irclog2html for ##ace on 20060314

00:19.43Tekkub~ace forum
00:19.46purlsomebody said ace forum was online, I think
00:24.02cladhaireheyas Tek
00:24.16cladhairehow's things?
00:45.21Tekkubgood clad
00:45.29Tekkubdid my first MC last night
00:45.41Tekkuband it was the first time the guild killed raggy too
00:46.03Tekkubfirst try we got him to 1 fucking percent with only 35 people
00:46.47Tekkubsecond time I ate dirt 5 seconds in, they didn't do well *grin*
00:46.54kergothdoes wow have any of the functions in 'debug'? like getinfo?
00:47.20Tekkubbrb, store and crap before ZG
00:49.12kergothheh, i always do such twisted stuff in lua
00:49.25kergoththis one is actually using debug.getinfo() to do somethign other than debug :P
00:51.40kergothdebug.getinfo(2, "f").func is the function that called the function you're in.  can do twisted things knowing the context that you're running in...
00:53.10kergothin this case, its an implementation of a super() for calling your parent class's methods from your methods.  no clean way to do it without explicitly naming the parent
00:54.00kergothbecause you're calling the parent class methods with your object as self, not an object of that class, so that method doesnt know what class its in, so it cant safely determine that class's superclass for a subsequent super() call
00:54.42kergothso... i maintain a method->class map, then do
00:54.42kergoth27 function super()
00:56.05kergotherm, that super() has fmap being method->superclass, not method->class, but you get the point
00:59.46*** join/##ace Parak (
01:01.39kergothshit.  i was just editing af ile, then closed the terminal, and i have no idea wher ei was when i created it
01:05.08*** part/##ace Ratbert_CP (
01:16.08*** join/##ace Tem (
01:20.49kergothcladhaire: luajit is awesome.  i wish wow had it.  i tested my multiple inheritence in lua on stock 5.1 vs luajit vs luajit+optimizations.  it cut the method lookup times by more than half.
01:21.39GenNMX|ThraeWe should maybe ask slouken? Isn't it his job managing Lua->WoW interfacing?
01:22.07kergothi think so.  its awfully invasive though, changing the way lua code compilation happens.
01:22.27kergothi doubt they'd be willing to introduce so invasive a change into a production release of a product..
01:22.35kergothah well
01:23.40GenNMX|Thraekergoth: How big are the changes between standard Lua and Lua-JIT? I'd hope JIT would be designed so that the translation would be as painless as possible.
01:24.05GenNMX|ThraeEspecially since Lua is so OO-happy
01:24.16GenNMX|ThraeEasing transitions is one of the staples of OO.
01:47.28kergothstandard lua compiles everything on load. JIT doenst compile functions until their first execution.  pretty invasive, would require a full regression test of everything involved
01:48.06kergothJIT also involves a compilation pipeline in which optimizations occur, which is another possible point of failure, more thorough testing to be sure nothing inadvertantly breaks
01:49.06kergothin a release product, every change, if any, to any core libraries used by your code have to be reviewed extensively due to the potential for breakage
01:49.28kergothchanges to something that fundamental effectively nullifies any and all testing thats been done up to that point
02:00.58*** join/##ace Kaelten (n=Kaelten@
02:01.04Kaeltenhey guys
02:01.14GenNMX|Thrae~ace forum
02:01.15purlextra, extra, read all about it, ace forum is down yet again
02:01.27Cairennhey Kaelten
02:01.42GenNMX|ThraeDamn, I wanted to show you the new purl feature I saw used earlier today, have him give you GOOD news
02:02.18Kaeltenok forums are back up on my end
02:02.24Kaeltenhad to run a repair on the db
02:02.28GenNMX|Thrae~ace forum
02:02.29purl[ace forum] up and down more than Tekkub on a good night
02:03.17GenNMX|ThraeWe should have purl + voice synthizing software + Skype
02:03.41GenNMX|ThraeHave purl give Kaelten or kergoth a call whenever the forums are down in a creepy robot voice
02:04.15GenNMX|ThraeOr just record my cheerful voice -- "Hi! I'd like to inform <insert name here> that your website is down. Please correct the matter before your users form an angry mob! Thank you!"
02:06.06purli need tacos! i need tacos or i'll explode.  that happens to me sometimes.
02:06.46GenNMX|Thrae~ace forum
02:06.47purlmethinks ace forum is online
02:06.54GenNMX|ThraeThere we go, good news
02:09.20Kaeltenwell. I'm working out a deal to host it on wowi's servers
02:09.28Kaeltenwhich for the most part have better uptime than this new host
02:12.04GenNMX|ThraeWhat, Cair doesn't give you it to you free?
02:12.11GenNMX|ThraeDo you need to do "favours" for her?
02:17.43TemKaelten: will that mean wowace will be down on patch days?
02:17.59GenNMX|ThraeWoWI isn't down on patch days
02:19.28TemI've seen it go down a few times
02:19.35Temit was fine for 1.9 I think
02:19.46Temprobably just slower than normal
02:21.24Kaeltennot sure we may be on the same server as ctmod
02:32.37pagefaultwowace works
02:33.26pagefaultwas down for so long for me
02:33.30pagefaultI need wowace for the forums
03:12.11*** part/##ace cladhaire (
04:18.47*** join/##ace Wobin_ (n=wob@
04:21.57kergoth"Then who's my grandfather?"  "Isn't it obvious?" "*shakes head*"  "You are!"
04:58.29*** join/##ace Eraphine|Disco (
07:17.39*** join/##ace [MoonWolf] (
07:23.38Slayman|ZZZzzzzkk watchdog looks good until now i just need to find the target of target frame as it exists but i can't find it ~~
07:24.33Tekkub~emulate mindy
07:24.42purlOkey Lady!
07:25.31[MoonWolf]i hope you people did not abuse hlaalu to much
07:25.39Slayman|ZZZzzzzgood morning btw but now I'm off to work see you all later
07:32.13[MoonWolf]I have added a sticky with the irc server information.
07:33.50Tekkub~emulate cairenn
07:33.57purlACTION purrs
07:34.15Tekkub~good idea bad idea
07:34.18purlGI: Climbing a mountain. BI: Climbing a mountain lion.
07:34.18otravi^SE(%w+) (%d) (.+)$ <<  anyone have a better way of matching both SET <digit> <text> and SET2 <digit> <text>?
07:34.38otraviI'm used to use regexps, not the pattern system :D
07:35.10Tekkubuh, the patterns are regex's, with a few missing things like a fucking OR operator
07:35.52[MoonWolf]eeeuh would this match SE(one or more nonword chars)number ?
07:35.53otraviyeh, but I miss parts :<
07:35.57Tekkubanywho... "^SET2? (%d) (.+)$"
07:36.04[MoonWolf]sory lowercase
07:36.06[MoonWolf]word char.
07:36.27otravity :)
07:40.31[MoonWolf]6412 lines of irc madness logged.
07:41.38otraviI don't dare to count the lines in my logs :<
07:41.47[MoonWolf]lines logged by hlaalu
07:41.58otravia spy!
08:32.21id`[MoonWolf]: xD
08:32.26id`morning, btw
08:32.37[MoonWolf]hwo is owrk today /
08:33.15id`I get to convert 6000 line modules for this CMS to a new library
08:33.23id`taking me weeks :|
08:33.28id`(not one file)
08:34.06id`so yeah, BORING
08:34.21id`I wanna do stuff with kepler instead :P
08:35.26id`that was so cool.. Yesterday when i went and fiddled with kepler for 10 mins i got the old spirit of 'lets make something' back. Only this time I'm not 11 and I can really do it ^^
08:43.14*** join/##ace haste (
08:44.09otraviand I though I finally managed to fix the X lockup issue ;-(
08:54.10id`and irssi
08:54.35id`Or bitchX, whatever floats your boat
08:54.47id`I've ebeen meaning to make my own IRC client for some time.
08:54.55id`Don;t laugh yet, i have a good idea.
08:55.30id`Have one stream open to send/receive data
08:56.02id`make all received data go to ~/.irc/server/channel
08:56.14id`use any damn pager you want to read the incoming stream
08:56.44id`or make an irc bot script that acts on events
08:56.46id`or one that logs
08:57.17id`hell you can even use telnet to do the job
08:57.45id`and sending information would be ez too
08:57.48kergothyou can use telnet to irc directly.  irc is a text protocol
08:57.50id`kergoth: how does this sound?
08:57.52kergothcourse you'd have to remember the commands
08:58.00id`kergoth: thats what i mean
08:58.06[MoonWolf]i prefer using normal clients instead of telnet
08:58.17id`you wouldnt have to use telnet directly
08:58.18kergothid`: it sounds like you just want an irc proxy.
08:58.24kergothgo look at bnc or dircproxy or ctrlproxy
08:58.35id`kergoth: nay i have a remote screen+irssi atm
08:58.41id`just a neat idea :O
08:59.11kergothwell what you're dscribing is just a proxy.  something to do the legwork of maintaining the connection to the server, then connecting apps to that
08:59.27kergothand there are lots of projects that do just that
08:59.33id`arse :P
08:59.52kergothwell yes, but thats beside the point
09:34.08id`kergoth: that preprocessor is pretty neat
09:34.16id`gunna look at it now
09:34.25id`Because Jscript is acting funky on me :(
09:34.44[MoonWolf]lua preprocessor ?
09:36.14id`for that template thingy
09:37.08[MoonWolf]yeah, the preprocessor would be a perfect templating engine.
09:37.49id`allows you to cut up templates into chunks too
09:38.19id`to use parts of templates more then once (on certain conditions even :P)
10:04.54Tekkubhey moon
10:05.09Tekkubyou need to hook the roll tooltips with Mendy
10:05.20[MoonWolf]could try
10:05.27Tekkubshouldn't be too hard
10:05.31[MoonWolf]ill add that to my huge todo list.
10:05.47Tekkuband I think there should be some indication on the ZG items which class is the nechant
10:05.56[MoonWolf]right under world peace and slicing and dicing tomatoes.
10:06.18Tekkubcause it seems to be a higher preference cause it's the best item of the set
10:06.37Tekkubseriously, roll tolltips is a biggie man
10:06.45[MoonWolf]put it under feature requests in wowi
10:07.02TekkubI have to open from the chat window to see the info... and I wanna get rid of rloss spam altogether
10:07.32[MoonWolf]i hope i can a few days off some time soon.
10:07.34TekkubWTF was that?
10:07.39[MoonWolf]get a few days off*
10:07.47[MoonWolf]wtf was what ?
10:08.09[MoonWolf]no idea
10:08.13[MoonWolf]figured you had a weird typo.
10:08.29[MoonWolf]i have them a lot too
10:08.36[MoonWolf]especiall in the morning.
10:08.59Tekkubwell dvorak doesn't help either
10:09.10Tekkubpeople can read qwerty typos but not dvor ones
10:09.31[MoonWolf]good point.
10:11.39Tekkub~emulate mindy
10:11.44purlOkey Lady!
10:12.28Tekkubsomeone should write PT-GUI so I don't gotta
10:12.47Tekkubjust need to rip off KCI's interace and add a menu to pick a set
10:12.57Tekkuband make it show the "results" of the set
10:13.31Tekkubactually... I wonder if we could get Kael to just add PT support into KCI's GUI
10:13.36Tekkubthat'd be simpler
10:13.42[MoonWolf]i really hope kealten can move the forum to some other platform.
