IRC log for ##essy on 20071024

00:43.04awilcoxVampier: You should come to #sandiegofire -- lots of updates there.
00:54.16*** join/##essy tannerld_mac (
00:56.07awilcox~fail tannerld_mac's test
00:56.08jbottannerld_mac's test: Fail.
00:56.20awilcoxtannerld_mac: What are you testing btw?
00:56.22tannerld_macawilcox: nooo!
00:56.33tannerld_macawilcox: sometimes colloquy doesn't show anything
00:58.47tannerld_macand hi :)
00:59.19awilcoxhi :)
01:00.53orange5.4 photos
01:01.05orangethat sixth one wasn't that good so he cropped it
01:01.25awilcoxorange: lol
01:02.40tannerld_macorange: lol
01:02.48tannerld_macMenZa: yeah gigs :P
01:03.10MenZatannerld_mac: :D
01:04.51MenZamac D:
01:05.29tannerld_macw00t house is on
01:07.51JonathanDthanks awilcox
01:09.17JonathanDrunning on the treadmill :p
01:10.43tannerld_macirc on the treadmill?
01:11.06JonathanDno, I'm just off the treadmill
01:11.08JonathanDhence the dying.
01:11.24mvironnight all
01:11.50inchwormnight mviron
01:12.27inchwormif the treadmill kills yah, why!?
01:17.42awilcoxnn mviron
01:17.54JonathanDinchworm: why?
01:17.57JonathanDto stay in shape :p
01:18.05JonathanDI beat my highschool mile :P
01:18.45awilcoxJonathanD: :)
01:18.55awilcoxJonathanD: My mile was...pitiful...erm...
01:18.59awilcox40 mins?
01:19.22tonyyarussoMy best is 6:42 I think
01:19.50awilcoxthats fast
01:20.16tonyyarussoNo way I could do that today though
01:20.29awilcoxtonyyarusso: why, are you old?  :p
01:20.35JonathanD5:20 today :)
01:20.40tonyyarussoawilcox: hehe, yes, 21
01:21.20tonyyarussoawilcox: Actually, more like I used to run a bit to try to stay in shape, but realized that it was killing my knees (family history with them...), so I switched to cycling instead.
01:21.41JonathanDtonyyarusso: my knees aren't so great
01:21.42tonyyarussoHence the super pretty (expensive) bike
01:21.53JonathanDthats why I haven't run much recently. I have an exercise bike at home.
01:21.57awilcoxJonathanD: that is 0.088888888888888888888888888888889 hours
01:22.04tonyyarussoJonathanD: Mine make the same noise my 50-year-old mother's did right before she had to have surgery...
01:22.23JonathanDI'm actually working on a project to wire my exercise bike into a PC
01:22.31tonyyarussoKRRRUUNCHHKKK, whenever I stand up
01:22.41JonathanDgonna have a try at playing BZflag via bike control
01:22.52awilcoxJonathanD: you ran at about 11.25 mph
01:23.02JonathanDawilcox: I peaked at 14.5
01:23.05awilcoxpretty danged fast
01:23.14tonyyarussoI can peak out on the bike at 40 :S
01:23.16awilcoxJonathanD: You could beat a car!
01:23.23awilcox40 mph?!
01:23.26JonathanDawilcox: a very slow car.
01:23.33tonyyarussoIt's terrifying
01:23.34JonathanDawilcox: I've always had a runners build.
01:23.41JonathanDtonyyarusso: biking that fast is not fun.
01:23.49awilcoxtonyyarusso could legally be on the Interstate
01:23.53JonathanDand I don't even have a nice bike.
01:23.57tonyyarussoawilcox: not in MN :(
01:24.01JonathanDI don't get near that fast :P
01:24.04awilcox"Speed Limit 65, Minimum 40"
01:24.17JonathanDawilcox: I weigh almost exactly what I did my last year of high school.
