IRC log for #kde on 20150309

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00:04.19AmadiroI wish okular could somehow keep the notes/scribbles I make in the review tool when I recompile the pdf file
00:04.28Amadiroalthough that'd probably be really hard to do and not very reliable...
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00:07.07jfmcarreiraheyyy guys
00:08.49mystica555_um, what exactly is this application supposed to do?
00:09.07mystica555_what you describe, yuv and for video developers, is already provided by mplayer, ffmpeg, libav, among others
00:09.14jfmcarreiraopen mainly open and displaying YUV files
00:09.20Amadirojfmcarreira, check maybe if kdenlive can already do that or whether it could be extended to do it (I don't know)
00:09.31AmadiroI think VLC can just play raw YUV files?
00:09.35Amadiropretty sure I've used it for that
00:09.52jfmcarreiramystica555_ Amadiro: the purpose is to give developers video information (for example pixel information)
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00:10.14mystica555_'mediainfo' ?
00:10.15jfmcarreiraVLC and MPlayer are not focused on giving pixel information or quality for example
00:10.33mystica555_i still don't understand the feature or benefit of what this is supposed to offer
00:10.44Amadirojfmcarreira, what kind of info? like being able to sample the image for a color and get YUV values and such?
00:10.58jfmcarreiramystica555_: imagine yourself and video researcher. sometimes is very usefull to open and check pixel values, comparing video sequences
00:11.33jfmcarreiraAmadiro: yeah something like that
00:11.38jfmcarreiracheck this image
00:11.40AmadiroSeems a bit niche, might be a better idea to just write a general cross-platform tool with that to capture as big an audience as possible
00:12.12Amadiroif it already exists, I don't think there is that much point to creating a KDE equivalent to it
00:12.15Amadirojust my opinion though
00:12.33Amadiro(at least if it's just for the sake of having a KDE version of it)
00:12.38mystica555_ok so you're looking at image analysis
00:12.52jfmcarreiramystica555_ Amadiro yeah kinda
00:13.03jfmcarreiraI am not talking about creating a similar app to that one
00:13.50jfmcarreiraI am the developer of that app. I am trying to make a good open source alternative to current existing similar apps - vooya is a good one (not free or open source)
00:14.31jfmcarreiracurrently that is developed using Qt only to be multi platform (so many research colleges use it on windows)
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00:15.03jfmcarreiraI am just curious if there is interest to make a KDE version of it
00:15.42jfmcarreirathere is also a video. bit older but the interface is much the same.
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00:16.26Jucatojfmcarreira: it's already using Qt, there should be very little overhead when getting in KDE libraries, at least in theory and as far as Qt5/KDE Frameworks 5 are concerned
00:16.58Jucatofor KF5, there's a switch to seeing "KDE apps" as a separate breed and more like advertising KF5 as something like Qt Addons
00:17.06Markus_KMiWhat would be the additional KDE features? Personally, I'm usually pretty happy with Qt-only apps
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00:17.18jfmcarreiraJucato: yeah and it would give nice improvements to the GUI
00:17.38jfmcarreiraMarkus_KMi: i think would be GUI only features, not related with the app  functionality itself
00:17.44Jucato"KDE apps" becomes loosely defined as "an app made by the KDE community, hosted on KDE infrastructure", etc
00:18.27jfmcarreiraJucato: That would be great. I am also looking for some advertising :)
00:18.43jfmcarreiraJucato: i see some crapy apps having so much more downloads that my own :D
00:20.02Markus_KMiDelete that SourceForge crap and go Github-exclusive. :D
00:20.21Jucatoi don't think KDE has the advertising part down. unless your app becomes part of a release cycle and then it gets advertised indirectly every announcement. of course, you can get your app featured in a KDE News story or something
00:20.28Markus_KMiI wouldn't want downloads either ;)
00:20.53Jucato(note that if you do want your app to be part of the kde project, you'll eventually have to host it on KDE's git)
00:21.11jfmcarreiraJucato: would it to be possible?
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00:21.27Jucatowould what be possible?
00:21.35jfmcarreiraMarkus_KMi: I use sourceforge hosting for releases (deb and .zip)
00:21.53jfmcarreiraMarkus_KMi: does github supports upload files?
