irclog2html for ##ace on 20051211

00:00.06cladhaireit can go whever you'd like it
00:00.10cladhairewherever is most appripriate
00:04.20kergothyay, my rogue alt finally looks like a rogue.  gear thats somewhat similar in look and color for once
00:07.40downforceso, in my enable, I have a "self:RegisterEvent("SPECIAL_PLAYER_BUFF_LOST")" which calls "function AceInnerFire:SPECIAL_PLAYER_BUFF_LOST(buff)", which runs some validation, then if it's true, what I want it to do is cast a spell, but it has to be on a call press, hence KeyMinder.
00:07.40downforceSo what I should do is put "self:RegisterEvent("PLAYER_MOVEMENT") " in the SPECIAL_PLAYER_BUFF_LOST function, then create another function "function AceInnerFire:PLAYER_MOVEMENT(m) and add CastSpellByName("spell") to this function?
00:08.53downforceor can I keep self:RegisterEvent("PLAYER_MOVEMENT") in my function, but how do I ... umm terminology problem ... get the return from this within that function?
01:12.31downforceGot it working ... basically ... needs some work though
01:17.33GenNMXDoes ANYONE know if the BonusActionButtons have a valid Slot number?
01:26.50Plorkyerandon't they change by class or something?
01:49.07downforceI hardly know how to code in Ace, let alone complete standalone addons, but I think the one i'm ace'ing does some serious looping!
01:49.51downforcecan't tell what I should replicate and what's excess guff.
01:51.41kergothi like starting from scratch. clean slate
01:51.46kergothpull over bit by bit and see how it behaves
01:51.54kergothif you cant figure out why something is there, try it without it
01:52.26*** join/##ace ScytheBlade1 (
02:17.38downforceyeah, that's what i'm doing
02:17.54downforceanyway, off to bed, 2:20am here
02:18.25*** part/##ace downforce (
03:13.20*** join/##ace Tem (
03:21.42*** join/##ace RasmusKL (
03:28.02*** join/##ace DvdKhl (
03:35.49Tem|MCso for those not in the other channel
03:35.58Tem|MCHere is a fun extension to EditBoxes
03:49.22CodayusWhat's it do?
03:54.33Tem|MCGets the Caret position
03:54.41Tem|MCand Sets the Caret position
03:55.15CodayusCaret = ?
03:55.47CodayusOh, nevermind.
03:55.55CodayusHadn't heard that usage before.
05:36.13Tem|MCSo um... how do you turn on debug mode?
05:44.57*** join/##ace Kaelten (
05:45.27Kaeltenclad you there?
05:46.50Tem|MCKaelten: in KC_AR you need to increase the width of the frame
05:47.05Tem|MCmy repair costs are often longer than the space there for them
05:47.08Tem|MCand it looks bad
05:47.23Kaeltenodd I tested it with 55gold 55 silver and 55 copper
05:49.42Tem|MCyou use a different font
05:50.01Tem|MCI'm using the Game Default fonts
05:50.26Tem|MCYou should use FontString:GetStringWidth and dynamically size the frame
05:51.45Kaelteneither that or just include the font I use
05:51.58Kaeltenalthough I'm sure there are people who won't like it or can't read it so I won't do that
05:54.18clad|afkTem: /acedebug addon AddonName
05:56.51Tem|MCI don't like to use fonts other than the included game fonts
05:57.26Tem|MCI just don't
05:57.31Tem|MCI dunno why
05:59.01Kaeltenclad why is acehooks outputting a lot of spam to the chat box
05:59.10clad|afkKael: huh?
05:59.52clad|afkAceHooks doesn't output anything an error() if something goes wrong, or self:debug if there is a non-fatal error
05:59.55Kaeltensomething about Global function : id Handler function: id Unhook it
06:00.06clad|afkwhat version are you using?
06:00.10clad|afkcheckout the latest versino from SVN
06:00.17clad|afki had some debug messages I never disabled.
06:00.23clad|afkand found a minor error
06:00.42Kaeltengot a link to the svn
06:00.44clad|afki updated the post. but never bumped it.