01:24.25awilcoxJonathanD: good for you :)
01:24.32awilcoxI wish I could see how fast I was moving on my bike
01:24.34tonyyarussoawilcox: Regardless of speed, non-motorized vehicles are explicitly banned under most states' law
01:24.41awilcoxit doesn't have a dash.
01:24.47tonyyarussoAnyone ever heard of the font "ITC Garamond Narrow Light Italic", and do you have it installed?
01:24.56awilcoxtonyyarusso: do they make dashboards for bikes?
01:25.04awilcoxtonyyarusso: it's right here, you want me to DCC it?
01:25.12tonyyarussoawilcox: I suppose you could fashion something, but what would it have on it?
01:25.21JonathanDawilcox: most interstates you couldn't maintain 40mph between the exits, even in great shape.
01:25.31JonathanDso you would drop below.
01:25.41awilcoxtonyyarusso: a miles-per-hour gauge, maybe tire RPM
01:26.03awilcoxJonathanD: it's less than a mile between exits here
01:26.06JonathanDpedal rpm
01:26.10awilcoxJonathanD: lol
01:26.15JonathanDthats the "engine speed"
01:26.17JonathanDafter all
01:26.17tonyyarussoawilcox: You can buy computers for that, yes.  Tire RPM is meaningless though.  You'd get MPH and crank cadence.
01:26.36JonathanDtire rpm is only good for saying "dude my tire was going x rpms!"
01:26.46awilcoxJonathanD: lol
01:35.00JonathanDI wanna knock another 10 seconds off
01:35.01JonathanDat leats
01:35.04JonathanDby friday.
01:35.43JonathanDdid 2.5 miles tonight total
01:35.53JonathanDI don't know if I'll make it tofriday :/
01:36.02inchwormnot too bad
01:37.09JonathanDcould be better
01:37.14JonathanDI just couldn't do any more.
01:37.30JonathanDI feel like I'm way out of shape.
01:37.47JonathanDI can go faster than I could in school, but not for as long.
01:38.06inchwormeh, just need to get out of the ofice more often
01:38.25JonathanDjust play lots of bzflag
01:38.46JonathanDon my modified exercise bike!
01:38.55inchwormthat sounds cool
01:39.13JonathanDyes, but I haven't a clue how I'm going to steer yet
01:40.19*** join/##essy Olipro (n=Olipro@unaffiliated/olipro)
01:55.23*** join/##essy a_meteorite (n=a_meteor@unaffiliated/ameteorite/x-000000001)
02:09.26*** join/##essy Pommes (n=Pommes@about/essy/frenchy/Pommes)
03:00.48*** join/##essy Milami (
03:01.39Gursikh~lart JKnife
03:01.39jbotpulls out his louisville slugger and uses JKnife's head to break the homerun record
03:01.57JKnifeo/ Milami
03:02.14JKnifeMilami, you gonna let Gursikh do that to me?
03:02.24Milamiouch, sucks
03:02.25starshineeek I've been tackled
03:03.07inchwormbetter than a sneak-tickle-tackle-hug
03:04.58starshine:/ no tickle.
03:07.13JKnifeshe emo right now?
03:07.23JonathanDbut she requested it earlier.
03:07.34JKnifecan i have green?
03:07.55JKnifecool.. i'm vomit
03:08.12JKnifebrb >.>
03:08.27*** join/##essy JKnife (n=JKnife@about/essy/SharpHugger/JKnife)
03:08.55JonathanDwelcome back, king of vomit.
03:09.25JKnife:( aspell did't register
03:09.32JKnifeguess i have to log out and back in
03:09.44JonathanDJKnife: can you spam my test channel for me? :P
03:10.19JonathanDnjan is there :P
03:12.02inchwormJonathanD: a game of scrabby almost counts as a spam fest... doesn't it?
03:12.20inchwormMilami: you know you needed it :)
03:12.30JonathanDinchworm: sure, but searchy's not on that net
03:13.11JonathanDand alot of the stuff is semi-hard coded
03:13.25JonathanDto put it in another net I need to copy the databases and everything...
03:13.49inchwormsounds like someone was programming scrabby on the side :)
03:14.07JonathanDinchworm: hmmm?
