IRC log for #maemo-ssu on 20121127

01:14.21RaimuWas the Hildon taskswitcher desaturation effect causing problems? It vanished at some point and I don't know if it was changed to be enablable by parameter or something.
02:59.39*** join/#maemo-ssu LaoLang_cool (~LaoLang_c@
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05:45.41kerioRaimu: you have to enable it afaik
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07:48.42Lava_CroftRaimu: blurless_saturation = 0 in /usr/share/hildon-desktop/transitions.ini
07:48.52Lava_Croftor 1, whatever
09:09.51RaimuOh, I thought that setting was there much earlier and affects the popping-up background blurring.
09:11.04RaimuI meant the effect when you shut an application down the small window thumbnail in the task switcher goes monochrome. It's a recent effect.
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09:23.58RaimuYeah, I can see it in CSSU T-maemo5 changelist as added: "Desaturate the window thumb when it's about to close"
09:29.04RaimuYeah. I doesn't seem to happen on later testing hildon-desktops anymore, on my n900 at least. I was wondering why.
09:29.32Lava_CroftStrange, no idea
10:24.57merlin1991hm interesting find
10:25.52merlin1991btw Raimu afaic the effect only works when you close the application in the taskswitcher
10:26.22RaimuYup, but it stopped working.
10:27.19merlin1991damn gitorious semi down
10:27.27merlin1991wants to check if there is an option
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10:35.03merlin1991Raimu: there is a new option thumb_desaturation
10:36.10merlin1991you have to set it to 1 and thanks to dpkg config handling it is only in /usr/share/hildon-desktop-tansitions.ini.dpkg-dist
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10:53.12RaimuThanks for lookup.
11:05.21RaimuYeah, got it to work now. Thank you!
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13:10.03DocScrutinizer05we definitely need a decent editor for all that stuff. One that can merge new options with existing setups from /usr/share/hildon-desktop-tansitions.ini
13:14.25DocScrutinizer05I.E it needs to - at build time at least - automatically grep all the possible options out of the MHD sourcefiles that define them. Then - at runtime - set all those options to proper defaults, then read in hildon-desktop-tansitions.ini and override the internal option values of those that are defined in there. Then on "save" write a complete /usr/share/hildon-desktop-tansitions.ini with all the available options, and those that
13:14.26DocScrutinizer05were already defined in old hildon-desktop-tansitions.ini set to their old values
13:16.04jon_yperl? :)
13:16.30tadziksounds like a job for a Perl Man
13:17.37tadzikor for a proper .ini library, and so any language around :)
13:18.41tadzikesp. since maemo runs on 5.8.6, which is ancient even by CentOS standards
13:18.56jon_yperl 5.8.6?
13:19.09jon_ygood enough for some regex matches
13:19.17jon_yand section markers
13:20.25tadzikif regex solution is what you're aiming at, then yeah
13:20.31jon_ywe could go with json or xml :)
13:20.40jon_yor yaml
13:20.54jon_yor whatever flavor of the month serialize format
13:21.56tadzikdoesn't it need to be .ini for hildon to understand it?
13:22.14jon_ydoes hildon have to use ini?
13:22.30tadzikheh, apparently Config-Tiny works even on 5.5.3 ;)
13:24.12jon_ywell, just saying there are more sane things than using ini :)
13:24.18tadziksure :)
13:24.32tadzikini is quite nice for hand-editing on device though
13:28.36tadzikprobably better written as /^\s*\[([^\]]*)\]\s*$/ :)
13:29.25jon_y[^\] <-?
13:29.38tadzik[^\]], character class of "anything but ]"
13:29.42tadziksaves you backtracking on section title
13:30.01tadzikwhich will probably be just one character, but... yeah ;)
13:30.21lufBTW why perl? Isn't python more supported on N900?
13:30.21jon_ydefinitely an evil spell incantation
13:30.35jon_yluf: it started mostly as a joke
13:30.46tadzikBeacuse Lexical Scoping!!!11 ;)
13:31.07tadzikwell, python version is at least LSB-conformant, whatever that's worth
13:31.53jon_yPerlCritic is awesome btw
13:32.00lufjon_y: I never saw DocScrutinizer05 makes a joke :D
13:32.09jon_yshould be mandatory to make all of them readable
13:32.11tadzikexcept when it's annoying
13:32.23jon_ythat's what exclude is for :)
13:32.38tadzik"Hey, you turned of wanings here". I know, damnit! :)
13:32.50jon_y##no critic
13:32.53tadziks/of wa/off war/
13:33.15tadzikyeah, I know, but still. How often do you do 'no strict "refs"' by accident?
