IRC log for #maemo-ssu on 20121219

02:51.32merlin1991By reading a random blog post I found out win has builtin grep
03:55.22*** join/#maemo-ssu amiconn_ (amiconn@rockbox/developer/amiconn)
04:03.47*** join/#maemo-ssu DocScrutinizer05 (~HaleBopp@openmoko/engineers/joerg)
05:44.23*** join/#maemo-ssu int_ua (
06:05.19int_uaI have a core dump from telepathy-ring crash, where should I report it?
06:40.08int_uaI thought it was going to die soon
06:42.08int_uaoh, it's migrating. And it's readonly.. Anyway, I've posted dumps in the KPv51 thread
06:42.55int_uaAnd while doing it catched browserd crash + hildon-desktop crash. Searching for a hildon-desktop thread...
06:43.41DocScrutinizer05how's tp-ring related to KP51?
06:45.10int_uakernel fell along with tp-ring
06:45.35int_uasimultaneously or right afterwards
06:46.53int_uawhy is it strange?
06:49.05int_uamaybe it's some hardware fault, after all
06:49.06DocScrutinizer05a) since tp-ring is a userland process that basically is unrelated to kernel, and b) the term "kernel fell" makes me wonder what happened actaully
06:49.57int_uafrom a user point it freezed for some seconds and rebooted instantly
06:50.13DocScrutinizer05well, problems with e.g. swap might cause mass madness
06:51.01DocScrutinizer05yep, this user experience is consistent with a kernel panic
06:51.10DocScrutinizer05among others
06:51.28DocScrutinizer05could as well be reboot triggered by watchdog
06:51.30int_uahow can I diagnose swap problems? I suspect it
06:52.01DocScrutinizer05and kernel panic dumps in /dev/mtdERRR3?
06:53.11int_uaI check dmesg from time to time but have never noticed anything about swap
06:53.32kerioit's not something you "notice" in dmesg
06:53.38int_uakernel panic dumps are included in the oopslogs, aren't they?
06:53.41kerioit's something that suddenly explodes in your face and takes down everything
06:53.43DocScrutinizer05install syslog
06:53.58int_uaok, installing
06:54.35int_uakerio: and after taking down everything dmesg is clear, yeah?)
06:55.24DocScrutinizer05int_ua: after reboot that follows kernel panic, dmesg only has megs about reboot since reboot
06:55.31DocScrutinizer05not of anything before
06:56.08DocScrutinizer05sp-oops-extract will read out any dump in NAND kernel-panic dump partition
06:56.39keriodmesg resets on every boot, so yeah
06:56.57DocScrutinizer05if you had a kernel panic or kernel oops, it will show up in sp-oops-extract and in syslog if you're lucky
06:57.26int_ua"sp-oops-extract is already the newest version."
06:57.33keriosyslog will probably keep the error messages that happened right before the crash
06:57.39keriowhich is useful, too
06:58.30int_uaE: Couldn't find package syslog
06:58.38DocScrutinizer05re ferenc put it in r7o-mode yesterday afaik, and it should resurrect brighter than ever today or tomorrow
06:59.02int_uagreat :)
06:59.05DocScrutinizer05syklogd and klogd
06:59.18DocScrutinizer05sth like that
06:59.37DocScrutinizer05on depends on the other but I tend to forget which is topmost
07:00.07DocScrutinizer05syslogd, sysklogd, klogd
07:00.31DocScrutinizer05apt-cache search syslog
07:00.52int_uadone, all three :)
07:02.27DocScrutinizer05don't forget to clean your /var/log/syslog every other week
07:02.40DocScrutinizer05or it will eventually fill up your root fs
07:02.53DocScrutinizer05or you install logrotate ;-D
07:02.58int_uayeah, I was just doing it
07:03.16int_uaoh, it's available, great
07:03.33DocScrutinizer05hmm, no logrotate on fremantle
07:03.57DocScrutinizer05or wait, probably my extras-devel is deactivated
07:04.08DocScrutinizer05so scratch what I said
07:04.11kerioit "rotates" the log on boot
07:04.31DocScrutinizer05kerio: duh?!
07:04.42int_uawho rotates?
07:04.50int_uaWhat's the point then?
07:05.01DocScrutinizer05kerio: are you sure about tzhat? please elaborate
07:05.15DocScrutinizer05int_ua: indeed
07:05.19kerioDocScrutinizer05: /etc/event.d/sysklogd
07:05.34DocScrutinizer05and that does what?
07:05.50kerioif the syslog file is greater than 5mb, it's moved to syslog.old
07:05.54keriowhen sysklogd starts
07:05.59kerioi mean, before sysklogd starts
07:06.03DocScrutinizer05well, might be true
07:06.17kerio"might" my ass, i'm looking at it right now
07:06.20DocScrutinizer05kerio: thumbs up
07:07.14kerioint_ua: syslog has very low entropy though, ubifs will use a lot less than 5mb of actual space for 5mb of log
07:07.48DocScrutinizer05hmm, this might explain why this rootfs fillup happened to me only on t900 with its 200d uptime ;-P
07:07.51kerioDocScrutinizer05: have you found a syslog bigger than 5mb? if so, sysklogd itself probably doesn't rotate his log
07:07.57keriooh, i see
07:08.11int_uaWow, does ubifs has compression built-in?
07:08.15kerioint_ua: yep
07:08.28kerioint_ua: df -h / compared to du -hsx /
07:08.56keriomy rootfs is 238M, compressed to 144M
07:09.01int_uaBTW, these oopses are constant for me, never had more then a week of uptime
07:09.38DocScrutinizer05this sounds like something leaking
07:09.47int_uawell, it was
07:09.59DocScrutinizer05and we actually found some terribly leaking stuff, thanks fmg
07:10.16int_uaand I've found that it was that "speed patch"
07:10.39DocScrutinizer05SPEEED PATD EEEEEEEEEEEEEEK!!!!
07:10.39int_uabut now I don't see anything eating ram but still
07:11.29DocScrutinizer05* patch are a hoax, a scam
07:11.54int_uakerio: I'm too lazy to restore everything again after reflashin.
07:12.18keriothen enjoy your borkage
07:13.10int_uaBTW, i've never reflashed, it lives from PR1.1 or even PR1.0 (did it exist?)
07:13.22kerioint_ua: you're lying, you can't install PR1.2 OTA
07:13.24kerioi think
07:13.32DocScrutinizer05you can
07:13.35int_uaok, then from PR1.2
07:13.36DocScrutinizer05not anymore
07:13.44DocScrutinizer05but you could when it been fresh
07:14.49DocScrutinizer05btw my t900 is all the same
07:15.12DocScrutinizer05never seen a reflash after initial borkage on PR1.0
07:15.21DocScrutinizer05my devel N900
07:15.29int_uawhy t?)
