irclog2html for ##ace on 20060219

02:43.27*** join/##ace purl (i=ibot@pdpc/supporter/active/TimRiker/bot/apt)
02:43.27*** topic/##ace is | | Do one thing every day, that scares the person you are stalking
02:43.32id`purl: !
02:43.36purli heard ! is what my big sibling dpkg uses instead of ~, or not, or what dpkg uses dumbass
02:43.39purl:), id`
02:43.39Tekkubwell I don't want just anybody futzing in my SVN on WoWI
02:43.55Wobin_I dunno, a community SVN requires a certain level of knowledge on theusers behalf
02:44.01kergothTekkub: you just need a community svn with access controls.  groups for each project
02:44.01purlWobin_: aw, gee
02:44.09kergothTekkub: so you can give write access to it if you want to work with someone else
02:44.11id`kergoth: was just going to say that
02:44.27purlOne day I got caught with my hand down my pants at school, and I had to keep it there all week...What a week!
02:44.30id`god i love KC_I's coloring of items
02:44.32Tekkubyea sure that works :)
02:44.39id`yellow item is standard buyout :D
02:44.45Wobin_~x en zh fish meat fungus
02:44.49Tekkubthen you've got your updater for anyone already using tort or some other prog
02:45.01id`i'm buying all linen cloth that i can get my hands on, selling for my own price
02:46.10purlIt's great to be back!
02:46.29id`eventually ill make so much money that i can start to own the market on linen cloth
02:46.39id`not that its hard to come by
02:51.38Wobin_I've looked at it...
02:51.46Wobin_I'm not sure I want to buy it, despite my Gaiman love
02:52.06kergothit seems .. different.  i picked it up because i was amused by the anansi character in american gods
02:52.21Wobin_Yeah, I <3 American Gods
02:52.29Wobin_But I don't know if I can read another like it
02:52.39Wobin_It's a bit too much dark reality for me =)
02:52.42kergothi love that story he tells when he's opening up for wednesday, about the monkey and the tiger and the spider
02:52.46kergothfunny shit
02:53.16kergothheh, have you read Neverwhere?
02:54.02id`what is sulfursa hand or ragnaros worth?
02:54.16id`err, bop ofcource
02:56.20Wobin_hrm, no
02:58.39kergothooh, new hardcover edition of Good Omens is coming out
02:58.44kergoththat book is funny
02:58.55Wobin_I loved that book
02:59.00Tekkubgod fucking damnit
02:59.08Tekkubmy server just imploded
02:59.24Cairennnever good Tekkub
02:59.37Tekkubwhy does the world subscribe to this assenine (sp?) notion that everyone should all work or play or whatever at the same time?
02:59.45Tekkubit just cause congestion
03:00.02*** join/##ace Kaelten (n=Kaelten@
03:00.03Tekkubon the roads, on the net, at the resturants, at the store
03:00.10Tekkubit's retarded
03:00.14TekkubI hate humans
03:00.28KaeltenI am not retarted! I'm . just . challenged.... or something
03:00.42id`haha K
03:00.46Cairennhey Kaelten :)
03:01.23Kaeltenhello guys
03:02.13id`'No Bids' makes me a sad pandaren
03:03.52Tekkubwhy cair? you got no nuts to kick
03:04.31Tekkubyou take me for a stupid Plainstrinder?  I should kick you again
03:04.51TekkubI bet you taunt in PvP!
03:19.46Tekkub[Orcish] kek
03:22.30Tekkubsounds to me like he's planning to make Selbina Butter
03:22.41Tekkubthen Baked Popatoes
03:22.49Tekkubthat was a great way to level cooking
03:24.44TekkubWhen did our idea/request forum become a place for every coding-inept person to submit their stupid ideas that either cannot be done or have already been done 5 times over elsewhere?
03:25.07Wobin_When BossPanel opened for discussion =P
03:25.37Tekkub"I want a mod that shows what's targeting me" "I want to know when I have new minimap dots!"  "Write our DKP system for us!"
