irclog2html for #kde on 20061125

00:00.14ctx144k_would be great to change the iconsizes of the "kmenu" via an option  (little, middle, big)
00:00.50ctx144k_in debian i must change an .rc file manually if i remeber correctly
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00:01.22smileafyay for hidden options ;)
00:01.36smileafsomeone should write a "tweekde" =)
00:02.13ctx144k_oh yes...  i know its a problem, to much options makes kde to complicated, to many options to mac-like *g
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00:02.49icwiener_With a  Disable KDE Product Activation switch just for compatibility to other OSes. ;)
00:03.16Jucatohi smileaf
00:03.22ctx144k_directly on ms-server? :-)
00:03.27smileafpeople already complain that kde has too many options as it is and we don't even have gui options for all the ones that are available ;)
00:03.33smileafJucato: good evening.
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00:04.14ctx144k_yes i think so too... - perhaps its a way to give 2 modes in kde...  an expert and an user mode
00:04.58ctx144k_then u can configure all things in expert mode, and later while using u can switch to the easy usermode
00:04.58nukuhow about a startup trivia to determine the users capabilites ;)
00:04.59smileafnah.. that idea has been argued over for years and is always shot down.
00:05.27ctx144k_hmm... im using much times pcs...
00:05.36ctx144k_many years windows, and many years kde
00:06.17ctx144k_and...   -  i must say programs like kdevelop or kate are much more difficultly to configure like ms-studio or textpad
00:06.46smileafthey also are a heck of alot more powerful too ;)
00:06.59ctx144k_and... after many hours using kate i have problems orr things i dont understand... tahts in textpad much easier
00:07.40smileafI use kwrite
00:07.41Jucato... paradigms...
00:07.49ctx144k_i know... kwrite is nice
00:08.03ctx144k_but as programmer i need many open files in one window
00:08.22teatimenuku: lol!
00:08.27ctx144k_sorry :-(
00:08.39ctx144k_im a stupid little web-programmer :)
00:08.59smileafI do a bit of that also :) gotta love PHP ;)
00:09.08ctx144k_yes its great
00:09.36smileafphp was my gateway drug to c++.
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00:10.10ctx144k_hehe ...  love php cause its like c
00:10.47nukuPrepare Hackers Portal? *scnr* :)
00:12.32icwiener_Jucato: Still interested in having kword docs as html?
00:12.40ctx144k_whish i wouldbe a good programmer... wouldbe help in fixing kde-programs...  but - have many problems to understand c++ and qt   (c is ok)
00:12.59thiagoC++ and Qt are a lot easier than plain C
00:13.18ctx144k_dont think so.....
00:13.20Jucato(studying C++, though, is a different matter :P)
00:13.53Jucatoicwiener_: I think I was looking for a PDF version of the kword doc... :)
00:13.57thiagoctx144k_: if we compare similar things, that is
00:14.10ctx144k_its perhaps easy to build applications...  - i see with how many code-lines some applications run...
00:14.12thiagoctx144k_: you must compare Qt to a C-based toolkit library with similar capabilities
00:14.23ctx144k_but - i dont understand how it works real
00:14.31thiagowe're not talking about strlen()
00:14.54nukugobject ..brr ;p
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00:15.12smileafI'm a learn as I code programmer. my first C++/KDE app was kdmtheme which was integrated into kde4 :) if I can do it.. anyone can =p
00:15.42thiagoctx144k_: what don't you understand?
00:15.47thiagoasking here can maybe help
00:15.53tillo(for those who joined later, I repeat) I read on the web about many people saying that kicker 3.5.5 already contains kicker-compiz code to make windows appear on the right virtual desktop in its pager when using compiz or beryl, but it doesn't work for me... does anyone has the same problem?
00:15.58Jucatosmileaf: not really. you're just special :P
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00:16.08smileafJucato: "special"? :(
00:16.11icwiener_Jucato: AFAIR you said pdf or html :) Anyway, search for /usr/share/doc/kde/HTML/en/kword (or similar), copy all .docbook files in another dir and do 'mainproc file.docbook' for every file for getting html files. :)
00:16.12ctx144k_have no explizit thing... the complete working withh the objects
00:16.27ctx144k_last trime i tried was 1year ago
00:16.29Renzesmileaf: "speshul" ;)
00:16.34Jucatoicwiener_: oooh thanks! :)
00:16.43ctx144k_tryied to understand the qt-howto
00:17.05thiagotillo: compiz and beryl are not supported. You are using it under your own luck.
00:17.09smileaficwiener_: isn't it meinproc?
00:17.12thiagotillo: if it breaks, talk to your distributor.
00:17.29icwiener_smileaf: Sure, just a typo. :)
00:17.50Jucatoso it's "meinproc"?
00:17.55icwiener_Jucato: Yes
00:18.03ctx144k_but perhaps ill try it again... my dream-application would be an audio-player like xmms, on kde basis
00:18.05Jucatoooh thanks
00:18.21pinotreeno need to do meinproc on every .docbook file
00:18.35pinotreejust meinproc index.docbook is enough
00:18.36tillothiago: I just put a question, and just want a reasonable answer, I don't want to complain about anything =) thank you
00:18.47pinotreeas it will compile every peiece of that manual
00:18.51thiagoctx144k_: like amarok?
00:19.04icwiener_My dream app is a Jabber-only client with solid jabber support. :)
00:19.08smileafamarok does have a XMMS mode.
00:19.11ctx144k_no.. simple like xmms...
00:19.18ctx144k_no databases
00:19.32thiagoif you don't want to use databases in amarok, don't use them
00:19.46thiagodon't create a collection
00:20.24ctx144k_only for playing fuiles changing skins, changing infotext - perhaps with an xine/goom plugin like kaffeine
00:20.41ctx144k_i think amarok is to big...
00:21.12ctx144k_my favorite player is today xmms - but it looks like - gtk1 *f
00:21.13benJIman|LANThere is juk too
00:23.02ctx144k_yes i know... but looks like a 'program' too... wanna a 'media-player' looks nice and with simple and easy handling...  and noatun is too easy *g
00:23.02hermierand amarock is not a player, it a jukebox with ligths and buttons
00:23.51smileafvery fitting typo .. ama-rock! hehe
00:24.39koala_mankonqueror hangs for five seconds when I select the location bar or press the down error to list recent urls. why?
00:24.47Jucatopinotree, icwiener_: thank you! :)
00:24.51koala_manif I restart, it'll be fine
00:24.59icwiener_Jucato: np
00:25.23benJIman|LANkoala_man: maybe the history is corrupted
00:25.30Jucatonow to check if my phone will read those pages properly. hehehe :)
00:26.02koala_manbenJIman|LAN: can I fix it without restarting konqueror? it seems to happen fairly regularly if I don't close it for a while
00:26.23benJIman|LANSounds like a different problem then.
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00:30.10koala_manthe same apparently goes for text fields in forms
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00:35.36thiagokoala_man: where does your Qt come from?
00:36.08thiagoso you built it?
00:36.26thiagocan you confirm if KDE patch 0048 was applied to it?
00:37.47Renzethiago: that patch exists in portage
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00:39.06thiagowas that applied in koala_man's build?
00:39.32koala_manno clue. how can I check?
00:39.41Renzeit's been there since 6th June, so I would imagine so
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00:39.57Renzekoala_man: have you built qt after 6th June?
00:40.03thiagoit should have been there for a couple of years
00:40.37Renzethat's the last time that file was touched
00:40.44thiagowhat was the first?
00:41.37thiagokoala_man: there's another way to check
00:41.38koala_manRenze: yes
00:42.00koala_mannov 17
00:42.02thiagonm -D /path/to/your/ | grep qt_qclipboard_bailout_hack
00:42.34koala_man006a2a40 B qt_qclipboard_bailout_hack
00:42.41thiagook, the patch was applied
00:42.51thiagois klipper running/
00:43.07thiagothen I can't explain
00:43.46koala_manI started klipper and now it appears to work
00:44.45koala_manI quit it and it still works
00:45.11koala_manI'll try that again the next time it starts acting up
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01:01.40TuxguyWhat is the name of the package that contains all of the card games? kde-games?
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01:03.24Dr_willisI sort of Perfer PySOL for my card-game needs. :)
01:04.07icwiener_Tuxguy: kdegames?
01:05.39icwiener_Tuxguy: kpat on some distros.
01:05.39TuxguyIt's kdegames on Fedora Core...thank you
01:05.40TuxguyJust sucks that I have to install Kde to get those packages :/
01:05.40hagabakawhat does kpat stand for?
01:05.41Renzek patience
01:06.22hagabakathat's one of the card games?
01:06.33icwiener_hagabaka: A collection of card games
01:06.39Renzeit plays a bunch of single player card games
01:06.58hagabakahmm i see
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01:33.25cirkitI've got a window decoration here and not sure how its suppose to get installed...
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01:34.02Renzecirkit: native windeco? dekorator theme? icewm theme?
01:34.15Jucatothis question slaps me in the face :0
01:34.34Dr_willisHeh - i noticed on my Kubuntuy - that Dekorator got installed.. but no themes for it. :)
01:36.45JucatoDr_willis: of course, you have to install/add themes for deKorator :)
01:37.13Dr_willisJucato,   i see none in the repos.
01:37.30Dr_willisUnless apt-cache search  deKorator  aint showing them
01:37.49Jucatoyou don't install them from the package manager :)
01:37.51Dr_willisso they cant even include ONE them for it... heh heh..
01:38.19Dr_willisThats why i noticed it.. in the theme/decoraton area.. i selected dekorator.. and there was no themes for it.
01:38.20Jucatodekorator isn't at the top of their list. look at what version is in the repository
01:38.37Renzedekorator blows goats anyway ;)
01:38.40Dr_willisYep. old versions is the bane of  the *ubuntus
01:38.51Dr_willisRenze,  yep -  i sort of agree with ya there also.
01:39.07Jucatonah, it's just that no one package 0.3 for Edgy
01:39.18Dr_willisBeen using the "Powder" theme lately for my windows.
01:39.33Dr_willissimple. clean, easy on the eyes
01:39.44Jucatoer... is Serenity also a windeco?
01:39.56Jucatolet me guess, no deb package either?
01:40.05Renzedon't know, don't care ;)
01:40.07Dr_willisBah! real men compile their themes. :)
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01:40.21JucatoKDE themes are not compiled, technically
01:40.37Jucatowindow decorations and styles are the one that you compile :P
01:40.40Dr_willisof corse explaing to total beginners how kde themes/decors/iconsets/whatever the heck ya call them... work...
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01:40.44DhraakellianJucato: Qt/KDE widget styles are co—nm
01:40.49Dr_willisIve seen icon sets that get 'make'ed' :)
01:41.23RenzeJucato: learned C++ yet? ;)
01:41.25JucatoDr_willis: nah, probably just some configuration to set them in the right places
01:41.33Jucatostill learning, Renze
01:41.49Dr_willisJucato,  i think the script some how converrted them to differnt sizes.. i dident pay much atention to it. :)
01:41.53JucatoDhraakellian: I thought 2.16 brought about something like that?
01:42.17DhraakellianJucato: dunno.  haven't used gnome since I tried out 2.10
01:43.09Jucatomaybe time to take another peek :P
01:43.16Renzeno thanks
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01:43.24Jucatoscared that you might be converted? :)
01:43.30Renzegnome always felt like a kludge to me
01:43.36Renzehell no
01:43.49Renzescreenshots are bad enough
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01:44.05Jucatohow would you know if it still feels like a kludge if you haven't tried it in a long, long, long, long, long time?
01:44.10Dhraakellianpeople have probably said similar things about KDE
01:44.26RenzeJucato: do they still use nautilus? yes? I rest my case :D
01:44.44Jucatoxchat on windows rock!!!
