irclog2html for ##ducleague on 20060705

02:10.40*** join/##ducleague hiya (
02:10.40*** mode/##ducleague [+v hiya] by ChanServ
06:16.56*** join/##ducleague plasma_kaz (
06:16.56*** mode/##ducleague [+v plasma_kaz] by ChanServ
06:32.37*** join/##ducleague Blue_Eyes (
06:32.37*** mode/##ducleague [+v Blue_Eyes] by ChanServ
07:09.56*** join/##ducleague Pommes (
09:56.09*** join/##ducleague quantumdot (
09:56.09*** mode/##ducleague [+o quantumdot] by ChanServ
10:40.06*** join/##ducleague LePoulpe303 (
10:40.07*** mode/##ducleague [+v LePoulpe303] by ChanServ
11:03.32*** join/##ducleague ToughShooter (
11:03.32*** mode/##ducleague [+v ToughShooter] by ChanServ
11:16.08*** join/##ducleague Pimpinella (
11:16.08*** mode/##ducleague [+o Pimpinella] by ChanServ
12:09.57*** join/##ducleague TheRedAway (
12:30.55*** join/##ducleague conanhome (n=conan@
13:01.03*** join/##ducleague LePoulpe303 (
13:01.03*** mode/##ducleague [+v LePoulpe303] by ChanServ
14:11.23orangewho are the bz crusaders, and how did they beat vbz in their second match ever?
14:15.29bradjanis and kris are from gu league, dunno about the others
14:16.18TheRedBaronJanis has improved quite a bit
14:16.31TheRedBaronespecially if you underestimate him
14:17.27orangeI wonder who played for vbz
14:18.00orangeI do wish that showed on the site
14:18.48TheRedBaronorange: hrm... that is odd
14:19.36TheRedBaronin a wager, I'd still place the "weaker" players in VBZ over any of the players in bzc
14:19.47orangeTheRedBaron: yep
14:21.10orangeI'd be guessing that one of the 'unknown' players on bzc might be a 'known' player under a new callsign
14:21.40TheRedBaronorange: yup
14:23.59bradbomber and levi played for vbz
14:24.13TheRedBaronthat only raises my suspicions
14:27.41SportChickat the time of the matches, molez was still on bzc
14:27.49SportChickthe quit the same day and joined another team
14:27.56*** mode/##ducleague [+vvv conanhome Pommes TheRedBaron] by SportChick
14:28.05TheRedBaronI have voice!
14:28.06TheRedBaronI can sing!
14:28.09TheRedBaronI can dance!
14:28.32*** join/##ducleague tokimi (
14:28.48*** mode/##ducleague [+o tokimi] by ChanServ
14:29.16SportChickhi tokimi
14:29.22tokimihey SportChick
14:29.35TheRedBaron~surprise tokimi
14:29.57tokimihi TheRedBaron
14:30.12*** mode/##ducleague [+oo Blue_Eyes TheRedBaron] by SportChick
14:30.44*** mode/##ducleague [+o brad] by TheRedBaron
14:30.49*** mode/##ducleague [-o brad] by TheRedBaron
14:31.33*** mode/##ducleague [-o TheRedBaron] by SportChick
14:31.39TheRedBaronau :(
14:31.43SportChickok, there IS a reason some folks aren't opped :p
14:31.56TheRedBaron~poke tokimi
14:31.57jbotACTION cuts down a small tree, sneaks up behind tokimi, pokes tokimi repeatedly, hilarity ensues
14:32.03*** mode/##ducleague [+o TheRedBaron] by SportChick
14:32.03tokimi~slap TheRedBaron
14:32.05jbotACTION slaps TheRedBaron, keep your grubby fingers to yourself!
14:32.13*** mode/##ducleague [-o TheRedBaron] by SportChick
14:32.15*** mode/##ducleague [+o TheRedBaron] by SportChick
14:32.21*** mode/##ducleague [-o SportChick] by TheRedBaron
14:32.26TheRedBaronweeeee :)
14:32.31*** mode/##ducleague [+o SportChick] by tokimi
14:32.37*** kick/##ducleague [orange!] by TheRedBaron (W000t!)