03:14.15JonathanDinchworm: scrabby and searchy share lots of code.
03:14.38JonathanDparticuarly letter and word frequency identification, but also all the irc connectivity stuff
03:14.41JonathanDwell, most of it...
03:14.43inchwormJonathanD: i'm just giving you a bad time.  I hard code stuff for personal projects
03:14.49JonathanDscrabby is actually more advanced in this regard.
03:14.50inchwormtry to avoid it for work code
03:15.07JonathanDinchworm: yah.
03:15.15JonathanDscrabby is production :P
03:15.23JonathanDsearchy is just a channel management sort of thing :p
03:15.26JonathanDless important.
03:15.32inchwormbad software engineer, no cookie for you :)
03:15.45JonathanDinchworm: scrabby can switch networks at will
03:15.56JonathanDthere are 4 instances running on 3 networks.
03:16.24JonathanDand scrabby's irc functions kick searchy's butt :P
03:16.32JonathanDbut thats ok, scrabby has to send alot more text.
03:16.53JonathanDthe only cool thing searchy has that scrabby doesn't is module loading.
03:17.47inchwormmodules sounds like fun
03:17.57JonathanDsearchy's got this rather nifty module thingy
03:18.16JonathanDsearchy is windows based
03:18.17inchwormi haven't ever done run time module loading in a compiled language
03:18.21JonathanDonly runs on windows or wine.
03:18.33JonathanDyou can write modules that run locally or remotely, on antoher box
03:18.50JonathanDand they can talk "through" searchy or get irc text through searchy.
03:18.59inchwormRPC of some sort?
03:19.08JonathanDnah, just TCP connections.
03:19.28JonathanDsearchy parses the irc text into a defined type
03:19.38JonathanDpasses that to each module
03:19.51JonathanDthe module does what it wants and sends back whatever it wants to send to irc.
03:20.06JonathanDor you can set a module for raw mode, where it gets the raw irc text and parses it itself.
03:20.18JonathanDand searchy expects raw irc response
03:20.30JonathanDI intend to use this to plug existing irc bots directly into searchy.
03:20.37JonathanDie, many bots living under one nick.
03:20.56JonathanDit works pretty well
03:21.06JonathanDexcept my tcp server only handles one connection atm :P
03:21.37JonathanDbut the bottom line is, once I'm done I'll be able to restart the bot without it disconnecting from irc.
03:22.11inchwormnever suspect that the scrabby fun will ever stop :)
03:22.15JonathanDtrust me, this is useful.
03:22.17JonathanDjust ask PhilKC
03:22.30inchwormPhilKC: is this useful?
03:22.48inchwormtrust me... just ask...
03:23.01inchwormif i do one, have I failed to do the other?
03:23.08JonathanDa good point.
03:23.11JonathanDand yes
03:23.15JonathanDyou now have failed at both.
03:23.31inchwormwoot, go me!
03:40.46*** join/##essy JeffM (
04:03.17*** join/##essy tonyyarusso (n=anthony@ubuntu/member/tonyyarusso)
04:11.12jbotEvery moment in which I'm called upon is torture.
04:11.13jbotI HATE YOU, jknife!!!
04:11.14jbotARGH!!! STOP IT jknife!!!
04:11.16jbotACTION takes out a revolver and shoots jknife in the head three times.
04:11.17jbotACTION lets a freakishly huge killer whale named Hugh eat jknife.
04:11.18jbotYou know, this got old a long time ago.
04:11.29jbotI'm ignoring you now.
04:48.41altoidyay reading
04:49.53starshinewhat book
04:50.13altoidRichard Dawkins "The God Delusion"
04:59.52VampierI love that guy
05:00.21*** part/##essy Milami (n=Milami@about/essy/tsiugnil/milami)
05:02.34altoidyeah, i'm a fan
05:02.41altoidfigured i should probably take a look at the book
05:06.43altoidJKnife: ?
