IRC log for #sporewiki on 20140819

00:00.58MasterMachineDemocracy isn't doing a very good job of it either you know. If democracy collapses into totalitatian government than what good is it?
00:01.12WormyWe can't all be happy but we should be sharing opposing ideas, criticising them to see if they work, etc.
00:01.21WormyIt may, but whether it will, is unknowable.
00:01.23MasterMachineIt's good on paper...
00:01.29Monet_Wormy: Agreed. We all need to communicate more
00:01.37Vincent20100Personnally, I think the only acceptable road is a good old technocracy.
00:01.42MasterMachineCommunication: the foundation of civilization
00:01.56*** join/#sporewiki DrodoEmpire (188a1d68@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
00:02.00MasterMachineYo Drodo
00:02.01DrodoEmpireHey, everone
00:02.15MasterMachineDemocracy or Dictatorship?
00:02.15Vincent20100People should not have their words to say about their personnal health. Only the doctors should.
00:02.18Wormyprecisely that is my point, the conception I just shared is not a traditional idea of democracy, that is, enforcing the will of the majority
00:02.42MasterMachineA true democracy would work I think.
00:03.05DrodoEmpirePreferably democracy if you can eliminate its inefficencies.
00:03.07MasterMachineWhere everyone votes as a medatory law and there is no ruling party but rather a government that is truly "of the people"
00:03.15DrodoEmpireThat's silly MM.
00:03.19Vincent20100I don't think so. A democracy is just giving power to people in sectors they should not have power at all.
00:03.46MasterMachineAnarchism for the win!
00:04.03Vincent20100We would not allow a cook to built a bridge, neither a engineers to cook for a whole restaurant
00:04.06WormyMy political compass test landed me pretty close to anarchy :P
00:04.07Monet_Democracy is about the right for thep ublic to elect representatives to speak on their behalf.
00:04.21MasterMachineThat's a Republic
00:04.35MasterMachineDemocracy is literally "ok everyone, throw in your vote, yes or no onthis law"
00:04.51DrodoEmpireI'd love to have a true "true democracy" but it doesn't work because you NEED central authority to maintain order.
00:04.58Monet_"Republic" is a very broad term
00:05.09WormyI'm not sure if I agree with anarchy at all though, deep down.  As I said, the kind of society I like is a knowledge based one and doesn't try to sustain a static culture of way of life
00:05.12MasterMachineSomeone invent a muthafucking group-mind system damnit!
00:05.27Wormy*or way of life
00:05.28Monet_You have Federal Fepublics and Democratic Republics for instance
00:05.29DrodoEmpireWithout one, how do you filter ridiculous requests? How do you coordinate law-enforcement/the military?
00:05.31Vincent20100My political compass said I was a authoritarist far-leftist
00:05.47DrodoEmpireHow does the adminstration work if there's no central government?
00:06.13MasterMachineGovernments are hard xD
00:06.18DrodoEmpireThey are.
00:06.29Monet_Which is why they can be really fragile at times
00:06.52DrodoEmpireHence why humanity played "easy mode" for most of its existence and stuck to giving one dude all the power and saying "have fun"
00:06.52TekDroidThere's a reason the bureaucracy ended up forming like it did. XD
00:06.55Vincent20100Anyway Master, we have work to do
00:07.10DrodoEmpireIts a bad system but its easy to set up
00:07.38Vincent20100Demantling the Drenmarr Republic at the end of the Capitalists corporations and the united Communist State isn't gonna do itself alone
00:08.23Vincent20100LEt's play it as a Risk Game!
00:08.35MasterMachineHere's the system we need: "Group Mind"
00:08.41Vincent20100The Popular Republic attacks the East Sector!
00:09.15MasterMachineThe reason this would work is 'cause everyone would basically be the same superorganism so hurting people would be a form of self-injurt and would inform everyone of the issue.
00:09.24WormyI think, though I'm out of my depth here, in a knowledge-based conception of democracy, the authority could be a tradition of criticism, like peer review in science.  Its an not really an authority in a traditional sense, as the tradition of criticism could change should a rival form of criticism outdo it, and if not, it has survived it
00:09.28Monet_Isn't that a hive mind?
00:09.43Vincent20100Hive mind is nice
00:09.50MasterMachineNope, cause everyone would still be independent as thinking beings, just linked together.
00:09.52Monet_Thing abotu the group mind is it gets rid of the middleman.
00:10.01MasterMachineLike how a computer network isn't a single computer.
00:10.10Monet_But that doesn't make the government any less chaotic
00:10.12WormyMy epistemology is more focused on science than politics, so yeah I am out of my depth here
00:10.30Wormyepistemology - philosophy of knowledge
00:10.32MasterMachineIt makes government unneeded, because everyone knows what everyone needs/wants, and can meet the need.
00:10.33Monet_MasterMachine: COmputers are pure rationality though
00:10.45MasterMachineBecause pain/suffering is shared, all people would care about others for their own good.
00:11.11MasterMachineSort of like a perfected communism, except in a true "group mind" people can still hide their thoughts and opinions.
00:11.16MasterMachineSo invention can still exist.
00:12.05Vincent20100"Trusting doesn't prevent from checking, comrades." -KGB motto
00:14.34DrodoGamingDunno what I'll be playing quite eyt
00:14.53WormyYou could have a communality, the next step above a hive mind...  A communality is to consciousness what consciousness is to very simple reactions
00:14.57SP2JackalSP2 was too powerful. D:
00:15.35WormyA communality would think that humans are very strange, simple things with their war and arguments
00:20.28Monet_If I recall, arguments and war are like schitzophrenia or condcuting self-harm to a communality
00:21.20MasterMachineI like the idea of a communality, that's what I mean when I say Group Mind
00:23.31Monet_I tried experimenting with a communality with the Theian Technocracy
00:23.58WormySome parts of the Civilisation might be communal
00:24.28Monet_I remember a non-canon engagement between Hachi and Develani where she got him to "feel" the presence of an embryo.
00:24.34MasterMachineThe Union of Mecholife is semi-communal - it still has internal conflict.
00:25.12MasterMachine#SchitzophrenicMachineEmpire, what could possibly go wrong? xD
00:25.35WormyIt must be on its way.  Reminds me of the Star Maker, there was this alien planet with bird swarm intelligences that fought memetic wars to consume each other
00:26.33Wormyyou wouldn't believethis book was from 1937
00:26.35MasterMachineWould a communality develope a singlular mind that is made up of the entirety?
00:26.58WormyI like to think a communality as something emergent above consciousness
00:26.59Vincent20100Pure gore is allowed for war-fiction?
00:27.25WormyAttero Dominatus lol
00:27.31Vincent20100Because honestly, I don't think we should hide our face away from what war really is.
00:27.52Vincent20100I love hanging people and torturing officers for informations. ^^
00:28.02MasterMachine^Is Afriad
00:28.09Monet_Tortureing for information is BS.
00:28.19Vincent20100The drowning simulation is very effective
00:28.23MasterMachineBetter to just use a computer virus lol
00:28.34WormyThe DCP (my fiction), has a variety of creative punishments for conquered races
00:29.00Vincent20100But I only punishes the enemies' pops.
00:29.12WormyAeo called me a sadist after reading it, which was probably an over-reaction
00:29.17Vincent20100Once they are mine, they are mine and I protect them ^^
00:29.27Vincent20100Send me the link
00:30.15Monet_MasterMachine: The best way to describe a communality is that while we, who are self-aware intelligences, can understand the sensations within our own bodies and can feel when something is wrong, a communal mind does that for a group
00:31.35Wormythat's actually very old, the list of the DCP's wars (which are often cruel if in retaliation) isn't even complete
00:31.35Monet_The internet, international forums and democracy are helping us proceed towards a communal society, but we're not quite there yet
00:33.58WormyWe need ever more complex languages to fill the complexity barrier.  Brains are very lonely things when you think about them
00:34.45WormyI used to have grey version of that
00:35.40Monet_In communalities, phrases like "are you hurt?" may become obsolete because one does nto need to ask.