14:32.37*** mode/##ducleague [-o TheRedBaron] by tokimi
14:32.46TheRedBaronnow I can sing!
14:32.59*** mode/##ducleague [+o TheRedBaron] by tokimi
14:33.04*** join/##ducleague orange (n=mdw@pdpc/supporter/active/orange)
14:33.04*** mode/##ducleague [+o orange] by ChanServ
14:33.05NessyBotjbot: chamber 1 of 6 => +click+
14:33.22*** part/##ducleague SportChick (
14:33.22*** join/##ducleague SportChick (
14:33.22*** mode/##ducleague [+o SportChick] by ChanServ
14:33.36NessyBotorange: chamber 2 of 6 => +click+
14:33.51*** mode/##ducleague [-o TheRedBaron] by SportChick
14:33.58orange~say roulette
14:34.04orange~say !roulette
14:34.06NessyBotjbot: chamber 3 of 6 => +click+
14:34.14orangewonder what that's all about
14:34.27jbotc is probably for maniacs  C code. C code run. Run, code, run. Please?
14:34.28tokimithats whats up
14:34.39jbot[c] for maniacs  C code. C code run. Run, code, run. Please?
14:34.48TheRedBaronI like it!
14:34.53orange~say !roulette
14:34.56NessyBotjbot: chamber 4 of 6 => +click+
14:34.57SportChicktrb, I think you missed a /join
14:35.07orange50/50 odds, who feels brave?
14:35.14TheRedBaronor dumb?
14:35.21NessyBotTheRedBaron: chamber 5 of 6 => *BANG*
14:35.34SportChick~demd theredbaron
14:35.35jbotACTION removes all MD from theredbaron's house, town, county & state, replacing it with prison-manufactured soda
14:35.38SportChick~decaf TheRedBaron
14:35.39jbotACTION puts TheRedBaron in a winepress and squeezes all the caffeine and sugar out of TheRedBaron, hopefully allowing the rest of the world to return to sanity
14:35.39TheRedBaronmusn't be my day
14:35.50tokimi~md TheRedBaron
14:38.11tokimi~md TheRedBaron
14:38.54TheRedBaronsome one stole my ~md command :(
14:39.58SportChick~md TheRedBaron
14:39.59jbotACTION assumes "md" was a typo for "mud", and drags TheRedBaron into a quarry-like mudhole, and then removes the one ladder which would allow TheRedBaron to crawl out, and stands guard until TheRedBaron's skin is softer than silk (plus aobut 6 more hours)
14:40.15tokimihehe, nice
14:40.23tokimia forced skin care treatment
14:40.28tokimihow... trb :)
14:40.58TheRedBaronoh help!
14:41.18*** mode/##ducleague [+o TheRedBaron] by tokimi
14:41.30TheRedBaronwell, thats nice
14:41.37TheRedBaronbut, I fail to see how that might help
14:41.43*** mode/##ducleague [-o TheRedBaron] by tokimi
14:41.43TheRedBaronunless of course
14:41.47*** mode/##ducleague [-v TheRedBaron] by tokimi
14:41.54tokimiso, dont like my help eh?
14:41.58tokimitake that!
14:42.04*** mode/##ducleague [+v TheRedBaron] by SportChick
14:42.10*** mode/##ducleague [+o TheRedBaron] by tokimi
14:42.10TheRedBaronI was hoping for a rescue from the mudhole
14:42.20tokimiyour on your own :)
14:42.25TheRedBaronbut a lil retribution might work
14:42.34*** kick/##ducleague [SportChick!] by TheRedBaron (get your own mudhole!)