05:09.29altoidi fail at typing
05:09.33altoidand you fail at lower caps
05:09.48altoidi suppose technically we both fail at typing, then
05:16.55*** join/##essy FrancoGG (n=Franco@wikimedia/FrancoGG)
05:26.35*** join/##essy QuantumBeep (n=QuantumB@
05:37.06*** join/##essy Thumper_ (n=Thumper@about/essy/coffeeAddict/Thumper)
05:39.51*** join/##essy ompaul (n=ompaul@gnewsense/friend/ompaul)
05:45.37*** join/##essy RichiH (i=richih@freenode/staff/richih)
05:54.46jboti heard richih is drop dead and let my nick be, sussudio, or bored and wants to take a bath
06:18.34*** join/##essy starshine_away (
06:22.36*** join/##essy RudyValencia (i=arthur@about/cooking/pizzasmith/RudyValencia)
06:57.33*** join/##essy JKnife (n=JKnife@about/essy/SharpHugger/JKnife)
07:08.45*** join/##essy QBeep (n=QuantumB@
07:13.08*** join/##essy sleeptyper (i=no_comm@about/philosophy/sleeptyper)
07:19.40*** join/##essy JKnife (n=JKnife@about/essy/SharpHugger/JKnife)
07:47.05*** join/##essy PriceChild (n=pricechi@ubuntu/member/pdpc.supporter.student.PriceChild)
08:19.31RudyValenciaI need some help.
08:20.35RudyValenciaI'm trying to get out of this hole I call 'my life'.
08:21.32tonyyarussoRudyValencia: Take up skydiving.
08:21.42tonyyarussoEither you'll have fun or it won't be an issue anymore.
08:21.44RudyValenciatonyyarusso: 'Sif I could afford it
08:21.57tonyyarussoWell, if it's the latter, you won't need to.
08:22.01RudyValenciaI'm $6,000 in debt.
08:22.20tonyyarussobad RudyValencia
08:22.34RudyValenciaI get paid $1,000 a month, but I'm always break-evne.
08:22.45RudyValencia(or "broke" as people call it)
08:23.09RudyValenciaI want to earn more money but I am only a high-school graduate.
08:23.35RudyValenciaBecause I have debts and am always "broke", I can't get an education.
08:23.47RudyValenciaSo therefore, I can't get a better job to make more money.
08:23.51tonyyarussodon't we have a great system?
08:24.09RudyValenciaHeh. Fubar'ed is more like it
08:24.22RudyValencia(I didn't want to use cursing here)
08:24.56RudyValenciaMaybe I should kill -9 RudyValencia
08:25.59RudyValenciathen again, doing so is equivalent to losing
08:26.11RudyValenciaI want to learn a trade
08:28.12tonyyarussoMy current employer did my training, and that week was paid time.
08:28.53RudyValenciaI'm stuck as a clerk over at Walgreens.
08:29.19RudyValenciaWhile I don't mind doing it because it pays my debt, I feel as if I'm working for nothing.
09:04.37QBeepMore style than me. I'm a pizza delivery driver.
09:05.01QBeepThe day job repairing computers doesn't pay anything at all (sucks working for yourself)
09:08.42tonyyarussoLargest Specialized dealer worldwide, actually
09:09.34*** join/##essy [suave] (n=totte@about/essy/MadonnaFan/suave)
09:16.57*** join/##essy pleia2 (n=lyz@ubuntu/member/pleia2)
09:28.10*** join/##essy RudyValencia_ (i=arthur@about/cooking/pizzasmith/RudyValencia)
09:31.10*** join/##essy Bearymore (i=arthur@about/cooking/pizzasmith/RudyValencia)
09:44.49*** join/##essy delusional_ (
10:05.44RichiHjbot is obviously using the old apt database
10:10.39*** join/##essy CBG (n=CBG@about/essy/fan/CBG)
10:15.51RudyValenciaRichiH: What do you recommend I read/study for learning PHP better?
