IRC log for ##ducleague on 20100723

05:18.54*** join/##ducleague BulletCatcher (~bc@bzflag/developer/BulletCatcher)
08:14.33*** join/##ducleague kierra (~jolie@unaffiliated/kierra)
08:17.38Murielleping kierra
08:18.07Muriellehave you extended my ban? I still cant join servers
08:18.33Murielleeven 1vs1 pimpi servers
08:19.55kierrahmmm, should be able to, i added you back on the spawn list yest eve
08:20.01kierrai'll check
08:20.56kierrayou are still devil chick?
08:24.05Muriellebut i still cant join duc (public and offi) and pimpi 1vs1 servers (<---  dont know why i could not join that league, btw)
08:32.04kierrayou were not banned on pimpi 61, 62 or the catay 1v1 servers
09:08.18Muriellethe 60 61 etc...
09:09.20Murielleit seems ok now. I can join  duc (public and offi) and pimpi 1vs1 servers
10:06.14*** join/##ducleague Grumpfy (~Grumpf@about/essy/Happy/Grumpfy)
10:21.40Muriellethank you
14:24.17*** join/##ducleague jomojo (
14:43.33*** join/##ducleague me1 (~ausom@bzflag/player/Me1)
15:02.13*** join/##ducleague purl (
15:02.13*** topic/##ducleague is Ducati League Channel || ~bzsites ||
16:15.05*** join/##ducleague emknox (
16:47.04*** join/##ducleague Grumpfy (~Grumpf@about/essy/Happy/Grumpfy)
19:03.45*** join/##ducleague jomojo (
20:24.52*** join/##ducleague me1 (~ausom@bzflag/player/Me1)
23:25.07*** join/##ducleague purl (
23:25.08*** topic/##ducleague is Ducati League Channel || ~bzsites ||

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