IRC log for ##kierra on 20080330

00:10.08kierrai dont like dark mornings
00:10.29kierrathe lighter it is earlier, the more i like it
00:11.13whodamanthe earlier it's light?
00:17.12kierrathe lighter it is at an earlier time, the more i like it
00:17.35kierraenglish isnt nec my first language either
00:17.41kierraspanglish is
00:18.43kierra~pinch catay
00:18.43purlACTION scuttles after catay, pinches him, and then scuttles away
00:34.03*** join/##kierra QuantumTim (
01:03.18ndimkierra: Exactly. That's why DST sucks.
01:03.48ndimWhich reminds me... it is now 4 minutes after 01:59, i.e. 03:03.
01:04.23mvironsends ndim off to alaska for 6 months
01:06.13ndimpackages up a trillion mosquitos for mviron.
01:06.40mvironhave a good night ndim
01:06.45kierranite mviron
01:06.51mvironheads off to bed before he falls asleep on the couch
01:07.14ndimnight mviron
01:07.26ndim<- can spell properly
01:10.06ndimHaha. Now I have a working Django-based app which lists all my usual stops in a matrix and brings up the proper train/bus schedule query on a single click whenever I want to go from A to B.
01:10.28orangedid anyone do earth hour?
01:10.48ndimTechnology can be so nice when it works.
01:10.52ndimorange: Do what?
01:11.01orangeearth hour
01:11.12cataythe lights out thingie?
01:11.20orangecatay: si
01:11.51catayI heard something about it , but not sure if much people here did it
01:12.28ndimWhat a heap of B$.
01:12.51orangendim: why?
01:13.27ndimIf you want to do something about energy consumption, keep everything you're not needing switched off - and do that 24/7/365.25
01:13.43orangendim: that's kind of the point
01:13.49orangeto show people what they can do without
01:14.00orangethis is symbolic
01:14.09orangeobviously it doesn't make any noticable difference
01:15.09orangeThe 2007 Earth Hour is estimated to have cut Sydney's mains electricity consumption by between 2.1% and 10.2% for that hour, with as many as 2.2 million people taking part
01:18.25ndimWell... what can one do in the dark? Sleep, or procreate.
01:18.45ndimPromote people going to bed early, and they'll save hours of electric lighting every day.
01:19.24orangejust have to fire up a candle or two
01:19.41ndimNot enough to read.
01:19.48ndimNot enough to do any work by.
01:20.26orangeanyway, it's just to raise awareness of how much light you can do without
01:20.32orangejust have a light on where you are, and nothing else
01:20.59ndimI've noticed you can go without any artificial light in clear nights with more than a quarter of a moon.
01:21.28ndimI'd suggest switching off the street lights in these nights.
01:22.47ndimBut people will scream about safety concerns when it is dark.
01:23.03ndimAnd fear ends all reasonable discussion.
01:23.50ndimOh... I have caught myself a few times driving the car without lights.
01:24.41ndimIn town, there is so much light from the street lights that my unconscious does not even think "it is dark", so it does not make me switch on the headlights.
01:25.03ndimI'd say we get rid of streetlights. People should just get themselves LED headlamps.
01:25.31ndimThat would also do away with most lighting in houses.
01:26.08cataythe only light i got now is from my screen :p
01:26.41*** join/##kierra whodaman- (n=whodaman@pdpc/supporter/student/whodaman-)
01:27.34ndimI'm running my laptop at about 30W from the mains, a 23W energy saving lightbulb, and a 6W DSL router.
01:28.06ndimThe central heating is also consuming something, as are the fridge and freezer.
01:28.33ndimI need some ambient light around the screen or my eyes go crazy
01:31.17ndimOh, I forgot the transformer for the doorbell.
01:32.22catayturn it off!!
01:32.24ndimlets his subconscious think a little about a few issues of timetables, geographic layouts, and map rendering.
01:34.15catayis it easy to make a webapp very quick in django when you have some python knowledge?
01:34.40catayany idea how it compares to rails ?
01:34.58ndimIt is quite quick, yes.
01:35.18ndimIt compares to rails quite well for me - as I know Python, but not Ruby.
01:35.29ndimBut wait a sec
01:36.42ndimFrom 2005. That is ancient.
01:40.48gn00bieduct tapes catay to the floor and drools all over catay
01:41.15cataybehave gn00bie !
01:41.21gn00biehumm, I am behaving
01:41.29gn00bieperhaps badly, but behaving :P
01:41.49catayhow is gn00bie doing?
01:41.50ndim3 hours of video Rails vs Django.
01:41.54ndimFrom 2005.
01:42.08gn00bieso drool smiley will be :P------o-o-o
01:42.26gn00biegood catay, you? (besides getting drooled on that is)
01:42.40catayhmm,i'm fine
01:42.43cataya bit tired
01:43.13cataybut , not in the mood yet for going to bed
01:43.15ndimgn00bie: You'd better  duct tape whodaman-.
01:43.50gn00biendim: consider it done
01:44.12gn00bieduct tapes whodaman- to the floor and drools all over whodaman- too
01:44.21gn00bie:P------o-o-o- whodaman-
01:44.56gn00bieI am all out of cooking coil, brb
01:44.57catayhopes it's not toxic
01:45.23gn00bienah, very nutritious
01:45.45cataythe coil or the drooling? :p
01:46.03catay~dict coil
01:46.25cataya coil is a vegetable right?
01:46.25orangecooking oil?
01:46.31gn00biecooking oil!
01:46.48gn00biethe drool is very good for you catay
01:46.48orangemakes a lot more sense that way
01:46.58ndimA coil is something you make a magnetic field with.
01:47.11gn00bieI have been spending too much time on solenoids :(
01:47.49gn00biecoenergy is a very elegant construct, me likey
01:47.56gn00bieok brb
02:06.26ndimcatay: In case you're watching a 2005 intro to Django... some syntax things etc. have changed since.
02:06.32ndim(i.e. become better/easier/)
02:06.45Birdiecatay: what are you doing up at 4am:)
02:07.45ndimHmm. I fear I need to model the PostGIS stuff for Django myself...
02:17.56kierrabids the channel good night
02:18.11gn00biekierra: too bad you do not live in the keys
02:18.17catayBirdie: wasting time :P
02:18.20gn00bieI had a brilliant idea for a story
02:18.28gn00biealicia keys, shakierra, catay
02:18.36kierrakierra from the keys
02:18.37catayleave me out this time :P
02:18.38gn00biebut you are off the keys by a few hundred miles
02:18.40kierraoh boy
02:18.45catayndim deserves a place in it :)
02:18.48gn00biecatay: nah, unpossible! :P
02:18.52kierramost ppl dont know geography
02:19.01Birdiei know everything from geographgy
02:19.26gn00bieso well, I must wait for the next brilliant idea
02:19.28orangeI am not strong in geography, sadly
02:19.37gn00bieis there a spanish name that is close to catay?
02:19.55cataydon't tell him! :P
02:19.56gn00bieother than the obvious senor catay that is
02:19.59Birdie(if i'm not wrong)
02:20.07gn00bienoche = catay ?
02:20.17Birdienoche aint the spanish word for night?
02:20.28gn00biecatay means night in flemish?
02:20.33Birdielol no
02:20.43gn00bie:P too good to be true then
02:20.48Birdiecatay = lazy
02:20.59gn00bieBirdie: you kid me not?
02:21.06Birdiei am:)
02:21.14Birdiewould be funny if that  was true
02:21.16cataycatay is actually cat-eye but slightly modified to make it look cooler :p
02:21.23gn00biecatay could have an evil twin ratay?
02:21.34catayin dutch you pronounce it like cat-eye anyway
02:21.57Birdiei pronounce it like "cateey"
02:22.31ndimgn00bie: Looking at things from here, kierra and the keys are quite close.
02:22.37gn00biehumm, tasty cat eyes, blind cats
02:22.59gn00biendim: at least 400 miles, probably more like 500 maybe
02:23.30gn00biemaybe kierra goes holidaying in the keys, runs into catay who is looking for alicia keys?