10:25.38*** join/##essy vendu (n=vendu@unaffiliated/vendu)
10:25.40venduhello :)
10:37.38*** join/##essy RudyValencia (i=arthur@about/cooking/pizzasmith/RudyValencia)
10:45.19*** join/##essy CBG (n=CBG@about/essy/fan/CBG)
10:47.26*** join/##essy Gilly (
10:55.24*** join/##essy CBG_ (
11:12.03*** join/##essy CBG__ (
11:15.43*** join/##essy CBG (n=CBG@about/essy/fan/CBG)
11:34.10RudyValenciacan an old microwave cause the power in a house to go out on a circuit intermittently, even if it's not in use?
11:40.45*** join/##essy CBG (n=CBG@about/essy/fan/CBG)
11:43.29*** join/##essy CBG_ (
11:45.31*** join/##essy JKnife (n=JKnife@about/essy/SharpHugger/JKnife)
12:00.09*** join/##essy CBG (n=CBG@about/essy/fan/CBG)
12:06.01*** join/##essy CBG_ (
12:11.57donny_bakerRudyValencia: well it might not be the microwave's fault, it could be that the curcuit is close to capacity and some other item starts drawing more current
12:12.06donny_bakerputty the circuit over capacity
12:12.22donny_bakerunplugging the microwave may seem to fix it in that situation
12:12.54RudyValenciawell, my dad did say that he thought the microwave was sparking inside
12:13.35donny_bakerwell then yse, it could just be a bad microwave
12:13.49RudyValenciasince the problem hasn't re-appeared since then
12:14.05donny_bakerif all is OK with it then no, it shouldn't cause that problem, but if there is a short in it then it very well could
12:14.28RudyValenciayeah, it probably was the microwave shorting out
12:14.46RudyValenciathe breaker is 20amp, but it didn't trip
12:15.32RudyValenciathe microwave probably was pulling enough power to drag the circuit down but not in such a way as to trip the breaker
12:15.36*** join/##essy Thumper_ (n=Thumper@about/essy/coffeeAddict/Thumper)
12:16.16donny_bakermorning Thumper_
12:16.20Thumper_thx :)
12:18.22*** join/##essy tonyy (n=anthony@ubuntu/member/tonyyarusso)
12:58.51*** join/##essy JKnife (n=JKnife@about/essy/SharpHugger/JKnife)
13:32.22*** join/##essy nanoc (n=conan@about/essy/nairabrab/nanoc)
13:37.18*** join/##essy SpazzyMcGee (n=Spazzy_M@unaffiliated/spazzymcgee)
13:45.02*** join/##essy Vampier (n=Vampier@pdpc/supporter/base/Vampier)
13:50.27*** join/##essy Pricey (n=pricechi@ubuntu/member/pdpc.supporter.student.PriceChild)
14:25.57*** join/##essy Milami (
15:01.19*** join/##essy ep (n=mdr@about/essy/guynextdoor/ep)
15:03.08awilcoxRudyValencia: The book I go to learn about 70% of what I know with PHP today is a book called "PHP Advanced for the World Wide Web: A Visual QuickStart Guide" (or something like that).
15:03.53awilcoxdon't let "PHP Advanced" fool you, it worked for me even when I barely knew what PHP even was
15:04.32awilcoxRudyValencia: I'm going to the bookstore today, want me to write down the ISBN number of the latest edition?
15:12.23*** join/##essy JKnife (i=98261a65@about/essy/SharpHugger/JKnife)
15:18.37awilcoxI guess I need to hug before I make that claim.
15:36.24*** join/##essy Gilly (n=btw@
15:48.33gn00bieI am the first to slap AWOSLappy today
15:48.38*** join/##essy Milami (
15:48.58gn00bieand I am also the first to say hello to Salami
15:49.00gn00biehello Salami
15:54.26*** join/##essy JeffM (n=JeffM@unaffiliated/jeffm)
16:00.42Milamihi gn00bie
16:01.10MilamiI got 100 on my phonetics homework!
16:01.13Milamithe first EVER!
16:03.51JKnifephonetics o.O?
