irclog2html for ##essy on 20070222

00:01.12SportChick[dmp] you around ?  
00:01.19SportChickhi krel! :)
00:01.51*** join/##essy Raoul (n=raoul@tapthru/resident/Raoul)
00:02.13[dmp]guess im not very good at that :)
00:11.41*** join/##essy Theme97 (n=Theme97@about/essy/phpwriter/Theme97)
00:12.17NessyBot::christel:: Honey, I'm home. @,-Im-home..html
01:10.39Milamiconcert, starts in 50 minutes, it'll be great, don't miss it!
01:20.28inchwormsomeone get me a ride that'll do the 500+ miles in 40 minutes...
01:20.43*** join/##essy mviron (
01:21.27inchwormthanks Aribeth
01:21.47Aribethof corse you will have to fly it :P
01:22.11Aribethsorry, manuals are clasified :P
01:22.20inchwormi have a license, but I'm not type certified
01:22.41inchwormhmm no manuals
01:23.22inchwormtower this is worm16, permission to taxi to runway
01:24.03Aribethnegative, permission denyed
01:24.13inchwormerr, roger that tower
01:24.47mviron"you have been fined $500 for improper use of an FAA channel"
01:25.02Aribethinchworm is finaly cleared for takeoff, but his F16 runs out of fuel before he gets to the runway
01:25.03SportChickinchworm: get tessier to come get you :)
01:25.23inchwormoh tessier...i need a ride!
01:25.36inchwormHowdy SC
01:26.17SportChickhi guys, going to lay down - was just peeking in
01:26.17inchwormroger, inchworm gives SC permission to land
01:26.17Aribeth~pamper SportChick
01:26.19jbotACTION pulls out all the stops, and arranges a 2-hour massage, manicure, pedicure, facial and a full day at the spa for SportChick.  In addition, food is catered from the local 5-star restaurants, prepared especially for SportChick.  An army of people are available to do anything SportChick might wish for!
01:26.21SportChickbe on later
01:26.55Aribethrest well SportChick
01:31.08mvironunless you'd rather have a tea, coffee, beer, or wine
01:32.27*** join/##essy maxfalco (
01:32.47Aribethyes, all of the above please :P
01:47.54*** join/##essy PeanutHorst (n=peanutlx@unaffiliated/midnightcommando)
01:50.08*** join/##essy Pimpi_ (
02:03.05*** part/##essy mozul (n=KBC18135@about/essy/LoveofEssy/mozul)
02:14.12JonathanDhey Soraya_
02:14.20Soraya_hey JonathanD
02:14.26JonathanDwhats up?
02:14.47Soraya_not much
02:15.01JonathanDcool cool
02:15.09JonathanDgoing to see my fiance tomororw
02:15.19SportChicktomaw: ping?
02:15.30Soraya_yay :)
02:16.09JonathanDmviron: yes?
02:16.19mvironhow goes it?
02:16.28JonathanDnot bad
02:17.21*** join/##essy Vampier (n=Vampier@pdpc/supporter/base/Vampier)
02:17.58mvironJonathanD: aside from being very exhausted (been up since 4 am), not bad
02:20.29jbotSportChick has made it home and is resting comfortably in familiar surroundings!  Thanks for all of your prayers and good wishes!
02:20.43VampierI don't pray :) good luck SC :)
02:33.27mvironJonathanD: nah
02:54.58*** join/##essy PeanutHorst (n=peanutlx@unaffiliated/midnightcommando)
03:09.29*** join/##essy Quol (
03:10.12Vampierla la la la lalalalalalalaaaaaaaaaaa
03:10.52VampierBRITNEY WE LOVE YOU!!!
03:34.01inchworm~lart Vampier for bringing up Britney
03:35.09Aribeth~nuke Britney
03:35.14jbotACTION prepares 100 missle silos, and targets them at Britney ... B☢☢M!
03:38.01*** join/##essy maxfalco ( that i've added a bunch of code, will my program work?
03:39.22inchwormthe moment of discovery, where you test the quality of your blind coding to compile and run free of errors
03:39.27*** join/##essy cosmos (
03:39.29inchwormis a sort of nerdvana
03:40.57Thumper_inchworm: think positively
03:41.07Thumper_"It'll positively never work the first time"
03:41.14inchwormwell it compiles cleanly now with -Wall
03:41.21*** join/##essy Caivax (n=caivax@unaffiliated/caivax)
03:42.03inchwormhaha, it positively didn't work :)
03:42.58*** join/##essy EbErT (
03:43.46*** join/##essy Quol ( positivly completely scrambled my terminal
03:45.50Vampierman she's hot
03:46.17Vampier~shave britney
03:46.19jbotACTION grabs the razor & shaving cream & chases britney until he sees TheRedBaron... then grabs TheRedbaron & dry shaves TheRedBaron from head to toe!