02:23.50gn00biecows, moo, NASCAR
02:24.05cataylooks like gn00bie has a creative moment == dangerous
02:24.06gn00bieNational Stock Cow Racing?
02:25.01gn00biecatay: dangerous how?
02:25.45catayit results in weird stories :p
02:26.08gn00biewell, you are irish to some extent
02:27.23cataylucky for you I am not a IRA member :P
02:27.54gn00bieI am trying to think how to get bz_BL into this one?
02:28.11gn00biecatay: maybe you are an IRA member?
02:28.28cataynah, i hate violence :p
02:28.28gn00bieI should have explored the whole runaway IRA member angle last time!
02:29.01catayok, bedtime for me! 0430am here :p
02:29.14cataymeans i won't get out of bed before noon :p
02:29.27cataynite all
02:29.28gn00bienight catay :)
02:29.33gn00bieI will be drooling over you :)
02:29.40gn00bielike a drooling angel?
02:38.53ndimcertifies gn00bie as mad.
02:40.34ndimMy harddisk is 15% over the design load/unload cycle count.
02:41.51gn00bieplease elucidate
04:51.21gn00bie-10.7 C
04:51.32gn00bieoutside right now
04:57.09gn00bie~pooh Winny
04:57.10purlACTION pooh poohs Winny
07:24.15*** join/##kierra QuantumT1m (
07:49.08*** join/##kierra Winny (n=KyleVE@unaffiliated/winny)
09:25.46gn00bie~unpooh Winny
09:40.03whodaman-~greet gn00bie
09:40.03purlACTION dumps a bucket of cold oatmeal on gn00bie
09:40.21whodaman-~lart me
09:40.21purlthrows a AN/M-8 smoke grenade at whodaman-
09:44.31whodaman-[03:44]  <gn00bie> :P------o-o-o- whodaman-
09:45.12gn00bieI was drooling on you
09:45.23whodaman-I felt that
09:45.26gn00biegreetings whodaman- :)
09:45.42whodaman-little early?
09:45.50gn00bienah, still up from last night
09:46.08whodaman-I stayed up till around 5am too
09:46.12gn00bieI do this every sunday, then cannot go to sleep sunday night, and go to work monday with maybe 4 hours of sleep
09:46.23gn00bieI promise to not do it the following weekend, rinse recycle repeat
09:46.48gn00bieyou are not yet legal drinking age, right?
09:46.50whodaman-eh, I do it too
09:47.00whodaman-yeah, 1 more year
09:47.27gn00biehehe, good that you are in us, .de has lower legal drinking age
09:47.53whodaman-5 years
09:48.07whodaman-err, I'm not in the US
09:48.17whodaman-lives in germania
09:49.01whodaman-16 here - 21 there, right?
09:50.03whodaman-works = germany you n00b :)
09:50.26gn00bieok, my bad, I meant to say that good you are not in the us
09:50.26whodaman-uh, I know has lower drinking age
09:50.50gn00bieok I am gn00bie
09:50.56whodaman-although driving would be nice too :\
09:51.00gn00bieso I have a g + n00b + ie
09:51.11gn00biewell, autobahn would be nice
09:51.28whodaman-but I gotta be 18
09:51.35gn00biearound here, the max you can do without risk for arrest west of missisippi is 150 kph
09:52.03gn00biethe max I have done is 230 kph, the car will do 250, but 230 is certain jail time if caught
09:52.14whodaman-I'd just like to be able to drive to school
09:52.29gn00biewhat is wrong with a bus? :P
09:52.40gn00bieespecially if you get to ride the 666
09:53.09whodaman-well, not particularly healthy for the environment if everyone can just drive as fast as they like on the Autobahn
09:53.22gn00bienot particulary unhealthy either
09:53.25whodaman-hehe, buses are laaaaame
09:53.48gn00biehehe, lame is not lame at all
09:54.49whodaman-gotta get up a lot earlier
09:54.53whodaman-and deal with all the morons
09:55.22whodaman-sighs -- end of the vacation :'(
09:55.33whodaman-I bet I have tons of homework
09:55.45gn00bieI hope you have 1 metric crapton of homework
09:57.07gn00bieI love homework, especially when it happens to others
09:57.25whodaman-u wil pai
09:57.31gn00bieI know
09:57.36whodaman-but I know what you mean :P
09:57.36gn00bieI am going straight to hell
09:57.44whodaman-yay join me
09:58.15gn00bieman, it has been so many years since I last had to worry about homework
09:58.25gn00bieI would like to say I understand your pain, but I do not
09:59.03gn00bieoh day light savings kicked in?
10:00.26*** join/##kierra ViciousM (
10:00.43gn00biestupid question, of course it did
10:01.19gn00bieArdbeg 10yo, real good dram
10:01.29gn00bieI am pleasantly surprised
10:20.04*** join/##kierra Saturos (
10:36.39gn00biemorning kierra
10:40.42*** join/##kierra Dessy (
10:40.59*** join/##kierra Grumpfy (n=Grumpf@about/essy/Happy/Grumpfy)
10:41.16gn00bieab na rahe weh peene wale, ab na rahi woh madhushala
10:42.42gn00biekierra: listening to the longer version of the song that I posted the youtube link to the other day
10:43.31gn00bieit is actually a poem, over 150 paragraphs in it, the youtube version has perhaps a dozen of them in it, the longer version from a trained singer is 36 odd
10:44.59kierrai like Indian music
10:45.09kierrahas nice rhythm
10:45.58gn00biethe version on youtube is rather folksy, this other version is neo-classical - runs 36 minutes or so
10:52.10kierrai assume its not on youtube
10:52.50kierranot sure if I know the distinct Indian music styles
10:53.09kierraclarification - I know I don't
10:53.54kierrathink_tank!!!!  welcome!
10:54.04kierrais slow onthe uptake
10:54.26whodaman-Is there any reason why people feel the necessity to put a period at the end of _every_ sentence?
10:54.30whodaman-even if it's a question
10:54.36whodaman-"why is that."
10:54.49kierragood grammar and language mechanics :)
10:55.11kierrado it in practice, do it in the game
10:55.34kierraemail/IRC/IM has made us lazy w/shortcuts
10:55.55whodaman-No, I think people do it for another reason"
10:56.04whodaman-"U don't know what I mean lol."
10:56.23kierrasigh....probably not....I dont get out much
10:56.30kierrasee menotume
10:56.38kierra~wake menotume
10:56.39purlACTION throws a barrel-full of ice water on menotume and shouts "GOOD MORNING!!!!"
10:56.46purlfor heaven's sake, whodaman-, don't do that!
10:57.03whodaman-~factinfo boo
10:57.03purlboo -- last modified at Fri Jun  9 01:33:42 2006 by ckknight!; it has been requested 70 times, last by whodaman-, 17s ago.
10:57.16purlnever is probably when woody will release
10:57.25kierraare you going to explain, whodaman-.....but don't if its dirty
10:57.38gn00biekierra: no, the 36 minute version is not on youtube, not right now anyway
10:58.00whodaman-kierra, I thought people might think it's a sign of "knowledge" to put a period after every sentence
10:58.02kierraokies gn00bie
10:58.10whodaman-that it makes things they say "definite" and without fault
10:58.24gn00biekierra: Indian music has 2 schools of classical music, and several neo-classical schools
10:58.56gn00biethink_tank: long time no see
10:59.22kierrain real life, whodaman-  the lack of good grammar/syntax/spelling/language mechanics spells lack of attention to detail, ignorance, etc
10:59.47whodaman-How is putting a period at the end of a question good grammar?
11:00.05kierrathat would be lang mechanics
11:00.12kierrai am lumping it all together
11:00.38kierrathe errors I see in advertisements, business letters etc
11:00.41gn00bieI have got a clan of whodamen
11:01.04gn00biewhodaman-: as a bilingual person, you are probably above average when it comes to "correctness"
11:01.26kierragtg, having bkft out today :)
11:02.23*** join/##kierra LongDon (
11:02.28gn00biebye :)
11:03.42cataypats gn00bie
11:03.49cataygoodmorning ! :P
11:04.21whodaman-purl, no, never is <reply> Never gonna give you up, never gonna let you down, never gonna run around and desert you!