00:35.51Monet_THey can work out though the communal connection
00:36.03WormyYou never need to ask your cells if they are damaged
00:36.38WormyThats given me a thought
00:37.15WormyCephalodian awareness, must very alien, given the fact they have cellular communication at such fidelity they can program their native biosphere
00:37.45Wormythats possible because the Ceph biosphere evolved from runaway bio-nanotech
00:38.38Monet_I'm starting to imagine now that members of a communality may have less vocal conversations. Why say you love someone or ask for some medical support when members of your communality can work it out by being in your presence?
00:39.00WormyBut their awareness must run deeper than ours, perhaps less into the joys of intellectual highs but the depth of cells and biology
00:40.06Vincent20100Wait a sec
00:40.39Vincent20100HEre is what happened to the first large enemies of the Algolurn Popular Republic.
00:40.52WormyMonet:  Notice how all the spheres contain reflections of each other, every part contained and reflected in every other
00:41.11WormyThats by Escher btw
00:42.04Vincent20100I particularly enjoyed the "bar-b-cue" of Temple Prime.
00:42.09Monet_I remember that picture but never quite understood it
00:43.46WormyDouglas Hofstader compares it to Indras Net, or the renormalisation of particles (where every particle as a virtual one, and every virtual one, ad infinitum)
00:45.07Monet_Looking back, yeah, I think I indicated that Develani felt a comfort being around Gerden that I had trouble putting into words.
00:45.58WormyI have difficulty describing Cephalodian awareness the same way
00:46.25WormyThough now I have that idea
00:47.09Monet_This might be a real-world phenomenon but I described that across oen night she felt so safe she completely forgot about the DOmain's political troubles and the Fireweaver threat. it sort-of temporarily vanished form her mind as she sat on a sofa with Gerden's arm resting on her shoulders.
00:47.36Monet_In a hug
00:48.16WormyInteresting section Vincent
00:48.39Monet_Bear in mind that for a good dea lof the story she was getting some very disturbing psychic flashes burned into her brain.
00:48.59Monet_Thanks to some form of Fireweaver intelligence.
00:49.22Vincent20100I love fire
00:49.26Vincent20100Fire is nice
00:49.34Vincent20100IIt is red like the Revolution
00:49.40Vincent20100And it purge
00:49.52Vincent20100It purge the world from evil!
00:50.08Vincent20100So... the enemies' planets shall BURN!!!!
00:50.16Wormyputs it out with a hose
00:51.57Monet_That's one way of looking at fire
00:53.13Vincent20100cracks a match.
00:53.25Monet_blows it out
00:53.40Monet_You're not supposed to play with matches
00:53.52MasterMachine-locates his flamerthrower-
00:53.57MasterMachineI can play with thing right?
00:53.57DrodoGamingNo match-playing for you!
00:54.39Monet_DrodoGaming: So logn as you point it at zombies yeah
00:55.13DrodoGaming(I meant it to be for Vincent. XD)
00:55.21Vincent20100Matches are safe. What's the worst that could happen?
00:55.26Vincent20100Evil laught.
00:55.31DrodoGaminglooks at BC wildfires
00:56.02Vincent20100These damn trees searched for it!
00:56.33Vincent20100Look how close they planted themselves to my matches!
00:57.55Monet_I remember some British Public Information Cartoons that showed critters lighting matches, reacting to the heat of the flame, dropping the match and setting fire t othe whole city they lived in
00:58.22DrodoGamingThat's pretty dark.
00:58.38DrodoGamingLike, darker than Canada's PSAs; That's really saying something.
00:59.28Monet_It might help that in one of the films the critters were insects and one of them foudn am atchstick almost as big as he was.
00:59.49Monet_I think brits may be...kinda famous for dar kPSAs
00:59.59DrodoGamingRight. XD
01:01.51HachimanI remember there was a PSA about trains once. A family were strolling across a field and playing "I Spy", and the daughter said "I spy with my little eye something beginning with T!" It was all bright and cheery with the family trying to guess, until the girl stepped onto a railroad track, Cue the screen cutting to black and the sound of a train wooshing by, with the caption "Always look out for trains on railroads."
01:01.56Monet_There's an infamous one for speed control. The message is (from a child) "if you hit me at 40 there's a n80% vahnce i'll die, if you hit me at 30, there's an 80% chance I'll live" to a video of an 8-year-old-girl's roadside corpse dragging itself int othe middle of the road, compelte with bones cracking and snapping back into place and getting up before cheerfully smiling to the camera.
01:02.43DrodoGamingChrist almighty that's terrifying.
01:03.34Monet_I think I might have heard abotu that train one
01:04.03Monet_After getting back up I think the girl skipped away
01:06.12Monet_Some of our adverts can be wierd too.
01:07.25WormyOr the eye-spy train advert that looks like the family assassinated their child
01:08.08WormyOh, and there is this old one XD
01:08.33Monet_This talk reminds me of one for Buoirsan cheese. You had a couple running though a meadow, giddily in love, they set up a picnic, its all bright and sunny and a narrator goes though what they have with them: "Du pain, du (something), Du boirsan", then the camera pans up to see a combine harvester chopping up the field and appoachign the group to the title "du tracteur" then the ad ends.
01:09.04Monet_A snap to black
01:11.32*** join/#sporewiki DrodoEmpire (188a1d68@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
01:12.02Monet_This talk reminds me of one for Buoirsan cheese. You had a couple running though a meadow, giddily in love, they set up a picnic, its all bright and sunny and a narrator goes though what they have with them: "Du pain, du (something), Du boirsan", then the camera pans up to see a combine harvester chopping up the field and appoachign the group to the title "du tracteur" then the ad ends.
01:12.15Monet_Didn't know if you caught that
01:12.24DrodoEmpireI did, thanks
01:13.03Monet_Oh, just remembered another possibly dark UK PSA
01:13.40WormyTake Longer To Look For Bikes
01:14.42Monet_We see a guy drinking several botles of beer. He then starts ripping his clothes, puking in a toilet, breaking his own ribs, giving himself a black eye and smashing the bottles in his face before staggering out the front door. The tagline? "You wouldn't start a night like this, so why end it like it?"
01:14.42WormyThere's a radio version at the moment with a condesending voice talking about the family falling apart after their relative was killed on a bike, then it says "But then you never looked" or something like that
01:15.27WormyYeah but all that is incredibly funny in the drunk-mode of thinking, is my response
01:15.59Monet_I heard that not long after, people started getting "pre-wasted"
01:16.32Monet_So they were effectively drunk out of their minds the moment they met their friends
01:16.41WormyMy mum said in her day there were very frightening adverts put on TV of kids drowing in quarries and the like, to warn kids away from dangerous places, and they were quite scary
01:17.12AdmiralPandathe one thing I find funny about Australia's drinking problem is that anyone with half a mind knows exactly where it came from
01:18.35WormyHere we go, 70s public info films to still fear into the hearts of children
01:18.52Monet_The PSA: Government approved scare-the-absolute-shit out of you in the name of education.
01:19.28AdmiralPandaby the way Monet_: How true is this ?
01:20.50WormyPublic info film had that pedo whats his name in it
01:20.58WormyJimmy Saville
01:22.11Monet_SOme bits are accurate - it didn't gain its reputation as a spreadsheet game for nothing. Although his assumption of combat seems to neglect stuff like warp scramblers (which prevent you from retreating when everything does go tits-up), energy siphons and drones.