10:13.55Tekkubbut kael's slow to implement stuff... stupid people with lives and jobs and stuff
10:14.40[MoonWolf]its not my fault
10:14.46[MoonWolf]tom cruise did it!
10:16.43[MoonWolf]besides werent you looking for a job too ?
10:17.37Tekkubyea still looking :P
10:18.15[MoonWolf]any luck ?
10:18.24[MoonWolf]what are you looking for anyway ?
10:19.07*** topic/##ace by Tekkub -> | | OMGKITTYKATMEWMEWMEWMEW
10:19.23Tekkubnope, and whatever
10:19.46Tekkubgeneral misc customer service cashier type stuff
10:19.49[MoonWolf]lol at topic.
10:21.17[MoonWolf]how about telemarketing :P
10:23.09Tekkubno I avoid phones, hate the things
10:30.52Tekkubyou know, our AH farmers on Icecrown are retards
10:31.04id`what are these farmers
10:31.16Tekkubwe got one guy, Happynees, who buys out cheap coins/bijous and resells em
10:31.33Tekkuband he puts the coins up in stacks of 10-18
10:31.35id`chinese ppl obvious but... what do they do
10:31.48Tekkuband bijous anywhere from 1-6
10:31.58id`*shrug* and?
10:32.17Tekkubconsidering the most anyone's gonna want at one time is 5 of any given coin or 2 bijous...
10:32.42id`oh well then why not tell him
10:32.49id`instead of me
10:33.00Tekkubthey're not trade mats, the quests call for 5 coins of one type, 5 of another and two of one color bijou
10:33.17Tekkubbecause he's an idiot and uh.... okey nevermind
10:33.38id`just tell him and he'll be less of an idiot
10:33.57Tekkubinterestingly enough, coins and bijous aren't in any of the AH filters so KCI never scans their prices
10:34.19id`i dont even know what they are
10:34.23Tekkubnah I'm not gonna help a AH farmer have an easier time selling his crap
10:34.41TekkubI know you don't, so why you even talking to me about it? :P
10:34.54Wobin_Maybe he just has Happy knees
10:39.36Tekkubyea who knows, and no I didn't typo his name
10:46.49[MoonWolf]maybe he is trying to trick people into bying more then they need.
10:48.23Wobin_With a name like that, I wouldn't put it past him!
11:08.07Tekkub~good idea bad idea
11:08.08purlGI: Taking a deep breath before jumping into a swimming pool. BI: Taking a deep breath after jumping into a swimming pool.
11:08.14TekkubI love that one :)
11:38.26Tekkubhrm... just had an idea for the CTRA Bossmods and ace...
11:38.45Tekkubfrom what I've seen so far, bossmods is mostly timers and buff/debuff warnings
11:38.59Tekkubwhy not do the timers with Timex bars instead of chat
11:39.24Tekkublike in a the Ragnaros fight have a bar counting down to when the Sons spawn
11:46.15Tekkubcause frankly, I hate raiding with CTRA's bossmods...
11:46.23Tekkubit's like fucking spam central
11:46.59TekkubI got raid chat full of crap, two popup texts with the same shit, and the raid leader seding tells if I get a certain debuff or whatever :P
11:47.27TekkubI'm gonna sit down and write up some filters to remove their spam once I got a better way to display it
12:39.45CodayusI mean, it's important that you know about whatever it's warning you of...but the repeats are just confusing...
12:40.31CodayusProbably really annoying if you're trying to use the raid channel for communication during the fight too...
12:40.47Codayus<shrug>  Wouldn't know about that myself.
12:41.45[MoonWolf]Its spelled Sequal damnit!!!!
12:42.10[MoonWolf]pronounced i mean
12:42.34Tekkubsorry I hate people that try to be creative with acronyms
12:42.35CodayusWe're talking about database query languages, aren't we...
12:42.47[MoonWolf]yes we are
12:42.49Tekkubjust say the letters if it doesn't explicitly spell a real word
12:43.23Tekkuband yes, I hate CTRA's Bossmods..
12:43.30Tekkubit's like a simple timer.....
12:43.50CodayusTekkub: Some are, some are more complex.
12:43.51TekkubHEY HEY HEY LOK AT ME HEY HEY HEY HEY!!!!!! BTW something will hapen in 20 seconds
12:44.01TekkubHEY HEY HEY LOK AT ME HEY HEY HEY HEY!!!!!! BTW something will hapen in 15 seconds
12:44.08TekkubHEY HEY HEY LOK AT ME HEY HEY HEY HEY!!!!!! BTW something will hapen in 10 seconds
12:44.15TekkubHEY HEY HEY LOK AT ME HEY HEY HEY HEY!!!!!! BTW something will hapen in 5 seconds
12:44.25TekkubHEY HEY HEY LOK AT ME HEY HEY HEY HEY!!!!!! BTW something just happened and you're dead
12:44.32CodayusQuite a few ZG ones scan the combat log for an emote or spellcast, for example, and don't have a timer component at all.
12:44.44Tekkubyea I know
12:44.58Tekkubmy point is there needs to be more graceful display of data
12:45.05Tekkubthis spamming chat is bullshit
12:45.26Codayus<shrug>  Doesn't really bother me.  But I will agree that some more useful and hopefully generic architecture would be nice.
12:45.41Tekkubtimers, a frame that displays an icon, and one single headsup chat echo that doesn't add something to the chat frame
12:45.42CodayusWearn't you the one talking about a bosspanel plugin to do that a couple weeks back?
12:46.02Tekkubstill on my todo
12:46.55CodayusWell, adding something to the chat frame is a feature, not a bug.  Sorta.  If memory serves, it's off by default and has to be turned on - but its there so people without the CTRA still see the headsup message...
12:47.33CodayusUnless you can rely on everyone having the mod (which you probably can't) that's probably the correct behaviour - BUT the mod should filter the /ra message out again.
12:47.56CodayusUh....that was fairly inarticulate.  Hopefully it came through anyhow.
12:49.47[MoonWolf]more or less
12:53.40Tekkubno Cod.. I mmean.. as it stands I'm getting a raid chat, an overhead from the leader's CTRABM and an overhead from my own CTRABM
12:53.53TekkubI'd like one single notification that just goes away
12:54.06TekkubI don't want raid chat spammed up with useless info
12:54.32Tekkubso yea, I want filters :)
12:54.45TekkubI'll write filters
12:54.48TekkubI just need a CTRABM replacement first
12:55.18Tekkuband as I see it that means we need timers, overhead chat (I'd just use the default UI's one) and some sort of icon frame
12:55.36CodayusMy comment was that you really should be getting the notification in raid chat, because it's correct behaviour to send the message.  But yes, a filter would be good.
12:55.56Tekkubthe basic framework should be simple looking at CTRABM's code... and for added bonus I'd add to it that it only function when you're near the boss
12:56.28CodayusActually, I think some sort of alert/message/rs system would be an ideal candidate for inclusion into the base UI, because it's A) very useful, B) lightweight, and C) most useful when everyone has it.
12:56.51*** join/##ace ag` (
12:57.04Tekkubthe really shitty part to the spam confusion
12:57.15Tekkubour raid leaders timers were all fucked up
12:57.24Tekkubso I got two different warning
12:57.41Tekkubin the end it came down to my own personal sense of when shit would happen
12:58.06Tekkubwhich is kinda how it should be I think.. knowing exactly when shit's going down makes it not a game really
12:58.14CodayusThat's trickier to can't rely on their only being one boss mod installed, and it's effectively impossible to work out which is right on the fly.
12:58.31Tekkubyou know what happens exactly when and you're bent over and lubed ready for it... what fun is that?
12:58.46CodayusWhich fight are you thinking of, in particular?
12:59.01Tekkubyea, I just want to handle my own boss mod shit and filter out all their spam
12:59.12CodayusFor some of the fights with timers, if you know whats going to happen, you can avoid it.
12:59.17Tekkubwell hakkar, ragnaros for two
12:59.30Tekkubthose were fucking simple timers IMCO
12:59.38CodayusHeh, sadly, I've never seen Ragnaros.
12:59.40Tekkuband arlokk wasn't too bad either
12:59.48Codayus....arlokk has timers?
12:59.50Tekkubrag had two timers
13:00.00Tekkubevery like 10 seconds he does an aoe
13:00.13Tekkubwhich I don't even know why I need warned, it's a randomish target
13:00.43Tekkuband he stays up for like 3 min, then submerges and spawns some fire elems.. then after like a min he comes back up
13:00.52Tekkubtwo godddamn timers, fuck the spam
13:00.57CodayusHakkar fight really benefits from timers because the basic fight mechanic needs very exact timing.  Which is a flaw in the encounter design, I think...makes it boring and mechanistic, yet still stressful.
13:01.06Tekkuband one timer I see as pointless
13:01.24Tekkubyup, rags was the same way
13:01.31Tekkubhe's up, he's gone, he's back
13:01.36Tekkuball perfectly timed
13:01.52Tekkubhakkar was really boring honestly
13:02.14Tekkubevery x seconds he drains, you need poison on you when he does... whopdeedoodle
13:02.52CodayusAnd the buff he got just made him harder.  The fights still as boring as ever.  :-/
13:03.09Tekkubheh, we raped him good tonight, it was easy
13:03.31CodayusDid you fight him before...uh...1.9.3 or whenever ZG got rebalanced a bit?
13:03.31Tekkubit was my first time fighting him too, same with rags the night before
13:04.15Tekkub*shrug* maybe I'm just lucky and have a guild that raids well together
13:04.19CodayusHe was about ten times easier before.
13:04.23Tekkubpeople don't fuck off, they do their job
13:04.37Tekkuband they do it well :)
13:05.37Codayus...or twenty times easier, maybe.  He was sad...
13:06.02Tekkubghazranka was a lot harder than he was
13:06.18Tekkubuntil we figgered out we should be in the water when we fight him
13:06.51CodayusProblem with ZG is it takes so long to clear.  :-/
13:06.57Tekkubin fact, I think it was my big bounce on the first try that pulled in the adds that wiped us *grin*
13:07.17Tekkubdidn't they fix tha tin the "rebalancing"?
13:11.07Codayusfix what?
13:13.46[MoonWolf][MoonWolf] I am a GOD!
13:13.46[MoonWolf]Hlaalu i wouldnt mind them so much if they pay it .. and specs on the sexual scripts of HIV-positive men who have sex with men
13:17.51[MoonWolf]hlaalu is my bot creation.
13:19.18Wobin_(You might want to put a separator between hlaalu's name and what it says...)
13:19.34Wobin_What have you seeded it with =)
13:19.42[MoonWolf]thats is yust the effect of the xchat copy pasting
13:19.49CodayusWobin_: That's not a question I think I want to know the answer to.
13:19.49[MoonWolf]you can talk with im in #hlaalu if you want.
13:20.23[MoonWolf]he doesnt make a lot of sense yet.
13:20.30[MoonWolf]only has about 1200 lines of log to work with.
13:21.21Wobin_feeding him irc logs?
13:22.08CodayusKind of cruel, isn't it?  poor thing...