13:33.52jon_ythe best part is spotting mistyped sort/grep constructs
13:34.23tadzikyeah, it has its good parts
13:35.25tadzikor warning about undefined behaviours, I never knew about those before
13:35.47jon_yyes, especially doing regex on $_ in a loop
13:36.31jon_ynot exactly easy to spot if you're new to perl
13:49.49tadzikbtw, did the context menu ideas eventually get on a bugtracker?
13:50.21DocScrutinizer05hah, prolly not
13:52.23DocScrutinizer05I'd think it's less effort to prepare the patch based on what we already discussed here, than to open a ticket with all that info and conclusions
13:58.18DocScrutinizer05we already found out there's code to pop up the context menu to left upper side from touchpoint. Just the condition/test that selects this particular method is kinda flawed, since it only kicks in when touchpoint is too close to lower-right end of screen.
13:58.57tadzikit was also a matter of it disappearing too eagerly
13:59.12DocScrutinizer05this condition needs to get tweaked so it works exactly other way round
14:00.58DocScrutinizer05that been a missing option in some theme file, that needs to be 150 instead 30 or 8 or whatever it been. I don't agree we might patch source to ignore a setting in theme just because the existing setting in existing themes doesn't match our taste. Rather provide a simple theme-patcher tool
14:01.52DocScrutinizer05(^^^ disappearing too soon that is)
14:15.16freemangordon_DocScrutinizer05: hmm, can we setup an apt triger, so if a new theme is installed, to fix it?
14:16.01freemangordon_Not that I have any clue how apt/dpkg triggers work, just a wild idea
14:16.29freemangordon_merlin1991: ^^^?
14:16.53merlin1991we could use postinst
14:17.18merlin1991ah wait theme?
14:17.18freemangordon_merlin1991: we can't fix all of the themes around
14:17.34merlin1991hm well that apt trigger would be weird
14:17.42merlin1991would have to be content agnostic
14:20.04freemangordon_let me elaborate: on new .deb installed, sed(or whatever) /opt/usr/share/themes/*/gtk-2.0/gtkrc
14:20.28freemangordon_and fix the broken value
14:20.46freemangordon_I think we all will be happy that way. If it wrks
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14:22.33freemangordon_merlin1991: we can use a small C program instead if script, which is using GSettings (or whatever the GTK class was)
14:22.43freemangordon_so no need to parse .rc files
14:22.55jon_ysqlite! :)
14:23.22freemangordon_GTK will do it for us, and it can set values in .rc files too
14:25.41freemangordon_merlin1991: ooh, we can tell dpkg to watch a directory for a change :D
14:27.16jon_ydpkg is always running?
14:30.31freemangordon_merlin1991: "interest /path/to/a/directory" in debian/triggers
14:30.40freemangordon_jon_y: no
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16:05.39keriodo you have to reboot after installing a theme? fixing stuff like that on boot would be easier
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16:31.44freemangordon_kerio: no
16:32.14freemangordon_unfortunately I changed *dnd* value to 230, nothing has changed :(
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17:11.13DocScrutinizer05run a inotify-monitor script
17:12.22DocScrutinizer05chnging the value isn't sufficient, you need to compile the changed .rc file too
17:15.41DocScrutinizer05honestly whoever has set up that theme file this way, is responsible to fix it. Users using a theme file either accept it the way it is, or they tweak it on purpose, to adjust properties like that *dnd* value. Of course somebody can set up an 'app' that inotify monitors the themes and runs a edit script to auto-tweak whatever theme properties the user wants edited. We however should NOT deploy a global mandatory fix for that
17:17.28DocScrutinizer05a mandatory fix is like replacing all existing heating thermostats by fixed-temperature versions, just because the current thermostats were shipped with an inconvenient preset
17:19.43DocScrutinizer05tbh I could live with the context menu vanishing as soon as pen-up, if only context menu wouldn't appear *under* my fingertip
17:20.33DocScrutinizer05IOW the first fix is way more useful than the second
17:23.57DocScrutinizer05plus the first fix can get implemented in a 100% clean way, by changing default behaviour from "anchor: top left" to "anchor: bottom right" and add a new option "anchor=[0|1|2|3]" for bottom-right, bottom-left, top-left, top-right
17:25.11DocScrutinizer05so anybody interested in keeping current behaviour could restore this by setting anchor=3
17:28.27DocScrutinizer05likewise we could have changed _default_ of *dnd* from 8 to 150, but since obviously the nonsense value is already explicitly set in gtkrc, our only reasonable option is to tweak this value as set in the file
17:31.47DocScrutinizer05weird shit returned for >>ll /opt/usr/share/themes/*/gtk-2.0/gtkrc*<<
17:33.39DocScrutinizer05could anybody check if your files have same date, please?