01:22.32AdmiralPandahe doesn't play anything very long so it's entirely possible he doesn't even know those exist
01:23.12Wormy70s ones were very graphic
01:23.13Monet_Probably. No rats within high-sec space have that kind of fancy stuff.
01:23.41Monet_And if you want to get anywhere in New Eden, find a corp.
01:24.09AdmiralPandaYahtzee does hate people so it's no surprise he wasn't interested in those either :P
01:24.14Monet_Production of the expensive-yet-very-high-in-demeand Tech Two ships requires a starbase and moon mining, which requires a corporation.
01:25.05Monet_Oh there are corps that exist purely to spend as much time as they can ruining everyone else's day.
01:26.54AdmiralPandareminds me of this one guild back when I played Eudemons Online
01:27.15AdmiralPandabasically all they did was pitch tents and camp just outside of the guards' attack radius in pvp hotspots and murder people
01:28.44Monet_And the thing with "signature analysis and signature focus": It tells you in the skillbook what it improves, some skills exist only so you can be eligible to get a bunch of new skills and many skills exist that do nothing to your combad formidability
01:28.48*** join/#sporewiki Tybusen (44e7d075@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
01:29.43Monet_Although he's spot on with "coming down with a seriosu case of flow charts"; a lot of serious players likely play EVE with Exel open in the background.
01:30.41TybusenSo I've gotten up to Episode 18 of NGE
01:31.05TybusenI think I'm definitely in the part where things getting weird
01:31.09Monet_One of my relatives played EVE for a bit and he placed post-it notes everywhere around his desk listing prices, trends, manufacturing profit margins or whatever.
01:31.24Monet_Tybusen: It will only get even more wierd from then on in
01:31.44TybusenI know that Episode 22 has the infamous mind rape scene
01:32.30Wormyslinky of escalator
01:32.45TybusenThe show seems light enough up until you get to the 12th Angel
01:32.59*** join/#sporewiki Cuttlefish_ (44092309@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
01:33.05TybusenThat's where Hideki Anno's depression really started shining through to me
01:34.13AdmiralPandathis is just me, but the moment a game requires you to go third party, intentionally or not, it's lost something
01:35.43Monet_EVE probably wouldn't work without a playerbase.
01:36.50AdmiralPandaI think you mean spreadsheets
01:36.51Monet_Its the player-driven economy: Other players make and sell the guns, ships, ammo, modules and bulkhead wallpaper you will constantly be buying.
01:36.55AdmiralPandano game works without a player base :P
01:37.10Monet_No players = no items prettymuch
01:38.27Monet_And those thousands of tonnes of mined space rock won't go anywhere unless someone is looking to buy several tonnes of space rock
01:39.58AdmiralPandaor unless someone ejects it and uses it in a gravity-based troll weapon
01:40.04AdmiralPandawait that's Space Engineers
01:40.28AdmiralPandathe game where rock has exactly two uses: reactor components and trolling people
01:41.45Monet_In regards t o"bored bored bored eyestrain", my solution is multitasking.
01:41.54Cuttlefish_How come so many of you are awake? It's like 2 in the morning in UK right now.
01:42.03Monet_We're night owls
01:42.36Monet_When I went on a mining mission I'd also have photoshop of paint tool SAI open t owork on some art
01:44.00Monet_Actualyl come to think of it, the kicking shins analogy couldn't eb more accurate.
01:44.17AdmiralPandacuttlefish_: It's midday here
01:44.45Monet_Without special devices the variance of combat is "target enemy then turn on autoattack and wait until it exlodes"
01:45.20Monet_Or with the right skills you can target as many as six objects at once.
01:49.02Monet_"Just one decent alien race would have livened things up" > Yeah that's the other thing about EVE, the lcosest we get to sapient alien intelligence is a bunch of humans who gene modded themselves to - and I am not killding here - the creation of a disease specific to them that leads to irreversably losing the will to live.
01:49.54Monet_The jove quite literally depressed themselves to near-extinction.
01:50.51HachimanSo EVE is edgy Star Trek
01:51.32Monet_I'd say it's the halfway point between Star Trek and Warhammer 40,000 minus alien civilisations
01:52.55Monet_For instance there's Sansha's Nation, who raid planets and abduct peope by dispersing nanomachines into the air that hijack the bodies of the local population and lead them into abduction ships.
01:53.40Monet_All the while the poor victims are fully aware of where they are going.
01:54.06Monet_They essentially walk into the abduction ships.
01:54.28Vincent20100Just wrote down the first battle of the Upstarts Wars
01:54.53Vincent20100All ended up as a big brazier.
01:55.24Vincent20100Defenceless planet = planet-wide brazier. ^^
01:55.41Monet_Theere is also the Caldari State which is supposed to be Space Japan - the side that emphasises duty, honour and money isntead of anime and waifus.
01:56.58Monet_In the Caldari State, being supremel efficient at your job is a massive turn-on for others.
01:57.50Monet_If you want entertainment look to the Gallente Federation, who manage ot be both carefree, lewd and absolutely terrifying.
01:59.39Monet_Al lthe Galente want to do is express their freedoms; strip clubs, movies, tv, tourism etc. But threaten the Federation itself and these hedonists will STOP. AT.NTOHING. Until every offender is 6ft underground or floating aimlessly in space as a human lolly.
01:59.58*** join/#sporewiki Zmr56 (4d6222a4@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
02:00.09Zmr56Lotsa people on at this time
02:01.18Monet_Actually it's best to say that all four of the NPC empires are decent to live in but they all have their extreme dark sides.
02:02.43Monet_For Caldari being fired may as well equal death, for Gallente they obsess over the latest crazes and are currently undergoing an authoritarian revolution with a new secret police, the Amarr are extremely zealous, religious policy is law and they're the biggest slave-owning empire.
02:03.39Monet_And the Minmatar you must be constantly on the alert for either Amarrian slavers or avoiding pissing off too many of your own nation because Minmatar are the most aggressive of the three thanks to the Amarr
02:03.46Monet_of the four*
02:06.03Monet_So its closer t o40K only everything hasn't *completely* gne down the shitter and there's no great universal threat ot all of intelligent life
02:07.57Monet_That's probably what separates it from Mass Effect or Warhammer: The four empires are more likely to be fighting themselves than a great threat to all existence.
02:08.07Monet_fighting each other ,rather
02:08.18Monet_We've already had a second Caldari-Gallente War
02:09.12HachimanSounds quite boring
02:09.38Monet_And the Amarr won't stop raiding Minmatar colonies until either they gey a severe punch in the face by the Gallente Federation or the Minmatar once again become a salve race
02:09.38HachimanAll humans with just ever so slight variety analogous to real world nations with absolutely zero aliens
02:10.07Monet_Well there are alien lifeforms, but nothing that could craft a civilisation.
02:10.52Monet_Actually there are the Rogue Drones - a group of Gallente AI drones that golitched and became an ever-expanding self replicating swarm.
02:12.08Monet_I wouldn't call them a great universal threat because the drones themselves, being Gallente inventions, aren't invincible to contemporary weaponry.
02:12.50Monet_TbF most of the interesting stuff is what the palyer coprorations are doing
02:14.36Monet_No major battle in the history of mankind involved over 80 of the largest possible ships plus 2000+ other vessels was caused by someone not paying rent!
