IRC log for on 20130606

15:15.14*** mode [+i] by apt
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15:15.15*** mode [+i] by ibot
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15:15.21*** mode [+w] by purl
15:15.21*** mode [+w] by infobot
15:15.21*** mode [+w] by apt
15:15.22*** set by marienz at Wed Feb 1 23:47:18 2012
15:15.23*** set by Pommes at Tue Oct 20 16:57:25 2009
15:15.23*** set by kierra!~quassel@unaffiliated/kierra at Wed Jun 20 10:36:14 2012
15:15.25*** set by kierra at Sun Oct 2 01:07:11 2011
15:15.25*** set by lkcl! at Wed Feb 27 01:11:02 2013
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15:15.27*** set by kierra at Thu May 9 17:39:33 2013
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15:15.31*** set by dondelelcaro at Mon Nov 27 21:08:32 2006
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15:15.32*** set by JeffM!~JeffM@unaffiliated/jeffm2501 at Mon Jan 14 16:57:23 2013
15:15.32*** set by zippo! at Mon Mar 21 21:09:57 2011
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15:15.33*** set by Kaelten!~Kaelten@WoWUIDev/WoWAce/WoWIFA/CurseStaff/kaelten at Wed Nov 7 00:38:53 2012
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15:15.33*** set by mnemoc at Fri Apr 19 13:32:51 2013
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15:15.35*** set by Sixen! at Sun Nov 4 18:53:41 2012
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15:15.35*** set by yaMatt!~yaMatt@ at Thu Mar 7 14:36:17 2013
15:15.35*** set by Thanatermesis!~unknown@unaffiliated/thanatermesis at Thu Mar 24 14:18:28 2011
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15:15.36*** set by Pimpi at Wed Aug 19 18:20:54 2009
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15:15.36*** set by goosebot! at Fri May 31 03:07:04 2013
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15:15.37*** set by kblin at Mon May 27 20:02:07 2013
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15:15.39*** set by reenoo at Fri May 18 21:03:04 2007
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15:15.40*** set by DaCa at Wed Jul 23 18:40:13 2008
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15:15.41*** set by france at Fri May 18 04:34:19 2007
15:15.41*** set by DocScrutinizer05!~HaleBopp@openmoko/engineers/joerg at Fri Aug 10 01:18:53 2012
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15:15.42*** set by michaeldexter at Sun Dec 6 08:57:09 2009
15:15.42*** set by france at Fri May 18 04:43:18 2007
15:15.42*** set by DocScrutinizer!~halley@openmoko/engineers/joerg at Sat May 19 23:02:29 2012
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15:15.43*** set by kergoth! at Wed Jan 18 16:29:36 2012
15:15.43*** set by unknown at Thu May 29 19:24:17 2008
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15:15.43*** set by Cairenn|afk!~Owner@MMOI/Administratrix/Cairenn at Sun Nov 4 04:09:45 2012
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15:15.44*** set by MentalPower!~textual@WoWUIDev/Norganna/Administrator/MentalPower at Sun Apr 21 22:35:54 2013
15:15.44*** set by unknown at Thu May 29 19:24:17 2008
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15:15.45*** set by bluelightning!~bluelight@pdpc/supporter/professional/bluelightning at Mon Dec 13 00:00:03 2010
15:15.45*** set by praetorian at Sun Mar 24 00:34:29 2013
15:15.45*** set by ao2!~ao2@2001:1418:117::1 at Tue Oct 9 11:38:19 2012
15:15.45*** chanfull/#, removing autojoin
15:15.46*** set by ka6sox!~ka6sox@nasadmin/ka6sox at Sun Nov 4 06:43:31 2012
15:15.46*** set by Zanix! at Wed Mar 13 02:02:44 2013
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15:15.47*** set by unknown at Thu May 29 19:24:17 2008
15:15.47*** set by ironfist at Mon Jan 26 20:44:49 2009
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15:15.48*** set by mpictor at Mon May 13 23:20:17 2013
15:15.48*** set by Cairenn!~Owner@MMOI/Administratrix/Cairenn at Tue May 14 23:34:42 2013
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15:15.48*** set by jasonb!18055a73@gateway/web/freenode/ip. at Sun May 12 05:21:14 2013
15:15.49*** set by Sixen! at Wed Apr 3 06:07:02 2013
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15:15.49*** set by blindvt! at Tue Feb 12 10:14:57 2013
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15:15.50*** set by macnewbold! at Mon Jun 3 14:37:58 2013
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15:15.50*** set by Cairenn|afk!~Owner@MMOI/Administratrix/Cairenn at Sun Nov 4 04:10:50 2012
