IRC log for #wowace on 20160527

00:04.48znfpaypal's balance crap is annoying as hell
00:05.07znfyou can't partially pay with balance, for example, and rest with card, if a payment exceeds the balance you have
00:05.27znfand if you have enough balance to cover the payment, you can't swap to card payment
00:06.18nebulamine does that all the time
00:06.31nebulauses the rest of my balance then charges the rest to my bank
00:06.45znfmaybe that works for banks
00:06.55znfcan't add a bank account in Romanian accounts
00:07.19nebulai imagine it would work with whatever i set my backup account to be, but never tried anything else
00:07.58znfI had ~200€ in my paypal balance yesterday and I couldn't cover the payment of a $220 USD order
00:08.17znfit defaulted straight to my card :-/
00:08.39znfthen someone else sent me like 10€ more, and the option was available now
00:11.56znfthere we go
00:12.02znflikes chinese stuff, always getting shafted
00:15.48znfGnarfoz, let me show you what's annoying
00:15.57Gnarfozeverything? :>
00:16.35znf ->
00:16.57znfcan't do 100% on the profile
00:16.59Gnarfozwell, get a US bank account!
00:17.52znfbought a lot of crap :-|
00:18.15PredicateWere you drunk when you made that order?
00:18.26znfno, I just made it
00:18.27znfwhy? :D
00:18.45PredicateIt just seems like a bunch of things that sound like a great idea when your judgement is impaired.
00:18.53Gnarfozso, all the time
00:19.26znfwell, I wanted a tripod for my phone
00:19.35znfso I can take long-exposure pics naturally I bought 2
00:19.55znfI realised I don't have a ladle
00:19.58znfso I got one
00:20.15znfthen, hey, a bbq thermometer, a mango slicer (I always eat mangoes)
00:20.28znfpretty vegetable slicer because I love making pretty salads
00:20.39znfuhm, what's that food clip
00:20.41PredicateI'm...mostly with you so far.
00:20.46znfah, a thong
00:21.10znfthen I realised I like eggs, but I kind of hate frying them, so I bought 2x2 poaching eggs thingies
00:21.14PredicateWhy do you need special things to microwave eggs and potatoes?
00:21.31Stanzillayou wear thongs?
00:22.17znfthen I found this cool insulated bag that helps you microwave a potato in 3 minutes (basically making a baked potato, in that short time, without it ending up like crap)
00:22.21znfStanzilla, tong, shut up
00:22.41znfoh, and the other thing I really really wanted were whisky rocks, but I found stainless steel ones
00:22.50znfthen I realised my water presure at the shower sucks
00:22.56znfso, uhm... :)
00:23.33PredicateI microwave potatoes all the time and they seem fine. Am I going to die of potato cancer?
00:23.50znfhow much time?
00:23.54Gnarfoznot for 40 years, though
00:23.59znfthis claims to do it in 3 minutes
00:24.01Stanzillacould have been thongs
00:24.03znfand it ends up perfectly
00:24.04Stanzillanot judging mate
00:24.13Gnarfozinstructions unclear, microwaved thongs
00:24.19znfdoes anyone happen to have an oral irigator?
00:24.25Gnarfoza what now
00:24.26znflike Philips' AirFloss?
00:24.39GnarfozI wonder if that's Munddusche in German
00:24.46PredicateLike a Waterpik?
00:24.51znfPredicate, yeah
00:24.54znfreplacement for floss
00:24.55Gnarfozit is!
00:25.27Gnarfoz(more proof German is awesome: that's literally just "mouth" and "shower" strung together)
00:26.29znfI'm thorn between the Panasonic one or the Philips one
00:27.58znfPhilips Sonicare AirFloss HX8211 vs. PANASONIC EW1411H845
00:28.33Gnarfozget a garden hose
00:31.30znfhelp me in german -
00:31.47znffor some reaons I can't find the english website of that
00:32.02Stanzillaoral b all the things
00:33.00znfwell, thank you, google, fucking' piece of shit
00:33.40PredicateFunny, none of the words on that page look like things I want to put in my mouth, in either language.
00:33.50znfStanzilla, the only Oral-B one is expensive as fuck
00:33.56znfand it's a full fledged station
00:36.00znfthat one seems like a lower-end model
00:38.25nebulalol, what's the range of features on a device that shoots a burst of air/water at your teeth
00:39.42znfnebula, apparently the other one doesn't shoot air
00:39.43znfjust water :D
00:42.12znfthere we go, ordered
00:47.15znfStanzilla, did they ever finish Black Mesa?
00:47.41znf>Note: This Early Access game is not complete and may or may not change further.
00:47.53znfyeah, 20€ for a remake that is not complete, mkay
00:52.36Stanzillait's pretty good though
00:53.43*** join/#wowace Seerah (
01:05.40Gnarfozsame could be said about your mom
01:06.33PredicateEh, Stanzilla's mom is worth at least 20EUR
01:06.42Stanzillau sure?
01:07.06PredicateCan she cook?