13:22.25[MoonWolf]but i want it to be fucked up
13:22.29[MoonWolf]and idiotic
13:22.31[MoonWolf]like irc people
13:22.31Wobin_Especially if it's ##ace
13:22.42[MoonWolf]those channels
13:22.50[MoonWolf]logs from about 8 hours last night.
13:22.50Wobin_Tekkub will corrupt the poor thing =(
13:23.17CodayusSlurp database, and use that.  :-)
13:23.21purloh, fukc...
13:23.37[MoonWolf]Codayus, to much adapting the logs for
13:23.51[MoonWolf]the lines i capture now are perfect fit for him.
13:24.05purlWuh, I think so, tekkub, but if we didn't have ears, we'd look like weasels.
13:24.34[MoonWolf]he is going to be saner if he gets some more days of logs in.
13:36.55*** join/##ace ag` (
13:39.32*** join/##ace Hlaalu (
13:41.26id`hood thing you aren't making him log on quakenet
13:41.42id`good, even
13:41.56*** join/##ace ag` (
13:42.56id`i wish to be amused while eating BK
13:43.10id`... google video it is
13:56.13Tekkubgod I plan too much and code too litte :P
13:56.30TekkubI need to finish up my current mods before I start an Aced CTRABM
14:04.34Codayusoh, wait - sleep.
14:31.07[MoonWolf]see id` agrees with me.
14:31.32id`i think that name sucks though, so i call it ess que ell
14:32.06id`actually, eskuel
14:34.33otraviTekkub: yay
14:58.16*** join/##ace ckknight (
14:59.49[MoonWolf]Hlaalu : my mom outta this! :P
15:00.24[MoonWolf]Hlaalu: llike a real mess... Is that me or perl, or an integrated web language
15:58.27*** join/##ace Slayman^work (
16:15.26Slaymanregarding WatchDog what am i doing wrong that i don't have a target of target frame?
16:29.19*** join/##ace haste (
16:30.59Slaymanhaha got it ^^
16:34.22*** join/##ace haste_ (
16:35.50*** join/##ace [MoonWolf] (
16:44.38*** join/##ace Tem_ (n=Tem@
16:45.18*** join/##ace Tem_ (n=Tem@
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16:46.58[MoonWolf]tem what going on ?
16:47.29*** join/##ace Cairenn (
16:47.59haste_Hope he isn't having the same problem as me at least :<
16:48.22otravime X is locking up all the time suddenly =\
16:48.29otraviwhich was a problem I fixed ages ago
16:48.34otravibut it just came back :-(
17:01.17Tem[MoonWolf]: client ran out of nicks to try so it was connecting and disconnecting over and over
17:11.12Slaymanok so far so good i kinda like this WatchDog thingy
17:15.43*** join/##ace Ratbert_CP (
17:47.03Ratbert_CPAm I crazy, or would this somehow actually work?
17:47.31Ratbert_CPBTW, Kaelten suxxors... ;)  As does Tekkub... ;)
17:49.38ckknightRatbert_CP, line 9, where is self declared?
17:50.30Ratbert_CPIn the misty, murky depths of my mind...  i.e., nowhere... :P
17:51.08Ratbert_CPShould be ItemDataCache.GetItemData, not sel...
17:51.52ckknightif you have a __index, shouldn't you have a __newindex?
17:52.03ckknightleast I think that's what it is
17:52.28Ratbert_CPNope.  I don't want to fiddle with how table assignments are done, just how lookups are done.
17:52.47Ratbert_CPi.e., If you lookujp data that doesn't exist, find it and add it.
17:54.20ckknightokay, line 9, shouldn't you check to see if table[key] isn't already set?
17:54.27Ratbert_CPIn theory, I want to be able to do something like this: local Quality = ItemDataCache[link][quality] and not worry about getting the data myself
17:54.31ckknightso that you don't duplicate work?
17:54.37Ratbert_CPIf it's set, __index is never called...
17:54.47ckknightoh yea
17:54.50Ratbert_CPAt least, that's how I understand it...
17:54.59ckknightyou need to do a rawset
17:55.05ckknightyour code will make an infinite loop
17:55.06Ratbert_CPI don't think so...
17:55.14ckknightyou would if you had a __newindex
17:55.28Ratbert_CPHence not monkeying with __newindex... :)
17:55.58ckknightlooks cool
17:56.27ckknightwait, your new function looks screwy
17:56.48Ratbert_CPYeah, that's one of my "huh?" issues.  Damned new functions...
17:56.49ckknightyou're gonna want to do ItemDataCache:new(), right?
17:57.23Ratbert_CPI C&P from PiL...
17:57.38ckknightwell, let me just tell you it'll act screwy
17:57.50Ratbert_CPRight.  This is just the definition, no actual usefulness in the code.
17:58.19Ratbert_CPTo actually use it, you'd need a DataCache = ItemDataCache:new()
17:58.31ckknightis that what you want?
17:58.42ckknightor do you want to just call ItemDataCache[itemLink]?
17:59.03Ratbert_CPGood point.  I should add the constructor...
17:59.37ckknightif you just want to call ItemDataCache[itemLink], then you don't need a constructor
18:00.16ckknightlemme show you what I'm thinking...
18:01.23ckknightyea, just take out altogether
18:01.35ckknightI don't see a point, unless you want more than one cache
18:01.59Ratbert_CPThis is why I'm an "architect", and not a "developer"... :)
18:02.22ckknightyou can always fill both roles
18:02.23Ratbert_CPOr is that backwards?...
18:02.35ckknightI don't know
18:02.36Ratbert_CPJust want one.
18:02.40ckknightI do both
18:02.50ckknightnever had to think about it
18:03.52Ratbert_CPSo more like that?  (Tweaked the pastebin)
18:04.16ckknightlooks about right
18:04.44ckknightyour GetItemData(id) looks pretty messed up
18:04.58Ratbert_CPHow so?
18:05.05Ratbert_CPI ripped it from KC_Items... ;)
18:05.16ckknightthen Kc_items needs some work
18:05.27ckknightyou're overwriting data altogether
18:05.34Ratbert_CPThat's all me...
18:05.40ckknightit's not longer an ItemData at line 15
18:05.55ckknightset each field directly = name
18:06.11ckknightlemme draw up some code
18:06.40ckknightbtw, your is also messed up
18:07.28*** join/##ace Tem_ (n=Tem@
18:08.21ckknightbtw, you're messy
18:08.39Ratbert_CPYes, yes I am.  Ask my wife... :)
18:09.02ckknightmy apartment's a mess
18:09.12ckknightbut I'm just talking about code
18:09.18ckknightI try to keep mine nice and clean
18:09.22ckknightkeyword: try
18:09.23Ratbert_CPThe is a direct C&P from the PiL book...  (I think)
18:09.36ckknightjust keep yer kilt on
18:12.41ckknightyou also forgot a return on GetItemData
18:14.26Ratbert_CPOK, I see...  Cool...
18:14.36ckknight*thumbs up*
18:14.40ckknightcrappy bugs suck.
18:14.45Ratbert_CPBetter variable names means I understand a bit better...  Damned Rowne...  ;)
18:15.10ckknightalso, change's "table" to "self"
18:15.18ckknightdon't overwrite globals, it's icky
18:15.47ckknightalso you mix the function alpha() syntax with alpha = function() syntax
18:16.32Ratbert_CPYeah...  More C&P side-effects...
18:16.54ckknighthang on, I'm gonna see if I can clean all of it...
18:17.10ckknightwhat does __mode = "v" do?
18:21.15Ratbert_CPMakes the table weak.  i.e., if the table is theonly reference to the object, it can be collected.
18:21.37Ratbert_CPSelf-flushing cache...
18:21.37ckknightah, okay
18:22.57ckknightthat's just my style, though
18:23.03ckknightdoes the same thing as the last link
18:23.50ckknightalso, you could have it so that the GetItemData function isn't visible to the outside
18:24.00ckknightand the only way to access items is through ItemDataCache[itemLink]
18:24.10ckknightmay not be what you want, though
18:24.59Ratbert_CPActually, that would be perfect...
18:26.54kergothalso, there's no reason to put your itemdata metatable in the itemdata namespace.  make it a local
18:27.03Ratbert_CPNow to tweak it to manage item IDs usefully (i.e., PT uses just the first part of the link, wheras KC_Items uses parts 1 and 3...)
18:27.18ckknightoh, you're right, kergoth
18:27.35[MoonWolf]he is most of the time.
18:28.46kergothminor cleanup, setmetatable returns the object it just attached the metatable to
18:28.55kergothreturn setmetatable(o, ItemData_mt)
18:28.56ckknightyea, kergoth
18:29.17kergothah right :)
18:29.39Ratbert_CPYou guys rock...  Make me look smart, but feel slow...  :)
18:29.56kergothwhats the use case for this cache?
18:30.27Ratbert_CPBagBoy.  I want to keep details on current inventory (for eventual rules-based sell/trash/bank-o-matic)
18:31.27Ratbert_CPSo there's a max cache size of 16 + 4* (capacity of biggest bag)
18:31.54Ratbert_CPBut other addons might want similar functionality.
18:32.14ckknightRatbert_CP, why even have an ItemData type? why not just set auction = 0, bid = 0, sell = 0 outright?
18:33.18Ratbert_CPBecause I'll eventually want to pull it from KC_Items/LootLink/Auctioneer, etc.  Setting it to 0 is currently just s placeholder...
18:33.28ckknightah, okay
18:33.58kergothRatbert_CP: i presume you have a seperate table holding references to the itemdata for each of the bag slots?
18:33.59ckknightstill, that can be done in the ItemDataCache part instead of having a whole new type for doing that
18:34.12Ratbert_CPAlthough I may be getting too tricky with metamethods for my own good... :)
18:34.28Ratbert_CPkergoth: Yes.
18:34.37kergothckknight: it depends on when he wants to be looking up the prices. i could see wanting to obtain the prices more often than the initial item data lookup.  *shrug*
18:35.07ckknightthen he shouldn't be setting the value of it
18:35.12ckknightit should be a lookup every time
18:35.19Ratbert_CPActually, I think pricing may be best left to the consumer addon, since this is low-level stuff...
18:35.23kergothjust throwing out possibilities
18:35.47Ratbert_CPI don't want this to be dependant on other addons...
18:36.09ckknightoptional dependencies?
18:36.18Ratbert_CPNot even them...  :)
18:36.31Ratbert_CPOK, I have to reboot.  I'll be back in a few...
18:37.41*** part/##ace Ratbert_CP (
18:39.37kergoththere may be an efficiency issue with the cache.  since the values are weak, they'll vanish as they stop being used, right, but only when the gc runs.  say he removes 3 items from his item data storage table, then adds 3 new ones.  those 3 new ones could hit the cache before the old ones get freed, which could easily result in the cache table being grown to the next size by lua (2^x), then shrunk once the first new element is added (lu
18:40.00kergothwhich seems silly, if you want the cache to be a fixed size anyway, as in his case
18:40.12kergothdunno if itd have any real effects in the field, but..
