irclog2html for ##ducleague on 20070223

00:03.56*** part/##ducleague Allied (
00:40.58*** join/##ducleague Quol (
01:32.25*** join/##ducleague Grumpfy (n=Grumpf@about/essy/Happy/Grumpfy)
01:44.29*** join/##ducleague plasma_kaz (n=evanmele@about/essy/MeanieBeanie/plasmakaz)
01:50.55*** join/##ducleague Pimpi (
05:36.49*** join/##ducleague Quol (
06:40.38*** join/##ducleague nanoc_ (n=conan@
07:01.16PommesThere's only one team with an activity > 1.00 :-(
07:02.51SportChickPommes: so go match! ;)
07:06.36PommesOften I want to match but it's sometimes hard to find opponents
07:07.15Pommesseems to be a period of low activity - hopefully it's over soon
07:09.46SportChickPommes: well the next season starts in a few days - March 1, I think, yes?
07:09.52SportChickit'll likely pick up then again
09:38.17*** join/##ducleague ts (
09:45.22*** join/##ducleague Grumpfy (n=Grumpf@about/essy/Happy/Grumpfy)
11:17.34*** join/##ducleague Pommes_ (
11:30.29*** join/##ducleague essy (n=essy@about/essy/stouterik/pdpc.base.SportChick)
15:11.14*** join/##ducleague quantumdot (n=jmlopez@about/essy/Charm/quantumdot)
15:12.52jbothmm... bzsites is (official site), (official forums), (pictures of players), (locations)
17:27.44*** join/##ducleague Grumpfy (n=Grumpf@about/essy/Happy/Grumpfy)
19:07.59*** join/##ducleague Blue_Eyes (n=Blue@
19:45.59*** join/##ducleague Blue-Eyes (n=Blue@
20:53.24*** join/##ducleague EbErT (
21:37.18NessyBot::ducati:: Feb 23 21:36 => Vitamin bz [Vbz]:5, [FMJ] Full Metal Jacket:0 @
22:02.24NessyBot::ducati:: Feb 23 22:01 => Vitamin bz [Vbz]:6, [FMJ] Full Metal Jacket:4 @
22:22.12NessyBot::ducati:: Feb 23 22:18 => Vitamin bz [Vbz]:4, [FMJ] Full Metal Jacket:2 @
22:36.59*** join/##ducleague quantumdot (n=Juan@about/essy/Charm/quantumdot)
22:54.30EbErTping quantumdot  ping QuantumTim
22:54.48EbErTyou two able to match?
22:59.02quantumdothey EbErT
22:59.13EbErThi dots
22:59.20quantumdotgu match?
22:59.42EbErTyeah, that's what i was thinking
23:39.42*** join/##ducleague plasma_kaz (n=evanmele@about/essy/MeanieBeanie/plasmakaz)

Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.