IRC log for ##ducleague on 20080812

01:44.16menotumeAHA, uh, cause it may or may not be plural ?
01:44.24menotumethat is the NON-lazy way
01:45.34menotumeif you want skype info, put it in your profile yourself
01:45.51menotumei',m not going to get into every chat,aim, etc.
02:06.42AHAmenotume, but a lot of the GU/DUC players actually use skype
02:07.47AHAoh, and I didn't see that you declare $plural in a conditional statement
02:08.13AHAI'm used to having more spaces for an indent
02:08.21AHAmy bad for calling you lazy :P
02:10.35AHAmenotume, the main point being that lots of players use skype
02:12.08AHAAnyway, if you care to see the updated playerinfo.php file, it's here:
02:37.23AHAand the create_new_tables.sql file support/sqlscripts/create_new_install:
02:37.43AHA*create_new_tables.sql file in support/sqlscripts/create_new_install
02:38.58AHAAs you probably know, you would need to add another row to the "l_player" table: skype varchar(30) default NULL
02:50.06*** join/##ducleague AHA (n=aha@unaffiliated/aha)
02:51.20AHA<AHA> As you probably know, you would need to add another row to the "l_player" table: skype varchar(30) default NULL
02:51.23AHAthats if you already have webleague installed (as you know)
07:37.07*** join/##ducleague think_tank (n=think_ta@unaffiliated/thinktank/x-168245)
07:54.44*** join/##ducleague Admirarch (
08:16.26bradreal people dont use skype
11:54.33*** join/##ducleague jbot (i=ibot@pdpc/supporter/active/TimRiker/bot/apt)
11:54.33*** topic/##ducleague is Ducati League Channel || ~bzsites ||
12:17.34*** join/##ducleague menotume (n=menotume@pdpc/supporter/active/menotume)
21:19.49*** join/##ducleague AHA_ (n=aha@unaffiliated/aha)
21:30.37*** join/##ducleague whodaman- (n=whodaman@about/apple/macbook/whodaman-)
21:43.58whodaman-menotume, you realize that i didn't ask for skype because its an ausum new msg and i rly want to try it out! Right?
21:44.12whodaman-In the last 2 weeks, more and more players have been communicating via skype than ever before in the league
21:44.17whodaman-It's basically a new way of matching
21:45.03whodaman-Pretty much every match vs certain teams or with certain teams are played with skype
21:45.09whodaman-It's kinda turned into a big part of the league
21:45.16menotumein your mind :P
21:45.22whodaman-That's why i asked for it to be included, not because i wanna haz 20 more buddies!
21:45.46menotumeskype has been around for years, as is 'teamspeak', etc, etc.
21:45.48whodaman-menotume, in a lot of others too..
21:45.56menotumewell, ok
21:46.01menotumebut, i'm not updating the site
21:46.07menotumethere are issues with updating
21:46.13whodaman-AHA wrote a patch, no?
21:46.14menotumeput it in your profile
21:46.20AHAits not a patch
21:46.22menotumethat's not the point
21:46.25AHAi just gave him the updated file
21:46.37menotumethe code there is out-of-sync
21:46.52menotumeto code it would take me all of 2 minutes most likely :P
21:47.06AHAyeah, it didn't take that long for me
21:47.09menotumethe maintenance however, is nightmarish
21:48.51whodaman-menotume, okay..
21:53.47AdmirarchSkype eh?
21:54.04Admirarchused to use that for matches about 4 years ago
21:54.34AdmirarchTeamspeak about two years ago
21:54.38AdmirarchThese things come and go
21:58.25menotumebut, when it's YOU, it's the beast :)
21:58.34menotumeerr, best too
23:36.54*** join/##ducleague whodaman- (n=whodaman@about/apple/macbook/whodaman-)

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