06:02.20Kaeltenok new issue
06:02.27KaeltenKCET's hooks aren't working
06:03.56clad|afkwhat the hell is KCET =)
06:04.23clad|afkwhat does it say?
06:04.46clad|afkk .. gimme a sec .. lemme get to a place i can /camp and download it.
06:04.52clad|afkdo you haev a link to it?
06:04.53clad|afkso i can download
06:06.15clad|afki should be good to use the local version of kci that i have.. or should i use the packaged one?
06:06.20Kaeltenaha I know whats going on
06:06.31Kaeltenno you can keep the one you have
06:06.37clad|afkwhats happening?
06:06.56Cairpost on the thread in the staff forum, Dolby wants to know what you need
06:07.12Kaeltenproblem is KCET was the one mod that used nocall
06:07.19Kaeltenand now that no call isn't there it breaks it
06:07.22clad|afknocall shouldn't be an issue.
06:07.29Kaeltenno it is
06:07.31clad|afkunless you expect it to do mething.
06:07.47KaeltenI don't want the default blizz function to run
06:07.58Kaeltenbut I still wanted to be nice to addons who hooked it before me
06:08.09clad|afkunfortunately that's impossible in AceHooks.
06:08.59Kaeltenso I'm just going to have to either a) callhook before and overright the work, which means a lot of useless processing, or b) just not callhook
06:09.10clad|afki suppose you can leave the old AceHook module in there for compat until you get things update.
06:09.17clad|afkor move the old AceHook local to KCI
06:09.21clad|afkerr KCET
06:09.28clad|afkwhich is certainly an option
06:09.30Kaeltenno I'll update KCET when 1.3 is released
06:09.43Kaeltenit needs some work anyway
06:09.55Kaeltenanywho.  I'm off to play for a few to test out the acehooks
06:09.58Kaeltenlater guys.
06:10.08clad|afki'm headed to bed
06:10.11Kaelten|AFKnight clad
06:12.22clad|bedKael we could somewhat emulate the thing you're looking for
06:12.31clad|bedby keeping a single central registry of what we've hook in all ace addons
06:12.42clad|bedbut that never guarantees that someone hasn't hooked before us, sadly
06:12.44clad|bedlemme know
06:14.21*** join/##ace Ratbert_CP (
06:21.22*** part/##ace Ratbert_CP (
06:34.31*** join/##ace Eraphine|Disco2 (
06:40.07Tem|MCmother fucker
06:40.19Tem|MCAceDebug.lua:43: attempt to index local `node' (a nil value)
06:40.32Tem|MCI'm too damn good at breaking shit
06:40.43Tem|MCand I fucking hate string parsing
07:03.09*** join/##ace Ratbert_CP ( one will take Anduin?  Heh.
07:27.42TainYeah I'm surprised. :)
07:51.42Tem|MCI HATE Money displays with words!
08:04.10Tem|MCSo ugly
08:31.02Tekkubyou wean 12g13s12c?
08:31.10*** join/##ace MoonWolf (
08:31.14TekkubI prefer those over the stupid icons
08:31.32Tekkubanywho where's that bitch Rasmus at I need to whine at him
08:45.57Tem|MCyeah I mean that
08:46.08Tem|MCas well as 12 Gold 13 Silver 12c
08:46.13Tem|MCas well as 12 Gold 13 Silver 12 Copper*
08:46.20Tem|MCI HATE it
11:01.03*** join/##ace RasmusKL (
11:36.28RasmusKLMeh, how do you get an item name from bags if you know the bag and slot?
11:43.36RasmusKLNvm, using the link.
11:49.36*** join/##ace Eraphine|Disco (
11:53.44RasmusKLTekkub: I love SpecialEvents, wrote my first addon with it :-)
11:57.45RasmusKLMade a cheap copy of MountMe, called ArmMe, for equipping certain weapons when I'm in/out of stealth.
11:58.41RasmusKLand the mod works flawlessly, and is only about 3k in size, comments and all :-P
12:17.46CodayusHmm, I keep meaning to make a mod that does that.  Make sure you upload it somewhere...