07:15.30kerioeveryone borks their first install, it seems :D
07:15.32DocScrutinizer05which is actually my bought original N900
07:15.51int_uaoh, testing
07:16.02DocScrutinizer05while IroN900 is basically the devel N900 which I'm using for daily phone now
07:16.43DocScrutinizer05int_ua: because of the red gleaming eyes ;-D
07:17.27int_uathe irony is, I've got another N900, one of the first ones from Amsterdam and it's stable as hell even with fmg's thumb-2
07:17.37kerioso use that :P
07:17.55int_uabut I don't like keyboard material and keyboard mismatching layout :(
07:18.20DocScrutinizer05get proper keymat then
07:18.43DocScrutinizer05they are still offered every now and then, for as little as 5 bucks
07:19.16int_uaI don't trust delivery services in Ukraine
07:19.33int_uathere was some ... let me check the word
07:19.43DocScrutinizer05tried to get 2, three weeks ago: first paypal froze the payment, then the seller re-transferred the money back to my account :-S
07:20.31DocScrutinizer05it was GPP though, so I guess it must have to do with friggin UK not shipping to true EU
07:21.02int_uaoh, and these second N900 has slightly broken screen, I've forgot
07:21.26*** join/#maemo-ssu freemangordon (
07:21.39DocScrutinizer05sounds like you're short on N900, get a few spare ones!
07:21.49DocScrutinizer05it's X-MESS!!! FFS
07:22.14freemangordonint_ua: hi
07:22.21int_uahi :)
07:22.34int_uawe were just talking about you :)
07:22.55int_uaabout thumb, etc.
07:23.16freemangordonint_ua: could you attach your /dev/mtd2 ont TMO KP thread too. While I read the backscroll
07:23.56DocScrutinizer05freemangordon: please don't suggest that, when we got sp-oops-extract
07:24.12*** join/#maemo-ssu amiconn (amiconn@rockbox/developer/amiconn)
07:24.27int_uaso, should I?
07:24.40DocScrutinizer05attach sp-oops-extract output
07:24.42freemangordonint_ua: it will make it much easier for me
07:25.19int_uaok, trying..
07:25.46freemangordoni.e. it will save me 20-30 minutes moving .lzos from TMO to N900 to my desktop
07:26.04DocScrutinizer05sp-oops-extract /dev/mtd2
07:26.37freemangordonDocScrutinizer05: cat /dev/mtd2 > $RANDOM_FILE
07:26.59freemangordonDocScrutinizer05: this is what I want
07:27.04DocScrutinizer05why bother with that noise?
07:27.06int_uacat and tar
07:27.06freemangordonbs or not
07:27.26int_uawhat's a "bs"?
07:27.38kerioin ogame
07:27.57freemangordonDocScrutinizer05: hehe
07:28.17freemangordonint_ua: i suspect it is "bullshit"
07:30.04freemangordonDocScrutinizer05: having the whole mtd2 will give me the history of int_ua's kernel oopses
07:30.11DocScrutinizer05honestly noboy who ever seen sp-oops-extract output will ever want bleeding eyes from raw mtd2 dump
07:30.31freemangordonDocScrutinizer05: i've seen it ;)
07:30.58freemangordonand I have no problem with reading raw mtd2
07:31.09DocScrutinizer05so what else exacept $filler with noise are you getting in excess of oops-extract when you get raw mtd"?
07:31.33DocScrutinizer05history? a lie!
07:31.43DocScrutinizer05sp-oops-extract is comprehensive
07:31.45int_uafreemangordon: done
07:32.10int_uaDoc: do you need the -extract too?
07:32.17freemangordonDocScrutinizer05: the point is that every $user can do cat, without messing with SDK repos and sp-... stuff
07:32.43DocScrutinizer05I'll have a nap over this
07:33.15DocScrutinizer05anyway I wonder what's the use of cat $file >$file2
07:33.48int_uawonder why?
07:33.55DocScrutinizer05even when $file is a block device
07:34.17DocScrutinizer05int_ua: [2012-12-19 08:26:37] <freemangordon> DocScrutinizer05: cat /dev/mtd2 > $RANDOM_FILE
07:34.40freemangordonint_ua: what kernel?
07:36.16int_uaDoc: do you mean we can just cp it?
07:36.32DocScrutinizer05you can attach it to a mail if you want
07:37.07DocScrutinizer05well, probably only when your mailer runs as root
07:37.34int_uayeah, stock file selection doesn't allow it
07:37.40DocScrutinizer05one of the smartest things in unix ever: everything is a file
07:37.42freemangordon[99796.321258] Process rich-core-dumpe (pid: 1635, stack limit = 0xcdcf02e8)
07:38.17DocScrutinizer05(even directories are...)
07:38.21int_uawhat does that mean? The rich-core-dumper died itself?
07:38.53freemangordonthis is where one of your oopses is
07:39.27freemangordonint_ua: do you OC?
07:40.30int_uaUnless something does it without me knowing
07:41.26freemangordonint_ua: SR?
07:41.40int_uawhat's that?
07:42.11freemangordonI was hoping it is SR :(
07:42.39int_uaI've installed QCPUFreq a few days ago along with the kernel but I've never touched anything in it yet
07:42.51int_uaand it shows no SR and 600MHz
07:43.20int_uaso, does it look like hardware fault?
07:43.23freemangordonaah. pastebin the output of kernel-config show please
07:43.38freemangordonint_ua: hard to say, seems like OC
07:44.20int_uabash: kernel-config: command not found
07:44.27int_uashould I install it?
07:44.29DocScrutinizer05enjoy the last 2 days of this world!
07:45.25freemangordonint_ua: the package name is kernel-power-settings
07:45.36DocScrutinizer05two of the 4 shortest ones of this year
07:46.42DocScrutinizer05while I'll gonna celebrate longest night and days getting longer again the night after tomorrow -> my XMESS
07:48.30freemangordonint_ua: where did you install the kernel from? Pali's server? or from the repos
07:49.07DocScrutinizer05finds the cpu hog is actually 'sort', child of 'updatedb' and puts away the big gun
07:49.56int_uawhat is "avoid frequencies"? 0_o
07:50.15DocScrutinizer05those are frequencies that are deemed instable
07:50.30freemangordonint_ua: the name says it all
07:50.50DocScrutinizer05or simply can't get achieved due to divider restrictions
07:51.22int_uais it ok to have 125 in it while it's the min one?
