IRC log for #wowuidev on 20140707

00:33.09*** join/#wowuidev Trela (
00:38.47RessyAnyone else getting Error #112
00:43.00FiskerOnly weather too hot and can't sleep errors
00:43.15FiskerWhat about foxlit
00:50.04Thunder_ChildFisker: I know that one
00:50.37Thunder_Childexcept the last two nights.  I slept 10 and 11 hours respectively.  Not sure why.
00:51.10FiskerThe heat sucks
00:52.10Thunder_ChildDo you have A/C?
00:53.17FiskerNot 'muricans
01:01.35ShirikThunder_Child: karl_w_w: looked at Dawngate at all?
01:04.46Thunder_ChildShirik: I am going to go with no, because I have no idea what you are talking about.
01:04.52FiskerHi Shirik
01:05.59ShirikThunder_Child: moba by ea
01:06.00Shirikit's interesting
01:09.58Thunder_ChildI'm not seeing anything particularly different
01:26.30*** join/#wowuidev Kodiack (
02:00.42Shirikit's not majorly different Thunder_Child
02:00.47Shirikit doesn't have anything particularly novel
02:17.26*** join/#wowuidev purl (
02:17.26*** topic/#wowuidev is || 5.4.x ToC: 50400 || #WoWUIDev-commits: CIA & JIRA bots reporting || Battletags: || This channel is logged, via purl || my biggest concern was its width, but I think I can get used to that - Shirik
07:41.17*** join/#wowuidev purl (
07:41.17*** topic/#wowuidev is || 5.4.x ToC: 50400 || #WoWUIDev-commits: CIA & JIRA bots reporting || Battletags: || This channel is logged, via purl || my biggest concern was its width, but I think I can get used to that - Shirik
07:42.41karl_w_wthere is no moba with denies kalroth
07:45.53karl_w_wI used to think that people just didn't want to call dota a moba because its a stupid name and dota got on just fine without being called a moba until lol came along
07:46.21karl_w_wbut the more I think about it the more I have decided that they are just different genres
07:50.20Kalrothi only use moba to troll dota players, also it's the best fitting genre description
07:55.00Kalrothmoba is the definition of a game genre where you team up with 2-4 others in order to battle 3-5 others, but spend the entire game yelling "STOP FEED", "WRONG LANE", "F*CK IT, AFK" while your team mates write using strange cyrillic letters and your opponents trashtalk you like it's a Call of Duty match
07:56.14Alrami love you Kalroth
07:58.48Shirikkarl_w_w: it kinda is, but there's a few interesting things about it
07:59.03ShirikI'm mostly watching it because they claim there won't be a "meta"
07:59.12Shirikit will be interesting to see if they actually pull it off
07:59.49karl_w_wthat's just ridiculous
07:59.54karl_w_wthere will always be a meta
08:00.13karl_w_wunless the heroes all do the same thing
08:01.03*** part/#wowuidev Alram (
08:01.05Kalroththe life cycle of nerfs, updates and clever play
08:01.49*** join/#wowuidev stolenlegacy (~stolenleg@unaffiliated/stolenlegacy)
08:03.31*** join/#wowuidev Alram (
08:04.39Simca__<karl_w_w> but the more I think about it the more I have decided that they are just different genres
08:05.36Simca__RTS, point and click adventures, and FPSes are different genres. a moba with denies, without LoS blocking bushes, and without a spellpower stat is hardly its own genre
08:05.40*** join/#wowuidev Neffi_ (
08:07.06Simca__genre-defining though
08:12.14*** join/#wowuidev pb_ee1 (
08:14.00*** join/#wowuidev Workfoz (uid23742@gateway/web/
08:14.03*** join/#wowuidev Workfoz (uid23742@WoWUIDev/WowAce/Gnarfoz)
08:16.51zenzelezzwell this is interesting... Youtube is working on one of my computers, on the second it gives a 500 error
08:17.04karl_w_wSimca__, dota is an action rts
08:17.12karl_w_wI don't see the rts element in lol
08:17.28karl_w_wcookies zenzelezz?