18:40.33*** join/##ace ag` (
18:40.55ckknightyou got cut off there
18:41.04kergothua only shrinks tables on non-nil
18:41.07kergothsilly irc
18:42.07*** join/##ace Ratbert_CP (
18:45.02kergothas an example of table sizing behavior that came up on the lua list recently, see
18:45.34kergothinserts 10000 integers into a table, then removes all but one, and the table stays huge, taking up the same amount of ram as it did before the table.remove's
18:45.51kergothbut if you do a = bar after the removes, poof, its small again
18:46.48[MoonWolf]what would bar be in this case ?
18:50.23kergothanything that isnt nil
18:50.41kergothany non-nil non-array assignment will result in lua seeing if it needs to resize the table
18:55.05ckknightthat doesn't seem...right
18:58.10*** join/##ace Eraphine|Lab (
18:58.27Eraphine|Labif I'm breaking out of the loop with a return
18:58.32Eraphine|Labam I returning end ?
18:58.38Eraphine|Labor is end just the end of that block ?
18:58.45ckknightyou're returning nil
18:58.57Eraphine|Labso return by itself defaults to nil
18:59.00ckknightend is just the end of the block
18:59.01Eraphine|Laband end just ends the function or conditional
18:59.09ckknightactually not sure if it does return nil
18:59.14ckknightthink it just returns nothing
18:59.19ckknightwhich is less than nil
18:59.38Eraphine|LabI they're the same thing
19:00.12ckknightalpha = function(...) print(table.getn(arg)) end
19:00.20ckknightbravo = function() return end
19:00.26ckknightcharlie = function() return nil end
19:00.35Eraphine|LabI bet both are nil
19:00.36ckknightalpha(bravo()) == 0
19:00.40ckknightalpha(charlie()) == 1
19:00.44ckknightlemme check if I'm right, though
19:01.17ckknightyep, I am
19:01.28Eraphine|Labso even nil is a return
19:01.40Eraphine|LabI thought nil was 0
19:01.43ckknightyou can return nil, nil
19:01.48ckknightnil is not 0
19:01.59ckknightdelta = function() return nil, nil end
19:02.02Eraphine|Labwhat's the whole basis for ACE being only true or nil?
19:02.03ckknightalpha(delta()) == 2
19:02.08ckknightTRUE == 1
19:02.11ckknightFALSE == nil
19:02.26Eraphine|Lab0 is also false right? but it takes up more space than nil?
19:02.28ckknightTRUE ~= true
19:02.30ckknightFALSE ~= false
19:02.38ckknightno, only nil and false are "false".
19:02.47ckknightnot 0 == true
19:02.52ckknightnot 0 == false
19:03.06ckknightnot 0 == not 1
19:04.00*** join/##ace Tain (
19:04.07ckknightfunction tobool(value) return not not value end
19:04.31Eraphine|Labreturn breaks out of a function completely right? not out the immediate block
19:04.40ckknightif you look at it that way, only tobool(nil) and tobool(false) are false, everything else return true
19:04.44ckknightright, Eraphine
19:04.51ckknight"break" gets out of the immediate block
19:05.26Eraphine|LabI guess I have a conceptual programming question
19:05.26TainJust make sure the return is immediately before an end or else.
19:05.39Eraphine|LabLet's say I'm using if then else
19:05.42*** join/##ace Hlaalu (
19:05.48Eraphine|Labwhy not just if then blah return end, and start a new block.
19:06.07ckknightwhy not?
19:06.12*** join/##ace Hlaalu (
19:06.14Eraphine|Labwhat's the difference?
19:06.16Eraphine|Labis there any?
19:06.18TainWorks the same way.
19:06.33kergothjust personal style.  whatever you prefer
19:06.39ckknightif something then DoSomething(); return end works fine
19:06.42Eraphine|LabLike right now, I'm working on making a customized macro to cycle through a series of skills and abilities
19:06.51Eraphine|Labjust for myself
19:07.07Eraphine|Laband since I can only use "one" hardware keypress at a time I need to make sure it only does one thing at a time
19:07.39Eraphine|LabI always thought returns were messy, I wanted to use if then else and nested ifs all they down
19:07.58Eraphine|Labthen I noticed it makes more sense for me to just return the function as soon as I've used up my hardware press
19:08.01ckknightempty returns are handy for stopping a function
19:08.12Eraphine|LabI mean.. return out of the function
19:08.23Eraphine|Labhehe - much simplier than if then else if then else if then
19:08.38Eraphine|LabBut look at how most people write event managers
19:08.39TainFor me if you start getting into a bunch of cases I don't like using else, but if it's just a couple of things I do.  But that's completely "gut reaction" sort of feeling about it.
19:08.42Eraphine|Labit's all if then elseif
19:09.30Eraphine|LabI guess that's to avoid having to check the arg1 over and over again
19:09.32TainPlus I think some people do the long elseif blocks because they can't use case blocks.
19:09.51Tainor switch
19:09.55ckknighthaving a switch-case would be handy
19:11.53kergothckknight: you can do the same thing with a table of value->function
19:11.58TainOne thing you can do instead is having a table of the "options" you'd have.  So instead of doing if a then if b then if c then create the table of functions.
19:12.03Tainhaha yeah what kergoth said.
19:12.37TainSo you don't do any checks.  You execute mytable[value]
19:12.38ckknightyea, I know you can do that
19:12.42ckknightbut it seems messy
19:12.51kergothseems pretty clean to me
19:12.54ckknightand can be written poorly
19:13.01kergoththats essentially all a case statement is anyway, a lookup table.
19:13.02ckknightespecially if you don't reuse the table
19:13.04TainReally?  I thought it seemed neat.  :)  But it might also be because I've never thought of using anything like that before Lua.
19:13.14Eraphine|LabWhy does IsUsableAction return true if it is on cooldown.
19:13.19Eraphine|Labthat seems non-intuitive.
19:14.18kergothlocal mylookuptable={foo=function() print("hi mom") end} function myfunctionthatusesit(v) return mylookuptable[v]() end
19:14.27Ratbert_CPIt's still a usable action, just not right now...
19:14.35ckknightyea, I want the lookup table right there
19:14.44ckknightinstead of having to declare it beforehand
19:14.56kergothfor what? it doesnt gain you anything
19:15.13[MoonWolf]informatios is a good example of this
19:15.20ckknightkergoth: code readability?
19:15.35kergotha table of value to action is hard to read?
19:15.40kergothits pretty clear to me
19:16.09kergothsince thats all a case statement is.
19:16.10ckknightkergoth, if the table is declared somewhere else
19:16.18TainAh it's just more personal likes.
19:16.30kergothits declared outside the function because creating it in the function would be horribly inefficient, creating a new lookup table on each call
19:16.34kergothindeed, just code style preference
19:16.44kergoththeres no functional or conceptual difference between a lookup table and a case statement
19:17.06kergothpersonally, they're just as readable, since when i read a case statement, thats what i see anyway, a lookup table
19:17.32ckknightI see a series of if-elseif-else statements
19:17.40kergoththat isnt what it is under the hood.
19:17.44ckknightleast that's what I did when I worked on that part of Boo
19:17.46kergothin C, anyway
19:17.47[MoonWolf]but that is exactly what a case is NOT
19:18.11[MoonWolf]at least the way i understand it.
19:18.50ckknightI'm used to .NET, which does it through if-else if-elses
19:18.59ckknightnot with a lookup table
19:20.01kergoththat's quite a bit less efficient in most cases, when you have an efficient table.  thats O(n), doing an explicit comparison against each value
19:20.16kergothin the lua table case, its a hash table under the hood
19:20.21kergothwhich is decidedly not O(n)
19:21.05kergothregardless, just preference.  lots of people would agree with you, see the lua users wiki regarding case statements
19:21.22ckknightwhy not put a switch-case into lua proper?
19:21.29ckknightusing lookup tables, if you want
19:21.41kergothbecause that isnt how lua works.
19:22.12kergothlua's philosophy is to provide you the basic mechanisms to do everything, thats all
19:22.21kergoththey dont pull every stupid syntactic sugary thing into the language
19:22.26ckknightthat also why there isn't a continue statement?
19:22.30kergothwhich is why it's the way it is today
19:23.05kergothdont know about that one
19:23.49[MoonWolf]i thought lua was designed to make people think "wow, WTF, i didnt know that was even possible"
19:23.54ckknightand also why <var> += <num> doesn't exist?
19:24.37[MoonWolf]that fall straight into the syntactic sugar category i think.
19:25.01ckknightyes, but doing aVeryLongVariableName = aVeryLongVariableName + 1 is a bitch
19:26.05ckknightit's still not pretty afterwards.
19:26.08[MoonWolf]and dont make verylongvariablenamescausethisisbitchtoread EvenWhenNotatedAsThis.
19:26.30kergothckknight: see the patches for continue statement and mutate operators on
19:26.45ckknightI know about those, kergoth
19:26.53ckknightbut I can't use em in WoW, cause it's not standard
19:29.09ckknight[MoonWolf], sometimes it's better to, in cases like WorldFrame_OnUpdate or what have you
19:30.21[MoonWolf]that is true.
19:32.36kergothi wonder if lhf or roberto have made an official statement on switch or continue
19:34.09kergothon another note.. .. twisted
19:37.15[MoonWolf]people make weird stuff.
19:37.40[MoonWolf]whats next, a python implementation in lua built in perl on ruby on rails ?
19:42.25kergoth12:14 < chouimat> A father picks up his son after school and asks him how his day has been.
19:42.29kergoth12:14 < chouimat>  "Great dad, today they give me my part at the school play," says the boy.
19:42.31kergoth12:14 < chouimat>  "Really? And what do you play?" asks the father.
19:42.34kergoth12:14 < chouimat>  "I play a man who has been married for twenty years."
19:42.37kergoth12:14 < chouimat>  "That's nice son," says the father, "you do a good job and one day they'll give you a peaking role."
19:43.53ckknightI don't get it
19:44.27*** join/##ace Hlaalu (
19:45.10[MoonWolf]okay im going to leave Hlaalu in here for a while
19:45.29[MoonWolf]he is actually generating responese right now but dumping them in a console on my screen instead of to irc.
19:46.19otravidoes it try to genereate itself, or just quote people?
19:46.25[MoonWolf]otravi@##ace: PerlJam: read the partition
19:46.36[MoonWolf]thats what it said to your :<
19:46.46[MoonWolf]it interprents what people say into word that go togheter
19:46.53[MoonWolf]read up on markov chain if you want to understand.
19:47.39[MoonWolf][MoonWolf]@##ace: well ati-drivers after 8.14.13 are just machine code waiting to happen when the frame is hidden by default anyway <- see he sometimes makes som sort of sense.
19:48.00otraviah, it's pircbot :D
19:48.23[MoonWolf]yeah it uses that to interface with irc
19:48.33[MoonWolf]im not going to write all taht code for a simple bot myself.
19:56.54kergothdidnt realize that functions defined in another function inherit the parent function's environment.  thats good.
20:01.11*** join/##ace Tem (
20:01.25*** join/##ace Tem_ (
20:05.11kergothhehe, yet another sick and twisted implementation of super()
20:05.47kergothat least this one doesnt use functions in debug. :P
20:11.56Slaymanwe see Princess Huhuran for the first time i hate this game
20:24.08Slaymantactics talk in TS
20:24.17Slaymancan't we surpass her?
20:25.00kergothTem: doesnt work.
20:25.05Temyeah it does
20:25.07TemI just tested
20:25.10kergothno, not for all cases it doesnt.