00:22.25Jucatoi think they do
00:22.37jfmcarreiraI am also using Lauchpad PPA for deploying (which i do not like)
00:23.06Jucatoif you're interested but that's as far as my knowledge goes
00:23.21Jucato#kde-devel might be more help but do note it's weekend evening for most (EU and US) developers
00:23.29jfmcarreiraJucato: being part of the KDE release cicle would be awesome. But i huge resposability. I am always thinking about new things instead of stability :D
00:24.00Jucatono worries. you can always release on your own. gone are the days when KDE made monolothic releases
00:24.37jfmcarreiraJucato: yeah frameworks seems to be breaking KDE apps apart. which is good for rolling release (bad for distros like ubuntu i guess)
00:24.43Jucatothere are practically 3 sets of releases now: Frameworks (libraries), Plasma (workspace), and apps. that's not including the independent releases of apps (like Calligra Office, Krita, digikam, konversation, etc)
00:26.01Markus_KMijfmcarreira: Yes, Github supports that somehow but I never did that myself. I just saw github-hosted binary releases
00:26.46Jucatojfmcarreira: naw. distros are experts at following separate releases. besides, even when KDE had monolothic releases, some would package up their own versions anyway
00:26.52jfmcarreiraMarkus_KMi: i will check it tomorrow. keep it simple in one place is better of course
00:26.57Markus_KMijfmcarreira: As for Linux binaries I'm a big fan of OBS <> It supports many distributions
00:27.38Jucatois still wary of "cross-distro" automated build systems, but OBS seems to be well-favored
00:27.48jfmcarreiraMarkus_KMi: seems interesting.. would be good to deploy to fedore
00:27.54Jucatojfmcarreira: anyway, good luck on your project. gotta get to work.
00:28.38jfmcarreiraJucato: thanks. I will look to that icubator thing. seems interesting and a good way to learn how to work with KDE libs
00:28.49Markus_KMijfmcarreira: I could take a look at building your player for Fedora and openSUSE tomorrow, although I can't promise anything
00:28.59jfmcarreiraJucato: I only looked a bit to it when porting Ktikz application, and it was a bit messy :D
00:29.40jfmcarreiraMarkus_KMi: thank would be awesome. I will look at the opensuse website and ask you if i have any question
00:30.17jfmcarreiraMarkus_KMi: it is simple to build, expect the FFmpeg/LibAV problem :D
00:30.20Markus_KMiIf I'll be successful, I'll submit a pull request with my .spec file
00:31.25Markus_KMi does not allow ffmpeg versions with patented codecs...
00:31.38jfmcarreiraMarkus_KMi: awesome. you can only take a quick look to my cmakelists. i am not mainly a developer so i have so much to learn :)
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00:32.26jfmcarreiraMarkus_KMi: that is not a problem. I do not need specific codecs. either it supports it or the player will not open that file. but for YUV files the application does not need ffmpeg
00:32.28Markus_KMiI'm not a developer either. I just lerned to package stuff mainly to backport newer software versions to my own Fedora installation
00:32.37jfmcarreiraMarkus_KMi: you can also*
00:32.57Markus_KMiagain: No promises.
00:34.05jfmcarreiraMarkus_KMi: no worries. if you have time try to build "devel" branch was it was multiple binaries. I have no idea how i am going to deploy it
00:34.38jfmcarreiraMarkus_KMi: it currently installs an App + Library
00:34.49jfmcarreiraMarkus_KMi: new releases will deploy 2 apps + library
00:35.22Markus_KMione with gui and one without?
00:36.25jfmcarreiraMarkus_KMi: yeah
00:37.00Markus_KMiDoes "make install" install both?
00:37.08jfmcarreiraMarkus_KMi: one of the ideas of this project is to create image processing modules with a clean interface that can be applied in a gui and without it
00:37.08Markus_KMiIf yes, then it's easy
00:37.34jfmcarreiraMarkus_KMi: the command line app is quite new idk if make install uses it
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00:38.17jfmcarreiraMarkus_KMi: yeah i am installign that target too
00:38.19Markus_KMiHave a look at
00:38.30Markus_KMiScroll to line 108
00:38.59Markus_KMidedicated sub-package for non-gui application
00:41.02jfmcarreiraMarkus_KMi: only one file to make automated builds? :9
00:41.28Markus_KMiFor RPM-based distros, yes
00:42.09jfmcarreiraMarkus_KMi: i managed to make automated build using lauchpad. but it requires so many files to create a source package and a build recipe
00:42.21jfmcarreiraMarkus_KMi: and it required BZR managed repo :)
00:42.53Markus_KMiIf the dependencies are all there, a single spec file could generate builds for Fedora, openSUSE, CentOS/RHEL, SUSE Enterprise, and Mageia (although Mageia is not supported by OBS)
00:43.19jfmcarreiraMarkus_KMi: RPM based systems right?