14:42.34*** join/##ducleague SportChick (
14:42.34*** mode/##ducleague [+o SportChick] by ChanServ
14:42.51*** kick/##ducleague [TheRedBaron!] by tokimi (tokimi)
14:42.59*** join/##ducleague TheRedBaron (
14:42.59*** mode/##ducleague [+v TheRedBaron] by ChanServ
14:44.27SportChicktokimi: he's too afraid of the razor
14:45.07tokimididnt have a razor to shave for the wedding
14:45.09tokimiwasnt cool
14:45.38TheRedBaronthere wasn't any girls that like a nice shadow?
14:45.49tokimifull beard you meen
14:45.58tokimionly 40% of the girls i kno :)
14:46.10TheRedBaronwas there dancing?
14:46.22TheRedBaronwhat kind of food?
14:46.25tokimithe bride and groom dont know how to dance :D
14:46.31tokimifresh texas burritos
14:48.13SportChick~lart TheRedBaron
14:48.17TheRedBaronno fruit?
14:48.32SportChick~bonk TheRedBaron
14:48.34jbotACTION bonks TheRedBaron over the head
14:48.35SportChick~lart TheRedBaron
14:48.42tokimi~cluebat TheRedBaron
14:48.43jbotACTION pulls out a ClueBat (tm) and thwaps TheRedBaron.
14:48.54SportChickharsh jbot today!
14:49.34TheRedBaron~clue tokimi
14:49.35jbotACTION fans out Vegas-style a stack of clues for tokimi "Pick one, any one!  ...and don't show it to me."
14:49.39TheRedBaron~cluebat tokimi
14:49.40jbotACTION pulls out a ClueBat (tm) and thwaps tokimi.
14:49.46tokimi~lart TheRedBaron
14:49.47tokimi~hurt TheRedBaron
14:49.49jbotACTION takes a large hammer and plays whack-the-mole on TheRedBaron's hands, laughing all the while
14:49.51tokimi~bind TheRedBaron
14:49.52jbotACTION wraps TheRedBaron up with 100 rolls of duct tape
14:49.55tokimi~fishslap TheRedBaron
14:49.56jbotACTION slaps TheRedBaron up side the head with a wet fish.
14:49.58tokimi~whack TheRedBaron
14:49.59jbotACTION whacks TheRedBaron upside the head.
14:50.00tokimi~bonk TheRedBaron
14:50.01jbotACTION bonks TheRedBaron over the head
14:50.01TheRedBaron~seltzer sportchick
14:50.03orangegood gracious
14:50.03tokimi~hurt TheRedBaron
14:50.04jbotACTION takes a large hammer and plays whack-the-mole on TheRedBaron's hands, laughing all the while
14:50.13TheRedBaronorange: he's awake now :)
14:50.31SportChick~lart TheRedBaron
14:50.36tokimi~bonk TheRedBaron
14:50.38jbotACTION bonks TheRedBaron over the head
14:50.38tokimi~whack TheRedBaron
14:50.39jbotACTION whacks TheRedBaron upside the head.
14:50.40tokimi~fishslap TheRedBaron
14:50.42jbotACTION slaps TheRedBaron up side the head with a wet fish.
14:50.43tokimi~bind TheRedBaron
14:50.44jbotACTION wraps TheRedBaron up with 100 rolls of duct tape
14:50.45TheRedBaron~blinky tokimi
14:50.47jbotACTION slaps tokimi on the head with a three-eyed fish named Blinky
14:50.47tokimi~lart TheRedBaron
14:51.17tokimithats a cool lart
14:51.23TheRedBaroncontagious parasites?
14:51.37tokimi~hide TheRedBaron
14:51.38jbotACTION gets a huge black sheet and covers TheRedBaron with it so that nobody can see what TheRedBaron is doing!
14:51.55SportChick~spotlight TheRedBaron
14:51.57jbotACTION brings a giant spotlight over and turns it on, focusing it right on TheRedBaron.  TheRedBaron can't run, can't hide, can't even pick his/her nose without the world seeing it!