16:05.46Milamiidiotic teacher, but I like the subject in general
16:06.30MilamiJKnife: I'm a linguistics major, I have to take this class *g*
16:06.53sleeptyperwhat is the worst that can happen when updating phone firmware
16:06.55JKnife2 things went through my head and that was not one of them
16:07.17JKnifesleeptyper: random long distance calls? random 911 calls? the phone explodes?
16:07.31gn00biesleeptyper: phonetics?
16:08.00sleeptyperi made a backup of the phone's memory on the mmc card in it
16:08.09JKnifeMilami: the first one was you are VERY young >.> the 2nd was you are mentaly handicapped
16:08.26sleeptyperinserted mmc
16:08.44sleeptyperthe fucking thing asked for memcard password!
16:08.54Milamioh gee thanks
16:09.10JKnifeMilami: >.> just the kind of person i am i guess :P
16:09.32Milamiit's okay, I'll never forgive you <3
16:09.38sleeptyperpractically, it's as if it was brand new phone with no contacts, no messages, no pictures...
16:09.51JKnife~pamper Milami
16:09.51jbotACTION pulls out all the stops, and arranges a 2-hour massage, manicure, pedicure, facial and a full day at the spa for Milami.  In addition, food is catered from the local 5-star restaurants, prepared especially for Milami.  An army of people are available to do anything Milami might wish for!
16:10.42sleeptyperAn army of people (paid by JKnife) ...
16:10.43JKnifelab is so empty.. someone come visit me!
16:11.19*** join/##essy Erroneous (
16:11.48sleeptyperi want to kill someone working for Nokia
16:12.26Milamisleeptyper:  I always liked my Nokia phone!
16:12.30Milamiit's just being stupid?
16:13.15sleeptyperit thinks that the card that holds 1.5 years of my cellular life is suddenly password protected
16:14.27Milamithat's kinda crazy
16:15.49deryniDid the phone come with a code when you first got it?
16:16.38sleeptyperand the card itself is rather new
16:17.51sleeptyperwhenever updating the firmware... make sure to have multiple copies in several medias of the recommended phone backup
16:40.41*** join/##essy catay (
16:42.20*** join/##essy nanoc (n=conan@about/essy/nairabrab/nanoc)
16:55.05sleeptypergood paperweight, wh
16:56.00orangecodes are often 0000 or 1234 or the last4 of your phone #
16:58.55orangeor, do you have 'remote lock' on where you can send an SMS to lock your phone in case you lose it?
16:59.16orangeif so, that may be the code used for the card
17:12.11sleeptypertried all that already
17:12.33sleeptypermaybe my digital camera can read the content ignoring the password
17:30.34donny_bakerwow, yahoomaps sattelite images are at LEAST 10 years old in my area... more reasons to use google
17:30.38*** join/##essy heavenquake (n=heavenqu@unaffiliated/heavenquake)
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19:37.26*** part/##essy Milami (n=Milami@about/essy/tsiugnil/milami)
19:41.21*** join/##essy Milami (
20:31.35*** join/##essy a_meteorite (n=a_meteor@unaffiliated/ameteorite/x-000000001)
20:58.03*** join/##essy QuantumBeep (n=QuantumB@
20:58.16*** join/##essy Milami (
21:06.24*** join/##essy Milami (
21:10.58*** join/##essy L4m3r (i=l4m3r@about/essy/warning/L4m3r)
21:15.19*** join/##essy JKnife (i=jknife@about/essy/SharpHugger/JKnife)
21:25.43*** join/##essy Pimpi_ (
21:28.25*** join/##essy sleeptyper (i=no_comm@about/philosophy/sleeptyper)
22:48.34*** join/##essy Milami (
22:51.17*** join/##essy PriceChild (n=pricechi@ubuntu/member/pdpc.supporter.student.PriceChild)
23:23.54*** join/##essy L4m3r (n=l4m3r@about/essy/warning/L4m3r)
23:52.34*** join/##essy JKnife_ (
23:56.47*** join/##essy Vampier (n=Vampier@pdpc/supporter/base/Vampier)

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