08:17.42karl_w_wimpersonates cookie monster
08:17.56Kalrothor just different Youtube servers
08:17.56Simca__I think i listed all 3 differences between LoL and DotA
08:18.09zenzelezzKalroth: most likely
08:18.49Shirikkarl_w_w: I think what they mean to say is that there are so many different things that work equally well (or at least in a rock-paper-scissors manner) that it won't be the same 1 top, 1 mid, 2 bot, 1 jungle every single game for eternity
08:18.50KalrothLoL also got the casual maps, ARAM or something
08:18.54*** join/#wowuidev brykrys (~chatzilla@WoWUIDev/Norganna/Dev/Brykrys)
08:19.22ShirikKalroth: I actually connect to multiple youtube servers from my house
08:19.37Simca__yeah ARAM was the most popular dota game mode on way back in the day
08:19.39Shirikyou can tell when you ping it
08:19.43Shirikbecause it takes different hops
08:19.59Shirikeven though they're the same IP
08:20.23ShirikARAM is stupid
08:20.28Shirikit teaches people how to be terrible at the game
08:20.35karl_w_wwell I played dota back in the day and I've never heard of aram
08:20.40Kalrothyup, my ISP is a little weird about it, sometimes I get their local proxy server, sometimes I get the main US servers
08:20.51KalrothShirik: yeah, it's super casual
08:20.55ShirikI live about 20 minutes from a google datacenter
08:21.06ShirikI could actually live right next to it, but fuck that city
08:21.11Shirikit is a terrible place to live
08:21.18Shirikit's like las vegas without any of the fun stuff
08:21.39Kalrothso no gambling, no hookers, no elvis weddings and no mob?
08:21.50Shiriknope, just desert, heat, and tons of people with no money
08:22.10karl_w_wSimca__, turn speed, general strength of abilities, flash
08:22.20*** join/#wowuidev Diesal (
08:22.22Shirikit's really crazy I live so close and we have a very green area
08:22.29Shirikforested, lush, etc.
08:22.57ShirikI live right behind a mountain that kinda blocks the weather, so you get Portland where it's always raining, Hood River (where I am) where it's actually nice, and then The Dalles where everything is brown
08:23.01Shirikall within an hour of each other
08:23.15Kalrothso you're basically hogging all the water
08:23.24Shiriksure :P
08:23.32ShirikPortland's really hogging it
08:23.34Simca__just a random pic from google (only one on the first page): 4 of the entries are dota, 2 are AR (well, 3 if you count random draft - RD), 2 are EM (easy mode), and only one out of four is 'true' dota
08:23.37Shirikwe just get the leftovers
08:23.58Simca__tiny sample size, but you get the point
08:24.06Shirikoh god, I remember those
08:24.08Shirikin SC also
08:24.13Shirikthe names of the public games
08:24.14Shirikso terrible
08:24.20Shirikeveryone had to put in like 500 symbols to get noticed
08:24.26Simca__or pure caps
08:24.28Shirikwow I totally forgot about this
08:24.33Shirikthank god matchmaking exists now
08:24.46Shirikwell it did then too
08:24.53Shirikbut like custom-like matchmaking (ARAM matchmaking, etc.)
08:25.23karl_w_wbut there's no aram there
08:25.26ShirikI guess it probably still exists in SC2 huh
08:25.28Simca__yeah, it was dumb back then because the host could say whatever and then choose a totally different set of settings
08:25.34karl_w_wand rd is almost exactly like ap
08:25.47karl_w_wnot sure why you would count rd with ar
08:25.53ShirikI just remember playing SC1 and people would get kicked for having dialup
08:26.00Shirikbut I had all the maps downloaded already so nobody could tell
08:26.12Shirikand it turns out that SC1 worked fine on dialup
08:26.14Simca__RD is AP with a tiny hero pool
08:26.26karl_w_wnot tiny, it's about half
08:26.27Shirikall the games would be marked "Cable/DSL only!!"
08:26.31Simca__so yeah, less random than AR but it's definitely not AP either
08:27.14Simca__nah way less than half
08:27.27Simca__20 heroes out of well over 100
08:28.29Simca__to be exact, 16*7, so 112
08:29.51WorkfozShirik: poor people with fiber!
08:30.18ShirikI don't think fiber was even a thing then
08:30.21Simca__yeah B.Net matchmaking isn't perfect in SC2 but having -that one guy- with dialup was killer
08:30.32Shirikdialup was fine
08:30.37Shirikpeople just claimed dialup was bad
08:30.45Simca__and everyone is just going in and out of the pause screen spamming DDDDD
08:30.47ShirikI used it with no problem
08:30.59Shirikshitty dialup was bad, sure, but this is the same with comcast today
08:31.14Simca__yeah it was the packet loss that killed games
08:31.17Shirikare you going to start games saying "NO COMCAST USERS"?