11:04.22purlokay, whodaman-
11:04.46catayjeez, didn't sleep much ... mabye i should go  back to bed :)
11:04.51kierra_awayoooo, old song
11:05.09whodaman-kierra_away, :D
11:05.14whodaman-rick roll!
11:05.28gn00bie:P-----o-o-o- catay
11:06.04gn00bie:P-----o-o-o- whodaman-
11:06.14*** part/##kierra whodaman- (n=whodaman@pdpc/supporter/student/whodaman-)
11:06.19*** join/##kierra whodaman- (n=whodaman@pdpc/supporter/student/whodaman-)
11:06.29gn00bieok, let us try it again
11:06.31gn00bie:P-----o-o-o- whodaman-
11:06.33*** part/##kierra whodaman- (n=whodaman@pdpc/supporter/student/whodaman-)
11:06.35*** join/##kierra whodaman- (n=whodaman@pdpc/supporter/student/whodaman-)
11:06.48gn00bieso everytime I drool on you, you quit? :P
11:06.59whodaman-I guess!
11:07.10gn00biewhich irc client do you use? :P
11:07.37gn00bie7 am here, my time to head to the bed
11:08.11whodaman-gn00bie, x-chat aq0a
11:09.18cataysleep well gn00bie
11:10.37gn00biecatay: thanks
11:13.39whodaman-I always read "gn00bie diapers)
12:03.51ndimWith all that drooling going on, associating diapers is not very far-fetched.
12:12.42ndimwhodaman-: How frequent are those buses you're taking? Twice a day? Twice an hour?
12:14.51*** join/##kierra Pimpi_ (
12:14.51*** mode/##kierra [+o Pimpi_] by ChanServ
12:30.55*** part/##kierra LongDon (
12:45.44CBG~hug kierra_away
12:45.44purlACTION hugs kierra_away tightly until kierra_away turns slightly blue
12:52.04kierra_awayneeds resuscitation!
12:52.58ndim~ice kierra_away
12:52.58purlACTION sneaks up behind kierra_away and slides a single piece of ice down the back of his/her shirt and then dumps the entire bucket of ice down TheRedBaron's back
13:03.50ndimresuscitation successful.
14:11.44*** join/##kierra Valumzie (n=Valumz@
14:11.44*** mode/##kierra [+o Valumzie] by ChanServ
14:11.53Valumziekierra_away: ping
14:12.21ndimHas anybody seen my camera?
14:12.29Valumziebehind the sofa
14:12.42ndimThere is no sofa.
14:12.42Valumziekierra_away: just in case you check this while taking notes :) your bag?
14:13.09ValumzieI forgot to set the alarm back on last night.... :/
14:13.17Valumziewe shall be on our way shortly
14:14.31Valumziegoes throw a bucket of cold water on trb
14:14.42*** part/##kierra Valumzie (n=Valumz@
14:14.49CBGI'm confused.
14:21.28ndimAcknowledging your problem is the first step to solve it.
14:21.44CBGOk... Who did TRB marry? Anyone we know?
14:22.27ndimRumour has it her name starts with V.
14:22.48CBGHence the confusion!!
14:22.56CBGI had NO idea till:
14:22.56CBG[3:14pm] » Valumzie
14:22.56CBGgoes throw a bucket of cold water on trb
14:23.02CBG... Wow.
14:23.10ManuTRB married? omg!!! ;)
14:23.33CBGI didn't know he got married till kierra told me a couple days ago... a week or more AFTER.
14:23.48CBGI never even knew TRB was seeing someone.... or was it arranged? :D
14:23.50Manuhe got married 30 days ago
14:24.20CBGah yeah, it was the 1st. i remember :)
14:24.31CBGfound out about a week ago, maybe less
14:24.52ndim(/&%(/!&§")(%&)("!&%)(/&!)(&%"!( (/V camera!!!!!!
14:25.35ndimI didn't take it to FOSDEM. I have not used it since FOSDEM. So it must be buried quite deeply.
14:25.36ManuI don't think so ndim ;)
14:26.07ndimManu: I don't think at all.
14:26.14ndimI'm saving the energy.
14:26.42ndimSo... where could this %/§("/%)"(/%()§%  camera be?
14:28.28kierra_awaysends ndim a book on organization
14:28.37Manuhola kierra_away
14:28.48kierra_awayhola Manu
14:28.51ndimkierra_away: Won't help. I won't find it again.
14:28.53Manuis now known as kierra
14:30.01kierra_awayyou have too much facial hair
14:30.17kierra_awayand not enough gray hair
14:52.46ndimSome people have impossible conflict resolu^Winvention tactics.
15:04.15*** join/##kierra LongDo1 (
16:28.07*** join/##kierra Dessy2 (
16:37.14ndimI hate DST.
16:37.35ndimThe longer it is bright outside in the evening, the more difficult it is to go to bed early.
16:38.37catayalready planning to go to bed?
16:38.48catayisn't that a bit early ? :p
16:53.42*** part/##kierra LongDo1 (
17:18.14think_tankgood morning kierra_away, gn00bie. sorry to have missed you both earlier
17:50.58kierrandim, valumzie ate your camera
17:54.03kierraran a plastic fork through my oatflaker this morning
17:54.10kierrait is now defunct!
17:55.10*** topic/##kierra by kierra -> Welcome :) : ||“A stranger is just a friend I haven't met yet." || “The sweetest joy, the wildest woe is love.” ||"He has occasional flashes of silence that makes his conversation perfectly delightful"
17:55.24kierrawhere is quantumdot and menotume when i need them
17:56.42*** join/##kierra think_tank (
18:01.05gn00biewhodaman-: diapers
18:01.14whodaman-good morning
18:01.36mvironsends whodaman- off to get more pizza
18:02.03gn00biedrools on whodaman-
18:02.33kierraputs a bib on gn00bie
18:03.33gn00biea bib!
18:11.04gn00bieif catay == bib { then I can drool on catay }
18:11.55cataywhat's a bib? :p
18:12.00catay~dict bib
18:12.48gn00biethis catay hath . . . bibbed drool?
18:12.58gn00biethis catay hath . . . bibbed beer?
18:13.40catayhmm, you made it even more obscure for me :P
18:14.13gn00biebib is a little thing you put around a baby's neck so that the drool stays there
18:17.25catayaah lol
18:17.32cataygood one! :p
18:17.48gn00bieso what do you call this thing in flemish?
18:18.05gn00bieyeah, it was a real good one :) and only kierra could have thought of it on this channel :)
18:18.41catayeen slabbertje
18:18.58gn00bieso slabber = drooling?
18:19.08catayno :)
18:19.42cataylook it up on google and search for the images
18:19.53catayfor slabbertje that is, if you don't believe me :)
18:20.05cataydrooling .. hmmm, in slang we say 'zeveren'
18:20.17cataybut that's not correct dutch
18:20.23cataylet me think :)
18:20.37gn00biegets his photochops ready :)
18:21.06gn00bieoh I believe you - I was just trying to figure out if there was any obvious etymology there
18:21.36gn00biein the word  een slabbertje that is
18:21.53cataywhats it called in hindi ?
18:22.46gn00bieI don't think there is a hindi word for it, so it is just called a bib
18:24.25gn00biethe whole conversation took a different turn post bib
18:25.03mvironsends catay 2,000,000 words of flemish to translate
18:27.03cataybib bib bib
18:27.30catayever seen the tv-serie Dark Angel with Jessica Alba?
