irclog2html for on 20030517

00:02.13*** mickeyl materializes into mickeyl|away
00:03.47*** everslick has signed off IRC (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)) []
00:05.47*** Skyhusker has signed off IRC ("KVIrc 3.0.0-beta3 "CVS"") [#zaurus]
00:08.25*** Leeds has signed off IRC ("Client exiting") [#gllug]
00:19.04*** liquidx materializes into liquidx|away
00:28.14*** BluefoxIcy has signed off IRC (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)) []
00:28.38*** ChipX86|Coding materializes into ChipX86
00:30.35*** Borges has signed off IRC ("exit") [#familiar #gpe]
00:32.07*** legodude has signed off IRC (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)) [#elinux]
00:35.47*** pole has signed off IRC (Remote closed the connection) [#opie]
00:38.05*** ChipX86 materializes into ChipX86|Gone
00:41.31*** thekernel has signed off IRC (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) [#elinux]
00:43.05*** andrd has signed off IRC ("export USE="-DMCA";emerge -e --deep world") []
00:45.37*** tigerpig materializes into tigerpig|Zzz
00:49.36*** zachary has signed off IRC ("Client exiting") [#gllug]
00:50.51*** jnork has signed off IRC (Killed (NickServ (Ghost: jnork_! [#elinux]
00:51.06*** jnork_ materializes into jnork
00:53.52*** mallum has signed off IRC ("Client Exiting") [#familiar #gpe #elinux]
00:54.41*** fdask has signed off IRC (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) [#zaurus]
00:56.11*** pole has signed off IRC ("smell ya later~") [#opie]
01:02.18*** MrCooper has signed off IRC (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) [#bzflag]
01:03.55*** JD has signed off IRC (Remote closed the connection) [#gllug]
01:08.37*** pizzathief materializes into pizzaout
01:08.42*** wParam has signed off IRC ("mama, I'm comein' home") [#zaurus]
01:09.21*** decaff has signed off IRC ("Client Exiting") [#zaurus #openembedded]
01:11.33*** drw has signed off IRC ("using sirc version 2.211+KSIRC/1.2.4") [#opie #openembedded]
01:13.48*** kolla has signed off IRC (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) [#zaurus #openzaurus]
01:17.42*** noda has signed off IRC ("I am") [#openembedded]
01:19.17*** marvi has signed off IRC (Remote closed the connection) [#zaurus #openzaurus]
01:21.10*** hunteripk has signed off IRC (Remote closed the connection) [#zaurus]
01:24.30*** Marsupilami23 has signed off IRC ("I don't wanna grow up, I'm a Toys R Us Kid. There's a million toys at Toys R Us that I can play with!") [#zaurus #openzaurus]
01:26.02*** jbwiv has signed off IRC (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) [#zaurus]
01:28.35*** paperclip has signed off IRC (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) []
01:32.30*** andersee has signed off IRC (Remote closed the connection) [#uclibc #tuxscreen #elinux #openembedded]
01:32.37*** patlabor221 has signed off IRC ("Blood calls out for blood") [#bzflag]
01:34.26*** ChipX86|Gone materializes into ChipX86
01:41.06*** BluefoxIcy has signed off IRC (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) []
01:42.18*** file has signed off IRC (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) [#picogui #elinux]
01:44.36*** GPSFan has signed off IRC (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) [#elinux]
01:45.40*** drakx has signed off IRC (Remote closed the connection) [#zaurus #openembedded]
01:46.00*** ictyl has signed off IRC ("BitchX: a new fragrance for men, by Calvin Klein") [#zaurus]
01:46.33*** mutexer has signed off IRC ("Homer: Kids, you tried your best, and you failed miserably. The lesson is: never try.") [#zaurus]
01:49.08*** ljp_ has signed off IRC (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) [#opie #zaurus #openembedded #openzaurus]
01:49.10*** ljp_laptop has signed off IRC (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) [#opie #zaurus #openembedded #openzaurus]
01:49.39*** glytchbinary has signed off IRC (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) [#elinux]
01:49.51*** ChipX86 materializes into ChipX86|Gone
01:50.24*** hunterkll has signed off IRC (Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer)) [#opie #zaurus]
01:53.13*** jg has signed off IRC ("bye bye...") [#opie #ipaq #familiar #gpe]
01:53.14*** buliwyf has signed off IRC (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) [#opie #zaurus #openzaurus]
02:02.41*** Shai has signed off IRC (Ping timeout: 14400 seconds) []
02:03.43*** lalo materializes into lalo[out]
02:04.25*** michaelh_ has signed off IRC ("using sirc version 2.211+KSIRC/1.2.4") [#bzflag]
02:07.32*** u19809 has signed off IRC ("KVIrc 3.0.0-beta2 "T-Rex"") [#opie]
02:10.22*** sig has signed off IRC (Killed (NickServ (Nickname Enforcement))) [#zaurus]
02:10.33*** sig_ materializes into sig
02:19.45*** rospahr has signed off IRC ("Client exiting") [#ipaq #familiar]
02:20.03*** find_me has signed off IRC ("Client Exiting") [#tomcat]
02:20.29*** Oktal has signed off IRC ("We must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence by the military industrial complex. The potential for the disa) [#picogui]
02:24.04*** larsl has signed off IRC (Remote closed the connection) [#bzflag]
02:25.19*** badalex|work materializes into badalex
02:35.16*** badalex has signed off IRC ("ugh.... xchat crashed on me") [#zaurus]
02:36.20*** JamesInSD has signed off IRC (Client Quit) [#tomcat]
02:46.57*** ||ugh has signed off IRC (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) [#openembedded]
02:47.34*** paul has signed off IRC ("Client Exiting") [#familiar #gpe #bzflag]
02:49.42*** michaelh has signed off IRC (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) [#bzflag]