08:31.48Simca__lose a few too many packets at a time, everyone gets a pause screen
08:32.36karl_w_win dota in australia we had seperate games for one isp
08:32.42karl_w_wbecause peering was so bad
08:33.24Simca__i think part of it is just how complex dota got
08:34.02Shirikwhat if an RTS disconnected in the same manner as LoL
08:34.04Simca__I was playing it back in 2012 on WC3 with some friends on the west coast (I live on the east coast) - all of us have decent connections, but it was just unplayable
08:34.09ShirikI wonder what people would think about it
08:34.15Shirikor maybe you could turn on that option as a game mode
08:34.55Shirikinstead of game time being synchronized, it would be monotonic and asynchronous
08:34.59karl_w_wunplayable why Simca__
08:35.05Shirikand if you disconnect for a little bit, sucks to be you
08:35.20Simca__2-3 sec delays on actions for everyone
08:35.39ShirikShirik has set network for High Latency
08:36.49karl_w_wthat's not exaggeration? cos wc3 has 300ms built in latency unless you modify it
08:36.59Shirikin SC2 you had 3 settings
08:37.10ShirikI don't know what the actual values were though
08:37.20Shirikbut I do know people would fight over it every game
08:37.23Simca__yeah if it's an exaggeration it's not by much, definitely 2 sec
08:37.24Shirikand, being 12, I had no idea what it was
08:37.29Shirikso I participated in the fighting
08:37.38Simca__oh yeah, I remember that now Shirik
08:37.53Simca__I wonder how much those settings actually even mattered
08:38.06ShirikI definitely remember being able to sense an increased delay
08:38.33ShirikI believe all it did was adjust the amount of delay between the server's clock and the player-presented clock
08:38.53Shirikincreasing the delay would allow for higher latency players to remain connected, but at the cost of having a larger visible delay
08:40.02Shirikdistributed synchronization is a very fun problem
08:40.25ShirikI get to cheat in the devices I work on because they all have GPS devices, but most desktops are not connected to a GPS device :P
08:40.45Shirikgranted, given you can get a GPS chip for a couple bucks these days, why don't they?
08:41.17karl_w_wi take it for granted in dota 2, you never notice delay unless you're properly lagging because your connection is being taxed
08:41.42ShirikI played LoL on the east coast once
08:41.45Shirikit was miserable
08:41.56Simca__yeah, it's easy to play a modern RTS/moba/etc and not think about it
08:41.56Shirikthe game is so radically different with 120ms ping
08:42.05*** join/#wowuidev bluspacecow (
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08:42.14ShirikI don't know how anyone over there plays
08:42.16Simca__but dear god 10-20 years ago, the worst
08:42.39karl_w_wi play with 300ms ping and it's fine
08:42.44Shirikboom headshot... oh no wait actually he's a mile away
08:42.48Simca__oh counterstrike lag was the best
08:42.55Shirikhi bluspacecow
08:43.10Simca__where you shoot the guy straight in the head, then time freezes, then he's 20 miles away and you're dead
08:43.56ShirikI once worked on an FPS synchronization system in an attempt to solve that problem
08:44.11Shirikit had a neat little graph that kinda looks like what you draw for time dialation
08:44.20Shirikin the end my head hurt too much and I gave up
08:44.39Simca__sounds like what I would have done
08:45.09Simca__session synchorization is always fun, seems like every single new game will have at least a couple of synchorization bugs after release, usually major
08:45.11Shirikthe real problem, though, is where do you draw the line between trusting the client and preventing hacking and abuse
08:45.30Simca__especially when it is only 2-3 players
08:47.09Simca__if it's a 1v1 and he has a gamestate and I have a gamestate but our gamestates are different, which is trustworthy? if I wait 100ms, will the gamestates sync? what is the level of difference between the gamestates and what is the maximum tolerance for differences?