18:27.55gn00biecatay: there may be a photoshop activity on right now to put a bib around you (or to put you in a bib)
18:28.03cataythe boss of the Jam Pony messenger service always said 'bib bib bib' when it wasn't going fast enough :P
18:29.00cataygn00bie: where in the US do you live ? :p
18:29.35gn00biecatay: NY state, close to Niagara Falls
18:30.05gn00bie2 hours away from it actually (Syracuse NY -
18:30.47gn00biecatay: I have never seen the dark angle series (I do not have a TV) - but Jessica Alba me likey :P
18:31.08catayno tv???
18:31.41cataywell, guess that's a good thing
18:31.47gn00bieyup, no TV
18:31.51gn00biejust 2 computers
18:32.00AHAgn00bie, i agree with the jessica alba point to made
18:32.06cataythe majority on tv is crap anyway :p
18:32.18gn00bietv is a waste of time, and time is in short supply anyway
18:32.30catayirc is better :p
18:32.32gn00bieit has been nearly 2 years since the last m00vie - if I had the time
18:33.12catayit's not a matter of time, it's a matter of priority
18:33.31gn00bieyou are right to an extent
18:33.47gn00biethere are still 15 days to go for the second anniversary of the m00vie
18:33.54cataywell, i stole that quote from someone anyway :P
18:33.58mvironsends gn00bie off to alaska
18:34.10gn00bieyukon ho!
18:34.23cataypfft, weekend is almost over again
18:34.30cataya new work week is looming
18:34.38catayfun :P
18:34.51gn00bieweekend's gone, with the wind, the weekend's gone
18:35.13cataywell,from tuesday my last 3 months at my current job start
18:35.39catayand in July i can start at my new employer
18:35.55catayi am looking forward to it ... it's gonna be a long 3 months
18:35.58gn00bieso you have to let your employer know 3 months before you leave?
18:36.20cataydepends on how long you work there
18:36.28catayi work there now 8 years
18:36.39gn00biewhen I have changed jobs (only once) - it was 2 weeks, and I did not do a single uselful thing in those two weeks
18:37.01catayso when i resign, it goes in the first of the next month
18:37.07catayand i still have to work there 3 months
18:37.18catayunless my employer agrees to do a shorter term
18:37.20gn00bie3 months is a long freaking time
18:37.38catayduring that time I have to make sure all my projects are handed over to someone else
18:37.46gn00biedoes employer know resignation is coming? or will it be surprise?
18:37.49catayknowledge transfer , stuff like that
18:37.57catayit was a surprise for him
18:38.04catayi did it earlier this month
18:38.15catayit's still my first job
18:38.25mvironin theory, I only have to give 2 weeks notice, but I've been at my job over 6 yrs now
18:38.27gn00bieok, here is an idea - tell him you can only work for two weeks after resignation, if he agrees good, otherwise tell him April Fools joke
18:38.47catayhehe, won't work here :)
18:38.55gn00bieapril fools?
18:39.01*** join/##kierra AHA_ (n=aha@unaffiliated/aha)
18:39.05catayno, the two weeks :)
18:39.30catayit's gonna be a hard time .. full of doubts
18:39.40gn00bieworth a shot, no?
18:39.40cataynever easy to leave a company were you are settled
18:39.59cataybut somehow i got bored there lately
18:40.08catayso time to do something different
18:40.17cataywell, the same actually, just a different company
18:40.19gn00bieI can drool over your employer if you want
18:40.32catayheh, no need :)
18:40.40cataymy employer is pretty ok
18:40.51cataymy current manager always treated me fair
18:42.03cataywhat ? :P
18:42.06gn00bieputs catay on a horse and ignites fireworks
18:42.14mvironsends catay 2,000 shows of mythbusters on dvd
18:42.36cataygn00bie: you guys actually do that in India :P
18:42.41mviron2,000 shows or every episode known to man
18:42.55gn00biecatay: yeah, unfortunately we tend to do it more often than we should
18:42.57catayi saw it on the video of an indian co-worker when he got married
18:43.10catayhe was placed on top of a horse while they were shooting with guns around it
18:43.28gn00biedid the horse throw him off, that is usually my favourite part
18:43.54catayno , i think they drugged the horse, it was extremly calm :P
18:43.54gn00bieah ok
18:44.02gn00biein your case, the horse shall be on speed
18:44.20ndimHahaha. "slabbertje" -> "Schlabberlatz".
18:45.32catayshouldn't it be schlabritz ?
18:47.05ndim"Latz" would be the piece of cloth in front of your chest which is tied around your neck.
18:47.27ndimAnd "schlabber"... hmm. Must be some graphic reference to drooling.
18:48.26ndimWe have the word "Latzhose", i.e. a pair of pants which have a piece of cloth up front and which are then suspended from your shoulders.
18:49.17gn00biedungarees basically?
18:49.28ndimAh. bib overall, dungarees,
18:49.34ndim(says the dictionary)
18:50.25ndimI am certain english "to slobber" is related to the "Schlabber" part of "Schlabberlatz".
18:51.48ndimis currently confined to text mode browsing
18:53.20gn00biegood browser for what it is
18:53.29ndimBut it is still a little exhausting to use.
18:53.36gn00bieyes, it is
18:53.40gn00bieso what happened to X?
18:54.03ndimI'm having yum update my F-8 to F-9 Beta.
18:54.46gn00bieoh ok
18:54.51gn00biecome to gentoo
18:55.00gn00biecome to the dark side, we have cookies!
18:55.28ndimDoes Gentoo have working integrated SELinux support?
18:55.37gn00bieon 32 bit, I think so
18:56.24ndimTotal download size: 3.2 G
18:56.24ndimIs this ok [y/N]:
18:56.58ndimThis won't work with 3.0GB free.
18:57.19gn00biejoins catay with a hehe of his own
18:58.56ndimI should find me a new laptop drive.
18:59.02ndimWith more than 100G.
18:59.22ndimOr I should just wike Winblows clean off the disk.
18:59.22*** join/##kierra orange (n=mdw@about/essy/gummy/ [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
18:59.22*** join/##kierra DexM (n=DexM@pdpc/supporter/student/whodaman-)
18:59.22*** mode/##kierra [+o orange] by
18:59.41ndimAnother whodaman-!
18:59.49ndimwhodaman- replication alert!
19:01.36ndimHmm. I could put /var/cache/yum onto the external USB drive.
19:07.03gn00biewindblows is the first thing I blow off when I  get a laptop
19:07.31gn00biendim: I have got a clan of whodamen- actually
19:07.43ndimWell... sometimes Windows does have its use...
19:07.55ndimFor reverse engineering windows-only stuff e.g.
19:08.03gn00bieah, perhaps
19:20.30ndimOK, next try.
19:20.44ndimNew fresh 6GB on external disk for /var/cache/yum.
19:25.02ndimOK, downloading 3.1GB...
19:25.10ndimI like this.
19:25.25ndimThe new DSL router's traffic shaping function does work.
19:25.30ndimInteractive shell is still responsive.
19:27.31gn00bieUSB disk will probably make the actual installation somewhat slower
19:29.09ndimNot really
19:29.21ndimlaptop disk is slow anyway
19:29.31ndim20..25MB/s is enough for me
19:29.56gn00bieoh ok, laptop disk :)
19:29.59ndimAH, cute. The old laptop has an empty CMOS buffer battery
19:30.24ndimBIOS setup is coming up showing 1999.01.01 (YYYY-MM-DD)
19:30.37gn00bieliving in the past
19:30.42gn00bieliving with the past
19:31.08ndimTrusting old ThinkPad 770.
19:31.38ndimPentium 233 MMX, 256MB RAM (64MB of which are cached).
19:31.51gn00biegood specs for 1999
19:32.19ndimYupp. Former dev machine at IBM.
19:32.56ndimFrom the lab where they developed Linux/390.
19:33.06gn00bieI see
19:33.22gn00biebecause 256 meg was workstation level memory back in the day
19:33.36ndimFor the record... IBM sold that machine, and I bought it.
19:33.45*** join/##kierra Flash (n=jwmelto@unaffiliated/flash)
19:33.56gn00bieI think I will sleep for a little bit more
19:34.12ndimgn00bie: sweet dreams
19:36.51ndimOK... IRC shell on old laptop now.