07:51.23freemangordonDocScrutinizer05: those are the frequencies that won't be used, even enabled in the range of allowed freqs
07:52.09freemangordonyou can put 500 in there and it won't be used
07:52.21freemangordonit does not mean 500 is unstable ;)
07:53.00freemangordonanyway, int_ua's kernel config is ok
07:53.09int_uabut I didn't put 125 in there, does that mean it was detected as unstable?
07:53.21freemangordonint_ua: no, it is disabled as default
07:53.30freemangordonalso, scratch "unstable"
07:54.46freemangordonint_ua: I'm afraid there is nothing useful (for me at least) in the information so far. i'll wait for your syslog next time that happen
07:55.15int_uaok :)
07:55.18freemangordonint_ua: BTW can you reproduce it somehow at your will?
07:57.11int_uanope, not yet. Actually, it's the first crash of KP, I just switched to it. With the old one it was frequent when connecting/disconnecting GPRS, but not always it.
07:58.02freemangordonDocScrutinizer05: who is that guy ferenc? who appointed him? and why he behaves like we owe him 5 euros?
07:58.22freemangordonint_ua: old one?
07:58.36int_uastock kernel
07:58.47DocScrutinizer05we owe him 5 EUR?
07:59.15freemangordonDocScrutinizer05: that's a proverb, scratch that
07:59.35DocScrutinizer05nfc who he actually is and who appointed him
07:59.55DocScrutinizer05I thought he's a nemein guy but that seems incorrect
08:01.09DocScrutinizer05isn't it incredible how current and former councils have/had no clue of what's going on behind the scenes, or didn't publish it in any way?
08:02.02DocScrutinizer05there is basically no "secret knowledge" of (recent) council, I'm as ignorant as you are
08:03.17freemangordonint_ua: so, you had the same oopses with stock kernel too?
08:03.35DocScrutinizer05I actually had to google for "Nemein" to find out what it actually is
08:03.50freemangordonDocScrutinizer05: does not sound good :(
08:04.21DocScrutinizer05the rest is handwaving and deduction from sporadic mails mentioning a detail or two
08:04.32int_uaI'm not sure they are the same, but I had oopses, yes
08:04.59freemangordonint_ua: well, i'd recommend a reflash
08:05.10freemangordonboth rootfs and eMMC
08:05.37freemangordonif I read it correctly, you've never done a reflash. correct?
08:06.49freemangordonint_ua: you had crappatch installed once, ain;t?
08:06.52int_uahow do you see it? :)
08:07.29freemangordonint_ua: i think you wrote it, but not sure :D
08:07.30int_uaoh, you are talking about IRC, I thought you've seen it logs
08:08.54freemangordonint_ua: only muslim gods know what crap/battery patch do. and I am still not convince you can uninstall them, without having some remnants
08:09.45DocScrutinizer05there'll always be remnants, in your feeling of being abused
08:09.51freemangordonthus: full reflash. And be very careful what you install on that shiny newly flashed n900 ;)
08:10.23freemangordonDocScrutinizer05: :D
08:10.34DocScrutinizer05even worse remnants when you try to understand what crap patch actually does, and whether the one writing them had a brain or been a cabbage
08:10.47int_uamaybe I'll try my fileorphan script on that
08:11.00int_uato find possible remnants
08:11.13freemangordonDocScrutinizer05: though it is vi to blame, as he gave the idea :)
08:11.27DocScrutinizer05might be
08:11.46freemangordonanyway, i am off to work
08:11.57DocScrutinizer05the original author of crappatch though been some angry script kiddie or sth
08:12.30DocScrutinizer05with questins of the class "how do I store output of a command into a file?"
08:12.49int_uaI think you are still too harsh (not sure the word is right) to him. But I don't know the whole story, maybe
08:13.07DocScrutinizer05pestered all of us for a few weeks, then he came up with his first acme *patch shite
08:13.28int_uamaybe it was sabotage?
08:15.09DocScrutinizer05some experienced users explained to him in loving verbosity that made everybody weep why his 'patch' (actually script) is BAD[TM], and he acted offensive and agressive and came up with rev2 that was even worse
08:15.17DocScrutinizer05all disclaimer "IIRC"
08:15.57freemangordonDocScrutinizer05: IIRC it was exactly like that
08:16.32DocScrutinizer05about that time it was when he made it on everybody's ignore list basically
08:18.02DocScrutinizer05freemangordon: have a nice day!
08:20.30*** join/#maemo-ssu luf (
08:24.24*** join/#maemo-ssu Pali (~pali@Maemo/community/contributor/Pali)
08:28.49*** join/#maemo-ssu ShadowX (~l4m3rx@
08:33.54*** join/#maemo-ssu Martix (
08:56.35*** join/#maemo-ssu BCMM (~BCMM@unaffiliated/bcmm)
09:12.17*** join/#maemo-ssu joshgillies (
10:03.42*** join/#maemo-ssu dhbiker (~dhbiker@
10:21.07infobotdon_falcone <~Miranda@> was last seen on IRC in channel #maemo-ssu, 30d 20h 14m 34s ago, saying: 'damn i hated those scripts already back in the days... *scratches head*'.
10:24.47*** join/#maemo-ssu arcean (
10:25.01*** join/#maemo-ssu lizardo (lizardo@nat/indt/x-udkpmevfcxcdvuyx)
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10:31.08DocScrutinizer05~listkeys battery
10:31.29DocScrutinizer05~listkeys patch
10:31.43DocScrutinizer05~listkeys speed
10:33.03DocScrutinizer05~speedpatch is >>first i don't realy understand what does this patch do (that is why it is called miracle patch)<< [/quote original-author-of-speedpatch]
10:33.03infobotDocScrutinizer05: okay
10:33.55DocScrutinizer05~batterypatch is <reply>see speedpatch
10:33.55infobotokay, DocScrutinizer05
10:34.08DocScrutinizer05~crappatch is <reply>see speedpatch
10:34.08infobotokay, DocScrutinizer05
10:39.08infoboti guess speedpatch is >>first i don't realy understand what does this patch do (that is why it is called miracle patch)<< [/quote original-author-of-speedpatch]
10:46.44*** join/#maemo-ssu DocScrutinizer51 (~lagrange@openmoko/engineers/joerg)
11:03.43*** join/#maemo-ssu kolp (~quassel@
11:10.14merlin1991owns a pair of non-broken glasses again
11:28.39*** join/#maemo-ssu Martix (
11:34.25DocScrutinizer05owns a server that's borked atm
11:35.49DocScrutinizer05[2012-12-19 11:44:49] [Notice] -NickServ- DocScrutinizer51! has just authenticated as you (jOERG_rw)    <-looks like a reboot, since then however the box is down
11:36.45lufmerlin1991: great :)
11:48.02*** join/#maemo-ssu arcean_ (
12:28.26*** join/#maemo-ssu DocScrutinizer05 (
12:39.32keriomerlin1991: see, you're *still* doing it wrong
12:39.39kerioyou should be owning *two* pairs of non-broken glasses
12:39.46merlin1991kerio: 2nd pair comes soon
12:39.50merlin1991probably next week
12:40.13merlin1991it's crazy how expensive this stuff is though
12:40.58merlin1991proper plastic glass that is selfdarkening in my strenght is like 200€ a lens
12:41.28tadzikwow, it's worse than here
12:43.00jon_yI paid for normal plastic glasses for 200€ too
12:43.14jon_ynone of that self darkening because it was too expensive
12:43.55merlin1991200€ without features?