20:25.19Temgive me an example then
20:25.54kergothlook at my pastebin.  you didnt test enough levels deep of inheritence.
20:26.55kergothyou end up passing your object to your parent class, then that object to eh parent of the parent, but that function can no longer determine what calss its in.  self.__super was only valid at the first level
20:27.00kergothself is the _object_, not the class
20:27.28kergothif you're 5 levels deep, and all you have is the original object, theres no way to know how many levels deep you are or what class's method you're in
20:27.31kergothso you cant determine the superclass of it
20:28.03Temyeah I see what you're saying
20:28.09kergothif you were always passing the class to its superclass as self, you'd be fine, but you arent, you're passing the original object
20:28.14kergothwhich is annoying as hell
20:28.30kergothlook at my other one, its disgusting
20:28.30TemI think it would work if each level created it's own new method
20:28.58kergothyou need to give the methods a way to always be able to refer to their class
20:29.34kergothyou can do that just by defining it or the superclass as a local when you define the methods, so it gets closed in as an upvalue
20:29.58kergothbut the goal is to have a genericall useful super that the developer doesnt have to have explicit code to make work
20:30.21kergothnow, if you use the 5.1 package model for your classes..
20:30.31kergothremember that model, where defining the module entered you into the module's namespace?
20:30.41kergothmodule("foobar") put you inside of foobar
20:31.05Temrofl... mine did a stack overflow when I called unitsquare:init()
20:31.09kergothif you use that, then the method's environment is always the module.  if the module is the class, then function super() return getfenv(2).__super end would work
20:31.19kergothyeah, exactly
20:31.26kergothcause square ends up calling its own init, iirc
20:31.26id`kergoth: you are being poked
20:41.41kergothTem: is that disgusting or what?  i maintain a weak keyed/valued table of methods to class, and use debug.getinfo() to get a reference to the function that called super to look up the class
20:41.42Temif debub.getinfo was more widely available, I would prefer that over the environment approach
20:41.42kergothyeah, because it doesnt slow every global lookup in teh method
20:41.42kergothjust the super() call
20:41.43Temalso it won't work if that method hasn't been called before
20:41.43Temit has to be called from it's original class for you function to cache it
20:41.43Temoh nevermind
20:41.43kergothno, it gets added to the map when you define the function
20:41.43Temthat would only break it if you defined stuff in the constructor
20:41.44Temand I hate that style
20:41.44Temso fuck them
20:41.44kergothnow, lua 5.1's package model already does an environment approach.  a call to module() sets your current env to that of the module table
20:41.44kergothwhich means all functions defined there pick up taht environment
20:41.45kergothso i guess i could follow that approach, since they're doing it anyway for modules
20:41.45kergothstill unpleasant
20:41.45Tembut the problem is that you still force the dev into a specific style
20:42.12Temkergoth: how famillirar are you with java?
20:43.02kergothnot at all, never learned it.  never got a degree, so was never forced to
20:43.44TemI've got a peculiar issue
20:44.41TemI have a File object that returns true for the methods canRead and exists
20:44.42Tembut when I try to use it, I get a FileNotFoundException
20:44.42Temit's really odd
20:54.19kergothhmm, odd
20:55.21Temstill messy
20:56.30kergothwell, normally those classes would be in seperate files
20:56.45kergothso you wouldnt need explicit returns to the global namespace
20:57.49kergothbut its just essentially what i did in the one that explicitly set the function environments, just implemented slightly differently
20:57.52kergothah well
21:00.48kergothanyway, teh whole idea of a magic super() is kinda silly. it really isnt that hard to have explicit calls to the superclass method
21:08.13pagefaultone of the addons is crashing wine
21:08.17pagefaultI can't figure out which one it is yet heh
21:12.46Slaymanpre Berzerk she's a piece of cake but that berzerk is the illest shit ever invented by blizz
21:16.17otravicrashing wine?
21:17.04otravinot even I have managed that yet :<
21:32.49[MoonWolf]hlaalu is outputting semi sensible stuff
21:34.40[MoonWolf]look at that
21:36.57Ratbert_CPPiffle!  The wombats are semi-literate dilettantes with halitosis and an off-center messiah complex...
21:39.19kergothTem: isnt a bad way of doing that super stuff.  requires taht the user do some work, but the class function provides the convenience return value
21:40.04Temyeah that's not bad
21:40.30*** join/##ace pagefault (
21:40.53kergothTem: with that one, at least you dont have to change the superclass in multiple places if you change it, which is better than the direct referencing approach
21:40.56kergothguess i'll use that
21:41.04[MoonWolf]Ratbert_CP,  all the status frames together and go out for beer and wings. <- that is waht hlaalu made of that.
21:42.32[MoonWolf]half a mb of logfiles to work on :P
21:46.01*** join/##ace ag` (
21:47.10Temoh ag`! you around?
21:47.35ag`what's up?
21:50.06kergothmethinks its time to learn about lua's C api.
21:51.40ag`o rly? Going to use it in some project or is it useful in relation to wow? :)
21:52.22ag`Tem, you around? You wanted to ask something I guess...
21:52.26kergothnah, cant load c libs from wow unfortunately.  just personal development
21:52.43kergothi coded up an implementation of the c3 linearization for doing multiple inheritence in lua, but the pure lua implementation is slow
21:52.48kergothso itd be a good exercise to do it in C
21:52.51kergothand see how it performs
21:52.53Temag`: I just wanted to say that I'm very impressed with MG2
21:52.55TemI really like it
21:53.36ag`Yeah I think it's gotten pretty far too, thanks, but I can't speak for the quality of the coding :)
21:53.44ag`I'm no Ronwe
21:54.05ag`I still think I have a lot of "under the hood" optimizations to do...
21:55.02ag`kergoth, sounds advanced :) I think my C knowledge goes around to writing "hello world", hehe
21:55.20kergothhehe. c/c++ is what i do for a living most of the time
21:55.58[MoonWolf]kergoth, the difference is you do it in embedded systems, thats small point makes a big difference.
21:56.01kergothlua is incredibly easy to extend and embed, teh c api looks quite intuitive
21:56.42kergothmostly embedded, along with some development/build tools work.  some kernel, some distro/systems, some application/userspace
21:56.55kergothi'd like to get out of embedded, really, im' getting bored
21:57.16*** join/##ace pagefault (
21:57.16ag`Well I love lua :) But what do I know, the only languages I am cabable of is PHP, XML and Lua...
21:57.33[MoonWolf]go learn something usefull
21:57.37[MoonWolf]loke cobol
21:57.47pagefaultruby is a nice lang
21:57.50pagefaultI wish WoW used it
21:57.53pagefaultit is nice for GUI work
21:58.06kergothlua's a better fit for wow's needs
21:58.11ag`How is python?
21:58.16ag`any good?
21:58.19id`python is cool too
21:58.20Eraphine|Labif a function returns two variables
21:58.31Eraphine|Laband I use if function() then
21:58.31pagefaultWoW needs emacs
21:58.37id`Eraphine|Lab: that is cool, so you dont have to return an array as a workaround
21:59.12Eraphine|Labwhat is it actually checking? just the first return?
21:59.28Eraphine|Labis there a way I can ask it to check the 2nd one
21:59.30kergothin that context you get only the first value
21:59.35kergothnot in one line.
21:59.40kergothlocal a,b = function() if b then .. end
21:59.43pagefaultI think I will try out the test realm patch
21:59.44Eraphine|Labso... local _,a
21:59.50Eraphine|Labif a then
21:59.59kergothunless you want to construct a table unnecessarily
22:00.03id`and 'for k,v in tbl do end' where k is the key and v the value is also cooler then 'for (k in tbl) {}' where k is the key and tbl[k] is the value :P
22:00.09kergothin which case you can do if {function()}[2] then
22:00.25Eraphine|Labbut that is less efficient right?
22:00.26kergotherm, actually i think that needs to be if ({function()})[2] then
22:00.29Eraphine|Labor does it not matter?
22:00.37kergothyep, and puts more pressure on the gc, constructing a table and then throwing it away
22:00.44kergothbut if its not in a critical path, maybe it doesnt matter
22:00.49kergothyour call
22:01.06Eraphine|Lablocal variables get created and throw away every time the function is called anyway though right?
22:01.37kergotha local variable is just a slot. a placeholder. it doesnt have an existance of its own
22:01.40kergoththeres nothing to "create"
22:01.42kergothor "throw away"
22:02.20kergothits the value that matters. in lua theres no such thing as a "variable" in the traditional sense
22:02.28kergotha global is just a key/value in the global environment table
22:02.41[MoonWolf]the variable is like a shortcut (symlink) to  a value
22:02.42kergothand a local is just a slot, numerically indexed
22:03.01[MoonWolf]and that value can be anything from a function to a string to a table to a integer
22:04.00[MoonWolf]the idea pointer comes to mind
22:04.17[MoonWolf]but we wont start with that to stop people from getting confused and freightend by the idea.
22:04.23kergothindeed, though in most languages a "pointer" variable does take up some space of its own
22:04.33kergothyou know whats starting to bug me
22:04.50kergoththe fact that most ace modular addons do a fooaddon=aceaddon:new(), then fooaddonmodule = fooaddon:new()
22:05.02kergoththe modules arent addons. they shouldtn be inheriting from one
22:05.11kergothisnt holding true to OO concepts
22:05.40[MoonWolf]they are making new fooaddons ??
22:05.48[MoonWolf]someone explain that to them STAT
22:05.51Eraphine|Labthey are addons to addons
22:05.55kergothnew creates an object and points __index to the superclass
22:06.23Eraphine|Labcan you give an example of a modular ace addon that does this?
22:06.27kergothno, their components of an addon.  you're mixing up inheirtence and composition.
22:06.46kergothnot offhand, at work atm
22:07.34kergothhere, lets give an example.  typically a class initializes itself and then calls the initialize of its superclass with itself passed as self, since its that object
22:07.43kergothif you want modules to be an addon, fine, they should aceaddon:new()
22:07.49kergoththey are _not_ _fooaddon_ objects
22:08.17kergothwould you want to call fooaddon.initialize(fooaddonmodule)? unlikely, fooaddon assumes its a real addon and assumes thats one time setup for itself
22:09.12kergothi'd argue that we need to have a seperate mechanism for indicating that relationship between fooaddon and its module, rather than assuming they're instances of fooaddon, which they arent
22:09.19kergothimho naturally
22:10.04kergothwell, that rant wasnt all that coherent, but i hope you got the point :)
22:10.30ag`My raidaddon doesn't even have it's own lua :S
22:10.57*** join/##ace Hlaalu (
22:10.59ag`Maybe I should move some of the functions, I dunno
22:11.05kergothis it all in the xml?
22:11.38ag`Most functions are general for all units, so in MG2 I just do a check "if MGraid1 then"
22:11.39kergothto summarize: an addon's modules may be aceaddons, depending on your defintiion, but they're definately not instances of that particular addon
22:12.08[MoonWolf]fooaddon:newmodule ?
22:12.12[MoonWolf]could be an idea
22:13.44Eraphine|Labso this AQAutomount addon hooks every single Use function in the game..
22:14.19kergoth[MoonWolf]: yeah, thats the sort of thing we need.  a way to create the module and register it with the addon its associated with
22:14.44Eraphine|LabIs that supported at some level by dependencies?