19:38.04ndimDebian GNU/Linux lenny/sid
19:54.24*** join/##kierra kierra (
19:54.24*** mode/##kierra [+o kierra] by ChanServ
19:54.37kierraany BARs here
19:55.27ndimraises the bar
19:57.49ndimOh my. This box is a Debian stable/unstable mongrel.
19:58.14*** join/##kierra whodaman (n=whodaman@pdpc/supporter/student/whodaman-)
20:04.13ndimAnother one.
20:04.38ndimGoing by this rate, we'll have a few dozen whodamans tomorrow...
20:11.17ndim700/2293 packages...
20:14.40gn00bieI don't think we want a few dozen
20:14.50gn00bie101 whodamen?
20:15.09ndimpaints black dots on whodaman
20:16.59ndim787/2293... *thumbtwiddle*
20:17.52ndimgoes back to check what package number 666 was.
20:18.28ndimAnyone want to guess?
20:18.50ndimpledges 10 EUR if someone guesses the package name right.
20:19.36ndimExpiring in 30 minutes.
20:30.23*** topic/##kierra by kierra -> Welcome :) : ||“A stranger is just a friend I haven't met yet." || “The sweetest joy, the wildest woe is love.” ||"He has occasional flashes of silence that makes his conversation perfectly delightful"|| Blue Eyes sends his greetings to all old friends!
20:30.39ndimHow is BE?
20:30.46kierradoing very well
20:31.07kierraas gracious as ever....says my italian is good
20:31.08ndimremembers something about an infant
20:31.17kierrayes, 14 mon old now
20:31.24kierralittle boy
20:31.55ndimAnd probably about more fluent in Italian as I am...
20:32.09kierrahe was an early morning faithful duc player
20:32.31ndimearly morning where?
20:32.34kierrahim, zongo, root, calico, days
20:32.51ndimyeah, fun days
20:32.51kierraducati 5154  chestals server
20:33.04kierracalico has 2 kids now
20:33.10kierrascary thought
20:33.26kierrahe was a nut
20:33.35kierrabut a nice one
20:33.56ndimfeels old.
20:34.51ndimAll the people I'd consider my peer group are getting married.
20:35.22gn00biendim: same here
20:35.37gn00bieexcept Supandi that is
20:35.57kierranice girls are hard to find
20:36.23gn00bieI have heard they are available at the local Walmart
20:39.08ndimI'm not so sure about that...
20:39.48kierra:P gn00bie
20:39.57kierrayou get what you pay for
20:39.59whodamananyone know what the pillbox admin group is?
20:40.08kierrasort of
20:40.30whodamanbecause I'd like to know ;)
20:40.35gn00biewhodaman: a door is something the dog is always on the wrong side of
20:40.56kierrai would imagine: just what it says
20:40.57ndimI'll answer whodaman's question: "secretive"
20:41.06kierraadmin group for pillbox
20:41.11kierrabirdie heads it up
20:41.17whodamanthe global group
20:41.24whodamanlike pillbox.admin
20:41.26whodamanor something
20:41.31kierraon bzbb?
20:41.41gn00bieDexter's lab?
20:41.48whodamanyeah kierra
20:41.53whodamangn00bie, :(
20:42.00whodamanI ALWAYS get made fun of for that
20:42.33ndimWhat is funny about dexter's lab?
20:42.34whodaman's realname is dexter
20:42.54gn00biewhodaman: sorry sorry!
20:42.57kierraisnt it the list of admins for pillbox league?
20:43.03whodamangn00bie, :\
20:43.09whodamankierra, yeah, what's the name of the group
20:43.33ndimHmm. Half-time.
20:43.36gn00biendim: dexter's lab used to be a cartoon series on Cartoon Network in the late 90s in India, a US cartoon series I think
20:43.50whodaman(yes, it was retarded)
20:43.54ndimgn00bie: Ah. Never heard of it.
20:44.01whodamankierra, gracias
20:44.07kierraa la orden
20:44.14whodamanno idea what it means
20:44.20ndimgn00bie: I have only been compared to "Brain" in "Pinky And Brain", and to McGyver.
20:44.37ndim(And I still know neither)
20:44.37gn00biewhodaman: most cartoon strips are probably retarded
20:44.49ndimSouth Park has its moments.
20:44.52whodamanbut why do they have to make one that matches my name
20:44.59whodamanSouth Park and Simpsons FTW!!!
20:45.08gn00bieI think the show is older than you, I could be wrond though
20:45.09ndim~blame whodaman
20:45.09purlACTION blames whodaman (and Canada) for all the evil in the world
20:46.03ndimnp: John Mayall And The Bluesbreakers - Kona Village
20:46.09ndimSo relaxing...
20:46.31*** join/##kierra ViciousM (
20:47.14ndimgn00bie: I'll take a look at the cartoonnetwork site when I have a graphical browser again.
20:47.26kierragoes in search of a nap
20:47.31ndimI fear watching cartoons in ASCII will not be useful.
20:47.51kierra~rubberband Flash first
20:47.52purlACTION sneaks around the house, yard and town, collecting every rubberband there is, and then camps at a prime location, waiting for Flash first to walk by so he can pelt Flash first with thousands and thousands of rubberbands
20:48.01ndimHMM. Didn't mplayer have an aalib backend? I could try to watch top gear...
20:48.21gn00biendim: yeah, graphical
20:48.37whodamancatay, Piiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiing
20:48.41gn00biethere is an episode of dexter online though, so once you are done updating :)
20:48.46whodamanor menotume
20:50.49whodaman :\
20:51.52cataywhodaman: ya
20:52.28gn00biewhodaman: one question though, do you have a sister ?
20:52.43whodamanThat's the one question I always get too
20:52.50whodamanbut thankfully
20:52.51whodamanI don't
20:53.31ndimAh, reference to the cartoon
20:54.27gn00bienever underestimate the predictability of stupidity - Vinnie Jones in Snatch
20:54.44gn00biethus the question you always get
20:54.54ndimVinnie in Snatch?
20:55.44ndimBTW... the resolution to the 666 question was "kernel-headers"
20:56.51cataythis channel is getting weirder every day
20:56.59ndimcatay: how?
20:57.11catayI wonder were kierra keeps getting these people :p
20:57.41whodamanit's quite big already
20:57.42catayhmm, how , good question, no idea :p
20:58.09ndimcatay: WHat is weirder today than yesterdayß
20:58.10gn00biecatay: I think walmart
20:58.16whodamankierra, where is orbit? :(
20:58.28gn00biendim: have you not seen snatch?
20:58.34ndimgn00bie: No
20:58.41gn00bieyou should
20:58.54ndimI guess so
20:58.59gn00biethat quote was from the movie snatch, vinnie jones says it
20:59.17catayjeez, ndim, stop analyzing my sentence , i was just trying to be funny :P
20:59.40gn00biecatay: you do not have to try :P especially with that picture of yours with a bib
20:59.52ndim. o O ( I'm still looking for that funny part )
21:00.14gn00bie~console catay
21:00.15purlACTION gives catay the consolation moose
21:00.29gn00biecuddles purl
21:00.45cataysee, weirdos :p
21:01.14gn00biewhiskey in the jar
21:01.15ndimThe local public radio station is currently giving away stuffed moose.
21:01.29ndimwhisky in the jar?
21:01.37gn00bieold irish folk song
21:01.50ndimey or y?
21:01.58ndim~dict whisky
21:02.01gn00bienot sure, lemme check
21:02.03ndim~dict whiskey
21:02.22gn00bieI think both spellings are valid
21:02.46QuantumT1mey is irish, y is scottish, I believe
21:03.11gn00bieand since this is an Irish folk song, Whiskey in the Jar
21:03.16gn00bieQuantumTim: you are very discrete
21:03.25ndimQuantumTim: Ah, makes sense. I'd guess using the scottish spelling in Ireland is quick way to get yourself killed, then
21:03.40gn00biendim: ask catay - he is Irish
21:03.49ndim(and vice versa)
21:04.17ndimOh. Package #1492 coming up.