03:46.52inchworm~lart Vampier for bringing up Britney again
03:47.02Vampierhow did we go fom britney to redbaron?
03:48.31*** join/##essy Theme97 (n=Theme97@about/essy/phpwriter/Theme97)
03:49.57Vampier~eat beer
03:49.58jbotACTION eats beer and falls over dead
03:50.17inchwormok, it's positvely bustedo
03:50.22Vampier~eat dog eat dog eat dog eat dog
03:50.23jbotACTION eats dog eat dog eat dog eat dog and falls over dead
03:50.38Vampier~eat inchworm
03:50.39jbotACTION eats inchworm and falls over dead
03:50.53inchworm~repair Vampier
03:50.55jbotACTION opens the toolbox, picks up the hammer and aims at Vampier's head
03:51.05Vampier~destroy inchworm
03:51.11Vampieryou will!
03:51.20Vampier~destroy inchworm
03:51.30Vampier~destroy inchworm
03:51.52Thumper_~lart Vampier for all the spam
03:51.57Aribeth~nuke Vampire
03:51.59jbotACTION prepares 100 missle silos, and targets them at Vampire ... B☢☢M!
03:52.02Theme97~praise Thumper_
03:52.03jbotAll hail Thumper_!
03:52.05Theme97~praise Aribeth
03:52.06jbotAll hail Aribeth!
03:52.54Aribeth~lart Britney
03:53.04Vampier~duke of hazzards
03:53.08jbotSportChick has made it home and is resting comfortably in familiar surroundings!  Thanks for all of your prayers and good wishes!
03:53.15Vampiershe's baby sitting britney
03:53.27inchworm~dog Vampier
03:53.29jbotACTION stares at Vampier until Vampier whimpers and pees all over himself.
03:53.30Vampierfunk you guys, i'm going home
03:53.35Vampier~spell funk
03:53.47Aribethits duck's of hazzard Vampire
03:53.52Theme97~spell sesquipedaliaphovia
03:53.58Aribethits duke's of hazzard Vampire
03:53.59Theme97... NO!
03:54.07Theme97~spell sesquidepedaliaphobia
03:54.14Theme97... man jbot
03:54.47Aribeth~pound Britney
03:54.48jbotACTION flattens Britney with a meat tenderizer
03:55.01Aribeth~cook Britney
03:55.02jbotACTION throws Britney in a big pan with veggies inside and cooks Britney on 350 for an hour
03:55.10inchwormnow she's hot....
03:55.13Theme97Sesquipedaliaphobia is what I wanted, jbot.
03:55.42Aribeth~chop Britney
03:55.57Aribeth~cut Britney
03:56.20Aribeth~whaleslap Britney
03:56.21jbotACTION beats Britney upside and over the head with a freakishly huge killer whale named Hugh
03:59.31Aribeth~lart Vampire for using foul language
04:00.30AribethBritney...can you feel the love :P
04:35.20*** join/##essy RudyValencia (i=arthur@about/cooking/nakedchef/pizza/RudyValencia)
04:57.23*** join/##essy deprecated (
05:04.14*** join/##essy JeffM2501 (
05:06.07JeffM2501I am... I am... I am.. the Iron Man...
05:06.27Aribethblack sabith
05:07.15Aribethahh, made me think of black sabith's iron nam song
05:09.26JeffM2501that only has one I am IIRC :)
05:09.46*** join/##essy Vampier (n=Vampier@pdpc/supporter/base/Vampier)
05:10.24VampierBritney!! WE ALL LOVE YOU!!
05:10.24Aribethno what?
05:10.29Aribethohhh nooo
05:10.47Aribethnot again
05:11.31Aribethwell, i am NOT a fan of her's
05:11.48VampierAin't not never was a no never fan right?
05:12.16gn00biewell, she ermm.. .. sucks
05:12.17Aribethi beleive i just stated that fact
05:12.28gn00bieso no, I am not a fan either
05:15.56SportChickbritney who?
05:16.21SportChicklike I said, britney who? ;)
05:16.25Vampierto be honest I listen to cradle of filth and mortician
05:16.45Vampierand I think Britney is the new Elizabeth Batorh
05:16.54Aribeth~lart Vampire
05:16.56gn00biewho is this elizabeth?