01:07.13Stanzillaa dude wanted to buy her for 46 camels once
01:07.50Gnarfozwhat a deal
01:11.30Stanzilla!google UAE camels to EUR
01:14.26Stanzilla@NVIDIAGeForce: Set your alarms - the GeForce GTX 1080 is available tomorrow at 6am PDT!
01:19.22znfif a users' backup takes ~40 minutes because she has ~19000 emails, am I wrong to disable the backup for her account?
01:19.32nebula699$ T.T
01:19.45Gnarfozthat's not news, nevcairiel
01:19.56Gnarfozznf: yes. disable her account instead. :D
01:20.34Stanzillaclear her spam folder, znf
01:20.43znfit's actually everything in the inbox :-|
01:20.53Stanzillarun spam filter :D
01:21.04znfhm, can I do that?
01:21.11Gnarfoznot legally, probably.
01:21.25znfthis is Romania
01:21.42Gnarfozalso why does backing up 19k emails take 40 minutes. that's like... 5 bytes or so.
01:22.04Gnarfozdoes it read them out loud into a tape recorder?
01:22.09Stanzillaspam assassin on the server?
01:23.14znfGnarfoz, it's 19000 small files?
01:23.47Gnarfozyour filesystem sucks? :\
01:23.59Gnarfozyeah, pretty shit! :D
01:24.09Gnarfozno, but, what are you doing with the files
01:24.19Gnarfoztar cf backup *.mail?
01:24.41znfprobably something like that, not sure how cpanel is doing it
01:25.04Gnarfozit's probably not, or it wouldn't be this terrible
01:25.43znfI'm guessing it first copies them to a custom structure
01:25.46znfthen tar-ing them
01:30.52quiescenstars znf
01:57.05StanzillaI just spent 1500 overwatch credits
02:37.07Repopitbull4: 03Stanzilla 07anchors * v4.0.0-beta56-499-g16dd074 Modules/ (3 files in 3 directories): [+1 commit] CooldownFrame_SetTimer => CooldownFrame_Set
02:45.34Repoice-hud: 03Parnic 07master * 1.9.18-10-g975fd3f IceHUD.toc: [+1 commit] Set Compatible-With to 7.0
02:55.09Repopitbull4: 03Stanzilla 07anchors * v4.0.0-beta56-500-gaff0fd5 Modules/ (2 files in 2 directories): [+1 commit] UnitIsTapped => UnitIsTapDenied
03:05.52Repopitbull4: 03Stanzilla 07anchors * v4.0.0-beta56-501-g0d48012 Modules/Aura/Filter.lua: [+1 commit] glyphs don't work that way anymore
03:12.42*** join/#wowace pentium166 (
03:30.35GnarfozStanzilla: many cheap skins or 1 legendary? ^^
03:30.53StanzillaGnarfoz: 1 legendary, one victory pose and someting I forgot
03:34.47*** join/#wowace Talryn (~talryn@unaffiliated/talryn)
03:35.32Repopitbull4: 03Stanzilla 07anchors * v4.0.0-beta56-502-g48bb91c Modules/Background/Background.lua: [+1 commit] SetTexture => SetColorTexture
03:42.38Repopitbull4: 03Stanzilla 07anchors * v4.0.0-beta56-503-g1c3a223 Modules/ (7 files in 7 directories): [+1 commit] More SetTexture => SetColorTexture
03:56.54*** join/#wowace laiv (~laiv@2601:196:4902:6aa0:2420:8640:af94:73bb)
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04:15.47Repoadvancedinterfaceoptions: 03Stanzilla 07master * beta.3-1-g4dcfed1 cvars.lua: [+1 commit] add autoLootRate
04:18.34*** join/#wowace NuSuey (uid3556@gateway/web/
05:03.01Repolibdogtag-unit-3-0: 03Parnic 07master * b163e6a  (30 files in 3 directories): [new, +235 commits] (231 truncated)
05:03.01Repob163e6a: Marked as compatible with 7.0
05:03.02Repo03b847b: Replaced SVN keyword substitution
05:03.02Repoa655c53: Added mailmap to merge authors
05:03.02Repo7fa7d95: - Legion priest updates: replaced Shadow Orbs with Insanity for 7.0 clients, added ShadowPriestMP for 7.0 clients
05:03.20*** join/#wowace Megalon (
05:03.33nebula235 commits, parnic you beast
05:04.51ParnicRIP SVN
05:05.16Parnicbah, the packager didn't replace @file-timestamp@
05:05.22Parnicgg me
05:05.59nebuladoes it not do @file- replacements for git?
05:06.10Parnicdocumentation doesn't mention that as a restriction
05:06.15Parniclet's try @project-...
05:07.16Repolibdogtag-unit-3-0: 03Parnic 07master * f115114  (23 files in 3 directories): [+1 commit] Switched to project-timestamp to see if the packager will cooperate
05:07.43Parnicno dice
05:08.00Parnicwell that's a problem
05:09.02nebulacan always yell at Torh--err Zeldo
05:09.14TorhalParnic: file-date-iso ?
