IRC log for #sporewiki on 20120412

00:00.19Liquid_InkPity Xho's gone.
00:00.22MonetGreat now I'm going ot have nighmares.
00:00.29TybusenOH GOD
00:00.38Tybusendrops a nuke on that show's producers
00:01.14MonetTybusen is KREDIT TO TEEM!
00:01.29WormyI need to make one featuring the Tweenies
00:01.33Liquid_InkIf only ACP and R17 were here.
00:01.38TybusenI HAZ THE NUEKS NAO
00:02.03TybusenThink of it this way
00:02.04MonetTybusen is now Ghandi.
00:02.08The_RandomnessBye guys
00:02.21Irskaad Fuck
00:02.21TybusenThat sums it up pretty well
00:03.14Liquid_InkNukes are mine.
00:03.58WormyF U C K
00:03.59TybusenYou may be Monteczuma
00:04.04TybusenBUT I'M GANDHI
00:04.55IrskaadChild - Fuck!
00:05.06MonetThe whole "pacifist" routine was a ruse. He was secretly planning to nuke Britain.
00:05.38TybusenGandhi was secretly planning to drop nukes on Britain IN 1874
00:05.38Liquid_Inkis VERY aroused at the thought of nuking Britain.
00:06.07MonetHell yeah!
00:06.42MonetThe fact we had not yet split the atom was of no concern to him.
00:07.31IrskaadVorhis - *Splits an atom*
00:07.38Liquid_InkCyrannian: That image is one of the few things I don't find erotic.
00:07.48Liquid_InkThe rapeface one, I mean.
00:07.50Monet bump int othis guy at your peril.
00:08.06WormyLOL see my comment
00:08.09IrskaadZyr: 50% my fiction ^^
00:10.13Liquid_InkLove that one.
00:10.40IrskaadI've always wanted an Asgord to pet me
00:11.02TybusenTo a Tralor
00:11.06TybusenThat would mean
00:11.16Tybusen"I've always wanted to get raped"
00:11.24WormyTinky Winky gets shot
00:14.02Liquid_Inkrides off into the sunset.
00:15.12WormyRun Teletubbies! Run! (Satanic Version)
00:17.22IrskaadShow that to Imperios
00:17.57Wormyi will
00:18.04WormyGeorge Bush Does Teletubbies
00:24.13*** join/#sporewiki Reeburr17 (79362259@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
00:25.02Reeburr17so I heard teh hivemind had a babby.
00:25.41Reeburr17and that is the hivemind itself.
00:25.47Reeburr17oh Waptor
00:26.00Reeburr17d'oh wait
00:26.06Reeburr17I realized Waptor is here right now.
00:26.11Reeburr17anyways herro peopre.
00:39.40IrskaadI wuv mah android :D
00:41.42Reeburr17eek a Kraw
00:52.50*** join/#sporewiki Liquid_Ink (79d2d805@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
00:53.08Liquid_InkI am glad to see you!
00:53.47Liquid_InkTell Tybusen that nukes are my thing!
00:54.15Tybusendrops a nuke on Liquid_Ink's nukes, thus preventing Liquid_Ink from using nukes
00:54.36Liquid_InkI have to many nukes to nuke.
00:54.57Wormyis bored of nukes
01:21.43*** join/#sporewiki Atamolos (18a28345@gateway/web/qwebirc/
01:32.24Tybusendrops a nuke on Atamolos
01:32.52Irskaadeek a bio
01:32.59Reeburr17is sick and tired of this nuke-o-philia.
01:34.34Reeburr17I think Liquid_Ink is married to his nukes.
01:34.34Reeburr17Tyb, don't be their second husband. :/
01:35.35Atamolosdeflects Tybusen's nuke onto Irskaad and yawns.
01:38.38TybusenBecause maybe he lives in Spain and Portugal was the closest country to deflect it on to
01:40.05*** join/#sporewiki AdmiralTzena (44e45820@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
01:40.06*** join/#sporewiki Reeburr17_ (79362259@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
01:40.45IrskaadWho lives in spain here?
15:10.07*** join/#sporewiki infobot (
15:10.07*** topic/#sporewiki is SporeWiki! || Wikia: #wikia - || top editors: || statistics: || Remember to register your username on IRC: type "~register" for more info || Logs: || Collaborative Fiction Universe: || Use for pastes spanning many lines
15:12.36MonetWe can start adding empires now.
15:14.06*** join/#sporewiki morgothBotPy (~morgothBo@unaffiliated/morgoth1145/bot/morgothbotpy)
15:14.06*** mode/#sporewiki [+v morgothBotPy] by ChanServ
15:15.14Avetzan_sporeis there a sector map?
15:16.06MonetWe're working out how to divide the galaxy. All will come in time.
15:25.45Avetzan_sporehow many sectors?
15:25.46Wormy_homeworkHasn't started his work yet
15:25.57Wormy_homeworkI find it really hard to get started sometimes
15:26.38*** join/#sporewiki Imperios (
15:28.15*** join/#sporewiki Cyrannian (562de197@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
15:28.15*** mode/#sporewiki [+o Cyrannian] by ChanServ
15:28.22*** mode/#sporewiki [+v infobot] by Cyrannian
15:31.55*** join/#sporewiki Wormy (5184ca40@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
15:32.17Wormyhi again
15:35.20WormyWatching a program about
15:35.40WormyApparently its one of those UFO cases that left someone dead
15:37.37CyrannianYes, I heard about that
15:39.17Avetzanin the sector map, would the outside count as a sector or not?
15:40.33GhelaeI wouldn't think so, no.
15:40.58Avetzanwell then I've made the sector map, can I upload?
15:41.17Avetzanno political stuff, just sectors
15:44.37Avetzancan I upload my Andromeda sector map?
15:45.30MonetLet's have a look.
15:46.04Avetzandoes that mean upload?
15:46.19Avetzanyay! *doing so now
15:46.42MonetThe area outside the visible stars is the halo. There isn't realyl anything there apart from the odd metal-poor star.
15:47.23AvetzanI need to reduce size of it
15:48.40Avetzanhow many px was yours?
15:49.25MonetThe design I made is 2000x2000 pixels.
15:49.52Avetzanso file name was 2000? what do I need the file as?
15:51.01Avetzanfeels like an idiot
15:51.22Monet here's the file.
15:53.22NeedLogos_10Oh, Cyr is here!
15:54.50Avetzanis an idiot because he uploaded the wrong one
15:55.21ImperiosLooks fairly good
15:57.05Avetzanthank you
15:57.25AvetzanI know it could be refined but I did this in paint
15:58.19MonetIt is an idea.
15:58.40Avetzancould we use it for the sectors though?
15:59.03Avetzanof course 'C1' might be a bit bigger
16:00.12MonetI wasn't sure what the plan was - modify the current one or build something new.
16:00.40Avetzancan I be shown the current one?
16:02.18Avetzanwell with a new picture it might be better with a new sector system
16:02.32Avetzanand they could be renamed anyway
16:04.23AvetzanNeedLogos_10: are your empires in Andromeda?
16:04.44NeedLogos_10Only one, I haven't done very much with it. I plan on doing so.
16:05.12NeedLogos_10I believe it actually was in the Commonwealth.
16:05.23*** join/#sporewiki Imperios (
16:05.28AvetzanI'm not in the commenwealth, should I be?
16:06.42MonetYou're not fomally in the commonwealth.
16:07.02Avetzanshould I be?
16:07.39MonetIt's a matter of choice really.
16:07.46Avetzanok then
16:08.11NeedLogos_10I know that, but I remember roleplaying that specific empire joining it. Impy said that you should archive it, if I remember correctly.
