irclog2html for ##ducleague on 20060619

02:29.32*** join/##ducleague Birdie (
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06:26.09*** join/##ducleague Blue_Eyes (
07:31.41*** join/##ducleague LePoulpe303 (
07:31.41*** mode/##ducleague [+v LePoulpe303] by ChanServ
07:33.05LePoulpe303Tchum tchum tchu tada taaaaaah
08:19.23*** join/##ducleague jomojo (
08:56.26*** join/##ducleague [suave] (
08:58.09*** join/##ducleague romfis (
08:58.31*** join/##ducleague quantumdot (
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09:01.24*** mode/##ducleague [+v [suave]] by quantumdot
09:01.29*** mode/##ducleague [+v Blue_Eyes] by quantumdot
09:01.40*** mode/##ducleague [+v jomojo] by quantumdot
09:01.45*** mode/##ducleague [+v romfis] by quantumdot
09:45.08*** part/##ducleague romfis (
09:57.42*** join/##ducleague romfis (
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10:39.50*** join/##ducleague LePoulpe303 (
10:39.50*** mode/##ducleague [+v LePoulpe303] by ChanServ
10:56.00*** part/##ducleague romfis (
10:59.23*** join/##ducleague romfis (
11:00.54*** mode/##ducleague [+v romfis] by ChanServ
11:55.54*** join/##ducleague TheRedAway (
12:06.41*** join/##ducleague LePoulpe303 (
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12:36.11*** join/##ducleague kierra (
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12:36.40*** mode/##ducleague [+v TheRedBaron] by kierra
12:45.25TheRedBaronOh lordy! David_V is back!
12:47.08[dmp]silly man, even linked to his post - that makes me look silly now
12:47.35[dmp]typical swedish if you ask me :)
12:48.20[dmp]~dict stripe
12:48.40TheRedBaronnow, if dabomb would come back
12:50.30[dmp]yeah, that would be cool. I have always enjoyed playing dabomb and david
12:51.19[dmp]but i think david said that he wasnt in contact with dabomb anymore
12:51.36[dmp]or anyone else from fortix
12:52.05[dmp]fun, the people i speak most with, is inactive/ex-bzflag players :)
12:52.15[dmp]david might break that "rule"
12:56.44TheRedBaronenjoy :(
12:59.26AdmirarchAll the old people coming out of the woodwork :)
13:00.55AdmirarchThough fortix were before my time, really
14:05.00*** join/##ducleague |zongo| (
14:55.31kierraold ppl??!?!?
14:57.32orangebut kierra... we can get them back... just call them little kids :-)
14:59.40kierrai suppose
15:09.26*** join/##ducleague LePoulpe303 (
15:09.26*** mode/##ducleague [+v LePoulpe303] by ChanServ
15:09.27*** join/##ducleague hiya (
15:20.09LePoulpe303ra ta ta ratatatam
15:23.01LePoulpe303Been dazed and confused for so long it's not true
15:23.01LePoulpe303Wanted a game, never bargained for you
15:23.01LePoulpe303Lots of people talk and few of them know
15:23.01LePoulpe303Soul of BZFlag was created below
15:23.51CBGYay LePoulpe303 !!
15:24.01CBG~praise LePoulpe303
15:24.02jbotAll hail LePoulpe303!
15:24.04*** join/##ducleague ChanServ (ChanServ@services.)
15:24.05*** mode/##ducleague [+o ChanServ] by
15:24.05*** mode/##ducleague [+v |zongo|] by ChanServ
15:24.12LePoulpe303Thank you, thank you
15:24.24LePoulpe303just sorting my old records
15:25.35TheRedBaroni hope that wasn't a rap
15:26.10CBGHow can it be? There is not a single swear word...
15:28.01LePoulpe303that's an old band
15:28.32LePoulpe303for an old guy; it was my birthday
15:29.09LePoulpe3031 year and 1 day more
15:29.18LePoulpe303(or less ; depending of the point of view)
15:29.43CBGlol. :D Happy (Belated) Birthday, LePoulpe303 !! :D
15:30.12LePoulpe303ty cbg
15:31.09CBG"CBG" is fine.
15:34.16LePoulpe303i look to a dictionary   to see what "birthday beats" could be but i find nothing probant
15:36.22orangeLePoulpe303: spankings
15:36.26LePoulpe303by respect for TheRedBaron , i will not go south  in explaining what i could understand in that idiom
15:36.32CBGpunches (on your arm)
15:36.37orangeeither way
15:36.41CBGone punch for each year of your age
15:36.48LePoulpe303oh god
15:36.58LePoulpe303that's why english ppl don't live old
15:37.00CBGLePoulpe303: so, you can give me 18 beats next feburary. :)
15:37.04CBGlol LePoulpe303
15:37.39LePoulpe303wow ! can you pass the driving license ?
15:38.35LePoulpe303so , who wants a beer ?
15:39.52CBGI could. But I am lazy and I will leave it for a bit...
15:40.02CBGMaybe I will learn this summer :)
15:40.29LePoulpe303its just like bztank ; excpet you cant' drive through other vehicles
15:40.47CBGhehe :) and there are no arrow keys... :(
15:40.48LePoulpe303or only once
15:40.59CBGand no lasers or shockwaves, right?