14:52.41SportChickuhoh, roulettefest on essy
14:52.51tokimiim dead
14:52.54jbotvodka is, like, Chilled Absolute Black Kurrant
14:54.16TheRedBaronorange: ping
14:54.24orangeTheRedBaron: BANG
14:54.41tokimi~slap TheRedBaron
14:54.42jbotACTION slaps TheRedBaron, keep your grubby fingers to yourself!
14:54.48tokimi~kick TheRedBaron
14:54.49jbotbugger off sod!
14:55.13tokimiorange: suuure you did
14:56.23TheRedBaronI feel,  intuitive...
14:56.28TheRedBaronlike abnormally curious
14:56.35TheRedBaronbut not over any particular thing
14:56.43tokimi~lart TheRedBaron
14:56.54TheRedBaronnope, still curious
14:57.00tokimi~hide TheRedBaron
14:57.02jbotACTION gets a huge black sheet and covers TheRedBaron with it so that nobody can see what TheRedBaron is doing!
14:57.02tokimithere we go
14:57.09TheRedBaron~poke orange
14:57.10jbotACTION cuts down a small tree, sneaks up behind orange, pokes orange repeatedly, hilarity ensues
14:57.18tokimi~lart TheRedBaron
14:58.11tokimiwow, mother mellus is online
14:58.16tokimithats been a long time
14:58.22TheRedBaron~chase mother mellus
14:58.25jbotACTION chases mother mellus
14:58.37tokimi~md TheRedBaron
14:58.40jbotACTION assumes "md" was a typo for "mud", and drags TheRedBaron into a quarry-like mudhole, and then removes the one ladder which would allow TheRedBaron to crawl out, and stands guard until TheRedBaron's skin is softer than silk (plus aobut 6 more hours)
14:58.46tokimii think i like that one
14:59.12TheRedBaronI'm scared by that one
15:01.32SportChick~lart TheRedBaron
15:05.12TheRedBaronstill curious
15:05.39orange~cat TheRedBaron
15:05.41jbotACTION shoves a feral cat down TheRedBaron's pants
15:05.48TheRedBaronoh lordy!
15:05.53TheRedBaron~lart orange
15:05.59orangethe cat killed curiosity :-)
15:22.26*** join/##ducleague [suave] (
15:22.26*** mode/##ducleague [+v [suave]] by ChanServ
15:23.01TheRedBaronI spy [suave], [dmp] will be along shortly :)
15:23.14[suave]nope, he wont :P
15:23.23TheRedBaronoh uh
15:23.30SportChick[dmp] is vacationing
15:23.34TheRedBarondid he misbhave, and you shut him up in a closet?
15:23.36SportChick[suave] should be too
15:23.46[suave]yep, but maybe he want's to check mail, but he won'
15:23.58[suave]t come on irxc to talk to youuuu :P
15:24.20TheRedBarontell him to get on IRC, i have a few projects for him ;)
15:24.27TheRedBaronthat will make him enjoy his vacation more :-D
15:24.49tokimi~gag TheRedBaron
15:24.51jbotACTION takes away the voice of TheRedBaron and as an additional precaution, sows TheRedBarons's mouth shut permamently...
15:25.07[suave]teeehee, i will call him... gimme two secs :)
15:28.57[suave]he has a bad headache, so if you guys and gals needs anything, please leave him an email :P
15:29.12[suave]maybe he'll come online later toda, but not right now
15:29.21[suave](he is feeling very warm too)
15:29.32SportChicktrb: go do your duty before it's too late...
15:29.40SportChickTheRedBaron: trb = you
15:29.53TheRedBaron[suave] noooo
15:30.02TheRedBarontell him to enjoy the vacation
15:30.04TheRedBaronand to ignore us
15:30.08[suave]TRB: i will ;)
15:30.15TheRedBaronor I will...