05:17.03gn00bieI second that lart
05:17.04Vampieror 'Elizabeth Bathory'
05:17.21Aribethdoes she need a bath :P
05:17.36VampierElizabeth was locked in her room until she died
05:17.51gn00bieshe needs a bath, yes
05:17.55Vampiershe killed virgins and used them for sexual pleasure
05:18.00Vampiershe bathed in their blood
05:18.06Vampierit's a pretty grim tail
05:18.11SportChickVampier: offtopic :p
05:18.18VampierSportChick ?
05:18.19Aribethand we had to be told this for what reason?
05:18.24VampierSportChick this is culture
05:18.29SportChickVampier: you totally grossed me out, please stop :p
05:18.31Vampiernot some made up fantasy story
05:18.35JeffM2501so he could feel better about himself
05:18.40gn00bieheck this is not even agriculture
05:18.43SportChickVampier: gross me out when I'm not feeling so tired :)
05:18.50gn00bieit could qualify as animal husbandry at best
05:19.02VampierSportChick good to have you back :)
05:19.04Aribeth~dog Vampire
05:19.07jbotACTION stares at Vampire until Vampire whimpers and pees all over himself.
05:19.53SportChickVampier: ty :)
05:22.05Aribeth~tea SportChick
05:22.09jbotACTION realizes it's time for high tea and gets busy in the kitchen.  He brings out tea, crumpets, scones and an assortment of delectable goodies and serves them properly to SportChick and others
05:22.22SportChick~sleep me
05:22.23jbotACTION sends sportchick to bed without supper
05:22.44SportChickAribeth: believe me, it's a good idea
05:22.46SportChickgnight all :)
05:22.57Aribethgood night SportChick
05:23.34Thumper_night SC (and everyone else)
05:23.48Aribethnite Thumper_
05:25.32christelnn SportChick
05:25.38christelactually, SportChick come back
05:45.08*** join/##essy RudyValencia (i=arthur@about/cooking/nakedchef/pizza/RudyValencia)
05:52.17VampierRudy wat is a good way to make pizza dough?
05:55.14*** join/##essy nalioth (i=nalioth@freenode/staff/ubuntu.member.nalioth)
05:55.20sitVampier: sell it to rich people
06:05.13*** join/##essy Flash (n=jwmelto@unaffiliated/flash)
06:18.04VampierArch-Angel, Dark-Angel
06:18.05VampierLend me thy light
06:18.05VampierThrough death's veil 'till we have heaven in sight
06:39.16*** join/##essy Pommes (n=Pommes@about/essy/frenchy/Pommes)
06:47.58*** join/##essy PeanutHorst (n=peanutlx@unaffiliated/midnightcommando)
06:51.49linageehow is SportChick doing?
06:55.59jbotSportChick has made it home and is resting comfortably in familiar surroundings!  Thanks for all of your prayers and good wishes!
06:57.09linageeoh good! :)
06:59.39*** join/##essy sleeptyper (n=no_comm@about/philosophy/sleeptyper)
07:00.18gn00biecall it The Great Gn00bie Co LLC
07:02.04linageecall it initech
07:02.07linagee(office space?)
07:02.53linageegn00bie: LLC is such a dumb thing to put on the end of your name. nobody cares if you're a limited liability company. i think that should make people trust you less. ;)
07:05.05gn00bieThe Great Gnoobie Mega Corporation?
07:05.29*** join/##essy Milami (n=chatzill@
07:05.38gn00bieMilami needs a salami
07:07.35gn00biewell... you may want to try some other WM
07:08.14gn00biegnome is a WM
07:08.16linageegn00bie: GSP
07:08.26linageeGnome Service Provider
07:08.28gn00bielinagee: what exactly is a GSP?
07:08.40gn00bieah, nice one
07:09.04linageegn00bie: my current sandwich service provider has been submarina. it used to be subway, until they got evil and changed their specials.
07:11.10sitMilami: get a dog and feed your homework to it
07:11.50gn00bieI am just done cooking
07:11.51sitlinagee: hi, ltns
07:11.57gn00bienothing better than food at 2:30 in the morning
07:12.06sitgn00bie: care to share?
07:12.06linageelong time name server?
07:12.11gn00bieMilami: get a dog, and eat it. Then do your homework
07:12.19Milamipoor dog!!
07:12.20sitMilami is korean?
07:12.34gn00biesit: if you like carrot and snow peas casserole, come on over
07:12.50gn00biesit: Milami does not want a salami, so Milami might be Korean
07:12.53linageesit: do you have to be korean? i thought you said you liked to eat puppies. :(
07:12.54sitgn00bie: gross :\
07:13.17gn00biesit: I only had carrots and snow peas
07:13.32gn00bieif life gives you carrots, make carrot casserole
07:13.35sitlinagee: i've only tried dog once
07:13.38gn00bieI guess
07:13.45gn00bieis dog red meat?