02:56.03*** CdtDelta has signed off IRC (Remote closed the connection) [#zaurus]
02:56.07*** find_me has signed off IRC ("Client Exiting") [#tomcat]
02:58.27*** paperclip has signed off IRC (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) []
02:59.44*** jnork has signed off IRC (Remote closed the connection) [#elinux]
03:00.36*** oGMo has signed off IRC ("bbl") [#zaurus]
03:02.29*** thekernel has signed off IRC (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)) [#elinux]
03:06.20*** lsmith has signed off IRC ("Billy Pilgrim has become unstuck in time ... poo-tee-weet") [#opie #openembedded]
03:13.14*** jg has signed off IRC ("bye bye...") [#opie #ipaq #familiar #gpe]
03:16.40*** Demo has signed off IRC ("Client Exiting") [#zaurus]
03:26.30*** michaelh has signed off IRC ("Client exiting") [#bzflag]
03:27.00*** hunterkll has signed off IRC () [#opie #zaurus #openembedded #openzaurus]
03:29.33*** Marsupilami23 has signed off IRC (Remote closed the connection) [#zaurus #openzaurus]
03:35.37*** Spline has signed off IRC () [#tomcat]
03:37.19*** find_me has signed off IRC ("Client Exiting") [#tomcat]
03:41.14*** tech2k has signed off IRC ("Client Exiting") [#zaurus]
03:43.08*** aTypical has signed off IRC ("Client exiting") [#zaurus]
03:44.11*** djk has signed off IRC ("Client exiting") [#zaurus]
03:44.34*** chouimat|away materializes into chouimat
03:49.21*** fraggle has signed off IRC ("BitchX-1.0c19 -- just do it.") [#picogui]
03:50.16*** dinko has signed off IRC (Client Quit) [#ipaq]
03:52.52*** darmou has signed off IRC ("bye all") [#zaurus]
03:55.28*** pizzaout materializes into pizzathief
04:05.51*** fiberchunks has signed off IRC ("Client Exiting") [#bzflag]
04:06.18*** weez|working has signed off IRC (Ping timeout: 14400 seconds) [#zaurus]
04:11.26*** __flypiper has signed off IRC ("Client Exiting") [#intimate #gpe #kiss]
04:21.10*** ReKleSS has signed off IRC (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) []
04:23.20*** scanline has signed off IRC ("fun with grub") [#picogui #elinux #openembedded]
04:25.16*** raster has signed off IRC ("[x]chat") [#zaurus #openzaurus]
04:25.34*** mirov_ has signed off IRC (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) []
04:27.12*** chouimat materializes into chouimat|Zzzzz
04:28.52*** Borges has signed off IRC ("exit") [#familiar]
04:32.02*** michaelh has signed off IRC ("Client exiting") [#bzflag]
04:35.34*** noda has signed off IRC ("I am") [#openembedded]
04:36.30*** antigerg has signed off IRC (Remote closed the connection) [#opie #openembedded]
04:36.42*** heatxsink has signed off IRC (Remote closed the connection) [#openzaurus]
04:38.29*** Demo has signed off IRC (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) []
04:38.42*** CdtDelta has signed off IRC (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) [#zaurus]
04:38.48*** thekernel has signed off IRC (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) [#elinux]
04:39.34*** Demo_ materializes into Demo
04:41.14*** jmak has signed off IRC ("Client exiting") []
04:45.10*** GodFodder has signed off IRC ("Client Exiting") [#tomcat]
04:56.09*** ljp_laptop has signed off IRC ("Client Exiting") [#opie #zaurus #openembedded #openzaurus]
05:10.22*** Metal has signed off IRC ("") [#zaurus]
05:12.45*** jbwiv has signed off IRC ("Client Exiting") [#zaurus]
05:15.53*** hunger has signed off IRC (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) [#openembedded]
05:20.05*** ChipX86|Gone materializes into ChipX86
05:20.15*** Blymie materializes into Grymie
05:20.32*** Grymie materializes into Slymie
05:22.59*** Pikoro has signed off IRC ("Client Exiting") [#opie #familiar]
05:24.57*** MrApathyCream has signed off IRC ("Client Exiting") [#bzflag]
05:29.40*** jmak has signed off IRC ("Client exiting") []
05:31.00*** Mattabist has signed off IRC (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) [#opie #zaurus #openzaurus]
05:32.13*** Sirex|win32 materializes into Aimio
05:41.07*** doughecka has signed off IRC (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) [#zaurus #bzflag]
05:42.18*** zecke|zZZzzz materializes into zecke
05:42.48*** masticator has signed off IRC (Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer)) [#openembedded]
05:43.13*** Demo has signed off IRC ("Later ...") []
05:44.58*** neybar has signed off IRC (Remote closed the connection) [#utah]
05:47.11*** MrApathyCream has signed off IRC (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)) [#bzflag]
05:48.48*** LV|off materializes into LordVan
05:53.58*** Patlabor221 has signed off IRC ("Blood calls out for blood.") [#bzflag]
05:54.14*** find_me has signed off IRC ("Client Exiting") [#tomcat #zaurus]
05:54.29*** sonix` has signed off IRC ("Client Exiting") [#openembedded]
05:58.01*** ljp_laptop has signed off IRC ("Client Exiting") [#opie #zaurus #openembedded #openzaurus]
05:59.57*** michaelh has signed off IRC ("Client exiting") [#bzflag]
06:04.59*** Disconnect has signed off IRC (Remote closed the connection) [#opie #ipaq #familiar #intimate #kiss]
06:10.44*** aTypical has signed off IRC ("Client exiting") [#zaurus]
06:13.22*** frankps has signed off IRC ("Vision[0.9.6-0203]: i've been blurred!") [#zaurus]
06:13.32*** aok has signed off IRC (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)) []
06:16.19*** pole has signed off IRC ("smell ya later~") [#opie]
06:17.43*** n0ir has signed off IRC ("Client exiting") [#tomcat]
06:18.39*** jack_ has signed off IRC ("Client exiting") [#tomcat]
06:19.25*** legodude has signed off IRC (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) [#elinux]