03:25.52Tekkubit's not even Boss-ish stuff
03:26.11Wobin_tbh, I'd love to be able to see new minimap dots =P
03:28.25KaeltenI'm wondering why everytime I turn around I update BossPanel and then things break
03:28.49Tekkubcause Boss is great at adding bugs
03:29.08Kaeltenbut I read he was a great coder
03:29.16Tekkubhonestly the first one or two where the most stable versions for me :)
03:29.18Kaeltenself taught master or some such.
03:29.33Tekkubyea that was him spreading rumors
03:29.53Cairennwell, he's got the attitude to match
03:29.54Tekkubbut unlike some people he's actually released his Titan replacement
03:30.01Tekkuband updates a lot
03:30.05Kaeltenheh, its on my todo list
03:30.06Tekkubyea Cair, I know
03:30.11Kaeltenright after solve world hunger
03:30.15Tekkubhe hates my coding style
03:30.22Tekkuband tells me constantly
03:30.25Wobin_I just had a flashback to "And unlike -some- Robin Hoods, -I- have an English accent!"
03:30.26KaeltenI hate his coding style
03:30.38CairennWobin_: ROFL
03:30.47TekkubI hate unneeded code like his accessors
03:31.01Wobin_It's a very... oo approach
03:31.06Tekkubyea, I agree they are good, in a language that can hide variables in a class
03:31.19Wobin_technically you can in lua
03:31.20kergothlua can, if you decide to do so
03:31.24kergoth__index is our friend
03:31.27Tekkubbut lua doesn't, so they're very much a waste of time in your own code
03:31.34kergothhaha, i love the dedication to anansi boys
03:32.10Wobin_Brilliant =)
03:32.32Wobin_I should resubscribe to his LJ
03:32.37Wobin_he always writes amusing stuff
03:34.39Kaeltenwhat does he hate about your coding style tekk?
03:35.52Tekkubthat I condese small if blocks onto one line
03:36.23Wobin_as long as it doesn't go past a line, that's still readable...
03:36.34Tekkubprobably hates that I write my toggle func to never use false, always nil
03:37.50Tekkubhe hates when I tell people not to write useless accessor methods and just use self.varname
03:38.07Tekkubsorry but accessors are only useful in an API like in PT
03:38.14Tekkub(in lua)
03:38.31Tekkub(unless you use metetables like kerg pointed out)
03:38.37Tekkub((which I dont))
03:38.45Tekkub(((but I should learn how)))
03:38.55Wobin_((((Cause the're great)))
03:38.55kergothalso, in lua, you can easily flipflop the behavior, making direct self.varname accesses go through an accessor
03:39.12Wobin___index is your friend =)
03:41.35*** join/##ace purl (i=ibot@pdpc/supporter/active/TimRiker/bot/apt)
03:41.35*** topic/##ace is | | Do one thing every day, that scares the person you are stalking
03:41.54Cairennjust make sure you use his naming convention :p
03:42.12purlIt's great to be back!
03:42.41purlYes, I rather like this God fellow. He's very theatrical, you know, a pestilence here, a plague there. Omnipotence. Gotta get me some of that.
03:44.42Kaeltenbosspanel is starting to annoy me though
03:44.55Wobin_how's that?
03:45.16Kaeltenthe updates constantly flushing out all the options and all the non boss written addons breaking everytime
03:45.48Wobin_I think Boss needs to outline what changes he makes or is planning to make
03:45.50Cairennit's not even beta, which is 3/4 of the problem ... the rate he's changing things, it's still alpha
03:46.06Wobin_So that the other authors can prepare at least
03:46.12Cairennor maybe even so far back as pre-alpha :p
03:46.34Cairennmeh, makes no diff to me, I won't use it
03:46.35Kaeltenhehe, KC_I .94 is on the verge of being a beta quality
03:46.51CairennI'll wait until someone else makes a replacement, just keep using Bhaldie in the meantime
03:46.52kergothyep, you cant exactly expect a frozen api or a solid timeline that early in the development process
03:48.14Wobin_well technically, he could outline what changes he's going to make to the api, even if it's not frozen
03:48.32kergothno, he's develping too fast. by the time he knows what he's going to do, he's done and releasing it
03:48.48kergothyou're assuming a sufficient amount of time between design and implementation
03:48.55Wobin_hm I guess...