16:08.45AvetzanI'm on the page now
16:08.54MonetI remember Needles saying he wanted to join, I don't know about Avetzan1
16:09.17AvetzanI haven't said anything about it, just wondering
16:09.26ImperiosWormy: Can I make the ambassador to the DCP from the Divinarium?
16:09.32ImperiosAnd the whole Civilisation as well, perhaps
16:09.45Wormyyes of course you can
16:10.42ImperiosMonet: What about DI?
16:11.18NeedLogos_10I remember I did RP joining.
16:12.42MonetImperios: Certainly.
16:13.01*** join/#sporewiki Xbox (5ac811ca@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
16:13.11XboxI am an Xbox wheeee
16:13.15ImperiosXboxdocto 3546. :P
16:13.17IrskaadXho? :D
16:13.20Imperios~SEEN Xho
16:13.32infobotxho <5ac811ca@gateway/web/freenode/ip.> was last seen on IRC in channel #sporewiki, 16h 21m 42s ago, saying: 'Alright now I gotta go generally because life likes to fuck me over on the day I don't want it to happen'.
16:13.32NeedLogos_10You capped seen
16:13.39ImperiosIrskaad: Wesa hivemind
16:14.02XhoWait if I was here 16 hours ago only
16:14.07XhoWhat the fuck was I doing earlier?
16:14.12NeedLogos_10That was "xho"
16:14.17IrskaadYou were murdering me again
16:14.23NeedLogos_10Without a capital X
16:14.32Xho~seen xho
16:14.34infobotxho is currently on #sporewiki. Has said a total of 3 messages. Is idling for 2s, last said: '~seen xho'.
16:15.12Irskaadties Xho's legs and hands then prepares to slaughter Xho - "Vengeance!"
16:15.54NeedLogos_10Monet and Imperios: This is that convo, plus some extra bits
16:16.29IrskaadXho: What will you give me this friday the 13th?
16:16.35XhoA slap.
16:17.16Imperiosslaps Xho
16:17.22ImperiosI give gifts to you as well
16:17.36Xhoslaps Imperios to the floor
16:17.42Irskaadcreates a Xhodocto fanclub
16:18.08NeedLogos_10Xho: What will you give me on my Birthday?
16:18.12Imperiosshoots Irskaad
16:18.15ImperiosBoreale - NO
16:18.30XhoGotta go
16:19.50NeedLogos_10Imperios: Well...?
16:20.39ImperiosOverall, the Divinarium's legates will come from many species: what species will depend on the nation in question.
16:20.48ImperiosDCP could accept a Telzoc ambassador, for example.
16:21.02ImperiosBecause Telzoc are militarist.
16:21.19ImperiosDI could accept an Imperion legate
16:22.14NeedLogos_10I may need some help building the Technocratic Federation of Silapta.
16:22.29MonetWhat kind of help?
16:23.21NeedLogos_10Well, for starters, planning it. Getting a layout of its workings.
16:23.32NeedLogos_10I see.
16:24.11NeedLogos_10Well... I do need help.
16:24.38NeedLogos_10I'm really, erm, bad at this.
16:24.46NeedLogos_10The big inner workings.
16:25.03ImperiosNeedLogos_10: You could use Techno's layout.
16:25.12NeedLogos_10Okay. I guess I could.
16:26.14Irskaad For who didn't see yet
16:26.22NeedLogos_10I saw.
16:26.42NeedLogos_10I dun see any layouts!
16:26.44Avetzan_read-AGCI seen
16:27.45*** join/#sporewiki OluapWorker (b164139a@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
16:27.45*** mode/#sporewiki [+o OluapWorker] by ChanServ
16:28.21Needles_10Yay! Oluap!
16:28.45IrskaadYay Ko
16:28.58Needles_10Imperios: I dun see any layouts!
16:31.47ImperiosHi OluapWorker
16:31.49ImperiosOH YES
16:31.52Avetzan_read-AGCThe Avetzan Empire does not wish to enter the commonwealth, yet
16:31.55Needles_10Oh wat?
16:32.00ImperiosCan I make a Divinarium legate for Indocs?
16:32.04ImperiosOr probably Zoles
16:32.19OluapWorkerA what now
16:32.37Needles_10Imperios: Can you help me with building the TFS?
16:35.32ImperiosOluapWorker: Ambassador.
16:35.53OluapWorkerYeah you can make one for the Indocs
16:40.59Needles_10Imperios: Can you help me with building the TFS?
16:41.39Needles_10TFS - Technocratic Federation of Silapta
16:43.42Needles_10Can you?
16:47.53IrskaadMeme facepalm pic - Doesn't want cousin in house --- Cousin comes into house anyways
16:50.46ImperiosOkay, I meant
16:51.08Needles_10Okay. [[Fiction:Technocratic Federation of Silapta]] There.
16:51.09morgothBotPyNeedles_10 meant:
16:51.29Needles_10Imma change my mouse's batteries.
16:51.39Needles_10It is wireless.
16:53.20Needles_10There we go!
16:54.35Needles_10Imperios: What do you think of it so far?
16:55.15Cyrannian|Awayglomps OluapWorker, before disappearing again
16:55.38OluapWorkerCyrannian|Away: u not away grrrr
16:55.39ImperiosMade the first Legate
16:56.00ImperiosHi Cyrannian
17:01.29ImperiosMade a basic layout for you
17:01.55Needles_10The Gorfiness!
17:03.09Imperios First legate, to DI
17:03.48IrskaadAre there any KG Legates?
17:06.28ImperiosWhat do you think Monet?
17:06.51morgothBotPyImperios meant:
17:07.08*** join/#sporewiki Imperios (
17:07.22OluapWorkerIt would be ironic if the Indoc Legate was a Stalkie
17:07.59ImperiosBut dem Stalkies are dem big
17:08.09MonetI thought stalkies were nice once you got to know them?
17:08.20OluapWorkerI know they are
17:08.20ImperiosYeah. But that would make a THIRD female Legate, that is too much.
17:08.29OluapWorkerBut one of the Indoc races is the Spydahma
17:08.44OluapWorkerA subspecies of Stalkies who's not really popular among them
17:08.48ImperiosAka smaller geekier Stalkies
17:09.53morgothBotPyImperios meant:
17:09.56MonetSalkies and Uriel - bad idea man.
17:10.08ImperiosMonet: What do you think of Venathi?
17:11.36MonetCulturally Imperions and Draconis are a perfect match but he would feel a little small.
17:11.40ImperiosShe :P
17:11.48ImperiosBut yea
17:11.51MonetMy bad
17:12.11ImperiosI have tried to make her outfit feminine. And fehled, apparently :P
17:12.31MonetI found it instinctive to say 'he', blame my man-brain.
17:12.51MonetThe outfit's okay.
17:12.54ImperiosFemale Imperions are cyan-blue, males are purple-red
17:19.28WormyWow there is an amazing thunderstorm where I am right now
17:19.45OluapWorkeru gonna dai
17:19.54WormySome of the clouds have thunderheads
17:20.11GhelaeWhere I am, it's sunny, with no trace of thunder clouds.
17:20.38WormyLol my weedy dog is cowering under my desk
17:20.57WormyMy other dog just thinks meh
17:21.25WormyI suppose the sound might hurt his hears
17:22.09MonetDogs don't liek loud noises.
17:25.27WormyI almost got struck by lightning
17:25.56WormyI stuck my arm out the window and saw a flash right above me shit
17:26.09morgothBotPyImperios meant:
17:26.10WormyI was trying to catch the inch thick hail
17:30.17GhelaeThe weather is clearly trying to tempt you to leave the safety of your home so that the lightning can get you.