00:43.22Markus_KMiI'm also a lazy person who uses the web interface for pretty much everything
00:43.39jfmcarreiraopenSUSE has some nice stuff
00:44.09Markus_KMiYou could also import your current Ubuntu build files to also generate packages for Ubuntu and Debian
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00:44.53Markus_KMibut I'm not familiar with that. I looked at debian packaging a while ago, got disgusted and never looked back again
00:45.18jfmcarreiraMarkus_KMi: yeah that part i already studied. in my organization we have a ubuntu cluster so i wanted all my colleges to use my app. so it was a requirement
00:45.40jfmcarreiraMarkus_KMi: not easy. especially when that is just one of your targets
00:46.11jfmcarreiraMarkus_KMi: I use gentoo in my laptop.. beautty how to make a ebuild and install a live package
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00:49.57Markus_KMijfmcarreira: Does your player have a version number?
00:52.13jfmcarreiraMarkus_KMi: 0.5.1
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00:54.07Markus_KMijfmcarreira: OK, I laid the groundwork at -- the _servive file pulls the git source code but the spec file is still completely empty.
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00:55.53jfmcarreiraMarkus_KMi: did you generated this ? _service:tar_scm:playuver.changes
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00:56.15Markus_KMino, that's automatic
00:56.39Markus_KMi<param name="changesgenerate">enable</param>
00:57.39jfmcarreiraMarkus_KMi: awesome. are those file under source control?
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00:58.52jfmcarreiragit maybe?
00:59.31Markus_KMinot sure what OBS uses in its back-end
00:59.59Markus_KMiI usually use the web GUI and sometimes the osc command for specific things
01:00.26jfmcarreiraso you did it all online. i was trying to compare it with lauchpad service. but it seems different
01:00.48jfmcarreiralauchpad kinda requires you to use their repositories
01:01.19Markus_KMiOBS is way more liberal
01:01.57jfmcarreiraMarkus_KMi: lauchpad has the advantage to be easy to add it to ubuntu based distro
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01:03.53Markus_KMiI once had the idea to create a simple package that does nothing but to install the repository
01:05.40Markus_KMiHowever that's less distro-agnostic than normal packages. Fedora's .repo files are in /etc/yum.repos.d/
01:06.00Markus_KMiopenSUSE's in /etc/zypper.d/ or so
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01:08.25jfmcarreirabut fedora and suse can pull the packages from that service using the yum?
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01:10.05Markus_KMiyes, once the repo is enabled
01:10.51Markus_KMioh, right... under openSUSE it's super easy. Installing the package via the web interface actually installs the repo automatically
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01:11.10jfmcarreiratomorrow i will try to understand how that works
01:11.36jfmcarreirabut i will not be able to test it on opensuse or fedora. my knowleadge ends in gentoo and ubuntu
01:13.11jfmcarreiraMarkus_KMi: i was looking and it seems github recommends you to use a different service to deploy binaries
01:13.19jfmcarreiraMarkus_KMi: at least to host them
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01:23.23Markus_KMijfmcarreira: OK, I modified another spec file of mine according to gut feeling and your readme file. No idea if it'll build
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01:25.40justin__hello world!
01:25.49jfmcarreiraMarkus_KMi: if is is the stable version it is gui only
01:26.09Markus_KMimaster = stable?
01:26.31jfmcarreiraMarkus_KMi: yeah :) are you pulling master or pulling 0.5.1 tag?
01:26.39Markus_KMijust master
01:27.05jfmcarreiraMarkus_KMi: both are gui only
01:28.24jfmcarreiraMarkus_KMi: i am also building it with Qt4. i do not use it for a long time
01:30.45jfmcarreiraMarkus_KMi: it will not build. i am fixing the problem :)
01:31.44Markus_KMijfmcarreira: Good. My mail address is in the header of the spec file. Feel free to contact me. I'm going to bed now :)
01:32.28Markus_KMiI'm also often online here
01:33.00jfmcarreiraMarkus_KMi: ok i will look for you tomorrow. i will just fix this Qt5/Qt4 issue and go to bed too :)
01:33.44jfmcarreiraMarkus_KMi: many thanks for your help. might be very usefull. packaging is a tricky thing (lot of variables and distros) :D
01:36.00Markus_KMijfmcarreira: No problem. Most I did was copy-paste from another package in my repo.  The %files section is completely untested. If I have more time tomorrow I may have time to check out the source locally and build it to check how all the installed files are called and so on
01:36.04Markus_KMigood night
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03:49.35jaggztis there a window resize mode like windows where you hit the side and it expands to 1/2 the screen?