03:48.58kergothwhich doesnt seem to be the case just now
03:49.04kergothi expect itll slow down at some point here
03:49.10Wobin_oh well, I guess we wait til things settle down =)
03:49.19kergothor just pester him on irc as he's developing
03:49.30kergoth*poke* what are you adding now?
03:49.32kergothor similar
03:49.49TekkubFrankly, I would prefer Kael's bar... but he's a slow fucker
03:50.19TekkubI'm tired of Titan and I'm tired of waiting for Kael :P
03:53.33Kaeltenso I'm still expected to make acebar!
03:54.02Kaeltensunza bitc....
03:54.07Kaeltengues sI'll get to it soon.
03:54.13Cairennwell, there's TitAin, and I know Tem is still talking about one :p
03:54.20Cairennso work together already, sheesh :p
03:54.28Kaeltenbut not before KCI .94 is done
03:54.33Wobin_Oh Tain
03:54.39CairennWobin_: yep
04:05.28TekkubCair: we could work together if he'd flesh out the basic shit and put it on the SVN
04:12.54Cairennwhich one? Tain? Tem? Boss? Kael? :p
04:13.38CairennThere go you Kaelten, flesh out the basic shit and put it on the SVN, then the others can help you :p
04:13.45Tekkubyea bitch
04:13.56Tekkuband don't name it AceBar
04:14.26Wobin_What would be a good name?
04:14.49Cairennand DO do something to make it unique, so it isn't just another same 'ol same 'ol
04:16.39Wobin_It is, at heart, a utility mod...
04:16.47Wobin_Maybe have dancing elephants or something
04:17.50TekkubWe already went over names in the past
04:18.04Tekkubit was either BarTab or FuBar
04:18.15Cairennoh I like Fubar :p
04:18.32kergothhow about openbar?
04:18.38Tekkubyea then the plugins would be Clock-fu, Money-fu etc
04:18.39kergothjust make sure its open source
04:18.50Tekkubthat's not creative you're fired
04:19.10Cairennsnafu could be for the plugins
04:21.06Tekkubugh, I dunno
04:21.26Tekkuball I know is Boss is filling the gap for the time being
04:21.52TekkubI'm a flighty fucker, someone do it better or use the SVN heavily and I'll be all over dat shit
04:23.04Wobin_What's wrong with the current application of BossBar, apart from the instabililty due to it's alphastatus?
04:23.35Tekkubuh, I dunno, it's kinda a compounding of a few things
04:23.59Cairennspeaking strictly for myself - the attitude of the author
04:24.05Tekkubhis programming style, it's constant brokenness, and his bit of attitude towards others that don't fit his coding standards
04:24.07CairennI *will not* use it
04:24.58Tekkubgood example of the "attitude"
04:25.37Tekkubalso related to the same feature
04:25.39Kaeltenok I'm back
04:25.57Cairennwb Kael
04:27.59Kaeltenwhy the hell do I have an itemID on all my items now.
04:29.23CairennWobin_: those are minor examples
04:29.28CairennI can give you lots more
04:30.25CairennI think one of the things that annoys the hell out of me is when folks are trying to point things out to him, and he (at minimum) disregards ... after all, what the hell do the rst of us know?
04:32.13KaeltenI'm sorry Cair I'll try to listen more
04:32.26Cairennnot you Kael :p
04:33.24TekkubI love how he always asks what my version adds over his, and half the time it's "mine doesn't flood you with useless data
04:33.47TekkubI don't care about XP/hour or time to level, I just want a simple percent!