17:33.42DocScrutinizer05IroN900:~# ls -l /opt/usr/share/themes/default/gtk-2.0/gtkrc.cache
17:33.44DocScrutinizer05-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 130648 2011-09-09 12:33 /opt/usr/share/themes/default/gtk-2.0/gtkrc.cache
17:34.51DocScrutinizer05my /opt/usr/share/themes/*/gtk-2.0/gtkrc.cache are all of same date, despite the gtkrc are of different often years older age
17:35.12DocScrutinizer05makes me think something compiled them on my device
17:35.32DocScrutinizer05all at once
17:38.06DocScrutinizer05WTF?!?! /usr/bin/gtk-update-icon-cache
17:38.36DocScrutinizer05nothing but a weird shebang line, 13 bytes length, here :-o
17:39.33kerio-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 130648 2012-09-15 14:29 gtkrc.cache
17:40.31DocScrutinizer05hey, I gather you installed something at 2012-09-15 14:29
17:40.51DocScrutinizer05sth grk(-theme) related
17:41.29keriocan't remember
17:41.34FIQhow about the default themes?
17:41.44kerioDocScrutinizer05: maybe i... removed the beta theme?
17:41.47FIQI honestly never used a custom theme
17:42.25kerioDocScrutinizer05: /usr/bin/hildon-theme-recache-all
17:42.26DocScrutinizer05FIQ: ls -l /opt/usr/share/themes/*/gtk-2.0/gtkrc.cache
17:42.31kerioTool to generate gtkrc cache files on fly
17:42.36DocScrutinizer05kerio: \o/
17:43.27DocScrutinizer05hildon-theme-cacher /usr/share/themes
17:44.41DocScrutinizer05freemangordon_: you called this ^^^ after changing your value *dnd* to 130 (or whatever)?
17:45.06FIQDocScrutinizer05: gives "alpha", "beta", "default" and "Raleigh" (whatever that is)
17:45.18DocScrutinizer05same here
17:45.28DocScrutinizer05all 4 with same date
17:45.48FIQyeah, seems to be the time I reflashed
17:45.55FIQwhich was 11d ago
17:47.04DocScrutinizer05IroN900:~# /usr/bin/hildon-theme-recache-all
17:47.06DocScrutinizer05Generating /usr/share/themes/beta/gtk-2.0/gtkrc.cache
17:47.07DocScrutinizer05Generating /usr/share/themes/alpha/gtk-2.0/gtkrc.cache
17:47.37DocScrutinizer05IroN900:~# ls -l /opt/usr/share/themes/default/gtk-2.0/gtkrc.cache
17:47.39DocScrutinizer05-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 130648 2012-11-27 18:46 /opt/usr/share/themes/default/gtk-2.0/gtkrc.cache
17:47.41DocScrutinizer05of course
17:50.40keriowtf is *dnd*?
17:50.46FIQdrag-and-drop I guess
17:51.29FIQa thing useful for people not too exposed to technical stuff as it's very simple
17:51.41FIQ...but I guess you knew that :p
17:51.42DocScrutinizer05chnaged dnd to 300, /usr/bin/hildon-theme-recache-all --> fixed \o/
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17:52.37DocScrutinizer05# Drag and drop treshold
17:52.38DocScrutinizer05gtk-dnd-drag-threshold = 300
17:52.58FIQalso, where exactly is dnd used in hildon?
17:53.54DocScrutinizer05sed s/gtk-dnd-drag-threshold = 30/gtk-dnd-drag-threshold = 30/ -i /opt/usr/share/themes/default/gtk-2.0/gtkrc && /usr/bin/hildon-theme-recache-all
17:54.25DocScrutinizer05I did that as root, dunno if it's mandatory
17:54.59DocScrutinizer05prolly, since /opt/usr/share/themes/ isn't owned by user
17:55.29DocScrutinizer05sed s/gtk-dnd-drag-threshold = 30/gtk-dnd-drag-threshold = 180/ -i /opt/usr/share/themes/default/gtk-2.0/gtkrc && /usr/bin/hildon-theme-recache-all
17:56.42DocScrutinizer05new if you package that as an "app", I insist on getting credit as original author :-P
17:57.44freemangordon_DocScrutinizer05: I called hildon-theme-racache-all
17:58.07freemangordon_and yes, you need to be root
17:58.28freemangordon_nothing changed here, at least for file manager
18:00.15DocScrutinizer05here I think there clearly changed sth, only that I guess it's not pixels but mouse dits that this value's unit
18:00.38freemangordon_mouse dits?