12:44.16merlin1991jon_y: or was that for both lenses?
12:45.13jon_yno self darkening, yes, glasses come with 2 lenses :)
12:46.00merlin1991well in my case it was 200 per lens so 400 in total + the frame
12:46.02jon_ynot sure if ~5.00 is considered high power
12:46.23jon_yoh, mine was 200 including frame
12:47.01jon_ylooks like a dinky plastic thing with the amount of material used
12:47.17merlin1991the ones I'm wearing atm (the future spare pair) were 120 including frame and everything
12:48.19jon_ythat is really cheap!
12:48.45merlin1991they had some kind of christmas bonus program thingy
12:48.53jon_yI wonder if I can get them cheap if I buy in bulk or something :)
12:49.54merlin1991regarding high power, here there's ususally a price gap if you go "higher" than -4
12:50.24jon_yI guess 5-ish is considered high
12:51.03merlin1991I'm currently 6-ish
12:51.21jon_yiirc polarized lenses go even higher, 250€ just for the lens
12:51.28jon_yor 300€
12:51.48jon_ythey're good for, driving in the rain :)
12:54.38merlin1991hm just wondering is the exit mask on an lcd horizontal or vertical?
12:54.57merlin1991because depending on that polarized glasses could be err "fun" to use :D
12:55.08jon_ygood point :)
12:56.27jon_yI've seen some hard hacks that remove the polarizer layer from the LCD and cut them into glasses
12:56.56jon_ywithout the special glasses, the screen looks completely white, at least to the camera that took the picture
12:57.58jon_yI've seen some commercial LCD covers too, it looks completely black without special eyewear
12:59.24merlin1991hm how would that work?
13:00.19jon_yI don't know, I saw some high level manager in my office looking and reading a black screen
13:00.39jon_yI assumed the covering layer must be some LCD protector thing
13:00.46merlin1991the first hack is obvious it removes the filter that would trim down the light components to what you want to see, but how can you go from dark to visible, unless it does something weird like shifting the phase of the light
13:01.27jon_yno idea, it looked pitch black to me when I passed his cube
13:01.57jon_ymaybe it further polarizes, so no shoulder surfing
13:02.25merlin1991well polarizing has no effect where the eye doesn't see the light
13:02.39jon_yuh, maybe that wasnt the right word
13:02.55jon_yreduce the field at which the lcd would be visible
13:03.26merlin1991hm but you still should see stuff when you are behind the guy then
13:03.46jon_ywell, I wasn't behind him, so I could not check :)
13:03.58jon_yit looked pitch black from the side though
13:04.16jon_yI thought he was goofing off :)
13:10.25DocScrutinizer05merlin1991: (polarization) changes from screen to screen, but usually diagonal
13:12.56DocScrutinizer05(reading black screen) those are protective "screensavers" that narrow down view angle form maybe 160° to like 20°
13:14.30DocScrutinizer05very commonly used protective gear on corporate laptops managed by a security aware IT
13:15.21DocScrutinizer05you see same stuff on almost all ATMs right now
13:15.42merlin1991hm security aware or security nuts?
13:17.15merlin1991the best thing regarding security so far I've seen was a policy that required all users to *never* store *anything* unencrypted on a flash drive
13:18.47DocScrutinizer05seen Rambo's answer on "maemo services go to read only..." ML thread?
13:20.36merlin1991which rambo
13:20.40merlin1991there seem to be several
13:21.05DocScrutinizer05Eero af heurlin
13:24.43merlin1991ah yep, so we have vms somewhere somehow, but no physical boxes, on what do we run untill then, soon to be broken promises?
13:26.16DocScrutinizer05nah, there are 1,2, even 3? physical servers and there are ~8 to 14 VMs running on them - right now. nemein moving that stuff to new hw to donate that to board.
13:26.51DocScrutinizer05Rambo wasn't averse to set up a plain new VM for tmo on those
13:28.27*** join/#maemo-ssu arcean (
13:29.29DocScrutinizer05right now Nemein themselves do an interim solution of moving everything to some vservers $anywhere, and aiui they will move those VMs to the new hw that's becoming available around new year
13:30.57DocScrutinizer05(unless board manages to get a quotation from them for future hosting costs, and then maybe decides to not even accept the whole "own hardware" offer and rather ask for the same value in convertable currency to pay a year of hosting and admin from that)
13:31.57kerioimo we should move away from nemein imo
13:32.06DocScrutinizer05I honestly have Not Faintest Clue what board does regarding this particular topic of own servers donated by Nokia, colocation, colocation costs, whatnot
13:32.32DocScrutinizer05kerio: doing what instead?
13:32.39DocScrutinizer05and why?
13:32.53keriocosts too much
13:33.00DocScrutinizer05says who?
13:33.12keriohow much money do we have?
13:33.37DocScrutinizer05kerio: that's a silly question unless you know how much you NEED
13:34.11DocScrutinizer05IOW how much does Nemein cost? YOU know? then wtf don't you tell us?
13:34.47kerioi thought we knew how much the bigass server nokia offered costs to host
13:38.20*** join/#maemo-ssu RST38h (
13:39.12DocScrutinizer05We know colocation is usually NOT cheaper than renting hardware as you're doing with usual offers for dedicated server hosting.
