irclog2html for ##ducleague on 20061115

02:03.37*** join/##ducleague codergeek42_ (n=peter@fedora/codergeek42)
05:19.09*** join/##ducleague jbot (i=ibot@pdpc/supporter/active/TimRiker/bot/apt)
05:19.09*** topic/##ducleague is Ducati League Channel || ~bzsites ||
07:09.54*** join/##ducleague essy (n=SportChi@about/essy/stouterik/pdpc.base.SportChick)
07:52.58*** join/##ducleague Blue_Eyes (
09:02.34*** join/##ducleague Grumpfy (n=Grumpf@about/essy/Happy/Grumpfy)
09:43.33*** join/##ducleague quantumdot (n=jmlopez@about/essy/Charm/quantumdot)
09:57.25*** join/##ducleague Pommes (n=Pommes@about/essy/frenchy/Pommes)
11:20.08*** join/##ducleague |zongo| (n=zongo@about/essy/1vs1Master/Zongo)
12:39.34*** join/##ducleague conanhome (n=conan@
14:54.59NessyBot::ducati:: Nov 14 17:00 => [FMJ] Full Metal Jacket:7, Untamed:4 @
16:16.25*** join/##ducleague ts (
17:46.03conanhomemore testing...
17:46.59conanhomegood day everyone, I'm testing /asay command, sorry for the inconveniences...
17:47.59|zongo|np conanhome ;) welcome here ;)
17:48.43conanhome|zongo|: heya Z, so much time I don't chat with you...
17:48.49|zongo|hehe true
17:48.51conanhome... I have nothing to say though :P
17:49.20|zongo|conanhome, can u have a nice south-american ducati server for us?
17:50.06|zongo|this topic might interest u:
17:50.56conanhome|zongo|: some changes had gone on my LUG ( ), we have now 8Mb  up bandwidth
17:51.05conanhome|zongo|: maybe I can do something
17:51.15|zongo|that'd be very very nice :P
17:51.42conanhome|zongo|: my machine will suck as always with 300ms ping for everyone in the world, even the next door neighbour given the way providers behave here
17:52.22conanhome|zongo|: but we did the migration just a couple of days ago, and we're still having issues with an upgrade we did on that debian box
17:53.34|zongo|hope u'll fix all issues quick then :)
17:53.53|zongo|bueno...tengo que comer algo...!
17:54.15|zongo|hasta luego conanhome :) was nice to talk to ya!
17:54.27conanhome|zongo|: nos vemos
18:10.47conanhome|zongo|: when you get back test pinginess to this ip:
18:10.55conanhome|zongo|: that would be the server
18:11.31conanhomein fact... everyone here should test it if the plan is to bring south americans and north americans and europeans together
18:12.14conanhomethe issue with servers in Argentina is that providers don't have routes between their nets
18:12.58conanhomeso sometimes you live 2 blocks away of a friend, but he is on another isp, and connection goes through Miami or Sydney before
18:13.04conanhome200ms ping
18:13.05conanhomea crap
18:13.17conanhomeno wonder we have high latencies with europe
18:13.17tsI offer 287ms :p
18:13.37conanhomeso please test before i even start asking around
18:13.52conanhomeand report back to me here with averages
18:14.06tsah, serious testing :)
18:16.00ts100 packets transmitted, 100 packets received, 0% packet loss
18:16.00tsround-trip min/avg/max/stddev = 285.654/287.960/292.246/1.175 ms
18:16.00conanhomets: do I need more for a start?
18:16.12conanhomets: ugh
18:16.29conanhomets: from where?
18:16.36tsnear DE-CIX
18:17.04tsHaving no interleaving error correction on the line, in order to reduce ping times
18:17.24tsI can ping almost directly from DE-CIX as well if you want
18:20.04conanhomets: i will post to that thread |zongo| pointed before, what do you think i should ask besides ping pastes? traceroutes?