15:30.18TheRedBaronbonk him
15:30.20[suave]and i will leave you now too
15:30.25TheRedBaronhave fun :)
15:30.27[suave]bai bai :)
15:30.31[suave]thanks :)
15:34.49*** join/##ducleague Birdie (
15:34.49*** mode/##ducleague [+o Birdie] by ChanServ
15:35.01orangeBirdie: pong
15:36.10Birdiejust a min, i go check if what i wanted to tell you is still there:)
15:58.30*** join/##ducleague jonathanD (i=jsimpson@
16:04.51*** mode/##ducleague [+o TheRedBaron] by ChanServ
16:05.23*** join/##ducleague kierra (
16:05.24*** mode/##ducleague [+o kierra] by ChanServ
16:05.31kierramenotume ping
16:05.58jonathanD* ping
16:06.05menotumeyo yo
16:06.31menotumeI'm cleaning up the mess in the access list
16:06.50kierrahey jonathanD
16:07.03TheRedBaronmenotume: oh?
16:07.17kierra:P yourself
16:07.45*** mode/##ducleague [+v jonathanD] by kierra
16:08.00menotumeno voicing !
16:08.07*** part/##ducleague kierra (
16:08.08menotumenvm, i'll fix it
16:11.37Birdieoi she didnt seemed happy
16:12.26TheRedBaronshe had to go shopping :)
16:13.03menotumei'm still working on it
16:13.11Birdiewhat mess? with all the voices you mean?
16:13.23menotumeno need for 50 people in the access list
16:13.29menotumeand, ops are going to change
16:13.44Birdiebtw remove minnowbot, every one who registeres that nick can take the privs he has
16:13.55Birdiecause its not a good registered nick
16:13.57menotumewhat ?
16:14.06menotumeit's reded
16:14.13Birdiethat *@* = not registered name?
16:14.25menotumek, thx
16:14.56quantumdotmeno, can you explain what is the problem? i dont understand
16:15.03quantumdotlevel 5 are most
16:15.14quantumdotthen others are ops
16:15.18menotumethat is going away
16:15.29menotumethere's no need
16:15.35menotumemakes no sense, we voice everyone
16:15.44quantumdotbut it may be a need at some point right?
16:16.10quantumdoti thought this was voiced just because we may need it
16:16.10Birdiewe voice every one anyway
16:16.11menotumewell, i'd rather not have to go through this
16:16.24menotumewell, i disagree with that :)
16:16.46menotumeIF we need it, we'll voice then :)
16:16.57Birdie38 people in the acces list lol
16:17.03menotumethere were 50
16:17.27*** join/##ducleague conanhom1 (n=conan@
16:17.31menotumedon't need 11 ops (like now) either
16:18.08Birdiei would remove jbot if i was you)
16:18.22*** mode/##ducleague [-o menotume] by TheRedBaron
16:18.26quantumdoti would remove you if i was you :)
16:18.27TheRedBaronthere, one less op
16:18.36*** mode/##ducleague [-o orange] by TheRedBaron
16:18.48TheRedBaronmenotume: I don't see whats so hard about this ;)
16:18.56Birdiei was one of the first to have ops here, that would be rude;)
16:19.10TheRedBaronoh harsh
16:19.17*** mode/##ducleague [+o orange] by TheRedBaron
16:19.19*** mode/##ducleague [+o menotume] by ChanServ
16:19.19Birdiebtw theredbaron: saw the football?
16:19.23*** mode/##ducleague [+o menotume] by TheRedBaron
16:19.30TheRedBaronI'll behave now :)
16:19.37*** mode/##ducleague [-o TheRedBaron] by menotume
16:19.40menotumei know :)
16:19.43quantumdothow was the kick command?
16:19.56Birdiesuch hard commands on irc
16:20.11*** join/##ducleague SportyGal (
16:20.50*** part/##ducleague jonathanD (i=jsimpson@
16:21.35Birdieso we may not voice people anymore from now on?
16:21.42*** mode/##ducleague [+o SportyGal] by ChanServ
16:21.44Birdie(not that i ever gave any voice..)
16:21.45quantumdoti was in the understanding that having people reged and voiced was good for keeping the channel clean
16:22.03Birdieput it in the channel rules:)
16:22.09menotumeno other channels do it
16:22.13menotumeand, i can see wh :)
16:22.17Birdie#guleague :)
16:22.24menotumewell, pff
16:22.26Birdieall autovoice!