06:19.47*** heaps has signed off IRC () [#tomcat]
06:20.26*** Disconnect has signed off IRC (Remote closed the connection) [#opie #ipaq #familiar #intimate #kiss]
06:32.01*** scanline has signed off IRC (Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer)) [#picogui]
06:33.46*** br33zy has signed off IRC ("I wish the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy universe took place now...") [#zaurus]
06:37.05*** thekernel has signed off IRC (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) [#elinux]
06:40.45*** michaelh has signed off IRC (Client Quit) [#bzflag]
06:46.18*** XavierXeon materializes into MrXeon_away
06:51.01*** gonkulator has signed off IRC ("saving CPU on my non x86 machine, using non x86 optomized code") [#picogui]
06:56.10*** sonix` has signed off IRC ("Client Exiting") [#zaurus #openembedded #openzaurus]
06:56.43*** Noodleman_ has signed off IRC ("Client exiting") [#bzflag]
06:58.57*** a7r has signed off IRC (Remote closed the connection) []
07:00.59*** kidder has signed off IRC () [#picogui]
07:01.59*** TheMasterMind1 has signed off IRC (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)) [#opie #gct #uclibc #gpe #zaurus #elinux #openembedded #openzaurus]
07:03.13*** trillback has signed off IRC (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) [#zaurus]
07:05.16*** walters has signed off IRC (Remote closed the connection) [#gpe #openzaurus]
07:30.04*** rbergero has signed off IRC (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) [#bzflag]
07:36.56*** glytchbinary has signed off IRC ("leaving") [#elinux]
07:37.18*** darmou has signed off IRC ("bye all") [#zaurus]
07:39.20*** BBrox_ZZzZZzz materializes into BBrox
07:40.56*** spse has signed off IRC (Remote closed the connection) [#intimate]
07:43.19*** sharpie has signed off IRC ("Client Exiting") [#zaurus]
07:47.15*** ftc has signed off IRC (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) [#gllug]
07:49.48*** hunger has signed off IRC ("I shouldn't really be here - dircproxy 1.0.5") [#openembedded]
07:54.50*** Hallski materializes into Hallski|away
07:56.30*** everslick has signed off IRC (Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer)) []
08:05.23*** rbergero has signed off IRC (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) [#bzflag]
08:08.54*** ZKhensU has signed off IRC (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) [#zaurus]
08:10.19*** ChipX86 materializes into ChipX86|Coding
08:15.33*** frankps has signed off IRC ("Vision[0.9.6-0203]: bye, bye, bye") [#zaurus]
08:19.43*** zachary has signed off IRC ("Client Exiting") [#gllug]
08:20.21*** LordVan has signed off IRC ("new kernel") [#openembedded #openzaurus]
08:28.32*** Chestal has signed off IRC (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) [#bzflag]
08:29.43*** duplexer has signed off IRC (Remote closed the connection) [#zaurus #openzaurus]
08:30.41*** fdask has signed off IRC (Killed (NickServ (Ghost: fdask_! [#zaurus]
08:33.58*** ZKhensU has signed off IRC (Remote closed the connection) [#zaurus]
08:35.52*** TCMAN has signed off IRC ("Client exiting") [#zaurus]
08:40.39*** pnm has signed off IRC ("Client Exiting") [#bzflag]
08:42.54*** Aimio has signed off IRC () [#zaurus #openzaurus]
08:44.19*** brailsmt has signed off IRC (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) [#utah]
08:44.29*** xtrasgu materializes into xtrasgu_away
08:50.50*** _ibz has signed off IRC (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) [#openembedded]
08:52.15*** jenson materializes into Jenson|Away
08:53.21*** xtrasgu_away materializes into xtrasgu
08:57.50*** mutexer has signed off IRC ("Homer: Kids, you tried your best, and you failed miserably. The lesson is: never try.") [#zaurus]
09:03.40*** captain_proton has signed off IRC (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) [#picogui #bzflag]
09:03.56*** captain_pistachi materializes into captain_proton
09:05.22*** nerdboy has signed off IRC ("eject! eject! eject!") [#zaurus]
09:10.22*** ChipX86|Coding materializes into ChipX86|Sleep
09:12.59*** thekernel has signed off IRC (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) [#elinux]
09:18.34*** xtrasgu materializes into xtrasgu_away
09:25.24*** xtrasgu_away materializes into xtrasgu
09:40.13*** fazed has signed off IRC ("Client exiting") [#zaurus #openzaurus]
09:41.30*** ReKleSS has signed off IRC ("cat /dev/bullshit > homework") []
09:53.10*** tigerpig|Zzz materializes into tigerpig
09:53.10*** greearb has signed off IRC (Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer)) [#openembedded]
09:59.39*** xtrasgu has signed off IRC (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) []
10:03.24*** quaqo has signed off IRC ("Pong Timeout") [#opie]
10:03.24*** elron has signed off IRC (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) [#opie #openzaurus]
10:03.45*** quaqo has signed off IRC (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) [#opie]
10:04.34*** liquidx|away materializes into liquidx
10:12.47*** A4266|Gone has signed off IRC (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)) [#gllug]
10:15.47*** Jenson|Away has signed off IRC ("Lost terminal") [#gllug]
10:22.37*** ^majik^ has signed off IRC ("The end comes after, and after is now. Peace!") [#picogui]
10:28.04*** SpudUAway has signed off IRC (Remote closed the connection) [#gllug]
10:28.39*** aqui1a has signed off IRC () [#picogui]
10:35.59*** Harlekin has signed off IRC (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) [#opie]
10:36.53*** xtrasgu materializes into xtrasgu_away