08:47.13Simca__etc etc
08:48.15Kalrothyeah, that's something starcraft suffered massively from, since it's not a real state engine, but a collection of client input messages
08:48.44ShirikI generally feel like those kinds of things need to act like a slow blow fuse in EE
08:49.01Shirikthere's a limit, and it's OK to exceed it, but you can't exceed it forever
08:49.11Shirikand then there's an upper bound that is never OK
08:49.34Shirikbecause what happens when you just have that upper bound is someone finds out what that limit is and just maxes it out
08:49.58Kalrothmake the bound dynamic
08:50.45Simca__i'm kind of surprised that blizzard made the system use as a center but then gave both clients full information
08:51.26Simca__seems like that kind of setup just begs to be used so that the client only gets information of what is inside its vision radius as calculated by the server
08:51.45Kalrothit puts a lot more load on the server
08:51.53Simca__(i.e. you can't map hack if your client never knows the information in question)
08:51.54zenzelezzdon't you just hate that moment when you've not entirely dressed after a shower, and a parcel carrier rings your doorbell, so you have to scramble madly for some clothes
08:52.15Kalrothzenzelezz: grab a towel and flirt with him
08:53.33zenzelezzalso... "powered by a 12V Maybach 690 hp engine"... I'm guessing they mean 12-valve, but I read it as "12 volt"
08:53.45bluspacecowskip the towel but still flirt with him
08:54.04zenzelezzunless perhaps 12 volts was uncommon in WW2 engines
08:54.19bluspacecowyou want to flirt with 12 volts ?
09:00.25zenzelezzyou find that shocking?
09:00.56*** join/#wowuidev brykrys (
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09:12.29Workfozzenzelezz: probably meant V12 :P
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09:24.16zenzelezzWorkfoz: that's what I meant to say, but my car/engine lingo is horrible
09:24.54Workfozwell, valves also exist, so it wasn't entirely impossible for that to be right
09:25.41Workfoz(a 690 hp engine having only 12 valves is... well, not likely, though ^^)
09:31.43zenzelezzyeah, it sounded pretty weird in hindsight
09:31.57zenzelezzI'm guessing I jumped on the first V-word that sounded enginey
09:53.12*** join/#wowuidev Jazn (
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12:18.51karl_w_wdo you believe in karma? I don't know, I've never said the word without kanic
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14:14.49karl_w_wobviously wont be shocking
14:14.56karl_w_wif it was shocking it would be on live leak
14:28.12DagmarYou know what would shock me?  A day without fucking linkbait.
14:36.35Alramill put that in my "101 things that shock Dagmar" linkbait article
14:39.52DagmarI'm not sure break/liveleak could even survive a day without linkbait
14:41.29Alram"World’s Oldest Dick Graffiti Found at Last"
14:41.36Alramactual title i just saw on
14:41.40Alramfirst and last time im visiting
14:42.33*** join/#wowuidev Mihau (~Mihau@
14:48.51DagmarIt's a race to the bottom to be sure, and lately it seems to be degrading the internet as a whole
14:49.33DagmarI'm about to unfollow Think Progress because apparently they've hired some mass media shill who is no longer focusing on relevant political issues but is now linking race bait articles, among other wastes of time
14:55.33*** join/#wowuidev Humbedooh (~humbedooh@apache/committer/humbedooh)
15:04.12*** join/#wowuidev Ackis (~Ackis@WoWUIDev/WoWAce/ARL/Troll/Ackis)
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15:46.52Ackispompy, Fisker, Arrowmaster (and I can't rmember who else): new mystery gift for pokemon x/y
15:47.03fewynanyone in here have a 3d printer?
15:47.09FiskerYou're a myster gift Ackis
15:53.56pompyAckis: interesting
15:57.32jleclanchewith a swedish locale, ctrl+f "v" in chrome brings me all the w as well
16:00.43FiskerThey didn't have w in swedish until 2006
16:00.57jleclanchethey have it now?
16:01.09FiskerBut it was basically just added because why the fuck not
16:01.12jleclanchewell this is why you dont use old resources to learn a language kids..
16:01.41FiskerThat disturbs me
16:10.58*** join/#wowuidev Iriel (
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16:14.09karl_w_wso i build a space plane and managed to put in orbit, and I still have no idea what I'm doing
16:15.16Semlar- nasa
16:17.42*** part/#wowuidev pompy (
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16:47.31jleclanche"But why is grit and viscera often our primary way of proving our "adulthood?" Shouldn't the pleasure of play be ageless, independent of a particular domain? Says Abbott: "Ironically, as that 14-year-old seems to want ever more 'adult' and grisly games, I find myself yearning for more 'adult' games that enable joyful imaginative play. Violence in games feels played-out. I’m hungry for experiences that tap into other human impulses. I’m not
16:47.31jleclancheoffended by violence -- Suda 51 intrigues me because he explores and exploits violence in ways other designers don’t -- I just don’t find killing simulators very interesting anymore.""
16:48.16jleclanche cool article
17:02.00karl_w_w that /.