17:30.42*** join/#sporewiki dino___ (3eeeb523@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
17:30.43GhelaeIt's the NWO using their weather control.
17:31.43dino___How are you all doing?
17:31.54dino___Saw the messages on the SSA page, seems they are divided once again
17:33.41GhelaeThey all seemed pretty united against the TIAF by the looks of it.
17:34.00dino___indeed, that is quite odd but for the rest they are divided about certain facts
17:34.10dino___though the TIAF has one point
17:34.30dino___Before the SSA would never allow such messages to take place against one another because there was no reason for it
17:34.56ImperiosHi Dino
17:42.55Avetzan_sporeI'm back
17:54.43ImperiosWhile roleplaying with Irskaad, we came up with a new plan for a subplot fot Tzhrokia.
17:57.06ImperiosBTW we found out that using Tahar Logic, one can prove ANYTHING.
17:57.27Imperios>>Eko - Yes! Religion is linked to low IQs
17:57.34Imperios>>Captain - ...We are far more advanced than you, don't we?
17:57.42Imperios>>Eko - Actually, you are not, compared to us, since you all zealously believe IN ONE OF US. SERIOUSLY? YOU TREAT ONE OF US LIKE A GOD?!
17:58.01ImperiosYou are dumb because you follow a religion because you are dumb because you follow a religion...
17:58.15OluapWorkerSilly Tahars
18:00.01IrskaadLet's make a meme about this
18:05.20WormyLol Geomax claims his future empire will be Xeelee level.  *yawns*
18:05.29ImperiosHi Wormy
18:05.33WormySo predictable...
18:06.00ImperiosWe are going to make a Radeon/Tahar war
18:06.33ImperiosFor the sake of sanity, the Divinarium will use a small fleet since most of their forces are in the Andromeda War
18:08.03OluapWorkerA Tier 2/1 vs a Tier 4
18:08.05OluapWorkerSeems fair
18:09.12WormyPerhaps they simply send Elemental warriors
18:09.35WormyThat would troll them.
18:11.06ImperiosTahar - ILLOGICA-*explodes*
18:13.54ImperiosActually, there are some Radeons in Tahar Empire
18:14.02ImperiosTHESE could eventually help to resolve a potential conflict.
18:14.11ImperiosMainly because Tahars can whine to Tahar Collective
18:14.19ImperiosAnd Radeons can just send more forces + whine to Nars
18:14.23ImperiosHi Monet
18:15.16ImperiosAnd such war would be just plain apocalyptic
18:15.41ImperiosEspecially due to Tzhrhokia and AW
18:17.03IrskaadI made a Tahar Logic meme picture
18:17.14*** join/#sporewiki Catface (63778a17@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
18:17.16IrskaadImperios has seen it
18:17.30CatfaceIrsk I need to talk to you real quick.
18:17.57MonetSpeaking of Tahars. I have been thinking what Clarke's 3 laws would look like with Tahar logic.
18:19.08OluapWorkerTahar? More like Tahurrr
18:19.31Monet1: When a distinguished but elderly scientist states that something is possible, he must prove it. When he states that something is impossible, agree with him.
18:20.31Monet2: The only way of discovering the limits of the possible is to test obscenely.
18:21.28GhelaeI think, in Tahar logic, the limits of the possible have already been decided.
18:22.00Monet3: There is absolutely no way that technology can in any way look like magic. If it does it is breaking the laws of physics.
18:22.38GhelaeRewording 3 to look more like the original, you get: Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic, therefore it does not exist.
18:22.59OluapWorkerWell that's discouraging
18:23.13OluapWorkerIf advanced tech doesn't exist then you shouldn't bother advancing
18:23.28CatfaceMonet: The Law of Dichotomy says that the Wizard, having once summoned a demon, must either control it with his mind and will, or be controlled by it. There is no third path—one or the other must be controlled. Once control is established, the one controlled is bound for a length of time or for a task. The length of time can be long, but is inversely proportional to the power of the demon.
18:23.31MonetI think Ghelae's is better. Why I completely rewrote no.3 I have no idea.
18:23.43GhelaeActually, let's just add a final clause to explain: Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic, therefore it does not exist, just like magic.
18:23.55OluapWorkerBecause you are a dum
18:24.28GhelaeI assume these laws are now to made canon as the traditional rules of Tahar science? :P
18:24.46IrskaadYeah XD
18:26.19IrskaadThough in Tahar Logic, Monet's #3 is more accurate XD
18:27.52GhelaeI suppose it's the use of the phrase "any sufficiently advanced technology..." in the original that doesn't work so well in Tahar logic. Although, in context, "sufficiently advanced" technology is by definition that which is indistinguishable from magic anyway.
18:28.02ImperiosHi Catface
18:28.12MonetTheian - *makes ghost noises while telekinetically hovering a plant-pot* Look at me.. I hold the power to overcome the natural laws of physics...
18:28.34IrskaadTahar - *Searches for technology*
18:29.27MonetTahar - *can only find evidence of sub-cellular implants to boost rainpower*
18:29.48IrskaadTahar - *Grabs the Theian and dissects him*
18:30.10GhelaeApalos - Wow, this is powerful rain. *opens up an umbrella*
18:30.22MonetTheian - wtf dude! You neanderathals still cut people open?
18:30.48IrskaadTahar - Good. Now we WILL dissect you. *They slice and dice the Theian to look at the brain*
18:31.19GhelaeApalos - ...Don't you have scanning beams?
18:31.29IrskaadTahar - Yes.
18:31.30Monet(I a reminded of when McCoy is disgusted by late-80's healthcare practices in Star Trek IV)
18:31.36MonetTheian - *ded*
18:31.47Irskaad*Tahars look at the brain*
18:33.20Monet*highly advanced nanites work to repair any damage the Tahars make and any implants appear to drastically augument the tissue that is already there rather than replace the tissue.*
18:34.29IrskaadTahar - What makes you levitate?! *They dig deeper*
18:35.03Monet*within the Theians' bloodstream is a simbiotic microbe culture no-one had ever seen before*
18:35.57IrskaadTahar - *They scan the microbes*
18:37.56Monet*the structure of the microbes suggests they act like a form of nerve cell*
18:38.47IrskaadTahar - *They zoom in to see if the microbes are technological, and to see what they do*
18:38.47Monet*These microbes have been enhanced with graphene-based microprocessors*
18:39.16Monet*Teh microbe is a strange and seamless mix of organic material and technology*
18:39.50Ghelae(Do they contain anything resembling microtubules, or any biophoton-emitting proteins? :P)
18:40.08IrskaadTahar - Interesting... *Injects a Tahar subject with the microbes*
18:40.23Monet(yes, the are eukaryotic)
18:40.52Monet*The Tahar gets ill and shows signs that his body is fighting an infection*
18:41.25IrskaadTahar - WTF?! Heal him!
18:42.07Monet(dum Tahars injecting an alien microbe into theri bloodstream)
18:42.38Irskaad(:P) *After he's healed, they wonder how do the microbes work*
18:45.29MonetTheian 2 - What in the name of the ancients...
18:45.44IrskaadTahar - This is a scientific experiment. Back off.
18:46.12MonetTheian 2 - Looks more like a medical operation.
18:46.42MonetTheian 2 - Do.. do you still cut people up to examine them?
18:46.58IrskaadTahar - Yes. We found some microbes. They make us sick but not him.
18:47.43MonetTheian - *facepalms*
18:47.59IrskaadTahar - ... What?!
18:48.48MonetTheian - Perhaps they don't make us sick because our bodies have adapted to them? Am I speaking to first-year medical students?