02:20.18Monet_Anyway goodnight
03:31.39*** join/#sporewiki MasterMachine (6c10c740@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
03:31.41MasterMachineFUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU adobe -_-
03:41.22Vincent20100If you see typos, feel free to correct them
03:41.53Vincent20100I will transform my sections tomorow, must go to bed now
03:41.56TekDroidMastermachine: Always save your work.
03:42.19Vincent20100This war...
03:42.28Vincent20100It is the beginning of something
03:42.29MasterMachineIt doesn't affect my writing, but it does screw with the IRC for some reason.
03:42.32Vincent20100Something bigger...
03:42.35Vincent20100A lot bigger...
03:42.36MasterMachineAnd pretty much all of my fun stuff :(
03:42.39MasterMachinelol Vincent
03:43.12MasterMachineOh, Vincent, I'm building the Drenmarr Republic page right now
03:43.26Vincent20100I wrote my part as an HISTORY book while you wrote it as an STORY book...
03:47.23MasterMachineSomeone, quick, link me to a Tier 3 civ tech page so I can "borrow" all of their techs. (j/k o/c)
03:54.34MasterMachine - I think this is the smallest fictionon the wiki xD
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08:43.25AdmiralPandawell, time to go torture myself with FTL again
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09:37.44Wormyfish listner
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11:17.58Wormygame based on audio instead of graphics
11:23.21WormyTop of the morning
11:23.26Wormyto you
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12:51.29Monet_tis quiet this morning
12:52.33Liquid_Inkstarts making noise in Monet's ear.
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13:17.33*** topic/#sporewiki is SporeWiki! || statistics: || Logs: || Fiction Universe: || Fantasy Universe: || Roleplay subchannels: #sporewiki-rp1 and #sporewiki-rp2
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13:33.12*** join/#sporewiki Monet_ (50bd8901@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
13:33.43Monet_ I got bored and so I added something to Web Original
13:48.31*** join/#sporewiki drom (
13:59.19*** join/#sporewiki WoodPulp (42ad095a@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
14:24.04WoodPulpWell I got a good conversation started the last time I asked this question: How's the weather?
14:24.08Monet_AdmiralPanda: SOmething bugs me about XCOM's arc thrower...what about using a taser gun?
14:26.23AdmiralPandait's better
14:26.30AdmiralPandathe arc thrower I mean
14:26.42Monet_I suppose by being tsered you're still conscious
14:27.02AdmiralPandait's sufficiently more effective than a taser that law enforcement agencies around the world request examples to reverse engineer
14:27.25Monet_I remember the kind of random mission you can get.
14:28.56WoodPulpRANDOM QUESTION: has anyone here ever played Sanctum 2?
14:29.16Monet_Not me
14:29.45*** join/#sporewiki MasterMachine (6c10c740@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
14:29.55AdmiralPandaplayed it, didn't enjoy it that much
14:30.27AdmiralPandayou can get exactly the same experience from a 2d flash game, and I didn't enjoy it for exactly that reason
14:30.45MasterMachineEnjoy what?
14:31.00AdmiralPandaSanctum 2
14:31.57*** join/#sporewiki Sporeraptor (54390ee6@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
14:33.46AdmiralPandadum where's Hachiman when you need him
14:36.02MasterMachineI love my pink spice planets...
14:36.28MasterMachine360 spice per house
14:36.37MasterMachineI wish it was per house
14:43.04Monet_AdmiralPanda: I guess another good reason t ouse the arc thrower is if the enemy is uncosncious, they'll have a header time figuring out where XCOm's base is
14:43.27Monet_Then again post-mission cleanup is never shown so maybe they're put in bodybags
14:45.12WoodPulpDear person who decided to pay for $15 worth of gas with a $100 dollar bill: Could you not? Sincerely, WoodPulp
14:49.57WoodPulpSo a lot of the change is 5's and 10's cause i ran out of 20's and the guy's all like "Woah that's a lot of change"
14:50.30WoodPulpand i'm like "Yeah, that's what happens when you give me a hundred for 15 dollars of gas
14:51.14Monet_I am questioninng what you are doing with a $100 bill on you while buying petrol
14:55.22WoodPulpMe too
14:57.51*** join/#sporewiki Wormy (568f41fa@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
14:58.15*** join/#sporewiki DrodoEmpire (188a1d68@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
14:58.25DrodoEmpireHey, everyone
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15:08.50MasterMachine_I hate it when firefox and adobe decide "we're just gonna use ALL the memory"
15:09.17MasterMachine_Between the two they had 3.5gig of my 5gig system xD
15:09.27MasterMachine_When did all these people get here?
15:46.07*** join/#sporewiki The_Randomness (
15:46.16The_RandomnessHello everyone
15:48.22AdmiralPandahi u
15:54.18*** join/#sporewiki Monet__ (50bd8901@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
15:55.06Monet__One thing that was pointed out in NC's review of the original Transformers franchise: If Starscream takes every opportunity he gets to betray Megatron and take over, how did he last for so long?
15:55.36MasterMachine_His raw evil protected him?
15:55.52The_RandomnessPlot convenience?
15:56.31MasterMachine_Rule of Cool?
15:56.34Monet__My theory is that he serves as the perfect scapegoat when Megatron's plans go tits-up
15:56.50Monet__Megatron blames him and punishes him
15:56.59Monet__Even if its not entirely his fault
15:57.12MasterMachine_So he jeeps him around to be the buttmonkey?
15:58.58MasterMachine_So, I've found a colony that buys Purple Spice for the max pricee and I'm just going to and from my two PSP colonies and that colony selling it to them
15:59.23MasterMachine_I get a full load of like 60 or so from the two colonies then make around 2mil Sporebucks
16:00.39Monet__It might also expain why Starscream is constantly trying to usurp him
16:03.47AdmiralPandaMonet__: My understanding of it is that Starscream is actually a worthy second in command, just with a nasty habit of backstabbing
16:04.29Monet__AdmiralPanda: The first episode kinda does cement that Megatron doesn't think he deserves it, but Megatron can also be a massive asshole at times
16:05.32AdmiralPandaIn some continuities he's definitely good at what he does, in others he's a complete butt monkey
16:08.21Monet__Sounds like a case of longrunningfranchiseconsistencyitis.
16:08.44AdmiralPandathat kinda happens when writers change
16:09.21AdmiralPandaalso I think I've found an anime Hachi might like
16:12.18AdmiralPandait's called Infinite Stratos, it's sort of a weird mix of mecha and harem genres (not hentai, mind you), but one you get over the initial awkwardness it's surprisingly engaging
16:12.49AdmiralPandathe reason I say Hachi might like it is it's basically Hachiman in a mech school with four girls competing for his attention
16:13.15AdmiralPandathe mechs are pretty badass though
16:13.29Monet__"mech school"
16:13.44AdmiralPandamech pilot school
16:14.38Monet__Right, right. Though I will be forever confounded by the Japanese obsession with adult/teen anime and school.
16:14.59The_RandomnessI HOPE SENPAI NOTICES ME
16:15.25The_RandomnessThat's a lot of animes in a nutshell, right?
16:15.44AdmiralPandaromance ones at least
16:16.30Monet__Teen anime I can understand, the West has its own genre of high school drama.
16:16.39Monet__But adult anime is what confounds me
16:18.55Monet__Hell shows like Full Metal Panic seem like universes that could possibly work (I've never actually seen a whole episode) but they still focus on school settings.