01:44.50Jucato30 days trial! :)
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01:45.05DhraakellianJucato: because it's the best known F/OSS GUI IRC client on Windows?
01:45.10Dr_willisJucato,  of ya can get alterantive versions. :)
01:45.36cirkitRenze, its a IceWm flat icon theme
01:45.37Dr_willisthere are unofficial builds for windows as well.
01:45.37Jucatocirkit: you need to install the KDE IceWM window decoration
01:45.37Dhraakelliankvirc and xchat are on the way toward becoming polar opposites of each other
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01:45.46Jucatoer... brb... (very) early lunch
01:45.49Dr_willisXchat has been geting so dumbed down.. i get the source for 2.4 now and use it..
01:46.04DhraakellianJucato, cirkit: doesn't that one come with KDE by default?
01:46.13RenzeDhraakellian: some distros split it out
01:46.25Dhraakellianin kdeartwork, at least?
01:46.27cirkitI have icewm installed in the menu
01:46.46cirkitthe install text said to pick icewm and click the configure tab...theres no configure tab
01:47.06Renzecirkit: then put the theme in ~/.kde/share/apps/kwin/icewm-themes/
01:47.26Dhraakelliankvirc has too many options in the GUI (either that or they're just organized in confusing ways), and xchat has too few
01:47.34Dhraakellian(or is heading that way)
01:47.50Renzecirkit: the install text is for a much older version of KDE
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02:32.58cirkitwhere do kde 3.2 - 3.5 Theme/Styles get installed to?
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02:57.09craigbass1976I can't export krec files to wav or ogg.  Is this a common problem?
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03:13.55hagabakahmm, non-easy spider is hard
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03:49.26icwiener_Anyone knows what kind of information is in the comment field of a mp3 if amarok shows stuff like "0000127C 000010D0 00003AD0 000036CD"?
03:51.06RenzeFBI tracking number? :D
03:52.29Renzekidding! :D
03:52.41Jucatono he isn't :)
03:52.55icwiener_I guess it's some kind of binary data like album cover but I do not know how to view it.
03:53.23Renze16 bytes isn't enough for an album cover
03:53.24icwiener_I'm not over my own line online so I don't care. ;)
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03:54.55icwiener_Renze: It's a bit more, I didn't want to paste the whole line.
03:55.48Renzenothing in the comment field
03:56.08icwiener_Ok, thx. Then I have to live with it. :)
03:56.35Renzeyou could always try removing it ;)
03:57.03Renzeit's probably just playback settings for a specific player or something
03:57.11icwiener_Sure, but somehow I can't because I want to know what I miss if it's gone. ;)
03:57.24Renzecopy it to a text file so you can put it back later ;)
03:57.44Renzethen you can see what disappears
03:57.48Renzeif anything
03:58.14icwiener_I do not know where to look if anything disappears.
03:58.32Renzeif you can't notice, does it really matter?
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03:59.10Sho_icwiener_: It may be the unique identifier Amarok uses to track files across changes in position and name
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03:59.32Sho_icwiener_: Although it should use special fields of the container designed for that purpose unless said container lacks them
04:00.01icwiener_Sho_: It's only in about 1% of my files, so I don't think so.
04:00.26Sho_icwiener_: Well MP3 and Ogg have special fields for that ...
04:00.35RenzeI've downloaded tracks with that stuff in the comment field, and deleted the comment with no ill effects
04:01.03RenzeI suspect it's to do with a specific player — probably for Windows
04:01.11Sho_could be
04:01.54Sho_off to bed, night
04:02.06icwiener_Sho_: Good night, thx for the link.
04:02.07Jucatonight Sho_
04:02.40RenzeSho_ long, and thanks for all the fish
04:03.56Jucatobah, reading the docs in HTML format on my phone is slow.... :(
04:04.31icwiener_Then you have to learn how to read faster. ;)
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04:05.04Jucatoicwiener_: I read fast, but the document scrolls slowly
04:05.23icwiener_Renze: err, meant sophisticated ... damn vocabulary ;)
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04:05.39icwiener_Jucato: That sucks.
04:06.00Jucatonot too mention it's heavy... the whole KWord doc, including images, is around 2.8MB
04:06.19Renzecan it view pdfs faster?
04:07.17Jucatoonce converted to some 3rd party format
04:07.45Renzeyou could always Print to PDF
04:08.19Jucatoyeah, but I have to do it over and over again for each web page. anyway, I can use htmldoc to make them into a pdf
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04:11.37Renzeit feels like summer has arrived... and I'm not liking it one bit
04:12.37Jucatothings here are a bit more difficult for me. extremely hot mornings/afternoons and extremely cold evenings
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04:15.43Dr_willisthe high was 61 today... and  it was nice. :)
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04:16.56Renzewhat's that in a non-obsolete measuring system? ;)
04:18.11Renzeah, 16°C
04:18.24Renzethat's still a little warm for my tastes
04:18.29Dr_willisMy car gets 10 furlongs per hogshead and thats how i like it!
04:18.48Jucatobah! you'll die here then...
04:19.02RenzeJucato: undoubtedly
04:19.08Jucatothe regular temperature here is around 25-30C+
04:19.14RenzeI'm a pale-skinned northern european :D
04:20.07Renzeit feels like around 25°C here right now, even though kweather says it's 19°C
04:20.35Renzebut that's the temperature at the airport, not in this valley
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04:28.16Renzemmmmm... cold...
04:33.58Renze¿ ? ¿ ?
04:34.34icwiener_It's about 5°C here and my heating refuses to work.
04:34.45Renzemmmmm... 5°C...
04:35.04Renzeactually, I prefer 12-15°C
04:35.05icwiener_That's a little bit warmer that you icecream. ;)
04:35.33icwiener_Yeah, me too. But it can be till 20°C sometimes.
04:37.02Renzetoo bad I don't have the ingredients for gaspacho
04:37.39icwiener_No garlic? :D
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04:37.45Renzeno tomatoes
04:37.56RenzeI always have garlic
04:38.35icwiener_Gaspacho looks delicious. Didn't know that.
04:39.34Dr_willisUse catchup!
04:39.49Renzedon't have any ketchup either
04:40.07Renzeand it doesn't work in gaspacho
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04:40.54Dr_willisGas-Pacho :)
04:41.19klerfaytis where global option for "do not ask again" for "are you sure?"?
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04:42.34Dr_willisklerfayt,  you may want to clarify that.
04:43.12Renzemaybe I'll just have cheese and crackers for dinner...
04:43.27Dr_willisGrilled Cheese
04:43.40klerfayteverytime you close something, for example tabs in konversation a question pops up that asks me "are you sure?"
04:43.45Renzeno, not grilled
04:44.39Renzeno, not toasted
04:45.02Renzetoo hot for hot food
04:45.32Dr_willisfrozen fish sticks!
04:45.32anisfarhanaput it in your freeze box then ;p
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04:45.58klerfaytI'm bloody sure that I want to close tab then I click X so I was thinking that maybe there is an hidden option that disables questions like: you are retard, are you sure that "close this window/tab/application" is what want?
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04:46.32Renzeklerfayt: the simple truth is that most people are that stupid ;)
04:46.39icwiener_klerfayt: Can't you tell him to not ask you again?
04:46.49Renzeanisfarhana: hot food made cold isn't quite right :)
04:47.09Dr_willisiseht that what  gaspacho is.... cold tomatoe soup.
04:47.16anisfarhanaRenze : nah just enjoy  your meal sir
04:47.34RenzeDr_willis: yes, but it is made cold... it is not cooked
04:48.00Dr_willisGo get a can of Beanie-Weinies!
04:48.06Dr_willisits good hot or cold.
04:48.42RenzeDr_willis: I don't think they sell that product in NZ ;)
04:49.58Dr_willisBeanie-Weinies - a little can of Baked Beans + hot dogs -- a 'camping' kind of food. :)
04:50.07Dr_willisInstant Noodles.
04:50.19Renzeah, baked beans and sausages... we have those
04:50.57Dr_willisMixed together? heh :)
04:51.02Dr_willisVienna Saussages
04:51.14Dr_willis100 kinds of bologna it seems.
04:51.53RenzeDr_willis: yes, in the same can
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04:52.18sswsorry guys
04:52.18Dr_willisHeh. 'potted meat products'
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04:52.28RenzeDr_willis: like spam?
04:52.39Dr_willisHad some Deviled Ham Spread once.. it was nasty... even the dog wouldent eat it.. and he will eat anything.
04:52.53Dr_willisSpam is actually quailty compared to some things ive seen.
04:53.06Dr_willisTHere used to be a Tobasco/spicey spam that wasnt too bad.
04:53.13Dr_willisThen there used tobe a Turkey Spam.
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05:05.08icwiener_frenchy: ?
05:05.56frenchyhah sorry
05:06.07frenchyhas anyone had the "could not find any sound-engine plugins" problem with amarok on amd64
05:06.11frenchyi was copying and pasting
05:09.00*** join/#kde Jejem[away] (n=Jejem@
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05:11.01icwiener_frenchy: I do not have amd64 but have you installed any amarok-engine?
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05:11.29NthDegreefrenchy, you want xine-lib
05:11.48frenchyicwiener_ i can run it as root and it says its using the xine engin but i cant run it as a user
05:12.25NthDegreefrenchy, you got arts running?
05:12.36*** part/#kde Dr_willis (n=willis@
05:13.30frenchyNthDegree do i have to have arts, like i said it works when i run it as root
05:13.43NthDegreeno you don't need arts
05:13.54NthDegreeturn it off was what i was gonna say
05:14.10frenchyoh no its not running
05:14.21frenchyits not even installed
05:14.25NthDegreecould be a file permissions problem then
05:14.25frenchyim on gentoo too if it helps
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05:15.08Renzefrenchy: is your user in the audio group?
05:15.09NthDegreetry adding xine and amarok to use flags
05:15.22frenchyyes it is Renze
05:15.40NthDegreechown root:audio /dev/dsp
05:15.43frenchyxine is in the use flag and does amarok really need itself as a use flag?
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05:16.13NthDegreeit's probably a permissions problem
05:16.14frenchychowning didn't work
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05:16.25NthDegreerun amarok in a terminal
05:16.26frenchythats what iu was thinkin but ive looked at everything i can think of
05:16.38frenchyok its running
05:16.52NthDegreelook at the messages it throws up
05:17.01NthDegreemaybe those will help
05:17.46frenchykbuildsycoca: WARNING: '/usr/share/applications/kde/amarok.desktop' specifies undefined mimetype/servicetype 'application/asx'
05:17.51frenchya bunch of crap like this
05:17.56frenchybut i think it does that when i run it as root
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05:18.25NthDegreei was wondering if there are any (permission denied) 13 messages
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05:18.39frenchyno there is not
05:20.36NthDegreei'm clueless then
05:20.58NthDegreeyou outputting via ALSA or OSS
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05:26.21black_13i want to burn an iso image what kde took wll let me do that
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05:26.47Renzeblack_13: k3b
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05:44.20mick_homehi everyone, i'd like to know the easiest way to cp all email attachments from a person to a directory
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05:44.35amitHow can I grab position of mouse and how do I can show/hide mouse in my application?
05:44.47mick_homebasically, i get a bunch of malware from one email, and i'd like to copy it all to a directory
05:46.50icwiener_amit: Try #kde-devel or kde4-devel
05:47.26*** part/#kde amit (n=amit@
05:47.58icwiener_mick_home: there was a wishlist once but a feature that does that is afair not implemented yet.
05:48.00mick_homecurrently when working on malware analysis, i have to do all this manually, which is becoming a big headache :-/
05:48.12mick_homeicwiener_: can i use "run command"?