04:34.11kergothheh, i use xpstatus if i want the fancy details anyway.  a minimal one is useful
04:35.57Tekkubwell since my server is fucked over I'm gonna go make food and watch TV
04:36.03TekkubI hate weekend prime time
04:36.05Cairennhave a good one Tekkub
04:36.20Tekkuband blizzy needs a lot more new servers, the "low pop" one are all in queue too
04:36.38Tekkuband the new ones are in 500-deep queues
04:37.28Wobin_Was speaking to a Blizzard employee
04:37.40Wobin_Apparantly they have a whole passel of new servers to put out
04:38.14CairennWobin_: oh really? not what I've heard ...
04:39.31Wobin_I could have misinterpreted though =) (intergossip) Salius@Elanathia: There are actually about 20 realms that aren't live yet.
04:39.37Tekkubgood, they need a whole nother farm worth IMCO
04:41.39Tekkubhrm... I just had to say I was leaving and they bring it back up
04:49.46Tekkubugh it's still fucked up
04:50.42*** join/##ace Jarenthal (
05:42.18kergoth"Was that you singing?"  "I'm afraid so."  "What were you singing? It was pretty."  "I'm not sure. I wasn't listening."
05:53.39Wobin_I have to say, Neil Gaiman has a very abrupt style of dialouge
05:54.56Wobin_There's hardly ever any adjectives added to the structure
05:55.17Wobin_Like: "spoke sadly" or "exclaimed happily"
05:55.30Wobin_he always makes the speech itself say how it's spoken
05:55.58kergothyeah, i like that.  isnt so artificial
06:11.41TainI wonder if I'm a multi-millionaire right now.
06:48.54*** part/##ace pagefault (i=pagefaul@
06:49.21*** join/##ace pagefault (i=pagefaul@
08:47.04*** join/##ace [MoonWolf] (
09:27.51*** join/##ace Soku|Away (
10:25.23*** join/##ace oxman_ (
10:43.14oxman_could you help me  ? :)
10:47.58Wobin_Whatcha need?
10:49.33oxman_ACEG_MAP_METHOD = {
10:49.34oxman_["say"] = "|cffffffffsay|r",
10:49.34oxman_["yell"] = "|cffff4040yell|r",
10:49.34oxman_["whisper"] = "|cffff7fffwhisper|r",
10:49.34oxman_["party"] = "|cffa8a8ffparty|r",
10:49.34oxman_["raid"] = "|cffff7f00raid|r"
10:49.40oxman_i use a map, ok ?
10:50.16oxman_my value is one of this array, but sometimes is a channel name, when it's a channel name, the :report function don't show the value of the channel, because it's not in the map array
10:50.20oxman_how i can solve that ?
10:51.10Wobin_Well... depending on how hardcore you want to get, you could use metatables to return a default value for non-indexed calls
10:52.13oxman_i don't want a default value
10:52.22oxman_i know i can use MAP[0] = defaultvalue
10:52.40oxman_but if i use that, i will never see the channel name
10:53.18Wobin_er no. I mean if the table doesn't have the value you want ie the channel name, it will return a default value
10:53.41oxman_i don't understand
10:54.18Wobin_Have a look here
10:54.40Wobin_if you set the function in that page to something like function(t) return "
10:55.08Wobin_then it'll return the channel name with a default colouring
10:55.13oxman_hum ok, i look
10:59.19*** join/##ace oxman_ (
11:02.00*** join/##ace oxman_ (
11:05.42oxman_hum Wobin_
11:05.50oxman_it's work fine to replace default value (nil) to an other
11:06.02oxman_but i don't know how replace by the key value
11:07.30Wobin_I'm not sure what you're asking
11:07.42oxman_if i call MAP["bidule"]
11:07.45oxman_before it's return nil
11:07.53oxman_no it's return 0 (or what i want)
11:07.58oxman_but when i call MAP["bidule"]
11:08.04Wobin_And what did you want it to return?
11:08.07oxman_i want return "bidule" if the key isn't found
11:08.26Wobin_so local mt = {__index = function (d) return d end}
11:08.34Wobin_setmetatable(t, mt)
11:08.58oxman_i use that
11:09.04oxman_but after you must do that :
11:09.10oxman_setDefault(ACEG_MAP_METHOD, 0)
11:09.15oxman_where 0 is the new default value
11:09.24Wobin_er no you don't =)
11:09.29Wobin_re-read the page
11:09.54Wobin_If you do that code in a function that's called anywhere you don't have to follow the exact code
11:10.13Wobin_You're not replacing the default with a number, you're replacing the default with a function call
11:10.35oxman_yep i see that
11:10.46oxman_but where's the key arg in the function ?