05:09.26Parnici need a plain integer is the problem
05:09.40Parnicfile-timestamp was going to be perfect
05:10.37Torhalfile-date-integer wouldn't do it?
05:11.07TorhalAnd I have no idea why that wouldn't work for Git. :/
05:11.09Parnicthat would work if it functions
05:11.59Repolibdogtag-unit-3-0: 03Parnic 07master * bc8d45a  (23 files in 3 directories): [+1 commit] Maybe file-date-integer will work
05:12.31TorhalWhat is this for?
05:12.32Parnichey that did it
05:12.34nebulayou could just, you know, rip out that shit and just bump the minor the main file when you change something
05:12.40nebulain the*
05:12.51Parnicyeah i know neb, was just trying to avoid having to remember to do that every single change
05:13.10TorhalAh, makes sense now.
05:13.13ParnicTorhal: ckknight's auto-versioning scheme was using svn keyword substitution so i was trying to find a workable alternative now that we're on git
05:14.01Parnicof course, it makes dev versions really tough since we basically always want to override any other version of the lib
05:14.12TorhalHoly shit, you actually got in touch with him. I was wondering how you managed to switch it to Git.
05:14.55Parnicturns out he uses facebook religiously and responds instantly
05:15.06nebulalol, good to know
05:15.10TorhalParnic: Use @debug@
05:15.26TorhalYou can set the version to twenty nillion in there.
05:15.31Parnicyeah i'm doing more or less that
05:16.08nebulait's the only tonumber("@key@") or 198127389127391 scheme
05:17.54nebulaand using file-date-integar, you're gonna need to bump that
05:18.10Repolibdogtag-unit-3-0: 03Parnic 07master * a2d03e1  (23 files in 3 directories): [+1 commit] Increased dev version number now that we're using the datestamp instead of a unix timestamp
05:18.13Parnic^ :)
05:18.56Parnicgood thing lua doesn't deal in signed 32-bit integers
05:21.36Repolibdogtag-3-0: 03Parnic 07master * 8aae0f8  (21 files in 4 directories): [new, +234 commits] (230 truncated)
05:21.36Repo8aae0f8: Switched to file-date-integer and increased dev version number
05:21.36Repoc1f1519: Replaced SVN keyword substitution
05:21.36Repoa28519b: Marked as compatible with 7.0
05:21.36Repo158b84a: - TOC bump for 6.2
05:24.05Repogugagaia_addon: 03sacidepatinete * r20  (10 files in 1 directory): Novos sons adicionados
05:24.27Parnicit just now occurred to me that that change is going to screw up everyone's pkgmeta. oh well.
05:25.33Parniconly 21 other addons....
05:25.43Parnicoh, most of which are Abandoned. k.
05:26.22PredicateOh good, so the breakage won't even get fixed.
05:26.32PredicateIncoming user shitstorm in 3...2...
05:26.38TorhalIt would only break new versions.
05:26.38Parnicbut it won't be broken because abandoned addons won't be packaged again
05:26.48nebulaif it's not updated, it would try and pull the new libs
05:26.55PredicateI thought packages get repacked if the lib gets updated?
05:27.03PredicateIsn't that the whole point of the magical packager script?
05:27.14TorhalThe AddOns using the lib are abandoned.
05:27.19Parnicno, that's the whole point of the lib system where a new version replaces an old one
05:27.19TorhalSo they won't get updates.
05:27.36PredicateI never did understand this whole embedding thing.
05:27.46Parnicit would be pretty hellish on the server if a new lib version caused a repackage of every addon that used it
05:28.06TorhalIf the maintainer decided to update, they would need to change the URL in the .pkgmeta file or else it would bring in the old version (since the Subversion repo still exists..._
05:28.34Parnici've already talked to the maintainer of TellMeWhen, so i just need to find the Pitbull maintainer and everyone ought to be set
05:28.46Parnicoh, it's neb.
05:28.48Parnichi neb.
05:29.07Parnicupdate your crap
05:29.13Predicate"PitBull maintainer"
05:29.15nebulai wonder if anyone still uses dogtags in pb, that shit was replaced so long ago
05:29.17PredicateIsn't that kind of an oxymoron?
05:32.59Repoice-hud: 03Parnic 07master * 1.9.18-18-g5d718a4  (11 files in 2 directories): [+8 commits] (4 truncated)
05:32.59Repo5d718a4: Eclipse is gone in Legion
05:32.59Repoe7ddb66: Updated the LibDogTag repo paths to use the new git path
05:32.59Repob328ad0: Changed how cooldowns are started (ticket #205)
05:32.59Repob9cfe48: Fixed Runes not showing up on login
05:34.24Repopitbull4: 03nebula169 07master * v4.0.0-beta56-11-g153313e .pkgmeta: [+1 commit] Update LibDogTag repo
05:35.48nebulahey Torhal i'm suppose to report this to a moderator:
05:35.51TorhalDon't make me cut you.