05:48.20mick_homecp $something ?
05:48.39mick_homeor another way? (w/o kmail)
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05:55.13icwiener_mick_home:  Maybe "dcop kmail KMailICalIface getAttachment resource sernum filename"
05:56.11mick_homehow would i do that? (since it would need to go through all of my emails in one folder)
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05:58.49icwiener_I do not know. Haven't done this yet. I neither know what sernum and resource mean... you have to play with it. :)
05:59.53icwiener_Or ask in #kde-devel , #kmail or #kmail-devel if it exists.
06:00.46Renzeor #kontact
06:00.54mick_homei may need to try PIM
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07:14.35khem_khhi all
07:15.08khem_khCould someone tell me how to compile the translated kdedocmessages?
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07:22.14thuanhello anyone knows a gui (prefer gui) to split cue lossless album file
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08:03.22Schalkenhow do you execute javascript code in konqueror?
08:04.06NthDegreeSchalken, konqueror has javascript on by default
08:04.54Schalkenbut i mean say a website has a variable c and i, as a user, want to set that variable to 3. how do i?
08:05.13Schalkennormally you can just put "javascrip: var c=3;" in the location bar but that doesnt work
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08:25.40NthDegreeuh not sure
08:30.15Schalkenthere has to be a way, i mean...its kde.
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09:12.37highnekoIs it possible to queue a music file in amarok with konqueror and the selected file with a hotkey?
09:13.24thiagoI don't think so
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09:16.29highnekoMaybe by right clicking then pressing a hotkey. I can currently right click a file, and open a menu then left click the option to queue the file, but that takes a long time to queue many files, and I have to wait for some menus to open.
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09:23.13chinowhy does the console have to wrap lines improperly if i try to make it bigger ?
09:24.07n3stormchino, the console is prepared for serial connections and other devices
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09:24.40chinook but i want to make it larger and have line wrap to the next line instead of over writing the same line
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09:24.56chinowhat ?
09:24.57n3stormyes is not working all right
09:25.09n3stormhave you got other terminal?
09:25.10Ace2016hi all
09:25.24canllaithThat sounds like you don't have your TERM variable set sanely
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09:25.56n3stormthat what I supposed, but wanted to make sure
09:26.00canllaithPerhaps you could try 'export TERM=xterm' and see if that helps.
09:27.27Ace2016how do i search for all the files which have "search term here" within them
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09:28.54highnekoAce2016: grep filename
09:31.06Ace2016there are lots of file in the dir, i want it to check each one to see if it has the words in there
09:31.26NthDegreeAce2016, easy
09:31.31highnekoAce2016: grep *.ext
09:31.50NthDegreecat /dir-containing-files/* | grep searchterm
09:31.52Ace2016oh wait i remember konqueror can do it with the search thing
09:32.41highnekocat?! Use "ls | grep"
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09:33.10Ace2016editing source code is so hard when you have no idea what anything means
09:33.19shiznixls?! Use "grep <match> *"
09:33.59highnekoOk, ok, you win shiznix, but ls > cat.
09:34.43NthDegreehighneko, he wants to find a file containing a specific word
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09:34.47NthDegreenot the name of a file lol
09:35.03NthDegreehence cat
09:35.34highnekoNthDegree: Oh, well, I alreayd said "grep *.ext".
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09:41.25highnekoYou two just confused me. Thats my excuse. :3
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09:45.17highnekoIs it possible to view remote files using konqueror maybe using ssh?
09:46.37srednahighneko: Use the fish:/ protocol
09:46.53highnekoK, I'll try that. Thnx.
09:47.31highnekosredna: Cool, that works great. Thank you.
09:47.40srednaNp :-)
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10:32.33Solaris444Hi fellas.
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10:32.45Solaris444Sorry to bother you, but wierd issue.
10:32.49Solaris444"Align to grid" no longer works.
10:32.54Solaris444On the desktop.
10:33.06Solaris444Any ideas what could cause this?
10:33.08Solaris444SuSE 10.1
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10:40.49Techdeck`Hello, how can I change the keyboard layout switching hotkeys (ctrl-alt-k) to alt-shift?
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10:41.34annmayou can't
10:41.40Techdeck`are you sure?
10:42.09annmaif you manage it then you tell me
10:42.25annmai am sure i could not
10:43.17mariuxoh im sure its possible
10:43.18Techdeck`it must be possible, can't be we're the only one who thought about it
10:43.20mariuxdcop something
10:43.32Techdeck`there :p
10:43.38Techdeck`he would know :p
10:43.40annmamariux: ? dcop?
10:44.13annmadcop has nothing to do with keuboard switching
10:44.16mariuxkde scripting
10:44.42mariuxannma: but it might have an option for switching the layout
10:44.45Techdeck`you could probably alias alt-shift to do what ctrl-alt-k does
10:45.01mariuxso you could bind a new keyboard shortcut to a dcop command
10:45.02annmamariux: this is not what we want at all
10:45.11mariuxyes it is
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10:45.23mariuxdo you HAVE to get rid of the old command?
10:45.32annmayou have 3 keyboards layouts
10:45.34Techdeck`I don't mind having both
10:45.49annmayou want to switch easily between them
10:46.01annmaow will dcop help?
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10:46.02mariuxso if dcop support changing keyboard layout it would be possible to make new shortbuts
10:46.21annmausing alt shift?
10:46.32annmatell me how
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10:46.52mariuxim no dcop guy, but the keyboard shortcut part can be done with khotkeys
10:46.55mariuxits in kcontrol
10:47.04annmatry alt shift
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10:47.28annmaif he asks the question and if i said no then it is not so easy
10:47.33mariuxyou want JUST alt and shift=
10:47.37annmaso you tell me
10:47.48annmatry it
10:47.54annmasee by yourself
10:48.00mariuxok, i thought you wanted that pluss a key
10:48.24mariuxi doubt that is possible
10:48.59mariuxalt+shift+a would essentially be the same though
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10:50.17annmabecause a is not the same key in avery layout
10:50.26mariuxhaha :)
10:50.40annmaso it won't work
10:51.02mariuxi see
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10:54.53MetaBookfoziShey all, i have a crashing konsole, if i start that it shows for a milisec and then kcrash pops up with this: /usr/lib/
10:55.05MetaBookfoziSumph sorry so with this:
10:55.42MetaBookfoziSplease help me, i think  messed ups omething with my notebook-crash (when i unplugged the adapter cable but i forget the battery isn't in the machine)
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10:56.08thiagothere's no information in that
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10:56.34MetaBookfoziSokay, but i can'T get any information from other way
10:56.37MetaBookfoziSin syslog nothing
10:56.52MetaBookfoziSand if i start it from xterm it only says it starts kcrash...
10:56.57MetaBookfoziSor anywhere else?
10:57.21MetaBookfoziSits kubuntu edgy, on a k7 notebook.
10:57.26thiagotry reinstalling the KDE packages, to see if it resolves any corruption
10:57.32thiagobut the problem is probably inside your configuration files
10:57.36EldarinHello! When viewing png images konqueror show zooming buttons and listbox with "Fit to Width" and other zooming options... but when viewing tga images no such zooming helpers are displayed. Is it the way it should be?
10:58.09MetaBookfoziSthiago > and how can i do that? remove purge konsole?
10:58.24thiagoMetaBookfoziS: just reinstall the KDE packages on top of the existing ones
10:58.35thiagoEldarin: yes
10:59.07EldarinScaling works differently for different file types?
10:59.26thiagodifferent kparts support different features
11:00.39MetaBookfoziSwhat is the main kde packages?
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11:01.44thiagoMetaBookfoziS: no idea. Ask a kubuntu channel.
11:02.06MetaBookfoziSi doed that
11:02.18MetaBookfoziSbut i thouhgt this is a kde specific problem
11:02.30thiagocorruption is not a KDE problem
11:02.43MetaBookfoziSsorry i can'T appologise me
11:02.52MetaBookfoziSso my corruption is in kde
11:02.54thiagoyou can try moving ~/.kde away (renaming it) to and see if a new configuration fixes the problem
11:03.07MetaBookfoziShm! that's a good idea thx! i try
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11:08.04metai try reinstall kubuntu-desktop
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11:08.30metait installs al crappy thing that i don'T need:((( hplip bluez and cups and other 100mbs of crap:T/
11:09.16srednameta: Then don't install it :)
11:09.32srednaYou can just install the packages you want...
11:09.47metai can't do that... kubuntu-desktop is a meta package, that contains all things that a normal kubuntu desktop needs:/
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11:10.47srednameta: Well, just install the packates you need. You can look at it's depends list to see which packages it contains
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11:12.31UnionPivoa quick question, is there any good offline english dictionarly for kde (dict without a need of internet connection)
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11:13.01UnionPivoand i mean full dictionary with full descriptin of words
11:13.18ttyi do not konw
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11:14.14metatry search in packages description
11:14.40ttymabey u like it
11:14.53UnionPivowill check it out thanks
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11:18.50metahmm the apt-get install --reinstall kdebase*
11:18.56metasays broken packages
11:19.28metakonsole 4:3.5.5-ubuntu3 needed but only 4:3.5.5-ubuntu3-ubuntu3v1 or wahtever able to install
11:20.02metathe package that say it is kdebase-dev
11:20.20metahow can i appear that?
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11:22.45srednameta: Ask in #kubuntu please
11:23.15metait haven'T got any conenction with ubuntu
11:23.22metai want to reisntall kde
11:23.34metathat is a good question in #kde, not?
11:23.36srednameta: Apt-get is not a KDE program
11:24.20metayes it a basic program, that i can'T handle better, i can't say to apt-get to disappear the kdebase-dev
11:24.21srednameta: If you want to know how to install from source, this is the place. Packages belongs with the system providing the package manager.
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11:25.20srednameta: Simply because your chances of a meaningfull answer is better there. I talk from experience ;)
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11:58.42tcpsynis there an alternative to korganizer?
12:02.30srednatcpsyn: Not a KDE one, but there is a mozilla project and evolution for example
12:02.57tcpsynyeah, I'm just trying to get notifications of calendar events to pop up in the systray.
12:03.14tcpsynI'd like to just use evolution, but no love.
12:04.02thiagouse Kontact then
12:04.19tcpsynthiago, nopa, I've got to sync the calendar with scheduleworld.
12:04.29thiagoand there's no plugin for that?
12:04.54tcpsynI tried to use caldav to just grab a read only copy of the appointments.. and it worked, but wouldn't display alarms.
12:05.05tcpsynthiago, no, not yet.
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12:32.34highnekoIs it possible to queue a music file in amarok with konqueror and the selected file with a hotkey?
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12:54.29conoranyone know how i reset all my internet and network settings to when i installed ? im using kubuntu
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13:33.33paoleelaHello. If I press Ctrl konqueror shows shortcuts for url links. Can I deactivate this?
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13:48.14paoleelaBecause I switch Desktop by Ctrl+F1 generally.
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13:56.45Sho_paoleela: yes, but it's a config file option iirc
13:57.16paoleelaSho_: ok.
13:57.32Jucatoooh Sho_! :)
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14:43.20simon23hi - anyone knows the sim instant messenger for kde ?
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14:44.17simon23i have the problem that the message window is closed everytime i am sending messages.... can anyone tell me how to change that ? i must have changed any option in the preferences window...
14:45.23NthDegreesimon23, try the IRC channel for that messenger
14:47.17simon23did that - they must be sleeping...
14:47.31simon23but thanks...
14:48.06*** join/#kde IceD^ (n=iced@
14:48.07simon23unfortunately this is the only IM for linux that can receive icq files...
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14:52.33NthDegreeah i see, try getting the person to use direct connect on IRC
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14:57.59a9913how do i disable borders on konsole (other than the ones put by kwin)?
