irclog2html for #kde on 20050219

00:00.06miqorz*sigh* I'm not going to go over this with someone who doesn't accept the basic flaws of the xinerama API.
00:00.29miqorzThat's KDE's doings.
00:00.34miqorzBut Xinerama's advantages.
00:00.43aseigomiqorz: dude. i'm the one responsible for kicker working half decently on xinerama. i'm somewhat familiar with it.
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00:00.57aseigomiqorz: _what_ user visible issues do you have with it?
00:01.13sarah03Xinerama and a host of other X11 extensions are mutually incompatible. [Most specifically, DRI.]
00:01.24miqorzaseigo: In almost every window manager I've used Xinerama with there has ALLWAYS been bleeding when switching between monitors.
00:01.32miqorzWindows however is immune to that.
00:01.35slougisarah03: not really
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00:01.52sarah03slougi: Only if you're running on purely NVidia hardware.
00:01.59miqorzI have yet to try composite w/ xinerama but I'm sure it's a hoot.
00:02.05slougisarah03: at least xinerama and DRI can work together, afaik, with mergedfb, at least on radeons
00:02.06sarah03That's the *only* way Xinerama and DRI are mutually incompatible.
00:02.08aseigomiqorz: are you talking about physiclaly replacing the monitor, or moving windows between monitors, or?
00:02.10sarah03Er, are not.
00:02.26sarah03slougi: And what about if you're not running a single radeon with 2 video outputs? Do you see where I'm going?
00:02.29miqorzaseigo: window moving
00:02.44slougisarah03: mergedfb should still work in that case?
00:02.45sarah03I can have DRI and 2 distinct desktops, or no DRI and one big desktop.
00:03.11aseigomiqorz: kwinIII handles it well IME =)
00:03.42aseigoi'll admit that's Xinerama implementation blows goats
00:03.50miqorzIt's a shame you NEED that much power to make up for Xinerama's shitty performance.
00:03.53aseigobut Xinerama itself, done well (e.g. twinview), works nicely
00:04.06aseigomiqorz: it's not the cpu, it's the video card driver
00:04.09sarah03slougi: You know, I've *never* gotten Xinerama and DRI working simultaneously.
00:04.21miqorzaseigo: I know this...
00:04.38miqorzI have a GeForce4 and that SHOULD be plenty to not have bleeding.
00:04.42miqorzI know Windows never did.
00:04.44sarah03I think I might have a way to work around that, if I feel like running Xdmx, too. But if that doesn't qualify as ugly hack, I don't know what does.
00:04.53slougisarah03: well i have to admit i haven't tried it myself, but mergedfb should work according to posts on some freedesktop mailing lists, and according to the docs
00:05.07aseigomiqorz: drivers. yes. this is where X needs help. it's not something inherent in the Xinerama API or design though
00:05.10slougiheh, that _would_ be an ugly hack
00:05.39miqorzaseigo: I'm sure your coding skills could put me to shame ANY day. But some things I DO know about. =)
00:05.45aseigoX badly needs high end 3D video card drivers ... the matrox ones tend to be quite good, but they are limited to 2D
00:05.59slougiaseigo: that applies to pre-parhelia cards only
00:06.26slougifor the parhelia they are ATM telling you to go out and buy a commercial X server
00:06.27aseigoslougi: oh? i haven't tried the more recent matrox stuff ... 3D is good in the X drivers now?
00:06.27miqorzI stopped using Xinerama mainly due to the ass like performance I got from it but I NEED it for coding these days.
00:06.31slougiforget the name right now
00:06.45aseigocommercial X ... feh.
00:06.49slougithey have free drivers, but they suck _HARD_
00:07.00aseigomiqorz: yeah, i hear you about needing it for coding
00:07.01miqorzI would consider paying for a commercial X if it meant excellent xinerama.
00:07.10aseigoslougi: that is shitty =(
00:07.12sarah03Hm. Looks like MergedFB works only if you're using 2 cards that work with the same driver.
00:07.16slougixig is the comp i think? not 100% sure
00:07.20slougiaseigo: yep it is
00:07.25miqorzaseigo: hehe. I only know high level stuff like ruby.. =\
00:07.50slougiaseigo: afaik they actually are guilty of illegal marketing, having promised linux support on their site and the box
00:08.04slougisarah03: hmm, my bad then
00:08.07miqorzslougi: Which product?
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00:08.20aseigoslougi: heh. if it's available commercially, it's available, i suppose? =(
00:08.21slougimiqorz: Matrox Parhelia line
00:08.23miqorzsarah03: MergedFB?