05:36.05nebulajeez, just following directions
05:36.22TorhalIt's only been doing that for five years :P
05:36.37nebulamay if you had FIXED IT IN FIVE YEARS
05:36.48Parnicsits down with some popcorn
05:37.00TorhalHey, I have no idea what the hell Zeldo did to get access, but the code weas off-limits.
05:37.07TorhalSo now HE needs to fix it.
05:37.12PredicateMommy, Daddy, please don't fight. :(
05:37.19Megalonhey Torhal, wanna make out?
05:37.27TorhalHell no.
05:37.38TorhalThat's Fisker's bag.
05:41.22nebulaParnic: you don't really need anything else around file-date-integer anymore, either, the 9000+ or the :match /nitpicks
05:41.44Parnicyeah, i was just being lazy with a find/replace :P
05:42.34Parnici imagine a tonumber() and the 'or' clause would be sufficient so that the @tag@ doesn't cause problems
06:05.34Semlarcasts quiescens as an integer
06:06.12Semlarcasts quiescens as a moo-cow
06:06.48Semlarhands quiescens a cowkie
07:04.14Repolibactionbutton-1-0: 03Nevcairiel 07master * 0.28.1-4-gf5e3b5f LibActionButton-1.0.lua: [+1 commit] Update for Cooldown changes in
07:04.46Repobartender4: 03Nevcairiel 07master * 4.6.14-9-ge550326  (3 files in 1 directory): [+2 commits]
07:04.46Repoe550326: Update for Cooldown changes in
07:04.46Repo40fdc38: Make slug autodetection a bit more robust in localcheck
07:09.16Repoinventorian: 03Nevcairiel 077.0 * Item.lua: [+1 commit] Update for Cooldown changes in
07:12.20*** join/#wowace Xinhuan (~Xinhuan@HearthSim/Community/Xinhuan)
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07:18.29*** join/#wowace Valhorth (
07:46.28Repoinventorian: 03Nevcairiel 077.0 * /: [forced -3 +3] Properly handle the junk icon
07:46.28Repoinventorian: 03Nevcairiel 07master * Item.lua: [+1 commit] Update for Cooldown changes in
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09:24.08Fisker6 hours nevcairiel
09:24.15nevcairielno Fisker
09:24.23Fiskerwanna fight?
09:27.45nevcairielwhat good does 6 hours do me
09:28.01Kalrothyou're 6 hours closer to death!
09:28.11Kalrothwe're counting every hour and celebrating
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09:34.54Phixionheh, been watching suddenly Stanzilla in the comments
09:35.05Phixionhey Fisker
09:35.14PhixionI pretend to work
10:46.22Fiskerahahaha nevcairiel
10:46.53Fiskerfirst listing here for founders is 1000€
10:47.46Kalrothfounders more like suckers
10:48.12nevcairielFisker: list for 789 here
10:56.33FiskerYeah thinking it's a bullshit price nevcairiel
10:56.39FiskerBut wouldn't be surprised they try it out
10:58.08nevcairielhope the AIB cards become available soon
11:18.18StanzillaKesava: what was the cvar that fixes your texture flickering?
11:43.27quiescensshouldn't non flickering be a default option
12:20.01Stanzillawhy are you even talking with vlad
12:20.08Stanzillahis shit is killing my brain
12:21.29GnarfozStanzilla: idk, Brückentag, almost alone
12:21.41nevcairielshould've taken off
12:22.59Gnarfozthe other guys got the day off, I got the one at Himmelfahrt
12:30.44nevcairieli get monday off because US holiday
12:30.46nevcairielhooray =p work from home
12:31.10Gnarfozyay for you
12:31.15znfjust like me
12:34.58*** join/#wowace Funkeh` (~Funkeh`@WoWUIDev/WoWAce/Ace3/BigWigs/funkeh)
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12:35.12Fiskerhmm nevcairiel
12:35.26Fiskeraccording to the strix will be purchasable at 15
12:38.04Fiskeraccording to this site*
12:39.30nevcairielat least info unlocks then
12:39.36nevcairielwe'll know in 20 minutes i guess
12:40.01nevcairielits odd that they have a asus strix while the others look like FE
12:49.34nevcairielFisker: they say they have the FE ready to ship, asus strix coming in next week
12:50.28nevcairieloddly, the strix is cheaper than the FE
12:54.38FiskerShould I get nevcairiel ?
12:55.12znfhow much for a nevcairiel?
