irclog2html for ##ducleague on 20060602

03:10.29*** join/##ducleague Pimpinella (
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04:12.33*** join/##ducleague triclops_ (
04:34.37*** join/##ducleague jomojo_ (
05:51.13*** part/##ducleague tokimi (
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06:38.09*** join/##ducleague Pimpi-M (
06:50.27*** join/##ducleague Pimpi-M (
07:14.10*** join/##ducleague wizart (
08:16.10*** join/##ducleague Gilly (
08:19.29*** join/##ducleague Blue_Eyes (
08:19.44*** join/##ducleague quantumdot (
08:19.44*** mode/##ducleague [+o quantumdot] by ChanServ
09:01.07quantumdothello, I just edited the GU league home page to include a direct invitation to join ducati
09:01.36quantumdotany ideas so to make that invitation more visible? or more effective?
09:04.27*** join/##ducleague LePoulpe304 (
09:04.33CBGI have a bookmark for each league which takes me straight to the login page.
09:04.53quantumdotyes CBG that's true
09:05.07quantumdotit is thought more for new people
09:05.15CBGok then.
09:05.26CBGwant me to make it look fancy and colorful?
09:06.06quantumdoti was expecting that offer
09:06.13quantumdotso i could say YES
09:14.14LePoulpe304quantumdot:  can't you put in the left or right part of the login page something like "Friends Leagues"  or "League links" ?
09:14.24LePoulpe304not login page  home page sry
09:14.54quantumdotlike the Links entry?
09:15.07AdmirarchNow get onto harrassing the ducati council to reciprocate
09:15.22quantumdotarf Admirarch!
09:15.57quantumdotI could replace the Links entry by Friend Leagues or something of that sort
09:17.14quantumdotbut the Links entry has already links to PB and ducati
09:17.34quantumdoti think an invitation on the HOME page is more explicit
09:19.49CBGquantumdot: try this:
09:20.37CBGthat should make it stand out on both themes
09:21.43CBGpopups are evil! :P
09:22.02quantumdotCBG: i pasted
09:22.07quantumdotis that the effect you wanted?
09:22.23CBGoh, ugh
09:22.27quantumdotbecause I dont like it much :(
09:22.36quantumdottoo much brightness
09:23.00quantumdotcan you just make a text on and off
09:23.03CBGquantumdot: the problem is that there is a light theme and a dark theme
09:23.08CBGhold on
09:23.18CBGI will just make the text red or so
09:23.24quantumdotsomething intermitent would do
09:23.44quantumdoti dont know the font for intermitent
09:24.00LePoulpe303CBG : btw did you received my freenode  memo ?
09:24.15CBGLePoulpe303: uhmm, nope :(
09:24.28CBGquantumdot: try this:
09:25.28CBGwhat have I done...
09:25.42CBGah, I see
09:25.44quantumdotit happens to me all the time
09:25.54quantumdoti need to check every single change i do
09:25.56CBGquantumdot: change the "</span>" at the end to "</div>"
09:25.59CBG~lart me
09:26.21quantumdothmm much better
09:26.41LePoulpe303is there a german guy there that could help me translate somehting ?
09:26.44CBGhmm, one more slith adjustment
09:26.47quantumdotmaybe other color? in dark theme looks bad
09:26.56CBGquantumdot: hmm, ok
09:27.04quantumdotbut i like the idea
09:28.56CBG :)
09:29.09*** join/##ducleague Pimpi-M (n=Pimpi-M@
09:29.58quantumdotcan you make it so the box is blue but the text is white as the rest?
09:30.02quantumdotis that possible?
09:30.07quantumdotjust to compare the looks
09:30.50CBGwhite text would look bad on the light theme
09:31.11CBGI have to use a color in the middle, not dark not light
09:31.13quantumdoti mean same color as the rest of the text, on the theme
09:31.19CBGoh, ok :)
09:31.55quantumdotsry, but my html skills are worse than my bzflag ones
09:32.06CBGquantumdot: hehe, np :D
09:32.32quantumdotnow it looks great
09:32.48quantumdota bit enlightened, just
09:32.56quantumdothow do you like it?
09:33.02CBGyep, looks good :)
09:33.22CBGnow you need to take out the lines below (it says the same thing twice now)
09:34.16quantumdotnow i will look for a better placement
09:34.22quantumdoton the page
09:41.03*** join/##ducleague LePoulpe304 (
09:42.06CBGquantumdot: awww
09:42.12CBGI prefer CBG--
09:42.17jbotcbg has karma of -268
09:42.18quantumdoti know
09:42.22CBGI am going for the record... :P
09:42.27CBGbah, meanie.
09:42.56quantumdotbut you dont deserve the -- this time
09:43.40CBGbut... but...