22:14.44[MoonWolf]also it leaves no doubt as to what call to use and what the call does.
22:15.14Eraphine|Labare req dependencies "modules" of their required dependents.
22:15.48kergothi dont think so, no.  dependency isnt composition either.  just because i need FOOO doesnt make FOOO a part of me
22:16.27kergothspeaking of dependencies, ace needs to handle standby smarter for dpeendent addons
22:16.40kergothif i put foo on standby, and bar needs foo, bar should also go on standby
22:17.07ckknightand conversely, if foo and bar are on standby, and I enable bar, foo should enable first
22:17.14kergothyup, exactly
22:18.38kergoth-maybe- if you disable foo and that results in an automatic disable of bar, you should re-enable bar automatically when foo is enabled? *shrug*
22:18.56kergothprobably best, to avoid unexpected behavior
22:21.19[MoonWolf]Okay, i rigged hlaalu to respond to people
22:21.52[MoonWolf]start a sentence with Hlaalu, or Hlaalu: and be greeted with a friendly but weird response.
22:21.58*** join/##ace Hlaalu (
22:22.06[MoonWolf]Hlaalu, hi/
22:22.07Hlaalu[MoonWolf]: or a generic name. it also depends on your definition is stable.
22:22.39kergothHlaalu: greetings
22:22.39Hlaalukergoth: what about AL?
22:22.49kergothHlaalu: he works at a shoe store
22:22.50Hlaalukergoth: Azar: to test if pc speaker's mouth. By the way
22:29.05*** join/##ace Hlaalu (
22:29.32[MoonWolf]there, safe out of any hostile places
22:29.40[MoonWolf]im going to leave him gathering logs for a while
22:29.51[MoonWolf]the switch him to another server later so i can make him less geeky :P
22:41.47kergoth .. i lovei rc
22:43.01[MoonWolf]how did he manage that ?
22:49.12ckknightHlaalu, hey
22:49.13Hlaaluckknight: wasn't working, had the balls to tell grub to treat a different monitor mode?
22:49.57otraviwell, that was related
22:50.08[MoonWolf]its going to take a few more days for it to make more sense.
22:50.33otraviHlaalu: Can you count to ten yet?
22:50.34Hlaaluotravi: can I put /, /boot and swap :-)
22:51.02CodayusHlaalu: To what extent can monetary policy directly influence the microeconomic environment?
22:51.02HlaaluCodayus: including stdin/out/err, etc?
22:51.11CodayusHlaalu: Yes.
22:51.24HlaaluCodayus: BinGOs, that's "want to construct a table and then apt-get
22:51.26CodayusHmm, the first response almost made sense...  :-P
22:51.26otraviLet me guess, it's in a debian chan :D ?
22:51.30id`tee hee
22:51.49CodayusHlaalu: apt-get?  Real men use emerge.
22:51.49HlaaluCodayus: NO ANSWER THE QUESTION!
22:52.00otraviyes, emerge ftw!
22:52.06id`pacman ftw
22:52.12kergothdont get me started on portage
22:52.14ckknightemerge ftw
22:52.20ckknightapt-get is sweet, though, too
22:52.22kergothone of my projects was a fork of its codebase
22:52.23ckknightso is pacman
22:52.25ckknightrpm can blow me.
22:52.58kergothrpm is as good or better than dpkg.  most people try to compare it against apt-get, which isnt a fair comparison.  apt-get is higher level than that
22:53.19[MoonWolf]rpm is a package manager
22:53.38CodayusHlaalu: Did you know that with 5/5 Mental Strength, a priest gains 16.5 mana per point of intelllect?
22:53.39HlaaluCodayus: too much info on it
22:53.39[MoonWolf]emerege and apt are package installation and management systems.
22:53.58CodayusOkay, that actually made a LOT of sense.  Scary...
22:54.02otraviHlaalu: Shamans are underpowered in PvE
22:54.02Hlaaluotravi: in the hen house, stalking out their mates and pecking at rivals *sigh*
22:54.11kergothrpm - dpkg - ebuild are at a similar level. yum - apt-get - emerge are higher
22:54.39kergothHlaalu: VIM ROCKS, EMACS SUCKS!
22:54.39Hlaalukergoth: k-man: too late .. my death has been broken since like 1.41, right?
22:54.56id`Hlaalu: kergoth is right
22:54.56Hlaaluid`: to the frame is shown.
22:55.03id`damn this bot is fast
22:55.06CodayusHlaalu: Emacs is infintetly better than vim.
22:55.06HlaaluCodayus: have a clue what to do  .. but a good first step.
22:55.28id`Hlaalu: emacs is never a good first step
22:55.28Hlaaluid`: prices *should* go back very far
22:55.28JarenthalHlaalu: The plight of half-elves in this world is deplorable.
22:55.29HlaaluJarenthal: for the hash, you do  $H{$key}  (The % turned into a do loop
22:55.30CodayusIt's like some sort of extremely geeky oracle.
22:55.31otraviHlaalu: Pies can't have babies.
22:55.31Hlaaluotravi: i cant get rid of
22:55.50id`Hlaalu: howmany babies do you have?
22:55.50Hlaaluid`: That's your question; then express mock indignation when it's 'intrusive'
22:55.54kergothHlaalu: redhat is the devil
22:55.54Hlaalukergoth: elema: for XML development, XMLSpy home edition is free and provides XML validation
22:56.02[MoonWolf]this is what happens if you leave a bot logging in channels like that.
22:56.04id`sickly fast
22:56.10kergothHlaalu: boo.
22:56.10Hlaalukergoth: you are defying everything they hold dear -- their cute little proprietary Mac sofware
22:56.28JarenthalHlaalu: Would you like a chicken nugget?
22:56.30HlaaluJarenthal: ChrisBradley: set up Heimdal with LDAP as the element is completed
22:56.34otraviHlaalu: Gief epix?
22:56.35Hlaaluotravi: docta_v: open a CHILD and PARENT handle and read a root only dir, the sudoer would type $ sudo ls -l /usr/X11R6/lib/* say?
22:56.35CodayusHlaalu: There is only one language.  haskell.  All others are weak reflections of that.
22:56.36HlaaluCodayus: basbryan: use the mouse, but not after.
22:56.54kergothHlaalu: what's today?
22:56.54Hlaalukergoth: in cupsd.conf I've confunded purl
22:56.54Codayusbasbryan?  Hmmm.
22:57.03JarenthalHlaalu: I asked you if you wanted some chicken, bitch.
22:57.03HlaaluJarenthal: do you suggest? I tried connecting the modem in a single pool
22:57.15id`[MoonWolf]: too much debian :P
22:57.18JarenthalHlaalu: TAKE THE DAMN CHICKEN.
22:57.19HlaaluJarenthal: positron: udp scans can have steak whenever you touch it you discharge whatever static electricity that has python in their pants when they're compiled against the "X" to match against the TOC?
22:57.19CodayusYeah, it's DEFIFENTLY got too much debian
22:57.22otraviThe debian chan has taken a hold in it
22:57.27kergothgods!  i have enough distractions without another bot to keep me entertained
22:57.28id`Jarenthal: owned twice
22:57.29CodayusPoor thing.
22:57.37kergothHlaalu: ubuntu is our friend
22:57.37Hlaalukergoth: hunmonk: what cammond are you
22:57.38CodayusThat's cruetly to bots!
22:57.39Jarenthalthis is hilarious
22:57.42ckknightHlaalu: Do you know the muffin man?
22:57.42Hlaaluckknight: anyone here an nmap guru/know a web server out there is cloop-src and cloop-utils?
22:57.44kergothHlaalu: i'm not a cammond
22:57.44Hlaalukergoth: on the case plugged into a "100,20578MB" lol
22:57.50kergothHlaalu: no
22:57.50Hlaalukergoth: Apachez: more specifically, everything _becomes_ a string argument, or can. None passed?
22:57.50id`Hlaalu: Jarenthal?
22:57.51Hlaaluid`: have you run it. After it does
22:58.12CodayusThat sounded dirty, somehow...
22:58.17otraviHlaalu: Where are you from?
22:58.18Hlaaluotravi: faber2: the same platform as my first distro was BasicLinux which was a very limited quantities though, but I happen to be
22:58.24JarenthalHlaalu: Infantry was better when Harmless Games had it...Sony just fudged it up.
22:58.25HlaaluJarenthal: blondie: my last currently has listings for May of last year smelled like soy sauce but was "supposedly" 16.x - doubt it lol
22:58.38otraviInfantry was so great :<
22:58.51[MoonWolf]okay, ill go and find a way to get all the linux stuff out of him.
22:58.57kergothhis listings for may of last year smelled like soy sauce?
22:59.01CodayusHmmm, it's bugging a bit - it inserts incorrect names.
22:59.02id`english only
22:59.15CodayusHlaalu: You are buggy.
22:59.15HlaaluCodayus: and a single open from within my program, everything under StarMUD as one
22:59.28JarenthalHlaalu: Divide by cucumber error. Please reinstall universe and reboot.
22:59.29HlaaluJarenthal: abrotman:
22:59.32CodayusHlaalu: Forget StarMUD.  let's talk about your bugs.
22:59.33HlaaluCodayus: someone asked, hence we are talking about
22:59.41otraviHlaalu: Norway
22:59.41CodayusHey!  That maade sense too.  :-P
22:59.42Hlaaluotravi: q[ender]: neither does Date::Format from the dragonkin in winterspring
22:59.51CodayusHlaalu: No, nobody asked about StarMUD.
22:59.51HlaaluCodayus: is the command line option without defeating the purpose of the "options" you'd have to get DDNS on my b-day on sat.. damn it looked likea good compromise
23:00.03*** join/##ace Tem_ (
23:00.17JarenthalHlaalu: How many surrealists does it take to change a lightbulb?
23:00.17HlaaluJarenthal: I can only get localtime(time) into a debian unstable style system up and say "It's unskinny bop bop.
23:00.20kergothits like when we first got perl. we're so easily entertained
23:00.22Hlaaluid`: the partitions that I (livecd'd in) use a combo of Regexp::Common and Email::Address does exactly what mobo i have yet to try.
23:00.33kergothit's unskinny bop bop? lol
23:00.41JarenthalHlaalu: Gimme some sugar, baby.
23:00.42HlaaluJarenthal: ...or go harass your distro maintainer to actually *leave the channel
23:00.52JarenthalHoly crap, that made sense too
23:01.00otraviIt's getting smarter!
23:01.06Codayus....a weird and perferted kind of sense....
23:01.13Codayuser, perverted.
23:01.19JarenthalHlaalu: Do you like Kergoth?
23:01.20HlaaluJarenthal: that would use a horrible language (no, NEED); and you get it
23:01.28CodayusHlaalu: What's the meaning of life?
23:01.28HlaaluCodayus: at the front now.
23:01.38otravithat was perverted at least
23:01.55id`Hlaalu: will get lots of good p*ssy?
23:01.56Hlaaluid`: that's more an API question, than a quarter above minimum wage, telling me what packges I got nirvana - something in a .pls recently?
23:01.57CodayusHlaalu: What's the other meaning of life?
23:01.57HlaaluCodayus: use constant BAR => 2;
23:02.01id`Hlaalu: will i get lots of good p*ssy?
