
13:57.59Birdiebut i didnt got much time to catch up:(
13:58.08Birdienever in bed before 2am
13:58.27Birdiewednesday, "lets go drink 1", it  was 4am 8-)
14:00.11TheRedBaronlaughs at comcasts trace routes
14:09.48whodaman-laughs at TheRedBaron
14:10.08whodaman-waits for phpbb3 on BZBB
14:13.43TheRedBaronwhat for/
14:14.07whodaman-phpbb3 has some nice new things
14:14.16whodaman-although the default theme is not one of thme
14:28.47TheRedBaronhas it been released ?
14:33.25whodaman-months aog
14:34.17TheRedBaronThere's been talk about phpbb3 for bzbb since global auth was introduced - and the forums came online
14:35.17whodaman-theyre just waiting for a good theme
14:45.08gn00bieValumzie: yes I have read the english translation, the author won the 1965 Literature Nobel Award for his trouble. It is a very very touching book, and the backdrop of the story is the historically correct account of Cossacks during WW-I
14:48.51TheRedBaroncontemplates re-wiring his network
14:49.21TheRedBaronwould like a backend network for his servers
14:57.43TheRedBaroni think its fully feasible
15:01.25gn00biecontemplates going back to bed for another hour
15:04.56TheRedBaronre-wries gn00bie
15:05.01TheRedBaroner *wires
15:12.02TheRedBaronthinks the easiest method would involve two nics in each machine.
15:12.20TheRedBaronwell - each external machine
15:14.55gn00bieheads back to bed
15:20.59ValumzieI might shoot you soon menotume :P
15:21.28menotumewasn't me
15:21.32menotumei didn't start it :P
15:22.24Valumzieof course, kierra did
15:23.05*** topic/##kierra by menotume -> Welcome :) : ||“A stranger is just a friend I haven't met yet." || “The sweetest joy, the wildest woe is love.” ||"He has occasional flashes of silence that makes his conversation perfectly delightful" || Valumzie's rabbit died|
15:25.41Valumzieyou are in big trouble young man!
15:26.07TheRedBaronhe's gramps!
15:26.55*** topic/##kierra by menotume -> Welcome :) : ||“A stranger is just a friend I haven't met yet." || “The sweetest joy, the wildest woe is love.” ||"He has occasional flashes of silence that makes his conversation perfectly delightful"
16:05.36*** join/##kierra Pimpi (
16:05.36*** mode/##kierra [+o Pimpi] by ChanServ
16:09.51orangeeyes TheRedBaron suspiciously
16:10.58TheRedBaronhasn't been up to anything
16:11.49orangeyou look like you're considering being up to something
16:12.30TheRedBaronuuhhh. how did you guess?
16:14.21orangeI'm psychic
16:20.51ndimpsychotic, maybe
16:22.04orangendim: aren't we all?
16:22.46orangenot psychopathic though
16:41.13menotumejust psycho ?
16:44.48whodaman-menotume: enter a match for me please
16:44.58whodaman-EiE: 3 Phago 6
16:46.34gn00bieshares orange's suspicion and eyes TheRedBaron suspiciously
16:46.53orangeand you have to large eyes right in the middle of your nickname
16:47.00gn00bieI love dead rabbits, they are very tasty
16:47.12ndimLive ones are too wigly.
16:47.15gn00bieorange: paranoid eyes - the final cut
16:47.48orangedigs out some Pink Floyd
16:55.03gn00bieeats his breakfast
16:55.49whodaman-loves ImageWEll
16:56.09whodaman-awesome app
16:58.43TheRedBaronhas misplaced his pliers
16:59.38gn00biethis is the story of a hare who lost his spectacles
17:00.07*** join/##kierra Dessy (
17:03.42TheRedBaronhas no need for spectacles - just pliers
17:05.31Valumzieeyes everybody suspisciously
17:06.04gn00bieyou probably ate them thinking they were  a carrot!
17:06.17gn00bieare you completely helpless without your pliers?
17:12.04TheRedBaronno - not helpless.  but now i have to exercise some creative ingenuity
17:12.16TheRedBaronwhich is most exhausting
17:14.26gn00bieso you did not eat them thinking they were a carrot?
17:15.03TheRedBaronwell, they are red handled...