17:07.52pompycool new site discovered lol
17:10.10Semlari don't know what to do with this information
17:10.33karl_w_wyou can use that to track fedex flights I believe
17:10.45karl_w_wtaking delivery tracking to new levels
17:11.17Semlarwill that help it get here any faster
17:11.58DagmarThat's what they get for taxi'ing around a black hole
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17:12.23Dagmar...unless anyone knows of some other reason an "expert" would call two minutes an "eternity".
17:13.37karl_w_wit gives the plane's history as well
17:13.55karl_w_wso you can see the previous flight path
17:14.10Shirikcan it find MH370?
17:16.32*** join/#wowuidev pb_ee1 (pb_ee1@nat/google/x-outiwvoyljhnnrkx)
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17:30.24*** topic/#wowuidev is || 5.4.x ToC: 50400 || #WoWUIDev-commits: CIA & JIRA bots reporting || Battletags: || This channel is logged, via purl || my biggest concern was its width, but I think I can get used to that - Shirik
17:37.30*** join/#wowuidev Simca (
18:05.34Alramthey put them in a public web folder
18:05.37Alramwith directory listing enabled
18:06.01Alramso the latin america office could make subtitles in time
18:09.46Maldiviathen they kind of deserved it...
18:10.48*** join/#wowuidev Simca (
18:12.13Alramits generating a lot of hype for those that read the scripts
18:12.15Alramso im excited
18:14.03Torhaldeports Alram to Latin America.
18:14.32Alramdoes something similar with Torhal
18:18.16Torhalpompy: Scroll up.
18:26.26karl_w_wI heard that the doctor explodes into a million tribbles and has to be stuck back together with peanut butter
18:27.30Mr_Rabiesi'm working my way through the harry potter films and totally forgot about tennant in one of them
18:28.23MaldiviaBarty :)
18:28.40karl_w_wforgot? it's not hard to remember when basically every british actor is in them at some point
18:29.00Mr_Rabiesthe uh
18:29.03Mr_Rabiesfourth one is like
18:29.10Mr_Rabiesa total who's who of british actors
18:29.24Mr_Rabieslike, everyone has a little cameo
18:30.07Maldiviawhere is hugh laurie then?
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18:30.45Maldiviaian mckellen? patrick stewart?
18:30.57Maldiviaetc etc :)
18:33.30Mr_Rabiesat least a ton of those that at the time hadn't quite broken the english-american barrier and became superstars
18:33.48Mr_Rabies(along with some who have)
18:52.23karl_w_wthe "fourth one"
18:52.38karl_w_wthat must be it's scientific name
18:55.10kd3ooh, they've got the bomber/pigbay sc2 match from yesterday up:
19:00.04karl_w_wi thought sc2 was ded gaem
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19:34.25zenzelezzwelp... Youtube 500-ing for me was apparently caused by a cookie called "SID". Curious what could have gone wrong with that; or invalidated it to such a degree that it would generate 500
19:35.30kd3SID=session id
19:35.41zenzelezzI know that much
19:35.54zenzelezzbut how the SID cookie would make Youtube 500 I cannot understand
19:36.53FiskerBecause the session was fubar?
19:37.42zenzelezzon both computers? I guess they could share the same SID
19:38.08Kalrothcookie synchronizing or summit
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19:58.14Neffi_Semlar: why is it so hot?  D:
19:58.22Semlarbecause i'm here
20:01.18Amarandeheh. going through all this stuff in my closet trying to save some space
20:01.44Amarandeabout to toss out the box from my computer PSU ... and I'm noticing this label on it that says "ErP 2013 compliant"
20:01.56Amarandeguess that means it's suitable in case I was crazy enough to roll on Moon Guard? :D
20:05.01*** join/#wowuidev A-KO (~A-KO@unaffiliated/a-ko)
20:05.40Amarandealso, molex to sata power adapter from my ssd box ... how quaint, LOL
20:08.02Semlarhere neffi
20:08.34NeffiSemlars all over the map!
20:08.49NeffiSo finally getting back to your map work?
20:09.05Semlaryeah i think i should probably finish it
20:12.08karl_w_w jeebus
20:12.37Semlari think for now i'm going to give up on making it work with any map addons
20:16.45Semlari mostly just want to get it working for my own purposes
20:20.37kullervoheh, the messages are visible even with an active screensaver
20:21.07AlramMaldivia, remember when I said that public directory had directory listing enabled?