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15:15.51*** set by jxqz! at Mon May 27 03:59:26 2013
15:15.51*** set by Cairenn|afk!~Owner@MMOI/Administratrix/Cairenn at Sun Nov 4 04:10:35 2012
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15:15.51*** set by unknown at Thu May 29 19:24:17 2008
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15:15.53*** set by nevcairiel!quassel@WoWUIDev/WoWAce/Ace3/nevcairiel at Tue May 21 11:38:06 2013
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15:15.54*** set by Cairenn!~Owner@MMOI/Administratrix/Cairenn at Wed May 22 06:57:52 2013
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15:17.37*** set by jwl_rh at Wed Jul 1 00:41:01 2009
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15:17.44*** set by malcolmd at Mon Aug 8 17:52:06 2011
15:17.46*** set by file at Fri Jan 11 19:12:16 2013
15:17.47*** set by bacon4leif!~Leif@asterisk/documenteur-extraordinaire/blitzrage at Fri Nov 18 02:14:09 2011
15:17.49*** set by file!~file@asterisk/developer-and-muffin-lover/file at Fri Oct 29 21:12:11 2010
15:17.50*** set by file!~file@asterisk/developer-and-muffin-lover/file at Thu Nov 17 22:09:08 2011
15:17.52*** set by simonrvn at Thu Jan 21 18:04:25 2010
15:17.53*** set by jconnolly! at Wed Sep 15 21:11:59 2010
15:17.54*** CoolRunning materializes into CRunning|off
15:17.56*** set by Erroneous at Thu Jul 23 00:00:05 2009
15:17.59*** set by aried3r!~aried3r@unaffiliated/kintec at Mon Apr 22 08:09:20 2013
15:18.01*** set by OluapWorker!b164f883@gateway/web/freenode/ip. at Wed Feb 6 16:51:19 2013
15:18.04*** set by ries at Wed May 20 11:34:28 2009
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15:18.08*** set by stickster at Thu Oct 1 13:01:09 2009
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15:18.10*** set by naudefj! at Wed Jun 6 17:58:46 2012
15:18.11*** set by DocScrutinizer05!~HaleBopp@openmoko/engineers/joerg at Thu May 16 09:50:23 2013
15:18.12*** set by eFfeM at Sat Nov 28 22:47:24 2009
15:18.12*** Hektrv materializes into ChiefInspectorHe
15:18.13*** set by TimRiker!TimRiker@bzflag/projectlead/TimRiker at Wed Aug 15 23:17:52 2012
15:18.15*** set by scgallafent! at Mon May 13 15:18:52 2013
15:18.17*** set by cog|away at Thu Mar 5 23:16:59 2009
15:18.21*** set by DocScrutinizer05!~HaleBopp@openmoko/engineers/joerg at Wed May 8 03:13:47 2013
15:18.23*** set by merlin1991!~merlin@Maemo/community/cssu/merlin1991 at Tue Apr 23 20:15:36 2013
15:18.27*** set by Stskeeps!~cvm@Maemo/community/distmaster/Stskeeps at Fri Jan 20 20:39:53 2012
15:18.31*** set by DocScrutinizer!~halley@openmoko/engineers/joerg at Sat Oct 29 16:42:56 2011
15:18.32*** set by ka6sox at Sun Sep 14 22:09:30 2008
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15:18.40*** set by lkcl! at Wed Apr 11 17:51:27 2012
15:18.43*** set by OluapWorker!b164f883@gateway/web/freenode/ip. at Wed May 22 15:37:08 2013
15:18.44*** set by jkakar at Thu Mar 15 03:18:24 2012
15:18.46*** set by brasto at Fri Apr 4 20:16:26 2008
15:18.47*** set by mindjuju!~mindjuju@ at Thu Feb 21 18:51:51 2013
15:18.50*** set by rwhitby!~rwhitby@nslu2-linux/rwhitby at Thu Sep 15 02:14:01 2011
15:18.52*** set by Eguy_!~Eguy@unaffiliated/eguy at Sun Jun 6 19:10:10 2010
15:18.53*** set by fewyn at Wed Oct 17 20:44:25 2012
15:18.55*** set by cogwheel!~cogwheel@WoWUIDev/WoWProgramming/morlando/cogwheel at Tue Apr 12 21:06:05 2011
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16:26.21*** discopig has signed off IRC (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) []
16:26.36*** Wormy materializes into Tupperware_
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18:55.35*** set by Phlip at Sun Jul 4 13:37:13 2010
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21:14.40*** Devon_ has signed off IRC (Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.90-rdmsoft [XULRunner]) []
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21:27.17*** rjung has signed off IRC (Quit: I'm not here right now.) [#tomcat]
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21:28.54*** Artpicre has signed off IRC (Max SendQ exceeded) [##overflow #debian]
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21:38.54*** Lennie has signed off IRC (Remote host closed the connection) [#gsoc]
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22:36.43*** Ahnberg has signed off IRC (*.net *.split) [#wowhead]
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22:36.43*** warfare has signed off IRC (*.net *.split) [#maemo]
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