18:49.44IrskaadTahar - ... JUST TELL US WHAT THE FRAK THESE DO! *Shows microbes*
18:49.48Ghelae(There's no need to insult first-year medical students like that. :P)
18:50.09*** join/#sporewiki newbie1 (
18:50.47Monet(It 's because injecting an unfamiliar organism into somone's body like that sounds like a schoolboy error)
18:51.58IrskaadTahar - TELL US!
18:52.37MonetTheian - They're a simbiotic culture that act as an extension to our nervous system.
18:52.57IrskaadTahar - Tell us more...
18:54.03ImperiosWhat page should I finish next
18:54.35WormyThe Tahars have yet to master the scientific method
18:54.38MonetTheian - Within the brain they boost cognative fuctioning, elsewhere they vary from backup nervous system to additional brain tissue.
18:54.48WormyI think they are merely enforcers of indoctrination not true scientists working on an objective level.
18:55.07WormyWorst scientists I've ever seen
18:55.08MonetThat is quite ironic.
18:55.11ImperiosWhat page should I finish next
18:55.38MonetI have ot agree with Wormulon.
18:55.40IrskaadTahar - Ok, and what in your brain makes you levitate? (Those Tahars were just young, there are smarter ones (AKA I messed up :P))
18:56.11GhelaeImperios: Pick a page at random and choose that one.
18:56.16WormyThe Tahar then need to toughen up
18:56.25WormyEmply skilled not unskilled6
18:56.59GhelaeTo be fair, the Tahar Empire has been recently devastated by a pandemic. There probably aren't many skilled biologists left.
18:57.03MonetTheian - You would call it "psychic power". And the Apalos have a theory.
18:58.28MonetTheian - The microbe you have extracted is called Ravoliform and it boosts the body's ability to interact with hyperspace.
18:59.22IrskaadScientist is the most common job in the Tahar Empire :P    Tahar - Hyperspace... *Tahars grab the theian and connect the Theian's vision to a visual device*
19:00.10WormyIt would make sense if the Tahar have real scientists, and then they have "Scientists" (who are the ones mostly seen publically).  They do science, but their job is to enforce Taharian beliefs and cover up any real discoveries from public eye.
19:00.21ImperiosIrskaad: Same for Radeons, actually.
19:00.31IrskaadTahars don't cover up discoveries
19:00.45WormyThe other day we did discover the Tahar have thought police afterall.  Theyre extemists.
19:01.04IrskaadHow do they have thought police? :S I just said they banned religion...
19:01.25ImperiosIrskaad: Imagine what would Tahars think when they will realise they are REALLY similar to Radeons?
19:01.28morgothBotPyIrskaad meant:
19:01.29WormyYou agreed that nanites in Tahar brains prevent meditative brain waves
19:01.43WormyThat is thought control lol
19:01.48MonetRead 1984, Thought Police are purely secular.
19:02.00ImperiosI am pretty sure FRA changed Asgord's genome to be more peaceful.
19:02.04IrskaadJust read the page and try again - You are saying things about Tahars that aren't true
19:02.06WormyExtreme end of the Big Brother society
19:02.18ImperiosIrskaad: I think Wormy is giving an idea :P
19:02.38Monet*The Theian has a non-invasive HUD projected over it's retina. Other than that his vision includes UV light and appears abnormally sharp but otherwise normal*
19:02.50WormyI'm saying things from what I've seen.  And yes, I'm not saying its canon now I'm saying ThoughtPolice might be a good idea.
19:02.56ImperiosIf our roleplay is indicative, Tahars attempt to change the mentality of those who are not fitting to their ideas.
19:03.02ImperiosIe. religious people.
19:03.14Wormy"It would make sense if the Tahar have real scientists, and then they have "Scientists"
19:03.16IrskaadThat's true - Tahars think religious people are insane
19:03.21OluapWorkerTahar are extremists
19:03.31IrskaadTahar - Hmmmm...
19:03.42MonetReligion = insanity? what the hell, men!
19:03.48WormyThey are antitheists which are fundementalist atheists
19:04.16MonetTeian - I don't know what you are looking for...
19:04.23WormyNot that thats wrong of your fiction but I think they're definately not liberal
19:04.28IrskaadTahar - We are looking for hyperspace.
19:04.31ImperiosNo, seriously, they twist and change the mind of those who oppose their atheistic ways via surgery and stuff
19:04.42MonetTheian - I said interact, not see.
19:04.46IrskaadThey are liberal in everything else but religion
19:05.02IrskaadTahar - Then interact with hyperspace.
19:05.17IrskaadImpy: It's not surgery, more like mental laser correction
19:05.50OluapWorkerSame thing, different names
19:06.19MonetTheian - ...fine *levitates a narby container, his vision shows nothing abnormal*
19:06.20WormyBecause they believe certain opinions that may endanger the status quo of the Elites, and treat opposing beliefs as disease that must be corrected.
19:06.31WormyKind of Nazi'ish
19:06.43IrskaadTahar - *Scans the entire room to see what levitates the container*
19:07.25Irskaad[[Creature:Tahar]] - Doesn't say anything about elites or dictatorships
19:07.26morgothBotPyIrskaad meant:
19:07.55WormyIt might not, but its lacking that fact3
19:08.22MonetDo you know what's really wierd? China and Japan had eastern philosophies but came up with concepts the west would not see until centuries later (like gunpowder, alloys and paper money).
19:08.31IrskaadNo, you just don't understand Tahars :P
19:08.50MonetWe're drawing analogies.
19:09.10MonetIn this case, elites = their intelligence.
19:09.23OluapWorkerJapaneses will be driving gianr bot cars while americans will be throwing burgers at each oher
19:09.25Irskaad - More of Tahar society :P
19:09.35WormyLol OP
19:10.15Wormy"We are pretty smart, like 3 times as smart as you."
19:10.39WormyIf they were smart, they'd know that comparing intelligence between alkien species is ridiculous
19:10.41MonetSounds elitist to me.
19:11.25Monet"In my opinion if you have brains you know you won't like being treated like you failed in pre-school, So why do that to other people?" - this statement is on my userpage!
19:11.44WormyFrom what I've seen, Tahar are extremely egotistical, elitest and close-minded because their government demands it.
19:12.09OluapWorkerI'm imagining what would be like if a Tahar met a Dracogodasimer
19:12.10MonetThey're the Obvir'Atrta of science!
19:12.15WormyTahar might not be themselves but their dictatorship government enforces it upon them..
19:12.17IrskaadTheir government doesn't have anything to do with Tahar citizens. Tahars just banned religion because it's a public request
19:12.22OluapWorkerThe amount of smacks he would get from the Dasimer would be amazing
19:13.09MonetGodasimers are the larger ones right?
19:13.37Wormy"government doesn't have anything to do with Tahar citizens"  Well yes, Authortarian regimes don't care what the public says if its in opposition.
19:14.09Irskaadfacepalms so hard he goes insane
19:14.26IrskaadIt's obvious that people aren't getting Tahar society at all
19:14.32MonetNext they'll be saying they were forever at war with the Iteok and winning.
19:14.40IrskaadI'm going to make dinner, bai
19:15.24OluapWorkerDasimers are basically a Dracogonarious + an angry bear in the same body
19:16.06MonetForget smack, punch the suckers!
19:16.32WormyI wonder why tips are Illegal in the Tahar Empire.
19:16.35OluapWorkerDasimer - *smack* STOP *smack* BEING *smack* SO *smack* STUPID
19:17.27MonetMybe irskaad doesn't like tipping?