16:22.30Birdiebut less people..true
16:22.51quantumdot43 in guleague as autovoice
16:22.59Birdieya, its a lot
16:23.09quantumdotis it?
16:23.29Birdiei think it is, if you see how few people there are on the channel
16:23.30quantumdotwhat if we decide to close the channel and allow voice only to those?
16:23.42menotumethen, voice them
16:23.47quantumdotbut still, what is the problem of having them in the access list?
16:24.40quantumdotis it just because is too long to read? or is it security?
16:24.57menotumethere were garbage entries in it too
16:25.03SportyGalmenotume: some people have complained that having to be voiced makes them feel like they are waiting for charity here
16:25.05menotumetoo many people playing with it
16:25.13menotumethat too
16:25.17*** join/##ducleague brlcad (n=sean@pdpc/supporter/silver/brlcad)
16:25.18*** mode/##ducleague [+o brlcad] by ChanServ
16:25.18Birdiegarbage entries ?
16:25.22menotumeanyone who is left out, feels left out
16:25.35quantumdotthen unvoice them all?
16:25.37Birdiewhat a nice hey!
16:25.37menotumeya, like minnowbot, and !5*@*
16:25.56Birdieadding nicks is more upt to you, than to any of us
16:26.04menotumeok, stop it
16:26.10brlcadmoin folks
16:26.15menotumenext person to bother me before i'm done gets dleted
16:26.30brlcadooh, can I be dleted?
16:26.33brlcadsounds fun
16:26.52menotumesure :)
16:26.53brlcadactually, bothering you sounds like even more fun.. ;)
16:26.54quantumdothow can i be dleted?
16:30.43TheRedBaronI got deleted :-D
16:31.03TheRedBaronand don't you dare feel guilty and add me back in!
16:31.09TheRedBaronor I"ll start bothering you again
16:31.33menotumeTheRedBaron: np :P
16:32.00TheRedBaronI know when I ask for it, and don't mind at all when I get it :-D
16:32.15quantumdotyou see, there are cases like this when you would love to have the power to unvoice some
16:32.23TheRedBaronand there is something irresistable about giving someone's chain a lil yank
16:32.37*** mode/##ducleague [-v TheRedBaron] by quantumdot
16:32.48quantumdotstill he can talk
16:33.36*** mode/##ducleague [-vvvv brad catay deprecated jomojo] by menotume
16:33.36*** mode/##ducleague [-vv Pommes ToughShooter] by menotume
16:34.34quantumdot+mad mascot
16:39.32*** mode/##ducleague [+o TheRedBaron] by ChanServ
16:43.00*** mode/##ducleague [-o jbot] by menotume
16:44.24*** part/##ducleague quantumdot (
16:44.43menotumestill too ment ops
16:44.48*** mode/##ducleague [-o Birdie] by menotume
16:44.51menotumebetter :)
16:45.06menotumeit's 'just right' now
16:45.12Birdieyou may remove me if you like
16:45.19menotumei may :)
16:45.20Birdiei see you added all the council people, and i'm not in there
16:45.45menotumethe council will decide
16:45.51menotumeso, maybe in 6 months or so
16:46.05Birdiei love to hear that coming out of your mouth
16:46.21menotumeit's low-priority
16:46.26menotumeand, i was KIDDING
16:52.21Birdieits silent round the council, its like they sleep:)
16:55.12TheRedBaronoh no
16:55.15TheRedBaronits a party
16:55.22TheRedBaronwe just want you to think we are sleeping
16:55.28TheRedBaronand meno's been forgetting to bring the vodka
16:55.51menotumeby the time i get there, the bottle is always empty
16:56.02Birdiethats the spirit:)
16:56.08TheRedBaronwierd phenomenom
16:56.17menotumeya, i must evaporate
16:56.24menotumehehe, me too