12:55.21nevcairieli would really like tests of the custom coolers, not sure if they will be available anytime soon tho
12:58.45FiskerCan't even see if it has a second power plug
12:58.58nevcairieli hope specs unlock at 15
12:59.21*** join/#wowace Ironii (
12:59.22nevcairielwould like to know their factory OC levels
13:00.03FiskerIt says boost clock is 1936MHz
13:00.10FiskerGrafikkort, NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1080 Overclocked (Core clock 1759 MHz / Boost clock 1936 MHz),
13:00.50nevcairielthe MSI model at least has 8+6 power
13:02.55*** join/#wowace Arrow|work (~Arrowmast@WoWUIDev/WoWAce/ResponsibleForEverythingAndNothing/Arrowmaster)
13:03.11nevcairielwell 15 passed Fisker and i dont see any changes =p
13:19.07FiskerAll the things were already there
13:19.37nevcairielMSI is the only one that actually published their custom card info
13:20.16FiskerWill just cancel it if it's nonsense anyway
13:21.32FiskerAnother one says only one connector on asus nevcairiel
13:21.40nevcairielmsi has 8+6
13:21.52nevcairieloh also colorful and palit custom cards showed up
13:22.40FiskerThe galax ones are the worst
13:22.49nevcairielsome cards gotta hit msrp
13:23.04nevcairielmsi also has some cheap blower models for msrp
13:23.06nevcairielso there is that
13:26.17Kalroth"Manli Technology Group Limited, the major Graphics Cards and other components manufacturer, today announced the most advanced graphics solution for gamers - Manli GeForce GTX 1080 Founders Edition. "
13:26.28Kalrothsounds liek you've found your card, nev!
13:26.38nevcairiela very manly card for sure
13:26.54nevcairielnow there is inno3d and gainward as well
13:26.56Kalroth its got a manly axe
13:26.58nevcairielwhere is the ones i care about
13:27.17Kalroth like this one, nevcairiel?
13:27.27nevcairielfor example
13:27.45nevcairielbut i would like actual confirmed specs instead of just images
13:27.46KalrothEVGA released theirs as well
13:27.56Kalrothwell yeah
13:28.32Kalroth EVGA got two 8-pins
13:28.33nevcairieloh there is the asus PR thing
13:29.18nevcairiel1936 boost is certainly the highest i've seen
13:29.19*** join/#wowace Ressy (~Ressy@WoWUIDev/WoWAce/ARL/Ressy)
13:29.25nevcairieljust need confirmation of the power connectors
13:30.07FiskerBut EVGA :(
13:30.10FiskerIt's 8pin nevcairiel
13:30.14FiskerOther site confirmed
13:30.18nevcairielmaybe that wasnt the OC version
13:30.20nevcairielthey have two
13:30.21FiskerIt was
13:30.33FiskerCould be wrong I guess
13:30.49FiskerPCI Express 8-pin connection(s)1 pcs
13:32.07nevcairielunfortunately asus  own website has nothing yet
13:32.31FiskerI'm not an evga fan
13:32.37RessyWhats wrong?
13:32.44nevcairieltheir ACX2.0 cooler was pretty good
13:32.49nevcairielbut their model ranges are confusing
13:33.31nevcairielalso evga website ded
13:35.30nevcairielasus looks best so far if they actually have a second power pin, if not then msi
13:39.27nevcairielall asus strix images suspciciously dont show any power connectors
13:39.32nevcairieli wonder where they have those hidden
13:39.45FiskerNo news = bad news
13:41.11Fisker evga best nevcairiel
13:41.17FiskerBoost Clock11847MHz
13:58.41Gnarfozthey must be dumb as hell to buy into this one
14:02.09nevcairielwhy would you massdrop a card like that at msrp
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14:03.41Gnarfozprobably had a big mass dropped onto their heads
14:03.55Gnarfozalso that guru3d article reads like a highschool newspaper
14:04.27Gnarfoza French highschool newspaper, considering all the plenking
14:08.59Fiskerevga is super much cheaper nevcairiel
14:09.08Fiskernon super clocked
14:10.28nevcairielevgas lineup is confusing
14:10.34nevcairielthey have like 4 models
14:10.47nevcairieland its not quite clear to me whats what
14:11.19nevcairielpresumably AIB board reviews might start to show up next week
14:11.50StanzillaKesava mate
14:11.54Gnarfozwhy AIB btw
14:11.58Gnarfozthat just means "add-in board"
14:12.12Gnarfozunless it means something else
14:12.54GnarfozI vote for 3PD: 3rd party designs 
14:13.10nevcairieldunno why but thats what everyone seems to be using
14:19.17Gnarfoz"memory clock: 10Gbps GDDR5X"
14:19.22Gnarfozthat's not what clock speed means
14:24.01GnarfozPhixion "I AM the Ben Deane who was blown to pieces by a large quantity of Semtex left outside my window in Emmanuel College." oO
14:27.46winkI'm not sure I'll ever massdrop again
14:30.21TorhalEspecially not Semtex?
14:34.31Phixionwink: why?