19:19.50WormyLol *envisions Irsk infuraiated in a resturant when the reciet asks for a small tip*
19:25.42*** join/#sporewiki IrskAndroid (~Irskaad@
19:25.58IrskAndroidBack from my meltdown
19:29.22*** join/#sporewiki Imperios (
19:29.48ImperiosHow is the Tahar talk?
19:30.31IrskAndroidI went on a meltdown
19:31.11MonetIt went downhill. It's just that their way of maintaining atheism among the population seems somewhat... authoritarian.
19:32.21MonetAnd before I ignite the fire again, can I just say that meditation is simply a method of focus. It is not an attempt to collect 'eteral' energies or experienceo ther dimensions.
19:36.19ImperiosAlthough I like Wormy's idea
19:36.59IrskAndroidWhat idea?
19:37.01ImperiosKraw Galaxy as Crapsaccharine world
19:37.26IrskAndroidhuh what's that
19:38.14MonetA dystopian Kraw Galaxy.
19:40.25GhelaeIrsk has asked me to tell you all about a short discussion we've just had in #cyrannus.
19:40.34Ghelae[20:35] <IrskAndroid> Kay. Tahars aren't a dictatorship at all - They just banned religion
19:40.39Ghelae[20:37] <Ghelae> That's a pretty authoritarian thing to do. :P But, since none of the Tahars like religion anyway, it could be argued that banning religion in the Tahar Empire is like banning anything generally considered to be immoral on Earth.
19:40.47Ghelae[20:38] <IrskAndroid> ^ TELL IRC THIS
19:41.33WormyYou did say there are religious Tahar and that they are capable of religion?
19:41.37MonetThe way I see it some of the stuff banned in that sense here on Earth does more harm than good.
19:41.54IrskAndroidNope wormy
19:42.20WormyYou did.  When I asked whether Tahar were alien to the concept of a deity
19:42.32WormyYou said no, but another race of yours was
19:42.45IrskAndroidI didn't..
19:43.06WormyIf so, the few that are or might really want it are still suppressed
19:43.24IrskAndroidNo Tahar wants it
19:43.55MonetThat's a bit of a generaisation isn't it?
19:44.11GhelaeIt's his fiction; he can make it like that if he wants to. :D
19:44.18WormySo the Tahar are still sheep.
19:44.39WormyAll think the same blah blah blah
19:44.40MonetThe drug cartels could be crippled by the golbal legalisation of numerous drugs, what stips this is the opinion that it's better to not have such drugs in shops (tbh most cases of drug-related-death are from contamination or something else), no question.
19:45.29WormyIrskAndroid: Also, I've been meaning to ask you
19:45.39WormyI wonder why tips are Illegal in the Tahar Empire?
19:45.53MonetMy point is that aking something illlegal does not always benefit society as a whole.
19:46.16GhelaeReligion in Tahar society doesn't seem to be comparable to drug usage on Earth. There aren't secret societies of Tahars going around and selling religions to criminals as part of covert deals.
19:46.17IrskAndroidThis is to avoid store beggars
19:46.52MonetStore beggars?
19:46.53OluapWorkerReligion cigars
19:46.55OluapWorkerLike a boss
19:47.16WormyWhy do tips attract thieves?
19:47.35IrskAndroidYes, when waiters ask for tips
19:47.41MonetDo ou mean those homeless people who sit outside shops waiting for people to give them small change?
19:47.57Monetout of charity
19:48.09GhelaeMaybe people posing as waiters and stealing tips used to be a big problem in the Tahar Empire.
19:48.26WormyLike when I go to a resturant sometimes (rarely) the reciet asks for a tip.  You are not forced to tip and it could be anything.  Its given straight to the waiter so how could it be stolen?
19:48.47*** join/#sporewiki LotG (519f9437@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
19:48.48LotGHello people.
19:48.49WormyI suppose Ghelae could be right
19:48.54OluapWorkerHey buni
19:49.18IrskAndroidYes ghel is right
19:49.49WormyI don't see why a waiter asking for a tip is a begger.
19:50.06OluapWorkerIt's an alien society
19:50.07MonetWouldn't it have been easier to adopt the use of identity tags?
19:50.32IrskAndroidKo: THIS
19:50.46*** join/#sporewiki Imperios (
19:50.51OluapWorkerI think this discussion is making too much fuss over nothing
19:50.53GhelaeTelling people not to give away their money is probably easier than mass-manufacturing fraud-proof identification systems. :P
19:51.18GhelaeBut Oluap's right. This is a lot of fuss about tips.
19:51.24IrskAndroidListen to ko ffs
19:51.28WormyEnough to have it a criminal offense?
19:51.46WormyBanning is a bit harsh
19:51.59GhelaeMaybe Tahars never liked giving tips; they just did it out of a sense of duty.
19:52.11GhelaeSo it's like religion; they find it easy enough to just ban it.
19:52.36MonetIt feels like anything considered "bad" In this country gets banned. At least it's not as bad as China.
19:52.51WormyLol they banned time travel on TV.
19:53.05OluapWorker Here is the answer to everything
19:53.11GhelaeYeah. They've not done that in the UK yet.
19:54.03GhelaeOluapWorker: Yes.
19:54.23WormyGives a million k tip to a poor Tahar resturant that needs it.
19:54.28MonetSpeaking of that, Ruussel Howard's Good news is on in 5 minutes.
19:54.35ImperiosHur dur
19:54.43OluapWorkerPerhaps aliens have a version of that which says "Humans"
19:56.08GhelaeWormy: Isn't the idea that the tips go to the staff, not the establishment?
19:56.34IrskAndroidTahar - Keep it, it's yours, not anyone else's.
19:56.41OluapWorker Time passes and the hair is wilder
19:56.59GhelaeAnd maybe there's no such thing as a poor Tahar restaurant - they all became franchised to megacorporations a long time ago.
19:57.00WormyMaybe the resturant is poor because the staff are poor.
19:57.04MonetI don't believe it... he used to look normal.
19:57.16OluapWorkerIT WAS ALIENS
19:58.45WormyHands the million k to the resturant chef *outside* the resturant
19:58.48MonetHe looks a little like Q.
19:59.08GhelaeWormy: That's not a tip. :P
19:59.10OluapWorkerFurther proof of aliens
19:59.23WormyThis is nothing to do with the resturant.  TAKE THE MONEY
19:59.45Monetnot jut any alien... the most annoying omnipotent in the universe!
20:01.38*** join/#sporewiki Irskaad (
20:01.41IrskaadWas anything said?
20:01.56Wormy[20:58]  * Wormy Hands the million k to the resturant chef *outside* the resturant
20:02.03Ghelae[20:59] <Ghelae> Wormy: That's not a tip. :P
20:02.14Wormy[20:59] <Wormy> This is nothing to do with the resturant.  TAKE THE MONEY
20:02.25IrskaadTahar - *Gives back the money*
20:02.44WormyMe - Why?
20:02.57GhelaeNow the Tahar's being stubborn because you're trying to be clever. :D
20:02.58IrskaadTahar - If I don't work hard for money then why work?
20:03.31WormyMe - This might make your work place better
20:03.44IrskaadTahar - Nah. *Leaves*
20:03.53Avetzan_sporethe amount of radioactive rubble from the ICBM. hehe
20:05.38WormyStuffs it down the Tahar's throat
20:06.04GhelaeTahars - *suffocates and dies*
20:06.08GhelaeGood work there, Wormy.
20:06.18GhelaeNow he physically can't accept your money.
20:06.55OluapWorkerThat was a bad move...caused by aliens
20:07.22WormyIt didn't happen unless Irsk made it happen.
20:07.51GhelaeI didn't think the whole situation was canon in the first place.