03:49.46jaggztthis 1/4 thing is not so nice.. and a two-step process is also not nice
03:49.55jaggztfor my purposes :)
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04:15.17mystica555_jaggzt: yes, just don't drag towards the top or bottom; if yo udrag to the middle, it gives you a half screen
04:15.56mystica555_and if you keep holding the mouse button down, the outline will change indicating where it will go
04:16.25mystica555_(keep holding down, while dragging the window)
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06:26.16gulzarHI. Need help. The dolphin is not remembering the manually added folders in places. After reboot it clears those bookmarks and keep the defaults only. I am on plasma5 on Arch linux. How to solve it?
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06:27.41Jucatoi was told it was fixed in Plasma 5.2.1
06:28.25gulzarJucato: maybe the dolphin on arch needs update, as it is flagged out of date
06:29.41Jucatonot exactly sure, but it might not be just dolphin (the Places system is used in many places too)
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06:30.58Jucato(and depending on your distro, Dolphin might still be based on KDE 4, not KF5)
06:31.07gulzarJucato: yup
06:31.31gulzarJucato: that seems the reason
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06:45.06lordievaderGood morning.
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07:51.17ArchStackerHow to disable baloo_file?
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07:57.53JucatoArchStacker: look at the balooctl command line program
07:58.13Jucato"balooctl" for the available options
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10:55.14cavemanhi - i'm using a non-kde system, but i still want to use kde's control pannel to configure my tablet. is there any minimalist way i can do this?
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10:56.24cavemanunder input devices, i click on "graphic tablet", but then it says "KDE tablet service not found". any fix?
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10:57.20cavemanokay too late. i'm removing everything KDE. will config X manually
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12:08.57Tatshmounting a remote dir with sshfs; is there a way to tell KDE to *not* create .Trash-1000/ and what not?
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12:10.15hateballI guess that's not exactly what you asked tho
12:10.55Tatshwell it would just be nice to have KDE store a list of stuff to not touch despite it being writable
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12:11.16Tatshi understand the behaviour
12:11.41Tatshmaybe instead i can tell nginx or Kodi to ignore this dirctory
12:14.25hateballTatsh: yeah at least Kodi
12:14.59Tatshgood stuff; thanks
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12:15.12Abhijiti have setup English(Dvorak) as the only layout in my system. Centos 7 with kde. it works well, except at the login screen. At login screen it shows English India and English US. How can I make it use dvorak or atleast show it as option at login screen.
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12:16.23BluesKajHiyas all
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13:37.35Ronis_BRhi guys! I installed plasma 5.2 and it is amazing! I just switched it to my default desktop. The only thing that I miss is the CWP plasmoid. it seems that it does not work in plasma 5. Is there any replacement for it now?
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13:55.55kschlesselmannAnyone ever noticed that the main menu in plasma 5 (the one where you can switch between favourites, settings, shutdown and so on) vanishes? It's not really reproducable but after some time it's suddenly gone and I cannot turn off my camputer any more (except using shutdown from the terminal of course) … (I'm using Arch Linux btw)
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13:58.17kschlesselmannI'm using plasma 5.2.1
14:01.16leszekkschlesselmann: did not have this yet. And normally with a right click on the desktop you could also logout/shutdown/reboot
14:02.47kschlesselmannleszek: True. Though it's annoying that my menu vanishes … and I can't say why. Yesterday it was perfectly fine … it has to be some combination of search, click, application startup, whatever. Then I'm stuck with my favourites …
14:03.11kschlesselmannI can still search for applications by simply typing … but the main menu is gone …
14:03.25leszekkschlesselmann: try to look in ~/.xsession-errors if you find a hint on it
14:03.59bshahas in the tabs are gone?
14:04.36bshahsomething like this : ?
14:04.46bshahkschlesselmann: ^
14:05.43kschlesselmannbshah: Exactly
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14:06.07kschlesselmann like this
14:06.45bshahkschlesselmann: do you have some proper steps to reproduce this problem?
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14:07.30kschlesselmannbshah: No, not yet. The thread suggests it happens if you add a favourite (which I have done in this session) and the menu is currently gone … so yeah … this might do it.
14:08.08bshahcan't reproduce it that way..
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14:08.40bshahthough since it is reported someone will take look at it for sure
14:09.36leszekkschlesselmann: if it disappears then there should be something in ~/xsession-errors that could help analyzing the problem
14:09.45kschlesselmannWeird … this is a quite clean installation here … only one week old with nothing fancy configured
14:09.59kschlesselmannleszek: I had a look … didn't catch something
14:10.13leszekkschlesselmann: no qml errors/warnings at all ?