12:17.52CodayusWould save me the trouble. :-)
12:19.51RasmusKLIt's nice for equipping an ambush dagger as a sword rogue, it's actually the only use :-)
12:21.16RasmusKLBtw Codayus, the demonslaying works even better now that I'm dual wielding it :_)
12:21.37CodayusAs a dagger rogue who mostly raids, it wouldn't be very useful for me.
12:21.54CodayusI have a stealth macro that equips my dagger when I enter stealth if I don't have it equipped.
12:22.02CodayusAnd I don't *WANT* to swap to a sword when I leave stealth.
12:22.17CodayusBut I still have it on my todo list.
12:22.24RasmusKLI'll upload it.
12:22.28RasmusKLJust need to fix the last issue.
12:28.42RasmusKLSo what do you need Codayus? for it to be useful?
12:29.44CodayusJust so long as you can make it A) Equip a dagger when you stealth, and B) Equip an SS weapon when you Ambush, it'd be good.
12:30.14CodayusAmbush or cheapshot, actually.
12:30.26RasmusKLWell, wouldn't it be the same when you leave stealth?
12:30.42Codayus....yeah, that's a better idea.
12:30.50CodayusB) Equip an SS weapon when you leave stealth.
12:31.15CodayusAnd C) Have an option to toggle both behaviours, I suppose?
12:34.10RasmusKLIt's the same behavoiur really.
12:34.25RasmusKLExcept if something breaks your stealth in the stealth case, you'll equip the right weapon.
12:38.58RasmusKLMeh, I can't get it to compare 2 item names with string.find..
12:39.08RasmusKLwell, 2 item links really.
12:52.31*** join/##ace downforce (
13:07.11MoonWolfRasmusKL, still there ?
13:07.24MoonWolfwhat happens if you get put out of stealth with a stun ?
13:07.27MoonWolflike cheapshot
13:07.56RasmusKLUh, I don't know :-)
13:08.10RasmusKLProbably fails then.
13:08.34MoonWolfyeah, my current switcher has that problem too.... yust a heads up.
13:09.44RasmusKLAtleast now my rogues opens with a 450ish ambush instead of a 220 ss :-)
13:09.49MoonWolfand could you make it so you can force the change with a keybind ?
13:09.51RasmusKLmy rogue*
13:10.09MoonWolfbecause i currently use two weapon switchers.. one for stealth/unstealth one for on keybind.
13:10.18RasmusKLReally, this isn't an addon that I'm going to be spending a lot of time developing...
13:10.27RasmusKLIt was more because I wanted to try out the concept :-P
13:10.38MoonWolfcome on, a single keybind.. please please please.
13:10.54MoonWolfdo whatver you want man.
13:10.57RasmusKLAnd the stun.. and then :-)
13:11.02RasmusKLNo, I'll probably look into it.
14:06.53*** join/##ace BO|Razag (
14:28.52CodayusWow, MDX is the drink of the gods.
14:29.02CodayusJust wanted to comment.
14:29.20*** join/##ace BO|Razag (
14:30.25CodayusIncidentally, I'm fiddling with some code at the moment that when called checks to see what the mainhand weapon is, then tries to BS if its a dagger, otherwise SS.
14:30.51CodayusWorks fairly well when combined with a keybind that swaps weapons.
14:31.50CodayusThe other way of doing that is to have one key for BS and SS, and swap weapons based on which one you hit.  <shrug>  Not sure which is the better approach.
14:34.15Codayus(It also checks for breakable mezzes and won't break them (which is working well), and eviscerates instead of BS/SS if combo points == 5 (which isn't proving as useful as hoped).)
14:34.31CodayusHey, after 9am already.  *sigh*
15:15.25*** join/##ace MoonWolf (
17:24.14*** join/##ace BO|Razag (
17:39.13MoonWolfsomeone magically make zeeg less anoying. please.
17:40.36TainYou ask the impossible.
17:48.50cladhaire~emulate zeeg
17:48.51purlI have a big fat c# book, and I'm not affraid to use it.
17:49.50MoonWolfactually, i apreciate that qoute to much for zeeg to have it.
17:50.10MoonWolf~literal zeeg
17:50.11purl"zeeg" is "one of the admins at wowguru"
17:50.22MoonWolf~literal emulate zeeg
17:50.23purl"emulate zeeg" is "<reply> I have a big fat c# book, and I'm not affraid to use it."