11:10.52oxman_if i know that, i can solve my problem :)
11:11.02Wobin_local mt = {__index = function(d) return d end}
11:11.13Wobin_setmetatable(ACEG_MAP_METHOD, mt)
11:11.23Wobin_d is the key arg
11:11.30Wobin_or whatever you make the function to be
11:12.04oxman_local mt = {__index = function (d) return d end}
11:12.04oxman_setmetatable(ACEG_MAP_METHOD, mt)
11:12.08oxman_this don't work
11:12.35oxman_"acechatcmd.lua 50: bad argument #3 to format (string expected, got table)"
11:13.40Wobin_I think you should paste your code in the pastebin so we can look at it...
11:14.46oxman_the arg d, seems the table, not the key
11:15.09oxman_hey hey
11:15.10oxman_i've found
11:15.11oxman_thanks a lot :)
11:15.13Wobin_Is ACEG_MAP_METHOD defined earlier?
11:15.16oxman_local mt = {__index = function (t, d) return d end}
11:15.17oxman_setmetatable(ACEG_MAP_METHOD, mt)
11:17.05oxman_it's awesome i like that
11:17.12*** join/##ace [MoonWolf] (
11:17.19oxman_thanks a lot, really
11:17.44Wobin_hehe np =)
11:31.51*** join/##ace MoonWolf (
12:48.07*** join/##ace [MoonWolf] (
14:32.53*** join/##ace Wobin_ (n=wob@
14:33.18*** join/##ace ckknight (
14:33.23ckknighthey all
14:34.24[MoonWolf]hey ckknight
14:37.47ckknighthow's everyone doing?
14:38.21Wobin_re-installing WoW =)
14:38.47ckknightI defragged my harddrive, and seriously, my framerates show up by 15
14:38.56ckknightI was 40% fragmented
14:39.04ckknightnow I'm at like 0.01%
14:39.20ckknightalso, I used O&O Defrag, not Windows' builtin
14:40.47ckknightit costs money, but you can get it off of bittorrent just as easily
14:42.36Wobin_what makes it better than the windows standard?
14:43.30ckknightWindows typically leaves it at 2% fragmented at the end, O&O is always less than .1%
14:43.32ckknightand it's faster
14:56.33[MoonWolf]Looks like mendeleev chat commands now are good enough to be released to the public.
14:59.55JarenthalI should look into those.
15:00.31JarenthalI mean, I have mendeleev; it stands to reason. AUF and minigroup2 have a known problem with updating the target frame health bar or anything?
15:03.25Jarenthaldon't answer that right away, I have to reboot, my DVD drive is having a fit
15:03.27*** join/##ace Wobster (n=wob@
15:07.21Tekkubokey Boss, I'm going to put this as gently as possible
15:07.50id`before you do
15:08.02Tekkubquit resetting my preferences after every single update, I'm getting really fucking sick of recofiguring my bar every goddamn day
15:08.12*** join/##ace Jarenthal (
15:08.26id`Stop with the 'this and thats wrong', start developing WITH boss on it
15:08.32id`thats the problems of addons
15:08.36id`its all one man projects
15:08.40id`Bad Thing (TM)
15:08.49Tekkubindie, shut up and go away
15:09.01id`Scuse me? I'm serious
15:09.52ckknightTekkub, there's a reason I do it
15:10.15ckknightbtw, in the next version, I'm including average durability
15:10.38TekkubYea and there's plenty of reasons NOT to
15:10.41ckknightyou know that this is beta version software
15:10.54ckknightif you'd prefer to wait until it comes out of beta, that's fine with me
15:11.04ckknightit won't reset your preferences then
15:11.18Tekkubyea and you know I've never used a piece of software that indiscriminatly erases all it's setting after every minor update
15:11.31*** join/##ace Wobster (n=wob@
15:11.41Tekkubin fact most software I've used does everything in it's power to preserve and convert old setting
15:11.57ckknightas I said, it's still beta
15:12.00Tekkuband only wipes setting when absolutly necessary, and tells the user before it does
15:12.15TekkubI've used a lot of beta software boss
15:12.28Tekkubin fact the majority of mine is anymore it seems
15:13.08ckknighthonestly, I'm very close to coming out of beta, so it won't be long
15:13.28ckknightso just cool off and wait for that if you want
15:14.51id`Tekkub: i ignored you
15:15.04JarenthalDude, Cassidy Johnson (I think that's her name) is cute.