20:21.15Alramturns out not only the pdfs were leaked
20:21.37Alramso someone somewhere has the mp4 versions of the episodes on disk
20:23.22relaxokhmm been trying to figure this out.. so the SpellBookFrame doesn't anchor the SpellBookPage1/Page2 textures in the background layer, or rather doesnt' anchor their right sides.. but it also doesn't specify a size for them... i thought in this case they were supposed to assume the size of the parent frame, which is 550x525.. but obviously that would make them stretch way too big.. it looks correct if you draw them at their normal texture size and ignore the pa
20:23.35relaxokscrews up stuff elsewhere
20:24.08Fiskeroh oh Alram
20:24.13FiskerYou dun goofed up now
20:24.47Alramthey took them down long ago Fisker
20:24.50karl_w_w I don't understand how that's possible
20:25.02FiskerYou don't realize what you have done Alram
20:25.21Alramoh okay
20:25.33FiskerIf it's impossible why is it happening then karl_w_w ?
20:25.39FiskerBut Alram
20:25.43FiskerYou made one fatal mistake
20:25.47Alramforgive me Fisker
20:25.49karl_w_wmajik Fisker
20:26.16Alrami dont get it :(
20:26.23FiskerYou can't access stuff that's public without express permission or it's hacking
20:26.26Alramits on google cache
20:26.29Alramim innocent
20:26.44FiskerGoogle cannot represent bbcmiami
20:27.02FiskerI smell sting operation inc. to get you into the US
20:27.10FiskerIf Gabe calls and offers you a job, it's a trap
20:27.14Fiskerrecommend me and decline it
20:27.24Alrami will
20:29.27Semlarneffi: kitty!
20:31.50Neffihey Semlar, do me a favor and kill the sun
20:31.57NeffiI gotta walk somewhere and it's too hot!
20:32.00Semlarbut we need the sun
20:32.07*** join/#wowuidev Funkeh` (~Funkeh`@WoWUIDev/WoWAce/Ace3/BigWigs/funkeh)
20:32.11Semlarwe need its heat we need its light
20:32.17Neffispeak for yourself
20:32.29NeffiWe can generate all we need from radioactivity
20:32.58NeffiThe sun is just horribly overengineered. We don't need that much radiation
20:33.49Semlarwe need its gravity
20:34.10NeffiSays who?
20:34.36Semlarwhat are you gonna orbit
20:34.38NeffiIf we just free float, we'll probably last indefinitely without colliding into something
20:35.31Semlari wouldn't bet on that
20:35.58NeffiProbably would. Then again we'd need to live underground without the sun's protection from interstellar winds
20:37.44relaxok <-- using the texture file's size as the texture layer element size only if it's smaller than the parent frame
20:38.02relaxok <-- using the texture file's size as the texture layer element size no matter what
20:38.17karl_w_wSemlar already lives underground :P
20:38.26relaxok <-- inheriting the frame's size to be the texture size
20:38.54relaxok(ignore text)
20:40.16Amarande"There has to be an invisible sun, that gives its heat to everyone. There has to be an invisible sun, that gives us hope when the whole day's gone ..."
20:40.24AmarandeAnd hey, don't forget, we're all just spirits in the material world :)
20:41.45Semlarrelaxok: the texture's file size is only ever used if its points or size are not defined
20:42.21ShirikI hate registered mail
20:42.23Shirik"The face (address side) of the registered article must be at least 5 inches long and 3-1/2 inches high, regardless of thickness."
20:42.27relaxokSemlar: well, taking that to be true, the SpellBookPage1 texture is given a TOPLEFT point, but nothing else and no size.. yet it doesn't fill the parent frame.. if it does, you get _3.png
20:42.38relaxokSemlar: so what tells it not to?
20:42.54Semlari can almost guarantee the texture's size is defined in the xml file
20:43.15relaxokit's right near Frame name="SpellBookFrame"
20:43.19relaxokin teh BACKGROUND layer
20:43.23TC-WorkShirik: I am guessing for automated systems.
20:43.26relaxokTexture Name="SpellBookPage1"
20:43.27relaxokno size
20:44.01ShirikI'm not even sure registered mail ever touches an automated system
20:44.25TC-WorkShirik: Despite what it sounds like, I am fairly sure it does.
20:44.40Shirikit literally requires a signature every time it passes from one employee to another
20:44.50ShirikI guess you could automate that but it wouldn't be very useful
20:45.43TC-Work<signature of employee putting it on the sorting conveyer> <signature of employee taking it off>
20:46.08Semlarrelaxok: if no size is defined it's using the file's actual dimensions which are 512x512
20:46.26AmarandeTC-Work: <signature of boss authorising termination of employee after decision to use automated sorter results in mangled "We Care!" mail>
20:47.05Amarandeever got one of those?