09:50.32CBGquantumdot: also, I edited the wiki entry for BZFlag last night. Now it says more about GU league (before it just had one line... :( ) :D
09:50.52*** join/##ducleague [suave] (
09:51.00LePoulpe304who is the karma leader atm ?
09:51.16quantumdotwell down in the negatives
09:52.06LePoulpe304is there a little picture of "BZFlager of the month" somewhere ? :)
09:52.12Admirarch~karma Sportchick
09:52.12jbotsportchick has karma of 264
09:53.19LePoulpe304nice score
09:55.29Admirarch~karma CBG
09:55.29jbotcbg has karma of -264
09:56.47LePoulpe304wow perfect yin and yang
10:01.06*** join/##ducleague CBG (n=CBG@
10:01.08*** join/##ducleague Birdie (
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10:09.11*** join/##ducleague CBG (
10:41.14*** mode/##ducleague [+vvvv [suave] Blue_Eyes CBG Gilly] by [dmp]
10:41.14*** mode/##ducleague [+vvv jomojo_ Pimpi-M wizart] by [dmp]
10:44.37[dmp]"you're such a tease" - what does that mean? I know what the words means, but is it a positive statemnet or not?
10:50.07*** join/##ducleague CBG (
11:01.55*** join/##ducleague CBG` (
11:43.33*** join/##ducleague AlexandrTheGreat (
11:55.16*** join/##ducleague Pommes (
12:20.14*** join/##ducleague Gilly (
12:20.14*** mode/##ducleague [+vvv AlexandrTheGreat CBG` Pommes] by [dmp]
12:20.17*** mode/##ducleague [+v Gilly] by [dmp]
12:23.52*** part/##ducleague [suave] (
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12:27.54*** join/##ducleague bzmofo (
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12:28.28*** join/##ducleague Pimpi-M_ (
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12:34.00*** join/##ducleague bz-bamf (
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14:19.31*** join/##ducleague quantumdot (
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14:19.31*** mode/##ducleague [+v quantumdot] by [dmp]
14:45.26*** join/##ducleague Blue_Eyes (
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15:38.04*** join/##ducleague CapN (
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16:10.13*** join/##ducleague Pimpi-M (
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16:58.40*** part/##ducleague quantumdot (
17:20.03*** join/##ducleague TimRiker (n=timr@pdpc/supporter/bronze/TimRiker)
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17:20.08*** join/##ducleague bz-bamf (
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17:21.19*** part/##ducleague bz-bamf (
17:21.59*** join/##ducleague bz-bamf (
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17:22.07bz-bamfjoin #essy
17:22.20tokimineed a /  :)
17:24.21bz-bamfi know, my fingers have a mind of their own on the keyboard
17:24.33*** part/##ducleague TimRiker (n=timr@pdpc/supporter/bronze/TimRiker)
18:40.01orangeanybody have rights to add someone to the gu league servers to talk?
18:40.43orangesomeone == me
18:40.57bradBirdie is he's there
18:41.06orangek, I'll go look for him
18:51.03*** join/##ducleague bz-bamf (
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18:51.13orangequitter :-)
18:51.19bz-bamfoffice visitor
18:51.37bz-bamfi'm not nice to them, i don't know why they keep coming back ;)
19:44.03orangeBirdie: pong
19:44.12Birdiewhat did you want?
19:44.27orangeI just went to a gu match server earlier today to catch some people for a pillbox match, and couldn't talk
19:44.30orangevery frustrating :-)
19:44.37Birdielet me fix that
19:44.42orangethanks much :-)
19:44.50Birdieamazing that you werent in yet
19:45.03orangeI have very little to do with gu
19:45.34Birdietry now if you want
19:45.46orangecan't now, but maybe tonight... thanks again :-)
19:46.05Birdieif i did wrong..leave me a note
19:46.13orangewill do
19:47.59Birdienormally its not possible, but you never know, certainly cause i did it:)
19:59.41*** join/##ducleague Blue-Eyes (
19:59.41*** mode/##ducleague [+v Blue-Eyes] by [dmp]
20:41.00*** join/##ducleague wizart (
20:41.00*** mode/##ducleague [+v wizart] by [dmp]
20:43.26*** join/##ducleague Thonolan (
20:43.26*** mode/##ducleague [+v Thonolan] by [dmp]
20:43.59Thonolanty :)
20:44.04Thonolanhelooo :)
21:55.21*** join/##ducleague _sussi (
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21:55.21*** mode/##ducleague [+v _sussi] by [dmp]
22:46.04[suave]'nitey 'nite :)
22:52.29*** join/##ducleague Xe11 (
22:52.29*** mode/##ducleague [+v Xe11] by [dmp]
22:58.07*** join/##ducleague Birdie (
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22:58.08*** mode/##ducleague [+v Birdie] by [dmp]

Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.