17:51.46*** join/##ace BO|Razag (
17:54.42Kaelten~emulate kaelten
18:03.12MoonWolf~emulate zeeg is <reply> the only way you could make me like any of you is with $
18:03.14purl...but emulate zeeg is already something else...
18:03.25MoonWolf~no emulate zeeg is <reply> the only way you could make me like any of you is with $
18:03.26purlokay, MoonWolf
18:03.45MoonWolfnow dont go testing that in #wowi-lounge straight away
18:39.04*** join/##ace Djanee (
18:39.21*** part/##ace tem|sleep (
18:39.26*** join/##ace tem|sleep (
18:40.09Ano1~emulate zeeg
18:40.10purlthe only way you could make me like any of you is with $
18:40.28Ano1purl, no emulate zeeg is the only way you could make me like any of you is with $
18:40.29purlAno1: okay
18:40.51Tem~literal info emulate zeeg
18:41.01Tem~factinfo emulate zeeg
18:41.01purlemulate zeeg -- last modified 32s ago  by Ano1!
18:41.01MoonWolf~literal emulate zeeg
18:41.03purl"emulate zeeg" is "the only way you could make me like any of you is with $"
18:41.18MoonWolfwhy did you take out the reply part ?
18:41.26Temmy hostname is still there
18:41.56MoonWolfwait a sec if you want me to get something anon
18:43.01*** join/##ace Suntiger (
18:44.25*** join/##ace Suntiger (
18:44.42MoonWolfwell then who care
18:44.44MoonWolfwell then who cares
19:21.14*** join/##ace Tem (
19:21.14*** join/##ace Kaelten|working (
19:21.14*** join/##ace DvdKhl ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
19:21.14*** join/##ace ScytheBlade1 (
19:21.15*** join/##ace Tekkub (
19:21.15*** join/##ace CIA-13 ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
19:21.15*** join/##ace MatryxWrk ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
19:21.15*** join/##ace Codayus (
19:21.15*** join/##ace phyber ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
19:24.58*** join/##ace DvdKhl ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
19:24.58*** join/##ace Tekkub (
19:24.58*** join/##ace CIA-13 ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
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19:24.58*** join/##ace phyber ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
19:24.58*** join/##ace Codayus (
19:31.04Tekkubpurl, no emulate zeeg is the only way you could make me like any of you is with $
19:31.05purlTekkub: i already had it that way
19:31.52Tekkub~emulate zeeg
19:31.54purl[emulate zeeg] the only way you could make me like any of you is with $
19:32.21Tekkubpurl, no emulate zeeg is the only way you could make me like any of you is with $
19:32.22purli already had it that way, Tekkub
19:32.22MoonWolf~no emulate zeeg is <reply> the only way you could make me like any of you is with $
19:32.24purlMoonWolf: okay
19:32.52MoonWolf~emulate zeeg
19:32.53purlthe only way you could make me like any of you is with $
19:32.53Tekkubah, trying to get your hostname outta there for ya
19:32.54Tekkubcause I don't care, he doesn't know me anyway ^^
19:33.23MoonWolfthen say the line i said.
19:33.23Tekkub~no emulate zeeg is <reply> the only way you could make me like any of you is with $
19:33.24purlTekkub: i already had it that way
19:33.47Tekkubperl no likey me
19:33.47kergoth`zzzTekkub: do a ~forget emulate zeeg
19:33.47MoonWolf~no emulate zeeg is <reply> bla bla
19:33.49purlokay, MoonWolf
19:33.49kergoth`zzzTekkub: then set it again
19:33.49kergoth`zzzor that
19:34.03MoonWolfnow you go
19:34.03Tekkub~no emulate zeeg is <reply> the only way you could make me like any of you is with $
19:34.04purlokay, Tekkub
19:34.13Tekkubwewt! I win!
19:34.21Tekkubthere, use that well
19:34.25TainThat's a stupid statement.  I wouldn't like him even with money.
19:34.41MoonWolfno but he would like you if you gave him money
19:34.42Tekkubyou got it backwards tain
19:34.45MoonWolfactual qoute.