16:24.05Monet__They could have done like A Town Called Eureka and stuck the protagonist's focus in a mock town that doubled as the site of a government think-tank
16:54.25*** join/#sporewiki GD12 (43b4106f@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
16:58.37OfficerJackalHuh, aparrently people are getting upset about this girl named Zoe Quinn, and how she fucked a couple of indie developers and I think a game journalist for positive reviews and feedback? I dunno, it kinda seems like a clusterfuck to me. :|
17:01.14OluapPlayerI've heard that name today
17:01.18OluapPlayerBut I know nothing more about it
17:02.42OfficerJackalYeah, things like /r/gaming are going apeshit about it, this one post on it with like 16.k comments had all the comments deleted with auto-delete by the mods, and the censorship on the matter is aparrently happning on other sub-reddits/sites too.
17:03.40OfficerJackalEven 4chan for a short time before the mods just gave up.
17:04.24*** join/#sporewiki Xho (5604212f@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
17:06.11XhoI think I know what to give Hachi for his birthday
17:06.18XhoI'm gonna do a Crux remake for him and see if he likes it
17:06.30OluapPlayerkeep it Zazane-like pls
17:06.38OluapPlayerAlso updated Shiarchon jesters
17:07.02Xhodis gud update
17:07.06Xhou get nuthin 4 it
17:07.07Xhotop kek
17:07.20OluapPlayeru complimented it and dat enuff
17:28.12infobotextra, extra, read all about it, test is not funny
17:33.39*** join/#sporewiki OfficerJackal (
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17:58.52XhoOluapPlayer: fuk ur zazane
18:09.25Xhou dum
18:12.37*** join/#sporewiki drom (
18:13.48dromhurp durp
18:20.15XhoWhere's Impy when you need him
18:20.55OluapPlayerWith his waifu
18:25.53Monet_Xho: That Crux looks nicely frightening and primal
18:27.12*** join/#sporewiki drom (
18:56.12tcmhow did you get that glossy black look
18:56.12XhoOluapPlayer: “BASED” - Kebra'Osos
18:56.14XhoMade me laugh
18:56.24XhoTCM: Skin texture
18:57.36XhoI have a feeling Hachi is away on Steam
19:01.48Monet_You hand tell because he always has Spore running
19:01.50*** join/#sporewiki Jepardi (b24b970e@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
19:22.35Xho Made Forest Elementals
19:22.58Monet_That's pretty realistic
19:25.04OluapPlayerI am groot etc
19:26.32Xho This page needs a serious serious rework
19:27.11SporeraptorThe Forest Elemental looks incredible
19:30.29XhoI imagine some the oldest forest elementals are absolutely gigantic
19:31.17*** join/#sporewiki The_Randomness (
19:31.35The_RandomnessHello everyone
19:31.52Xho I made walking tree
19:35.09Xho Now we need to up the ante with this page
19:36.21XhoThe creations are, with a pinch of salt, super goofy
19:36.38XhoLike, stereotypical Spore goofy
19:37.57Monet_Yeah they could do with a massive touchup
19:38.26XhoThe entire page needs a massive touchup I think
19:38.30XhoWho's gonna do it then hur
19:39.21Xho...It's gonna be me isn't it
19:39.56OluapPlayerYes hur
19:42.23Xhodam u
19:43.03Xhour a test
19:43.09dromurgh, I can't get this tilde on mac
19:43.15XhoI mean
19:43.26infobot~~~~~~~~~~~ are YOU READY?????????? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
19:43.41dromah shit, you created a paradox
19:43.53XhoShit happens
19:44.07dromQuick, shove your Kicaths agent s into it.
19:44.14Xho~throw Kicath Agents
19:44.14infobotACTION winds up and throws Kicath Agents over the moon.
19:44.22XhoThat...sort of works
19:44.34dromIT'S LIKE RIGHT EHRE
19:44.44Xho~throw Kicath Agents at the paradox
19:44.44infobotACTION winds up and throws Kicath Agents at the paradox over the moon.
19:44.49XhoFuck's sake
19:45.09XhoParadox wins
19:45.16dromgives up and shoves Xho through the paradox instead.
19:45.23XhoThat also works
19:45.27dromDere, you fit
19:45.33XhoOn another note has anyone got any other names for Elementals
19:46.40XhoAnd on another note no one would object to me putting a quote by Kinmorunddraver at the top
19:46.42XhoForest Idks
19:46.52XhoClose but no cigar there Drom
19:48.57dromsteals Xho's cigrettes*
19:49.03dromfck yer rules
19:49.12XhoWait I don't smoke
19:49.46dromMe neither
19:50.17dromflings the packet of cigrettes on OluapPlayer*
19:50.41XhoOluap's just gonna turn into a Spycrab and scuttle away
19:51.58dromWe catch him and make a dinner out of him
19:52.14XhoI do that all the time hur
19:53.10dromLet me to do this in a swede way
19:53.47XhoSpeaking of Swedes
19:53.50XhoI want to try semla
19:54.07dromswings a meathammer and obilerates OluapCrab into a musy mince*
19:54.17Monet_Xho: If I added you to my Xcom campaign which would you prefer him to be? A Gene-modded or mecha supersoldier?
19:54.28XhoMecha supersoldier I think
19:55.06dromIt must really feel good to be an alien if gene-modded.
19:58.56dromI have always wondered what would a Naakji-Kicath plot unfold.
19:59.24XhoWell, realistically I think the Naakji and Kicath would eventually get on quite well
19:59.51XhoSure their social customs may turn a game of rock paper scissors into table throw smash
19:59.52*** join/#sporewiki Vincent20100 (b8a31c4b@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
20:00.10Vincent20100Hi dudes and dudettes!
20:01.37dromXho: If the table is indestructable, I guess it will be a table-flipping contest. The race that makes most flips wins.
20:02.34XhoTurns out the Naakji and Kicath are just alien Scandinavians
20:03.00dromEither, Swedes-Finns or Swedes-Danes
20:03.21dromNo way Swede-Norway, this bond is way too friendly.
20:04.50dromXho: How finn/swede/icelandic/dane/norwegian is Kicath?
20:05.06XhoWell, Kicathian language is balls-hard
20:05.11XhoSo probably quite Finnish hur
20:05.24XhoI vaguely understand Swedish/Norwegian
20:05.30XhoDanish is a stretch and Finnish is impossible
20:05.37dromThe downside with finn is because they are being oppressed by russia
20:06.10XhoWell Kicath are generally highly advanced but they won't hesitate to throw you through a wall if you make them angry
20:07.24dromFinland has got a annoying father, Sweden.
20:08.15*** join/#sporewiki Hachiman (6d98f27f@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
20:08.19XhoHachiman u dunce
20:08.20dromKicath are just Dane-Finns.
20:08.31HachimanXho: I like that Crux picture you did, really appreciate it
20:08.35dromhi dere
20:08.37Vincent20100[16:05] <drom> The downside with finn is because they are being oppressed by russia
20:08.41XhoOluap thought it was dum
20:08.53Vincent20100Like being oppressed by Russia was a "Bad thing". ^^
20:09.38Vincent20100Russia stronk!
20:10.04dromNah. Finland can butcher Russia like in 5 mere seconds.
20:10.14Vincent20100Said no Finns ever.
20:10.21XhoLinguistics wise hur
20:10.28Monet_HachimanL Happy birthday mate!
20:10.42XhoJepardi: Your language is hard and my head hurts (I've said this for the 2499th time but it's true)
20:11.19XhoI think Uralic languages in general are just a complete brain-melt
20:11.23XhoHungarian as well
20:11.42dromI can say that the Norwegian language is like a mashup of the Danish-Swedish languages.
20:12.04dromThat's why we understand the Norwegian language easier than our rude neighors.
20:12.06XhoI find Swedish the easiest to understand of the three
20:12.18XhoThen Norwegian, then Danish
20:12.32XhoThough I don't speak a word of any of htem
20:12.36dromFinnish isn't hard.
20:12.39Xhowat u on about
20:12.53dromThere you go.