17:17.26gn00bieTheRedBaron: you must go in search of an optician
17:18.10TheRedBaronoh dear
17:18.24TheRedBaronstill can't find the missing pliers
17:20.00TheRedBaronhe knows where my pliers are?
17:20.38gn00bieno, you need spectacles so that you can find your pliers
17:20.53gn00bieor maybe revenge! someone stole your pliers for the music yesterday
17:22.32Valumziegn00bie: dont tell him!!!!
17:22.39ValumzieHe was not suspicious at all!
17:23.18gn00bieoops, the cat is out of the bag so to speak now ;)
17:23.55gn00bieremembers a day before today, a day when he was young
17:30.09Valumziehands some anti-wrinkle cream to gn00bie
17:33.16TheRedBaronsends gn00bie something better
17:33.32TheRedBaronsends gn00bie some bottled water
17:33.49TheRedBaronfrom the fountain of youth
17:33.55gn00biethanks both :)
17:34.04gn00bieapplies the anti-wrinkle cream
17:34.16gn00biedrinks from the bottle
17:41.36catayhi :)
17:42.01catay~shake gn00bie
17:42.14cataytoo early  ? :p
17:45.11gn00biecatay: :P
17:45.21gn00biealmost time, another 25 minutes maybe
17:45.50gn00bieI had a 9 am meeting today, my theory is either show up in time, or go 5 hours after meeting has ended and no one will remember that you missed it
17:46.07gn00bie1:45 pm right now
17:48.09catayimpressive how they still did not fire you! :P
17:48.43gn00biecatay: that is the optimization problem
17:48.50catayyou always start so extremly late at your job
17:48.59cataywish I could do that too :)
17:49.16gn00bieeveryone else starts at 8 am, me, I like sleeping, especially in Molly's chamber
17:49.25TheRedBaronwe all aspire to be like gn00bie
17:49.43gn00biecatay: you can do it too, it is all in the mind, especially in your last 3 months at this job
17:49.48gn00biewhat will they do, fire you?
17:49.59gn00bieTheRedBaron: not entirely correct, but thanks :D
17:50.30TheRedBarongn00bie: all in the name of creative license ;)
17:53.37cataygn00bie: I would feel guiltly :P
17:54.18catay*guilty :p
17:54.40catayeven during my last months at current job
17:55.03cataygive me some guidance! :P
17:55.49gn00biecatay: why would you feel guilty going in late? :P
17:56.01gn00bieyour employer should feel guilty for making you come in the morning
17:56.11ValumzieI like that way of thinking :)
17:56.29Valumziebut I could never go late into work either
17:57.11gn00biethere a first time for everything
17:57.37gn00biedo it a couple of weeks, and it is second nature at that point!
17:57.57catayit doesn't work that way here i'm afraid
17:58.16gn00bieyou are afraid, that is why it does not work :P
17:59.05catayi have certain responsabilities, i just can't afford it to start working around 1pm lol
17:59.25cataywell, i can .. but it would cause me a lot of trouble after some time
18:00.00cataygn00bie: are you a manager? :P
18:00.10gn00biecatay: pseudo manager
18:00.10catayyou know, the guys who sell hot air :P
18:00.27catayok, that explains a lot :)
18:00.31gn00bieI am responsible for a couple of managerial functions, but I complain loudly about having to do them
18:01.07gn00biecatay: exactly, you can, so do it! watch fight club first if you need some creative ideas!
18:01.28catayyah, i hate everything that smells towards coordination, delegation and project management :p
18:01.30TheRedBaron1st rule of fight club
18:01.34TheRedBaronnever talk about fight club
18:01.44TheRedBaronlikes project management
18:01.58TheRedBaroni like seeing things come together
18:02.04gn00bie2nd rule of fight club
18:02.11gn00bienever talk about fight club
18:02.35*** join/##kierra whodaman (n=whodaman@pdpc/supporter/student/whodaman-)
18:02.38gn00bieTheRedBaron: some men like fishin, some men like fowling, some men like to hear - hear the cannonball roaring
18:02.48gn00bieme I like sleeping, :)
18:03.11TheRedBaronCannonball don't pay no mind - whether you're good or whether you're kind
18:03.17catayheh, that was already obvious :p
18:03.57mvironworkburies TheRedBaron in fedora hats
18:04.17gn00biecatay: never hurts to point out the obvious :P
18:04.33gn00bieand yeah :p--------o-o-o-o- catay
18:04.46catayomg .. not again !