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15:08.24kdeuser^Jucato: Hey !
15:08.37kdeuser^Renze: Hey !
15:09.21Jucatohi kdeuser^
15:09.44kdeuser^What`s up buddy ?
15:10.03Jucatonot much. writing stuff
15:10.12kdeuser^a book ?
15:10.39kdeuser^notes ?
15:10.44Jucatosort of
15:11.53Jucatono, not "study" notes
15:12.00Jucatomore like, blog posts
15:12.02kdeuser^Jucato: i am using konversation now... its a diff from xchat
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15:12.22kdeuser^oh.. you have blog.. what do you write about ?
15:12.33kdeuser^i updated to kde 3.5
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15:12.48Jucatoof course it's a whole different beast from xchat :)
15:13.04kdeuser^Ya.. though it looked same in kde 3.4
15:13.52kdeuser^Jucato: so what do you write about ?
15:13.57kdeuser^in your blog
15:14.05Jucatolife and Linux (sometimes)
15:14.18kdeuser^me too... not about life though
15:14.26kdeuser^just Linux..
15:14.45Theoryfor some people the two are the same
15:14.54Jucatoheh yeah
15:14.56kdeuser^tell me your adrs later.. i will glane through it..
15:15.10kdeuser^Theory: Ya buddy..
15:15.11Jucatokdeuser^: um.. right now? I'm still in the process of archiving and migrating
15:15.22kdeuser^migrating  ?
15:15.26kdeuser^to a new blog ?
15:15.27Jucatowhen I said "life", I meant personal life, though
15:15.36Jucatoyeah... actually thinking about migrating...
15:16.06kdeuser^ya.. i got that..
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15:16.19Jucatonot really sure yet... :(
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15:16.41kdeuser^Looks like Renze is sleeping..
15:16.47Jucatohe should be
15:16.57Jucatoit's around 2am+ there
15:17.17kdeuser^here its 8:47pm.. your place ?
15:18.04Jucato11:15 pm
15:18.18kdeuser^wow... ur not sleeping ?
15:18.35Jucatotoo early. I sleep around the witching hour :)
15:20.33kdeuser^Jucato: you listen to podcasts ? any podcasts on kde ?
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15:21.33Jucatolol sorry
15:21.35Jucatowrong link
15:21.52kdeuser^thats ur pic ?
15:22.00Jucato(that was embarrasing...)
15:22.14Jucatoyeah, unfortunately, that's me
15:22.26kdeuser^lol.. thats was really funny.. you pasted  the wrong link..
15:22.48kdeuser^Jucato: u listen to that podcast ?
15:22.51kdeuser^how is it ?
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15:23.13Jucatoquite interesting. it's not a professional podcast though
15:23.31kdeuser^Jucato: I am just now getting into podcasts..
15:23.43kdeuser^thats ok..
15:23.54Jucatothere's another good podcast, but more oriented towards beginners, and not KDE specific
15:24.03kdeuser^which one ?
15:24.13matihello, i have a question about konsole. xterm uses resources like "Xterm.color0" etc, is it possible to change colors for konsole that way somehow?
15:24.24NthDegreeFLOSS weekly
15:24.24NthDegreeand security now
15:24.37kdeuser^mati: yes
15:24.43NthDegreemati, there are colour themes
15:24.57kdeuser^schema in settings
15:25.28matidoesn't that only change your foreground and background?
15:25.37maticause that's not what i was looking for
15:25.51matii want to define all the colors it uses
15:26.01kdeuser^you can change font as well..
15:26.02Jucatono, you can also change Color 0, Color 1, Color 2
15:26.15JucatoSettings -> Configure Konsole -> Schema tab
15:26.20matiok let me go check it out
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15:26.33kdeuser^just click on settings -> configure konsole - > schema
15:26.35matialright, thanks
15:26.41matididn't notice the dropdown menu
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15:27.25kdeuser^Jucato: i got to listen to the episode 41
15:27.43kdeuser^i always get error in compiling from source
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15:28.12kdeuser^i am currently listening to lottalinuxlinks podcast
15:28.15rick276does someone used suse_kickoff? I try to install in my slackware ..but fails..
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15:28.36kdeuser^Jucato: have u listened to that ?
15:28.46Jucatonot yet
15:28.50kdeuser^even diggination is good..
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15:29.11kdeuser^they have both audio and video pocasts
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15:29.34JucatoI haven't had time to listen to podcasts lately though
15:29.40annmahi all
15:29.44JucatoI have a huge backlog of kde and linuxreality podcasts
15:29.46kdeuser^just studying huh /
15:29.54Jucatohi annma! just the person I've been waiting for :)
15:29.55kdeuser^backup ?
15:30.16Jucatokdeuser^: I usually download the new podcasts immediately, but never got the chance to listen to them
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15:30.46kdeuser^Me too.. i have 20 more to listen.. though i delete them once i am finished listening
15:31.13kdeuser^Jucato: annma is ur friend ? same town ?
15:31.16JucatoI burn them
15:31.23Jucatokdeuser^: no, she's far away
15:31.35akkiKde isn't displaying Hindi language  fonts, all I see are blocks instead. How can I get this fixed ?
15:31.38annmawe're virtual KDE friends
15:31.46Jucatohehe :)
15:31.47kdeuser^cool !
15:33.07kdeuser^Jucato: so you have a cd archive of podcasts !
15:33.18Jucatoannma: question about the guide I'm writing
15:33.20kdeuser^how many do you have so far ?
15:33.35Jucatoer.. forgot
15:33.51kdeuser^Jucato: show annma ur photo..
15:33.55annmaakki: are Hindi characters displayed in other apps?
15:34.36akkiannma,  yes they are displayed properly in gtk based apps
15:34.40annmayou're cool
15:34.52Jucatoah hehe :)
15:34.59annmaakki: weird, what font fdo you use in KControl?
15:35.18Jucatohehe yeah..
15:35.35akkiannma, font fdo?
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15:35.45annmafont do you use
15:35.57sleekis there a way to make it so that when i plug a usb flash drive into my computer, an icon for it automagically appears on my desktop?
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15:35.58annmanew keyboard, I cannot type properly akki
15:36.10Jucatoannma: the guide I'm making, where will it be going/where will it be put up?
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15:36.25annmaJucato: in the User Guide maybe?
15:36.28kdeuser^your writing a guide for what ?
15:36.44annmayou have until 16th  december for it to get in 3.5.6
15:37.08kdeuser^annma: i would like to write a guide too ...
15:37.10Jucatoannma: I'm done, actually. getting ready to send it to you :)
15:37.12akkiannma, Im not sure as to which fonts do I need ? I'm using stock Mandriva 2007.0
15:37.15annmaakki: what font do you use in KDE and what font do you use in GTK Control
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15:37.36annmakdeuser^: write! what is your expertise about?
15:37.45annmaJucato: :)
15:37.56kdeuser^annma: u tell me ..
15:38.06kdeuser^konversation ?
15:38.12annmakdeuser^: kdm doc is really old
15:38.23annmakonversation, I have no idea
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15:38.34annmai don' use konvi
15:39.01JucatoI'm kurrently enjoying emoticons on Konvi
15:39.03kdeuser^anything easy to get started.. a simple app
15:39.07Jucatoer.. currently*
15:39.25annmai'd like to do like we do for bugs but for apps, do a week-end for 1 app, test, debug and write docs
15:39.36akkiannma, if u are using for the default fonts being used -> Sans Serif
15:39.40kdeuser^annma: what about kicker or kpages or something like that small
15:40.05annmaakki: what about gtk apps, what font is it?
15:40.19annmakdeuser^: look at the current doc and see if you can improve
15:40.27annmaor at the user guide
15:40.28Jucatokdeuser^: it's better to work on/about something you're familiar with
15:40.32kdeuser^Ok.. Sure...
15:40.38kdeuser^Jucato: Like..
15:40.53Jucatokdeuser^: um.. you're the only one who knows what you're familiar with
15:40.59Jucatowe're not psychic
15:41.12kdeuser^i like to write and take screenshots and stuff
15:41.52annmakdeuser^: go for it!
15:42.03Jucatotoo general, but it's a start, I guess. but most docs don't use screenshots...
15:42.03annmathere are tons of bug reports about obsolete doc
15:42.15Jucatooh, I didn't use screenshots on mine annma
15:42.15akkiannma, I'm not sure as I don't have Gnome installed and I don't know which font is used by mandriva by default for gtk apps,  Although it usually is Sans .
15:42.22Jucatohard to put screenshots on plain text files :P
15:42.26annmaand screenshots! you need default KDE style and theme, kdeuser^
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15:42.34kdeuser^ya. Fine..
15:42.48kdeuser^annma: name one old obsolete doc..
15:42.58annmaakki: can you point me an URL for a website that does not work for you please?
15:43.02kdeuser^i am not that much into docs. as i don`t read them :)
15:43.07annmakdeuser^: let me look
15:43.08NthDegreekdeuser^, bitstream vera sans
15:43.22kdeuser^NthDegree: don`t get you ?
15:43.34NthDegreewrong person sorry lol
15:43.35Jucatoannma: sorry to bombard you with questions, do you prefer to read black text over white background or white over black in web pages?
15:43.39annmaNthDegree: that was for akki
15:43.44kdeuser^oh.. fine..
15:43.57annmablack over white
15:44.11Jucatook :)
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15:44.42annmakdeuser^: for example
15:44.45kdeuser^we have to submit as webpages ?
15:45.05annmano, as text
15:45.12annmait'll be docbook
15:45.18annmabut i'll do the tags
15:45.22JucatoI was just asking. I wanted to show annma something that I could do on plain text :)
15:45.33kdeuser^annma: i don`t understanf anything about that bug..
15:45.37akkiclick on Hindi
15:46.02annmaakki: oops, squares for me as well, let me see what i can do
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15:46.21Jucatosquares here too
15:46.29Jucatoneeds some fonts installed, I guess :(
15:47.04akkiyes, but which ones :???:)
15:47.31Jucatohold on, let me see what I installed to get Japanese text
15:49.10Jucatohm.. I installed ttf-kochi* fonts to get Japanese fonts... I'm not sure if they're called the same in other distros
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15:49.56annmaok got it
15:50.01Jucatolooks like I have ttf-indic-fonts
15:50.28annmadownload those fonts, unpack them in your home
15:50.37xushican i tell kget to stop downloading everything in 2 hours time ?
15:50.56logixoulxushi: you can make kget quit after 2 hours
15:51.00logixoulxushi: is that good?
15:51.03xushiexcellent! how so ?
15:51.05Jucatowow! installing ttf-indic-fonts installs lots of stuff
15:51.09annmathen open KControl and in System Administration go to Fopnt Installer
15:51.11xushilogixoul: you saved my day
15:51.48annmathen install the 4 fonts and restart Konqueror
15:52.10Jucatoannma: oh crap... I didn't include installing fonts (I only focused on the modules under Appearance & Themes)
15:52.20logixoulxushi: in a terminal write something like sleep 7200 && killall kget
15:52.29logixoulxushi: hacky hacky :)
15:52.31xushi7200 as in seconds ?
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15:52.47annmaakki: did you follow what I said?
15:53.04akkiannma, thanks I did tried that a while ago, didn't work , lemme try again.
15:53.10xushilogixoul: lol cheeky
15:53.10logixoulxushi: or even simpler: sleep 2h && killall kget
15:53.29annmaakki: it just worked for me
15:53.38xushithanks =)
15:53.46Pinarafxushi: you should perhaps use DCOP to stop kget instead of killall, it's cleaner
15:53.55xushiPinaraf: how so ?