10:37.05*** dwmw2 materializes into gone_dwmw2
10:38.22*** MrXeon_away materializes into XavierXeon
10:39.37*** raceme[away] materializes into raceme
10:44.58*** untorn has signed off IRC ("ChatZilla 0.8.23 [Mozilla rv:1.3/20030312]") [#zaurus]
10:47.19*** new2unix materializes into new2unix|away
10:55.21*** highbury has signed off IRC ("Client exiting") [#gllug]
10:56.28*** Transputer|homew materializes into Transputer2001
10:56.54*** mickeyl|away materializes into mickeyl
10:59.20*** Twiun[Zzzzz] has signed off IRC (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) [#opie #zaurus #openembedded #openzaurus]
11:05.45*** uschi_ materializes into uschi
11:08.27*** yeiaway materializes into yeiazel
11:12.08*** kend-catchup has signed off IRC ("Client Exiting") [#zaurus]
11:17.41*** uschi materializes into uschi_afk
11:17.54*** sk0tty has signed off IRC (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) [#tomcat]
11:19.34*** Metal has signed off IRC (Client Quit) [#zaurus]
11:21.57*** XavierXeon has signed off IRC ("Client Exiting") [#opie #zaurus #openembedded]
11:22.14*** Transputer2001 materializes into Transputer|AFK
11:23.05*** thekernel has signed off IRC (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) [#elinux]
11:24.04*** florian has signed off IRC () [#gpe]
11:29.17*** decaff has signed off IRC (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) [#zaurus #openembedded]
11:35.11*** dvik has signed off IRC (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) [#tomcat]
11:41.22*** xtrasgu_away materializes into xtrasgu
11:52.11*** raceme materializes into raceme[miam]
11:52.28*** sikko has signed off IRC (Remote closed the connection) [#opie]
11:56.28*** xtrasgu materializes into xtrasgu_away
12:03.25*** xtrasgu_away materializes into xtrasgu
12:10.29*** gonkulator has signed off IRC ("I like core dumps") [#picogui]
12:11.29*** ak|ra has signed off IRC (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)) [#bzflag]
12:12.16*** ak|ra_ materializes into ak|ra
12:17.38*** justme has signed off IRC (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) []
12:20.31*** candell has signed off IRC ("Lost terminal") [#zaurus]
12:21.32*** ljp_laptop has signed off IRC (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)) [#opie #zaurus #openembedded #openzaurus]
12:26.59*** raceme[miam] materializes into raceme
12:35.33*** xtrasgu materializes into xtrasgu_away
12:45.51*** xtrasgu_away materializes into xtrasgu
12:50.24*** LordControl materializes into Cont|Duscht
12:50.57*** rcaskey has signed off IRC (Remote closed the connection) [#tomcat]
12:54.21*** file has signed off IRC (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)) [#picogui #elinux]
12:56.20*** raster has signed off IRC (Remote closed the connection) [#zaurus #openzaurus]
12:57.36*** larsl materializes into larsl_catalan
12:59.33*** tomimo has signed off IRC ("Client exiting") [#opie #zaurus #openzaurus]
13:06.10*** xtrasgu materializes into xtrasgu_away
13:07.21*** thekernel has signed off IRC (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) [#elinux]
13:12.58*** jenson has signed off IRC ("leaving") [#gllug]
13:15.25*** brainless has signed off IRC (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) []
13:15.40*** JD has signed off IRC (Remote closed the connection) [#gllug]
13:17.22*** TheCataphract has signed off IRC () [#bzflag]
13:17.41*** mspencer has signed off IRC (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) [#zaurus]
13:20.58*** Chestal has signed off IRC ("Client exiting") [#bzflag]
13:23.58*** mithro has signed off IRC (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) [#zaurus #openembedded #openzaurus]
13:24.24*** KR has signed off IRC ("using sirc version 2.211+KSIRC/1.1") [#bzflag]
13:25.12*** gone_dwmw2 has signed off IRC (Remote closed the connection) [#opie]
13:26.19*** new2unix has signed off IRC ("in search of some eggs") [#gllug]
13:27.46*** sash has signed off IRC ("Me too") [#gllug]
13:34.33*** Oktal has signed off IRC ("We must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence by the military industrial complex. The potential for the disa) [#picogui]
13:37.00*** dc_ has signed off IRC (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) [#opie #gpe]
13:38.29*** Cont|Duscht materializes into LordControl
13:39.07*** LordControl has signed off IRC ("Client exiting") [#tomcat]
13:49.41*** yann_ has signed off IRC (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) []
13:55.34*** zecke has signed off IRC (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)) [#opie #openembedded]
13:58.16*** Hamster_afk materializes into Secret_Hamster
13:58.22*** bzgirl has signed off IRC ("root is a woman") [#bzflag]
14:02.04*** xtrasgu_away has signed off IRC ("Cuidase mucho, que está la cosa muy mala...") []
14:02.12*** Bovine has signed off IRC () [#zaurus #openzaurus]
14:06.37*** Ormod has signed off IRC ("KVIrc 3.0.0-beta3 "CVS"") [#familiar]
14:06.38*** chairwarmer has signed off IRC (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) [#openzaurus]
14:06.58*** ljp_laptop_ has signed off IRC (Remote closed the connection) [#opie #zaurus #openembedded #openzaurus]
14:12.41*** Leeds has signed off IRC ("Client exiting") [#gllug]
14:16.59*** Secret_Hamster materializes into Hamster_afk
14:22.29*** LordControl has signed off IRC (Remote closed the connection) [#tomcat]
14:24.36*** r4Nt has signed off IRC ("KVIrc 3.0.0-beta3 "CVS"") [#familiar]
14:40.31*** hunteripk has signed off IRC (Remote closed the connection) []
14:45.23*** prae materializes into prae|aw