18:29.41tstraceroutes can show potential routing problems..this one is from me to server:
18:33.28quantumdotconanhome: i get an average of 300ms to that IP from Spain
18:33.57conanhomequantumdot: ugh! :(
18:34.09quantumdotasi es :(
18:36.17quantumdotconanhome: necesitas mi traceroute?
18:37.40|zongo|--- ping statistics ---
18:37.40|zongo|10 packets transmitted, 10 packets received, 0% packet loss
18:37.40|zongo|round-trip min/avg/max/stddev = 297.495/300.025/302.932/1.802 ms
18:38.07|zongo|conanhome, ^^^:)
18:42.03|zongo|from switzerland
18:42.24|zongo|where is this server located conanhome?
18:42.34conanhome|zongo|: i replied the thread, can you check it an find some bandwidth consumptions graphics for me? (or someone else)
18:42.42conanhome|zongo|: argentina, mendoza
18:44.09conanhomequantumdot: si podes mandarme ambos en pm via bzmail, mejor, asi me queda
18:44.38quantumdotconanhome: con el traceroute es suficiente, tiene el ping incluido
18:45.00conanhomequantumdot: es verdad!
18:45.03|zongo|conanhome, que tengo que hacer?
18:45.29conanhome|zongo|: existen graficos de consumo de ancho de banda para los servidores usuales, como ser dub?
18:45.35conanhome|zongo|: algun mrtg?
18:45.52|zongo|ah...tienes que preguntar a Pimpi creo
18:46.28|zongo|lol no, but i didnt know what it was anyways :P
18:46.35|zongo|in any language :P
18:47.09conanhome|zongo|: i thought you work on computers
18:47.29|zongo|not at all :P
18:47.33|zongo|mathematics :O)
18:47.35conanhome|zongo|: i never set up a mrtg, but I've seen some around
18:47.37conanhome|zongo|: oh!
18:47.39conanhome|zongo|: cool
18:47.42quantumdotconanhome: this is my traceroute to you
18:47.49conanhome|zongo|: profesor? investigator?
18:48.09|zongo|researcher thats it ;)
18:48.36conanhomequantumdot: that was spain, right?
18:48.43quantumdotstill is :)
18:48.53conanhomequantumdot: no earthquake? :P
18:49.13quantumdotermm nope, what quake?
18:49.52quantumdotnow i am running home, got to catch a bus
18:49.55quantumdotcu laters
18:50.00|zongo|adios quantumdot
18:50.44|zongo|conanhome, seria mejor tener un server en mexico no?
18:50.56|zongo|o en brasil
18:51.54|zongo|pero si tuyo es bueno, puede ser bien para argentinos y otros sudamericanos
18:52.07conanhome|zongo|: he probado servidores de enemy territory en brasil y tengo 40ms
18:52.18|zongo|y asi tendremos mas jugadores
18:52.24|zongo|conanhome, wow
18:52.32conanhomehasta ahora lo mejor para mi ha sido bzgirl
18:52.42|zongo|ya claro
18:52.47|zongo|es en florida creo
18:52.49conanhome|zongo|: pero no se que ping tendra gente de europa alli
18:53.01conanhome|zongo|: que jugadores mexicanos hay activos?
18:53.05tsrecuerdo solamente un poco de espaniol :(
18:53.09conanhome|zongo|: taz es de brasil creo
18:53.19|zongo|ip de este server en brasil?
18:53.20conanhomets: sorry, is |zongo| fault :P
18:53.24conanhome|zongo|: one sec...
18:53.27|zongo|conanhome, si taz es de brazil
18:53.36|zongo|yeah sry ts :P
18:53.53|zongo|conanhome, no mexicano activo hoy como hoy
18:54.45|zongo|conanhome, habia CONEJOX, un chico che jugava ducati style
18:55.00|zongo|pero hace 1.5 aƱos
19:01.16conanhome|zongo|: no encuentro la ip del server brasilero, y no puedo arrancar ET ahora, pero fijate como anda esta, que es de argentina:
19:02.35|zongo|hum...cant even ping it!