16:59.28*** mode/##ducleague [-o SportChick] by SportyGal
16:59.30*** mode/##ducleague [-o SportyGal] by SportyGal
17:03.42*** mode/##ducleague [+o SportyGal] by ChanServ
17:03.51*** mode/##ducleague [+o SportChick] by ChanServ
17:17.19*** mode/##ducleague [-ooo brlcad SportChick SportyGal] by SportyGal
17:21.26brlcadmm.. snickers
17:22.04*** mode/##ducleague [+oo brlcad SportChick] by ChanServ
17:22.05*** mode/##ducleague [+o SportyGal] by ChanServ
17:22.42brlcadstill wouldn't really change anything :)
17:31.09TheRedBaronhrm, look at my lag go
17:31.52TheRedBaron+18.5sec outrageous
17:34.14TheRedBarontry and shoot me now! :)
17:34.25orange~bzfrag TheRedBaron
17:34.27jbotACTION squishes TheRedBaron with a steamroller
17:34.44TheRedBaronthats cheap
17:36.06ToughShooterhehe, we need to make kills computed serverside with lagging player view >:)
18:01.12AdmirarchToughShooter: I dare you to say that in #bzflag and run like crazy :P
18:01.32*** join/##ducleague plasma_kaz (
18:13.35*** join/##ducleague |zongo| (
18:13.36*** mode/##ducleague [+o |zongo|] by ChanServ
18:22.48*** join/##ducleague Mr_Molez (
18:22.58Mr_Molezmatch ?
18:23.07Mr_Molezmatch ?
18:24.12orangeMr_Molez: you aren't going to start yelling at people if they say no are you?
18:24.22Mr_Molezmight do
18:24.36Mr_Molezorange: since when have i EVER done that
18:24.44orangeMr_Molez: old joke, sorry
18:24.52Mr_Molezthats db's thing not mine
18:25.03orangeyeah, though the repetitive asking was leading up to it :-)
18:25.29Mr_Moleznothing wrong with getting excited about asking for match :P
18:25.41orangelike a puppy
18:25.44SportyGal~relax Mr_Molez
18:25.46jbotACTION sits Mr_Molez down for a nice long foot massage, feeds Mr_Molez an excellent, gourmet dinner and then tucks Mr_Molez in for a nap
18:25.59Mr_Molezmatch!!! :)
18:26.06SportyGalhehe - can't I'm at work :p
18:26.10orangewe're getting a new puppy in a few weeks... haven't had one in 12 years.  I'm scared.
18:26.19SportyGalI love puppies!! what kind?
18:26.33orangeyellow lab... I've always had labs... love 'em
18:26.43SportyGalhehe, but they ARE the most work as puppies
18:26.51orangenever met another dog so good with kids, but yeah, lots of work as puppies :-)
18:26.52SportyGalyou'll have your hands full for the first 2 years :)
18:27.14TheRedBaronorange: yup, Labs are the best with kids
18:27.43*** part/##ducleague Mr_Molez (
18:28.30orangeMr_Molez: hi :-)
18:29.51TheRedBaronit seems that Life is interrupting the league
18:30.22orangesay it ain't so
18:38.16*** join/##ducleague tokimi (
18:38.33*** mode/##ducleague [+o tokimi] by ChanServ
18:38.39orangetokimi: you missed a chance to match molez earlier
18:38.46tokimimeh, working
18:39.10orangeah yes
18:40.08TheRedBaronoh the irony
18:40.14TheRedBaronthats what we told molez also
18:40.15orangeno other SNT on today, oddly
18:40.21TheRedBaron"we're working"
18:40.32TheRedBaronwhich doesn't mean much here
18:40.44TheRedBaronWhile i'm at my office.... this is so little to do today....
18:41.06SportyGal~md trb
18:41.07jbotACTION assumes "md" was a typo for "mud", and drags trb into a quarry-like mudhole, and then removes the one ladder which would allow trb to crawl out, and stands guard until trb's skin is softer than silk (plus aobut 6 more hours)
18:42.49TheRedBarona bored baron + a big mug of coffee = ?