20:13.14XhoMaking sense of "Hyvää syntymäpäivää" seems rather impossible to me
20:13.23XhoWhich reminds me
20:13.25XhoHachiman: Hyvää syntymäpäivää
20:13.54HachimanAre you saying I have a small cock
20:14.02XhoIt means Happy Birthday u dum
20:14.11Hachimano rite
20:14.30dromVote Hachiman for being the most British user ever 2014.
20:15.24dromAlso, have a cute fish.
20:15.26XhoThe fact that British people have an innately poor grasp of foreign languages doesn't make learning one any easier
20:15.49XhoDrom: Cuter than I thought it was going to be admittedly
20:16.19XhoWe have an insanely poor grasp of foreign languages
20:16.24dromXho: Somebody already compared that fish to Xenos.
20:16.37XhoGoing across Europe you'll probably find at least 50% of people have a grasp of English
20:16.40HachimanLooks like Venom from the Spiderman comics
20:17.12XhoAs opposed to 62% of British people who have no knowledge of a foreign language
20:17.25XhoIt really irks me with the whole "Everyone should just learn English" trope
20:17.32XhoI want to punch people like that
20:18.41dromNuke UK, and we are done
20:19.00dromIf Amercia has the same problem, nuke the living shit of there too.
20:19.02HachimanSo according to Brazzers' Twitter, they offer free accounts
20:19.13OluapPlayerOf course you follow Brazzer's Twitter
20:19.28Hachimany wud i not
20:19.46dromew, prev
20:20.33dromHave a dorf dog.
20:21.28Hachiman"snapchat is totally not for nudes.  nope.  not at all.  not one bit." - Brazzers
20:25.23dromXho: I have to say that I personally find a Naakji-Kicath collab about them getting along when they agree on something.
20:25.44XhoYou kind of changed the sentence half way through there
20:26.00dromOh shit.
20:26.12dromObligatory rewrite then.
20:27.01XhoEveryone: I'm currently redoing the Elementals page, I guess it would be a good idea to use the same elements on the page as we did for the True Kelodhres
20:27.31HachimanNah I think we could have more Elementals than there are True Drakes
20:27.49drom[...] a Naakji-Kicath collab, about them getting along soon they agree on something, interesting.
20:27.57dromI think this setence should be okay now.
20:28.04XhoYeah it would be
20:29.34Monet_Hachiman: That's a lot of elemntal types then
20:29.50HachimanThere are a lot of natural elements
20:30.05HachimanYou'd have your base stuff and then all the intricate stuff that comes from combining certain elements
20:30.09Xho I did make this as well
20:30.10dromI can't yet find a fitting concept or idea though. Because, as what I caught from your statements, Naakji and Kicath are like brawling twins.
20:30.17OluapPlayerYeah that's the best option
20:30.19Hachimandat ent
20:30.20XhoKicath brawl with everyone and get along
20:30.24WormyEvildxDie is back?
20:30.30WormyThe creator of the Taxton
20:30.37Monet_TYeah I was going to wonder about the hybrid elements since they're not 100% elementary if you get my drift
20:30.51HachimanOh well hur
20:30.52Monet_Steam for instance isn't one of Plato's five elements
20:30.53XhoRight now for the 'True Elementals' I have = Water, Sky, Earth, Forest, Fire, Light, Darkness
20:31.06OluapPlayerHave them represent one magic school each, like True Dragons
20:31.13XhoYeah that was my initial idea
20:31.16OluapPlayerThen we have other elementals for the hipster stuff
20:31.31XhoWell Darkness is actually Shadow on this page
20:31.40OluapPlayerSame thing different names
20:31.41XhoI call Shadow Elementals cuz giant dark dragon god
20:31.55OluapPlayerBlood elementals
20:31.57Monet_"hiperster stuff"?
20:32.05XhoOluapPlayer: zombies
20:32.10HachimanI wanna do Fire Elementals hur
20:32.11OluapPlayerdats not blood
20:32.22OluapPlayerMonet_: Everything that's not a magic school
20:32.27dromHair Elemental?
20:32.37XhoStorm and Sun Elemental as well will do
20:32.52OluapPlayerNorrigan is actually a Sun Elemental in a suit of armor
20:32.54HachimanXho: Air already covers Storm
20:33.01OluapPlayerStorm = thunder
20:33.05Hachimano rite
20:33.12XhoStorm is like weather and whatnot
20:33.13HachimanSo lightning elementals
20:33.21XhoYeah pretty much
20:33.27OluapPlayerWeather isn't an element tho
20:33.35OluapPlayermuh headcanon > u
20:33.37XhoWe still have Lightning Magic hur
20:33.50XhoThe most powerful lightning magic does alter the weather
20:33.50Monet_Weather is air + water.
20:33.52HachimanI imagine the "hipter" elementals would be stuff like steam, mud, blood, magma, etc
20:34.02drommake a type those elementals falling in that category is mostly composed of hair and fur
20:34.03OluapPlayerBlood is a magic school
20:34.06OluapPlayerSo it'll fall under True
20:34.07XhoAs was apparent with Nalúnt who was the god of weather
20:34.17OluapPlayerI always saw storm stuff = electricity
20:34.23XhoI mean bad weather
20:34.32XhoLike, torrential storms weather
20:35.08XhoBut yeah the basics of storm stuff is electricity
20:35.17XhoThen masters can alter the weather and stuff
20:35.27HachimanNeeds Periodic Table elementals hur
20:35.38XhoOr if you're a god you can completely change the weather on Koldenwelt
20:35.53XhoTurn everything into a frozen wasteland for instance if you're so inclind
20:35.54OluapPlayerNorrigan is on his way of becoming the new Storm Colossus then
20:36.04XhoNorrigan the Fabulous
20:36.35dromrainbow elementals
20:36.47XhoI dunno about Frost Elemental
20:36.53Monet_Hachi: Bad joke is bad
20:37.03HachimanFor some reason I'm imagining Elementals now as similar to djinn
20:37.04OluapPlayerIce is a magic school, so they should exist
20:37.28Monet_Periodic table elementals = over 100 different elemental types
20:37.53*** join/#sporewiki Liquid_Ink (65a533e6@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
20:37.57XhoHydrogen Elemental, cause fuck your shit
20:38.09Liquid_InkHello to you too.
20:38.15HachimanNeeds Bone Elemental, aka giant skelly
20:38.31XhoI suppose that would fall under a subtype of Shadow Elemental
20:38.32OluapPlayerSepulchrus - mine
20:38.33XhoSince dark magic
20:38.44XhoAnd necromancy and stoof
20:38.45HachimanIt would also fall under Earth Elemental I imagine
20:38.46OluapPlayeru got nothin on Ununoctium Elementals
20:38.55XhoVoid Elementals
20:39.02Hachimanvoid not an element
20:39.04XhoPrimal Elementals, more ngh
20:39.12XhoCelestial Elementals, not so ngh
20:39.23HachimanPrimal Energy also doesn't represent an element hur
20:39.27Xhoduz nao
20:39.32Xhokicks Hachiman into the sun
20:39.44XhoTime Elemental
20:39.49Monet_Actually Oluap that makes me we stick to natural elements or do we inclde artificial elements
20:39.49XhoHm probably not a good idea
20:39.54OluapPlayerWill neve rhave a page
20:40.01OluapPlayeru got nothin on Ununoctium Elementals
20:40.12Hachimandafuq is unonoctium
20:40.13XhoAinsley Elementals
20:40.16OluapPlayerOh god
20:40.24OluapPlayerThese are Caligaduro's true wardens
20:40.24XhoOil Elementals
20:40.39OluapPlayerI just realized I posted the Ununoctium Elemental thing twice
20:40.40HachimanThat reminds me, needs Poison Elementals
20:40.41OluapPlayerSorry about taht
20:40.49XhoVoid Elementals do exist but just not on Koldenwelt
20:40.57Monet_Hachiman: Ununoctium is the heaviest known element recorded
20:41.11XhoTechnically speaking every single Void Denizen is a Void Elemental given form
20:41.14HachimanSo basically
20:41.17OluapPlayerI'ts the last thing in the periodic table
20:41.18HachimanYour Mama Elemental
20:41.31OluapPlayerNah, Ununoctium is lighter
20:41.34Monet_Unfortunately the only place it exists in the universe is in a high-energy atom smasher.