07:13.45linageesit: you've eaten a dog???
07:13.59linageesit: that's worse than a war crime
07:14.00sitgn00bie: i only eat meat
07:14.01gn00bieI probably have eaten a dog once too maybe
07:14.10gn00biesit: ah, I see
07:14.12linageegn00bie: while in mexico?
07:14.24gn00bielinagee: nope, while in Bombay
07:14.31linageewhere is that?
07:14.45gn00biesecond biggest city in India, 20 mil odd people
07:15.05sitit's not called bombay anymore
07:15.41gn00bieto me, it will always be Bombay
07:15.52gn00biebut yes, you are right sit
07:15.58sitthat's the white man's name!
07:16.07gn00biewhat is in the name?
07:16.37siti am nothing without a name
07:19.01sit36th chamber of shaolin rocks
07:19.49*** join/##essy booze (n=no_comm@about/philosophy/sleeptyper)
08:00.38*** join/##essy Grumpfy (n=Grumpf@about/essy/Happy/Grumpfy)
08:34.13*** join/##essy Gilly (
08:40.54*** part/##essy Grumpfy_studying (
08:41.56*** join/##essy Thonolan (n=Thonolan@unaffiliated/thonolan)
09:10.50*** join/##essy sleeptyper (n=Blah@about/philosophy/sleeptyper)
09:36.21Flash~spell purient
09:45.58ThonolanSportChick: your still on?
09:46.08Thonolanit must be very late there
09:54.09*** part/##essy Thonolan (n=Thonolan@unaffiliated/thonolan)
10:50.22*** join/##essy Raoul (n=raoul@tapthru/resident/Raoul)
11:16.52*** join/##essy Pommes_ (
11:34.07*** join/##essy [suave] (n=totte@about/essy/MadonnaFan/suave)
11:35.07*** join/##essy Smiley (
11:36.47*** join/##essy Smiley (
12:15.24*** join/##essy jh` (i=jh@about/essy/flagger/jh)
12:55.01*** join/##essy donny_baker (n=donny_ba@about/essy/vvvvv/donnybaker)
12:56.15jh`Grab a seat by the fire and enjoy some tea, coffee or hot chocolate along with some great conversation
12:56.18jh`no beer?
13:03.35Pommesjh`: we're all afraid of drunken finnish hooligans
13:05.08*** join/##essy PhilKC_ (i=greece@freenode/staff/about.linux.philkc)
14:16.09*** join/##essy ts (
14:21.50*** join/##essy Smiley (
14:35.04*** join/##essy Grumpfy (n=Grumpf@about/essy/Happy/Grumpfy)
15:32.17*** join/##essy PhilKC (i=greece@freenode/staff/about.linux.philkc)
15:34.37*** join/##essy Milami (
15:34.44*** part/##essy Grumpfy (n=Grumpf@about/essy/Happy/Grumpfy)
15:45.55*** join/##essy orchid (n=bzgirl@unaffiliated/orchid)
15:46.42*** join/##essy a_temp_dist (
16:07.14Milaminobody is awake!
16:08.49mvironworkMilami: I am
16:08.57gn00bieme too
16:09.22Milamihooray!  Hi!
16:10.26mvironworkhello Milami
16:10.47Milamimmm, tea, thank you!
16:16.49sitsalami flavored tea...yum
16:17.54gn00bieyum indeed
16:21.05SportChickhi Milami :)
16:21.43SportChickgood morning mvironwork, [dmp], gn00bie, sit and Milami
16:22.01Milamigood morning SportChick!
16:22.19SportChickI slept about 9 hours last night!
16:23.53[dmp]\o/ :)
16:26.08gn00bieI slept about 9 hours too
16:27.21SportChick~bad gn00bie
16:27.31jbotBad gn00bie, bad! No cookie for you!
16:27.31SportChickMilami: you aren't identified to services
16:28.07gn00bieMilami makes the tea, I only serve it
16:28.57MilamiI am no Salami tea creator!!!
16:31.08gn00bielast time I made tea was 1994 probably
16:33.07[suave]Sporty Sporty Sporty: can i give you a normal big time hug now? :-P
16:33.18SportChick[suave]: as long as you avoid my right shoulder, yes!
16:33.32SportChick[suave] and poke [dmp] - he's ignoring me again ;)
16:34.48[suave]poke is done :-)
16:35.11[suave]weeee :-D
16:35.38*** join/##essy maxfalco (
16:36.09gn00bieMilami puts lint in the peppermint tea
16:36.35[dmp]the mathematical "proof" is wrong, girls are not evil, they're meanies
16:45.25*** join/##essy mozul (n=KBC18135@about/essy/LoveofEssy/mozul)
16:45.54SportChickwe are not!