15:54.01Pinarafdcop kget MainApplication-Interface quit
15:54.04logixoulPinaraf is right
15:54.07Jucatoannma: is it ok if I left out Fonts and Screen Savers?
15:54.27JucatoI'm not familiar with installing those....
15:54.29xushisleep 2h && dcop kget MainApplication-Interface quit  ?
15:54.36annmaJucato: yes
15:54.43Jucatowhew! thanks :)
15:56.17annmaakki: you'll need more fonts for the other languages like bn
15:56.24logixoulxushi: a gui way to do the same is provided by KAlarm btw
15:56.45akkiannma, still doesn't work :(
15:56.55annmaakki: did you restart konqueror?
15:57.00annmait works here!
15:57.19akkiannma, killall konqueror and launched konqueror after that.
15:57.41akkiannma, I installed the fonts as root should that matter ?
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15:57.58annmai installed locally but it should be the same
15:58.30annmain View, look at encoding and set it to detect semi-automatically
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15:59.25Jucatohm... does anyone know if there's a word such as theming or themeing, and how is it spelled properly?
15:59.43annmato theme
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16:00.06Jucatoah thanks.
16:00.09annmayou theme, you were theming, you're going to be theming
16:00.18JucatoI tried to refrain from using that word  in the guide lol
16:00.28annmaakki: you have Mandriva?
16:00.32Jucatocoz I didn't know if the word was accepted or properly spelled
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16:00.55akkiannma: yes
16:01.10Jucatoannma: can I PM you a question?
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16:01.53xushimm, emerging kalarm
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16:02.00xushithis is why i love kde!!
16:02.02annmaJucato: yes
16:02.14annmaakki: i am looking, I also have Mandriva
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16:03.21akkiannma, (mandriva 2007.0) I can't see the set encoding setting in konqueror :O, all this worked perfectly in 2006
16:03.32JucatoSho_: ping?
16:03.44Sho_Jucato: semi-pong
16:04.01JucatoSho_: can I PM you a question, too? (confirming something)
16:04.03annmaakki: it worked and you updated or is it a new install?
16:04.21akkiannma, clean install
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16:06.13akkiannma, found the encoding setting, it's set as semi-automatic by default
16:07.39akkiannma, ok the font's are working, thanks
16:07.53annmaoh, cool
16:07.55xushinice, does kalarm use cron?
16:08.09annmaI installed a bunch from mandriva but they don't have indic rpm
16:08.49annma akki
16:08.57annmathat might help you
16:09.23annmaHindi is Right To Left, right?
16:09.47akkiannma nope it's a normal left to right
16:09.55annmaah OK
16:10.38annmawhat is te, ak?
16:10.57annmathe link in Google hi for te is still squares for me
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16:12.00akkiannma, those are other langs, bengali, telegu
16:12.17annmaso they need special fonts as well
16:12.26annmathanks for educating me, akki
16:12.58akkiannma, thanks I've done all this before even got it to work last time but the fonts stopped working after a reboot  Hope keep they working this time. Thanks a lot
16:13.18annmamandriva has bengali fonts
16:14.09annmai think it needs X restart to work after install
16:14.34akkiannma, mandriva has historically had all the indic fonts and splays all of em properly but 20007 dunno y is missing some of em
16:14.39Jucatoannma: maybe if there's an fonts-ttf-indic (meta)package ?
16:14.49annmaJucato: no indic, no
16:15.07annmai guess it's a bug in mandriva 2007
16:15.17JucatoI had ttf-indic-fonts here, which also installs all the other fonts like bengali
16:15.44akkiannma, thanks a lot .
16:16.02annmayou're welcome
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16:19.34Jucatoannma, Sho_: message sent... I'm quite nervous :P
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16:21.18annmanothing yet, Jucato
16:21.34JucatoGmail's not cooperating..
16:21.57JucatoKMail said it was sent... maybe a few minutes more...
16:22.27annmamy server is slow, Jucato
16:22.49Jucatoah... aren't the e-mails all in one server?
16:23.24annmano, it's a front end
16:23.35annmaonly a front end
16:25.00Sho_Jucato: Some people do have mail accounts on ktown directly, but the vast majority of addresses are redirects
16:25.15Sho_(and the people in the former group are mostly the sysadmins themselves)
16:26.55Sho_Jucato: I'm caught up in some discussions and cooking dinner atm - I'll read it later this evening and report back :)
16:26.59*** join/#kde jordo23 (
16:27.22JucatoSho_: ok. I might not be online anymore. take your time :)
16:27.43*** join/#kde unity (
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16:28.14unityhey, is there a way in kmail to set up a default template for composing messages?
16:28.31Oleg_canllaith: I am still angry at you. Yes, you are an op and can ban me immediately, but that won't change the fact that I am angry at you.
16:28.43*** join/#kde mbailey (
16:28.48Oleg_canllaith: I AM VERY ANGRY AT YOU
16:28.51unitywhenever i start composing a message, I want the Dear ____, line to already be there
16:29.19unity(i only email one person, so i don't need a different thing to replace the ___ each time.)
16:29.27*** join/#kde bluestorm (
16:30.00annmaOleg_: ??
16:30.09*** join/#kde tijmen (
16:30.10_zfr_Hi, i use kde 3.5.5 (debian etch), i cant find the minimize button on the panel, there is no ?
16:30.54annma_zfr_: you can hide it with the arrow on the right
16:31.00Oleg_annma: oh, and I am back in college, by the way
16:31.27akkiannma, The font display(Hindi) works only if the font's are installed as a user, could you confirm this ?
16:31.30annmaso please stop shouting
16:31.32*** join/#kde XVampireX (
16:31.38annmathat was for Oleg_
16:31.51annmaakki: I installed as a user
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16:32.31Oleg_annma: I am very angry at Jessica
16:32.38*** join/#kde Cybersoft (i=cyversof@unaffiliated/cybersoft)
16:32.39_zfr_annma: hm??? i want close/minimize all the windows to the panel with one button
16:32.40CybersoftIm in ur window, logging ur conversations
16:32.59annma_zfr_: it is an applet
16:33.12*** part/#kde beetle11011 (
16:33.16_zfr_annma: hmm what is it named ?
16:33.27Jucato_zfr_: Show Desktop applet
16:33.31annma_zfr_: i did not get it but now i undersdtand, right click on panel -> add applet
16:33.48annmaShow Desktop
16:33.53akkiannma, can u delete the font's  from the user,  install them as  root and check if it still works ? it' doesn't here.
16:33.57*** part/#kde Cybersoft (i=cyversof@unaffiliated/cybersoft)
16:34.08annmaakki: I'll try that
16:34.50*** join/#kde simon23 (
16:34.53_zfr_thanks :)
16:35.24annmaakki: it does not work
16:35.36annmamaybe it is a KDE bug then
16:35.40unitylogixoul: thanks, i'll take a look at it
16:35.42annmathis is weird
16:36.07Jucatomaybe a KDE restart is needed if the font was added as root?
16:36.18annmausually not
16:36.20Jucatowhich, if true, would still be weird
16:36.31*** join/#kde dauoalagio (
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16:37.08dauoalagiohello, my kde taskbar shows up at startup, then dissappears quickly.  any ideas?
16:37.23logixouldauoalagio: launch kicker. does the taskbar appear?
16:37.49dauoalagiologixoul, no
16:37.58Jucatodauoalagio: you could also check the Panel's Hiding settings in KControl -> Desktop -> Panels
16:38.17logixouldauoalagio: if you launch it from a terminal, are any errors reported?
16:38.34dauoalagiologixoul, says it's already running
16:38.54Jucatodauoalagio: check the Hiding settings
16:38.57*** join/#kde annma (
16:39.03Jucatowb annma
16:39.06Oleg_annma: I need you to help me with something which is unrelated to kde. You speak French; that's why I need your help please.
16:39.11dauoalagioJucato, thanks it's good now
16:39.17dauoalagiologixoul, thanks, too.
16:39.23Jucatokicker does that at times.. suddenly hiding
16:39.34dauoalagiono, i had it hiding already.
16:39.43dauoalagioand i guess accidentally clicked something
16:39.46dauoalagioand it screwed up
16:39.57Jucatodauoalagio: yes, it sometimes relocates itself with a wrong click/mouse movement
16:40.00dauoalagioand i didn't know the command, KControl, to get in.
16:40.25*** join/#kde Dr_willis (n=willis@
16:40.32dauoalagioall right, cool, thanks
16:40.48*** join/#kde akki (n=akki@
16:40.53*** part/#kde dauoalagio (
16:41.05Jucatoakki, annma: did restarting KDE work?
16:41.13annmaakki: no it did not work
16:41.23Jucatoaw... :(
16:41.26*** join/#kde _knoppix (
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16:42.14*** join/#kde ZeroCarontE (n=zce@
16:42.25akkiannma, had to reboot couldn't catch your response to weather installing fonts as root worked ?
16:42.34annmano, it did not
16:42.43annmarestarting KDE did not work either
16:42.48*** join/#kde Worf (
16:43.00annmaI did not reboot totally, just restarted KDE and X
16:43.01a9913arts is pretty slow on my system, how do i speed it up?
16:43.09ZeroCarontEhow can i set up top menu (os x style) for kde applications, WITHOUT kde? (like a configuration file)
16:43.15Oleg_annma: Please go to and find videos called "Tormented Years" there. The site is in French, so I can't understand it. Also, the name of the user who posted those videos was probably Frenchbubbly.
16:43.17annmaa9913: how do you know arts is slow?
16:43.40*** join/#kde fibonacci (
16:43.46annmaZeroCarontE: you odn't have KControl at all?
16:44.04annmaif yo have kde apps yo might have kcontrol
16:44.34ZeroCarontEannma, hmm nope..
16:44.53a9913annma: when i start playing something using arts as output driver, it takes atleast 3-5 secs for it to start playing. however, using alsa, it works perfectly.
16:45.01ZeroCarontEi only have kdelibs
16:45.09annmause alsa then if it works
16:45.16logixoulZeroCarontE: in ~/.kde/share/config/kicker_menubarpanelrc set IExist to true instead of false
16:45.24logixoulZeroCarontE: (might not work)
16:45.31Jucatoafaik, that Mac OS-like bar is part of kicker
16:45.56*** part/#kde wolsni (
16:45.59annmalogixoul: will it work without kicker?
16:46.02*** join/#kde tagx (
16:46.32logixoulZeroCarontE: you can't
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16:46.46ZeroCarontElogixoul, i dont have it.. well, im actually trying to make kde apps work with gnome-macmenu-applet :P they say gnome-macmenu-applet works with kde applications (with kde setting that)
16:46.53Oleg_annma: Please go to and find videos called "Tormented Years" there. The site is in French, so I can't understand it. Also, the name of the user who posted those videos was probably Frenchbubbly.
16:47.40logixoulZeroCarontE: gnome has a macmenu applet? wow.
16:47.52logixoulZeroCarontE: oh, then wait
16:48.13Dr_willisIm often suprised that a lot of the OS-9 Ideas havent been used in other window managers.
16:48.40Jucatoannma: still no e-mail?
16:48.44ZeroCarontElogixoul, yes, but it needs a gtk+ patch :D
16:48.47annmaJucato: still no
16:48.56Jucatook.. I'm getting worried...
16:50.06*** join/#kde BlackBsd (n=brian@
16:50.27Oleg_annma: are you gonna do it or not?
16:50.52annmaOleg_: i don't have time right now, what is there to do next?
16:51.12logixoulDr_willis: for example?
16:51.19Oleg_annma: after that, I don't need anything from you. :) Just find those videos.
16:51.21*** join/#kde XVampireX (
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16:51.38Dr_willislogixoul,  those little popout-drawers.. is the one im thinking of right now. :P
16:51.56Dr_willislooking at my old imac.. debating putting Linux or OS-9 back on it.
