IRC log for ##guleague on 20160105

00:52.16*** join/##guleague click_ (183e399c@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
00:53.07click_allejo: are you there?
01:25.37click_allejo: could you put up a hix server so that a tank spawns with blindness and cant drop the flag?, but: not 100 flags on the field. I would like to see this server set up so some can practice dodging by relying on the radar.
01:29.20click_would be really neat ^^
01:29.21allejoThat actually sounds like a neat idea
01:31.36*** join/##guleague Kesslar (62105120@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
01:32.04allejosure I'll do it. I'll have it up later tonight if not tomorrow
01:32.07click_im guessing spawning with the flag would be best with a unexpirable timer up above
01:32.10click_instead of a plugin
01:32.24click_much appreciated!!
01:32.31click_ctf 2 teams please :)
01:32.36click_with a timer..
01:32.41click_so if we chose to fm there.
01:32.52allejohow would you pick up flags if you can't drop blindness?
01:33.09click_ah then would need a plugin to double hold flags
01:33.21allejoNot possible
01:33.22click_plugins=to much work ofc.
01:33.39click_so if you want ctf you would def need a plugin to automatically spawn blind so you can pick up flags.
01:33.54click_what about changing fog density?
01:34.01allejoI was just going to have an all rogue map to allow players to practice dodging
01:34.01click_so there is no visibility?
01:34.19click_is that possible?
01:34.40allejojumping with blindness should be fun. I'd like to see the world burn ;)
01:35.21click_is it possible to change the fog density to zero visibility so no flag is required?
01:36.09allejoI don't think it'll make it fully dark. You'd still be able see the glow of the shots if they're close enough
01:36.54allejoI remember once I made a map where all objects were invisible. That upset some people
01:37.13allejoSome objects where shoot through too :p
01:37.40click_i think changing the fog density would be best bet
01:37.57click_if that doesnt work then rogue w/ blindness flags.
01:38.19allejorogue w/blindness sounds more fun and chaotic to watch as an obs
01:38.34click_thats true, obs could watch.
01:38.34Kesslarslaps kierra around a bit with a large fishbot
01:38.50Kesslaroi, ok, oops i don't know what I just did :/
01:38.53click_allejo: would this way put flags on the field, or just as you spawn?
01:39.06kierraRofl....kess on irc
01:39.15Kesslarsorry :p
01:39.20allejoJust as you spawn. bad flags like blindness can be permanent and undroppable
01:39.21Kesslarfirst time on here
01:39.38blast007set _fogColor black, _fogDensity 1, _fogMode linear, _fogStart 0, _fogEnd 0
01:39.51click_so it is possible blast?
01:40.01blast007that at least blacks out the 3D view
01:40.10allejo_fogColor pink
01:40.22click_because having a funmatch with it would be outstanding.
01:40.25blast007OH GOD IT BURNS
01:40.42allejoSo doing pink at random intervals
01:41.05blast007I CAN TASTE COLOR
01:41.09blast007tastes like chicken
01:42.23Kesslarugh, ok I'm sorry, too many computers up and running, wrong thing
01:45.18allejoblast007, did you try that or just guessed?
01:45.25allejoI haven't tried, I'm just curious
01:45.31blast007allejo: tried it
01:45.41blast007could barely see the text to turn it back to black
02:02.04*** join/##guleague alpha1-2 (
02:58.49the_mapcan someone ping me when the server is up please?
03:53.47alpha1-2we are not your clock alarm t-h-e-m-a-p :P
04:07.11the_mapa-l-p-h-a-1---2: I didn't ask anyone to wake me up; I only asked someone to let me know when the server is up
04:07.40alpha1-2we are not your... siren?
04:08.15alpha1-2come to other map, wher Iam in
04:08.43the_mapthis is IRC; you ping people
04:09.11alpha1-2okay, you win :), I suppose
04:10.41alpha1-2this is not ping pong, it's BZ, tho :P
04:10.52the_mapthis is IRC
04:11.04alpha1-2hey you are playing, let me troll you :D
04:11.38the_mapI am the master of trolling
04:12.49alpha1-2then I will kick you... in the map... map!
11:14.44blast007this. is. SPARTA!  *kick*
17:22.53the_mapthis is IRC
18:06.14*** join/##guleague Flak (~Flak@2001:558:6030:27:cdbc:d363:dd9e:f5c3)
19:07.35*** join/##guleague alpha1-2 (
19:16.30Flakhi alpha1-2
19:16.49alpha1-2hey Flak, how are you doing?
19:18.01Flakhow are you doing Alpha1-2?
19:19.36blast007Flak: you can tab complete names.  Much faster than typing them out completely.  Like, just do alp<tab>.
19:19.55Flakoh ok
19:21.17blast007I mean, press the tab key :)
19:21.50Flaknow i see how it works
19:21.59blast007fancy, isn't it
19:22.11blast007same thing works in BZFlag, though it uses the F2 key by default
19:22.26blast007(if you turn off "jump while typing" in the input menu, then you can use tab to autocomplete)
19:22.37Flakthats some nice info
19:23.43Flakthanks blast007 for the info
19:23.55alpha1-2technical note: blast007, I received the notification/highlight of his last message anyway
19:25.35blast007alpha1-2: I assumed so, but saw that he wasn't using tab completion
19:26.51alpha1-2yes, thanks, just clarifying. Maybe this doesn't work in all IRC clients tho
19:27.11Flakit might
19:27.16alpha1-2(case sensitive)
19:27.27alpha1-2not sensistive*
19:27.59Flakhey alpha1-2 seems like you use KDE
19:28.58alpha1-2yes, I like it very much
19:29.13Flaksame here
19:29.33alpha1-2I see your quit message saying, like mine, "Konversation terminated!" :)
19:37.02*** join/##guleague alpha1-3 (
21:31.20*** join/##guleague sirquine (
22:14.04kierrahey sirquine
23:25.46sirquinehi kierra
23:26.03sirquineaw man, it's been forever, i don't use this computer much anymore but it still signs into all my irc channels
23:26.07kierrahello mister q

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