13:39.36DocScrutinizer05we know you have to pay for any hw fix that hw owned by you will need
13:41.01DocScrutinizer05we know also that administration of a server cluster of that size is a fultime job for a professional at very least during the first 3..6 months, even when 'only migrating' it. And usual wages for such a professional are in the 50bucks/h range
13:41.10DocScrutinizer05maybe higher
13:41.21DocScrutinizer05on very fair offers maybe lower
13:41.52DocScrutinizer05(or should I say "very unfair offers" - unfair to the one doing the work)
13:43.18DocScrutinizer05we also know that the number of VMs to run, or particularly the number of autobuilder jobs on standby will insignificantly change that amount of work the whole infra is requiring for administration
13:47.55DocScrutinizer05what we meanwhile also know is: when you don't assign sufficient working hours to administration then you see effects like we seen them with autobuilder and wiki during last month(s)
13:51.22DocScrutinizer05now the questions we have to answer: 1) how much will Nemein call up for physical hosting (colocation) of those servers generously donated to community by Nokia?   2) Is Nemein willing and able to do professional admin at least on system level for that infra, and how much will the call up for that?  3) Does the answer to the first 2 questions suggest we need to consider alternatives, and what might those be?
13:52.08DocScrutinizer05during Q:3 we might come back to your question "how much money does board have?"
13:52.52DocScrutinizer05in parallel we might be able to think about what we can do for tmo
13:53.17DocScrutinizer05and how that fits into the first 3 questions and answers to them
14:11.08DocScrutinizer05I'd ROTFL til blue in the face when Reggie would move his server to a EU server himself, before even offering anybody of council or board access to the system
14:14.30DocScrutinizer05Regie seems to have no concerns, Nemein/Ferenc/Rambo seem to have no concerns, I would've no concerns if I were designated responsible admin of that VM running tmo. Reggie could decide to not even think about board in the whole process of migration/donation of tmo to "community". Just board seems angrily determined to "decide on the tmo hosting in tonight's board meeting" and no answer whatsoever regarding WTF are their concerns
14:14.31DocScrutinizer05now with moving from US to EU
14:16.28DocScrutinizer05so if Reggie moves his complete hosting from his current server to a EU located vserver sponsored by Nemein, I *really* wonder what board will do. Refuse to take tmo from Reggie then, since it moved out of US?
14:17.16DocScrutinizer05(admittedly a tiny bit hypothetical)
14:45.47Lava_Crofteverytime you say Reggie
14:45.51Lava_CroftI see the head of Nintendo of America
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16:15.44luffreemangordon: ping
16:17.15luffreemangordon: I think your tklock has some problem (syslog): mce[802]: Error sending with reply to org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.InvalidArgs
16:28.02lufAnother question about dbus
16:28.23lufI have in syslog: iap_conndlg 2.88+0m5[1338]: Connecting RFCOMM failed: Method "Connect" with signature "s" on interface "org.bluez.Serial" doesn't exist
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16:28.49lufbut neither dbus-monitor --system nor dbus-monitor --session shows such call.
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16:29.12lufI need to find what on destination it is called.
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16:47.04lufIt doesn't mather. I see that the reason was that the remote BT endpoint doesn't support RFCOMM :)
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17:26.52freemangordonluf: is that latest?
17:27.01freemangordontklock that is
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17:34.21luffreemangordon: yes installed yesterday or previous day
17:34.38freemangordonluf: can you reproduce it?
17:34.58lufii  osso-systemui-tklock                      
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17:35.22*** topic/#maemo-ssu by merlin1991 -> Maemo Community Seamless Software Update "CSSU" channel, | Known bugs: | Channel logs: | Sources: | Latest version (testing): 21.2011.38-1Tmaemo6; (stable): 21.2011.38-1Smaemo4.1 | Meeting: Wed. 12-13 1900UTC
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17:35.33lufii  osso-systemui-tklock                      
17:38.00luffreemangordon: to be honest I don't know.
17:42.18freemangordonluf: that's not the latest
17:42.36lufOk. Good news :)
17:42.56freemangordonaah, wait
17:42.59freemangordonit is :(
17:43.24freemangordonluf: what did you do to have this messgae in syslog?
17:44.29lufNo idea :(
17:46.39lufI played with bluez + win and I saw that several times in log
17:47.07lufI'm not able to reproduce it now. But I rebooted ...
17:48.38freemangordonhmm, would you grep syslog for systemui
17:48.48freemangordonto check for something suspicios
17:55.59freemangordonluf: i have those here too, will build traces-enabled version of tklock and will see what's going on
17:56.09lufI want to upload the file to pastebin and I'm totaly lost :D It's first time I want to upload the file there.
17:56.36lufBTW it follows with ok calling.
17:56.47freemangordonsame here
17:57.13freemangordonhmm, no, I have to consecutive failed calls
17:57.13lufGood. But I'm sorry I have no clue how to reproduce :(
17:57.21freemangordonin 4 seconds
17:57.37freemangordonme too, that's why I will enable traces
17:59.34freemangordonmerlin1991: do we have a meeting today? :P
18:00.52merlin1991yes :D
18:01.02merlin1991I adjusted the date a few mins ago :D
18:01.19lufThanks for remember me the meeting.
18:01.24lufI totaly forget.
18:02.57freemangordonhmm, that's weird
18:05.13luffreemangordon: don't you bind it several times? or something like that (I'm using tklock just one or two days on my devel phone)
18:05.48freemangordonluf: rephrase please
18:08.56luffreemangordon: like first time it asks to wrong part and second time it asks the right part
18:09.12lufI don't have very good idea.
18:11.07freemangordonluf: lets see what will happen now I have the traces enabled
18:12.14freemangordonluf: it could be because i removed the (obsolete) tklock support
18:13.00luffreemangordon: so not so much "obsolete" ? But as I said it doesn't reoccur after reboot.
18:13.48freemangordonand in case if any not supported tklock request it returs 0, which seems to be "invalid input arguments"
18:14.00freemangordonbut that will become clear from the traces
18:14.15freemangordonyah, not that "obsolete" it seems
18:14.15lufas you said: we'll see :)
18:14.40lufmerlin1991: ping
18:14.59merlin1991luf: pong
18:15.26lufmerlin1991: have you tried BT send file between win and N900?
18:16.01merlin1991I broke my glasses on saturday and got new ones today, so not yet :/
18:16.10merlin1991but I'll try it now
18:16.13lufReporter wrote it's a problem on all win for him (WIDCOM BT stack) and I'm unable to reproduce it on win xp with MS/IVT BlueSoleil stak ...
18:16.51lufPlease test it prior you setup connection for me as I'm not sure if you'll be faced with the problem.
18:17.06merlin1991hm step1 get new bluez :D
18:17.37luf:) quiet easy ... bluez + libbluetooth3 ;)
18:26.00merlin1991luf: maemo2+0cssu1?
18:26.26lufYes. It's the latest one.
18:29.50DocScrutinizer05sorry, meeting??