19:35.13TainYes well!
19:36.06Tekkubworking on spellcast events
19:36.11RasmusKLOh :-P
19:36.14RasmusKLThey're annoying.
19:36.23RasmusKLwith targets especially.
19:36.34TekkubI think I'm gonna have to make a table of every spell's target type aren't I?
19:36.42RasmusKLYou might :-)
19:36.54RasmusKLIt sucks :-/
19:37.12Tekkubor should I just pass the target I came up with and let the event handler worry about if it's the right target?
19:38.13Tekkubanywho, looked at AceTimer and I got a good idea of how you're doing it, nicley done, I am basically trying to duplicate your code as best I can
19:38.53TekkubI might make the cooldown events first cause they're gonna be easier
19:38.53Tekkubbut for now, attemp to sleep again
19:50.48*** join/##ace Parak (
20:07.40*** join/##ace BO|Razag (
20:20.00Tekkubor not
20:25.52*** join/##ace downforce_ (
20:58.47Parakis there a visor manual of any sort available? :o
20:59.03Parak(aside from the ingame stuff)
20:59.47Plorkyeranthere's documentation linked in Rowne's thread
21:02.30TainIn the Visor link.
21:04.26Parakwhee, much thanks
21:06.15Parakhrm, I'm looking for how to nudge the current set frame one pixel in one (or two) axis from it's current location (wherever that may be)
21:10.16TainDo /vz set n=1
21:10.23TainWhich will set the nudge amount to 1
21:10.25Parakvisorgui can do it (though on only one axis at a time), but setting nudge to 1 doesn't do anything :p
21:11.05TainYou have to bind keys to the movement positions to do it easily.
21:11.23TainS oyou select the frame, hit the key, and it moves right the nudge amount.
21:12.36Parakthat works quite nicely :D
21:13.06TainYeah that's what I do, you have to bind them or else you have to do, /script VisorNudge:Left()
21:13.11TainFor each movement
21:14.18Parakbound it to my numpad
21:14.30TainYep that's what I did.  It's easy. :)
21:15.06TainActually I have numkeys set 1=Get Current Frame, 2=Move to Cursor, then 4,5,6,8  ldru
21:16.15ParakThat works even better
21:16.43TainIt works for me, I actually love it.  So easy to grab a frame and move it.
21:19.06ParakI got one of them square minimap mods, so I thought that now is a good time as any to learn how to use Visor
21:23.28TainYeah, with the Minimap make sure to target MinimapCluster as the frame name.
21:23.39TekkubI need to get square minimap
21:23.48TekkubI'm sick of Eliptical minimap
21:23.52Tekkubit's not even a mod!
21:24.07TainIt is neat.  I like the corner one better than just square, it's more aestethically pleasing.
21:24.14Tekkub*wawve fist in angry* Damn you aspect ratio stretching!
21:24.16TainBut, I use mine at the bottom center so that's why I made the one I did.
21:24.39Tekkubcorner wouldn't fit my layout tho ^^
21:25.34TainIt's harder than I thought it would be to create a custom frame.  heh
21:25.36Tekkubworking on adding spell colldown events to SpecialEvents
21:25.43Tekkuband Actionbutton cooldowns too
21:26.05Tekkubsince the spellcasting with target is gonna
21:26.17TekkubI'll do the easy cooldowns first
21:27.25*** join/##ace Stylpe (
21:30.24TainIt's like water torture.
21:30.28TainHe just never shuts up.
21:30.35TainAnd he doesn't say anything.
21:30.39TainIt's just nonsense.
21:32.45Cairhe has his own guild(s)?  Funny how *noone* knows about them
21:33.05TainYeah and his own irc, and his own blah blah blah
21:33.30Cairyeah Tekkub
21:33.40Tekkubwow how did I guess?
21:33.45*** join/##ace FryGuy (
21:33.47TekkubI must be psycho
21:40.20Tekkubwow, with square minimap I don't care about the stretched apsect anymore :)
21:40.34Tekkubthe minimap was the one thing that I couldn't fix
21:40.44Tekkuband I've gotten used to fat tauren/dorfs
21:43.22Cairwell damn, points for effort for trying to get him to leave voluntarily
21:44.06Tekkubnice effort
21:44.22TekkubI'm waiting for the "STFU noob" from him...