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14:11.20kschlesselmannleszek: No, not really
14:11.23bshahlet me try upgrading and see if I can reproduce this problem...
14:11.57bshah(note: I am using plasma from git and not 5.2 branch)
14:13.04kschlesselmannThanks :-)
14:16.19bshahnope; can't reproduce
14:16.40bshahkschlesselmann: though; if possible can you fetch some debug information for me?
14:16.58kschlesselmannbshah: Sure … what would you like to know?
14:18.07bshahrun plasmawindowed org.kde.plasma.kickoff ; try to reproduce problem in that window..
14:18.20bshah(that will run kickoff in seperate window)
14:18.33bshahkschlesselmann: if you can reproduce problem there; give me output
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14:20.31kschlesselmannbascht: Actually I can't. At least not with adding/removing favourites …
14:21.31bshahhmm; someone need to figure out actual pattern
14:21.40kschlesselmannThe output looks fine too
14:21.42bshahif you see any other pattern; let me know
14:22.35kschlesselmannmeh … surely some damn stupid bug :-/ But as I said … I haven't figured out how to reproduce this bug yet :-(
14:25.32bshahkschlesselmann: other bug report suggest that it can be related to locking screen :
14:26.06kschlesselmannbshah: Hm, AFAIK I didn't lock my session yet. But let's see.
14:26.49kschlesselmannkschlesselmann: Nope … at least the windowed version is not affected by a lock
14:27.13kschlesselmannbshah: ^
14:27.16bshahtalking with yourself.. :p
14:27.20kschlesselmannyeah … :-S
14:27.57bshahmeh then...
14:28.03bshahno idea.. sorry..
14:28.17bshahyou can CC yourself on that bug reports..
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14:32.31bshahbloody hell!
14:32.36bshahI just reproduced!
14:32.57kschlesselmannHow did you do it?
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14:33.20carandraughi! I am setting a machine that will be used by a bunch of different people (> 50). They are not usually KDE users and their work on this system will be mostly limited to a 4 different programs. I would like to have a quicklaunch as default for them. How can I do this system-wide? All help I find is how to do it by manually going through the menus which would only affect my own user
14:33.52bshahkschlesselmann: now thats some uniconrs flying around my house.. :D I will try to figure out after dinne
14:34.18kschlesselmannbshah: OK, keep me informed :-)
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14:34.55rdietercarandraug: probably your best (only) way is to use plasma scripting, see stuff /usr/share/apps/plasma-desktop/init and /usr/share/apps/plasma-desktop/updates for examples
14:35.15rdieter(the location of that dir depends a bit on your distro too, I referenced the default)
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14:36.19rdietercarandraug: more info,
14:36.48carandraug/usr/share/kde4/apps/plasma-desktop/init/ on CentOS 7
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14:39.57carandraugI really don't like the idea of changing stuff in /usr. Do these scripts pick anything from /etc? Or should I make a new template somewhere that picks the new scripts?
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14:45.19kschlesselmanncarandraug: Maybe it uses /usr/local as well? (Just an idea)
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14:45.35rdietercarandraug: I think centos7 should have a /usr/share/kde-settings/kde-profile/default/share/apps/plasma-desktop/ too
14:45.39rdietereither should work
14:46.53rdietercarandraug: anything under the path output of: kde4-config --path data
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14:47.28rdietercarandraug: that said, imo, using /usr/share/kde4/apps/plasma-desktop should be safe
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14:51.02carandraugrdieter: it does also have that. I am still a bit confused on where goes where but I am reading on it (I am more of a Gnome user)
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15:07.38bshahkschlesselmann: alright.. I may have steps to reproduce
15:07.44bshahcan you confirm?
15:08.35bshah1) search for any application by name; say "google chrome" 2) right click on search result and add it to favorite 3) then from favorites remove it from favorites 4) reopen kickoff
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15:08.43bshah*boom* tabs are gone
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15:09.00bshahno unicorns involved.. :p
15:09.56kschlesselmannbshah: Just adding a searched favourite is enough here
15:10.10kschlesselmannSo yeah, I can reproduce it that way.
15:10.14bshahokay; so I know whats happening..
15:10.23bshahgoing to throw patch soon
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15:12.33LangleyHelp, I've suddenly become unable to shut down my computer through the applications launcher. I get a notification that "logout has been cancelled by "". If I press the power button it shuts down though. Running Mint 17.1 KDE
15:12.37kschlesselmannbshah: Great :-)
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15:19.52jfmcarreiraHey guys
15:20.26jfmcarreirahow hard is to spell this app name "PlaYUVer" (it is a YUV video files player)
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15:26.39bshahand almost there...