00:08.28miqorzslougi: Ah. =)
00:08.29slougislougi: true :/
00:08.53miqorzi wish I could get my TERM settings to stick with konsole -_-
00:08.56sarah03miqorz: Puts 2 displays into one framebuffer, if I'm reading the docs correctly.
00:09.02miqorzi had to stick something in my bashrc to get trick it
00:09.12miqorzsarah03: Wow!
00:09.16miqorzThat's awesome.
00:09.37miqorzMy mother is pushing me to get a job.
00:10.01miqorzI never wanted to run 16..
00:10.18MrGrimmiqorz: make the most of your last days of freedom
00:10.23MrGrimlife is all downhill from here
00:10.34MrGrimthe older you get, the more it sucks
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00:10.40slougisarah03: as i read the docs, works on single cards too
00:10.41MrGrimand I'm only 22 :/
00:11.03slougisarah03: i have this picture in my head it was _created_ for dual-head cards
00:11.04miqorzMrGrim: I refuse to grow up!
00:11.20sarah03slougi: *nods* And I'm not running such a card.
00:11.21slougiMrGrim: pffft, go out and get drunk
00:11.29miqorzMutt is the best email client evar
00:11.30MrGrimall in good time
00:11.32slougiMrGrim: it'll all be worse in the morning ;)
00:12.06slougisarah03: ahh, sorry, what are you running then? two separate cards?
00:12.37*** part/#kde Greyhair (
00:12.37MrGrimbrucehoult: I see into my future, I see a police state and a theocracy, I see mind numbingly dull dead end jobs, I see the downfall of an already crappy education system, I see inflation and the loss of the value of the USD
00:12.41miqorzOkay. I want to take a small poll. NO ONE FLAME... What distro is everyone using? ;)
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00:12.43MrGrimI see nothing but crap in my future
00:12.54sarah03slougi: *nods* Radeon 9000 and Matrox Millenium.
00:12.55miqorzI use Arch Linux =)
00:13.06MrGrimmiqorz: gentoo
00:13.07OmegatronI complain about linux all the time.  The usability is horrible.  It gives me headaches to use this crap.  But whoever wrote the "File Already Exists" window for Konqueror that actually lets you LISTEN to the two music files that have a name conflict, you get a HUGE gold star!  That is awesome and perfect and great!
00:13.07slougisarah03: right, sorry
00:13.13miqorzMrGrim: Cool =)
00:13.19miqorzAlot of KDE users seem to like gentoo.
00:13.19slougisarah03: yeah, no working dri+xinerama on those
00:13.29slougiLinux gondolin 2.6.10 #7 Sat Feb 5 03:40:51 EET 2005 i686 AMD Duron(tm) Processor AuthenticAMD GNU/Linux
00:13.29MrGrimOmegatron: amen to the second part
00:13.51sarah03slougi: Yup. I can have DRI or I can have Xinerama. If I want both, I suppose I could run a complete and utter hack like Xdmx.
00:13.54MrGrimOmegatron: must disagree with the linux not usable stuff tho
00:13.56miqorzslougi: :P
00:14.08miqorzLinux tobias 2.6.10-ck5 #1 Wed Feb 16 18:25:50 EST 2005 i686 AMD Athlon(tm) XP 2000+ AuthenticAMD GNU/Linux
00:14.11miqorzfor me
00:14.12Omegatronyeah, yeah
00:14.15*** part/#kde Omegatron (
00:14.16MrGrimat least on a relative basis... but then again can usability be measured in an absolute way?
00:14.20slougisarah03: not sure xdmx will work either, why not run it with two screens?
00:14.35MrGrimbut, as for the big 3, un*x, windows, and mac, linux is by far th emost usable imho
00:14.39slougionly drawback is not being able to drag from one screen to the other
00:14.43sarah03slougi: Xdmx would work just fine, because the base server would have DRI, and Xdmx would provide Xinerama.
00:14.54sarah03That's the thing I can't stand about having it configured without Xinerama.
00:14.59miqorzWhat is the X commercial Unix's use?
00:15.13slougisarah03: only one of the base displays has dri, not sure xdmx is smart enough
00:15.34sarah03slougi: It just sits on top of the servers. Hell, if I want, I can run it inside of a bunch of Xnest servers.
00:15.35slougisarah03: in any case, remote glx is not accelerated afaik, which might be another factor
00:15.47slougisarah03: realize that, yes
00:16.16sarah03The idea there is if I want DRI acceleration for a certain app [generally games, though other things occasionally too], I start it against; otherwise against :1.
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00:16.47sarah03Otherwise Xdmx just provides Xinerama on top of existing X servers... they have to be running @ the same depth, but that's about it.,
00:17.32slougisarah03: *shrug* I've not had the time to really look into Xdmx, so if you wanna try it, good luck
00:17.40miqorzDoes the debian kdeartwork include plastik?
