IRC log for ##ducleague on 20110512

02:27.36*** join/##ducleague kierra (~jolie@unaffiliated/kierra)
03:13.29*** join/##ducleague ahs3- (
06:57.59*** join/##ducleague kierra1 (
11:09.00*** join/##ducleague kierra (~jolie@unaffiliated/kierra)
14:28.28*** join/##ducleague Upsetter (
14:57.31*** join/##ducleague Upsetter1 (~er@
15:08.13blast007just a note that I'll be working on moving the BZFlag web services (main site, list, forum, wiki, images) to a different host over the weekend here
15:08.37blast007the ducati site can remain on .bz - if you'd want it moved to the other server, I could ask JeffM about that
15:10.37BulletCatcherYou'll be busy enough with the other changes.
15:10.39BulletCatcherThere should be no need to move the Ducati web site at the same time.
15:11.29blast007well, I'm not necessarily meaning at the same time - just something to think about
15:11.53blast007my offer to host it on my server is still open as well
15:12.38blast007my server pretty much does nothing all day long ;)  load average rarely even gets near 0.5
15:13.18BulletCatcherThe web site is osta's baby, so we'll need his cooperation (or at least permission) to make any changes.
15:21.48*** join/##ducleague quantumdot (~jmlopez@bzflag/player/QuantumDot)
15:40.44*** join/##ducleague kierra (~jolie@unaffiliated/kierra)
18:50.57*** join/##ducleague sirquine (~quine@GARKBIT.WV.CC.CMU.EDU)
19:23.15*** join/##ducleague Grumpfy (~Grumpf@
19:23.15*** join/##ducleague Grumpfy (~Grumpf@about/essy/Happy/Grumpfy)
19:45.06*** part/##ducleague Upsetter1 (~er@
19:46.43*** part/##ducleague Grumpfy (~Grumpf@about/essy/Happy/Grumpfy)
20:22.58*** join/##ducleague kierra (~jolie@unaffiliated/kierra)
23:26.17*** join/##ducleague sirquine (

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