14:47.08*** Nite_Hawk has signed off IRC ("ircII EPIC4-1.1.7 -- Are we there yet?") [#zaurus #openzaurus]
14:49.52*** CdtDelta has signed off IRC (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) [#zaurus]
14:52.58*** CdtDelta has signed off IRC (Remote closed the connection) [#zaurus]
14:55.41*** crc has signed off IRC ("I was using TinyIRC! Visit for more information.") [#zaurus]
14:58.09*** drakx has signed off IRC ("Client exiting") [#zaurus #openembedded #openzaurus]
15:05.42*** Nermal has signed off IRC ("") []
15:06.39*** mickeyl materializes into mickeyl|bbl2300
15:13.24*** zap-zero has signed off IRC ("Changing fscking DSL Modem.") [#zaurus #openzaurus]
15:14.08*** Slymie has signed off IRC (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)) []
15:15.05*** zorn has signed off IRC (Client Quit) [#gllug]
15:15.42*** fusion94- has signed off IRC ("Client Exiting") [#zaurus]
15:16.31*** find_me has signed off IRC ("Client Exiting") [#tomcat #zaurus]
15:23.38*** SirPsycho-home has signed off IRC (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)) [#zaurus]
15:25.26*** LordVan has signed off IRC (Client Quit) [#openembedded]
15:25.27*** chouimat|Zzzzz materializes into chouimat
15:26.08*** dc__ has signed off IRC (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)) [#opie #gpe]
15:27.27*** ak|ra has signed off IRC ("bye fo short") [#bzflag]
15:27.42*** n0ir has signed off IRC ("Client exiting") [#tomcat]
15:31.36*** hunteripk has signed off IRC (Remote closed the connection) [#zaurus]
15:31.54*** xtrasgu materializes into xtrasgu_away
15:32.29*** spung has signed off IRC (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)) [#gpe]
15:34.00*** pizzathief materializes into pizzasnore
15:34.34*** file has signed off IRC (Remote closed the connection) [#picogui #elinux]
15:35.45*** Hamster_afk materializes into Secret_Hamster
15:40.33*** Transputer|AFK has signed off IRC ("GermanFunScript V2.04") [#opie]
15:43.13*** thekernel has signed off IRC (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) [#elinux]
15:43.15*** new2unix has signed off IRC (Client Quit) [#gllug]
15:44.41*** hunterkll has signed off IRC (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) [#opie #zaurus #openembedded #openzaurus]
15:46.33*** LordVan materializes into LV|off
15:46.48*** mark has signed off IRC (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) [#zaurus #openembedded #openzaurus]
15:51.35*** wyvern has signed off IRC (Operation timed out) [#zaurus]
15:52.53*** LordControl has signed off IRC (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) [#tomcat]
16:01.03*** everslick has signed off IRC (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) []
16:01.41*** andersee has signed off IRC (Remote closed the connection) [#uclibc #tuxscreen #elinux #openembedded]
16:03.37*** xtrasgu_away has signed off IRC ("Cuidase mucho, que está la cosa muy mala...") []
16:07.52*** bitblt has signed off IRC ("Client exiting") [#bzflag]
16:15.41*** gonkulator has signed off IRC ("homeward bound!") [#picogui]
16:16.25*** prot-work has signed off IRC (Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer)) [#picogui #bzflag]
16:18.12*** brianOZ has signed off IRC (Remote closed the connection) [#openembedded #openzaurus]
16:19.44*** Demo has signed off IRC (Client Quit) []
16:19.53*** drw has signed off IRC (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) [#opie #openembedded]
16:20.11*** walid has signed off IRC ("Client Exiting") [#zaurus #openzaurus]
16:21.19*** florian has signed off IRC (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)) [#gpe]
16:21.21*** thekernel has signed off IRC (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)) [#elinux]
16:26.17*** fdask has signed off IRC (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) [#zaurus]
16:27.46*** ChipX86|Sleep materializes into ChipX86
16:28.15*** Talez has signed off IRC (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) [#picogui]
16:29.52*** florian__ has signed off IRC (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)) [#gpe]
16:31.03*** Lord^NaTas has signed off IRC (Client Quit) [#opie #zaurus]
16:31.43*** LordControl has signed off IRC (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) [#tomcat]
16:36.31*** jumpkick_ has signed off IRC ("ChatZilla 0.8.26 [Mozilla rv:1.4b/20030515]") [#zaurus]
16:38.12*** qfh has signed off IRC (Connection timed out) [#opie #zaurus]
16:40.44*** brainless has signed off IRC (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) []
16:44.25*** Demo has signed off IRC (Remote closed the connection) []
16:47.01*** pat5star has signed off IRC (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) [#tomcat]
16:47.34*** Disconnect has signed off IRC (Remote closed the connection) [#opie #ipaq #familiar #intimate #kiss]
16:51.56*** decaff has signed off IRC (Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer)) [#zaurus #openembedded]
16:54.16*** partenon has signed off IRC () [#tomcat]
16:56.45*** GPSFan has signed off IRC (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) [#elinux]
16:56.58*** xtrasgu materializes into xtrasgu_away
17:00.43*** Clyphox materializes into Clyphox|a
17:05.58*** Big_Barrel has signed off IRC () [#bzflag]
17:06.02*** Oktal has signed off IRC ("We must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence by the military industrial complex. The potential for the disa) [#picogui]
17:06.17*** zecke_ materializes into zecke|food
17:10.21*** LordControl has signed off IRC (Connection timed out) [#tomcat]
17:14.05*** florian__ has signed off IRC (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)) [#gpe]