16:52.29logixoulDr_willis: well, i don't know what these drawers are anyway :)
16:52.30Jucatodrawers? doesn't GNOME have those?
16:52.39Dr_willisits amazing for as old as os-9 is - how well done it is compared to todays gui's
16:52.41Jucatognome-panel to be exact?
16:53.10Dr_willislogixoul,  little side tabs on the screen edges.. ya mous eover thhem and they 'pop open' to let ya get to the icons/files  just a nice way to organize things.
16:53.19logixoulZeroCarontE: you do have ~/.kde right?
16:53.24ZeroCarontElogixoul, yup
16:53.26Dr_willisOS-X dont have the feature any more either.
16:53.37logixoulZeroCarontE: do you have ~/.kde/share/config/kickerrc
16:53.56ZeroCarontElogixoul, nop
16:53.57Jucatologixoul: he doesn't have all of KDE installed, afaik
16:54.05logixoulJucato: yeah, i know
16:54.14JucatoDr_willis: I really think GNOME has that... which KDE doesn't...
16:54.55logixoulZeroCarontE: create this file and add the following to it:
16:54.56logixoul[Menubar Panel]
16:55.03akkiannma, so fonts work only when installed as  user, could it be a permissions issue ?
16:55.22Dr_willisJucato,  the more i used gnome... the more i realize how kde is so much better. :)
16:55.45*** join/#kde expose (n=expose@
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16:55.52JucatoDr_willis: hehe I wasn't implying that GNOME was better. Just saying that GNOME has drawers, while KDE doesn't :P
16:56.18Dr_willisJucato,  not noticed those in gnome. I figure they would be too 'complex' for people to understand. :)
16:56.24ZeroCarontElogixoul, didnt work, but well, i dont have this either: kicker_menubarpanelrc
16:56.34Dr_willisHow to make things Idiot-friendly - remove features.
16:56.39*** join/#kde TheAsh (n=ash@
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16:58.43Dr_willisHmm.. I just noticed that Konqueror's print page  dialog is MUCH better done then firefox's
16:59.11JucatoKonqueror's File dialog is also better :P
16:59.34Dr_willisI just like to print web pages '2 pages per page' - silly firefox makes it a pain..
17:00.04*** join/#kde el (
17:00.11Jucatohi el!
17:00.12fibonacciKonqueror uses  CSS 3 right ?
17:00.38*** join/#kde Jejem (n=Jejem@
17:00.44logixoulfibonacci: css3 is partially implemented
17:00.54elhi Jucato :)
17:01.00ZeroCarontElogixoul, can u post me your kicker_menubarpanelrc?
17:01.28Jucatoel: haven't seen you in a long time. busy with work? how's the Season of Usability coming along?
17:01.53logixoulZeroCarontE: it still won't work, but here:
17:02.09elJucato, yes, i was quite busy - had some full-day meetings without internet access :-|
17:02.23elJucato, season is doing great! we've already got some applications by students
17:02.24Jucatoaw... :(
17:02.25logixoul(am i flooding? hope not)
17:02.37*** join/#kde TeaSeaLancs (n=thunderc@
17:02.49elJucato, and how are you?
17:02.49Jucatoel: The GIMP is one of the projects right?
17:02.50*** join/#kde kakarot (
17:04.00elJucato, the GIMP was a pilot project. now we got the following ones:
17:04.01Jucatoel: been a bit busy, too, trying to write up a theming guide :)
17:04.01elJucato, cool!
17:04.01Jucatooooh basket
17:04.01*** part/#kde akki (n=akki@
17:04.01elJucato, yes. and there will 2 more projects be added
17:04.01Dr_willisHeh - how about a guide to 'what NOT to do with themes'
17:04.04Jucatonice :)
17:04.09JucatoDr_willis: explain :P
17:04.14Dr_willisIts amazing the # of cruddy themes/packages im finding at
17:04.19elJucato, is your guide online already?
17:04.21Jucatohah! yeah!
17:04.40Dr_willisI mean if its a  kde 'theme' file - it goes over THERE.. not over here with the windowdecoration...
17:04.47Jucatoel: I sent annma and Sho_ the text file for review
17:05.00JucatoDr_willis: in the guide, I tried to link to the appropraite KDE-Look sections
17:05.13Dr_willisand 'concept/prototype/mockups' dont belong in with the actual downloadable themes. :)
17:05.19elJucato, where will it be published?
17:05.21Jucatobut seriously, I think KDE-Look needs a bit of reorganization and quality check
17:05.37Jucatoel: hopefully in the user guide, if it gets approved :)
17:05.46logixoulDr_willis: there's for those
17:05.52Jucatomy first KDE contribution, and first doc for that matter...
17:05.52elJucato, sure it will :)
17:06.09*** part/#kde Oleg_ (
17:06.27Jucatohehe... it's my first time to write an "official" guide.. so I'm a bit anxious...
17:06.48JucatoI haven't had enough time to read through the Documentation standards/policies...
17:08.42elJucato, the syntax policies or the writing style?
17:08.49Jucatowriting style
17:08.58*** join/#kde Dark_Apostrophe (n=linuxp2p@unaffiliated/dablade)
17:09.17Jucatoannma told me to send the guide in plain text. she'll be the one to convert it to docbook
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17:09.56icwiener_convert[tm] ;)
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17:11.12icwiener_Jucato: But it's easier to only insert the markup then write a whole doc from scratch...
17:11.26JucatoI couldn't sleep without knowing if she received the e-mail already... :(
17:11.37Jucatoicwiener_: yeah, but I know nothing about docbook :)
17:11.44Dr_willissend her an email asking if she got the email..
17:11.53JucatoDr_willis: bah! :P
17:12.09JucatoI could (and did) convert it to HTML, though. but she prefers plain text
17:12.10elJucato, docbook is really easy. and lauri wrote a good reference guide once
17:12.34icwiener_Jucato: Yes, it's not that easy starting that. I started modifying existing docs. That was a bit easier. :)
17:13.12icwiener_Jucato: Yes, that way she would have to delete the html markup first -> more work.
17:13.14*** join/#kde Oleg_ (
17:13.31Jucatonice! PDF version.. so I could read it on my phone :P
17:13.38Oleg_canllaith: Fuck you, you little bitch, you can ban me, if you want to. FUCK
17:13.53icwiener_Oleg_: behave
17:13.57Oleg_bitch ass Jessica
17:14.44icwiener_Please so. grant me the permisson to punch people's face over standard TCP/IP :D
17:15.15icwiener_Oleg_: Just go, if you are angry.
17:15.34*** mode/#kde [+o Sho_] by ChanServ
17:15.38*** kick/#kde [Oleg_!i=ehs1@konversation/developer/hein] by Sho_ (Sho_)
17:16.06*** join/#kde Oleg_ (
17:16.08icwiener_Sho_: I was going to solve this diplomatically. ;)
17:16.13Oleg_Jessica is a bitch
17:16.30*** join/#kde magyar (
17:16.33Jucatoicwiener_: you still have a chance now :)
17:17.01icwiener_No, not for recidivists. :)
17:17.26elJucato, i'm leaving again. but tomorrow and next week i'll again be more around :)
17:17.26*** join/#kde simon23 (
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17:18.00icwiener_one that offends again and again and again...
17:18.05*** part/#kde fannagoganna (n=tanim@mail.astro.Virginia.EDU)
17:18.09Jucatoah ok
17:18.17*** join/#kde _Sketch_ (
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17:18.59_Sketch_I finally got Scim/Skim working. It's kinda...kludgy, though.
17:19.06*** mode/#kde [+b *!n=Oleg@*] by Sho_
17:19.10*** kick/#kde [Oleg_!i=ehs1@konversation/developer/hein] by Sho_ (Sho_)
17:19.41*** join/#kde Anon65 (i=Anon01@unaffiliated/anon65)
17:20.13*** mode/#kde [-o Sho_] by Sho_
17:20.23NthDegreewho's jessica :|
17:20.31logixoulNthDegree: canllaith
17:20.43JucatoJessica Hall
17:20.44Anon65Who here kicked Oleg?
17:20.49JucatoKDE Marketing, iirc
17:20.56logixoulAnon65: Sho_
17:21.22NthDegreelogixoul, does that mean I can make jokes about the finger command :p
17:21.38Anon65Was Oleg trying to have sex with the ops again?
17:22.28NthDegreebest way to look at this is.................. KDE is sexy ;-)
17:22.31Anon65Have a nice day everyone.
17:22.33Sho_Anon65: If he was, I'd say he needs advice on how to entice other people quite badly
17:22.42Anon65Sho: He does, no doubt.
17:22.50*** join/#kde jordo23 (
17:24.15*** part/#kde Anon65 (i=Anon01@unaffiliated/anon65)
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17:26.09Sho_foooood! bbl
17:29.17NthDegreei think this applies to him quite well:
17:31.33Dr_willisI had one once... it interfeared with my IRC time.
17:32.01Dr_willis'take my wife, please!'
17:32.14Jucatobe glad she can't read that :P
17:32.19Dr_willisshe thought 'black friday' was some sort of 'racial' term....
17:32.39Dr_willisthat dident stop her from shopping from 5 am to 11:00pm anyway!
17:32.58Jucatoholy thursday...
17:33.08Dr_williswoke me up... "best buy is supposed to have $250 laptops! lets go get one" - Yea right..............
17:33.36Dr_willisTold her to pick me up a PS3 if she found one... also.
17:33.39*** join/#kde junkY_San (
17:33.40NthDegreeevil laptops
17:33.44NthDegreeEVIL DIE!!!!
17:34.08Dr_willisI got one.. i rarely use much these days
17:34.20Dr_willisits the 'take it upstairs for her to use as a pc on the kitchen table' pc.
17:34.49NthDegreelaptops are a PITA
17:35.05Jucatoah! I know what I want... tablet pc's :)
17:35.12Jucatoor ultra-mobile computers
17:35.12NthDegreethey are unreliable, slow and their hardware is put together with glue
17:35.14_Sketch_More than one?
17:35.42Jucatoif I could afford, why not? hehe j/k
17:36.07Jucatobah.. time to sleep...
17:36.15Jucatohave to get up early for mass :(
17:37.30Jucatobye! :)
17:37.31*** part/#kde Jucato (n=jucato@
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17:47.18logixoulxushi: no, but kcron does
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18:04.51WinterLilycan anyone help me with a slax problem?
18:05.12WinterLilyI'm booting slax with a usb flash drive, it boots but does not seem to load the modules
18:05.22Sho_WinterLily: Perhaps, although #slax (if it exists) or #slackware (the distro Slax is derived from) are likely to be much better candidates
18:05.34Sho_WinterLily: Ok, that's entirely out of the realm of #kde I'm afraid :)
18:05.42WinterLilyty :)
18:05.58*** join/#kde mdd (n=diederic@
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18:37.33Ze_Mhow can i run a kde app in english through the console?
18:37.47jackycsalut les gens :)
18:37.50pinotreeKDE_LANG=en_US kapp
18:37.54pinotreeZe_M: ^
18:38.17jackycy'a des gens qui parlent francais ici? :o
18:38.30pinotreejackyc: english here, please
18:38.40jackycpinotree> ok
18:38.55jackycpinotree> hi :)
18:39.33jackyc> hello every body :)
18:40.05jackyc> i have a little problem, but it's not easy to explain it in english
18:40.39icwiener_give it a try :)
18:40.49[GALAXY]great, problem solved then :)
18:41.11jackycoki, but must take a dictionary at furst. lol
18:42.03*** join/#kde blacklotus_ (
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18:42.24icwiener_jackyc: Or try #kde-fr if it exists...