19:03.04|zongo|0 packets received
19:03.29|zongo|Btw for those who are interested here are some stats about south-american players in CTF league:
19:03.36|zongo|Argentina: 1 player
19:03.41|zongo|Bolivia: 1 player
19:03.51|zongo|Brasil: 2 players
19:04.00|zongo|Chile: 1 player
19:04.08|zongo|Mexico: 2 players
19:04.15|zongo|Venezuela: 1 player
19:04.21|zongo|Uruguay: 1 player
19:04.36|zongo|10 players all in all =:O
19:05.06conanhome|zongo|: that's why we don't have a server
19:05.15conanhome|zongo|: but i know many people who plays bzflag from time to time
19:05.34conanhome|zongo|: maybe if they had a server near they would have joined the community
19:05.38|zongo|conanhome, yeah, im trying to help south-america to play bz lol :P
19:05.57|zongo|conanhome, it's a pity that so many players cant join us
19:05.58conanhome|zongo|: I think this is the brazilian one: (but not sure)
19:06.28conanhome|zongo|: i know at least 2 other players here in my town, and another 3 in buenos aires
19:06.33|zongo|conanhome, none works
19:06.39conanhome|zongo|: :(
19:06.48conanhome|zongo|: darn pen and paper
19:07.04|zongo|conanhome, btw have u seen my traceroute at pastebin?
19:07.21conanhome|zongo|: this is the one!
19:07.34|zongo|conanhome, what'd be nice to have those players in the community!
19:07.39|zongo|ehhe ok gonna try it
19:08.35|zongo|--- ping statistics ---
19:08.35|zongo|34 packets transmitted, 34 packets received, 0% packet loss
19:08.35|zongo|round-trip min/avg/max/stddev = 237.574/242.535/285.707/7.741 ms
19:08.47|zongo|not bad i'd say
19:08.50conanhome|zongo|: yes, I'm thinking about doing a little script to know countries of ip's shown by traceruote
19:09.34conanhomemin/avg/max/mdev = 74.926/75.630/76.335/0.756 ms
19:09.49|zongo|wow nice!
19:11.19conanhome|zongo|: and this is the new ip from the argentinian server i told before, it seems has changed:
19:11.29conanhomewell... that's not an ip :P
19:12.18|zongo|conanhome, ouch: min/avg/max/stddev = 322.886/326.077/328.702/1.858 ms
19:12.19conanhome|zongo|: ups, is working bad now, I used to have 40ms, but now: min/avg/max/mdev = 217.639/222.982/267.140/7.867 ms
19:13.03|zongo|I think it would be already very nice to have a server for brasil/argentina/chile
19:13.15|zongo|you would have a small community growing up there
19:13.38|zongo|and little by little find more players and resources (servers)
19:16.35conanhomeI guess I will have to look for some good hosting, but maybe I can start with the one I proposed first to start growing the community, and once I had get it to another place
19:16.57|zongo|yeah ;O)
19:17.10|zongo|ty for listening to me conanhome :)
19:17.43conanhomeno problem
19:17.45|zongo|i'll be afk, hasta luego
19:35.10NessyBot::ducati:: Nov 15 19:25 => Bz-Incorporated:4, The Moles:2 @
19:58.53*** join/##ducleague Blue_Eyes (
20:02.47NessyBot::ducati:: Nov 15 19:48 => The Moles:2, Bz-Incorporated:2 @
21:10.53*** join/##ducleague Blue-Eyes (
21:18.12*** join/##ducleague Grumpfy (n=Grumpf@about/essy/Happy/Grumpfy)
21:28.15*** join/##ducleague Birdie (
22:15.26*** join/##ducleague Saturos (
22:56.01*** join/##ducleague Grumpfy (n=Grumpf@about/essy/Happy/Grumpfy)
23:08.17NessyBot::ducati:: Nov 15 22:57 => Donjon's Ugly Beasts (DUB):4, Untamed:1 @

Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.