20:08.27WormyTakes the money out the dead Tahar and gives it to another Resturant staff, the waiter
20:08.32OluapWorkerWhat were you doing in a Tahar planet anyway? You should be home studying or something :v
20:09.02IrskaadI just don't like how Wormy and Monet are comparing the Tahars to North Korea =_=
20:09.18GhelaeBy the late 28th century, Wormy finished studying over 750 years ago.
20:09.49WormyMe - Take it waiter, please
20:09.57GhelaeOf course, he's also been dead for 700 years.
20:10.02GhelaeThe NWO got him, you see.
20:10.13IrskaadTahar - NO.
20:10.14OluapWorkerand aliens too
20:10.30GhelaeIt was the aliens in the NWO, of course.
20:10.34WormyNo actually, I tranformed into Emperor Wormulus II and founded the Grimbolsaurian empire
20:10.47OluapWorkerSo Wormy is an alien
20:10.53OluapWorkerSounds fair to me
20:10.54GhelaeSo what's Emperor Wormulus II doing on a Tahar planet?
20:11.07GhelaeGiving away money to Tahar businessmen?
20:11.10WormyOn holiday
20:11.15GhelaeOh, right. I see.
20:11.26WormyHe felt generous
20:11.38GhelaeI assume the constant assassination attempts from the KrawFed don't bother him.
20:11.59OluapWorkerI think only the Kraw are psychotic about him
20:12.12GhelaeNot even when the Kraw teleport antimatter explosives next to him?
20:12.31WormyHe survived Kamik'Shi's blastwave
20:12.36GhelaeFair enough.
20:12.40WormyThat killed over a quadrillion
20:13.18WormyWormulus II is a god you see, but nobody knows
20:13.25OluapWorkersilly overpowered grimby
20:13.41ImperiosIovera - Dammit
20:13.42GhelaeOf course, now there's no point in giving money to the Tahar waiter, because the Kraw have just performed orbital bombardment on the Tahar planet to prevent Wormulus's corrupting influences from affecting the Tahars.
20:14.05GhelaeLet's face it, this whole thing didn't make any sense from the outset.
20:14.20WormyUses his godlike powers to undo the orbital bombardment
20:14.22OluapWorkerYou don't make sense either
20:14.26GhelaeWe may as well just say that anything goes now.
20:14.31GhelaeI know I don't.
20:14.41Ghelaeturns into a Dvottie
20:14.56OluapWorkerThis reminds me
20:14.58OluapWorker~smack Cyrannian|Away
20:14.58infobotACTION smacks Cyrannian|Away upside the head.
20:14.59WormyTurns into The OneGod
20:15.00WormyCheck mate
20:15.05OluapWorkerget in here so I can nag you
20:15.21GhelaeMeep. No... Dvotties don't say that, do they?
20:15.21Irskaadturns into Angazhar'Shi
20:15.29OluapWorkeru not xho
20:15.32OluapWorker~smack Irskaad
20:15.32infobotACTION smacks Irskaad upside the head.
20:15.44Imperiosturns into Wikia
20:15.51WormyFills every Tahar house with tips
20:15.53Imperiosremoves SporeWiki from existence
20:15.55ImperiosI win
20:16.02Ghelaeremoves Imperios from existence
20:16.03GhelaeI win.
20:16.11Ghelaepre-emptively removes himself from existence
20:16.22OluapWorkerHow overwhelming
20:16.41LotGTechnobliterator would be going mental
20:17.18WormyBlocks Imperios for vandalising SporeWiki
20:17.30ImperiosWha LotG is here
20:17.48OluapWorkerLate as aways
20:18.03GhelaeHe's been here for half an hour.
20:18.17OluapWorker This is one of humanity's greatest inventions
20:18.21OluapWorkerNot even kidding
20:18.49IrskaadI don't get it
20:18.58OluapWorkeru dum
20:19.23OluapWorkerIt's a head scratcher thingy
20:19.32OluapWorkerwhich feels like a piece of heaven
20:19.56WormyJust use anti-dandruff
20:24.01LotGI'd prefer that intro
20:28.04WormyGeoege Bush version
20:35.16OluapWorker So much win
20:36.40*** join/#sporewiki Monet (57731abe@gateway/web/qwebirc/
20:40.23*** part/#sporewiki Ghelae_away (6d966168@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
20:44.42*** join/#sporewiki Tybusen (44e45820@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
20:44.56ImperiosSup Tybu
20:44.56TybusenSup mah bois
20:49.02TybusenNot a lot of people for this time
20:51.06LotG I lol'd
20:52.50WormyMy friend called Jack always says that if someone sys Jack Shit to him
20:54.50WormyDoes that appear?
20:58.12LotGI wanna watch District 9
20:58.37OluapWorkerGo watch District 9 then
20:58.57LotGCan't, ain't got it
20:59.05OluapWorker...go get it then
20:59.10WormyI'm sure its in the internet
20:59.27MonetI did think about it but what happened ot that reporter in the advert creeped me out.
20:59.39LotGWhat happened to him?
20:59.57MonetErm... His hands melted.
21:00.12MonetAfter being exposed to this gas hidden by the Prawns.
21:04.38WormySouth Park is so stupid lol
21:04.56WormyI'm watching an episode where Satan and Sadam are in bed in hell
21:05.06MonetI rememebr that.
21:05.09OluapWorkerIsn't that the movie?
21:05.23MonetNo, it's a two-part episode.
21:05.35WormyMonet is right
21:06.03OluapWorkerWell I remember the movie having Satan and Sadam in beg, Sadam even sings a song
21:07.05WormyIn this one, Satan tries to tell Sadam he has to end his relationship but wakes up in Bed with Sadam and Sadam had poured 20 bottles of veg oil on himself.
21:07.55OluapWorkerSouth Park is a crazy show
21:08.02OluapWorkerI haven't watched it in years though
21:09.01WormyI think Monkey Dust is crazier -
21:10.35MonetI remeber one episode where two Londooners discuss where an alien would land if it was to ever crash on England. They couldn't decide if it would prefer London or Essex.
21:11.08WormyWas that in Monkey Dust?
21:11.24MonetI only watched one episode i think.
21:11.34WormyMonkey Dust - House Call
21:11.57MonetI just remember two guys mentino an alien and then shouting "london!" "Essex!" at each other for the rest of the sketch.
21:16.02OluapWorkerFor those who play Skyrim
21:25.49LotGI'm thinking about adding more races to the Brood
21:45.56Irskaadhugs Tybusen
22:07.51IrskaadHai again
22:10.12*** join/#sporewiki LotG (519f9437@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
22:10.14LotGHello people.
22:10.30IrskaadHai again
22:11.44LotGI was thinking about having more races for the Brood
22:11.50IrskaadKraw - * Sings this to Volkarus*
22:12.11LotGMoxix - I hear music....Stop it now!
22:12.38MonetVolkarus - Gladly... *assaigns Vedrix to assasinate the Kraw*
22:15.13MonetVedrix - Because it is a foul excuse for music!
22:15.26MonetVolkarus - Any better?
22:16.00LotGMoxix - Much better...
22:16.42IrskaadEdra-Arath - Then what songs do you like, Volkarus?
22:17.32LotGCaltaun - We like the songs that depict times of war in the history of our race.
22:17.34MonetVokarus - Orchestras. I like to calm my nerves with a viola solo...
22:19.18LotGMoxix - You shall not drown out my taint inside your head...
22:22.44*** join/#sporewiki Atamolos_clone (18a28345@gateway/web/qwebirc/
22:23.45Atamolos_cloneis here. Atamolos sent his clone because he is visiting 4D Spain.