14:40.35winkPhixion: custoooms :/
14:40.48winkplus it's not really cheap oftentimes. it's impulse buying
14:41.00winkand yeah. I had to have my keycaps. but I skim the mails VERY often
14:41.10winkand never stuff there that really amazes me
14:41.21winkthey also have no good deals on shipping
14:41.28winkI'll probably stick to banggood
14:43.01Repoweakauras-2: 03Stanzilla 077.0 * 7.0.build4-5-g49dfdbc Options/WeakAurasOptions.lua: [+7 commits] (3 truncated)
14:43.01Repo49dfdbc: Merge branch 'master' into 7.0
14:43.01Repo210db9a: Merge pull request #45 from InfusOnWoW/smallpatches
14:43.01Repoff0de36: Make pasting huge import strings lightning fast
14:43.01Repo45345e0: Merge pull request #44 from InfusOnWoW/smallpatches
14:43.21Repoweakauras-2: 03Stanzilla 07master * Options/WeakAurasOptions.lua: [+4 commits]
14:43.24Repo210db9a: Merge pull request #45 from InfusOnWoW/smallpatches
14:43.26Repoff0de36: Make pasting huge import strings lightning fast
14:43.28Repo45345e0: Merge pull request #44 from InfusOnWoW/smallpatches
14:43.30Repo0890ce7: Fix editing multiple auras with multiple triggers
14:47.47Stanzillafound it
14:47.54StanzillareleaseUITextures "0"
14:48.00quiescensgives Stanzilla a cookie
14:49.20Gnarfozwink: customs is not really their fault, is it ;p if you don't want to pay VAT, buy from EU or buy less than 23€ or whatever :C
14:49.28Gnarfozor cheat
14:49.37wink:shock: :P
14:50.02winkGnarfoz: well if I think the product shouldn't be so expensive to be more than 23 EUR in the first place... ;)
14:50.06Repoadvancedinterfaceoptions: 03Stanzilla 07master * beta.3-2-g6c430da cvars.lua: [+1 commit] Add statusText, violenceLevel, ffxGlow and releaseUITextures
14:50.14*** join/#wowace Megalon (
14:50.22Gnarfozwell, then you buy the flimsy ABS caps and be done with it ^^
14:50.24winknah, it's fine. I just don't think it's for me
14:50.36winkit takes ages until they ship
14:50.46winktheir shipping is usually more on the expensive side
14:51.02Gnarfozwell, the process is a bit convoluted
14:51.02winkand tracking didnt work. not sure who to blame there :P
14:51.12winkwhoever chose the shipping company.. maybe
14:51.20*** join/#wowace Parnic (
14:51.22Gnarfozwait until drop ends, place order, wait for shipping to them, redistribute, ship again... etc
14:51.42Gnarfozinternational package tracking is terrible :C
14:51.46Gnarfozalso where's my black keycaps
14:52.11Gnarfozif they don't show up soon I'm going to open my first ever paypal dispute :P
14:52.30quiescensgives Gnarfoz a can of black spraypaint
14:52.48MegalonTorhal, i now have antibiotics, we can now savely make out
14:59.17RessyI think he'd need them more.
15:02.33winkGnarfoz: black ones? :P why?
15:04.23MegalonRessy: rude :(
15:11.43*** join/#wowace Xinhuan (~Xinhuan@HearthSim/Community/Xinhuan)
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15:12.45Gnarfozwink: to complete my collection - the group buy on geekhack fell through, so I ordered some from
15:12.54Gnarfozbut those I'm still waiting for, too
15:13.09winkdoes not sound like 'black' describes them adequately
15:17.11Gnarfozwink: blank black cherry profile, thick-walled pbt
15:17.52Gnarfozto complement my blank dark grey/light grey/pearl/white cherry profile, thick pbt keycaps from Gateron
15:17.55Gnarfozwhich are awesome
15:18.17winki see
15:18.29StanzillaI dont get that trend
15:22.09GnarfozI'm not sure it's a trend
15:22.17nevcairielat this point i'm sure Gnarfoz has filled his mattress with keycaps for a comfy sleep on all his investments
15:22.41Gnarfozmight actually be more comfy than the old and worn out pillow!
15:24.37GnarfozI mean
15:24.44Gnarfozcould probably fill a small pillowcase with it
15:25.10Gnarfozfor it to be comfy I'd probably have to take some of them off the keyboards they're on, though. :p
15:26.16StanzillaI never changed my keycaps
15:26.31Stanzillabut I'm missing keys on two keyboards actually
15:26.36Stanzillaone is a notebook though
15:27.22Stanzillait was the R and I dont use öäü that often so I just put the ä on the R
15:27.41znfSo, if a neighbour blocked my car
15:27.55znfbecause he wanted to, not by accident, and I know my car can push his car back
15:27.56znfshould I?
15:28.10Stanzillahashtag ROMANIA
15:28.21winklighting i sreally bad in that pic
15:28.23winkbut I do love them
15:28.31winknext best thing after rainbow
15:28.56Stanzillalet me help you, znf
15:29.32Stanzillayeah just push it
15:29.38Stanzillabut dont try to scratch your own :D
15:29.43znfI might crack his front bumper
15:29.44Stanzilla*try to no
15:29.50znfI'll scratch mine, I need to repaint it anyway
15:30.09znfbeen meaning to do that next week anyway
15:30.15Stanzillabreak the window, short circuit it and drive back
15:31.48winkit's like the wild west
15:31.52winkbut with cars instead of horses
15:32.07winkznf secretly lives in Russia I bet
15:32.17nevcairielwell its romania, same thing really
15:32.28znfI have enough torque to push it back
15:33.00winkit's the path to the dark side!