17:22.27*** larsl_catalan materializes into larsl
17:22.52*** ChipX86 materializes into ChipX86|Coding
17:26.49*** frankps has signed off IRC (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)) [#zaurus]
17:32.07*** badalex has signed off IRC (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) [#zaurus]
17:32.11*** drw- materializes into drw|bbl
17:32.53*** jnork has signed off IRC (Remote closed the connection) [#elinux]
17:34.07*** yeiazel materializes into yeiaway
17:35.41*** Markiedam has signed off IRC ("Reboot.. for 2.5.69 with PXA usbnet support") [#opie]
17:41.16*** dc___ has signed off IRC (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) [#opie #gpe]
17:44.10*** ^rcaskey has signed off IRC (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) [#tomcat]
17:44.17*** LordControl has signed off IRC (Remote closed the connection) [#tomcat]
17:44.17*** Clyphox|a materializes into Clyphox
17:48.52*** LV|off materializes into LordVan
17:49.00*** candell has signed off IRC ("Lost terminal") [#zaurus]
17:50.14*** ade|desk has signed off IRC ("Client exiting") [#gpe #elinux]
17:54.29*** zecke|food materializes into zecke
17:54.33*** Disconnect has signed off IRC (Remote closed the connection) [#opie #ipaq #familiar #intimate #kiss]
17:57.09*** chouimat materializes into chouimat|food
17:59.11*** JD has signed off IRC (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) [#gllug]
18:01.19*** Demo has signed off IRC ("Client Exiting") []
18:01.50*** banshee has signed off IRC (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) [#familiar]
18:02.06*** demo_axim has signed off IRC (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) []
18:02.20*** uschi_afk has signed off IRC () [#opie]
18:11.41*** quaqo has signed off IRC (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) [#opie]
18:13.49*** CosmicPenguin has signed off IRC ("Client Exiting") [#elinux]
18:16.26*** chouimat|food materializes into chouimat
18:18.37*** Guest has signed off IRC (Remote closed the connection) [#zaurus]
18:18.38*** banshee_ materializes into banshee
18:22.32*** ak|ra has signed off IRC ("bye all .. party time") [#bzflag]
18:23.45*** LordControl has signed off IRC (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) [#tomcat]
18:26.42*** Spline has signed off IRC () [#tomcat]
18:27.37*** SuperID has signed off IRC ("Pear Pimples for Hairy Fishnuts") []
18:46.33*** Patlabor221 has signed off IRC (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) [#bzflag]
18:46.41*** Hellaenergy has signed off IRC ("Poof!") [#tomcat]
18:47.07*** florian__ has signed off IRC (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)) [#gpe]
18:50.23*** BBrox materializes into BBrox_TV
18:52.03*** meatball_ materializes into meatball
18:52.14*** thekernel has signed off IRC (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) [#elinux]
18:53.37*** Patlabor221 has signed off IRC (Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer)) [#bzflag]
19:01.41*** erc has signed off IRC (Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer)) []
19:05.23*** LordControl has signed off IRC (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) [#tomcat]
19:05.41*** TheMasterMind1 has signed off IRC (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) [#opie #gct #uclibc #gpe #zaurus #elinux #openembedded #openzaurus]
19:06.24*** sonix` has signed off IRC (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) [#opie #openembedded]
19:06.28*** Patalbor2211 has signed off IRC ("Client Exiting") [#bzflag]
19:09.47*** sonix__ materializes into sonix`
19:13.15*** k2k has signed off IRC () []
19:17.33*** Disconnect has signed off IRC (Remote closed the connection) [#opie #ipaq #familiar #intimate #kiss]
19:22.16*** bzgirl has signed off IRC ("root is a woman") [#bzflag]
19:28.25*** paul has signed off IRC (Remote closed the connection) [#familiar #gpe #bzflag]
19:29.36*** prods has signed off IRC () [#openembedded]
19:30.45*** jnork has signed off IRC (Killed (NickServ (Ghost: jnork_! [#elinux]
19:30.48*** jnork_ materializes into jnork
19:31.08*** michaelh has signed off IRC ("Client exiting") [#bzflag]
19:33.32*** nerdboy has signed off IRC (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) [#zaurus]
19:38.33*** BBrox_TV materializes into BBrox
19:39.48*** nerdboy has signed off IRC (Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer)) [#zaurus]
19:41.49*** dc__ has signed off IRC (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) [#opie #gpe]
19:44.12*** hunterkll has signed off IRC (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)) []
19:44.34*** hutnerdie materializes into hunterkll
19:54.32*** jbwiv has signed off IRC ("Client Exiting") [#zaurus]
20:01.31*** Twiun materializes into Twiun[afk]
20:02.07*** Lord^NaTas has signed off IRC (Remote closed the connection) [#opie #zaurus]
20:02.41*** heaps has signed off IRC () [#tomcat]
20:03.03*** treke|home has signed off IRC ("Lost terminal") [#opie #gpe #zaurus #openembedded]
20:04.39*** djr|z has signed off IRC (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) [#zaurus #openembedded #openzaurus]
20:04.54*** file has signed off IRC (Killed (NickServ (Ghost: jcolp_! [#picogui #elinux]
20:05.07*** LordControl has signed off IRC (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) [#tomcat]
20:07.04*** Patlabor221 has signed off IRC ("Blood calls out for blood.") [#bzflag]
20:08.22*** zar_- has signed off IRC (Remote closed the connection) [#openzaurus]
20:08.47*** jmak has signed off IRC (Killed (NickServ (Ghost: jmak_! []