18:30.13merlin1991last meeting at the end narrowed it down to this point in time in 30 mins
18:30.23merlin1991still open points are the buglist and browser-ui
18:30.40DocScrutinizer05will you need me?
18:31.18DocScrutinizer05oh c'mon, I'll happily stay away
18:31.38merlin1991you can pick one ;)
18:31.55merlin1991luf: any way to restart bluez without restarting the phone?
18:32.02DocScrutinizer05I'm kinda pissed today
18:32.50DocScrutinizer05so probably me staying away is your best option ;-)
18:34.13merlin1991luf and kerio were missing you last time :D
18:34.37DocScrutinizer05I got a broken (possibly rooted) server on my plate, and a broken ZNC from that. Plus some more arguing about how simple it is to host a server infra about 20 times that size of my broken tiny box
18:35.06lufDocScrutinizer05: you should be there ... in other case you risk that we include new kernel  into CSSU (you know) :D
18:35.52DocScrutinizer05I'm just going to get my backups of repo and stuff then, and forget about the rest
18:38.08DocScrutinizer05honestly not a good day to troll me
18:39.47freemangordonmerlin1991: stop bluetoothd/start bluetoothd
18:41.10lufor reboot
18:41.12merlin1991luf: I can't even send a file to win7 on stock bluez
18:41.37lufWhat is BT stack on windows?
18:41.47lufAnd what the opposite way (win -> N900)>
18:42.40merlin1991win -> n900 works
18:43.08merlin1991ah wait
18:43.13merlin1991used the wrong device
18:43.43merlin1991my n900 is paired with my n9
18:44.02merlin1991and it takes forever to show the laptop, and atm it doesn't show it at all o_O
18:44.05luf?? How it affects win -> N900 ?
18:44.15merlin1991nono win-n900 works fine
18:44.20merlin1991that's all about n900 -> win
18:44.53lufOk, as I edited my post on TMO I think you don't have configured BT COM port (RFCOMM) on win side.
18:45.11merlin1991the share file over bluetooth dialog does not list my laptop :/
18:45.38lufI suppose you're using MS BT stack is it right?
18:45.57merlin1991how do I check that?
18:46.26lufI'm not fully sure the right way as I don't use win.
18:46.50lufwin: What menu do you se when you right click the BT icon is status menu?
18:48.04merlin1991the win one
18:48.26merlin1991add device, show devices ...
18:48.53merlin1991btw I tried with your bluez now (the first test was with stock)
18:49.14merlin1991with this one I can't even browse the n900 / send a file to the n900
18:49.47lufGood for finding the problem :)
18:49.55lufYou're using MS stack.
18:50.13lufIt's working here in win xp ...
18:50.49merlin1991and dmesg on the n900 shows Spurious irq 95: 0xffffffdf, please flush psoted write for irq 11
18:51.02merlin1991a few times
18:56.08lufCan you re-pair it with new bluez?
18:56.42merlin1991I did the inital pari with your bluez
18:57.03merlin1991the stock test was done on stock pr1.3.1 on another device
18:57.26lufDid you unpair it also on win side? Or how do you know that stock bluez is ok?
18:57.43merlin1991see above ;)
19:02.38freemangordonmerlin1991: which kernel is that? with Spurious irq 95
19:03.13freemangordonluf: where? :P
19:03.20merlin1991freemangordon: omap1
19:03.26merlin1991okay meeting time
19:03.34merlin1991ping arcean Pali
19:03.41freemangordonmerlin1991: aah, that explains it
19:03.48freemangordonthat one is fixed in KP
19:03.56merlin1991what is it actually?
19:04.06Palipong merlin1991
19:04.08merlin1991because it didn't happen with stock bluez
19:04.10arceanpong merlin1991
19:04.29freemangordonsome of the omap regs needs read after write when you ack an irq
19:05.02freemangordonif you don;t read, irq is triggered again, when not expected
19:05.18freemangordonthus: spurious
19:05.36merlin1991okay browser-ui or bugs first?
19:05.54freemangordonbrowser, seems easier
19:05.59Paliromaxa did not responce on my mails
19:06.09Paliso maybe is on holiday...
19:06.11freemangordonPali: what do you expect ?!?
19:06.24freemangordonmerlin1991: lets switch to private
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19:45.31merlin1991the bug party starts with #12575
19:45.47freemangordonbug 12575
19:45.48merlin1991where's our lovely infobot?
19:45.49povbotBug microb-engine: CVE-2011-3026: Integer overflow in embedded libpng
19:45.59merlin1991ah yeah povbot
19:46.02freemangordonmerlin1991: she does not love you :P
19:46.09merlin1991freemangordon: I think you tackled that one at some point?
19:46.12freemangordonshe likes oldies :D:D:D
19:46.42freemangordonmerlin1991: iirc i fixed that one
19:46.54freemangordonlet me check
19:47.33freemangordonhmm, no
19:48.25freemangordonmerlin1991: the fix is to upgrade th library ;)
19:48.46keriobut what about all the programs that depend on that bug??? /s
19:49.02freemangordonkerio: thay'll stop work
19:49.50merlin1991so that one is still open?
19:50.12merlin1991I'll corsscheck the tasklist and will put it on there if it's missing
19:51.05merlin1991next up bug #12576
19:51.06povbotBug hildon-desktop crashed after failed SDL png load
19:51.10freemangordongarage is read-only afaik
19:51.18merlin1991it's going writeable soon again
19:51.35merlin1991arcrean I think youfixed 12576 in current git?
19:51.39freemangordonarcean: that one is fixed afaik
19:51.49arceanyes, fixed
19:51.56freemangordonis it in -testing?
19:52.15merlin1991i think the fix is only in -devel atm
19:52.54arceanyes, it's only in cssu-devel
19:52.55freemangordonwell, mark it as "close pending" or something
19:53.20freemangordonthough... if arcean insists it is fixed, we can close it :)
19:53.20merlin1991I have one more for arcean bug #12584
19:53.21povbotBug hildon-menu gets rotated if orientation locked from portrait
19:53.22lufcan someone put a comment there?
19:53.29arceanbugzilla should be read-only :P
19:53.40merlin1991luf: I keep a list and put that stuff there later on
19:53.50arceanmerlin1991, fixed also
19:54.01merlin1991luf: so we can move through quicker we have 36 on the list :)
19:54.03freemangordonhildon-menu? WTF is that?
19:54.12arceanit's even in -testing
19:54.43arceanhe meant hildon-status-menu
19:55.01arceanbut the bug was in hildon-desktop
19:55.16merlin1991fixed then, next is bug #12586
19:55.16povbotBug Status area dialogs force landscape mode when an application is active
19:55.28freemangordonmerlin1991: fixed in -devel?