18:04.54cataygets gn00bie's bib
18:05.19*** join/##kierra whodaman (n=whodaman@pdpc/supporter/student/whodaman-)
18:05.21gn00bieI love tom jones :)
18:05.29gn00bieeh, bib
18:05.51whodamanI can't decide what client is better.
18:06.05whodamanx-chat aqua over colloquy
18:06.25catayi'm gonna watch a movie
18:06.34TheRedBarona m00vie?
18:06.35whodamando it
18:06.40gn00biei'm gonna lose my way tomorrow, I am gonna give away my car
18:06.42cataythe chronicles of riddick :D
18:06.48gn00bienah, no m00vies to watch :P
18:07.02gn00biewhodaman: try irssi, I find it ok
18:07.12cataywe are still waiting for gn00bie is new m00vie
18:07.15whodamangn00bie, I use it on my server
18:07.23whodamanworks, but too much of a terminal interface
18:07.23*** join/##kierra CBG (
18:07.25catayfor 2 years now :P
18:07.26whodamanlikes shiny osx
18:07.46gn00biecatay: 2 years on April 15th, :P
18:22.27TheRedBaronCBG !!!
18:29.24TheRedBaronhmpf :P
18:29.32TheRedBaronhas been well behaved
18:30.25gn00bieThe Root Beer (Float)
18:39.11Valumziecoughs at the "well behaved" adjective put in relation with TRB
18:45.15*** join/##kierra Valumzie (n=Valumz@
18:45.15*** mode/##kierra [+o Valumzie] by ChanServ
18:45.43Valumzieaims, and shoots at TRB
18:45.48*** join/##kierra TheRedBaron (n=kemhof@
18:45.48*** mode/##kierra [+o TheRedBaron] by ChanServ
18:46.01TheRedBaronwell that was delightful :)
18:46.09Valumzieno restaring the server without telling me!
18:46.33gn00bieI don't care if the sun don't shine, I don't care if nothing is mine
18:46.41gn00biewhat is the server running? restarting a server? why?
18:48.19Valumziebecause he likes breaking things and fixing them :P
18:50.15TheRedBaronits the router :)
18:50.16TheRedBaronnot the server
18:50.28Valumzierouter...server... all the same :P
18:50.44TheRedBaronhow does one mount an NTFS drive in nix? if possible :)
18:52.28gn00bientfs-3g is your friend, works better than native windows ntfs (faster reads and writes on an external USB HD in my experience)
18:54.28gn00biebut that could just be because copy to/from computers are different and that my linux box is faster than the windows box friend has
18:59.14TheRedBaronsings for absolution
19:04.06gn00bieshower check
19:04.15gn00biedoes it work for you TheRedBaron ?
19:07.27TheRedBaroncentOS doesn't provide it by default in yum :(
19:08.02gn00biewell, ntfs is a toy no one will want to use, and CentOS is a server OS, so makes sense ;)
19:08.07gn00biebrushing teeth check
19:09.08Valumziethought gn00bie was asking trb if he did shower checks too
19:09.18gn00bieclean undies check
19:09.25Valumzieblinks at gn00bie
19:09.32gn00bieValumzie: maybe I was
19:09.41TheRedBaronis trying to format a ntfs drive to ext3 - without having to reboot to the install screen
19:10.02Valumziethinks it would rather be something like "unshower check"
19:10.15gn00biepuh, why would you need to reboot to format?
19:10.22Valumziegoes back to being quiet so as not to get intro troubles
19:10.46gn00biedunk him in the pool Valumzie - that is a good substitute for a shower check
19:11.46Valumzielooks around the neighborhood to find a pool
19:11.48TheRedBarongn00bie: because I R nix n00b
19:12.10gn00bieTheRedBaron: multiple ways to do it, volume manager, fdisk, etc etc
19:13.48TheRedBarondoesn't see volume manager installed
19:13.57TheRedBaronmy fedora computers have it
19:14.06TheRedBaronbut then again - I haven't been to the optician lately
19:14.45TheRedBaronI see Logical Volume Management - but i don't have any of them :)
19:14.45gn00biespeaking of the optician, did you ever find the pliers?
19:15.10Valumziemakes a lil burp that has a strong pliers-taste to it
19:15.14Valumzieoups, my bad
19:15.22gn00bieso where is this hd?