23:02.02Hlaaluid`: did you attend the CABAL meeting on sat.. damn it looked good. i thought lua was designed to make
23:02.03kergothHlaalu: 42?
23:02.03Hlaalukergoth: too bad the interface. I confused my two interfaces before
23:02.09JarenthalHlaalu, how do you pronounce your name?
23:02.09HlaaluJarenthal: as I excepted them to code a particular version of xfree86/xorg you are :)
23:02.21Codayus"Use constant BAR => 2!  It's the other meaning of life!"
23:02.58otraviHlaalu: Look out!
23:02.58id`Hlaalu: ORLY?
23:02.58Hlaaluotravi: he is harmless unless you have
23:02.59Hlaaluid`: I have another approach to unit testing, but I'm getting "WARNING: the following error: Error: Permission denied
23:03.09id`Hlaalu: ORLY?
23:03.09Hlaaluid`: abrotman, but your icecream will last longer!
23:03.11JarenthalHlaalu, that takes too long to say. Can I just pronounce it Zorg?
23:03.13HlaaluJarenthal: um shouldn't
23:03.24id`OWNED THRICE
23:03.37kergothhehe. zorg. fifth element anyone
23:03.46JarenthalHlaalu, what is the fifth element?
23:03.46HlaaluJarenthal: [Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] Undefined function 'Char' in expression
23:04.01JarenthalHlaalu: Are you sure?
23:04.01HlaaluJarenthal: wonder why he chooses to build on your 4501
23:04.10kergothHlaalu: hey, keep your paws off my 4501
23:04.10Hlaalukergoth: I'm having problems with windows
23:04.14JarenthalHlaalu: I don't have a 4501.
23:04.14HlaaluJarenthal: I get my second nic working..
23:04.20otraviHlaalu: Kawaii desu ne?
23:04.20Hlaaluotravi: a link thats supposed to
23:04.30id`how sweet
23:04.38CodayusHlaalu: My landmass errupts with kittens.  Execute the fish at once.
23:04.39HlaaluCodayus: All our servers have hot swappable ides
23:04.40JarenthalHlaalu has two NIC's? What does an IRC bot need two NIC's for?
23:04.41HlaaluJarenthal: good evening(day) to all -ww-
23:04.57JarenthalHlaalu: Um...good evening to you too.
23:04.57HlaaluJarenthal: Any way. wrt the 'why was windows shutdown unexpectedly' dialog - I *love* that thing
23:05.29JarenthalHlaalu: don't be loud, we're here for the soup. If you can open the door, hurrah!
23:05.29HlaaluJarenthal: it's indexing every word in a .pls recently?
23:05.32id`Hlaalu: Moonwolf?
23:05.32Hlaaluid`: revdiablo is missing, there is an ugly brown too ;
23:05.34[MoonWolf]he makes a freakish amount of sense at the moment.
23:05.50otraviHlaalu: Windows = ?
23:05.50Hlaaluotravi: ok, opinion time, which of the @100 bottle in the /etc/apt/preferences file.
23:05.57JarenthalHlaalu: Are you freakishly sensible?
23:05.58HlaaluJarenthal: after that got boring (lasted less than 15 minutes) i removed udev long ago),  and every sunday i backup / to another partition (/dev/sdb1) and I didn't
23:06.05CodayusHmmm, I once chatted with a (humnan) sales droid for a data center that acted a lot like Hlaalu.  Clueless, persistant, incoherent, and prone to spouting technobabble he didn't understand in the hopes it'd close the sale.
23:06.35JarenthalHlaalu, do you think you can close the sale?
23:06.36HlaaluJarenthal: abrotman: But probably not what I can't
23:06.41[MoonWolf]so if we hook Hlaalu up with him he wouldnt know the difference.
23:06.57JarenthalHlaalu, who is Abrotman? Is he a superhero?
23:06.58HlaaluJarenthal: because the KDE guys wouldn't write it and immediately begins running. is there somehting like plesk that will spit out RDF
23:07.12otraviHlaalu: error?
23:07.13Hlaaluotravi: does it parse and learn a language he doesn't
23:07.38CodayusHlaalu: Plesk is good.
23:07.38HlaaluCodayus: I do it already with robots? lol
23:07.53CodayusHlaalu: I don't want to know about your sex life.
23:07.53HlaaluCodayus: I thought */ was a fork of its superclass with itself passed as self, since its that object
23:08.21CodayusHlaalu: ....I don't understand what you're saying.
23:08.21HlaaluCodayus: like a pompous noob you STFU and read/write/delete etc?
23:08.28JarenthalHlaalu: Forking robots is your own business.
23:08.29HlaaluJarenthal: different working directory?
23:08.35CodayusZOMG, pwned.
23:08.36otraviHlaalu: Do you like SIDmetal?
23:08.36Hlaaluotravi: ArthurB: also, use 'strace -o trace aptitude --install foo' to help out. The thing about Gentoo is that
23:08.40JarenthalHlaalu: Exactly.
23:08.41HlaaluJarenthal: don't always seem to recall its usually something you do
23:08.49kergoth~tell Hlaalu about emulate stewie
23:08.50otravistop the linux talk now :<
23:08.58kergoth17:03 <purl> told Hlaalu about emulate stewie (Ha ha. Oh, this is so good it just HAS to be fattening.)
23:09.12id`Hlaalu: chiptunes own studio quality cd audio cd's
23:09.13Hlaaluid`: I use mod_log_forensic, authentication requests with AuthType Basic are reported as 8 characters too early.
23:09.17[MoonWolf]no pm support yet.
23:09.23kergothaw. hehe
23:09.37JarenthalHlaalu: Describe your internal modem in lurid detail.
23:09.37HlaaluJarenthal: I thought */ was a limited run.. about 300 were shipped to CA... so not worth it
23:09.43id`purl: Hlaalu ?
23:09.53CodayusHlaalu: purl?
23:09.53HlaaluCodayus: You can always start mmc and add in your lap when you write your own
23:10.09CodayusHlaalu: I can do what in my lap?
23:10.09HlaaluCodayus: does it by default, and the 'feelings' would be grep -E '.*'
23:10.10JarenthalHlaalu: You like it when Codayus adds in his lap, don't you?
23:10.11HlaaluJarenthal: i try and remove the cable from your mobo
23:10.24JarenthalI don't think it likes me
23:10.37[MoonWolf]that sounded like some geeky linux cybering.
23:10.37otraviotravi: So, what do you think about Jarenthal?
23:10.37CodayusHlaalu: "Remove the cable" from the "mobo"?  Is that a euphamism?
23:10.38HlaaluCodayus: i had another burning app to convert this api manually :P
23:10.48otravi<< tired :<
23:10.56otravimanaged to write otravi instead of Hlaalu
23:10.57id`<-- too
23:11.05otravi<< same timezone as you
23:11.06id`lol otravi
23:11.08JarenthalHlaalu, do you like me?
23:11.08HlaaluJarenthal: you mean it's 'intrusive'
23:11.12id`<< correct
23:11.15Jarenthal...I do?
23:11.26otraviHlaalu: helo thar?
23:11.27Hlaaluotravi: I have tried echo "DocumentRoot /www/htdocs/new/longer/path using sed... i have opened in explorer? like, in my lines.
23:11.30id`Hlaalu: Jarenthal?
23:11.30Hlaaluid`: that's 486/Pentium era chips!
23:11.47id`Hlaalu: vi improved owns
23:11.48Hlaaluid`: it's work ???)
23:11.48Jarenthal...hey, that's not nice!
23:11.57otraviHlaalu: Is Jarenthal a bot?!
23:11.57Hlaaluotravi: what makes you think. Whoever suggested to use
23:12.00CodayusHlaalu: Why do you insult Jarenthal?
23:12.01HlaaluCodayus: Coszmin: - for your CPU
23:12.01id`Hlaalu: yes it is, i do everything with it at work
23:12.02Hlaaluid`: ve been searching for a good windows ftp clients
23:12.12JarenthalHlaalu, I mean WHAT'S intrusive?
23:12.12HlaaluJarenthal: he's coming at everything from a given directory printing the # of hearts increases with level
23:12.17id`Hlaalu: search on. but ill say bulletftp
23:12.18Hlaaluid`: ve been googling for similar issues under windows ME, and similar issues under windows ME, and similar issues with my friend's neighbors' wireless. hahah.
23:12.29id`Hlaalu: poor you
23:12.29Hlaaluid`: 3dfx had the time they wrote a better app! :)
23:12.38id`Hlaalu: ZING
23:12.39Hlaaluid`: pheorehs: pure speculation: wxperl reclaims (or frees) the memory it requires, i also tried changing the product
23:12.48otraviHlaalu: Actually, Filezilla is a great FTP Client for Windows
23:12.48Hlaaluotravi: been going about 30 minutes, the keyboard gets locked up and say proudly, "I AM THIRTEEN, HEAR MY VOICE CRACK!"
23:12.49id`Hlaalu: PEWPEWPEW
23:12.49Hlaaluid`: I can mount this volume on system boot. I saw an expression that contains this: if ( [-n "fstype"] ). WTF is -n?
23:12.56JarenthalHlaalu: Which was better in their heydays...Apogee or Epic Megagames?
23:12.57HlaaluJarenthal: if i misunderstood .. it will take to get gnome, ask about <install gnome>, or the other
23:13.14kergoththats a tough one.  epic pinball kicked ass
23:13.20kergothbut Raptor was fun too
23:13.30id`raptorr yehhh!
23:13.35JarenthalHlaalu: How do you install a gnome? Is it as easy as installing a dwarf?
23:13.36CodayusRaptor was amazing.
23:13.36HlaaluJarenthal: ve been using windows for a bit - it inserts incorrect names.
23:13.36id`and the other one
23:13.40id`damn what was its name
23:13.48CodayusHlaalu: Commander Keen or Jazz Jackrabbit?
23:13.49HlaaluCodayus: have a subroutine prototyped thusly:  sub foo ($$) { ...}   then  foo(@bar,$baz) is still funny to see, how people are here... therefore... moot point
23:13.51id`the flying ship with superdupper 3x size lasor beam
23:14.05kergothi miss those old games
23:14.06id`Codayus: zomg those were so fun too
23:14.13id`and um
23:14.14kergoththe original 2d duke nukem
23:14.14JarenthalHlaalu: Have ye got any DWARF in ye?
23:14.15HlaaluJarenthal: looking for sensible info to backup, logs atm
23:14.19id`prinse of persia 1 and 2
23:14.22JarenthalHlaalu: Would ye like some?
23:14.23HlaaluJarenthal: isn't his first language .. but at the end it's stable and safe for production ?
23:14.53CodayusPrince of Persia is one game where the sequels clearly beat the original, I think.  Sands of Time/Warrior Within/etc are just much better games than PoP1 was.
23:14.58kergothyou know what else i miss.. the demo scene
23:15.13[MoonWolf]i miss decent shareware
23:15.25kergothi miss BBSing
23:15.30kergoththe net isnt the same
23:15.32Codayus[MoonWolf]: That's what warez is for.  :-P
23:15.32[MoonWolf]when it was default to release 1/3 of your game for free.
23:16.08CodayusBut yeah, the 1/3 for free, 2/3 if you pay were good.