15:15.08id`Tekkub: so if you are replying now i cant see it
15:15.22id`there, unignored
15:16.14id`anyone care to elaborate on this? :P
15:16.56JarenthalI do
15:17.31id`Well, see any clumsy things?
15:17.42id`thinking of changing 'enter' to 't'
15:18.20ckknightI like enter to talk
15:18.31id`yea but its way on the other side
15:18.46ckknightif I talk, I use both hands anyway
15:19.19JarenthalI may actually switch to T myself. That's what it is un Unreal Tournament.
15:19.47JarenthalBut then I'd have to change the tab key to be either /p, /g, or /5.
15:20.05Jarenthalor rather to be equivalent thereunto.
15:22.07*** join/##ace Wobin_ (n=wob@
15:23.25JarenthalI'm still trying to figure out why with minigroup2 or any AUF frames I've tried my target's life bar seems to be horribly misrepresented...not sure if I've set something up poorly or what...I need that bar to be accurate to know when to break my stunlocks.
15:24.28JarenthalThat would have been a good idea
15:24.35Wobin_anyone know where I can get the torrent of the 1.9 complete patch?
15:25.09Jarenthalbut all the time I've been playing since I noticed the problem I've been in Scarlet Monastery with MG2 set up to use the default Blizzard target frame
15:26.17JarenthalI'll try to get a screenshot later, but I'm not sure how informative it will be...I have the vague impression that the bar is essentially acting as if the mob has about twice as much HP as it really does; it decreases, just too slowly and then things die at 40-45%.
15:27.35id`well tbh MG2 is a bit weird :)
15:31.21JarenthalI'm trying to figure out whether it's a bug that if you try to have it use the 10 buffs-10 debuffs 2-row setting for the party members and dock them underneath or above it puts them over top of the other units but if you use most of the single-row settings or even the two-row "smart" setting it expands each unit to make room.
15:31.58JarenthalI'll probably post and ask whether that's how it's supposed to work sometime later.
15:34.10ckknightJarenthal, dock inside
15:34.33JarenthalThat puts them cospatial with the unit's name.
15:35.04ckknightah, I dunno then
15:42.49Wobin_bah, I'd rail at the fact that I wanted it to download faster, but I'm already going at 60k/s
15:53.53ckknightis there any way to do a table join in WoW?
15:54.05ckknighti.e. I have a bunch of strings in a table, I want to join them by spaces
15:54.36Wobin_sort of a table to string function?
15:55.02Wobin_Nothing in LUA that would do it directly afaik
15:55.21Wobin_A foreach or similar to append would work though
15:56.04ckknightI'm revamping the Experience plugin
15:56.14ckknightso you can show or hide specifically what you want and don't want
15:56.19Wobin_have a look here
15:56.54Wobin_hrm, table.concat =)
15:57.34Wobin_That'll do it
15:57.41Wobin_table.concat (table [, sep [, i [, j]]])
15:57.42Wobin_Returns table[i]..sep..table[i+1] ... sep..table[j]. The default value for sep is the empty string, the default for i is 1, and the default for j is the size of the table. If i is greater than j, returns the empty string.