15:26.49bshahverifying fix
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15:29.26bshahkschlesselmann: fixed; now commiting fix
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15:40.15bshahkschlesselmann: alright; fixed
15:40.29bshahit will be available in 5.2.2
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15:47.19jfmcarreiraI was looking to the incubation process and it says on the candidate section "must be supported by a sponsor which will help during the incubation phase"
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15:47.36jfmcarreiraDo i need someone to sponsor my project to be a candidate for KDE incubator?
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16:05.39yawniek_hi, is there a way to a) set window sizes/position for certain apps and b) switch the workspace  programatically?
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16:11.43rdieteryawniek_: kstart can do a lot of that, see: kstart --help
16:12.14rdieterwell, the second part
16:12.38rdieterapplications themselves must support setting size... and position is usually a function of the window manager
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16:57.53mwoacWhich KDE applications have been migrated over to KDE 5? Will those that have no been, still work with KDE Plasma 5?
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17:18.52BluesKajmwoac,  kde5 is not officially released yet , plasma 5.2/KF5 however are available
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17:25.48carandraughi! I'm trying to write a very simple ECMA script but failing to understand some very basics stuff.  All I want is this script to add an existing Widget (quicklaunch) to the desktop but I am unable to find how to do this. Most of the help I find are about adding pannels or making new widgets. But I only want to start an already existing one
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17:27.48carandraugI have read PlasmaDesktopScripting and PlasmaDesktopTwoScripting plus a bunch of other stuff on the kde wiki. Am I reading the wrong thing?
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17:31.26russ__Hi guys. I am trying to follow this guide on installing KDE Plasma 5 on Linux Mint and having trouble with it. I'm stuck on the sudo apt-get install part. Once I imput that, it tells me the 3 things that it's trying to install it can't find. What do I do about that? I am kind of new to Linux, but I'm pretty partial to Mint, and I am intrigued by Plasma 5.
17:32.17russ__Specifically it spits out: "E: Unable to locate package project-neon5-konsole
17:32.17russ__E: Unable to locate package project-neon5-breeze
17:32.17russ__E: Unable to locate package project-neon5-plasma-workspace-wallpapers".
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17:42.54carandraugI am using krunner and I created an activity and added a widget to it. It returns no errors but nothing happens. I just need a tip on the right direction, adding a widget an already written and standard widget (quicklaunch) the desktop should be easy, no?
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17:48.23carandraugI meant kshell, not krunner
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17:50.43BluesKajcarandraug, quicklaunch to the panel
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17:53.35carandraugBluesKaj: to the panel? But I don't want it on the panel. I want it on the desktop. I can right click and do it, but I am trying to write a script that is run at init so it's preent for all the users
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17:58.40BluesKajcarandraug, afaik, widgets only work in the panel, but I know nothing about activities
18:03.39carandraugBluesKaj: what are you talking about? You can right click on your desktop and choose add widget. It will then add it to your desktop
18:04.26BluesKajcarandraug, not here , I just tried it
18:04.36russ__Anyone know an easy way to get the packages for KDE Plasma 5 to install on Linux Mint? I have been trying, and just can't get it to work. It says it can't find them.
18:04.37rdieter<nod>, widgets can be added anywhere, including desktop
18:05.02rdieterruss__: ask your distro?
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18:05.24russ__rdieter: I did, and they said I'm not allowed to ask that in there because it's not something that comes with my distro...
18:05.51rdieterruss__: found this, not sure if it covers your case,
18:06.25carandraugruss__: if your distro does not provide it, your best choice usually is to build from source or port a package from other distro (since you are using Mint, maybe Debian sid?)
18:06.29russ__rdieter: Nope, that one doesn't include instructions for Mint.
18:06.39rdieterthen I'm guessing the answer is no
18:06.59carandraugrdieter: do you happen to know anything about scripting?
18:07.06rdietercarandraug: a little
18:07.21BluesKajcarandraug, ok I've forgotten , since I don't put icons or anything else on my desktops , but I do recall having an analog clock there for a while :)
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18:07.29rdieterI helped craft some of the ones included in fedora (and be extention, your centos7)
18:07.30russ__So unless I find a version of Linux Mint that already comes with KDE instead of Gnome desktop, then I won't be able to do it unless I'm an advanced Linux user? I'm pretty new to Linux, but I like Mint - I just think KDE Plasma 5 is beautiful.