18:01.12DocScrutinizer05atm (with 300) I get ~2...3mm I can drag the stylus before context menu vanishes
18:03.22DocScrutinizer05hmm nope, with 2000 it's all the same
18:03.24freemangordon_DocScrutinizer05: just did it 1230, still the same
18:03.30freemangordon_yeah :D
18:03.31FIQ<DocScrutinizer05> new if you package that as an "app", I insist on getting credit as original author :-P
18:03.48FIQmakes a package and tell everyone that he came up with the idea
18:04.11DocScrutinizer05FIQ: you're welcome
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18:16.40DocScrutinizer05starting filemanager and opening context menu gives inotify-watch -r /usr/share/themes/ :
18:16.49DocScrutinizer058      4       2              2     /usr/share/themes/alpha/images/
18:16.51DocScrutinizer054      0       2              2     /usr/share/themes/alpha/gtk-2.0/
18:16.56DocScrutinizer0511     5       3              3     /usr/share/themes/alpha/images/
18:17.06DocScrutinizer05time for reboot
18:17.24freemangordon_DocScrutinizer05: didn't help here either
18:17.59DocScrutinizer05since I guess the themes are read in by maemo-launcher and after that only shared
18:18.14freemangordon_no, it is sapwood engine
18:18.45DocScrutinizer05too late
18:18.50DocScrutinizer05already booting
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18:21.02DocScrutinizer05hmm, still no effect
18:21.14freemangordon_toldya, it is not that
18:21.31freemangordon_aiui w have a simulated right-click
18:21.41DocScrutinizer05but we both read the source code, no?
18:21.43freemangordon_and dnd should not affect that
18:22.10freemangordon_well, yes :)
18:22.26freemangordon_did you keep the links?
18:22.52DocScrutinizer05and wasn't gtk-dnd-drag-threshold explicitly mentioned in there
18:23.03DocScrutinizer05alas nope
18:23.04freemangordon_it was
18:23.45DocScrutinizer05wait, I'm still wondering if I edited the *right* theme gtkrc
18:24.44freemangordon_fuck gitorious: "503 Service Unavailable"
18:28.28DocScrutinizer05freemangordon_: chanlog, search /usr/share/themes/
18:28.37DocScrutinizer05or gtkrc
18:32.28freemangordon_gitorious is driving me buts
18:34.49freemangordon_hmm, could it be that it should be set on widget. going to try it
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18:39.49DocScrutinizer05yeah, good thinking. I also wondered what's the real meaning and structure in that friggin gtkrc file
18:41.15DocScrutinizer05but hey, since that shite obviously doesn't work in gtkrc the way we assumed, we could as well edit the default from wherever it's coming from
18:42.26DocScrutinizer05first step: gdb filemanager, see what value that variable actually has, which is supposed to have the value of gtk-dnd-drag-threshold but obviously doesn't
18:43.07DocScrutinizer05second step: find out where from this value comes, edit that to a sane value
18:43.27DocScrutinizer05odds are we actually can include a sourcecode patch now
18:44.23DocScrutinizer05since there's no setting from themes that needs to be overridden, rather that variable has some default value coming from somewhere else, probably sourcecode
18:44.44freemangordon_DocScrutinizer05: there is, we just need to find which one
18:45.17DocScrutinizer05hmm, I grep'ed /usr/share and ooops ~/.*
18:45.34DocScrutinizer05<-idiot with root hat on
18:46.12freemangordon_DocScrutinizer05: no need to grep, all we need is in /ush/share/themes/gtk2.0
18:47.20DocScrutinizer05so, I didn't find *any* gtk-dnd-drag-threshold except the edited ones, in usr/share/themes/gtk2.0
18:48.02DocScrutinizer05so the value that's in that variable right now hardly comes from ush/share/themes/gtk2.0
19:13.52tadzikis there a way to easily downgrade to previous version of CSSU-T>?