16:45.55SportChickhi mozul!!!
16:46.50mozulhi SportChick
16:47.15SportChickI'll bet!
16:47.24SportChickAND you have a "car" to drive in :)
16:47.58SportChickwe do need to find that leak though :)
16:48.06SportChickyou won't always have a garage wherever you're parking :)
16:49.00mozulwell there is the leak over the stereo that needs to be found, but the roof also leaks over each front corner.  so the seats get wet.  these are known and probably not fixable.
16:49.35mozulwe just need to continue to live in mostly sunny southern california.
16:49.50cosmosits pretty rainy right now
16:50.31cosmosugg, another 830 sq ft house sold for 1.2mil down the street
16:50.59SportChickmozul: hehe, could it be fixed by adding some of that caulking stuff where the front window leaks?
16:51.43mozuldon't think so.
16:51.58cosmoswheres the leak
16:52.35mozulI have a removeable fiberglass hard top.  there is a gap where the top, roof and window come together in the upper left as you are sitting in the driver seat.
16:53.07mozulthere is no frame around the window.  It just presses up against the top and windshield frame.
16:53.09cosmosoh yeah, thats hard.  any kind of convertible or removeable top fixing is tough
16:53.20cosmoson a standard car there are several silicon caulks
16:53.26SportChickbtw, mozul do you realize some of your older pages aren't easily accessible from your blog anymore?  A lot of the links disappeared (or at least got harder to find) when you upgraded your template
16:53.45mozulI think the top is not made from the factory but an aftermarket one and is probably not exactly the right shape.
16:54.07mozulyup  I realize.  I saved the old template.  I may just go back to it.
16:54.13cosmosyeah there are places that do custom tops for vehicles if you want to pay $$
16:54.22cosmoswhat model car
16:54.33mozul1968 Triumph Spitfire.
16:54.46SportChickmvironwork: noooo, we need the rain
16:54.47cosmosyeah, there are.  but get out your wallet
16:55.30SportChickmozul: yeah, I had that, but for some reason couldn't find a direct link
16:55.33SportChickI guessed at the url :)
16:55.48sitSportChick: welcome back
16:55.53mozulthis shows you the top on the car, but the car isn't this color anymore
16:55.54SportChicksit: ty!
16:55.55cosmosbuddy of mine was puting together a 66 convertible cadi, got a custom top for it.  $12k
16:56.05SportChickcosmos: ouch
16:57.44cosmosnice car, good to see more real cars on the road instead of cheap plastic foreign crap
16:58.14sitSportChick: so is the arm as good as/better than new now?
16:58.27sitthey replace it with a bionic arm that can lift a big rig?
16:59.33*** join/##essy Milami (n=chatzill@
16:59.35cosmosthat could be handy in southern california freeways
17:00.28cosmossaturday was driving up the 405 and its usual slow crawl.  lady in front of us stops in the lane and changes her babys diapers on the hood
17:00.46SportChicksit: hehe, no
17:01.09SportChickand sit, I wans't in the hospital for the arm, specifically.  It was really more for my respiratory issues
17:01.18cosmoswhat issues sc
17:01.57sitcosmos: where in cali do you hail from?
17:02.16cosmosi live in west los angeles, basically a block or two from santa monica
17:02.23*** join/##essy JeffM2501 (n=JeffM@pdpc/supporter/sustaining/JeffM2501)
17:03.05*** join/##essy CBG (
17:06.10*** join/##essy kierra (
17:06.34*** part/##essy kierra (
17:07.25SportChickmozul: or just add the links from the old template into the new one :)
17:11.27*** join/##essy Erroneous (
17:13.22*** join/##essy PhilKC (i=greece@freenode/staff/about.linux.philkc)
17:32.27*** join/##essy Grumpfy (n=Grumpf@about/essy/Happy/Grumpfy)
17:33.51*** part/##essy Grumpfy (n=Grumpf@about/essy/Happy/Grumpfy)
18:05.08SportChickCBG: did you have a nice birthday?
18:17.34NessyBot::mozul:: Christmas 2006 @
18:28.34SportChickhi Erroneous :)
18:28.37SportChickgood to see you :)
18:28.40latexerSportChick: morning!
18:28.45*** join/##essy TheRedBaron (
18:28.47SportChickhi SIGFPE! :)
18:28.50SportChickhi PuMpErNiCkLe
18:28.52SportChickeek RudyValencia! ouch!
18:28.55SportChickyay [suave]
18:29.01*** join/##essy Blue_Eyes (
18:29.01SportChickhi latexer!!
18:29.08SportChicklatexer: how's it going?