21:05.14ndimIt's funny how many numbers trigger some kind of association.
21:06.10gn00bieGuy who came to america before columbus did came in 1492, right?
21:06.22gn00bieamerigo vesepucci or something
21:07.43ndimI thought Amerigo Vespucci was supporting Columbus in some way?
21:08.21ndimAnd before Columbus, the last visitors to the "new world" were the Vikings?
21:08.27whodamanmenotume, pwhere are ya
21:09.54ndimHmm. No familiar number in the 1500s.
21:10.04ndimAnd in the 1600s... until 1685.
21:10.26whodamanhey QuantumTim
21:10.53QuantumTimlo whodaman
21:11.08whodamangood match earlier
21:11.12whodamanenjoyed it
21:12.40ndimThe routers are fighting against evil...
21:13.54ndimI'm gonna wait till the midnight hour /
21:14.05catay1942 !
21:14.18cataycool game back then on my commodore 64 :)
21:14.44ndimWe're not quite there yet. Still waiting for the 30 years war to finish... done.
21:15.51ndimHmm. 1942... that was when the war finally turned agains Germany, right?
21:18.09ndimBTW... the city I live in was burnt down by the French about one day before the 30 years' war ended in 1648.
21:20.30kierrawhat people?
21:21.12kierrawhat people am i getting
21:21.17ndimThose people who make the channel weirder every day.
21:21.36kierraoh, he talking about himself again?
21:24.00ndimis listening to Johnny Depp's wife singing.
21:25.14ndimBTW... German "Depp" is "idiot, retard" :)
21:27.59ndimOh. I missed the Mayflower sailing by.
21:28.34ndimtries to remember events from the 1700s.
21:29.02ndimBoston Tea Party, French&American Revolution come to mind, but else...
21:30.14ndimHmm. James Watt's first steam engine?
21:31.09cataykierra: people like gn00bie and ndim ;P
21:31.25catayooh vanessa paradis :P
21:31.41ndimHaha. 1769 patent on steam engine
21:31.46catayis she still singing ?
21:31.54gn00biecatay: I will continue drooling on you :D
21:32.01ndimcatay: No. My MP3 player is on another track
21:32.21catayI mean, is she still active today as a singer
21:32.29ndimNo idea
21:32.37cataywell, she sure looked cute :P
21:32.52ndimHmm. I should remember some dates 1750ish... but I don't.
21:32.56gn00biecatay: name one singer who you think is uncute
21:33.14ndimgn00bie: Miss Winebarrel.
21:33.33ndimgn00bie: Meat Loaf.
21:33.46gn00biendim: :P
21:34.34catayi can't think of one, my mind is still clouded by Alicia Keys :P
21:34.58gn00biecatay: you dirty old man :P
21:35.45cataypffft , thinking about her music mainly, studying the lyrics :P
21:35.57ndimClouded mind, right. All the blood has gone elsewhere, I guess.
21:36.34ndim1760... what happened 1760?
21:37.23gn00bieI like her "lyrics" too catay :P
21:38.58ndimBoston Tea Party is over...
21:39.07ndimTHis takes ages.
21:39.37catayhopefully your system is unusable after the update :D
21:39.41ndimUS Decl of independence, French Revolution, ...
21:39.50ndimNapoleonic wars starting....
21:40.50ndimHmm. The package number will reach far into the future.
21:41.07ndim2293... release date of gn00bie's movie?
21:42.40*** join/##kierra ViciousM (
21:42.40ndim1830... a new country on the map: Belgium!
21:43.02ndimthrows Napoleon's armies at ViciousM
21:43.55ndimHmm. 1842... some gold rush or other?
21:44.16ndim1848... the beginning of Germany as a nation, and a democracy...
21:44.26ndim(aka scribus :)
21:44.46ndim1860s US civil war...
21:44.54ndim1871... last war Germany won..
21:45.36ndim1886... paris world fair? automobile invented?
21:45.56ndimmy brain is melting
21:46.15ndim1899 Erich Kaestner born
21:46.36ndim1904 my grand uncle born
21:46.59ndimWWI scrolling by...
21:47.06ndimblack friday
21:47.19ndimthe nazis... WWII
21:47.34ndimTHe Deutschmark
21:47.43ndimGermany as NATO member
21:48.11ndimOldest vehicle I've driven built (1960)
21:48.39ndimVietnam war, 68 upheavals...
21:48.55ndimMan this is quick.
21:49.13ndimBerlin wall falling
21:49.34*** join/##kierra CBG (
21:49.48ndimCBG: I thought I had chased you off for  a second
21:49.57ndim1997 my first computer
21:50.19Birdiea question for you
21:50.28Birdiei heard it in a quiz, i wonder if you would have knew it (you should)
21:50.40Birdiewhen was the berlin wall built? (without looking it up)
21:50.40ndimBirdie: OK; try me...
21:50.48CBGno no, just restarted my client to try to reconnect to all my servers, et
21:50.54Birdiehmm i thought 62
21:51.18Birdiei was so close:(
21:51.23Birdiebut ok nice:)
21:51.56gn00bieyou say the hill is too steep to climb
21:51.59gn00bietrye me
21:52.06gn00bieyou say you would like to see me try
21:52.17gn00bieyou pick the place and I will choose the time
21:52.35gn00bieof course trye me is really try me, but you get the idea - Fearless 1971
21:53.01Birdieok gnoobie a question for you
21:53.15Birdiewhen did belgium became independent:)
21:53.39Birdiendim might know that, i doubt you will:)
21:53.39ndim1944 or 45...
21:53.53ndimHaha. One more event coming up: The 32bit time_t wraparound.
21:53.53Birdiei mean
21:53.57Birdiewhen was it formed
21:54.00ndimBirdie: Read your backlog
21:54.03Birdienot when it was out of war
21:54.10gn00bie1860s Birdie ?
21:54.19ndim23:42 < ndim> 1830... a new country on the map: Belgium!
21:54.23gn00biethere was a king leo of some sort in charge back in the late 1800s
21:55.41catay9 hours ... and work week starts!
21:55.49Birdielol ndim
21:55.51Birdiei didnt read that
21:56.06Birdiethat shows how good gnoobie reads what you say;)
21:56.11Birdie(i wasnt here when you said all that)
21:56.20ndimBirdie: There are three important dates in the inner-german post-war history: 1953 (worker uprising in the east), 1961 (wall built), 1989 (wall fell)
21:56.58ndimnp: Highway To Hell (local band, a capella version)
21:57.09ndimah no. with the brass band.
21:57.17gn00bieBirdie: I am not a good reader, no :P
21:57.25Birdieyou are more a writer:p
21:57.54ndimA screen writer without a producer, a director, or a cast.
21:58.08gn00bieI do have a cast :P
21:58.16gn00biemostly catay though
21:58.57gn00biea detective without a future, a woman without a past, a screen writer without a cast
21:59.10whodamanhey Birdie
21:59.34gn00bieand at great peril, let me revise that
21:59.46gn00biea detective without a future, a woman without a past, a screen writer without a cast, a dexter without a lab, a chip maker without a fab
21:59.52gn00bieruns for cover
22:00.15Birdiehey whodaman
22:00.37ndimBTW... that lab is a laboratory, or a labrador?
22:01.19ndimGerman "Lab": stuff from one of a cow's stomachs, used to start cheese
22:01.51gn00biethe laboratory mostly, though in one episode there was a dog in addition to the usual stuff
22:01.55ndim(You can tell I have nothing more to do right now than what numbers scroll by, right?)
22:03.25gn00bieaqualung my friend, don't you meh away so easy
22:03.38ndimJethro TUll?
22:03.46gn00biecuddles inodes again
22:03.49gn00biendim: yup
22:04.31ndimHmm. No more year references. It won't reach 2525
22:05.18gn00bieonly if you will restrict yourself to the Julian Calendar
22:05.52ndimI don't know any numbers in any other calendar
22:06.16gn00biethere are two in India
22:06.26ndimIt would need to be a calendar starting a few hundred years B.C.
