irclog2html for ##ducleague on 20070315

03:09.13*** join/##ducleague SportChick (n=essy@freenode/staff/about.essy.sportchick)
03:37.45*** join/##ducleague Blue-Eyes (
03:40.34*** join/##ducleague Birdie (
03:40.36*** join/##ducleague NessyBot (
04:41.56*** join/##ducleague Chestal_ (
05:56.55*** join/##ducleague SportChick (n=essy@freenode/staff/about.essy.sportchick)
06:25.32*** join/##ducleague essy_ (
06:27.53*** join/##ducleague SportChick (n=essy@freenode/staff/about.essy.sportchick)
06:37.14*** join/##ducleague SportChick (i=greece@freenode/staff/about.essy.sportchick)
07:29.34*** join/##ducleague Grumpfy (n=Grumpf@about/essy/Happy/Grumpfy)
09:16.30*** part/##ducleague Birdie (
09:16.32*** join/##ducleague Birdie (
09:39.46*** join/##ducleague Pommes_ (
10:49.53*** join/##ducleague ts__ (
11:13.26*** join/##ducleague Chestal (i=thilo@pdpc/supporter/active/Chestal)
11:30.09*** join/##ducleague NTH (
12:35.24*** join/##ducleague Birdie (
13:05.59*** join/##ducleague Gilly (
13:55.41*** join/##ducleague essy_ (
13:56.24*** part/##ducleague essy_ (
14:27.35*** join/##ducleague GrumpyGirl (n=Grumpf@about/essy/Happy/Grumpfy)
14:52.54NessyBot::ducati:: Mar 15 14:46 => Vitamin bz [Vbz]:5, The BARbarians:0 @
17:36.56ndimA few years ago, there was almost always some ducati style CTF server where someone was playing all the time. Is that still happening somewhere or is that time over?
17:37.08ndimI may just be missing the right server, after all.
17:39.18Admirarchndim: It's over, now you have to go and sit there for five minutes in order to get anybody there
17:40.04AdmirarchAnd that'll only work if you're in the gmt evening
17:40.47ndimAdmirarch: Ah. dub 5154 or something. Let's see whether that works.
17:40.56AdmirarchThe league is still going strong, though
17:41.16AdmirarchI'll join you for ten minutes, I'll have to leave after that
17:50.24AdmirarchYou really need to get yourself back in the league (not that I'm actually playing at the moment)
17:51.30ndimMy skills need work first :-) And I have not been in the league ever, BTW.
17:51.40ndimThx for the intermezzo.
17:51.57Chestalndim: btw., does bz joystick support allow you to tune anything?
17:52.11ndimChestal: No idea. I haven't really tried yet.
17:52.11Chestalor is it simply joystick fullforward = tank full forward?
17:52.28ndimAh, it is analog.
17:52.40ndimSo... a little joystick means a little forward.
17:52.44Chestalyes, but you might want to make it more sensitive or something
17:52.49ndimand full joystick means full forward.
17:53.03ndimbut currently, a little more joystick already means full forward.
17:53.09ndimThat I need to fine tune.
17:53.24ndimI'm not sure bzflag allows that.
17:53.34ndimOr whether there is a generic Linux setting.
17:53.49ndimSomething with /dev/input/ perhaps.
17:54.05Chestalbz uses SDL, so if you want to tune at systm level, it would be SDL I guess
17:54.12ndimIf neither, I guess bzflag will receive a patch from me shortly.
17:54.17Chestalbut I don't really know anything about bz joystick code
19:14.37*** part/##ducleague Birdie (
19:14.39*** join/##ducleague Birdie (
21:07.23ndimHmm. talks about 2..4 players for official matches.
21:07.37ndim talks about 5vs5 "effective immediately".
23:03.34*** join/##ducleague codergeek42_ (n=peter@fedora/codergeek42)

Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.