18:29.13Erroneoushi SportChick :)
18:29.13SportChickciao Blue_Eyes
18:29.15latexerSportChick: sore. tired. good.
18:29.17SportChickhow are you altoid
18:29.19latexerSportChick: you?
18:29.21SportChicklatexer: sore?
18:29.35altoidSportChick: not too shabby
18:29.38latexertwo nights in a row of rock climbing + slack line.
18:29.38SportChicklatexer: well, I'm home and out of the hospital - that's good enough news for me for one day :) (or a month even)
18:29.43SportChicklatexer: ahhh
18:29.49altoidSportChick: and yourself?
18:29.52Blue_EyesCiao SportChick ;)
18:29.56SportChicklatexer: making me jealous
18:30.03latexerSportChick: sorry. ):
18:30.18SportChickwell at least SOMEONE is healthy and can have fun :)
18:30.20SportChickhi Manu!!
18:30.28SportChickaltoid: I'm happy to be ome :)
18:30.43jbotSportChick: thanks
18:30.57sitSportChick: wanna go skiing? ;)
18:31.06SportChicksit: WANT? or CAN? :p
18:31.30latexerSportChick: well, my body tends to pay for it the day after... but I still do it.
18:31.34SportChicksit, yes, I ALWAYS _WANT_ to go, but I think I'd better pass on this season
18:31.37SportChicklatexer: understood
18:31.44SportChicklatexer: I admire rockclimbers
18:31.48sitSportChick: my office is going to mammoth next.  i might not go, wanna take my place? :)
18:31.50SportChickI generally stick to cycling
18:31.56SportChicksit: :p
18:31.59SportChick~lart sit
18:32.02PuMpErNiCkLeblading ftw ^^
18:32.07SportChicklatexer: where'd you go climbing?
18:32.17latexerPuMpErNiCkLe: yeah, i gotta replace my axels on my skates and start doing that again.
18:32.27latexerSportChick: there's an indoor place in anaheim hills I go to.
18:32.33SportChickah cool
18:32.38latexerSportChick: i've been meaning to go do some outdoors, just hasn't worked out yet.
18:32.40SportChicknot out to Joshua tree ?
18:32.45latexerSportChick: most of the days I would do that... i'm out trying to fly. (:
18:32.50latexerSportChick: not yet, hopefully soon.
18:32.58SportChickJoshua Tree is considered one of the best places locally, I think
18:33.13SportChickthat or up to Yosemite
18:33.14latexerthe guys at the gym where I climb go semi-regularly.
18:33.45christelhi mvironwork.
18:33.48SportChickat this point, I can't get my arm above 90 degrees (and that's with it laying on the floor, supported), so I won't be doing anything particularly exciting for a while
18:34.41Erroneousit's all about how you look at it
18:34.42latexerSportChick: ):
18:35.11TheRedBaronErroneous: I think we'd rather be left ignorant
18:35.47SportChickpfft, Erroneous - you still haven't /identified
18:37.17SportChickyes :)
18:37.57SportChicklatexer: oh, don't frown at me - I'm too happy to be home :p
18:38.28*** part/##essy mozul (n=KBC18135@about/essy/LoveofEssy/mozul)
18:39.21SportChick~lart TheRedBaron
18:39.29SportChick~silence TheRedBaron
18:39.31jbotACTION shoves an apple in TheRedBaron's mouth, shoves a spit through ... well, uhm, anyway ... then builds a nice fire and starts roasting
18:50.25*** join/##essy mozul (n=KBC18135@about/essy/LoveofEssy/mozul)
18:51.09SportChickrofl, I got an email from someone who noticed on my blog that my nephew was on a tv show...he wants to know all about my nephew :D
18:51.34mozulhehe not sure if corey has a blog
18:54.32SportChickI don't think he does - although I think he's on *cough cough* myspace
18:54.57*** join/##essy tonyyarusso (n=anthony@ubuntu/member/tonyyarusso)
18:55.03SportChickhi tonyyarusso!!!
18:55.13tonyyarussoDoubt any of you folks can help explain pbuilder to me, but here I am anyway.  :P
18:55.29SportChickwhat is pbuilder?  there might be someone here :)
18:56.55tonyyarussoIt's a debian, etc. tool for building packages in a guaranteed minimal environment, so you get build depends and such right.
18:59.11TheRedBarongood album
18:59.17tonyyarussoanyone taken the MMPI?  some of those questions are amusing.
18:59.39SportChicktonyyarusso: I know that christel's rather debian saavy but i believe some others here are too
19:01.20SportChickdonny_baker: what OS are you running these days?
19:01.38TheRedBaronwin2k  FTW!