21:44.42Tekkubmaybe it'll at least shut him up for a while
21:44.54Cairoh, he tries that one on me and he's gone
21:46.56Tekkubthink he talks as much as he does here on his other "50" channels?
21:48.10Cairprobably :p
21:49.01*** join/##ace Tem (
21:57.20clad|afki'm so leaving
21:57.21clad|afkbye =)
21:58.10Temcan you boot him now cair?
22:00.09TainIf only it would be permanent.
22:00.17TainI will dram!
22:00.19Temhaha nice cover cair
22:00.19Caircelebrate over here ;)
22:00.47TainDon't want them to hear from over here
22:02.21*** join/##ace MoonWolf (
22:49.06*** part/##ace downforce_ (
22:58.50kergothhe's gone? WOOT!
23:05.20Temkergoth: you missed how we got him to leave
23:05.54Temit was classic
23:06.23MoonWolfI am feeling i am missing a whole story here...
23:07.32Temlook at the wowi-lounge logs from (15:52:56)
23:08.22MoonWolfeeeuh, convert that to some form of a gmt time
23:08.29Temlol oops
23:08.36Temthat's gmt -6
23:08.40MoonWolfthank you
23:08.46Cairin short, he decided to dis' WDN, and call it "constructive criticism" ... it was suggested to him that he post the actual "constructive" part of it on the WDN thread at WoWI
23:08.47Temsorry, I forget
23:09.03Cairthis was also after he decided to mock the UI Modding community guilds, etc
23:09.13TemCair: oh?
23:09.17MoonWolfah, so basically he was being an ass.
23:09.20TemI missed that
23:09.25Cairaka, himself, yeah
23:09.38purlapt/ibot/jbot/purl all log to<channelname>/ where channelname is html encoded ie: %23debian | lines that start with a space are not shown | some channels have stats at<channelname>.html.gz, or updated "nightly"
23:10.22Tembah they aren't updated until midnight
23:10.58MoonWolffound it in my own logs though
23:11.29TemI wasn't in the channel at the time, my gaim crashed sometime overnight
23:11.32Cairshouryuu: hummmm can anyone send me an invite on the alliance side guild?
23:11.33CairCair: shouryuu: 2 sec, I'll switch over
23:11.33Cairzeeg: guild?
23:11.33Cairshouryuu: My name is readthefaq
23:11.33CairCair: zeeg: if you're gonna cater to the UI community, you really need to keep up with what the UI community is doing :p
23:11.36Cairzeeg: Keeping up w/ the community doesn't involve me joining some guild from another website.. :|
23:11.38Cairzeeg: I host TFI..
23:12.14MoonWolfcair did you see the new Zeeg emulation ?
23:12.17MoonWolf~emulate zeeg
23:12.19purlthe only way you could make me like any of you is with $
23:12.25kergothhah, after he spams the channel of "another website" with his all the time, he cant be bothered to involve himself in yours?
23:12.25MoonWolfactual qoute
23:12.26kergothwhat a joke
23:12.47kergoth~kill zeeg
23:12.49purlACTION shoots a inverse  quark gun at zeeg
23:12.54TemCair: "TFI"?
23:13.03MoonWolfLook cair, its your choice i have nothing to do with him, but why do you tolerate zeeg in Wowi-lounge ?
23:13.19TainToo Fucking Ignorant?
23:13.21CairCair: "zeeg: Keeping up w/ the community doesn't involve me joining some guild from another website.. :|" and the difference between that and being on "some irc channel from another website" is ... what, precisely?
23:13.21Cairzeeg: im already on like 50 channels
23:13.22Cairzeeg: 1 more dont hurt
23:13.22Cairzeeg: + i dont play wow
23:14.10Cairanyway, he's currently gone, we'll see whether he comes back or not
23:14.17MoonWolfI really hope not.
23:14.21TemCair: "TFI"?
23:14.30CairThe Frozen Inn, iirc
23:14.38Temwhat's that?
23:14.45TainHe will come back, he needs the attention.  Even if it's negative.