22:06.26gn00bieVikrami Samwat is the more widely used of the two
22:07.03gn00bieI think that the islamic calendar starts around 700 AD because of the koran, could be wrong though
22:07.09ndimgn00bie: And its start date being?
22:07.29gn00biendim: start date is ~100 B.C.
22:07.41ndim2222! The End is nigh!
22:07.53ndimTHat would fit.
22:08.01gn00biethe end is always near!
22:08.15gn00bieall 3 gigs downloaded?
22:08.39ndimThe Jewish calendar is also of no use. We'd have to be dating iron and bronze age events.
22:09.05ndimgn00bie: Yupp. 45 packages to go for 3.1G
22:10.07gn00biewow, that was quick
22:10.13ndimI am glad I am not on a 33.6K modem...
22:10.35ndimUhm. A few mbit DSL
22:10.48ndimI can't remember the number :)
22:11.09ndimOr the telco has enabled something faster by mistake.
22:11.56gn00bie6mbit would explain the speed
22:12.14ndimAbout 1GB/hour.
22:13.12gn00bienot shabby
22:14.29kierrawho is thinktank
22:14.37kierrawhere does he play? :)
22:14.44ndimthink_tank: Who are you? Where do you play? FFA?
22:14.49kierranew nick?
22:14.58whodamanhe's sorta old-ish
22:15.03whodamanAllrounder, I'd say
22:15.07kierrai could tell that by his tank
22:15.15whodamanhas turned into a GU/PB/Duc ONLY!
22:15.15ndimrusty red?
22:15.15kierraneeds a paint job
22:15.22gn00biehis skin is cold
22:15.31ndimDuc is the One True Way.
22:15.34kierrai like spirals
22:15.36gn00bieI suspect he is an apple model
22:15.40kierraand badgerking
22:15.50whodamanbadgerkind has lousy admins
22:15.53kierrahe's pretty concrete
22:15.54whodaman= tons of cheating
22:15.59ndimgn00bie: think_tank should be a THinkPad, not an Apple
22:16.01whodamanspiralz can be fun
22:16.04whodamankierra, yap
22:16.19kierrai dont see it
22:16.25kierrabut then I'm a noob
22:16.35kierrai dont like laser and gm
22:16.41kierrathey are lame
22:16.43whodamana lot of flag giving cheats
22:16.53whodamanhigh speed, quick turn and thief are awesome
22:17.01whodamanagility is for wimps :p
22:17.01kierra~poke think_tank
22:17.02purlACTION cuts down a small tree, sneaks up behind think_tank, pokes think_tank repeatedly, hilarity ensues.
22:17.14gn00biendim: you are probably right, but think different is apple marketing, aye?
22:17.15kierrai like stealth and superbullet
22:17.22kierrasb is my favorite
22:17.31gn00biekierra: thanks :)
22:17.43gn00bietoungue firmly in cheek of course
22:17.48kierrafor? gn00bie
22:17.55gn00biesb = sweating bullets :D
22:18.09kierrawell, you are ONE of my favorites
22:18.17kierraooops, company for the week is here
22:18.21kierraciao guys
22:18.32kierrathese women cant believe I play an internet game
22:18.33ndimkierra: bye. say hi from us weirdos
22:18.44kierrabut their kids think I'm cool :D
22:18.44gn00biekierra: hehe
22:18.52gn00bieweirdos from another planet
22:18.52*** join/##kierra [suave] (n=totte@about/essy/MadonnaFan/suave)
22:19.06whodamankierra, you rock!
22:19.07kierrai will.....whisper it to them
22:19.11whodamanBZFlag mom all the way
22:19.19whodamanI wish my mom were as cool
22:19.21kierraand big sister
22:19.34kierrashe is, whodaman, just in a different way
22:19.36whodamanshe's so weird about anything tech related
22:19.52kierrajust takes patience teaching and encouragement
22:20.01whodamanhf with your company
22:20.01kierraoffer to teach her a lil
22:20.09gn00biewhodaman: like her for who is she is, don't sleight her for who she is not
22:20.14gn00biewe all have our weaknesses
22:20.34whodamangn00bie, /me has heard that so many times..... guess it's true
22:21.39gn00biesorry if that came out right, I am notorious for not thinking about what I say :P
22:21.46gn00biethat probably did come out wrong, sorry whodaman
22:22.19ndimHaha. Yum hard at work. 13 CPU minutes, 100% CPU, but RAM stopped at 500MB...
22:22.31gn00biehow much ram does the box have
22:22.46gn00bieif projected income works out for the year, will be doing something to replace the desktop for xmas
22:22.56gn00bieit still has lots of useful life left in it though
22:22.59whodamanhmm, I'd love to be an expert at Adobe PS and Blender
22:23.03ndimI have not had a desktop in years.
22:23.14whodamanndim, yay laptops all the way
22:23.17gn00biendim: I like the big screens, fast HDs, etc
22:23.35whodamanhmm, school in about 6hours ... not good
22:23.40gn00biemy laptop is a lowly 500 dollar deal
22:23.43gn00biewhodaman: I love school
22:23.55ndimgn00bie: Granted. If I had the money to afford two devices, it would be a desktop and a 1.0..1.5kg laptop.
22:24.04ndimschool was cool
22:24.08gn00biewhodaman: I love school especially when it happens to others
22:24.12ndim(in retrospect, at least)
22:24.23whodamangn00bie, same thing with homework, yeah I know
22:24.25ndimgn00bie: Or when you're done with it.
22:24.26gn00biethe laptop DoDA has is fancier, but she uses it for real work and music stuff she does
22:24.39gn00biewhodaman: I am a funny fellow :)
22:24.40whodamanI have a german exman on a book by Goethe
22:24.51ndimWerther or Faust?
22:24.52whodamansorta ... not so good
22:25.03whodamanGoetz von Berlichingen
22:25.15gn00bieI am semi-familiar with Faust I think
22:25.21ndimHF (I have no idea about GOetz)
22:25.31whodamanTY ( IT SUCKS)
22:25.36gn00biewhodaman: yeah, have loads of fun
22:25.46gn00bietry and make stuff rhyme, it is less painful that way
22:25.47whodamanwell, good writing ... goethe style of course
22:25.56ndimGerman exams' and lessons' suckiness depends 95% on the teacher
22:26.04whodamangn00bie, huh? I'm not writing another book
22:26.14gn00biewhodaman: maybe you should!
22:26.28gn00bieI was talking about the exam though
22:26.55ndimremembers his final exam in German. 5 hours of time. 4 spent collecting material, 1 spent actually writing text.
22:26.58whodamanndim, Frau Engesser - sorta old, bad smelling woman
22:27.30whodamanrelatively interesting and intelligent but not the nicest when it comes to mistakes
22:27.44ndimAH, mistakes...
22:27.56whodamanI don't mind making them
22:28.12whodaman5 on a grammar exam
22:28.54whodamanndim, don't make me feel even worse!
22:29.09ndimOh my. "Running Transaction Test" for 15 minutes...
22:29.32*** join/##kierra ep (n=mdr@about/essy/guynextdoor/ep)
22:29.32ndimwhodaman: I have always read lots and lots of books, so I never had any problems with grammar or orthography.
22:29.49ndim(Until they decided on new rules :)
22:29.53whodamanndim, I really prefer to read in english
22:30.05whodamanvocabulary is quite decent, spelling isn't
22:30.21ndimwhodaman: I heartily recommend... uhm wait. You're 14, right?
22:31.23whodamanI just recently got into reading Raymond Carver
22:31.31ndimOK, that's a little difficult.
22:31.44whodamanIMO, one of the best short-story writers around.
22:32.13ndimMost stuff is written by adults for adults, and I can't imagine I'd have had any fun reading that kind of stuff when I was 14.
22:33.03ndimI love Erich Kästner and Friedrich Dürrenmatt.