15:41.09LePoulpe303hmm you can bring you own
15:41.18CBGyay :D
15:41.45LePoulpe303"Advantages of Shockwave to solve Traffic jam problems"
15:43.57LePoulpe303ok time to shot a few bullets
15:44.27LePoulpe303c u  later
15:45.49*** join/##ducleague bz-bamf (
15:48.08*** join/##ducleague SC-phone (
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15:48.23bradany can anyone here enter a match
15:49.04bradI don't know what team they are though :P
15:49.08bradI suppose I should find out
15:49.15SC-phoneI can if I log off here.
15:49.16bz-bamfi can
15:49.25SC-phoneooo let bamf :)
15:49.30SC-phonehiya bamf
15:49.51bradte vs bzs
15:50.22bradthey just beat a team 14-0.. :P
15:50.39bradin gu that is
15:51.20jbotfrom memory, gu is Guam
15:51.28*** join/##ducleague tokimi (
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16:00.25*** part/##ducleague SC-phone (
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16:03.31*** join/##ducleague SC-phone (
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16:18.09*** join/##ducleague t2m (
16:18.43t2mhi   :)    anybody home?
16:19.17t2mhow's cali
16:19.39SC-phonedriving from tahoe to sf right now
16:19.59t2mdriving, and chatting
16:20.19SC-phoneI'm riding
16:20.25SC-phonemozul is driving
16:20.38t2m...gonna say, pretty impresive multi-tasking
16:20.58t2msay hi to mozul
16:21.12SC-phoneI've done it before :)
16:21.17SC-phonehe says hi :)
16:21.37t2mand we wonder how that 'accident' ever happened
16:22.18t2mah, you can see my screen, ah
16:22.21SC-phoneI have a bad habit of asking for directions on irc :)
16:22.56orangeturn left at the next light
16:23.09t2mquestion, am isupposed to do the identify thing every time to show registered
16:23.20SC-phoneorange: hehe, no lights on the freeway
16:23.38orangeSC-phone: get off the freeway and enjoy the countryside
16:23.40SC-phonet2m, unless ur client is set to identify automatically, yes
16:23.55orangethen, turn left at the next light :-)
16:23.59SC-phoneorange: we did that all weekend
16:24.14SC-phonenow we head to the bay area for mozul's work
16:29.52*** join/##ducleague Thonolan (
16:30.01kierrahola thonoman
16:30.16Thonolankierra: hi
16:30.39SC-phonehi kierra & thonolan
16:30.48ThonolanSC-phone: hello
16:32.20kierrahowdy sc
16:32.57SC-phonehow's germany & florida?  I hear it's quite hot there, thono
16:33.23Thonolanand often thunder and lighting
16:33.37SC-phoneooooo  send some here!
16:41.07*** part/##ducleague Thonolan (
16:56.07*** join/##ducleague tokimi (
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16:57.15*** join/##ducleague Blue-Eyes (
17:09.34*** join/##ducleague Gilly (
17:15.00*** part/##ducleague quantumdot (
17:21.43*** join/##ducleague hiya (
17:35.31*** mode/##ducleague [+vvv bz-bamf Gilly hiya] by kierra
17:51.29*** join/##ducleague Birdie (
17:51.29*** mode/##ducleague [+o Birdie] by ChanServ
17:57.25*** join/##ducleague Xe11 (
17:57.41kierrahowdy  Xe11
17:58.06Xe11heya kierra
18:25.57*** join/##ducleague |zongo| (
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18:39.38*** join/##ducleague kierra (
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18:46.22*** join/##ducleague kierr1 (
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18:55.30*** join/##ducleague kierra (
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18:58.00*** mode/##ducleague [+v Xe11] by kierra
19:00.24*** join/##ducleague plasma_kaz (
20:16.00*** join/##ducleague Blue-Eyes (
20:16.52*** join/##ducleague Blue_Eyes (
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20:18.30TheRedBaronits too quiet here, who's plotting mischief?
20:18.44kierrame is innocent
20:19.30brad~blame CBG
20:19.32jbotACTION blames CBG for all the evil in the world
20:24.45TheRedBaroncbg too
20:25.03TheRedBaronThose uk types are very sneaky
20:25.10TheRedBaronyou have to watch out for them
20:27.37orangeyes, with their chips that aren't really chips
20:29.30*** part/##ducleague kierra (
20:35.27*** join/##ducleague SportChick (
20:35.27*** mode/##ducleague [+o SportChick] by ChanServ
20:38.14*** join/##ducleague ChanServ (ChanServ@services.)
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20:44.26*** join/##ducleague hiya (
20:57.58*** join/##ducleague twitch_ (
21:14.22*** join/##ducleague Pimpinella (
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21:21.40*** join/##ducleague tokimi (
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21:30.01*** part/##ducleague twitch_ (
22:20.51*** join/##ducleague SportChicky (
22:22.39*** part/##ducleague TheRedBaron (
23:16.37*** join/##ducleague kierra (
23:16.37*** mode/##ducleague [+o kierra] by ChanServ
23:42.18*** join/##ducleague triclops (

Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.