15:33.01quiescensznf problems
15:34.19winkspeaking of russians. if they're using a surveillance cam for their house.. do they call it dacha-cam?
15:34.34znf>This browser does not support video playback.
15:34.43znfwhat you smokin' twitter?
15:34.56quiescenssilly znf
15:36.12Parnicwink: high tech version of colored keycaps: :P
15:37.01winkParnic: meh. not my kind of thing. I can;'t even read the faint blue glow of my G10 anymore
15:37.09winkand multicolored, animated.. don't beed
15:37.10Stanzillaznf: yeah that's been broken for a while in chrome
15:37.21winkI so like the thinkpad ones though
15:37.35winkbecause I'm hardly ever using that keyboard, so I do need the lighting
15:38.05ParnicG910 is my favorite keyboard so far
15:38.13Stanzillait's so fucking hot in here, im dying
15:38.18Stanzillawink: turn sun off here pls
15:38.52quiescens/pat Stanzilla
15:39.09Stanzillapatting is movement
15:39.11Stanzillaand causes heat
15:39.14Stanzillago away
15:40.21Stanzillaget a palm leaf and wave or so :<
15:40.26*** join/#wowace zork-tdmog (
15:46.38Stanzillaand now my cat wants to cuddle
15:46.46Stanzillahe is black so he is *the* heat magnet
15:47.15nevcairielunless he was sitting in the sun before, that makes no sense
15:47.37Stanzillahe was
15:47.40Stanzillaalways is
15:47.55Gnarfozit's a cat
15:48.00Gnarfozthat's a given
15:48.03Parnicyou can't just say (noracist), Stanzilla.
15:48.09Gnarfozpoor nora
15:48.15Gnarfozznf: is that car on the right also parked?
15:48.19nevcairielone might think cats were cold blooded so much su nthey sit in
15:48.45Gnarfozin the first picture
15:48.46StanzillaI just used this in another context but this happens when you say no to a cat
15:50.03quiescensgo to sleep o.o
15:50.14winknevcairiel: we had a dog who crept under the stove until the fur was like close to smelling burnt
15:50.24Stanzillaquiescens: ever tried sleeping in a sauna?
15:51.04winkwhy are you on irc in a sauna?
15:51.13quiescensstan is creative like that
15:51.17Stanzillathe technology is that advanced now
15:51.33winkwhy didn't the Finns build saunas with irc then
15:51.37winkit's been 28 years FFS
15:51.44Stanzillafinns are not advanced enough
15:51.50Stanzillarequires german engineering
15:52.21winkwouldn't they just cheat with the heat displays in a sauna?
15:55.19Phixion16:40 < wink> Phixion: custoooms :/
15:55.33Phixiontheir office is also in the middle of nowhere
15:58.41znfGnarfoz: yeah
15:59.04znfHe moved the car
15:59.29znfI wanted to knock on his door and tell him that in 5 minutes I will back out, regardless if his car is there or not
16:01.34StanzillaGTA Romania story ruined
16:04.54nevcairielisnt that were all our GTAs end
16:05.46Fiskerhey nevcairiel
16:05.48FiskerAny news?
16:05.54nevcairielnone that I saw
16:06.03nevcairielmost partners dont have specs up on their websites yet
16:23.46*** join/#wowace Yoshimo (~anything@2001:a61:196:6501:8ddc:8dc9:dedd:d9ed)
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16:40.56Fiskeroh nevcairiel
16:40.57FiskerO H
16:41.27Parnicso glad they spent the time and money on lights on the video card
16:49.41StanzillaRGB ALL THE THINGS
16:51.02Parnici still need to find some good-quality-but-not-too-large 4k monitors (2) for my desktop
16:51.12Parniceverything i find is like 30" minimum but i'm used to 24" screens
16:52.09pompyParnic:            well 27"
16:52.57Parniclol 900
16:53.11Parnici mean i'm sure it's a good monitor but sheesh
16:54.55Parnic might work. not sure how huge 28 will seem
16:55.57Parnicoh. that's a TN panel.
16:56.40*** join/#wowace EthanCentaurai (
16:57.23pompy4k was around in 2014?                    
17:03.16*** join/#wowace Repo (~repo@
17:16.37FiskerWanna gtx 1080 though Parnic ?
17:18.16*** join/#wowace Seerah (
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17:18.59Stanzillawanna gtx 1080 me, Fisker?
17:19.14FiskerCould gtx 980 you though
17:21.14Stanzillaalready have gtx 980 though
17:22.18*** join/#wowace Yoshimo (~anything@unaffiliated/yoshimo)
17:24.32nevcairielFisker: so its 8+6 afterall
17:24.41nevcairielso shut up and take my money, i guess
17:25.40nevcairielonly two displayports, ftl
17:25.42nevcairieli have 3 screens
17:30.47FiskerReference is 3 right?