20:41.48HachimanAntimatter Elemental
20:41.54XhoArcane Elementals won't work since you can't have an elemental made out of illusions
20:41.57XhoWell you might be able to
20:42.05XhoI dunno I'll leave it out for now
20:42.11OluapPlayerDoesn't look fitting
20:42.14HachimanI think we need to think more about alchemical elements
20:42.41Monet_Hachiman: Elements in its atomic number range are so large they tend to have insanely short half-lives
20:42.53Monet_they split themselves because they're os massive.
20:43.10HachimanSo fat elements can't stand being around fat elements
20:43.33Monet_No. Fat elements are so fat they break down very soon after they are formed
20:43.46OluapPlayerThey die of morbid obesity
20:44.02HachimanTumblr is made out of fat elements
20:44.10XhoAnd any particular quasi-elementals we can think of
20:44.15Xhoi.e hipsters
20:44.29OluapPlayerCan't think of anything atm
20:44.59HachimanXho: i wanna do magma elementulz and fire elementulz
20:45.15OluapPlayerMagma is a possible quasi
20:45.19XhoWell I've covered Storm, Sun and Shadow so the rest are up for grabs
20:45.31XhoTechnically it would be a Lava Elemental since it's above ground
20:45.41OluapPlayerI can make Poison I guess
20:45.57OluapPlayerBut I'll wait to see what your elementals look like before I make anything
20:46.09XhoWill Poison be True or Quasi
20:46.18OluapPlayerMagic school
20:46.27HachimanI'm imagining that the Elementals won't have uniform appearances, so you'd get deiwos and others
20:46.39HachimanMine will probably be deiwos-like though
20:46.41Monet_Magma/lava and afire elementals feel really familiar to me.
20:46.45XhoYeah that's what I described on the page
20:47.04XhoThough I said elementals with greater physical stature have more limitations on what form they can take
20:47.05Monet_Bit humanocentric but whatever, its up to popular opinion.
20:47.22Xhoi.e. Water elementals can do anything but Earth elementals couldn't
20:47.33XhoAt least within the realms of possibility
20:47.39OluapPlayerI could also make Blood Elementals who live at Sanguine Hill
20:47.47HachimanWater elementals are actually dolphins
20:48.01OluapPlayerget ur fetihs off irc kthx
20:48.12XhoI did say that Elementals aren't generally capable of speech
20:48.14Hachimanhao bout u suk dolfin dik pls
20:48.18XhoYou'll just have to read the page
20:48.26OluapPlayergo finish paeg u cokmonger
20:48.51Monet_Thing is I've always figured blood magic = a twisted form of life magic
20:49.05HachimanI always thought of blood magic as being linked to water magic
20:49.17HachimanCuz liquid and such
20:49.27Xho There we go
20:49.37Monet_Yeah but for a long time blood was synonymous with the essence of life
20:49.59HachimanXho: Sand should be part of Earth u dummy
20:50.02dromSee ya mates. I don't want to fall asleep at my very first class of the second year. (That's the Senior-grade for you amurcians)
20:50.09XhoSand and Earth are separate magic schools
20:50.10OluapPlayerSand is its own magic school
20:50.12Xhoso up urs
20:50.16Xhobirfday boi
20:50.26OluapPlayerYou're basically saying Sand Drakes shouldn't exist
20:50.27dromand borthday, Hachiman
20:50.53XhoThe Colossi, Elementals and True Kelodhres are all very closely connected
20:51.07XhoSince they are the oldest forms of life in the world
20:52.22OluapPlayerPage looks far better now
20:52.24HachimanWill there be Elemental *leaders* and such?
20:52.26HachimanAye it does
20:52.34XhoNot necessarily leaders
20:52.54XhoElementals are basically very intelligent animals by most accounts
20:53.04XhoYou may have some which are smarter than that basis
20:53.18OluapPlayerI don't imagine Venom Elementals having any kind of organization, and Blood Elementals would probably serve Zran Kar
20:53.34XhoI'd say with the cases of the Storm/Sun/Shadow Elementals are very closely linked with their Drake counterparts
20:53.34HachimanI can imagine Fire Elementals being little shits
20:54.03OluapPlayerMeanwhile Water Elementals are super chill
20:54.13HachimanNot as chill as Frost Elementals hur
20:54.24OluapPlayerlisten here u lil shit
20:54.43XhoSince the Storm/Sun/Shadow elements are essentially older than the rest of the elements in terms of presence
20:55.05XhoWith the case of the Shadow Drakes, Akhemazdrís likely created both Shadow Elementals and Shadow Drakes and are probably one of the same entity in spirit
20:55.30OluapPlayerdats lazi
20:55.31XhoJust in nature one of them is a violent spirit and the other is a giant violent dragon
20:55.47HachimanI imagine many of the elementals would be in some way related to Yak
20:56.14XhoWell Akhemazdrís is very different to Nalúnt and the Sun Drake leader since he is like a primordial god in most aspects whilst the other two were just dragon leaders
20:56.39OluapPlayerI'm gonna claim Bone Elementals hur
20:56.46OluapPlayerThey could be what an Elemental becomes after being reaped
20:56.46XhoPelagrios - no        mien
20:57.01XhoRum Elemental
20:57.12XhoPelagrios' one true love
20:57.43OluapPlayerPelagrios - u get a water elemental, add a ton of alcohol til it changes colour and BAM
20:57.52XhoPelagrios, magical genius
20:58.21OluapPlayerTown is attacked by rum elemental, Pelagrios saves the day by drinking it alive
20:58.41XhoI can't really explain the mythology behind Storm and Sun Drakes since Akhemazdrís is responsible for a lot more things than just being the head of the Shadow Drakes
20:59.10XhoOluapPlayer: *throws up whilst flapping arms like wings* YOU DON'T HAVE ENOUGH BADGES TO TRAIN ME, RUM ELEMENTAL
20:59.48OluapPlayerNd - dis is y i dunt hang out with u anymor
20:59.56XhoPelagrios - nonsense
21:01.24XhoI'm gonna expand on that Forest Elemental section
21:07.48Xho Right updated that
21:10.32XhoI suppose we can add Ents to the bestiary now hur
21:10.40OluapPlayerYou can hur
21:11.00OluapPlayerSpeaking of the bestiary
21:11.19OluapPlayer chicken snakes have a page
21:11.59XhoSssbok bok bok
21:12.25Xho"weasels and ferrets"
21:12.31XhoKinmo - u fukin kiddn me
21:12.58OluapPlayerphoenix dunt kno mythology
21:13.29XhoKinmo - bitch i am mythology
21:13.46OluapPlayerhe dunt kno himself
21:14.56XhoHm should I use the term 'Ent' or 'Talking Tree'
21:15.04XhoTalking Trees are more prevalent in mythology
21:15.42OluapPlayerI never heard of Talking Trees
21:16.25OluapPlayerThat's a new term for me
21:16.35OluapPlayerWell by what that page says, ents came from talking trees
21:16.38OluapPlayerSo use talking trees
21:17.42OluapPlayerI always knew this kind of creature as a treant but apparently that term originated from D&D
21:21.38XhoI still think we should have a demon section on there
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21:21.51XhoBut what qualifies as a demon in the Fantasyverse I dunno
21:22.29TybusenI finally finished NGE and was blown away by just how screwy the ending of Episode 26 was
21:22.34XhoI'd consider the Shiarchon the closest thing to a demon since they're hellish infernal things who generally don't like people
21:22.57XhoThen again demons do take many different forms
21:22.59OluapPlayerI still say fantasyverse demon = anything coming out of the Void/Sanguine Hill/Id/any hostile Simulacrum realm
21:23.27XhoThat's a better definition
21:23.36XhoRight...what image to use for that then
21:24.04OluapPlayerSeveral creatures from what I listed together hur
21:24.17XhoWell chop chop
21:24.24OluapPlayeru want it, u do it
21:24.36XhoWell what's the most demonic thing we have right now that we could use as a placeholder
21:24.46OluapPlayerVoid Denizens probably
21:25.48Xho Use this one?