15:58.56ckknightexactly what I was looking for
16:01.23JarenthalI'm interested in being able to look at my DPS, damage dealt breakdown by party member, crit %, and crit damage record easily. Any suggestions ragarding what mod/s to use? I am probably going to want DPS i/o, at most, to be shown at all times and most of the info only there when I look for it, if that matters.
16:02.03Wobin_I don't think that covers crits quite as well though
16:03.27JarenthalI was looking at Recap...not sure what I think of it...
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16:05.38JarenthalIs crit % actually a calculable formula? I mean could I (or perhaps a mod) look at my stats, talents, and gear and actually calculate my theoretical crit%, maybe even broken down by different attacks that have increased crit chances, or should I not bother trying to figure that one out?
16:06.16Wobin_Isn't crit already calculated?
16:06.18JarenthalMore succinctly: Is it a known formula?
16:06.29JarenthalIs it? I don't know how to find mine out.
16:06.32ckknightcheck it out on wowwiki
16:06.33Wobin_lemme check
16:06.36Wobin_it'll be on there
16:06.49*** join/##ace [MoonWolf] (
16:07.49Jarenthalah, ok, I just didn't know where to look.
16:08.49JarenthalLooks like recap may be what I'm looking for
16:09.17ckknightit's too bloated, Jarenthal
16:09.20ckknightto the extreme
16:09.38JarenthalGot a better suggestion?
16:09.52Wobin_It's hard to find an unbloated one for that thing =(
16:10.02Wobin_Since all it is is absorbing the combat log
16:10.45Wobin_so very tired =P
16:11.21[MoonWolf]recap is the only addon i have that want to keep no matter how bloated it is.
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16:12.27JarenthalI wonder if I could add a chat window and filter so that only critical hit reports are sent to it
16:13.20JarenthalI'm gonna try Recap
16:13.27JarenthalI can always drop it later after all
16:14.53Wobin_Use the Unit_Combat event
16:15.00Wobin_since it'll tell you if the strike is critical or not
16:15.02[MoonWolf]Tekkub, are you available ?
16:17.47id`hes asleep
16:18.50[MoonWolf]anyway, Mendeleev with chat commands is now on the svn, I would like someone to look it over in game before i release it.
16:40.23Wobin_meh. O&O defragger doesn't come up with anything for me =(
16:40.44ckknightso you're defragged, then?
16:41.07Wobin_well, it doesn't even come up with any sort of listing of drive to defrag
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17:37.42ckknightalright, I posted updated plugins
17:45.31kergothmornings are the devil
17:48.47ckknightI don't mind em
17:52.05purlMornings MUST be destroyed! (see also
17:54.04[MoonWolf]Time to go release the mendeleev chat commands to the public at large.
17:56.09[MoonWolf]wait, i need to set up some default to begin with.
18:08.58[MoonWolf]Updating svn trunk.
18:10.14Tain"Typos are very important to all written form. It gives the reader something to look for so they aren't distracted by the total lack of content in your writing."
18:11.50TainThat is a wise, wise man.
18:17.52[MoonWolf]For the king, for the land for the mountains!
18:20.23[MoonWolf]aqua teen hunger force FTW, A LOT!
18:22.47TainMeatwad get the honeys, see
18:33.16[MoonWolf]Alrighty, mendeleev with chat command is now up and around.
19:38.42id`< [MoonWolf]> For the king, for the land for the mountains!
19:38.54id`rhapsody - emerald sword
19:39.00id`i own! didnt google
19:40.44*** join/##ace FryGuy (
20:09.43id`7k ah profit today
20:09.57id`<3 kci
20:11.29CodayusReally?  Hmm
20:13.55id`make a new char
20:14.02id`fight till lv 5
20:14.11id`run to the main city
20:14.30id`transfer ALL greens and linen and wool and silk and etcetc to that char
20:14.36id`keep your main out of the city
20:14.48id`need to buy something? use your alt and mail
20:15.01id`get the alt to learn enchanting
20:15.20id`btw, get herbalism and skinning for your main
20:15.32ckknightwhy keep your main out of the city?
20:15.37CodayusWhat does that have to do with kci?