18:42.25Dimitry_how to switch the destop with a konsole command
18:42.50jackychow can i see if my artswrapper have the rights suid root? :o
18:43.16Dimitry_chmod u+s artswrapper
18:43.36icwiener_That's not "see", that's "set".
18:43.37jackycicwiener_> no, it's not exist.
18:44.46jackycno, no problem, i go to try to resolve the problem in english...
18:44.47bluestormdcop kwin KWinInterface nextDesktop
18:45.13jackycchmod u+s artswrapper, sets the rights suid root? :o
18:45.29Dimitry_bluestorm, can i specify the desktop..and not next deskop?
18:45.50bluestormdcop kwin KWinInterface will list you the whole functions you can call
18:46.03pinotreeor just use kdcop
18:46.03Dimitry_will see
18:46.46bluestormdcop kwin KWinInterface setCurrentDesktop 4   seem's like what you're looking for
18:47.23*** join/#kde twingemini1959 (
18:47.36Dimitry_muhaha - it works
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18:55.23lynxlynxlynxi'm annoyed by something and can't remember if it is a regression or not. When something sends/receives a "mouse click release" it gets treated as a normal lclick. Example: I rclick to open the context menu, move the mouse over it and release the button. The result is as if I clicked on it
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18:56.19lynxlynxlynxthis time i detached a konsole tab >:(
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18:59.01PhilRodlynxlynxlynx: same here, but surely that behaviour makes sense?
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18:59.23icwiener_I remember it works that way in every GUI I used.
18:59.32lynxlynxlynxnot to me, the neto is a double click
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19:02.34seishhas anyone had k3b writer bugs when they switched to 2.6 kernel
19:03.09seishmy k3b writes cds and dvds just fune on 2.4, but on 2.6 it just ruins cds and ejects them
19:03.14PhilRodseish: I think there are some known bugs with particular 2.6 kernel versions and k3b - search
19:03.37lynxlynxlynxold kernels
19:03.51seishPhilRod: thx. I have 2.6.18 btw
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19:04.03x_linkAll my Control Center files are gone, they are in Lost+Found in the K Menu.
19:04.16x_linkA guy helped me with this the last time.
19:04.21x_linkmv /etc/xdg/menus/kde-applications-merged/ /etc/xdg/menus/applications-merged
19:04.22icwiener_x_link: Debian Etch?
19:04.28x_linkBut that command doesn't work this time.
19:04.31x_linkicwiener_: Debian Testing.
19:04.41icwiener_x_link: wait a sec
19:04.45x_linkDebian Testing, KDE 3.5
19:04.48x_linkicwiener_: Okey.
19:05.45*** join/#kde dmbkiwi (
19:05.49pinotreex_link: update kdleibs from unstable
19:05.51icwiener_x_link: ln -s /etc/xdg/menus/applications-merged /etc/xdg/menus/kde-applications-merged solves the problem, but maybe you have to delete the symlink when upgrading kdebase.
19:06.02pinotreex_link: or wait for it to go down to testing
19:06.17x_linkI'am using Debian Testing.
19:06.25x_linkI want to fix this.
19:06.26icwiener_pinotree: I'm on sid but it's still the same thing here.
19:06.53pinotreeicwiener_: is your sid uptodate?
19:06.59funkyouhas someone tried to install and use suses kickoff menu on another distro as suse?
19:07.05icwiener_pinotree: Yes, a few hours ago.
19:07.32pinotreeicwiener_: sure? a friend of mine (sid user) fixed that i a recent kdelibs upgrade
19:07.41icwiener_pinotree: and updates available again... ;)
19:09.41icwiener_pinotree: The recent dist-upgrade complained about the symlink I set a few days ago. After removing it, it installed just fine but my kcontroll is stioll empty and all the stuff is in "Lost+Founs" or similar.
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19:21.17TheGateKeeperHi Folks
19:22.43TheGateKeeperI am using gentoo & enlightenment desktop, but I have emerged kate, when I press terminal I don't get a terminal prompt, is that because I also need to emerge konsole too?
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19:23.49TheGateKeeperthanx Sho_
19:23.53lynxlynxlynxof course
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19:25.40Heavenquakekate-related question postet here because there aren't many on #kate: what file in the kate sourcecode manages what happens when the app starts?
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19:26.22annmahmmm, main.cpp?
19:26.25jackyci have a big problem...
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19:27.12jackycknotify don't read sound at all... Some body knows how i can resolve this? :o
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19:27.35Heavenquakeanma: It doesn't seem to exist, but I guess it's katemain.cpp then?
19:27.35annmajackyc: what does it use?
19:27.50jackycannma> arts demon
19:28.03annmaI did not look, usually we have a main.cpp
19:28.11annmajackyc: set another player
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19:28.27jackychow can i make this? :o
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19:28.52annmajackyc: KControl -> sound
19:29.25annmaSystem Notifications and Player Settings
19:29.48Sho_Heavenquake: It's katemain.cpp, yes
19:29.52jackycannma> and then, i take "configure the reader?"
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19:30.33jackycannma> in knotify? :o
19:31.08annmajackyc: KControl -> sound & multimedia
19:31.14annmaSystem Notifications and Player Settings
19:31.33annmaUse an external player
19:31.47jackycand then, what player can i take? :o
19:32.13annmaaplay for example
19:32.30annmaor ogg123
19:32.47jackycannma> what is the path of aplay or ogg123 please? :o
19:32.54lynxlynxlynxwhich aplay
19:33.01annmain r/bin
19:33.08annmain /usr/bin
19:33.21jackycannma> oki
19:35.05jackycannma> it's not read sound again... :(
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19:36.12annmaverify that the player works
19:36.31jackycannma> how? :o
19:36.40*** part/#kde TheGateKeeper (
19:36.42lynxlynxlynxaplay some.wav
19:37.11jackyclynxlynxlynx> is it read mp3's?
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19:37.53jackyclynxlynxlynx> but i have no *.wav s
19:37.54annmatry ogg123 for notifications
19:37.57annmatry ogg123 for notifications
19:38.14lynxlynxlynxmusic previews won't work
19:38.30lynxlynxlynxi guess it would be hard to find a really lightweight player
19:38.34icwiener_Is there a way to give a command like "ogg123 -q" so it won't spam the console?
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19:38.55jackycannma> it's not work with ogg123
19:39.12icwiener_jackyc: Do you habe .ogg files?
19:39.30jackycicwiener_> nope :(
19:39.59icwiener_Erm, in notifications I have .wav and .ogg files.
19:40.27jackycicwiener_> but, what is they path? :o
19:41.06lynxlynxlynxyou get plenty of wavs with kde
19:41.21icwiener_in Debian
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19:41.48jackycicwidner_> ok, i go to try this way. I'm in fedora core 5
19:42.30jackycicwiener_> yes, it's a same folder :)
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19:43.24jackychow i can to test ogg123 now? :o
19:44.49icwiener_ogg123 /usr/share/sounds/somefile.ogg
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19:45.22jackycicwiener_> it's not work. It's blocking
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19:46.27jackycicwiener_> yes, i must make [ctrl]+c for stop it
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19:46.45jackycicwiener_> and it's not read nothing
19:46.52icwiener_And no sound to hear?
19:47.26jackycicwiener_> no sound hear :(
19:47.39icwiener_Have you sound atall ?
19:47.59jackycicwiener_> yes, i have sound :)
19:48.37icwiener_What applications work?
19:48.57jackycrealplay, i think
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19:49.48icwiener_umm, don't know what system it uses...
19:50.11jackycicwiener_> me too. lol
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19:51.44jackycicwiener_> how can i download again applications as ogg123? :o With yum? :o
19:51.46icwiener_I think you have to set up sound in the first place. For that, ask in #fedora (or what's the name). When ogg123 plays sound, you can use it to play KDE notifications.
19:52.16icwiener_jackyc: That's too fedora-specific.
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19:53.21jackycicwiener_> and if i do "yum list fedora-specific", it will download ogg123, and maybe working? :o
19:53.39icwiener_jackyc: I do not know fedora at all.
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19:54.32icwiener_jackyc: Ask in #fedora or #fedora-fr
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20:17.00killownkde 4 go to use Xorg?
20:17.24PhilRodyour question doesn't really make sense
20:17.29PhilRodkde 3 can use xorg
20:17.36PhilRodkde 4 will be able to
20:17.44PhilRodbut I suspect you mean something different
20:18.03Sho_PhilRod: I bet a virtual chocolate cookie he means XGL/AIGLX ;)
20:18.04killownPhilRod I ask if kde go to need to use xorg?
20:18.14PhilRodZe_M: no ctcp please
20:18.24ShadowcatZe_M: wtf are you doing?
20:18.24Ze_MPhilRod: it gaved a ctcp?
20:18.42Ze_MPhilRod: weird...
20:19.07Sho_'Ze_M: KVIrc 3.2.5 'Anomalies' 20061110 - build Tue Nov 21 09:24:18 UTC 2006 - x86_64-cefgikoprsAGTZ - Linux (2.6.18-rc7.1mdv)' ... ah, the competition ;-)
20:19.24Ze_MSho_: thats a ctcp version wich is very different from what i have done, i didnt click to get any ctcp
20:19.57pinotreeZe_M: read the topic please
20:20.00Sho_Ze_M: You sent two AVATAR CTCPs to the whole channel, probably a weird KVirc feature for funky user pictures
20:20.22Sho_(I love pseudo-standards)
20:20.23Ze_MSho_: but here in wich i clicked wasnt saying ctcp, ok
20:20.43Ze_Mthats why im saying it was weird
20:21.13Sho_Ze_M: Well if my speculation is right it's probably using CTCP to request the funky user pictures from the other clients
20:21.42Ze_Myes its an ctcp avatar but was named as avatr notification
20:23.55Ze_Mups, sorry
20:24.07*** join/#kde shining__ (
20:24.42*** mode/#kde [+o pinotree] by ChanServ
20:24.51*** kick/#kde [Ze_M!n=pino@kde/developer/pino] by pinotree (there are rules)
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20:24.58killownwhy kde 4 go to more fast?
20:25.15Ze_Mpinotree: i asked sorry, i clicked by mistake, didnt you saw what i said?
20:25.32MuJqt4 is more efficient than qt3?
20:25.34pinotreei was patient for the first two
20:25.44Ze_Mwhat a love to kick people
20:25.55pinotreewhat a love to igore rules
20:26.00Ze_Myes but was by mistake
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20:26.13Ze_Mwasnt on purpose, thats why i said sorry
20:26.13pinotreethen be careful!!!!!!!!!
20:26.16MuJwhat a love to... aaww I'll just drink beer. cheers!
20:26.26Sho_MuJ: Yes, it is
20:26.33Ze_MMuJ: ehehehehe
20:26.37icwiener_Ze_M: It's better to play around with features in a room you created for testing. :)
20:26.49MuJSho_: should make kde4 more efficient too =)
20:26.53Ze_Micwiener_: of course, but i wasnt testing any
20:26.56pinotreethis is not a sandbox
20:27.33icwiener_Ze_M: It seemed as if though. :)
20:27.36Sho_It needs to be said that I'm obviously biased, but let me say in Ze_M's defense that it's very easy for KVirc to misbehave ;)
20:27.46PhilRodlol Sho_ :-)
20:27.58killownkde without XORG?
20:28.11icwiener_killown: Yes.
20:28.12*** join/#kde Tiger (n=Faust@unaffiliated/tiger)
20:28.19icwiener_killown: With XFree.
20:28.21killownicwiener_ how as?
20:28.35killownwithout Xfree?
20:29.02lynxlynxlynxwith xorg
20:29.09lynxlynxlynxyou get the pattern :)
20:29.27killownwhy kde 4 is more fast?