23:15.15Cairone of the guilds he runs, apparently
23:15.15TainWell, that's what I think.  But I hope not!
23:16.09MoonWolfi have some rather spread out and long logs of how he basically went on and was an ass in #wowradio over in and then demanded that the op's ban the people that he was argueing with or he would give no pr or even bad pr about wowradio.....
23:17.01MoonWolfoh and i alway's like how he is the first one to curse and then complain about how rude people are to him.
23:17.34Cairon the one hand, I'm so glad he's gone ... on the other, I should go make all nice on the multi-site private forum *sigh*
23:17.47Temthe what?
23:18.05MoonWolfshh, we never heard of any multi site forum... it does not leave wowace
23:18.25Cairwe've got a private forum set up at WoWI where the staff from the mod hosting sites can talk
23:18.33Temaha, wowguru, curse
23:18.49TemOh yeah Cair, don't make nice
23:18.59Temoh and pull WoWI out of his patcher thing
23:19.16Temhis site doesn't have any mods anyway
23:19.23TainWho runs wowguru?  
23:19.28TainOh I guess I could look for myself.
23:19.30ParakI wonder what happens if you try to move worldframe with visor
23:19.52TainNo no no
23:19.54MoonWolfparak, it fucks up or crashes wow
23:19.54TainThe other one
23:20.14TainYeesh.  My brain is frozen from all the snow shovelling.
23:20.14Temyour site would be providing 90% of the stuff to that thing
23:20.35Cairsee, the thing is ... we support the community ... even if that means we have to get along with assholes
23:21.22MoonWolfis zeeg even a part of the community
23:21.47TemI dun think so
23:21.55MoonWolfI mean. he seems to go out of his way to tell us that he does not play wow and is in for the money....
23:22.59Tekkubzeeg isn't community, like he said he doesn't play
23:23.17Tekkubwhich means he doesn't write mods...
23:23.44CairI don't write mods either
23:23.51Cairam I not community?
23:24.15TainIf you prick us, do we not bleed?
23:24.26MoonWolfYes, but you try to build instead of leach stuff and make a general mess.
23:24.49TainBy the way this has become one of my favorite sites for streaming music.
23:25.07TainYou enter an artist or song you like and it creates a stream for you of that and similar music.
23:25.23TekkubI thought you said you did Cair
23:25.43Tekkubwhen you were telling me to save my mod description locally like you do...
23:25.59TemTain: that's awesome
23:26.26CairTekkub: I wrote back in EQ
23:26.32Tekkubcan I have all your babies?  I've needed a good stream that works exactly like that
23:26.46TainSure, but you'll have to find the mothers first.
23:26.48Tekkuboh, okey Cair... well you still count ^^
23:26.57TemTekkub: wait, I thought you wanted mine?
23:27.07Cair1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ... yup, I can still count ;)
23:27.12TekkubI already ate yours, I'm hungry again
23:27.38TainOne two three four five, six seven eight nine ten.. eleven tweeeeeeelve
23:28.05TekkubI guess I just don't see zeeg as community cause I havn't seen him do anything for us....
23:28.09Tekkubit's all for him
23:28.31Temthat's it
23:28.40Cairoh, Tem ...
23:28.41Temthat's where the definition of community comes in
23:28.46Cairfound the link agan
23:28.47Tekkubthere's no "I" in community
23:28.56Tekkubexcept the one near the end
23:28.58TainYes there is.  Right between the 'n' and the 't'
23:29.00Temwhen people do stuff for others in the community they are part of the community
23:29.05Tekkubbut it's not caps so it doesn't count
23:29.10TainThers is no 'zeeg' in 'community'
23:29.31Tekkubthere's no "zeeg" in a lot of things
23:30.24phyberwhat did zeeg do to piss everybody off?
23:30.25MoonWolftem, so people who only use addons are not part of the addon community ?
23:30.35MoonWolfphyber... LOOOOONG story
23:30.54TemMoonWolf: people who only use addons and don't contribute count as "users" to me
23:31.43MoonWolfI love that music streaming thing btw, it kinda dumped on Rhapsody, but i entered cradle of filth and the good music started rolling in.
23:32.07TainI'm loving it.