20:15.59id`Codayus: to help me auction at the right price, and to spot bargains and sell em higher
20:16.25id`ckknight: because youll be OR leveling your main OR getting money with your AH char
20:17.10ckknightand you'll be D/Eing the greens you get?
20:17.33id`mail it to the AH char
20:17.49ckknightwho then D/Es them?
20:18.04id`oh, the AH char if they dont sell on the ah or are crap
20:19.27ckknightmy main has skinning/mining
20:20.35id`also ok
20:23.20TainYeesh what's wrong with me, I just realized I never gave my main AH mule enchanting when I was using him.
20:26.51ckknightmy main is too low
20:28.58TainOh yeah, there is that.
20:29.25TainI liked games that let you level trade skills completely independantly of character level.
20:29.45Cairenn(omg, I am *so* not saying anything - other channel)
20:30.15TainDidn't look, won't look.
20:31.00ckknightI wanna see
20:31.18ckknightwhat happened?
20:31.51Cairennzeeg: look at that sexy beast
20:31.52Cairennzeeg: :P
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20:40.05ckknightCairenn, please, that pic isn't bad
20:40.14ckknightI was expecting something lemonpartyesque
21:40.10id`Cairenn: haha :p
21:40.27id`Ok that's it. I'm sick of it. I'm going to make idSetup :P
21:40.42id`and im going to put all little scripts and tweaks and setups i want in there
21:43.22id`whee another 4G profit
21:43.28id`12g today, im on a roll \o
21:43.43id`(i only have like lv 20 chars :P)
21:44.05id`ill get 400g faster then ill get to lv 40 :|
22:00.06id`kergoth: you around?
22:00.13id`Tekkub: you around?
22:31.19TainDave isn't here man.
22:34.36id`I noticed :p
22:49.02*** join/##ace cladhaire (
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22:49.38ckknightlousy cables
22:50.00ckknightid, teach me your ways of making lots of money
22:50.05ckknightI like money
22:52.20cladhaireWhy can I not get alpha transparency to work in Photoshop 7.0
22:52.24cladhaireeverytime I think I have it.. NOTHING
22:52.34ckknightI don't like Photoshop
22:53.02TainThere's a few wyas, ckknight.  Auction House brokering, resource gathering, or
22:53.03id`cladhaire: get photostop 8, no cs, no cs2
22:53.39TainYou can do it (in theory) with PS7, of course.  But I do endorse skipping 8 and CS. CS2 brought things back to happy.
22:54.44id`Argh, i hate having ideas and projects and thing in your mind, but then you can't realise them because ..  it just wont work
22:55.02id`and there we are 23:54, times up mister freeman
22:55.48id`hate it when you have
22:56.13cladhaireI'll gimp it then
22:56.18cladhairecause i dont have cs2 or 8
22:56.19cladhairejust cs
22:56.54TainI haven't used 7 in a long time.  BUt what are you doing, and what isn't it doing?
22:59.42cladhaireThe alpha just doesn't get saved
22:59.52cladhaireeven if the channel exists.. and i'm checking the magic checkbox.
22:59.59cladhairei hate the "Save as a copy" bullshit in PS
23:00.00cladhairealways have
23:00.34TainOne thing that makes a difference is ... oh damnit I have the thought, I need to remember what I'm trying to say.
23:01.34TainI remember having that exact problem though.  I'm pretty sure it was something to do with what I had selected in the "Channels" view.
23:01.57TainI almost think you want to have the rgb channels highlighted, but not the alpha channel, when you save.  As backwards as that sounds.
23:03.51cladhaireyeah i played with that a little
23:03.53cladhaireno dice =(
23:05.53cladhairenow i've got to figure alpha channels out in gimp
23:07.46TainI'll give a hand in a few minutes if you want, clad.  I fought with alpha stuff a lot and somehow finally just got things working and ever had a problem since.
23:13.58ckknightgimp is pretty easy when you get used to it
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23:14.33cladhairei know how to use gimp
23:14.38cladhairebut i can never get this to work
23:14.46cladhaireits the one thing about UI's that eludes me
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Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.