21:26.00OluapPlayerYeah that fits nicely
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21:28.15XhoWould Outworld count as a demonic realm now
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21:28.31OluapPlayerBetter leave it out for now
21:28.49OluapPlayerI imagine stuff like the Outworld and the Underworld as being neutral realms
21:29.02XhoHm yeah
21:29.36OluapPlayerFunnily enough they both have "world" in their names
21:31.41XhoWhat about gods/deities
21:31.48OluapPlayerwut you mean
21:32.10XhoWell, gods and deities are usually the centrepiece of mythology
21:32.29OluapPlayerYou mean a list of gods and deities in the setting?
21:32.39XhoI mean a generalisation for them on the bestiary
21:32.53OluapPlayerThat's tricky
21:33.08XhoDeities technically range between mindless animals and all-knowing horrors in the Fantasyverse
21:33.41XhoDid we ever say anything about the parallel to the Simulacra idea
21:33.57XhoI think we all said 'yeah sounds like an idea' and then just dropped it because we were either lazy or forgot
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21:34.17OluapPlayerThat was the case I think
21:34.23OluapPlayerI said I wasn't sure about the idea of more deities
21:34.40XhoI'd imagine the parallels would be far less involved in Koldenwelt's business
21:35.03XhoProbably don't see much reason to be involved unless the Simulacra get really tied up in mortal affairs
21:35.08OluapPlayerTES has no parallel to the Draedric Princes afaik and it works fine
21:35.13XhoNine Divines
21:35.19XhoIn Oblivion anyway
21:35.29OluapPlayerDidn't play that one
21:35.33XhoOblivion has massive contrasts between Daedra and Aedra throughout the whole game
21:35.40Xhousually Akatosh vs Mehrunes Dagon
21:36.14HachimanAkatosh must've been an asshole if his firstborn was Alduin
21:36.19XhoThough that being said Shivering Isles is Sheogorath vs Jyggalag
21:37.05XhoThough that being said the Aedra never get directly involved in the game
21:37.14XhoDaedra do all the time hur
21:37.23OluapPlayercus cheese
21:37.26XhoPretty much
21:37.39XhoIn Oblivion you come directly in contact with three Daedric Princes
21:37.39Monet_OluapPlayer: Yeah, nine divines.
21:38.03Monet_In the old languages Daedra = not our ancestors, Aedra (the divines) = our anciestors iirc
21:38.12HachimanWe risk Koldenwelt's mythology becoming cliche though
21:38.15XhoThough you do encounter a few more in Skyrim I think
21:38.18HachimanNot all of the Simulacra are evil
21:38.19OluapPlayerThat's one thing
21:38.40XhoYou could all make them as capricious bastards as much as the Simulacra
21:38.50XhoBut just representing lighter things
21:39.18XhoSo you just have 23 bastard gods but 13 representing light and 11 representing dark
21:39.36OluapPlayerThe Simulacra already conflict with each other, having more deities to conflict with them could it into typical black-white stuff
21:39.52XhoWell, doesn't have to be black-white
21:40.04XhoIt would be more of an order-chaos thing if all of the gods were dickheads
21:41.09XhoI dunno it just doesn't seem mythologically right to have a pantheon of darkness without a pantheon of light
21:41.32XhoYou could just use the parallel gods existing just as lore for the most of it and have little to no interaction
21:41.34OluapPlayerWe can have it if everyone else agrees with it, I'm just concerned about deity overload
21:42.16XhoEither that or each Simulacra has two aspects to them which is a very tricky idea
21:42.32OluapPlayerZran Kar and Kran Zar
21:42.49XhoThough I dunno whether beings like Caligaduro/Vargash/Kaicaiusarin would have opposite aspects
21:42.58OluapPlayerI don't see that working
21:43.17XhoHm yeah it's too tricky to put into practice
21:43.37OluapPlayerIf we have that, I can see Yak being that pantheon's equivalent of Caligaduro
21:44.04XhoCaligaduro - :iamcolossus:
21:44.24XhoThat would be the ultimate fan hitter
21:44.24OluapPlayeru r simulacra not colossus
21:44.26HachimanYakshrapala - :wholetthedogsout:
21:44.28XhoCaligaduro is Yak
21:44.46XhoWell Caligaduro's original moniker was Colossus in Koldenwelt
21:44.52XhoBefore people started giving him weird names
21:45.12OluapPlayer"big bak man"                 Caligaduro - dats racist
21:45.20OluapAway*blak even
21:45.22XhoMainly because if you take the form of a 8,000 metre tall demon what else are you gonna get called
21:45.26OluapAwayAnyway college bai
21:45.51XhoIt's just an idea
21:46.08XhoIf it does become cliche we can scrap it but I don't like the idea of an evil pantheon existing without a good one
21:46.12Hachimanrite dun fire elemental
21:46.24XhoProbably expanding on the idea of too many evil characters in the Fantasyverse
21:47.11Hachiman How does this look?
21:47.32XhoLooks good to me
21:48.45XhoMy main argument is that if we do create a good pantheon it's just an idea *not* to use it in the same way we use the Simulaacra
21:48.52HachimanHmm true
21:49.20Technobliteratorthat looks like an FFXII enemy
21:49.23Technobliteratoraka it looks good
21:49.37XhoIt would allow me to at least expand on the whole Zenith mythology if we do that
21:50.41XhoMidnight mythology is very scrambled though
21:52.52XhoI dunno though
21:53.06XhoI'd rather have other users discuss it rather than me making all the ideas all the time
21:53.23HachimanAlright, I'll guess I'll see what ideas I can come up with
21:53.40XhoI've made enough ideas on the Fantasyverse now and I think other users should come up with something regarding mythology
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22:22.39Hachiman dere dun fire elementul
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22:41.37MasterMachineMy GA game showed up today :P
22:45.29Vincent20100MAster, going to eat, but go read the story, I changed it
22:57.12TekDroid>.< Damn AI. In EUIV I got called into a war where I make up 3/4 of my sides troops and we're still outnumbered.
22:59.28TekDroidAnd if I somehow win? I gain nothing unless I anger my allies. -.-
23:00.45TekDroidAnd any territory I do take would be on the other side of Europe. -.-
23:01.37MasterMachineOh just take it all and tell your allies to piss off  xD
23:04.52Vincent20100What country are you?
23:27.41infobotsomebody said test was not funny
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23:29.01GD12Hello y'all
23:39.31Vincent20100Am I the only one who like creating Wildlife Reserves?
23:42.29Vincent20100I just love creating some and imagine they are visited by tourists.

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