18:43.42*** part/##ducleague Birdie (
18:43.42*** join/##ducleague Birdie (
18:43.42*** mode/##ducleague [+o Birdie] by ChanServ
18:44.03Birdiealways so cool to see that lart:)
18:45.22orangeI think NessyBot has been de-larted
18:45.52TheRedBaron!lart orange
18:46.08TheRedBaronsome one neutered nessybot
18:46.16orange!teaminfo snt
18:46.21NessyBothelp topics: core, auth, keywords [35 plugins: 8ball, autoop, autorejoin, cal, dice, digg, dns, excuse, forecast, fortune, freshmeat, host, imdb, iplookup|userip, lastfm, markov|chat, math, nickserv, opme, quotes, rdf, roshambo|rps, rot13, roulette, search, seen, slashdot, spell,
18:46.21NessyBotteam|players|player|duclist|bzstats|highscore|highactivity|highmatch|bzitopic|bzfquery|setleague|getleague|dub|dub5157|dub58|dub59|proxs|tlz|bzg|bzi, threat, topic, translate, urls, weather, wserver] (help <topic> for more info)
18:46.44orange!team snt
18:46.46NessyBotSNT score: 1446, activity: 2.27, w/d/l: 52/3/43 = 98
18:47.32orange!bzstats snt - go there now
18:47.39orange!bzstats findteam
18:47.39NessyBotOnline teams: 1 SHOT 2 KILL (1), Bz-Incorporated (1), Donjon's Ugly Beasts (DUB) (1), easy_kill (1), Jr. DUB (1), Procrastination Excess (1), SNT (2), The Cows (1), [BZA] BZ Army (1), [BZS] Battle Zone Security (1), [exozytose] (2)
18:48.04orange!bzstats findteam snt
18:48.05NessyBotSNT: Plasma Kaz (, Soraya (
18:48.06TheRedBaronsnt vs exozytose!
18:49.40orange!bzstats findteam proxs
18:49.41NessyBotNo one found or team doesn't exist
18:49.46orange!bzstats findteam procrastination excess
18:49.46NessyBotProcrastination Excess: banana (
18:50.09orangemeno's fruity sense of humor
18:51.31SportyGal~lart TheRedBaron
18:53.41TheRedBaronthere are only 2 types of 80's music
18:53.59TheRedBaronGood 80's music
18:54.07TheRedBaronOr really really really BAD 80's music
18:55.27SportyGalbut of course
19:00.17TheRedBaronthere's no mediocre or acceptable range
19:00.25TheRedBaronits either amazing, or down right pure crap!
19:01.46TheRedBaronbut I turned it off
19:08.54TheRedBaroncutting crew "I just died in your arms tonight"
19:10.10SportyGalhehe nice old rock song
19:15.02TheRedBaronand the classic "eye of the tiger"
19:17.17SportyGalso clearly you like the 80s rock...  and the 80s pop?
19:18.18TheRedBaronI don't like the 80s rock
19:18.19SportyGallol though so
19:18.40TheRedBaronor there are very few exceptions
19:19.40*** join/##ducleague Blue_Eyes (
19:19.41*** mode/##ducleague [+o Blue_Eyes] by ChanServ
19:31.58TheRedBaronnu-metal is where its at
19:50.30TheRedBaron~fruity tokimi
19:53.46TheRedBaronwhere's the lady with the fruitfall hat?
20:02.33orangesafety dance
20:04.36*** join/##ducleague Mr_Molez (
20:04.42Mr_Molezorange: need superkill on ur server
20:09.02*** part/##ducleague Mr_Molez (
21:14.57*** join/##ducleague Blue_Eyes (
21:14.57*** mode/##ducleague [+o Blue_Eyes] by ChanServ
21:25.38*** part/##ducleague TheRedBaron (
21:26.35*** join/##ducleague Xe11 (
23:49.03*** join/##ducleague triclops (

Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.