19:55.35freemangordonarcean: ^^^
19:56.15arceanshould be fixed in -devel
19:56.36arceanthat's the first time I saw that bug report :)
19:56.58arceanbut as I said, it should be fixed in -devel
19:57.18merlin1991okay I'll check that when I build the new h-d then
19:57.34merlin1991bug # 12596
19:57.36povbotBug Caps Lock On on first letter after a Period not working
19:58.06freemangordonmerlin1991: invalid
19:58.14merlin1991seems to be
19:58.28merlin1991I wonder though where it came from
19:58.45freemangordonthat guy somehow has messed up "text input" settings
19:59.43merlin1991okay next is bug #12601
19:59.44povbotBug [osso-pdfviewer] Deactivated "continuous scrolling" reactivates after loading, but checkbox state remains
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19:59.51freemangordonhmm, which reminds me that we need GTK developer for GTK
20:00.04merlin1991yeah I'll put that out on tmo
20:00.40freemangordon"this time for real" :P:P:P
20:00.57arceanall in all, the bug report is valid
20:01.02PaliI can look at that bug
20:01.19PaliI backported that patch from diablo-cssu
20:01.19freemangordonhugs Pali
20:02.00merlin1991it's also not stored over restarts of the pdf viewer
20:02.40merlin1991but afaik pdf viewer stores no "settings" so we probably want to only fix this bug and not add a settings system aswell
20:02.50merlin1991okay Pali looks into it
20:03.05merlin1991bug #12606
20:03.06povbotBug Add portrait support for orientation lock.
20:03.30freemangordonarcean: do we still have no chances?
20:03.55freemangordoni.e. what stops that one?
20:04.04arceanit could be done, without Qt apps ;)
20:04.31freemangordonarcean: hmm if we define thoe correct policy, Qt will fit too
20:04.41freemangordonor we can fix Qt after all
20:04.51arceanwhen MCE sends 'portrait' signal, Qt sets portrait flags on a window
20:05.02arceanwhen MCE sends 'landscape' signal, Qt removes all portrait flags
20:05.12freemangordonarcean: iirc we already agree that Qt should listen to h-d
20:05.20arceanso we have no idea, if an app supports portrait mode
20:06.22merlin1991so 2 steps, fix Qt, verify that, then have more fun in h-d
20:06.23freemangordonarcean: wanna take this one? i will help as much as I can.
20:06.26arceanthe whole Qt's Orientation Manager is broken by design
20:06.31freemangordonmerlin1991: the opposite
20:06.43freemangordondo that one, fix Qt afterwards
20:07.05arceanI would start with Qt, and then remove all nasty-Qt hacks from h-d ;)
20:07.05freemangordonarcean: agree?
20:07.23freemangordonarcean: Qt hacks in h-d?
20:08.10arceanthere's a couple of lines because of Qt problems
20:08.23freemangordonreally? the fuck
20:08.35Palilike in browser...
20:08.55arceanyeah, for e.g. controlling the topmost window etc
20:09.09freemangordonarcean: again, I will help if you take on that one
20:09.44arceanok, I'll try in my free time to do something with Qt
20:09.46freemangordonbut I don;t want to be the "owner", kernel and glibc are on my todo top
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20:10.32arceanI hate it takes so much time to build Qt :D
20:10.52freemangordonarcean: it is about h-d, Qt part should be relatively easy
20:11.00freemangordon(besides build time :D )
20:11.32merlin1991well depending on your pc speed we could build qt on the server :D
20:12.01freemangordonarcean: you could do -nc ;)
20:12.06merlin1991anyway that one's taken then
20:12.19merlin1991bug #12609
20:12.20povbotBug Problems with some non-latin layouts input in Qt-based software
20:12.21arceanI can handle this :)
20:12.37freemangordonmerlin1991: I am hit by that :D
20:13.19merlin1991do we have the full input chain (button press until key event) open by now?
20:13.32merlin1991if yes we should look into this
20:13.43freemangordonmerlin1991: confirm that, and give it low priority, as it seems now there is noone to take care of it
20:14.08freemangordonmerlin1991: the whole input chain?
20:14.44merlin1991virtual keyboard and other possible middleware friends ;)
20:14.52freemangordonQt part is open AFAIk :P. And the bug is there, deffinitely
20:15.02merlin1991ah okay then
20:15.07merlin1991will put it on the task list
20:15.24merlin1991bug # 12621
20:15.25povbotBug sharing-plugin-facebook stopped working
20:15.35merlin1991that was fixed by curl right?
20:16.08merlin1991bug #12629
20:16.09povbotBug blacklisting works not as it should
20:16.19merlin1991arcean: I think you fixed that one already
20:16.29arceanyes, and reverted the fix :)
20:16.44merlin1991so is it unfixed atm? Or did you find a new solution?
20:16.56freemangordonmerlin1991: it was a regressin, fixed
20:17.00arceanthe problem is with qt-components not with h-d
20:17.20merlin1991so qt again
20:17.25arceanthe qt-components rotates the application and then h-d rotate the window
20:17.25freemangordonarcean: is it fixed or not?
20:17.31arceannot fixed
20:17.54freemangordonqt-components? ot qt?
20:18.14arceanI have no idea why qt-components window has portrait flag
20:19.10freemangordonhmm, wait
20:19.26freemangordondoes that happen with force-rotation enabled?
20:20.16arceandoesn't matter
20:20.40arceanit could be easy to fix, after taking care of Qt rotation policy
20:21.05arceanor not
20:21.11freemangordonarcean: WPx amulator works like charm here
20:22.13freemangordonmerlin1991: I'd rather mark that as "needinfo" and request transitions.ini
20:23.41freemangordonarcean: it could be that reporter has mistyped the application name
20:23.51arceanit would be great to have more info from the reporter
20:24.20merlin1991okay needinfo
20:24.39merlin1991bug # 12631
20:24.41povbotBug MonoDevelop app broken after update cssu
20:25.51freemangordon* Assertion at mini-arm.c:2881, condition `thumb_supported' not met
20:25.59merlin1991look further down
20:26.14merlin1991it is an assert within mono that failed because gnomevfs was thumb compiled
20:26.19merlin1991which was fixed some time ago
20:26.26freemangordonaah, yes
20:26.36merlin1991the original reporter just never stated that it's really fiex
20:26.52freemangordonwell, close it
20:27.33merlin1991fixed then
20:27.36freemangordonguys, I am running out of time, will be here for couple of minutes more, sorry :(.