19:15.31TheRedBaronin the computer :)
19:15.35gn00bieValumzie: did you eat them thinking they were a carrot?
19:15.37*** join/##kierra whodaman- (
19:15.42gn00bieTheRedBaron: USB or Sata?
19:15.57Valumziemy mom always said that eating carrots was good for  your eyes
19:16.08Valumzieor was it that they made you a nicer person
19:16.14Valumzieone or the other, I cant remember
19:16.35Valumziefish is good for the eyes and carrots makes you nice :)
19:16.43Valumzieand the pliers really  looked like carrots
19:16.56gn00bienow I understand why the rabbit is dead
19:17.13gn00bieTheRedBaron: man mke2fs
19:17.38gn00bieuse -j to make sure that the ext3 fs gets used
19:17.55gn00bieValumzie: I like dogs, I think they are tasty even if they are good for nothing
19:18.27gn00bieuse fdisk to create a giant parition that uses the whole drive
19:18.44gn00bieif the drive is large tune2fs to change a few things, and you should be in business
19:19.06TheRedBaronwants his gui back :P
19:19.07gn00biefirst find out which device node is your currently ntfs HD
19:19.08ValumzieI only eat dogs if hot, gn00bie
19:19.29gn00bieValumzie: you should try dogs when they are lukewarm, about 35 C, very tasty
19:20.12ValumzieI will certainly do that
19:20.12gn00bieTheRedBaron: are you sure?
19:20.12ValumzieAnd I will ask my mom if they are good for anything
19:20.12TheRedBaronoh yes
19:20.12gn00bieno /dev/sdb or anything? what is /?
19:20.36gn00bieon CentOS there is that whole LVM crap, not entirely sure how it works, I am a gentoo boi
19:20.40gn00bieTheRedBaron: so / is on a IDE HD?
19:20.41TheRedBaronyea - i don't do LVM
19:20.49TheRedBaronNTFS is a sata
19:20.54gn00bieIDE? holy mother of christ
19:21.01gn00bieok, take a deep breath
19:21.15TheRedBaronIDE too old for you? :)
19:21.24gn00biefdisk -l /dev/sda
19:21.42gn00bieno, I run IDE on the desktop too, back when I put it together, SATA and linux did not always work nicely
19:22.07gn00biefdisk -l will tell you what partitions are there on the /dev/sda device node currently, what do you see?
19:22.44TheRedBaronthe windows partition :)
19:23.03gn00bieif no surprises, do either fdisk /dev/sda or cfdisk /dev/sda
19:23.14gn00biecfdisk is curses based I have heard, easier - but never used it
19:23.55TheRedBaronso now i have a partition
19:24.11TheRedBaronbut it all happened awfully quick.. how do i format it to ext3 ?
19:24.29Valumziewonders if TRB is going to write gn00bie a note for being late for work
19:24.35gn00biemke2fs -j /dev/sda1
19:24.46gn00biefirst check if /dev/sda1 got created or now
19:25.13Valumzie"Dear Sir gn00bie's boss, I am very sorry gn00bie was late today. He had to help me with my computer geek thingies. Best regards, The Baron"
19:25.13gn00bieon gentoo, I would expect to see a /dev/sda1 at this point
19:25.47TheRedBarondoes see /dev/sda1 - but the disk is still ntfs
19:26.06gn00bieValumzie: :D I hope my advice is correct, because I have not used TheRedBaron linux in so long that I might be wrong
19:26.18gn00bieTheRedBaron: then it is easy mke2fs -j /dev/sda1
19:26.27gn00biehold on
19:26.29gn00bielemme check
19:26.41TheRedBaronthat is corect
19:26.56TheRedBaronor you use mkfs.ext3
19:27.03TheRedBaronaccording to man mke2fs
19:27.10gn00bieok, -j is allright
19:27.19gn00bieso original advice stands
19:27.34Valumzieoh, that's why I have never seen your around gn00bie.
19:27.41Valumzieyou should come over and use his linux more often :P
19:27.46TheRedBaroni looks like its working
19:28.03gn00bieValumzie: :) he has only started using linux recently
19:28.07gn00bieso :D
19:28.29Valumzieyes, thats how he killed one of our Mac computers....