17:31.23nevcairielthink so
17:31.38nevcairielbut one of my screens is 1080p60, i can just throw HDMI at that again
17:41.31Megalongtx980 me Fisker, that would increase my gtx-ness by nearly 50%!
17:41.37Ironiiis it possible to inherit multiple templates using CreateFrame ?
17:43.53nevcairiel"Template1, Template2"
17:45.50Ironiithanks :)
18:04.39Stanzillafound it
18:04.43Stanzillastill flickering though
18:32.26znffuck, I ordered a camera glass replacement for my phone
18:32.31znfgot a fake one
18:32.37znfbuttons won't even work properly
18:38.53znfI mean, I wouldn't have minded if it was fake, but at least say "replica" or some bullshit like that
18:39.04znfso at least I knew if I had to buy the buttons, too, not just the fucking ornament
18:39.08znfbut when you say "original"
18:40.05quiescensgives znf a cookie
18:40.11quiescensthere there
18:40.45znfI'm more annoyed that it took me 1 hour to finally give up and try to put the original back on, I thought I fucked the buttons
18:45.51Parnicyes fisker. yes i do.
18:45.55Parnici'd also take a 980
18:46.16FiskerCome get it at Blizzcon
18:46.23Parnicoh noooooooo
18:46.39Parnicbut then i'd have to talk to a dane in person
18:47.01FiskerYou don't have to talk to anybody
18:47.10FiskerAlso you have a dane
18:56.25StanzillaI heard Fisker does not talk irl
19:01.03Megalonyou mean he just sits there like a schluck wasser?
19:03.35Stanzilladunno, someone said he doesnt talk much and doesnt eat
19:03.53quiescensnot even cookies?
19:06.15Stanzillawhich I can understand
19:06.28Stanzillabecause its fucking hard as diabetes bro to manage that in a different country
19:07.19Stanzillapokes Fisker
19:09.48PredicateAre we sure Fisker is actually attending and not just sending a robot in his place?
19:25.34*** join/#wowace Ressy (
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19:30.51znfdo you blizzcon this year, Stanzilla?
19:34.17znfdo you blizzcon next year, Stanzilla?
19:37.06*** join/#wowace stolenlegacy (
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19:37.59znfwhy not, Stanzilla?
19:38.17znflet's blizzcon together next year
19:40.33znfget a job!
19:40.59Stanzillawell maybe when cyborgs finally happen
19:45.23Kalroth holy prices, batman
19:47.21*** join/#wowace End (
19:53.45znfdoes that cook french fries?
19:55.00znf>Users with 500Mbit or 1Gbit connections (yes, Romania, this means you) should be aware that the R7000 will not give you the full line speed you'll get from your modem
19:55.24Kalrothi only have 400mbit :(
19:55.39znfI only have 100Mbit
19:55.42znftoo lazy to upgrade
20:03.22StanzillaZeldo: i dont thin kthats allowed
20:03.27Stanzillashipping with modified handynotes?
20:04.26nevcairielthat probably screws over all sorts of packaging things at least
20:04.31nevcairielbut license wise also problematic
20:07.08nevcairielits probably better not to allow such files
20:26.29znfisn't that a fucking lot for 7.6TB?
20:26.54znf541 hours is 20+ days O.o
20:34.41*** join/#wowace Sintacks (
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21:25.04znflol @ genji in arcade mode
21:29.28Ironiiis it possible to bind mouse buttons using AceConfig ?
21:29.52Ironiiwith the keybinding thingie ;P
21:31.21PredicateYes, as long as it's not button 1 or 2.
21:35.07znfthat didn't take long -- VERY NSFW --
21:35.22Ironiibrb 2min
21:35.43PredicateThere's probably a whole subreddit for that by now.
21:35.51znfyeah, I was checking /r/rule34
21:35.52Ironiibut there isn't a way to bind mouse1/2 with it?
21:36.25PredicateNo, it's hardcoded to ignore those (because it uses left/right click as triggers to enter and exit keybinding mode)
21:36.46Ironiithought so :|
21:45.44TalrynIf you clone a repo on Wowace, you can have it package for you.  I assume those are no accessible from Curse o Curse client though?
21:45.58Talryn*not accessible
21:49.03znfofc it is
21:51.10TalrynI just cannot find where you see the clones for a project on Curse.
21:55.34*** join/#wowace Kemayo (uid37658@gateway/web/
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22:11.11Repocompact-runes: 03talryn1 046.2.5 * e4e1965 /: [new tag] Tag as 6.2.5.
23:23.28TalrynSo behind the scenes a clone of a repo is just a copy of it, just like git clone?  I should be able to add the mainline as an upstream and rebase without any issues?
23:35.32Stanzillayou can only see clones on cf/wowace
23:35.32Stanzillaand yes
23:44.59Talrynok, thanks Stanzilla

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