19:15.07tadzikdang. No old mp-fremantle-something-something.deb lying around? :/
19:15.52DocScrutinizer05there probably is, but I don't think installing that will downbgrade the patched binaries to prev state
19:20.25keriothere isn't
19:20.29kerioyou can just install the versions manually
19:29.19DocScrutinizer05tadzik: what's wrong with T6?
19:30.36DocScrutinizer05if there's any valid reason whatsoever to downgrade to T5.1, we really would like to hear about it
19:31.37Palimerlin1991, I will push rtcom-messaging-ui-portrait deb package to cssu-devel
19:31.44DocScrutinizer05since any such reason, except for testing upgrade to T6 or checking bugs in T5.1, would be a bug in itself
19:32.02Paliit is platform independent (architecture: all) so I built it on ubuntu without problem
19:32.44DocScrutinizer05tadzik: and odds are you'll get a T6.1 that satisfies all your needs that made you consider downgrading, in just a few days
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19:47.08tadzikDocScrutinizer05: rotations are screwed up a bit
19:47.39tadzikokay, I'll wait
19:47.41DocScrutinizer05I already heard sth like that. We should fix that
19:47.54DocScrutinizer05please open a ticket
19:48.10tadzikthere's a thread on tmo full of people complaining
19:48.23tadzikand I think arc<TAB><TAB> saying "it's actually a bug in Qt"
19:48.30DocScrutinizer05oh, I missed that
19:48.42tadzikbut well, it worked before
19:49.44DocScrutinizer05I'm not using portrait mode, and I not even updated to T6, so I can't help with describing the bug
19:50.05tadzikI'm looking through tmo, there's a chance that someone already came up with Steps To Reproduce
19:51.43DocScrutinizer05anyway I guess downgrading hildon-desktop should fix it
19:52.05DocScrutinizer05no need to downgrade whole MP
19:54.10DocScrutinizer05so (iirc) apt-get install -reinstall hildon-desktop=1:2.2.142-22 should do the trick
19:54.32tadziklet's see
19:54.34DocScrutinizer05hehe, probably that will remove the MP nevertheless
19:55.51tadzikyeah, it wanted to do that
19:55.56tadzikI'll just wait for the next release
19:56.05tadzikalso, autoremove wanted to drop some stuff
19:56.21tadziklibwildmidi0, libcpaboutcssu, libqt4-test and few others
19:56.25DocScrutinizer05so if anybody knows a magic incantation of dpkg-divert or whatever, to avoid the MP problem, I'd be *highly* interested
19:56.46DocScrutinizer05tadzik: NEVER do autoremove
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19:57.02tadzikI don't :)
19:57.02DocScrutinizer05uninstalling MP however is 'harmless'
19:57.02keriotadzik: how many?
19:57.14tadzik6 in total
19:57.29tadzikstatus-area-orientationlock-applet gstreamer0.10-plugins-bad-extra qtquickcompat
19:57.47tadzikmay be that they're mp-fremantle-asdasd dependencies
19:57.48keriotadzik: well, those are deps pulled in by the metapackage
19:58.01kerioif you *want* some of those explicitly you should manually install them
19:58.08keriojust apt-get install will do that, or apt-mark markauto
19:58.21keriodid you uninstall something multimedia-like?
19:58.22tadzikI don't mind them installed
19:58.35kerioare you *sure*?
19:58.36tadzikit was when apt wanted to remove cssu metapackage
19:58.49DocScrutinizer05uninstalling MP doesn't automatically uninstall any other package (afaik)
19:58.52kerioyeah but something pulled in gstreamer0.10-plugins-bad-extra and then you uninstalled it
19:59.00keriosame for libwildmidi0
19:59.03tadziknothing I'm aware of
19:59.07keriothe other ones are from the metapackage, yes
19:59.21keriotadzik: just install the older version of the metapackage
19:59.32DocScrutinizer05kerio: he didn't uninstall anything
20:00.19DocScrutinizer05tadzik: you're probably absolutely safe to apt-get install -reinstall hildon-desktop=1:2.2.142-22 and accept MP to get uninstalled
20:00.32tadzikI won't take chances :)
20:00.37DocScrutinizer05just don't allow anything else to get uninstalled
20:00.42tadzikif 6.1 is upcoming I'll just live with landscape omp
20:00.43kerioapt-get install --reinstall hildon-desktop=1:2.2.142-22 mp-fremantle-community-pr=21.2011.38-1Tmaemo5.1
20:00.55kerioand then reboot
20:00.59DocScrutinizer05kerio: WHY?
