irclog2html for ##ducleague on 20060515

00:34.57*** join/##ducleague SC-phone (
00:34.58*** mode/##ducleague [+o SC-phone] by ChanServ
00:47.08*** join/##ducleague frank__ (
04:41.53*** join/##ducleague SC-phone (
04:41.54*** mode/##ducleague [+o SC-phone] by ChanServ
05:32.23*** join/##ducleague frank__ (
05:32.51*** mode/##ducleague [+o Pimpinella] by ChanServ
06:42.49*** join/##ducleague tokimi (
06:42.50*** mode/##ducleague [+o tokimi] by ChanServ
07:08.52*** join/##ducleague LePoulpe303 (
07:15.53*** join/##ducleague wizart (
07:22.35*** join/##ducleague Blue_Eyes (
09:03.26*** join/##ducleague CBG (
09:26.40*** join/##ducleague [suave] (
09:47.44*** join/##ducleague quantumdot (
09:47.44*** mode/##ducleague [+o quantumdot] by ChanServ
11:03.51*** join/##ducleague AlexandrTheGreat (
12:03.57*** join/##ducleague LePoulpe304 (
12:23.02*** join/##ducleague TheRedBaron (
12:33.22*** join/##ducleague CBG` (
13:20.38*** join/##ducleague Gilly (
13:54.21*** join/##ducleague brad_ (
14:03.03*** join/##ducleague brad_ (
14:59.14*** mode/##ducleague [+v brad] by ChanServ
15:02.21brad~Seen birdie
15:02.28jbotbirdie <> was last seen on IRC in channel ##essy, 21h 15m 20s ago, saying: 'ctrl alt del only shows one time that my client is open:('.
16:00.36*** join/##ducleague sussi (
16:00.36*** mode/##ducleague [+v sussi] by ChanServ
16:13.16*** join/##ducleague moriah (
16:14.29*** part/##ducleague moriah (
16:37.22jbotapt/ibot/jbot/purl all log to<channelname>/ where channelname is html encoded ie: %23debian | lines that start with a space are not shown | some channels have stats at<channelname>.html.gz, or updated "nightly"
16:37.32TrB-Work~lart brad
16:37.47brad~lart trb
16:37.57bradtake that!
16:43.38*** join/##ducleague SC (
16:45.45*** mode/##ducleague [+o SportChick] by ChanServ
17:04.12*** join/##ducleague Blue_Eyes (
18:05.49*** part/##ducleague qdot_working (
18:19.47brlcadhow do you set up those join triggers for ibot?
18:44.54*** join/##ducleague Birdie (
18:44.54*** mode/##ducleague [+o Birdie] by ChanServ
18:47.40Birdiesome german who has a little time wants to translate something for poor birdie?
18:48.12bradjbot !
18:48.15jbothmm... ! is what my big sibling dpkg uses instead of ~, or not, or what dpkg uses dumbass
18:48.30*** join/##ducleague [dmp] (
18:48.33*** mode/##ducleague [+o [dmp]] by ChanServ
19:22.55*** join/##ducleague NTH (
19:31.33*** join/##ducleague |zongo| (
19:57.20SportChick|zongo|: hiya
20:18.58|zongo|hi SportChick
20:19.33|zongo|thx for the invite SportChick, im going to bed now though
20:21.51|zongo|bye bzpeeps, cu around
20:21.53*** part/##ducleague |zongo| (
20:26.11*** join/##ducleague Blue_Eyes (
20:59.41*** join/##ducleague Blue-Eyes (
21:01.56*** join/##ducleague Blue_Eyes (
21:07.25*** join/##ducleague moriah (
22:03.08*** part/##ducleague TrB-Working (
22:17.14*** join/##ducleague AlexandrTheGreat (n=Alexande@
22:42.20*** mode/##ducleague [+v Blue_Eyes] by SportChick
22:42.27*** mode/##ducleague [+v CBG] by SportChick
22:42.38*** mode/##ducleague [+v wizart] by SportChick
22:44.13*** join/##ducleague Berniebee (n=Berniebe@
23:13.21*** join/##ducleague romfis (
23:38.13*** join/##ducleague triclops (

Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.