irclog2html for ##ducleague on 20060603

02:23.55*** join/##ducleague codergeek42_ (n=peter@gentoo/developer/codergeek42)
02:23.55*** mode/##ducleague [+v codergeek42_] by [dmp]
03:09.48*** join/##ducleague Pimpi (
03:09.48*** mode/##ducleague [+o Pimpi] by ChanServ
03:09.48*** mode/##ducleague [+v Pimpi] by [dmp]
04:27.53*** join/##ducleague codergeek42_ (n=peter@gentoo/developer/codergeek42)
04:27.53*** mode/##ducleague [+v codergeek42_] by [dmp]
04:28.18*** join/##ducleague codergeek42_ (n=peter@gentoo/developer/codergeek42)
04:28.18*** mode/##ducleague [+v codergeek42_] by [dmp]
06:06.40*** join/##ducleague Pimpi-M (
06:06.40*** mode/##ducleague [+v Pimpi-M] by [dmp]
06:20.29*** part/##ducleague tokimi_away (
06:20.51*** join/##ducleague tokimi_away (
06:20.51*** mode/##ducleague [+o tokimi_away] by ChanServ
06:20.51*** mode/##ducleague [+v tokimi_away] by [dmp]
06:28.12*** topic/##ducleague by SportChick -> DUCATI League Channel || || READ THE FAQ: || Also see #bzchat || Pictures: || Locations: || Please read and give feedback! || Happy Birthday Thonolan!
06:44.43*** mode/##ducleague [+o Pimpi-M] by ChanServ
07:14.09*** join/##ducleague wizart (
07:14.09*** mode/##ducleague [+v wizart] by [dmp]
08:02.08*** join/##ducleague Gilly (
08:02.09*** mode/##ducleague [+v Gilly] by [dmp]
08:02.37*** join/##ducleague Gilly (
08:02.38*** mode/##ducleague [+v Gilly] by [dmp]
10:19.52*** join/##ducleague Pimpi-M (n=Pimpi-M@
10:19.53*** mode/##ducleague [+v Pimpi-M] by [dmp]
10:21.42*** mode/##ducleague [+o Pimpi-M] by ChanServ
10:48.18Admirarch~karma CBG
10:48.18jbotcbg has karma of -166
11:15.02*** join/##ducleague [suave] (
11:15.03*** mode/##ducleague [+v [suave]] by [dmp]
12:58.21*** join/##ducleague Pimpi-M (
12:58.21*** mode/##ducleague [+v Pimpi-M] by [dmp]
12:59.47*** mode/##ducleague [+o Pimpi-M] by ChanServ
13:05.00*** join/##ducleague Blue_Eyes (
13:05.00*** mode/##ducleague [+v Blue_Eyes] by [dmp]
13:16.47*** join/##ducleague sussi (
13:16.47*** mode/##ducleague [+v sussi] by ChanServ
13:16.47*** mode/##ducleague [+v sussi] by [dmp]
13:25.52*** join/##ducleague _sussi (
13:25.52*** mode/##ducleague [+v _sussi] by ChanServ
13:25.52*** mode/##ducleague [+v _sussi] by [dmp]
16:22.48*** join/##ducleague CBG (
16:22.50*** mode/##ducleague [+v CBG] by [dmp]
16:54.04*** join/##ducleague CapN (
16:54.04*** mode/##ducleague [+v CapN] by [dmp]
16:55.33CapNanyone alive in here that can report matches on Pillbox site?
16:56.02CapNguess i should start with...."anyone alive in here"
16:56.07CapNthen work my way up from there
16:57.05tokimii can
16:57.21CapNcool!!! was your team!! :)
16:57.33tokimitime and score?
16:57.41CapNour match with you guys didnt get reported...i didnt put much detail into it...probably why
16:57.50CapNit was yesterday....ummm....time....hmmm
16:58.13CapNi cant even remember who played with SC?
16:58.23CapNthougt it was you...must have been Karlik
16:58.26CapNour match.
16:58.28CapNhi SC
16:58.33SportChickdefine "our"
16:58.36SportChickfirst- what league?
16:58.48SportChickoh, is that the one blue said he reported?
16:58.49CapNhiya and i
16:59.16CapNi didnt get reported...i put a post up...but didnt put any details...i saw it was missed
16:59.16tokimiSportChick: he is talking abut the hiya capn vs toki and sc
16:59.47SportChickwhat was the score?
16:59.54tokimi8-4.. ill take care of it
16:59.59tokimiill just say it was today
16:59.59CapNty tokimi
17:00.00SportChickjust fyi
17:00.03SportChickwhen you report a match
17:00.08SportChickwe need time/date in GMT
17:00.14SportChickyou can find that info ON the league site
17:00.16CapNwill do next time
17:00.18SportChickupper left hand corner
17:00.23tokimior i could have just reported it then
17:00.26SportChickit says utc
17:00.32SportChickbut gmt is the same, iirc
17:01.26CapNk...i noticed that after i posted...was going to post again but ...
17:01.45tokimiits within 10 minutes of actual time
17:45.38*** join/##ducleague _sussi (
17:45.38*** mode/##ducleague [+v _sussi] by ChanServ
17:48.41_sussiwho is hot for a match?
17:49.10*** join/##ducleague CBG (
17:55.26*** mode/##ducleague [+v _sussi] by [dmp]
17:55.27*** mode/##ducleague [+v CBG] by [dmp]
18:08.59_sussiwho wants to match easy_kill :P
19:04.35*** join/##ducleague codergeek42_ (n=peter@gentoo/developer/codergeek42)
19:04.35*** mode/##ducleague [+v codergeek42_] by [dmp]
20:37.39*** join/##ducleague CBG (
20:37.40*** mode/##ducleague [+v CBG] by [dmp]
20:38.21*** join/##ducleague Xe11 (
20:38.22*** mode/##ducleague [+v Xe11] by [dmp]
20:50.50*** join/##ducleague CBG` (
20:50.51*** mode/##ducleague [+v CBG`] by [dmp]
21:02.18*** join/##ducleague CBG (
21:02.19*** mode/##ducleague [+v CBG] by [dmp]
21:24.36cataysomeone here who can change ducati league scores?
21:24.52cataythe last match
21:25.06catayek vs bzi 9 - 3 should be ek vs untamed 9 - 3
21:25.25cataysussi is still living in the past :)
21:25.31catayok ty dmp
21:26.24[dmp]catay: is it correct now?
21:27.17catayyes, perfect, ty
21:27.21[dmp]anytime :)
21:28.12cataymaybe I better kept it quiet, lost 16 points :P
22:13.20*** join/##ducleague codergeek42_ (n=peter@gentoo/developer/codergeek42)
22:13.20*** mode/##ducleague [+v codergeek42_] by [dmp]

Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.