20:01.09kerioto keep dpkg happy :3
20:01.34DocScrutinizer05it's still happy when no MP installed at all
20:02.08DocScrutinizer05if you install T5.1 MP you'll get pestered with update T6 immediately
20:02.52tadzikI set check-for-updates interval for 5 years or such :)
20:03.15kerioDocScrutinizer05: how do i delete an alarmd alarm?
20:03.22kerioafaik HAM's autoupdate is one of those
20:03.42DocScrutinizer05good then, nevertheless there's no real benefit in installing T5.1 MP - except you don't break updates to future cssu releases of course
20:04.24DocScrutinizer05kerio: I *think* you can find them alarmd events somewhere in /var/*
20:05.35DocScrutinizer05dunno if simply editing or deleting a file there is already enough
20:06.43DocScrutinizer05cave /var/lib/dsme/alarm_queue_status
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20:59.43arceantadzik, what's the problem with qt and hildon-desktop?
20:59.59tadzikarcean: the rotation issues, as described on tmo
21:00.18tadziksteps to reproduce are (somewhat):
21:00.31tadzikopen qt app, rotate to portrait, watch it rotate correctly
21:00.38tadziklock screen, unlock screen, still in portrait
21:00.47tadzikwatch qt app rotate itself to landscape and not coming back
21:00.52tadzikarcean: looking
21:01.01tadzikit's the one you replied to, though :)
21:01.11arceanwith omp?
21:02.06arceanwe are talking about omp not QTLockscreen and etc :) ?
21:02.32tadzikwell, I notice it with omp, since it's the only qt app I use, afaik
21:09.07arceanthe problem you've described has nothing in common with
21:09.18arceanas there was a problem with blacklisting
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21:14.49tadzikoh, hm
21:15.30tadzikI can't even reproduce it anymore :F
21:15.43arceanme too
21:15.51tadzikwell, problem solved then :)
21:15.54arceanI think the problem is somewhere much much deeper
21:15.58tadzikI'll complain again if it happens again
21:16.13arceanyeah, would be great :)
21:16.43tadzikoh btw
21:17.07tadzikif I wanted to look at the code responsible for the screen showing all running apps, where would I look?
21:17.25arceanthe task navigator?
21:18.03arceanoh boy, gitorious 503 Service Unavailable
21:18.36tadzikcan I hack on it and test in scratchbox on the fly somehow?
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21:19.26arceanif you're not going to play with portrait/landscape thingie - yes :)
21:19.41tadzikgood :)
21:19.50tadzikjust compile, make install or some more sophisticated shamanism>?
21:20.15arceanbuild the package and replace the old one in scratchbox
21:21.21tadzikI never remember those debian incantations :) Will play around, thanks
21:21.31arceannp :)
21:27.55tadzikarcean: do I need some specific arcean-packages installed? The build fails for me now: hd-render-manager.c:3408: error: 'HdRenderManagerPrivate' has no member named 'zoomed'
21:29.36freemangordon_arcean: push your commits :P
21:30.00freemangordon_tadzik: too lazy to read the backscroll, why not using h-d from CSSU?
21:30.52tadzikfreemangordon_: well, I want to rebuild it, not just use it
21:30.55tadzikso I need sources
21:31.44freemangordon_not that one
21:31.59freemangordon_tadzik: ^^^
21:32.09freemangordon_this is what is in the latest CSSU-t
21:32.29freemangordon_and in the latest CSSU-thumb (branch thumb-testing)
21:33.08freemangordon_here: you will find the source code of EVERYTHING in any flavour of CSSU
21:33.28freemangordon_including stuff yeto-to-be-included
21:34.19tadziksounds exciting :)
21:37.27tadzikI'd like to experiment a bit with fancy ways of closing tasks
21:37.41tadzikI usually can't aim for the small X with a finger
21:39.04tadzikfreemangordon_: yeah, the one from community-ssu doesn't build with the same error
21:39.29tadzikI probably need cssu versions of some of the -dev stuff I have installed
21:41.25freemangordon_tadzik: yes
21:42.13freemangordon_add cssu-testing deb and deb-src repos in your /etc/apt/sources.list in SB
21:42.25freemangordon_(i assume you want to build for testing)
21:42.33freemangordon_then do apt-get upgrade
21:43.04freemangordon_make sure you DON'T have extras-testing or extras-devel enabled in SB
21:43.36tadzikna, I don't
21:44.35tadzikstill fails to compile, same error
21:44.54tadzikmaybe at least sleeping will work today
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