20:27.57merlin1991okay next bug #12645
20:27.58povbotBug operator-name-cbs-widget does not display the operator name correctly
20:28.31freemangordonhehe, jonwil promised hell look at that one when he's back from holiday
20:28.31merlin1991Pali can you look at that? it has a opername.log attached
20:28.37merlin1991ah okay
20:28.57merlin1991so jonwils
20:29.02merlin1991bug #12646
20:29.03povbotBug libpng: Various vulnerabilites (CVE)
20:29.03keriohuh? that's fixed already
20:29.06freemangordonmerlin1991: well, if Pali wants to look at it
20:29.23Palijonwil already sent me similar
20:29.27kerioi'm talking about bug #12645
20:29.28Paliit is in my mailbox
20:29.58freemangordonmerlin1991: well, seems we have to upgrade libpng
20:29.58arceankerio is right, 12645 is fixed
20:30.58freemangordonarcean: yeah, the new one is with roaming
20:31.50luf12646 - I can take a look if libpng upgrade is ok.
20:33.21merlin1991luf if possible get the patches out of upstream instead of just upgrading libpng to new upstream
20:33.40freemangordonmerlin1991: operator widget is jonwil's child(afaik), I think we should either pester him until it is bugfree, or remove it
20:33.41lufmerlin1991: why?
20:33.51freemangordonmerlin1991: why?
20:34.18lufIt's less time consuming to upgrade than backport some patches.
20:34.35luf... like libcurl
20:34.37merlin1991luf: technically you have to test each an every application that uses the lib after upgrading it
20:34.46freemangordonand we really don;t know what patches we need, not to mention the previous libpng bug
20:35.07freemangordonwhich is fixed by package upgrade
20:35.25merlin1991hm well we have to check if new libpng is backwards compatible
20:35.47lufOk. I'll do it.
20:35.56merlin1991okay luf has it
20:35.58freemangordonmerlin1991: sure, but that's why -devel and -testing are
20:36.09lufnext one ...
20:36.12merlin1991bug #12647
20:36.13povbotBug vte: CVE-2012-2738: DoS
20:36.46merlin1991I don't know if there exists a fix upstream as of now, anybody want to investigate?
20:36.57freemangordonthat one is tricky
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20:37.00merlin1991ah wait I'm thinking of a different vte bug
20:37.27freemangordonmerlin1991: the point is that the package is in extras
20:37.44merlin1991vte isn#t
20:37.48freemangordoni.e. not CSSU material by definition
20:37.50merlin1991only openssh is
20:38.42merlin1991and the bug is not in openssh but in vte
20:39.22freemangordonhowever, I am out of time. I am semi-offline, otherwise i'll have to look for another GF :)
20:39.44merlin1991kk I'll rethrow kernel things at you another time :)
20:40.29lufwhat is GF?
20:40.40freemangordongirlfriend ;)
20:40.41merlin1991something you have in RL?
20:40.58lufOk, let's change :D
20:41.06freemangordonmerlin1991: well, I have mine in a bed :P
20:41.21merlin1991hopefully still in real life and not some shady computer simulation
20:41.39merlin1991anyway any takers for vte or does it go onto the task list?
20:41.56merlin1991task list it is
20:42.11merlin1991bug # 12648
20:42.12povbotBug libsoup: CVE-2011-2524: Directory traversal vulnerability to read arbitrary files
20:43.11lufmerlin1991: isn't it better to continue next time?
20:43.46merlin1991actually yeah, I'll just throw one more onto arcean
20:43.53merlin1991bug #12660
20:43.54povbotBug Hildon Menu should scale images when are too big to be displayed
20:44.03merlin1991I think that got fixed in -devel
20:44.05arceanfixed in -devel
20:45.41merlin1991anybody even available next week, or shall we continue next year?
20:46.53arceanthe earliest date is 27th for me
20:47.19merlin1991I guess you still want your christmas holidays though? :D
20:47.35arceanyeah, that's another thing :D
20:47.52lufI'm ok with 27-th.
20:48.21lufIt's thursday but during X-mas ...
20:48.48merlin199127th is ok for me aswell, but I don't know if you guys don't have other plans for xmess
20:48.49arceanafter new year I'm also available
20:49.06arceanxmess :)
20:50.26DocScrutinizer05nice backscroll :-)
20:54.06merlin1991heh the libsoup looks like an easy backport
20:54.22merlin1991so 27th or not?
20:54.42lufwe'll see if others can or not.
20:59.24*** mode/#maemo-ssu [+o merlin1991] by ChanServ
20:59.50*** topic/#maemo-ssu by merlin1991 -> Maemo Community Seamless Software Update "CSSU" channel, | Known bugs: | Channel logs: | Sources: | Latest version (testing): 21.2011.38-1Tmaemo6; (stable): 21.2011.38-1Smaemo4.1 | Meeting: 27th 1900UTC
20:59.54kerioHAIL MERLIN
21:00.02merlin1991hm / kick or not
21:00.04kerioor maybe heil
21:00.08*** mode/#maemo-ssu [-o merlin1991] by ChanServ
21:00.30kerioDocScrutinizer05: what's happening to your server, btw?
21:04.56DocScrutinizer05kerio: tilt
22:23.27*** join/#maemo-ssu tadzik (
22:31.35*** join/#maemo-ssu nox- (noident@freebsd/developer/nox)
22:54.55lufanyone want to test new libpng before I upload it to cssu-devel?
22:55.18lufmerlin1991: ping
22:55.41lufmerlin1991: do you want to create git cssu repo for the new upstream source?
23:00.56merlin1991we should have a libpng repo already
23:02.14lufOk, I'll check.
23:03.04lufNothing like that.
23:13.40lufmerlin1991: please create one or point me to the existing one as I can't see it.
23:26.55lufmerlin1991: ping
23:28.03lufmerlin1991: I made a mistake in uploading to cssu-devel. Can you take a look?
23:28.34merlin1991let me have a look
23:29.22merlin1991did you upload twice the same version but from a different build?
23:29.27lufI uploaded _source.changes :(
23:29.46merlin1991that doesn#t work
23:30.08merlin1991let me fix that :)
23:31.09merlin1991new set is imported
23:31.14merlin1991do you have a git repo locally?
23:31.21merlin1991I'll do the gitorious one tomorrow
23:31.44lufI used package from maemo and new one from debian wheezy.
23:32.31lufOk. Thanks. I'll upload it tomorrow on the day after tomorrow.
23:36.28lufmerlin1991: I think you can update the notice for the bug ;)

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