19:02.20SportChick~lart TheRedBaron
19:02.23tonyyarussoCould be worse, could be ME
19:02.36SportChickif it were, he would be crashed right now ;P
19:02.42RudyValenciaSportChick: Ever been to an "upscale" restaurant?
19:03.01SportChickRudyValencia: one "called" upscale or do you mean a nice, fancy-schmanzy thing?
19:03.17RudyValenciaAs in, a very fancy restaurant that's typically expensive?
19:03.25SportChickRudyValencia: tons
19:03.27tonyyarussoWe once spent a whole pile of money on a dinner in Naples I think it was...
19:03.41SportChickRudyValencia: I used to have a "real" job and not care about what I spent :)
19:03.59RudyValenciaHm, I'm trying to make my restaurant concept higher-class.
19:04.26RudyValenciaIts primary basis is pizza, but I want to go for a crossover Italian-American "bistro" format.
19:05.12SportChickRudyValencia: I don't generally consider "bistro" to be that upscale, but maybe I'm stuffy that way ;)
19:05.20SportChickbistro is more mid-range, imo
19:05.22tonyyarussoCome to St. Paul - we'll treat you up for Italian-American :)
19:05.35RudyValenciaWell, anyway, I want to upgrade the traditional "pizzeria" concept a notch or two.
19:05.41SportChicktonyyarusso: uhoh
19:05.54RudyValenciaWhile still keeping it fairly familiar to the typical American palate.
19:06.06tonyyarussoSportChick: A number of relatives (some kinda near, some pretty far, but still sort of familyish) own restaurants.
19:06.16SportChicktonyyarusso: I once went to probably the most fantastic italian place I'd ever eaten in, in the warehouse district of St. Louis - it was totally crazy - and very very mob-bish
19:06.35SportChickRudyValencia: I think tonyyarusso's the one you should be talking to
19:06.36tonyyarussoCossetta's, Yarusso Bros', Morellis, The Little Oven
19:06.47SportChicktonyyarusso: just out of curiosity, I presume you tried #debian?
19:06.59tonyyarussoSportChick: Actually, no.  #ubuntu-motu so far.
19:07.06SportChickone sec
19:07.49SportChick736 nicks in #debian, tonyyarusso
19:08.00SportChickthough I don't know how helpful/useful they are
19:08.04RudyValenciaAnyway, I'm trying to think of how I can please the typical American palate while enhancing the flavor of my menu items
19:08.05tonyyarussoWe'll find out.
19:08.29latexeris it bad that when i see the phrase "menu items", i start thinking GtkMenu?
19:08.30tonyyarussoRudyValencia: Oregano is fairly calm, but nice to throw in stuff.
19:08.47RudyValenciaI put it in my spaghetti sauce at home :)
19:09.40RudyValenciaHm... I'm going for traditional-style, wood-fired pizza in my restaurant
19:09.42SportChickhehe latexer
19:10.58latexerit's getting to my head.
19:27.21CBGthe day itself wasn't great, but this iMac is :D
19:27.21SportChickdid you have a nice birthday, CBG ?
19:29.11*** join/##essy SmileyG (
19:50.48CBGwait... s/win/lose/
19:52.22CBGbut now she loses... less hugs....
19:54.56*** join/##essy CBG (
20:01.01TheRedBaron~streak CBG
20:01.02jbotACTION watches CBG run through the channel stark naked screeming "lennard jones!!!!"
20:13.34*** join/##essy SmileyG ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
20:13.34*** join/##essy jh` (i=jh@about/essy/flagger/jh)
20:13.34*** join/##essy cosmos ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
20:13.34*** join/##essy brad (
20:18.51SportChickhehe tonyyarusso
20:20.52tonyyarussoWho is that?
20:22.00jh`whos leroy jenkins?
20:23.18TheRedBaron~eject TheRedBaron
20:23.20jbottheredbaron hits the big red button that says 'DO NOT PUSH' on it and TheRedBaron is ejected from the channel screaming.
20:23.42jh`baron, seems you have created a new team
20:25.01jh`the weirdos
20:25.08TheRedBaronThe Weirdies
20:25.33TheRedBaronjh`: I slowly suspect I'm goign mad, so I figured I might as well enjoy the experience
20:25.46TheRedBaronor, I suspect I'm slowly going mad...