20:09.35*** xtrasgu_away has signed off IRC ("Cuidase mucho, que está la cosa muy mala...") []
20:09.37*** hunterkll has signed off IRC () []
20:10.08*** nishi has signed off IRC () [#zaurus #openzaurus]
20:10.54*** Secret_Hamster materializes into Hamster_afk
20:11.39*** Disconnect has signed off IRC (Remote closed the connection) [#opie #ipaq #familiar #intimate #kiss]
20:13.01*** davipt has signed off IRC ("Reconnecting") [#opie]
20:16.14*** walters has signed off IRC (Remote closed the connection) [#gpe #openzaurus]
20:17.08*** ftc has signed off IRC (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) [#gllug]
20:23.50*** file[outside] has signed off IRC (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) [#picogui #elinux]
20:25.30*** prods has signed off IRC () [#zaurus]
20:27.52*** ade|desk has signed off IRC (Remote closed the connection) [#gpe #elinux]
20:38.43*** xtrasgu has signed off IRC (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) []
20:39.12*** Shai has signed off IRC (Remote closed the connection) []
20:40.37*** banshee has signed off IRC (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)) [#familiar]
20:41.20*** thekernel has signed off IRC (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) [#elinux]
20:41.33*** Novas007 has signed off IRC (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) [#zaurus]
20:44.39*** heaps has signed off IRC (Remote closed the connection) [#tomcat]
20:48.21*** Hallski|away materializes into Hallski
20:50.23*** sonix` has signed off IRC (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) [#opie #openembedded]
20:54.29*** legodude_ materializes into legodude
20:56.52*** [TeA|TrEE] has signed off IRC (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) [#bzflag]
20:59.07*** zecke materializes into zecke|zZZZzzZZzz
20:59.25*** vadim has signed off IRC ("÷ÙÛÅÌ ÉÚ XChat") [#zaurus]
21:00.13*** A4266|Gone materializes into A4266
21:01.34*** Markiedam has signed off IRC ("Client exiting") []
21:01.50*** dumbo materializes into brainless
21:06.13*** Emphyrio has signed off IRC ("ircII EPIC4-1.1.11 -- Are we there yet?") []
21:06.54*** davipt has signed off IRC (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) [#opie]
21:16.46*** sonix` has signed off IRC ("Client Exiting") [#opie #openembedded]
21:20.30*** zak has signed off IRC ("Client exiting") [#picogui]
21:22.32*** nofpu has signed off IRC (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)) [#zaurus #openembedded #openzaurus]
21:23.09*** ade|desk has signed off IRC (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) [#gpe #elinux]
21:23.24*** reduser3 materializes into sh1nta
21:28.46*** Hamster_afk materializes into Secret_Hamster
21:30.15*** mETz has signed off IRC ("Zzzz") [#zaurus]
21:31.05*** pizzasnore has signed off IRC (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)) [#openzaurus]
21:36.44*** meatball has signed off IRC (Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer)) [#tomcat]
21:36.59*** michaelh2 has signed off IRC ("Leaving") [#bzflag]
21:37.12*** dc___ has signed off IRC (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)) [#opie #gpe]
21:40.32*** brainless has signed off IRC (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)) []
21:45.26*** Hallski materializes into HallskiZz
21:48.55*** Ormod has signed off IRC ("KVIrc 3.0.0-beta3 "CVS"") [#opie #familiar]
21:51.00*** heaps has signed off IRC (Remote closed the connection) [#tomcat]
21:51.18*** dumbo has signed off IRC () [#openembedded]
21:57.29*** BBrox materializes into BBrox_ZZzzZZzz
21:58.17*** Secret_Hamster materializes into Hamster_afk
21:58.41*** frankps has signed off IRC (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) [#zaurus]
21:59.40*** kendrick materializes into kend-party
22:00.09*** schurig has signed off IRC ("using sirc version 2.211+KSIRC/1.3.6") [#openembedded]
22:02.19*** kurre has signed off IRC (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) [#opie #zaurus #openembedded #openzaurus]
22:05.30*** LordVan materializes into LV|off
22:05.53*** aveng0 has signed off IRC ("leaving") [#zaurus]
22:10.43*** Kero has signed off IRC (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) [#familiar]
22:14.06*** doughecka has signed off IRC (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) [#zaurus #bzflag]
22:15.12*** new2unix|away materializes into new2unix
22:15.48*** sh1nta has signed off IRC () []
22:19.44*** tigerpig has signed off IRC (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) [#zaurus #openembedded #openzaurus]
22:21.02*** drw|bbl has signed off IRC (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) [#opie #openembedded]
22:27.48*** PaxAnima has signed off IRC ("sove") [#gpe]
22:29.16*** vx`schlumpf has signed off IRC (Connection reset by peer) [#tomcat]
22:31.31*** Twiun[afk] materializes into Twiun
22:32.16*** jmak has signed off IRC ("Client exiting") []
22:33.28*** marcell has signed off IRC (Remote closed the connection) []
22:42.33*** xtrasgu has signed off IRC ("Cuidase mucho, que está la cosa muy mala...") []
22:42.35*** HET2 has signed off IRC (Remote closed the connection) [#opie #gpe]
22:42.53*** dc__ has signed off IRC ("I like core dumps") [#opie #gpe]
22:42.54*** ChipX86|Coding materializes into ChipX86|Gone
22:44.32*** florian__ has signed off IRC (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) [#gpe]
22:48.34*** prae|aw has signed off IRC ("Fermeture du client") [#picogui]
22:50.23*** GPSFan has signed off IRC (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) [#elinux]
22:52.03*** find_me has signed off IRC ("Client Exiting") [#tomcat]
