irclog2html for ##ducleague on 20060828

00:09.56*** join/##ducleague jbot (
00:09.56*** topic/##ducleague is Ducati League Channel || ~bzsites || Birdie: "you dont get high from smoking!" || 1vs1 league - join NOW -
00:14.04*** join/##ducleague SportyGal (
00:15.18*** join/##ducleague conanhome (n=conan@
00:15.28*** join/##ducleague smalltux (
00:16.16*** join/##ducleague orange_away (
00:16.18*** join/##ducleague [suave] (
00:16.21*** join/##ducleague NessyBot ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
00:24.13*** join/##ducleague tokimi (
02:20.24*** join/##ducleague hiya (n=Owner@
03:40.48NessyBot::ducati:: Aug 28 03:38 => Bz-Incorporated:8, [TLZ] The Legendary ZeeBrothers:1 @ /index.php?link=fights
03:46.27NessyBot::ducati:: Aug 28 03:13 => The Barons:11, Bz-Incorporated:2 @ /index.php?link=fights
04:22.04NessyBot::ducati:: Aug 28 04:19 => SNT:9, Bz-Incorporated:4 @ /index.php?link=fights
04:24.52*** join/##ducleague codergeek42_ (n=peter@gentoo/developer/codergeek42)
04:43.17NessyBot::ducati:: Aug 28 04:40 => SNT:4, Bz-Incorporated:0 @ /index.php?link=fights
06:25.30*** join/##ducleague Blue_Eyes (
06:26.35NessyBot::ducati:: Aug 28 06:25 => The Barons:6, SNT:4 @ /index.php?link=fights
06:35.08*** part/##ducleague hiya (n=Owner@
07:21.26*** join/##ducleague LePoulpe303 (
08:51.39*** join/##ducleague Birdie (
09:06.59*** join/##ducleague Pimpi (
09:47.28*** join/##ducleague [suave] (
10:23.52*** join/##ducleague ToughShooter (
13:29.33*** join/##ducleague conanhome (n=conan@
14:50.36*** join/##ducleague CBG (
14:51.47*** join/##ducleague |zongo| (
15:01.26*** join/##ducleague CBG (
15:08.09|zongo|1vs1 anyone?
15:09.18*** join/##ducleague tokimi (
15:59.27*** join/##ducleague menotume (n=meno@
16:30.43*** join/##ducleague conanhom1 (n=conan@
16:50.42*** join/##ducleague wizart (
19:04.37NessyBot::ducati:: Aug 28 19:01 => Vitamin bz:6, Untamed:1 @ /index.php?link=fights
19:50.54NessyBot::ducati:: Aug 28 19:47 => Bz-Incorporated:3, Untamed:0 @ /index.php?link=fights
20:09.00NessyBot::ducati:: Aug 28 20:05 => Untamed:2, Bz-Incorporated:1 @ /index.php?link=fights
20:32.59*** join/##ducleague Blue_Eyes (
20:56.30NessyBot::ducati:: Aug 28 20:56 => The Barbarians:3, {} aka @ /index.php?link=fights
21:19.38NessyBot::ducati:: Aug 28 21:13 => {} aka, The Barbarians:2 @ /index.php?link=fights
21:51.09*** join/##ducleague jbot (i=ibot@pdpc/supporter/active/TimRiker/bot/apt)
21:51.09*** topic/##ducleague is Ducati League Channel || ~bzsites || Birdie: "you dont get high from smoking!" || 1vs1 league - join NOW -
22:52.54*** join/##ducleague wizart (
23:42.29*** join/##ducleague RedBaron3 (i=47009df9@gateway/web/cgi-irc/
23:42.47RedBaron3is anyone here an admin on brads gu server?
23:42.59RedBaron3~ping brad
23:43.10jbotpong brad
23:43.33RedBaron3brad ping
23:43.34CBGHe's not gonna answer.. :(
23:43.54CBGHe is like, banned form the internet by his parents. :|
23:44.09RedBaron3then why is his irc up?
23:44.22CBGI dunno...
23:44.36CBGI guess he connects via a remote server...
23:44.38[dmp]he might use irc via a proxy (probablky his own server)
23:44.41CBGMaybe his dedicated. :)
23:44.51CBGEither way, he ain't gonna answer you.
23:44.56CBGAnd it seems no other GU admins are about.
23:45.09CBGRedBaron3: no brother's you can get hold of ?
23:45.20CBGdamn that rogue '
23:45.26[dmp]Sometimes its bad using a remote server. People think you're rude and is ignoring them, without knowing that you might be disconnected :)
23:45.45CBGThat's the nature of IRC...
23:45.54CBGIt's not a chat room and it's not INSTANT messaging.
23:46.03CBGBesides, he is marked as away.
23:46.22[dmp]what is a chat room? if irc (channels) isnt?
23:46.41CBGLike, crappy kiddie web chat rooms...
23:46.50CBGUsed by the sort of people who use myspace :|
23:47.20CBGYahoo, I think, have such chat rooms.
23:47.26[dmp]some use it, because they are eaiser to deal with.
23:47.33CBGIRC is very unique, imho.
23:47.51CBGI'm not saying they are bad, necessarily..
23:47.57CBGBut they are different to IRC.
23:48.07CBGYou don't stay logged onto such a chat room 24/7.
23:48.13CBGYou would quit if you went to bed.
23:48.26CBGEven if you went to the toilet...
23:48.29[dmp]why not? :)
23:48.42CBGThat's just the nature of it.
23:49.46[dmp]the idea of irc and htmlbased chat is the same.
23:50.00[dmp]its basically the same with newsgroups and webbased forums
23:50.25[dmp]and webbased forums is what i consider just as crappy kiddie, as webchat :)
23:51.25CBG[dmp]: the PRINCIPLE of them are the same
23:51.27CBGThe way they are USED is not.
23:51.29CBGI used to do the whole chatroom thing and really, people would log on and off every second.
23:51.41CBGYou would hardly ever see someone stay online for more than an hour
23:51.57CBGI would quit each time I left my computer.
23:52.05CBGWith IRC, I never quit unless I have to.
23:52.57[dmp]So you are basically generalizing that webchat is used how you saw it :)
23:53.24CBGI used it a lot, maybe it totally changed since then, but I very much doubt it.
23:56.53[dmp]I didnt say it was. Im just arguing that it isnt crappy. IRC is too technical for most common users. They know their browser, so its easier to reach them (as a group) via a webchat.
23:57.18CBGOk, I take back the 'crappy' part.
23:57.31CBGThat was the rude opinionated geek in me speaking. :)
23:57.54[dmp]only reason that webchats works over HTML is javascript. If you are without javascript, it gets crappy reeeeeeeeal soon
23:58.23CBGchat - javascript = shoutbox? :)
23:58.32[dmp]just the "tick" sound IE makes when it reloads a page :)
23:58.41[dmp]isnt shoutbox the same as tagwall?
23:58.57CBGtagwall? :/
23:59.01[dmp]and isnt tagwall what is called a guestbook some years ago? has a shoutbox
23:59.12[dmp]different name, same idea
23:59.14CBGyeah, guestbook is basically a shoutbox
23:59.25CBGshoutbox is simpler, less features, usually
23:59.33CBGa little more like a chat
23:59.38CBGbut still basically a guestboox

Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.