20:30.16TheRedBaron[dmp]: they do sell frozen redbaron pizza :)
20:30.22*** join/##essy PuMpErNiCkLe (n=pumperni@about/essy/bacon/PuMpErNiCkLe)
20:30.31[dmp]TheRedBaron: doubt it :)
20:39.27*** join/##essy sleeptyper (n=no_comm@about/philosophy/sleeptyper)
20:51.17*** join/##essy linagee (
21:10.54*** join/##essy EbErT (
21:11.58*** join/##essy inchworm (
21:16.25*** join/##essy donny_baker (n=donny_ba@about/essy/vvvvv/donnybaker)
22:08.22TheRedBaronyea! Polyamorous
22:09.54Erroneous[dmp]: doubt what?
22:20.39mvironwork~lart TheRedBaron
22:23.24*** join/##essy Milami (n=chatzill@
22:25.01TheRedBaron~pitchfork mvironwork
22:25.02jbotACTION charges full speed, chasing down mvironwork and impales mvironwork in the bottom
22:25.03TheRedBaron~pinch Milami
22:25.05jbotACTION scuttles after Milami, pinches him, and then scuttles away
22:25.17Milami~lart TheRedBaron
22:26.33[dmp]Erroneous: they are not in denmark, afaik
22:26.48TheRedBaronMilami: :(
22:27.28Milami~hug TheRedBaron
22:27.30jbotACTION jumps into TheRedBaron's lap and huggles and *hugs* TheRedBaron
22:27.42Erroneous[dmp]: could could mail-order one! :)
22:27.50TheRedBaronMilami: eeeks!
22:28.05TheRedBaronErroneous: I'll send one to him free of charge - he's given me free flying lessons
22:28.33Erroneousfree flying lessons ... you mean a boot to the butt? :)
22:28.47TheRedBaronErroneous: so much for putting it tactfully
22:30.19jbotrumour has it, [dmp] is the flying instructor
22:30.34[dmp]~factoid [dmp]
22:30.45[dmp]that was not it
22:30.52[dmp]how do you view when it was created?
22:31.00TheRedBaron[dmp]: some one changed my old one also
22:31.05jboti guess theredbaron is a newbie, and a cheeky blighter
22:31.28TheRedBaroni suspect CBG or Admirarch
22:31.59[dmp]~factinfo [dmp]
22:31.59jbot[dmp] -- last modified at Mon Apr 26 11:24:06 2004 by [dmp]!~dennis@; it has been requested 13 times, last by [dmp], 1m 40s ago.
22:32.00donny_bakerdefinately a brit :)
22:32.17[dmp]~factinfo theredbaron
22:32.17jbottheredbaron -- last modified at Thu Jan 11 15:01:17 2007 by TheRedBaron!i=d8ada652@gateway/web/cgi-irc/; it has been requested 4 times, last by TheRedBaron, 1m 12s ago.
22:32.42TheRedBaroni added the newbie part
22:33.02[dmp]'04 .. thats a few years ago :-|
22:33.13jh`~factinfo jh`
22:33.13jbotjh` -- created by KyleH <> at Thu Oct  5 03:15:04 2006 (140 days); it has been requested 4 times, last by jh` at Sat Nov 18 14:41:22 2006.
22:34.52jboti heard jh` is a pillboxer
22:35.06NessyBot::bzgirl:: ESR @
22:35.57jbotSoraya_ is a wonderful and nice lady, and a dangerous foe.  She too is off limits for hugging except from a special list of which includes tokimi.
22:36.13jboti guess cbg is An annoying 12 year old kid who lives in a bin with lots of sheep. a peach, round and fuzzy  The Dude with the Lowest Karma!
22:37.55jh`~factinfo cpk1
22:37.55jbotjh`: there's no such factoid as cpk1
22:38.59cpk1~karma cbg
22:38.59jbotcbg has karma of -452
22:39.34TheRedBaron~karma shorty114
22:39.34jbotshorty114 has karma of -443
22:39.44cpk1ohh its close
22:39.45mvironwork~lart TheRedBaron
22:40.22TheRedBaronshorty114 was beating him for the longest time
22:41.05TheRedBaron25ms is a rather long response time for a monitor
22:43.42*** join/##essy triclops (
22:49.42*** join/##essy nanoc (n=conan@about/essy/nairabrab/nanoc)
22:50.07cpk1~hug nanoc
22:50.08jbotACTION hugs nanoc tightly until nanoc turns slightly blue
22:50.20TheRedBaronpoor nanoc
22:50.22inchworm~hug nanoc
22:50.23jbotACTION hugs nanoc
22:50.42TheRedBaron~comfort nanoc
22:50.43jbotThere, there, nanoc.  It's OK.  I'm here for you.
22:50.43inchworm~unhug nanoc
22:50.44jbotACTION prys nanoc off of poor inchworm
23:26.17*** join/##essy JKnife (n=jknife@unaffiliated/jknife)
23:55.53kreli'm very slow at returning hugs :(

Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.