22:24.31IrskaadEek a bio
22:26.31Atamolos_clonemeditates causing Irskaad, in the form of a Tahar to freak out. The Tahar picks up a plank of wood and tries to beat Atamolos_clone with it. Said Tahar consequently explodes on contact with Atamolos_clone's meditation-forcefield.
22:31.25*** join/#sporewiki Bio21 (18a28345@gateway/web/qwebirc/
22:31.43Bio21sees himself, freaks out and explodes.
22:32.27Bio21_ghost~seen Cyrannian
22:32.28infobotcyrannian <562de197@gateway/web/freenode/ip.> was last seen on IRC in channel #sporewiki, 6h 54m 49s ago, saying: 'bbl'.
22:34.09infobotregister is, like,
22:35.43WormyLotG: I love this!/photo.php?fbid=337387762981049&set=p.337387762981049&type=1&theater
22:35.55LotGCan't see it
22:36.15WormyI hate how certain councils tried to ban English people from flying the flag of England.  Stupid PC dogooders
22:36.50WormyFound another one
22:36.55Bio21_ghostThat's wired.
22:37.53WormySome councils are so worried they ban christmas decorations being put up in case it might offend another religion
22:38.31LotGLOL To that pic
22:40.22LotGWormy: Are you interested in the BNP?
22:40.48WormyNo I hate them
22:41.04WormyBritish Nazi Party
22:41.38Bio21_ghostgrowls at the thought of <insert the N-word here>.
22:42.32WormyI would support the Monster Raving Looney Party
22:43.01Bio21_ghostI support the Atamolos party.
22:43.37Wormy1. Health & Safety: We propose to ban Self Responsibilty on the grounds that it may be dangerous to your health.
22:43.54Wormy. M.P’s Expenses: We propose that instead of a second home allowance M.P’s will have a caravan which will be parked outside the Houses of Parliament. This will make it easier as flipping a caravan is easier than flipping homes
22:44.46WormyWe will issue a 99p coin to save on change.
22:45.01WormyThe Official Monster Raving Loony Party will not join the single European currency. We will invite all Europeans countries to JOIN THE POUND.
22:45.37WormyAll children will be given two birthdays like the Queen.
22:45.48WormyAny child who is cleverer than their teacher will be allowed to take over the class and the teacher will stand at the back with a dunce’s hat on. He or she will then be on half pay until he or she has learnt enough to regain the upper ground. This is our policy for child empowerment.
22:46.08WormyThe Millennium Bridge will be made wobbly again, by building a pub at either end.
22:46.09Bio21_ghostHmm, that would apply to me.
22:46.59*** join/#sporewiki Liquid_Ink (79d2d805@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
22:47.17*** join/#sporewiki The_Randomness (
22:47.19Liquid_Inkeats Wormy.
22:47.29The_RandomnessHello everyone
22:47.38The_Randomness~eat Liquid_Ink
22:47.38infobotACTION eats Liquid_Ink and falls over dead
22:48.05IrskaadYay hugging time is coming
22:48.41Atamolos_clonelaughs maniacally, then sees his ghost and explodes.
22:48.42*** join/#sporewiki Xho (5ac811ca@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
22:48.49Liquid_Inkhugs and hug and hugs.
22:48.51Xho Storm in Southampton
22:48.53IrskaadYay Xho
22:49.06LotGBloody hell
22:49.07IrskaadDid you take this?
22:49.21Liquid_InkClouds like that are sexy.
22:50.00Atamolosclone_ghI got an invitation, in my mailbox, to join the Ku Klux Klan.
22:50.17Liquid_InkHow nice.
22:51.01The_RandomnessOh, that's nice.
22:51.10XhoNo but I saw it
22:51.26XhoAnd I was in the middle of it
22:51.31XhoBig thunderstorm
22:51.33LotGYou were causing
22:52.26Atamolosclone_ghsummons a thunderstorm with acid rain and plasma lightning.
22:52.26WormyXho: I was in a storm too today!  I almost got stuck by lightning when I stook my arm out the window to catch the inch thick hail stones and lightning then flashed right above the house and I was like I won't do that again, damn.
22:52.48XhoMust have been scary for my sister's partner
22:52.56Atamolosclone_gh>:) The thunderstorm thingies are out to get you.
22:52.56XhoHe works at the chemical plant
22:53.01XhoExplosive chemicals and such
22:53.07The_RandomnessThe Xhodocto aren't powerful enough to break the fourth wall yet.
22:53.12Atamolosclone_ghHeh heh.
22:53.30XhoIf that does happen then that is a true oh crap moment
22:53.54WormyScarily enough, somewhere in the Multiverse...
22:54.32Irskaadhugs Jason Voorhees
22:54.57Cyrannian|Away~seen Cyrannian|Away
22:55.02infobotcyrannian|away is currently on #sporewiki #cyrannus. Has said a total of 1 messages. Is idling for 5s, last said: '~seen Cyrannian|Away'.
22:55.13XhoYou would get serious loads of illness before you get cleaved into two
22:55.25XhoPlus Jason's not that brilliant a villain
22:55.32XhoHe gets killed at the end of every film
22:55.46LotGI am redesigning the D-Breed HXTs
22:55.51IrskaadStill, he's badass
22:55.59XhoNot really
22:55.59LotGThe new Rippers look like Headcrabs
22:56.05Atamolosclone_ghlaughs maniacally.
22:57.12Liquid_InkToday is friday the thirteenth.
22:57.29Atamolosclone_ghDepends on your timezone. Where I am, twomorrow is the 13th.
22:57.32IrskaadIn Australia :P 3 minutes to go here
22:57.33The_RandomnessNot here, I have to wait six hours.
22:57.54IrskaadHas Jason Voorhees appeared yet in Aussieland?
22:58.00Atamolosclone_ghI have to wait about nine hours, for midnight.
22:58.24Liquid_InkOh, that asshole.
22:58.33Atamolosclone_ghThe guy with the hockey mask in all of the Friday the 13th movies. I think.
22:58.42*** join/#sporewiki Monet (57731abe@gateway/web/qwebirc/
22:58.56Irskaadeek a spess mahn
22:59.01MonetHi. Sorry about leaving unexpectedly earlier.
23:00.05XhoIrsk stop talking before about Jason before I personally come over to Portugal dressed as Jason and then hurl you off the 25 de Abril Bridge in two pieces
23:00.52The_RandomnessOnly two?
23:01.02The_RandomnessCome on, you can do better than that.
23:01.02XhoI will get setenced for 25 years + but it WILL be worth it
23:01.08WormyLooks like Xho has already plotted a map of Lisbon
23:01.20XhoFine, seven
23:01.36WormyYou have sealed your fate Irskaad.
23:01.48IrskaadBut can he find my house?
23:02.12XhoWho cares about personal searches
23:02.15Atamolosclone_ghshows Xho where Irskaad's house is.
23:02.30Atamolosclone_ghThat's for saying 'eek'.
23:02.45XhoIt will be a massacre sangrento
23:03.16Atamolosclone_ghdoesn't know what that means.
23:03.26XhoBloody Massacre
23:03.43Irskaadwalks around Baixa-Chiado and sees Xho as Jason - "Is that..."
23:04.26XhoWell it can't be me because i'm in Southampton
23:04.45IrskaadDidn't you say you were coming to kill me? :P
23:05.51XhoWell i'm still planning
23:05.57CyrannianYou want Xho to kill you?
23:06.01Liquid_Inkhugs Cyrannian.
23:06.10Irskaadhugs Cyrannian
23:06.21Xhopries Irsk and Liquid off Cyrannian
23:06.28Cyrannianhugs Cyrannian
23:07.01Liquid_Inkhugs Xho.