22:55.57*** kolla has signed off IRC (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) [#opie #openzaurus]
22:57.41*** thekernel has signed off IRC (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)) [#elinux]
22:59.54*** Harlekin has signed off IRC ("zzzZZZZzz") [#opie]
23:00.40*** rospahr has signed off IRC ("Client exiting") []
23:01.11*** carsten has signed off IRC (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) [#opie #openembedded]
23:02.14*** ChipX86|Gone materializes into ChipX86|Coding
23:04.29*** davipt has signed off IRC (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)) [#opie]
23:06.29*** subdue has signed off IRC (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) [#zaurus]
23:09.57*** synic has signed off IRC (Remote closed the connection) [#utah]
23:12.34*** Dragonz has signed off IRC (Client Quit) [#bzflag]
23:13.49*** Cloudane has signed off IRC (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) [#familiar]
23:14.47*** ryan_ has signed off IRC ("BitchX-1.0c19 -- just do it.") [#openzaurus]
23:15.51*** LordControl has signed off IRC (Remote closed the connection) [#tomcat]
23:23.25*** fxm has signed off IRC (Client Quit) [#zaurus]
23:30.34*** larsl has signed off IRC ("Client exiting: XChat 2.0 on GNU/Linux") [#bzflag]
23:33.53*** ||ugh has signed off IRC (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) [#openembedded]
23:35.44*** xilef has signed off IRC (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)) [#zaurus]
23:36.10*** hobbs has signed off IRC (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) [#zaurus #openzaurus]
23:37.16*** candell has signed off IRC ("leaving") [#zaurus]
23:40.53*** larsl has signed off IRC ("Client exiting: XChat 2.0 on GNU/Linux") [#bzflag]
23:45.04*** thekernel has signed off IRC (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) [#elinux]
23:45.34*** legodude has signed off IRC (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) [#elinux]
23:47.01*** wParam has signed off IRC (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) [#zaurus #openembedded #openzaurus]
23:48.03*** davipt has signed off IRC (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) [#opie]
23:48.31*** Nermal has signed off IRC ("") []
23:48.45*** dinimes has signed off IRC () [#tomcat]
23:50.38*** vx`schlumpf has signed off IRC (Remote closed the connection) [#tomcat]
23:51.35*** rospahr has signed off IRC ("Client exiting") []
23:52.01*** kurre has signed off IRC (NETSPLIT: <=> [#opie #zaurus #openembedded #openzaurus]
23:52.01*** Speedy2 has signed off IRC (NETSPLIT: <=> [#openembedded]
23:52.01*** nerdboy has signed off IRC (NETSPLIT: <=> [#zaurus]
23:52.01*** momo1 has signed off IRC (NETSPLIT: <=> [#tomcat]
23:52.01*** mspencer has signed off IRC (NETSPLIT: <=> [#zaurus]
23:52.01*** Hymie has signed off IRC (NETSPLIT: <=> []
23:52.01*** SP-home has signed off IRC (NETSPLIT: <=> [#zaurus]
23:52.01*** yann_ has signed off IRC (NETSPLIT: <=> []
23:52.01*** TomW has signed off IRC (NETSPLIT: <=> [#elinux]
23:52.01*** paperclip has signed off IRC (NETSPLIT: <=> []
23:52.01*** sig has signed off IRC (NETSPLIT: <=> [#zaurus]
23:52.01*** jimlay has signed off IRC (NETSPLIT: <=> [#picogui]
23:52.01*** nemo has signed off IRC (NETSPLIT: <=> [#picogui]
23:52.02*** djr|w has signed off IRC (NETSPLIT: <=> [#zaurus #openembedded #openzaurus]
23:52.02*** jshare has signed off IRC (NETSPLIT: <=> [#zaurus]
23:52.02*** nichos has signed off IRC (NETSPLIT: <=> [#zaurus]
23:52.02*** WiZDOM has signed off IRC (NETSPLIT: <=> [#intimate]
23:52.02*** bjp has signed off IRC (NETSPLIT: <=> [#familiar]
23:52.02*** Raboo has signed off IRC (NETSPLIT: <=> [#tomcat]
23:52.02*** yebyen has signed off IRC (NETSPLIT: <=> [#zaurus #openzaurus]
23:52.02*** alobodig has signed off IRC (NETSPLIT: <=> [#openzaurus]
23:52.02*** inconspicuous has signed off IRC (NETSPLIT: <=> [#tomcat]
23:52.02*** murb has signed off IRC (NETSPLIT: <=> [#gllug]
23:52.02*** stibnite has signed off IRC (NETSPLIT: <=> [#bzflag]
23:52.02*** MornWork has signed off IRC (NETSPLIT: <=> [#elinux]
23:52.02*** mace has signed off IRC (NETSPLIT: <=> [#familiar]
23:52.03*** Nermal_Work has signed off IRC (NETSPLIT: <=> []
23:52.04*** trippy has signed off IRC (NETSPLIT: <=> [#picogui]
23:52.04*** ianni has signed off IRC (NETSPLIT: <=> [#tomcat]
23:52.04*** mstr has signed off IRC (NETSPLIT: <=> [#gpe]
23:52.04*** __moray has signed off IRC (NETSPLIT: <=> [#gpe]
23:52.04*** terbo has signed off IRC (NETSPLIT: <=> []
23:52.04*** yann has signed off IRC (NETSPLIT: <=> [#opie #ipaq #familiar]
23:52.04*** Noodleman has signed off IRC (NETSPLIT: <=> [#bzflag]
23:52.04*** Evanrude has signed off IRC (NETSPLIT: <=> [#tuxscreen]
23:52.04*** kergoth`bbl has signed off IRC (NETSPLIT: <=> [#opie #uclibc #picogui #tuxscreen #zaurus #elinux #openembedded #openzaurus]
23:52.04*** Bradipo has signed off IRC (NETSPLIT: <=> [#utah]
23:52.04*** oberon has signed off IRC (NETSPLIT: <=> [#opie #zaurus #openzaurus]
23:52.04*** Sugar has signed off IRC (NETSPLIT: <=> [#opie #zaurus #openembedded]
23:52.04*** tang^ has signed off IRC (NETSPLIT: <=> [#tomcat]
23:52.04*** agk has signed off IRC (NETSPLIT: <=> [#gllug]
23:53.08*** Leeds has signed off IRC (NETSPLIT: <=> [#gllug]
23:53.08*** marvi has signed off IRC (NETSPLIT: <=> [#zaurus #openzaurus]
23:53.08*** nikki has signed off IRC (NETSPLIT: <=> [#openembedded #openzaurus]
23:53.08*** irvined_ has signed off IRC (NETSPLIT: <=> [#gllug]
23:58.47*** dwmw2 materializes into gone_dwmw2

Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.