18:08.04BluesKajwell, I do have backgrounds on the desktops of course
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18:08.49carandraugrdieter: do you know how to get one that already exists into the desktop? I see panels and activities. I guess I want to addWidget to an activity. THis should be two lines new Activity, and addWidget (and then followed by Writeconfig), but I just can't get it to do anything
18:09.52rdietercarandraug: I have some examples of adding systray applets
18:10.58rdietercarandraug: like,
18:11.21carandraugis that the one at the bottom of the PlasmaDesktopScript page?
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18:12.00carandraugno, this is the one the examples that come installed on CentOS
18:12.15rdieterit's similar
18:13.03rdietercarandraug: sounds like you have something that already adds a widget to the default activity ?
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18:15.03carandraugrdieter: I tried to, I run it on kshell but then nothing happens.
18:15.42rdietercarandraug: have these users logged in before?
18:15.54rdieterif not, may be worth looking to edit instead:
18:16.17rdieterstuff under /usr/share/kde4/apps/plasma/layout-templates , in particular, org.kde.plasma-desktop.desktopIcons/contents/layout.js
18:16.32rdieteror something close to that
18:17.56rdietercarandraug: err, actually, this /usr/share/kde-settings/kde-profile/default/share/apps/plasma-desktop/init/00-defaultLayout.js
18:18.19rdieteror use that as inspiration for your own init snippet
18:18.24carandraugrdieter: kind of. They logged into the system when it was kde3 and they have their old home directories (mounted by NSF). Also, they share the home directory witha bunch of other systems, all runnig different versions of KDE
18:19.17rdietercarandraug: see that .js file referenced to folderview widget, but substitute quicklaunch in your case
18:20.08rdieteryou may want to consider testing it as an 'update' script, rather than 'init'
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18:20.14rdieter(or both)
18:20.49rdietercarandraug: and folks in #plasma usually helpful to questions on the topic
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18:21.21carandraugrdieter: I do not have that file. Maybe it's somewhere else on CentOS 7
18:21.39carandraugI did not know about #plasma, thank you for the tip
18:22.09BluesKajlooks like kde5 will be dropping some widgets like quicklaunch's not in plsama 5.,2
18:22.15rdietercarandraug: oh, ok, you'll see something under /usr/share/kde4/apps/plasma-desktop/init/00-defaultLayout.js probably
18:22.29carandraug/usr/share/kde4/apps/plasma-desktop/init/00-defaultLayout.js here
18:22.39rdieterBluesKaj: <nod>, he's asking specifically about plasma4 on centos7
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18:24.05carandraugyeah, we are using CentOS so we are unlikely to be bitten by such an update soon :p
18:24.07BluesKajrdieter, yes , that comment was meant as a heads up about what's coming next , and I'm disappointed with some of those plasma5 changes
18:24.19rdietercarandraug: personally, I think it may be easier to write a script to copy application shortcuts to users ~/Desktop folder
18:25.07rdietercarandraug: doing it that way can be done many ways, without touching javascript :)
18:25.53carandraugrdieter: I do not want to mess with the user home directories
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18:26.26carandraugI can't even if I wanted to anyway, I do not administer the NSF server (although being root on my system, I could su into them and do it :p)
18:26.27rdietercarandraug: you're messing already by changing their layout
18:26.46rdietercarandraug: the script I had in mind would do the copying *as the user* when they login
18:27.35rdieterplop a *.sh shell snippet into /etc/kde/env/ , it'll get source'd by startkde on every session start
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18:28.33rdieterit would have shell code something like: cp /usr/share/applications/foo.desktop $HOME/Desktop/foo.desktop
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18:29.04carandraugbut the layout won't actually add any file on their desktop. And they can close the widget if they want
18:29.29rdieterthe default plasma layout includes a folderview widget showing ~/Desktop
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18:29.48rdieterand yes, they can choose to close it, but they could also close your quicklaunch widget too
18:30.32carandraugit does not have a folderview of desktop on CentOS 7 (it did on CentOS 6)
18:30.34rdieterwe'd be using the folderview widget already present
18:30.50rdieteroh gah, rhel7/centos7 dropped folderview too?