20:47.15Amarandewhere it's all mangled up and there's a little message from the USPS saying "we care!"
20:47.36relaxokSemlar: okay i'm doing that in ui_texsize_2.png, which fixes the spellbook pages, but like you can see the spellbook tab icon is too large for the frame when using its file size.
20:48.01ShirikTC-Work: sure, but then the guy taking it off could just go "oh it never came out"
20:48.02relaxokSemlar: which caused me to try the ui_texsize_1.png method, which is that if the texture's file siez woudl make it bigger than the frame that contains it, clamp it to that frame
20:48.06Shirikand then you have no idea where it was lost
20:48.17relaxokSemlar: but then you can see that the status bar textures now dont fill the bar
20:48.33Semlarthe texture's parent has literally no impact whatsoever on its dimensions
20:48.37Shirikalso, paper tape is evil
20:48.49TC-WorkShirik: Maybe.  My guess is the system would keep track beginning to end.
20:51.29Semlarrelaxok: buttons have their own built in textures which presumably have their points set to the whole button or whatever
20:51.39Mr_RabiesStanzilla: you here by chance? :o
20:52.29Amarandeguh. realisations when you've got finally a vacation week where you're not actually traveling away the whole time so you have time to clean up your mancave
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20:59.01StanzillaMr_Rabies: hello
20:59.24Mr_Rabieshowdy, saw you in #sharex and wondered if you have seen the sam issue as me with sharex 9.1
21:00.23Mr_Rabiesit complains about Visual C++ redist even though i have it installed
21:01.12zenzelezzjust about every game these days includes their own copy; having it installed doesn't necessarily mean it's the right one
21:01.13Stanzillayou're probably on a 64bit windows machine and need both the 32bit and 64bit redist installed
21:01.42zenzelezzhaven't as often seen regular apps do sxs, but it happens
21:02.30Mr_Rabiesthere we go
21:02.34Mr_Rabiesuninstalled and reinstalled it
21:02.40Mr_Rabiesor had sharex install it at least
21:02.52Amarandezenzelezz: yeah, this is pretty much one of Windows's lousiest aspects compared to Linux
21:03.15Amarandewith Linux, you have and libstdc++whateverversion, as far as basic core C libraries are concerned
21:03.20Amarande(perhaps 32 and 64 bit editions in some use cases)
21:03.32Amarandeand that's all everything uses ... with Windows you have 40 billion different core C libraries :(
21:03.49zenzelezznot really
21:03.54zenzelezzthey don't *have* a core library
21:04.33Amarandeyeah, that's probably true pretty much too
21:04.41Amarandewith windows the libraries tend to be commercialised as part of the dev studio packages
21:04.52Amarandeinstead of there being a core infrastructure everyone can rely on :(
21:07.08StanzillaVC madness ends next VS version
21:07.21zenzelezzhow so?
21:07.36Stanzillathey are not going to have a new version every vs
21:08.06zenzelezzis that why they're doing such a big cleanup of it now?
21:08.10relaxokSemlar: i think i know what happened
21:08.11relaxokSemlar: its related to your last thing.. if some lua does SetNormalTexture to a button that doesn't have a normal texture element defined in it, it also has to setallpoints to that button frame
21:08.24Stanzillawrtong link
21:08.52Stanzillameh cant find it now
21:09.05zenzelezzI'll find it; got a few of those links backed up for "later reading"
21:09.31zenzelezzbut I have read about how much work they're doing on the CRT now
21:13.34Simcanative memory diagnostics, not bad
21:14.11relaxokwhat's VC madness?
21:15.50zenzelezzabout how Visual C++/Studio handles the C runtime library right now
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21:20.11relaxoknow to implement SetPortraitToTexture
21:20.14relaxokwhat a pain that will be
21:21.06NeffiHave you implemented Minimap:SetMaskTexture yet?
21:21.34NeffiConsider implementing that function for all textures, and defining SetPortraitToTexture as a wrapper around it
21:22.29relaxokthat's a good idea though
21:23.00Semlarare you trying to recreate the whole client or what
21:23.07relaxokhow do they do the unit custom texture to portrait.. do some kind of background render and snapshot the head at a certian camera angle?
