irclog2html for ##ducleague on 20060509

01:07.00*** part/##ducleague romfis (
01:13.25*** join/##ducleague That_Smell (
01:13.26*** mode/##ducleague [+v That_Smell] by ChanServ
02:42.02*** join/##ducleague Thonolan (
02:42.02*** mode/##ducleague [+v Thonolan] by ChanServ
02:50.59*** mode/##ducleague [+v triclops] by tokimi
03:02.04*** join/##ducleague jbot (i=ibot@pdpc/supporter/active/TimRiker/bot/apt)
03:02.04*** topic/##ducleague is DUCATI League Channel and council issues || READ THE FAQ: || Also see #bzchat || Pictures of bzplayers: || Locations of bzplayers:
03:02.04*** mode/##ducleague [+o jbot] by ChanServ
05:00.12*** join/##ducleague SportyGal (
05:00.12*** mode/##ducleague [+o SportyGal] by ChanServ
06:21.33*** join/##ducleague Blue_Eyes (
07:00.07*** part/##ducleague LePoulpe303 (
07:07.26*** join/##ducleague LePoulpe303 (
07:16.28*** join/##ducleague wizart (
07:32.39*** join/##ducleague conanhom1 (n=conan@
09:03.13*** join/##ducleague NTH (
10:04.02*** join/##ducleague kierra (
10:06.11*** part/##ducleague kierra (
10:13.08*** join/##ducleague Saturos (
10:21.37*** join/##ducleague [suave] (
10:50.33*** join/##ducleague kierra (
10:55.47*** mode/##ducleague [+o kierra] by ChanServ
10:57.41*** mode/##ducleague [+vvv [suave] Blue_Eyes conanhom1] by kierra
10:57.41*** mode/##ducleague [+vvv LePoulpe303 NTH Saturos] by kierra
10:57.41*** mode/##ducleague [+v wizart] by kierra
10:57.57*** part/##ducleague kierra (
11:24.32*** join/##ducleague Pimpi (
11:24.32*** mode/##ducleague [+o Pimpi] by ChanServ
12:00.34*** join/##ducleague AlexandrTheGreat (
12:00.48*** join/##ducleague LePoulpe304 (
12:00.49*** mode/##ducleague [+v AlexandrTheGreat] by ChanServ
12:23.57*** join/##ducleague romfis (
12:53.55*** join/##ducleague Gilly (
12:58.51Mr_MolezGilly: sup
13:12.19GillyMr_Molez: not much ;)
13:12.25GillyMr_Molez: sup ? :P
13:14.08Mr_Molezsame old ;)
13:21.29*** join/##ducleague bz_BL (
13:22.42*** join/##ducleague conanhome (n=conan@
13:41.20*** join/##ducleague longhair (
13:49.00*** join/##ducleague Saturos (
14:05.37*** join/##ducleague NTH (
14:12.01*** join/##ducleague Gilly (
14:53.28*** join/##ducleague tokimi (
14:53.28*** mode/##ducleague [+o tokimi] by ChanServ
15:08.52*** join/##ducleague moriah (
15:09.08*** part/##ducleague moriah (
15:37.14*** join/##ducleague Saturos (
16:08.31*** join/##ducleague ChanServ (ChanServ@services.) [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
16:08.31*** mode/##ducleague [+o ChanServ] by
16:11.27*** join/##ducleague Thonolan (
16:11.27*** mode/##ducleague [+v Thonolan] by ChanServ
16:29.57*** join/##ducleague Saturos (
16:39.42*** join/##ducleague Saturos (
17:54.26*** join/##ducleague sussi (
17:54.26*** mode/##ducleague [+v sussi] by ChanServ
18:03.37*** join/##ducleague sussi (
18:03.37*** mode/##ducleague [+v sussi] by ChanServ
18:03.54*** join/##ducleague suss (
18:04.06*** join/##ducleague sussi (
18:04.06*** mode/##ducleague [+v sussi] by ChanServ
18:12.16conanhomesussi: hey!
18:12.28conanhomesussi: are you here or only your presence?
18:12.34conanhomesussi: molez want to match
18:12.44conanhomesussi: i'm rusty, like always ;)
18:12.53conanhomesussi: are you up to?
18:13.38sussii started a talk right now, in 20 minutes?
18:14.49conanhomesussi: poke me on jabber
18:15.06conanhomesussi: if i don't get too tired and take a snap, we will be there
18:15.14conanhomesussi: going to dub now to tell molez
18:15.43CBGconanhome just broke the record for saying 'sussi' the most times consecutively. ;)
18:17.54conanhomeCBG: no one talks to him?
18:18.36CBGmany people do
18:18.47CBGbut most dont say "sussi" 10 times in 1 minute ;)
18:19.06sussiah i understand
18:19.40brad|away~x de en alter, win welch
18:19.54sussiit is so difficult to organise a match-thats a good reason to cry
18:19.56brad|away~x de en alter, bin wech
18:24.58conanhomeCBG: well... wasn't 10 in a minute, just 8 in 3 minutes :P
18:25.08CBGpff :P
18:30.13*** join/##ducleague NTH (
18:31.29*** join/##ducleague SC (
18:36.36*** join/##ducleague Mur (
18:46.09Mr_Molezconanhome: pingy
18:57.35sussiconan -> PING PONG
18:58.04*** mode/##ducleague [+v TheRealMur] by tokimi_away
18:58.07*** mode/##ducleague [+v romfis] by tokimi_away
18:58.10*** mode/##ducleague [+v NTH] by tokimi_away
18:58.30*** mode/##ducleague [+v conanhome] by SportChick
18:58.33*** mode/##ducleague [+v Gilly] by SportChick
18:58.37*** mode/##ducleague [+v longhair] by SportChick
18:58.44*** mode/##ducleague [+v longhair] by tokimi_away
18:58.54*** mode/##ducleague [+v Gilly] by tokimi_away
18:58.59*** mode/##ducleague [+v conanhome] by tokimi_away
18:59.45sussitokimi ur still in a team?
19:03.46sussijust want to know (was wundering)
19:03.58tokiminope, not on a team
19:05.34*** join/##ducleague TheRealMurk (
19:08.18*** join/##ducleague TheRealMur (
19:15.20*** join/##ducleague Blue_Eyes (
20:06.40*** mode/##ducleague [+v Blue_Eyes] by SportChick
20:09.13*** join/##ducleague SportChicky (
20:28.36conanhomeMr_Molez: osrry
20:28.40conanhomesussi: sorry
20:28.55conanhomeindeed is getting difficult to get no a match for me
20:29.34sussii taling with molez right now
20:30.48Mr_Molezconanhome: nevermind my teamy disappeared :P maybe another time
20:44.44sussiEasykill is open for a Match
20:45.36SportChickconanhome: feel free to come over to ##essy and join in the dicussion
20:47.03*** join/##ducleague tokimi (
20:47.03*** mode/##ducleague [+o tokimi] by ChanServ
20:53.39SportChickwb tokimi
21:06.39*** join/##ducleague romfis_ (
21:37.41*** join/##ducleague wizart (
21:38.53*** join/##ducleague romfis (
21:41.13*** part/##ducleague romfis (
21:49.53*** join/##ducleague romfis (
21:51.02*** join/##ducleague sussi (
21:51.02*** mode/##ducleague [+v sussi] by ChanServ
22:10.57*** part/##ducleague [suave] (
22:13.44*** join/##ducleague TheRealMur (

Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.