irclog2html for ##ducleague on 20060617

00:09.50*** join/##ducleague hiya (
00:16.07*** join/##ducleague BlueEyes (
01:00.30*** join/##ducleague t2m (
02:28.26*** join/##ducleague codergeek42_ (n=peter@gentoo/developer/codergeek42)
03:20.55*** join/##ducleague hiya (
07:59.20*** join/##ducleague Birdie (
07:59.21*** mode/##ducleague [+o Birdie] by ChanServ
09:14.31*** join/##ducleague CBG (
09:37.25*** join/##ducleague CBG (
09:55.27*** join/##ducleague [suave] (
10:15.04*** join/##ducleague Pimpinella (
10:15.04*** mode/##ducleague [+o Pimpinella] by ChanServ
10:32.17AdmirarchYou know what. The ducati league is looking pretty damn healthy at the moment
10:34.05kierraBaR does its part
10:34.11kierraas do others
10:34.43*** mode/##ducleague [+v [suave]] by kierra
10:34.51AdmirarchIt's really nice seeing vbz back
10:34.52*** mode/##ducleague [+v CBG] by kierra
10:35.25kierraand with root too
11:03.19AdmirarchA root is fun to shoot
11:04.03Birdieit used to be one of my favorite hunt targets
11:04.07Birdiehe used to be *
11:04.57AdmirarchAnyway, I think BaR could beat DUB first
11:05.47Birdiemy exams are over tuesday, lets say one week after that (need to do some stuff i couldnt do for weeks cause of exams, so going out a lot propably), i can match
11:06.00Birdie(i hope)
11:06.17AdmirarchI'll be in your neck of the woods around then
11:07.01Birdiewhere are you going
11:07.59AdmirarchBrussels, and in fact I'll be home a week on Tuesday
11:08.22Birdiebrussels, you will arrange a meeting with catay?
11:08.32Birdiehe lives like 10min away with the car
11:09.11AdmirarchNothing suggested as yet
11:09.33Birdiehint: try to arrange one, catay is a really cool guy (bz + real life)
11:10.13AdmirarchWell, assuming he reads scrollback he knows I'm coming now :P
11:11.01AdmirarchBut anyway, I'm waiting for those matches :)
11:15.41Birdieyou can try with zongo and blue eyes
11:15.52Birdieor otherwise this night
11:16.01Birdie2 3 am my time and assuming blue is still on
11:16.04Birdieand that i can come here
11:16.16Birdie(= no delay on my studying schema)
12:21.03*** join/##ducleague conanhome (n=conan@
12:50.13*** join/##ducleague CBG (
13:41.52*** mode/##ducleague [+vv conanhome CBG] by ChanServ
15:24.19*** join/##ducleague SC-phone (
15:24.19*** mode/##ducleague [+o SC-phone] by ChanServ
16:50.53*** join/##ducleague Birdie (
16:50.54*** mode/##ducleague [+o Birdie] by ChanServ
19:23.04*** join/##ducleague codergeek42_ (n=peter@gentoo/developer/codergeek42)
20:21.14*** join/##ducleague CBG (
20:39.18AdmirarchTo whom may concern themselves about it: BZI 6 - 3 Moles
20:39.44AdmirarchAbout 2100 GMT
21:11.13kierraadnurarch, if you bzmail me this, I would post it
21:11.25kierrai check bzmail several times a day
21:14.46AdmirarchBut I like instant gratification :)
21:19.27Birdieits funny that bzi was last when admir didnt played, and now they are up so high again
21:33.09AdmirarchNo, what's funny is that that's happened despite the fact that dmp is actually playing better than me at the moment
21:34.25Birdiethis isnt logic
22:21.30*** join/##ducleague [suave] (
22:25.35*** join/##ducleague SC-phone (
22:25.36*** mode/##ducleague [+o SC-phone] by ChanServ
23:51.38*** join/##ducleague NessyBot (

Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.