19:28.42gn00bieTheRedBaron: once it is done, on gentoo, I would have updated /etc/fstab to define a mountpoint, and then I would be all set at that point with a mount
19:28.52gn00bieValumzie: a good mac is a dead mac
19:29.01Valumziestops breathing
19:29.08TheRedBaronperforms CPR
19:29.15Valumziehugs her Mac and tells him not to listen to bad gn00bie
19:29.34gn00bieTheRedBaron: and if the disk is large (say 100G+) you want to use tune2fs to free up some space linux will reserve for "emergency use"
19:30.10gn00bietells the Mac to roll over to his rifle and blow out his brains, and go to his God like a soldier, a soldier of the queen
19:31.18Valumzieif my Mac goes away, all im left with is a fluffy... which is, in this house, a desktop with vista on it
19:31.25Valumziewould you like me to live only with that gn00bie?
19:32.13Winnygn00bie: a mac has unix in it!
19:33.29gn00bieValumzie: put linux on the laptop, and then your Mac can be saved
19:33.44WinnyOS X > Linux
19:33.50Valumziemaybe once Im done with school :)
19:33.55Valumzieit might be a possibility
19:33.57gn00bieWinny: but is OSX Free?
19:34.16gn00bieValumzie: there is always a choice/possibility :P
19:34.25gn00bieTheRedBaron: mke2fs still thinking?
19:34.27WinnyWhy does that matter? I'd gladly pay 120$ for something I use for 2 years
19:34.31TheRedBarongn00bie: its all done
19:34.35Winnyor more
19:34.37Valumzieit is just a very painful and traumatizing process :)
19:34.37TheRedBaronreading man tune2fs
19:34.49TheRedBaronmanpages are sometimes more confusing then they are helpful
19:34.54gn00bieyou can do tune2fs afterwards too
19:35.04gn00bieTheRedBaron: would you rather have womanpages then?
19:35.18TheRedBarongn00bie: there is a reason they called it MANpages ;)
19:35.33gn00bietune2fs - just umount and redo at any later point, you can do it a few months from now
19:35.58gn00bieWinny: I would gladly pay USD 200 for it, or more - if it was Free as in freedom, not free as in beer
19:36.14gn00bieif it comes with strings attached, I do not use that software - as simple as that
19:36.46TheRedBarongn00bie: but what exactly am I looking for?
19:36.53TheRedBaronand you should get to work :P
19:37.12gn00bieTheRedBaron: RTFM :D  have you been able to mount your newly created ext3 fs?
19:37.30TheRedBaronis RTFMing :P
19:37.36TheRedBaron1 sec :P
19:37.49gn00bieRTFMing is good your skin
19:39.36gn00bieok then
19:39.42gn00bieit is time I disappear
19:39.45gn00biedeath to OSX
19:39.53purlACTION shakes his booty all over town
20:13.18*** join/##kierra whodaman- (
20:20.30TheRedBaron"are you dreaming? Dreaming away the night? Dreaming alright?
20:26.11*** join/##kierra CBG` (
20:48.47Valumziewonders if gn00bie really left for work
20:50.52TheRedBaronputs some pantera in orange's speakers
20:54.28*** join/##kierra QuantumT1m (
21:02.59TheRedBaronputs illdisposed's 'Still Sane' in ndim's speakers
21:03.18TheRedBaronis the channel dj
21:04.08Valumzieprefers "Im not insane"
21:04.35TheRedBaronputs "Almost Easy" into Valumzie's speakers
21:08.11ndimTheRedBaron, gn00bie: There are a few mkfs.ext3 options which you cannot change later with tune2fs, such as inode density and block size.
21:08.24ndimYou should choose those in advance, depending on the data you are going to store.
21:10.01ndimIf it is mainly 1GB video files, or mainly 3..10MB music files, or mainly 1..5KByte Mail/News postings, or ...
21:33.41*** join/##kierra Valumzie (n=Valumz@
21:33.41*** mode/##kierra [+o Valumzie] by ChanServ
21:35.22ndimunpacks his "Expedition Sewing Kit" and starts remodelling his backpack.
21:41.26*** join/##kierra TheRedBaron (n=kemhof@
21:41.26*** mode/##kierra [+o TheRedBaron] by ChanServ
22:24.55ndim. o O ( backpackmodding )
22:29.45ndimHmm. Finished.
22:30.54ndimis proud of the seam.
22:31.04ndimLooks so much cleaner than the machine-sewn ones.
23:20.17*** join/##kierra Saturos_ (
23:40.32menotumewhodaman-: entered :P

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