23:32.24TemI don't like rhapsody because it feels like one big piece of spyware
23:32.42MoonWolfeuuuh. rhapsody is a band.
23:33.03Temoh lol
23:33.16TemI thought you were talking about that realplayer thing
23:33.26TemI see commencials for it ALL the damn time
23:33.51MoonWolfyeah, that is a piece of slow stupid fucking spyware.
23:33.53kergothi'm glad there's an alternative codec to play real player files now
23:33.59kergothno longer need to use real's bloated piles of crap
23:34.02MoonWolfbut it is an awesome band.
23:34.38TemI like realplayer a long time ago
23:34.47Temit was called Realjukebox at the time
23:35.02TemIt did everything I needed and I liked it's interface
23:35.11Tembut then they came out with "Real One player"
23:35.15Temand I /hated/ that
23:35.18CodayusMusic thing?  Try Pandora.  :-)
23:35.18kergoththe first time i had to dig deep into a bunch of hidden hard to find advanced options to disable all the spam and registration and info submission stuff, i stopped using it
23:35.25CodayusReally excellent.
23:35.46TemCodayus: that's what we are talking about
23:35.54CodayusSorry, I just sat down here.
23:36.03TemI don't get how they can do it though
23:36.08TemI don't even see any adds
23:36.17CodayusAnd I love Pandora so much I can't resist recommending it whenever the subject comes up.  Or hell, doesn't come up.
23:37.52CodayusI subscribed before they introduced ads, so I wouldn't know about that...
23:38.17Temwhat Adds?
23:38.20TemI don't even see any
23:38.30Temoh nevermind
23:38.46TemI'm so used to having AdBlock I forget
23:38.59CodayusFreeloader.  :-)
23:39.48Temis it wrong to not want to see ads?
23:40.16Temreally ads don't bother me much unless they are animated
23:40.29Tem(or if they are like that horrible bar at the top of WoWI)
23:41.16MoonWolfi totally ignore the bar up there
23:41.37MoonWolfi actually only saw it when someone coplained about a bar, and i was like, bar ? What bar... oh that bar.
23:41.39TemI wrote a greasemonkey script to make it go poof
23:41.54Temactually let me rephrase that
23:42.04TemI learned how to use greasemonkey
23:42.09TainI don't like the ones that have sound.  The rest I barely even see anymore.  Just filtered out of my mind.
23:42.24Temand I learned JavaScript so that I could write a script to make it go poof
23:42.59Tem(that's how much that bar annoyed me)
23:43.29CodayusI don't even have ad block installed.
23:43.40TainI'm not even sure what bar you're talking about.  heh
23:44.13CodayusAds I *notice* vaguely annoy me, but I'm very good at ignoring them.
23:44.41CodayusUnless they have sound, or are the really annoying flash kind that move around the page in front of content...
23:44.55CodayusAnd I solve those problems by just not going anywhere that has them.
23:45.11TainI never get that problem with them popping around anymore.   At the worst they pop a new tab.
23:45.37MoonWolfnew tabs are a bane and should be fixed.
23:46.00MoonWolfyay now its playing a song from my favourite album ....
23:46.04MoonWolfi love this.
23:47.28Tekkubokey pandora kicks so much ass
23:47.57Tekkubjust when I was about to subscribe to napster for their half-assed custom raido stations too
23:48.06CodayusPandora is, in my view, the best justification for the existence of the internet I have run across.
23:48.44TekkubI'm always one for things that learn what you like ,that you can slowly customize over time and discover new things
23:48.49MoonWolfcan you somehow combine multiple radios in one ?
23:49.05TekkubTV and Radio are just the people with the most money throwing shit at you randomly
23:49.27MoonWolfoh wait, i figured it out
23:49.53TekkubI've been considering using the sites like IMDB to make a sort of video-discover app kinda like pandora
23:50.02Cair~for porn
23:50.37Tekkublike You say, I like "The Simpsons" and it brings back the "similar to" stuff
23:50.45Tekkubthen you click something you like there
23:51.02Tekkuband as you bounce around you hopefully find new stuff to watch
23:51.39MoonWolfAmore e Morte!
23:52.21MoonWolfnight night people

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