20:29.33icwiener_killown: What do you want to run KDE with?
20:29.57*** mode/#kde [-o pinotree] by pinotree
20:30.32pinotreeWARNING: personal rant, just ignore
20:30.47pinotreei'm PISSED OFF of people threating this channel as a sandbox
20:30.52PhilRodkillown: kde 4 isn't done yet, so no one really knows definitely whether it will be faster or slower
20:31.00icwiener_pinotree: Just curious. Why do you take away the operator status after doing the "job"?
20:31.02pinotreei'm PISSED OFF of people complaining here for foobar reasons
20:31.17lynxlynxlynxpinotree &> blog
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20:31.37pinotreelynxlynxlynx: i have no blog
20:32.08lynxlynxlynxi didn't have one either until something pissed me off that much
20:32.34lynxlynxlynxangry text is always fun to read
20:34.00pinotreeand Sho_, please do NOT implement that stuff in konversation, EVER
20:34.54Sho_pinotree: I don't plan to
20:35.00fibonaccisorry what was that pinotree ?
20:35.08Sho_There are enough crappy pseudo-standards as it is
20:35.42*** join/#kde Chiuchu (
20:36.03icwiener_Sho_: But you could implement fixed background pictures pinned to the upper right or upper left... ;)
20:36.20Sho_icwiener_: In the KDE 4 version, where it will be much easier
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20:36.46icwiener_Sho_: Ok. :)
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20:37.12fibonacciWhen is KDE 4 most likely to be released ?
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20:37.19icwiener_I am not a friend of pictured... but I saw it in another app and it looked nice.
20:37.23pinotreeSho_: can't you already set a pixmap in the background palette?
20:37.32Sho_icwiener_: I can't speak for pino, but the reason I deop after doing "the job" is that I don't want people to treat me as an operator. All that authority crap just creates tension.
20:37.39icwiener_fibonacci: second half 2007
20:37.47AlexElliotticwiener_, as to why people don't keep their ops, FreeNode has a policy of not wanting you to keep them
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20:38.21AlexElliottFor the reason quoted by Sho_ in fact
20:38.31icwiener_Sho_: AlexElliott: Ok, thx. :)
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20:39.36Sho_pinotree: Konvi does have a wallpaper option, but it scrolls with the text since it uses the QTextDocument ... never thought about the palette, actually (I don't use a bg)
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20:44.02icwiener_Sho_: I saw another nice feature.
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20:45.00icwiener_Sho_: When typing "/ser" it pops up some kind of tooltip showing "/server servername [port]"
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20:45.33icwiener_Like in Eclipse. ;)
20:45.45Sho_icwiener_: Command completion is planned for a future release.
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20:46.14_Sketch_Heh. icwiener..
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20:46.30icwiener_Sho_: Ok. :)
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21:01.32bUscherwhere is the kmenu config file? I cant delete a item with kmenuedit, and it doesnt give me usefull output
21:02.49Sho_bUscher: The relevant specs are and
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21:04.01fuffehow to view hidden files in kde?
21:04.17Sho_fuffe: View -> Show Hidden Files in Konqueror
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21:05.48Sho_pinotree: Conclusion is that QTextEdit implements its own background drawing using a QBrush, ignores setStaticBackground(true) from QScrollView, and has no equivalent for it. Found an ML mail from '04 where Trolltech acknowledges the bug, but that's that ;)
21:06.07pinotreeouch, that sucks
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21:12.12DralaFiI'm trying to get kde to pop up a window alerting me that a usb device was found. This works in kubuntu with the initrd, but i'm trying to have an initrd-less system. udev is running. HAL is running, dbus is running. I can't see what's wrong. Can anyone offer some help? Especially on how to diagnose which part is not working.
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21:16.43funkyoucan someone tell me where i can find kmenubase.h? i want to compile something, but it seems to need this file which is not on my system...
21:17.38pinotreefunkyou: suse_kickoff?
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21:19.13funkyoui want to compile it on arch linux... patches apply clean and kdelibs is already done, but the kdebase build stops because it does not find this file...
21:19.43pinotreefunkyou: that file is generated from a .ui
21:19.51canllaithSho_, thanks for banning Oleg earlier.
21:20.06[GALAXY]ahh that oleg guy :)
21:20.08canllaithHe should be permanantly banned from this channel.
21:20.12[GALAXY]oleg and boleg :)
21:21.25*** join/#kde IceD^ (n=iced@
21:21.32funkyoupinotree: kmenubase.ui.h is there, but it seems that kmenubase.h is not generated
21:22.36funkyoumoment... i paste the last lines of the compilation, maybe you know whats going on here...
21:22.53lynxlynxlynxDralaFi: you could check that dbus sends the message; the versions of the programs are also important
21:23.32_Sketch_Yeah, hug the tree..
21:23.34canllaithI think you are becoming a bit tired of IRC my friend.
21:23.44pinotreecanllaith: of irc, no
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21:24.50DralaFilynxlynxlynx, The versions should be same, as I'm just overriding initrd. This works with the initrd. AFAIK, initrd only sets up udev, which I also do out of initrd. Hal-device | grep block.device doesn't show a recently added usb stick, even though dmesg does.
21:25.13sasqcan anyone tell me how to get ctags to work in kdevelop?
21:26.30DralaFilynxlynxlynx, I don't know how to look at dbus messages. Seems I have no tool to do that. Can you suggest anything?
21:27.13lynxlynxlynxit must have log, maybe dbus-monitor can be used too
21:28.17lynxlynxlynxsasq: is it installed?
21:28.37DralaFilynxlynxlynx, I don't have dbus-monitor. I'll go look for it.
21:29.00sasqlynxlynxlynx: yes
21:29.10lynxlynxlynxdbus 0.93 and .94 have it
21:29.34DralaFiI have dbus-0.60 :/
21:29.37lynxlynxlynxsasq: that's as far as i can go ;)
21:30.04sasqi have some indexing - It lists completions sometimes. But I dont get any "jump to definition" etc in the context menu
21:30.05lynxlynxlynxbetter stay there, or it will be even messier
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21:43.32pinotreecanllaith: ping
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21:46.34StevenRpinotree: ICMP_redirect :P
21:48.15canllaithpinotree: pong
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21:49.06PhilRodheya StevenR
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22:00.29dauoalagiohello, my taskbar keeps disappaering everytime i change desktops.  to make it appear i need to run kicker.
22:01.59dauoalagiohow can i make it constant?
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22:04.23PhilRodcontrol center -> desktop -> panels -> hiding -> "only hide when a panel hiding button is clicked"
22:04.27PhilRoddauoalagio: ^^^^
22:04.42dauoalagiocheck or uncheck?
22:04.57dauoalagiowait nevermind.
22:05.13dauoalagioPhilRod, still doesn't work
22:06.36PhilRodheya pinotree
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22:15.57lynxlynxlynxenabling the focus delay fixed the focus-follows-mouse flickering
22:16.10lynxlynxlynxsetting it low makes no difference :)
22:16.33DralaFiHow does one make the KDE Deamon window (nice util with actions that can be performed on a removable device (KDE > 3.5)) work with HAL? I got HAL working but kde doean't seem to react to anything being hotplugged....
22:16.54lynxlynxlynxdoes hal react?
22:17.10DralaFilshal does change if I plug/unplug a device
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22:17.49canllaithDralaFi: HAL is a compile time dependancy
22:18.02canllaithSo if the HAL development libraries aren't installed at the time you compile KDE, it wont have the HAL backend.
22:18.04lynxlynxlynxyou could try restarting kded if you played with the other daemons a lot
22:18.10Ringwraith`if hal malfunctions well it'll kill ya! :)
22:18.15canllaithAre you using packages, or did you compile?
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22:18.45canllaithIn that case it should work
22:18.53DralaFicanllaith, I have HAL and it works if I use the kubuntu initrd. If I don't use initrd (bunch of md and lvm stuff that I don't need), this HAL <-> KDE communication seems not to take place.
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22:19.56DralaFiI really did think I copied all relevant stuff out of the initrd. Hal works. Udev works. Dbus works.
22:20.26canllaithI can only suggest then that you try including other bits from the kubuntu initrd one at a time until it starts working?
22:20.39canllaithIt's a bit dull, but off the top of my head I have no idea what they do (I use suse)
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22:20.47DralaFiseems to be kio_media [kdeinit] media from ps output
22:21.15DralaFicanllaith, doesn't suse also use initrd?
22:21.35canllaithYeah, but I haven't bothered modifying it :)
22:22.23Ringwraith`Kay hippie IIII    OOO ;p
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22:35.51srednaSho_: Sorry, I got away from that.
22:36.16srednaIn fact I did check out that file, but I didn't get around to editing it
22:36.25canllaithsredna: hey :)
22:36.32srednaHi canllaith :-)
22:37.29srednaI just celebrated my 45th birthday, just so you know it
22:37.42canllaithNice, what did you do to mark the occasion?
22:38.08Dark_ApostropheHappy birthday, sredna
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22:38.22srednaI had my family over for a good meal, and the kids in the kindergarden gave me a bunch of drawings yesterday ;)
22:38.54StevenRhappy birthday anders!
22:38.57srednaThank you StevenR & Dark_Apostrophe
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22:41.20canllaithAwesome :)
22:42.18srednaWell, not a lot of festivitas, but I liked it :-)
22:42.55srednaHow is everything down under?
22:44.19canllaithGood, new job going well, weather getting warmer, everything pretty ok really :)
22:45.03DralaFigetting colder here
22:45.07DralaFiwinter coming
22:50.00lynxlynxlynxDralaFi: other side of the globe ;)
22:55.32Q-collectivecanllaith: lol
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23:08.41ArtimusWhat's the name of KDE's system tray?
23:09.16ArtimusI'm not seeing it as an option under applets
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23:10.17pinotreeArtimus: "system tray" ?
23:10.27KRFArtimus, "list of active apps" or something
23:10.57ArtimusI don't have that...
23:11.28KRFArtimus, you mean the thingie where the korganizer icon eg. is?
23:11.43ArtimusKRF: yes
23:12.34ArtimusI don't have it (Stupid Gentoo)
23:13.07KRFi have the german translation, should be something like "system ?part? of control bar"
23:13.09pinotreeArtimus: then please ask in #gentoo
23:13.22pinotreefor the name of the package with that applet
23:13.38Artimuspinotree: I did.  I hoped I was just missing something
23:13.42ArtimusDralaFi: Installed and fine...
23:16.09ArtimusWell, the good news is, the dock seems ok (kdocker can dock xchat, for instance)
23:16.29ArtimusThe bad news is, Amarok has disappeared, but it's still playing music
23:16.46pinotreeArtimus: try Win+P
23:17.16Artimuspinotree: Where the heck did it go?
23:17.24pinotreejust hidden
23:17.51teatimeArtimus: the binary is and it should be in /usr/kde/3.5/lib/kde3/
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23:18.18teatimeArtimus: if you don't have it, you're missing some package. if you do, something is broken
23:18.32Artimusteatime: The latter, but my amarok problem is solved
23:18.40teatimeit's called System Tray in the panel applet menu
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23:31.05PupenoI have just restored a backup of ~/.kde/share/app/kmail and ~/.kde/share/config/kmailrc because I am in a new installation and kmail doesn't start. I run it from the Konsole and nothing happens. 10 minutes and nothing happened. Any ideas ?
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23:33.14pinotreeno output on konsole?
23:33.57Pupenopinotree: only some regarding some input device... all aplications output that.
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23:34.25PupenoI thought that maybe it was rebuilding indices, but it's taken too long.
23:38.00teatimeis it using any cpu?
23:38.51Pupenonot more than 4%
23:39.25Pupenoit is the program that is consuming most.
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