21:23.16relaxokcuz it has gear on it etc
21:23.24Semlarit's just a still of the 3d model
21:23.35NeffiSemlar: apparently he's trying to 100% recreate the UI layer for his own MMO SDK
21:24.02relaxokSemlar: yes and no.. yes in that i'm using wow so i can test everything.. but i've also implemented stuff from other games like Wildstar models etc
21:24.07NeffiWhy he's refusing to implement long-wanted improvements is baffling, but OK
21:24.29Stanzillathere, I gound it
21:24.35Stanzillazenzelezz etc ^
21:24.36Semlarare you allowed to just copy the entire interface
21:24.39relaxoki'll implement any improvements that are wanted.. but considering i just learned step #1 of lua binding a few weeks ago..
21:25.11relaxokSemlar: I don't plan on providing any of the xml/lua at all, I'm just sort of mapping their property names to my own UI elements
21:25.26relaxokSemlar: the names aren't exactly of interest
21:25.31relaxokTexture, FontString, etc.
21:25.49zenzelezzStanzilla: cheers =)
21:26.35relaxokSemlar: i'll probably do the same with Wildstar just to see what else they may have implemented that blizzard didnt
21:26.55Mr_Rabiesdo they have a trial of wildstar or anything yet?
21:27.03relaxokSemlar: of course, if there's name clashes for functions and such im kind of screwed unless i do something like specifying wht game its converted from
21:27.19relaxokSemlar: then i'll have to convert xml/lua to an intermediate that uses all my names or something
21:28.28Amaranderelaxok: be careful ... (standard not a lawyer disclaimer) things like the google java decision may not be good for you
21:29.52relaxoki'm not worried
21:30.11relaxoki also have no commercial plans
21:30.34GnarfozMr_Rabies: retail buyers get 3 guest passes
21:30.41Mr_Rabiesi see
21:30.42relaxoki spent a ton of time converting models/etc, but i got tired of there being no UI
21:30.43Gnarfoz(which allow someone to play for 7 days)
21:30.56Mr_Rabiesi'll see if i can get one at some point then
21:31.02Mr_Rabieswhen i know i can play for the whole trial
21:31.31Mr_Rabiesi hate how demos/trials are a dying breed
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21:47.33relaxokSemlar: ok in the Minimap.. the texture MinimapBorder is in the ARTWOrk layer of the MinimapBackdrop Frame.. it has no size or anchors.. if i take the size from the file, how is it anchored when none are defined? parent anchors?
21:48.01Semlaranchors must be defined somewhere
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21:50.57Semlarit's anchored to the topleft of MinimapBackdrop but i'm not sure why
21:51.53relaxokwhere do you see that?
21:52.05Semlarin game
21:53.21Semlari don't know if layers in xml have inherent anchors but in lua they sure don't
21:54.35Semlaroh it's actually anchored to the entire frame
21:55.44Semlaraddon authors almost never code in xml so i don't know the subtle differences
21:56.42relaxokim giong to try setallpoints if there's no anchors on something
21:57.12relaxoki'm surprised blizzard has done almost nothing at all to support addon authors
21:57.20Semlarthe behavior seems to be setting all points to the parent
21:57.27relaxokin the official threads there's just links to the various not-very-updated sites
21:57.38Semlarin lua if you create a texture it doesn't just automatically anchor everywhere
21:58.07Semlarat least i don't think it does
21:58.53Semlaranyway, time for dinner
22:16.17*** join/#wowuidev Ressy (~Ressy@WoWUIDev/WoWAce/ARL/Ressy)
22:17.16relaxoknot looking too bad
22:18.51relaxokwhat is that bar under the mana bar?
22:19.02relaxoktrying to figure out why its showing
22:19.10Gnarfozcould me many things
22:19.37Gnarfozhaven't seen the default UI in ages, not sure if that's a specific class's look
22:20.59Getherelaxok: druid/monk mana for when in a form/spec that doesnt use mana
22:21.11Shirikhow to know your grocery store screwed up the fourth of july: they're selling hot dog bun 8 packs for $0.25
22:21.36relaxokGethe: hmm okay, so i must be passing an incorrect API response
22:22.16relaxokGethe: should be working as a Mage right now
22:27.33Krapsso old
22:38.57pompy wtf
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23:34.13JamashPO TAY TOES
23:34.22Jamashboil 'em, mash 'em, put 'em in a...salad
23:35.02Jamashman if that guy can get $16,000 for potato salad I should do a kickstarter to buy me every game on steam
23:36.51Semlarpillowy mounds of mashed potatoes
23:46.58Amarandehah ... you aussies might get a kick out of this one

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