23:07.04XhoHug me and I will make sure you will be sodomized by weed hackers
23:07.08XhoOh too late for you
23:07.10Liquid_Inkkisses Xho.
23:07.16Cyrannianhugs Xho, while simultaneously hugging himself and the empty space where OluapWorker was.
23:07.26XhoFuck, all of you get in line
23:07.30Irskaadhugs Xho
23:07.33XhoRegardless if you didn't hug me, get the fuck in line
23:07.44Liquid_InkWhat line?
23:07.47Xhogets a weed hacker
23:07.48Irskaadgets in line, singing this
23:07.58XhoPrepare for the time of your life
23:08.24IrskaadFeel the po-o-ower of dancing!
23:08.34Cyrannianshoots Irskaad's head off
23:08.35Xhoshoves the weed hacker down Irskaad's throat and turns it on
23:08.57Xhothen rips it out and does the same to Liquid
23:08.57Liquid_InkHe told me to prepare for the time of my life!
23:08.57CyrannianIrskaad, your head exploded, you can't scream.
23:09.00WormyGives Irsk a Tai Chi kick
23:09.26Irskaadisn't affected my wormy
23:09.36XhoOf course you're not affected
23:09.42XhoI just tore you to bits from the inside out
23:10.19Atamolosclone_ghprepares to slice in half whoever touches him by unsheathing his sword.
23:10.32Irskaadlikes Xho's methods of murder :P
23:10.55Xhowants you to die horribly
23:11.14IrskaadWhy? :P
23:11.26AtamolosIt was me the whole time! :D
23:11.34XhoIf you don't get it by now then GTFO
23:12.16IrskaadOk. *Irskaad is now Roshisiz*
23:13.14CyrannianWho's that again?
23:13.15IrskaadRoshisiz is the leader of the GTFO
23:13.35CyrannianThat's an unfortunate acronym.
23:13.50The_RandomnessIt was intentional.
23:13.59XhoGet The Fuck Out
23:14.34IrskaadXho, do you brutally hate me? :P
23:14.54XhoIf I said yes would you shut it?
23:15.35Liquid_InkI see love between Xho and Irskaad.
23:15.53Xhodoesn't even make a face
23:16.48Liquid_InkNo faic?
23:16.57IrskaadAngazhar's face
23:17.02AtamolosHow did he do that!
23:17.31Cyrannian - Did everyone see this?
23:17.37AtamolosHOW IS THIS POSSIBLE!
23:17.44XhoSometimes I wonder if you lot are stupid intentionally or if it was biological predisposition
23:17.47AtamolosI saw it.
23:17.58IrskaadNah, it's just that I'm an obsessed fan :P
23:18.10CyrannianThere's a difference? :P
23:18.15XhoNo. :P
23:18.24CyrannianI'm furious. :P
23:18.31XhoYou have no idea. :P
23:18.43IrskaadLOL :P
23:18.44AtamolosWhy are we all doing this. :P
23:18.58CyrannianOkay, lets not turn this into a craze. :P
23:18.58Liquid_InkFor the trololololols.
23:19.02XhoOh nothing. Just that its FUCKING ANNOYING.
23:19.14AtamolosI see...
23:20.52XhoGood, now that you're all quiet we can talk about something more pertinent to real life
23:21.17CyrannianLike the American Black Bear.
23:21.30XhoMakes more sense than this
23:21.42Liquid_InkI love to hunt bars!
23:22.09Cyrannian~seen OluapWorker
23:22.11infobotoluapworker <b164139a@gateway/web/freenode/ip.> was last seen on IRC in channel #sporewiki, 2h 6m 9s ago, saying: 'For those who play Skyrim'.
23:23.23Xho In the event this happens
23:25.41AtamolosThe apocalypse was cancelled!?
23:26.17The_RandomnessYes, again
23:26.56The_RandomnessOnly for the nth time
23:27.13CyrannianI'm bored.
23:27.24Atamolosis also bored.
23:27.26Cyrannianhands Irskaad a toy Xhodocto.
23:27.29Liquid_Inkdoes an erotic dance.
23:27.29CyrannianNow dance for me.
23:27.51CyrannianOr, your damaged mind.
23:28.03Liquid_InkMy WHAT mind?
23:28.20Atamolosbacks away slowly and pulls out a gigantic axe.
23:29.21Xho This is Wormy and The_Randomness telling me to do things
23:30.36The_Randomness~blend Liquid's brain
23:30.36infobotACTION takes Liquid's brain and throws him/her into a Blendtec 2000 along with some onions, ketchup, zucchini, and chocolate syrup, presses the "putrify" button and serves up mindjuju's favorite: Liquid's brain gruel
23:30.36The_RandomnessI don't tell you to do things that often.
23:30.36The_RandomnessMust be Wormulon
23:31.09Liquid_Inkputs his backup brain into action.
23:31.49Cyrannian - This perfectly describes the relationship between Xho, Oluap and I.
23:31.50The_Randomness~whalenuke Liquid_Ink's backup brains
23:31.50infobotACTION dons her radiation cloak and tinted glasses while a highly intelligent whale named Ray precipitates critical mass for uncontrolled nuclear fission around Liquid_Ink's backup brains with his mind powers.
23:32.17XhoI'm the black truck
23:32.31WormyI did come up with the idea of the cleanslate
23:32.40Liquid_InkYou bastard.
23:32.44WormyConvinced Xho to do it
23:32.53WormyGhelae then saw the great oppotunities
23:33.55Liquid_Inkflies to Mexico!
23:34.04*** join/#sporewiki OluapPlayer (bd0ebea1@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
23:34.04*** mode/#sporewiki [+o OluapPlayer] by ChanServ
23:34.11IrskaadYay Ko
23:34.16Liquid_Inkgets the popcorn.
23:34.44AtamolosLiquid Ink flying to Mexico caused Irskaad to say 'Yay Ko' as a greeting to OluapPlayer.
23:34.46WormyXho OluapPlayer LiquidInk
23:35.41WormyCyrannian and Random may enjoy it too...
23:35.45Cyrannianthrows The_Randomness, Irskaad, Xho, Wormy and Cyrannian at Xho, OluapPlayer and Cyrannian.
23:36.21Atamolosanalyzes that to be Gorflogic.
23:36.24CyrannianComprehend that, bitches.
23:36.32Atamolosdidn't get thrown. Hee hee.
23:36.45Atamoloscannot be thrown.
23:36.55The_RandomnessYou threw us straight up.
23:37.08OluapPlayerFuck, my sound is glitched again
23:37.11Liquid_InkCyrannian left me alone!
23:37.13AtamolosHe threw himself. There are obviously two.
23:37.20Xho Myself on Halo Reach
23:39.20infobotACTION poofs
23:39.30WormyLol I trolled my cousin with that
23:43.11Liquid_Inknukes the Tahars.
23:43.22Xho My god
23:46.53CyrannianI'm going to make a TIE Interceptor.
23:47.09IrskaadTrue Iteok Empire? :P
23:48.57AtamolosThat's my second favorite TIE vehicle.
23:49.37CyrannianWhat's your first?
23:50.01AtamolosTIE Advanced, Vader's personal fighter-type.
23:57.15*** join/#sporewiki Needles_10 (
23:58.05Needles_10It is tomorrow!
23:58.13Needles_10TOMORROW IS MY BIRTHDAY!
23:58.21Needles_10MAKE MEEEE GIIIIFTS!
23:58.26WormyHave a happy birthday
23:58.54Needles_10Wormy: You too.
23:59.22WormyYou'll be 13?
23:59.26Needles_10All o' you (including Xho), please make gifts!
23:59.30WormyWelcome to teenagehood lol
23:59.43Liquid_InkWhat kind of gift would you like?

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