22:33.10whodamanAs I lay dying -- difficult at the beginning, extraordinary once you get into it
22:33.50ndimKästner is most famous for his children's books, but he wrote a lot of other stuff as well.
22:34.54ndimHis books were among those the Nazis burnt in 1933, so afterwards he could only write unpolitical children's stories.
22:35.07ndimOh, and the screenplay for the Münchhausen movie.
22:35.30ndim"Transaction Test Succeeded"!
22:35.45ndimAnd, of course, that final most-imporant movie.
22:36.07gn00bieI recommend And Quiet Flows the Don
22:36.12gn00biewait, that is in russian :P
22:36.39ndimIn 1945, the Russians were standing in front of Berlin, the Americans were across the Rhine... and people urgently wanted to get away from Berlin and the Russians.
22:37.02ndimOf course, the Nazi propaganda still believed in Final Victory.
22:37.19ndimSo a few enterprising artists and film makers used that.
22:37.37ndimThe German People needs a good entertainment movie after Final Victory, right?
22:37.54ndimAnd what is better for that than a movie shot in the idyllic Alp panorama?
22:38.11ndimSo, we're going to need assistants, electricians, authors, etc.
22:38.54ndim...and they managed to pull that off and set off to the safety of the mountains in Austria with a few hundred people, ostentatiously shooting a movie.
22:39.13ndimI love how Kästner tells that story, and those around it.
22:40.50ndimHmm. Hermann Hesse can be a little too depressing.
22:41.30ndimwhodaman: I'll keep you in mind next time I go through my books.
22:41.59ndimwhodaman: And now, shoo! Off to bed!
22:43.00gn00biewhodaman: stay up for a while
22:43.07gn00biethat way you will be sleepier :P
22:44.55kierrastuds are on a roll!
22:47.49ndimsends whodaman his "Grundlagen der Numerik" book to read.
22:48.00ndimgn00bie: That should make him sleepy in no time at all.
22:48.44epI can't play :(
22:48.57epwhat happened?  Who'd ya play
22:49.17ndimOh my. If I look around myself and take inventory of all the books I can see... 70% are in English, 1% in French and the rest in German
22:49.28AHAi dont have books
22:49.36AHAbecause i dont like reading :p
22:49.51ndimI have a good 4 ft in English language CS and EE literature.
22:50.10ndimAnother 4ft of English language novels
22:50.52ndimAnd a few yards of German stuff mostly hidden away somewhere.
22:51.39ndimgets a few ideas what to send to whodaman
22:52.46ndimYay. It's installing packages!
22:54.44whodamancatay! :o
22:54.46ndimwonders how gn00bie's indian calendar divides a year.
22:55.04ndimweeks are arbitrary units after all.
22:55.14ndimmonths can be attached to moon phases if need be.
22:55.39gn00bieit is lunar
22:55.46gn00bieso 13 months of 4 weeks each
22:56.00gn00bieand then there are the adjustments every few years to keep it real
22:56.04ndimTHe week being a quarter of moon phase?
22:57.01gn00biehumm, yes
22:57.07ndimgn00bie: Uhm. And what about other time units, smaller than a day?
22:57.37gn00biethe smallest in Indian system going back 700 BC is a kshana
22:57.40ndimThe Romans divided the day into 12 hours, and the night into 8 hours...
22:57.46gn00bieday has 6 prahars of 4 hours each
22:58.08cataywhodaman: that was I when i was still young :P
22:58.18cataywow, i was still smoking then :P
22:58.23ndimWhat? Ouch.
22:58.33ndimOh. A beer image?
22:58.48catayno :)
22:58.57cataythe picture was actually taken in the UK
22:59.15catayin Barnard Castle , a town close to Newcastle
22:59.17ndimAh. So it isn't the one with Birdie in front of the tank in the museum
22:59.42ndimfeels so cut off from the world without a graphical browser.
23:00.06gn00biecatay: good photoshop material
23:00.09cataywait, i'll put the ascii-art version online :P
23:00.34cataygn00bie: it's copyrighted :P
23:00.44gn00biecatay: hehe, tough cookies :P
23:00.58gn00biewhat saved you is that I do not have photoshop
23:01.01gn00biebut I do have gimp
23:01.05ndimSo? Sony BMG does not care about copyrights either...
23:01.09epThose "tough cookies" are trademarked
23:01.10catayi reall should go to bed .... 1 am , have to get up at 8am
23:01.20cataybut i'm not in the mood :p
23:01.37gn00biecatay: whodaman has to get up even earlier
23:01.40epI got a new monitor today. Yay!
23:01.54ndimI guess whodaman has to be at school before 8am
23:02.00epBut I lost 3D in the process grr
23:02.00catayep: goodie :)
23:02.09whodamanhey ep
23:02.14catayso far the new monitor :p
23:02.15ndimep: Oh. Bought a flat screen by mistake?
23:02.43ndimep: A flat 2D screen, when you wanted 3D...
23:03.00whodamanManu, I think your wife looks a little like Steffi Graf :D
23:03.22epare we talking about monitors here :-)
23:04.04ndimYeah, and I am making bad jokes.
23:04.42epme too ndim --- bad joke
23:05.00ndimI should just go sleep and wake up tomorrow to a completely broken system installation.
23:05.15gn00biealways fun
23:05.37epUbuntu Can I just change the "nv" back to "nvidia" in xorg.cong ?  to get the 3D back
23:06.01ndimep: nvidia is the binary-only one?
23:06.07epI lost it after running dpkg-reconfig xorg-settings
23:06.09ndimep: You can try.
23:06.14epi think so ndim
23:06.16gn00bieyup, as long as you have nvidia drivers installed
23:06.16ndimAh, dpkg-reconfig
23:06.34ndimI have multiple sections for different drivers in my xorg.conf
23:06.52ndim(vesa, radeon, radeonhd, fglrx)
23:07.34ndimThen I can just uncomment the proper Option "DefaultServerLayout" in the "ServerFlags" section to activate the proper one
23:08.03ndimWill be overkill if you just need to switch once
23:09.03ndimrolls over Beethoven
23:10.26catayi call it a day!
23:10.31cataynite guys&gals
23:10.36gn00biecatay: hehe, tough cookies :P
23:10.40gn00biecall it a night
23:11.26epThis monitor is wider -- wider is better :)  Maybe not for bzflag though.  Anyway aspect ration is 16:10 not 4:3
23:11.31Manuwhodaman: heh :)
23:12.15gn00bieI have a twin 1900x12xx at work, I agree, wider is better
23:12.44gn00bie12xx = 1200 or 1280 I think
23:17.14epok gotta restart X... bb in a few (hopefully :)
23:19.22mvironrings the doorbell
23:21.06gn00bieep screen is your friend
23:27.11ndimAnd telepathy
23:27.42ndim(the concept, not the technology)
23:27.56*** join/##kierra ep (n=mdr@about/essy/guynextdoor/ep)
23:28.09ndimmesa-libGLU... a worthy contender for step #666
23:28.21ndimep: Everything working OK?
23:28.30eptime to play!
23:28.46epafter i check my mail
23:28.59ndimwonders whether bzflag on aalib or libcaca would work...
23:29.33epain't the information age great?
23:29.48ndimAge is the keyword.
23:29.59ndimThis machine is from 1998 or 1999
23:30.28gn00bieI wish I was from 1998 or 1999
23:30.54ndimThe contemprary/other one is still mutating to a newer software incarnation.
23:32.32epcrud nobody is playing my style
23:32.39ndimWHich is?
23:32.44epNo jumpie
23:32.57ndimi.e. ducati?
23:33.05ndimor pillboxß
23:33.07epyes sir or pb
23:39.27mvironsends ep off to hawaii
23:39.37mvironsends ndim to the bahamas
23:39.43ndimgoes bananas
23:40.51ndim. o O ( action 928/4481 )
23:49.21ndim1066/4481 (aka updating authconfig...)
23:49.28ndim...or william the conqueror

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