IRC log for ##essy on 20090131

00:00.50inchwormpresses space
00:13.53*** join/##essy River_Rat (
00:23.03*** join/##essy L4m3r (i=L4m3r@bzflag/developer/L4m3r)
00:37.20*** join/##essy GreaseMonkey (n=gm@unaffiliated/greasemonkey)
00:50.06*** join/##essy werdan7 (n=w7@freenode/staff/wikimedia.werdan7)
01:43.32*** join/##essy Gary (n=Gary@freenode/staff/colchester-lug.gary)
01:49.38*** join/##essy TD-Linux (n=wheeeeee@
01:50.47*** join/##essy L4m3r (n=l4m3r@bzflag/developer/L4m3r)
02:05.39*** join/##essy TD-Linux (n=wheeeeee@
02:37.41*** join/##essy TD-Linux (
02:43.44*** join/##essy Gary (n=Gary@freenode/staff/colchester-lug.gary)
03:05.41*** join/##essy Vampier (
03:25.52*** join/##essy Vampier_ (
03:40.53*** join/##essy Gary (n=Gary@freenode/staff/colchester-lug.gary)
03:43.13*** join/##essy JKnife (
03:43.57JKnifeI <3 Dual Core Procs.. makes encoding video to burn to a DVD not kill my computer and I can still use it
03:46.59JKnife2nd core.. 100% first core ~8%
03:48.18inchwormi'm looking at the Phenom II per fester64x2's suggestions
03:48.28inchwormit should be coming out in a month o
03:50.06fester64x2inchworm, ahh
03:50.12fester64x2its allready out inchworm
03:50.16fester64x2on am2
03:50.33fester64x2i would wait 2 months or so for am3 to be released
03:50.41fester64x2so you can run ddr3
03:51.08inchwormah so long for am3 eh?
03:51.31inchwormi've spent all my money, guess i can wait :)
03:51.50fester64x2JKnife, =)
03:53.01fester64x2i love watching the load balance on the cores
04:21.17JKnifeI need to start using fluxbox again
04:28.30*** join/##essy QuantumBeep (
04:50.25*** join/##essy Gary (n=Gary@freenode/staff/colchester-lug.gary)
05:12.12*** join/##essy HellDragon (
05:50.36*** join/##essy Olipro (n=Olipro@uncyclopedia/
06:50.52*** join/##essy Gary (n=Gary@freenode/staff/colchester-lug.gary)
08:44.16*** join/##essy Gary_ (n=Gary@freenode/staff/colchester-lug.gary)
08:47.56*** join/##essy Vampier (
09:18.06*** join/##essy CBG2 (i=c13f523c@gateway/web/ajax/
09:21.53*** part/##essy CBG2 (i=c13f523c@gateway/web/ajax/
09:27.32Vampieri made a new game!
09:50.21*** join/##essy Gary (n=Gary@freenode/staff/colchester-lug.gary)
11:09.31*** join/##essy sleeptyper (
11:25.32*** join/##essy Vampier (
11:38.58*** join/##essy Vampier (
13:37.25*** join/##essy delusional (n=delusion@unaffiliated/delusional)
14:27.41*** join/##essy RiverRat (i=me@gentoo/contributor/riverrat)
14:31.17*** join/##essy delusional (n=delusion@unaffiliated/delusional)
15:28.01*** join/##essy SpazzyMcGee (n=SpazzyMc@bzflag/contributor/SpazzyMcGee)
15:39.22*** join/##essy mviron (
16:51.49*** join/##essy w00t_ (n=w00t@freenode/developer/w00t)
16:55.18*** join/##essy altoid (n=altoid@about/essy/orangelover/altoid)
17:20.20*** join/##essy Vampier (
17:28.48*** join/##essy LoRez (i=lorez@freenode/staff/lorez)
17:56.01*** join/##essy catay (
17:56.03*** join/##essy krel ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
17:56.05*** join/##essy hekel (
17:56.11*** join/##essy Gary (n=Gary@freenode/staff/colchester-lug.gary)
17:56.25*** join/##essy joevano (n=joevano@bzflag/developer/JoeVano)
18:26.22*** join/##essy JKnife (
18:44.20*** join/##essy JKnife (
19:44.11*** join/##essy TD-Linux (n=wheeeeee@about/essy/indecisive/TD-Linux)
21:12.06*** join/##essy Olipro (n=Olipro@uncyclopedia/
21:53.00*** join/##essy RiverRat (
23:27.54*** join/##essy TD-Linux (
23:43.34*** join/##essy Vampier (
23:47.21*** join/##essy hd (

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