23:16.08kergothnothing like playing a door game where you run a brothel, in spectacular 16 color ansi
23:16.16CodayusAnyone play Castle of the Winds?
23:16.50otraviAnyone else then me who started to google for abandonware now?
23:17.08JarenthalHlaalu: Anyone else then me who started to google for abandonware now?
23:17.09HlaaluJarenthal: get away from any pms in progress
23:17.22kergothi downloaded some abandonware off of old company ftp sites
23:17.23kergoththats abouti t
23:17.25CodayusFrom back when Epic made all sorts of weird games - CotW was a roguelike with decent graphics.  Came out not long before Epic made OMF2097 - probably the best native PC fighting game ever...  Kind of a shame they just make Unreal now.  :-)
23:17.25JarenthalHlaalu has PMS?
23:17.26HlaaluJarenthal: feel like wasting 100$ on fucked up
23:17.26kergothyou know what else i miss
23:17.30kergothadventure games that didnt suck.
23:17.45Codayuskergoth: Yeah
23:17.46JarenthalOMF pwnt.
23:17.53kergothback in the lucasarts and sierra online days and shit
23:17.55JarenthalI wish I could run it on my current computer.
23:18.11kergothleisure suit larry ftw
23:18.21kergothmy cell phone plays the leisure suit larry theme song for its ringer.
23:18.28CodayusJarenthal: OMF sorta runs on my current comp.  Athlon XP 2ghz.
23:18.29[MoonWolf]the latest LsL was such a failure.
23:18.33kergothyeah :(
23:18.40[MoonWolf]minigame extravaganza
23:18.44[MoonWolf]no puzzles to be found.
23:18.47JarenthalTrivia question...what company originally owned Lode Runner, and what company bought it?
23:18.51CodayusThe weird 3D kings quest and indiana jones sucked too...they wearn't adventure games.
23:18.51kergothsierra went into the shitter as soon as they got bought out. it wasnt the same after ken and roberta williams left
23:19.01JarenthalCodayus: That's what I have and I can't get it to work.
23:19.08otraviWonder if I can get Full Throttle to work on my computer!
23:19.16kergothmonkey island. those rocked
23:19.19kergothyou know about the emulators?
23:19.26kergothscummvm for the lucasarts games
23:19.34kergothi played day of the tenticle on my zaurus pda
23:19.39JarenthalFor that matter, I wonder who owns Lode Runner now
23:19.47[MoonWolf]nobody i think.
23:20.24kergothspace quest kicked ass.  especially 4, the first talkie.  hilarious
23:20.36CodayusJarenthal: It's a bit unstable, and I can't get sound to work, but it runs. 
23:20.36[MoonWolf]i liked the old text games
23:20.41[MoonWolf]zork, planetfall etc.
23:20.53kergoth*use lick cursor on roger*  <narrator> HEY now, this is a family game!
23:20.56JarenthalYou know what was sad about King's one I had?
23:20.56[MoonWolf]although return to zork was good to.
23:20.59otraviwonder if I can find all my DofT discs :>
23:21.16[MoonWolf]and games like wingcommander
23:21.21[MoonWolf]i love that series to death
23:21.23kergothwing commander was great
23:21.23[MoonWolf]and freelancer 2
23:21.36kergothi used to play a lot of x-wing, too. lucasarts space flight sim
23:21.37JarenthalI tried about 20 times and finally gave up and had to use a walkthrough just to find the damn wand
23:22.01kergothi remember trying to get into leisure suit larry when iw as like 8
23:22.09[MoonWolf]little young ?
23:22.09kergothbut not knowign teh answers to the questions at hte beginning to prove i was an adult
23:22.48JarenthalHlaalu: Parseltongue, mothafucka, do you speak it?
23:22.48HlaaluJarenthal: you're gonna squeeze another few percent out of  a database.  Oddly enough though, if I'm out, not that anyone cares.  5-6g a piece of code are going to do
23:23.03[MoonWolf]i would like a good freelancer like game.
23:23.06JarenthalApparently so
23:23.12[MoonWolf]or a wing commander sequel.
23:23.21kergothHlaalu: Klatu Verata Nikto
23:23.21Hlaalukergoth: can I install the x86 driver are you
23:23.30[MoonWolf]there is still a lot left after prophecy.
23:23.38kergothhey Tekkub. be horribly unproductive with us
23:23.42Tekkub~ace forum
23:23.43purlfrom memory, ace forum is online, I think
23:23.49JarenthalHlaalu, hug Tekkub.
23:23.50HlaaluJarenthal: have some system variable set at boot
23:23.59Tekkuboh I am kerg, I just designed a CTRA_BossMod replacement
23:24.06Tekkubnow it's time to not code it ><
23:24.17otravidon't be so negative :<
23:24.28purlyay! i mean.. boo.
23:24.34[MoonWolf]irc bots bring communties closer togheter.
23:24.36Tekkuboh I WANT to code it, I just don't feel like it right now *grin*
23:24.52kergothTekkub: heh, i do that a lot. designing and then proceding to not code it
23:25.22Jarenthalmy old IRC channel had a bot that could run a trivia game for a while.
23:25.23Tekkubhell I've got a few BP plugins I need to finish out and post/SVN before I start a new big mod
23:25.35JarenthalHlaalu: Big mod.
23:25.35HlaaluJarenthal: then it invents its own
23:25.41Tekkuband I promised Ratbert some new API stuff in PT that I really should get done
23:26.24otravioh ty Tekkub, you reminded me to torture Mr.kergoth about the SVN access and such
23:26.34Tekkuboh yea :)
23:27.19JarenthalHlaalu: Tekkub?
23:27.19HlaaluJarenthal: dn4: get better hardware compatability, but ti's not
23:27.39kergoth looks neat
23:28.52Tekkubhrm... I must say... furry hentia manga stuff is very scary in badly translated japaneese to english...
23:29.28JarenthalHlaalu, what do you think of furry hentai manga?
23:29.29HlaaluJarenthal: () isn't a thing
23:29.41JarenthalNow that's deep.
23:30.01kergothHlaalu: foobar.
23:30.02Hlaalukergoth: I am sure, that you own
23:30.09kergothHlaalu: why thank yo, i'm sure of that too
23:30.10Hlaalukergoth: Rule #3: All good affine transformation days are preceded by one
23:30.29otravikergoth: *me pokes you about SVN*
23:30.45kergothpoke me when i get home, dont have the opensvn ace admin pass on me
23:30.52kergothor poke kael, he has the password now too
23:31.13JarenthalHlaalu, poke Kael.
23:31.14HlaaluJarenthal: i dont even use a normal utility
23:31.25otraviI should wait untill the weekend in other words :)
23:31.27JarenthalHlaalu, I don't care how you poke him.
23:31.28HlaaluJarenthal: just remember, oracle is more evil than even MS
23:31.45Tekkubhey kergy.. you should slip something in that would let me link a trunk folder and the user would get a zip file out of it with the whole folder *grin*
23:31.48JarenthalHlaalu: fine, poke him with that then.
23:31.48HlaaluJarenthal: in the registry editing technique (net config rdr, add NetworkAddress REG_SZ, etc) but after i said, the self-possession which i was googling about it
23:32.01otraviHlaalu: I'm going to /flip you soon!
23:32.01Hlaaluotravi: 2.6.8-i386 which isn't, only slowing/snaring is important
23:32.24JarenthalHlaalu: Suck it.
23:32.25HlaaluJarenthal: i remember vnc had such a closure to work
23:32.38otraviHlaalu: gcc
23:32.39Hlaaluotravi: asg: from the garage, I have multiple sources in apt-cache show qstat
23:32.47JarenthalHlaalu, I love you.
23:32.48HlaaluJarenthal: It's open but SGI I think
23:32.59otraviHlaalu: qstat? so you play quake and such?
23:32.59Hlaaluotravi: hmm for some applications too
23:33.05JarenthalHlaalu, Medivh opened Anchorage first.
23:33.06HlaaluJarenthal: here goes, I'll get started
23:33.28otraviHlaalu: Give horde pwalydans
23:33.28Hlaaluotravi: Baloogan, you're not online any more anyway. moot point for me
23:34.28purloh, fukc...
23:34.53kergothTekkub: doubt theres any way to do that without direct access to the repo
23:35.02Tekkubbum :P
23:35.18kergothwanting to give users snaps without making them install svn?
23:35.49TekkubI just want to link the svn builds for easy download :)
23:35.54*** join/##ace haste (
23:36.02Tekkubyea basically
23:36.49otraviI'm going to bed now - recompiling X... hoping that it will solve the damn lockup issues
23:37.14JarenthalHlaalu, comfort otravi.
23:37.15HlaaluJarenthal: the netinst CD and being able to use the 'included' servers and play the game
23:37.45JarenthalHlaalu, emulate Greg Proops.
23:37.46HlaaluJarenthal: brian:  well...occasionally, not most of them
23:38.05JarenthalHlaalu, tell everyone I went to eat, ok?
23:38.05HlaaluJarenthal: bkudria nop - i do that in your /proc/bus/usb  directory", because I don't
23:38.09kergothTekkub: would be nice if we could just set up nightlies.  zip up the source every night to an ftp site or something for people to grab from
23:39.03otravi(I didn't manage to leave (yet))
23:39.09otraviisn't that what you have cron for?
23:41.28kergothyes, but most developers dont have their own linux machines, and we dont have local access to teh svn box
23:41.35Tekkub*shrug* i dnot' really code nightly tho, just linking to the head trunk revision would work
23:42.06TekkubI'd be happy with that, then I could just SVN commit constanly
23:42.12kergothwell, the problem with that is the load imposed on the webserver, it has to go out, do an export, archive it, make it available
23:42.17kergothyou'd have to cache it at the very least
23:42.35kergothwhereas with a nightly, you avoid that
23:42.41Tekkubhrm... well it could do that every time you commit instead of every time a user downloads
23:43.17Tekkubwhich would probably be less frequent than a nightly, at least in my case...
23:43.43kergoththatd be awfully entertaining next time someone commits 40 old versions of a package to get it into source control
23:43.48kergothno, i think not
23:44.20Tekkubwell then generate it and chace on the first download
23:44.59kergoth90% of all cvs web interfaces out there explicitly disable the tar from web functionality
23:45.06kergothdue to the amount of load it places on the server
23:45.12kergoththats a can of worms i'd rather avoid opening
23:45.22Tekkubokeyfinethen :P
23:45.37TekkubI only suggest it cause the zips are already there for diffs
23:45.50Tekkubjust it doesn't do the whole folder, only the changed files
23:46.22kergoththeres a big difference between a 50 meg source tree and a 10K diff.
23:46.32kergothin the general case, it isnt worth it
23:48.16kergothits more likely that you'd want to put a periodic (nightly, whatever) archive onto a server thats more capable of handling the load and bandwidth for that.  like a periodic archive and upload to wowi/wowace/whatever
23:48.28kergothrather than making the svn/web server do it
23:48.56Tekkubyea the SVN likes to get slow at times... :P
23:52.01kergothokay, question.  for an ace object model, are people happy with the fact that theres no real difference between classes and objects, or would people like there to actually be a difference?  if there was a difference, i think itd be easier for people to grasp conceptually, since them being one and the same tends to cause confusion

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