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18:31.16carandraugseems like it. I removed all the stuff on my home directory, and I get a pretty empty desktop
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18:31.44carandraug(I was previously getting warnings about missing hardware which is another problem I want to tackle later)
18:31.44rdieterok, then you'd still need js to add *some* widget, either folderview or quicklaunch
18:32.41rdieter(sorry, I'd been assuming centos7's default layout included a folderview widget this whole time)
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18:33.35carandraugit may because I started with a minimal install and then installed KDE... I don't know. The thing is that installing KDE at the start installed gdm (it does not have KDM packages) which brings gnome-shell. So instead I did a minimal install, and installed lightdm (had to rebuild RPM lightdm-kde from Fedora's source)
18:34.05rdietercarandraug: no, I think you're right about that, it was my mistake
18:34.40rdietercarandraug: oh, did I forget to put lightdm-kde into epel7?
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18:34.59rdieterlooks like I did
18:35.25carandraugrdieter: it repacked fine from Fedora SRPM
18:35.28rdieterhopes to refresh lightdm pkgs there soon, will make sure to include it
18:35.47rdietercarandraug: good to know (less work for me)
18:36.23carandraugrdieter: requires only one change "Requires: centos-logos" instead of "Requires: desktop-backgrounds-compat"
18:36.42rdietermakes note :)
18:37.15rdieterwill probably use safer: Requires: system-logos
18:37.38carandraugalso, I'm unsure if this something that the package should do, or the user is expected to handle. Maybe set the systemd default target to graphical
18:37.54rdieterthat's up to user
18:38.28rdieteror *something*, but definitely not that package
18:38.54carandraugsame with changing the default greeter? On Debian when I install one of alternatives for a package, the last to be installed tends to update the alternatives database and claim being default
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18:39.45rdieterfedora's lightdm pkgs currently use alternatives too.  alternatives means which ever has the higher 'priority' wins.
18:40.02rdieternot necessarily the last one installed
18:40.27rdietercarandraug: in fedora/epel, lightdm-gtk has priority 20, lightdm-kde is priority 10
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18:40.48carandraugthat's fair enough
18:40.49rdieteryou can manually override that too of course
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18:42.19carandraugI set it on the configuration, no problem. Worked just fine. I'm just trying to provide users a nice interface for their work. They use KDE every so often but it's so different from their own computers, they strugle a bit
18:42.49carandraugsometimes I wonder if I should have gone with something really really simple like GNUstep
18:43.26rdietercarandraug: here's a default layout example that includes a folderview widget, if that helps, maybe you could just use that (to get folderview by default),
18:45.04rdieterand combine that with the aforementioned script to copy shortcuts to ~/Desktop
18:45.34carandraugrdieter: very nice. I can make sense of this, let me see what I can make of this
18:46.20rdietermay need some adjustment, that's the one that fedora 20 uses
18:46.53carandraugrdieter: on a very unrelated subject, how can I help on packaging something from Fedora into epel7? I have rebuilt it from source and works fine (again, only needs fix a small BuildRequires on the spec file)
18:47.17rdietercarandraug: come on over to #epel, and we can discuss it :)
18:47.59rdietercarandraug: what did you have in mind?
18:49.07carandraugrdieter: I may have gotten it wrong. Seem slike I got it from CentOS 6, not Fedora (I can't find it on Fedora)
18:50.22carandraugI remember from where I know your username. You package octave
18:50.51rdietercarandraug: I've helped a little with it's packaging from time to time, but I'm not a primary maintainer
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18:51.29rdietercarandraug: I see fedora has motif-2.3.4 (but no epel7 branch yet), would that suffice?
18:52.19rdietercarandraug: like I said, lets move this to #epel channel, it's offtopic here
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19:09.42TaokiHi. I was wondering about something: Is anti-aliasing supported for KWin and Plasma theme elements? I get the impression that some panels or buttons have tough edges, especially on plasma widgets.
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20:07.52StatelessCatcan i can control KScreen with some Dbus command ?
20:08.18StatelessCatmy point is to disable/enable one screen from the CLI, is it possible ?
20:09.41dextaoh and im back in the room
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20:27.08StatelessCati saw in libkscreen, since plasma 5.2, "Introduce new asynchronous API to get and set KScreen Config", but i didnt find the associated documentation to controle Kscreen config
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22:39.57TaokiHi. I was wondering: Is it possible to make the titlebar text color in an Aurorae theme depend on the font color chosen in the color scheme? I can colorize SVG elements, but text is not one and I must input the color manually in the theme's settings.
22:42.04TaokiActiveTextColor=255,255,255,255 Can I replace those 255 with the color scheme text color somehow?
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23:16.18TaokiPosted about the problem here:
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23:20.52JZAhi is there a way that I can configure the notification so when I click it will take me to the window?
23:21.22JZAlike a message on kopete, will send me to the window from the person that send me. I see view, but it doesnt work as expected.
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