00:18.24*** join/#kde Greyhair (
00:18.43chavomiqorz, plastik is in kdebase in 3.4, not sure about earlier. It's the new default.
00:18.57miqorzI'm asking for a friend, I don't use debian.
00:19.12hitui use debian :P
00:19.43miqorzi use arch linux
00:19.48chavoneom, I've got synergy working and controlling KDE running on cygwin on my XP laptop.
00:19.56miqorzi got sick of source distros and binary distros that have -dev packages.
00:20.02sarah03slougi: *shrug* Not worried about it right now, actually.
00:20.05neomHow are you findint it?
00:20.18chavowell synergy is pretty cool
00:21.05chavobut running kde in cygwin on my XP laptop is kind of slow.
00:21.24hituwindows is slow.
00:21.36chavo3.1.4 is the latest versio of KDE that runs in cygwin.
00:21.47chavohitu, it's probably just you.
00:21.49sarah03chavo: That's because KDE assumes a UNIX process model, not a Windows process model.
00:22.04chavono it's my laptop.
00:22.20miqorzDoes ruby have qt bindings?
00:22.28aseigoand kde bindings
00:22.29miqorzim using ruby-gtk2 right now..
00:22.30sarah03No, KDE forks off various processes to do lots of things. Creating processes on Windows is espensive.
00:22.39sarah03Expensive, too.
00:22.44miqorzaseigo: =)
00:22.54sarah03fork()/exec() on Linux and most other Unix-type systems is cheap.
00:22.58chavoyeah, I'm pretty surprised how well it runs actaully.
00:23.06aseigomiqorz: do a search for korundum
00:23.14miqorzaseigo: thanks
00:23.15aseigomiqorz: in fact:
00:23.48chavoI have a wireless net connection from verizon and the modem won't work in Linux, so I keep Windows on the laptop and share the connection.
00:23.54miqorzaseigo: thank you =)
00:24.02miqorzI'm too lazy to learn C++
00:26.53miqorzAllright, I've saved my qt color scheme. How do I send it someone? Like where is the file located?
00:27.56brucehoultmiqorz: most people are incapable of properly learning C++.  And I include 90% of programmers I've worked with in that.
00:28.11slougic++ is pretty huge
00:28.23miqorzI've wanted to learn C for a while but I'm lazy.
00:28.28slougiC is easy
00:28.35miqorzi just learned ruby and ferite
00:28.47miqorzNow, how do i extract my custom color scheme?
00:28.49slougiC++ compared to C is like comparing an elephant to a cat
00:28.57brucehoultyes, C is easy to understand, btu very hard to use without creating bugs and vulnerabilities all over the place
00:29.22slougic++ is not that much better in that regard
00:29.27miqorzneom wantrs the colors I use o.o
00:29.47brucehoultslougi: not unless you toally forbid the use or C-style arrays and the C std library
00:30.01neomThere is a button that says "save scheme"
00:30.14slougibrucehoult: STL only then?
00:30.30slougibrucehoult: the problem here is that sometimes STL stuff _
00:30.34brucehoultwhich sucks in it's own way, and is often very slow
00:30.36slougilet's try again
00:30.43slougibrucehoult: the problem here is that sometimes STL stuff is way too slow
00:31.22slougimiqorz: ~/.kde3.3/share/apps/kdisplay/color-schemes/
00:31.28miqorzthank you
00:31.46slougijust a test color scheme + find ;)
00:31.56brucehoultthe STL seems to being C++ down to the same sort of speed (or slower than) as COmmon Lisp, Dylan and OCaml.
00:32.16brucehoult.. while being far harder to use effectively than those languages
00:32.18slougii don't really have experience with any of those
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00:33.08slougistill, the thing with C++ is that you can use only STL and the C++ standard library for safety, or then go with libc and C arrays when you need speed
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00:33.52slougiis objective-c as bad?
00:35.05MrGrimwhat's wrong with C++?
00:35.11MrGrimloaded question I know.. but..
00:35.12brucehoultObjective C is two languages mashed together.  Fast ANSI C for non-OO stuff and then a very powerful but very slow (similar in speed to Ruby/Python etc) object-oriented facility
00:35.30brucehoultit's just great for doing UI's, but is too slow for real number-crunching OO stuff
00:36.04slougihmm weird apple is using it for a lot of things then
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00:37.07brucehoultslougi: well, Apple has Objective-C++, which is even more of a mess :-)  But let's you do OO stuff that needs to be fast using C++, and OO stuff that needs to be flexible and reflective and dynamic in Obj-C -- and all in the same source file
00:37.54lysekis vim-component working well with kdevelop in Beta 2?
00:38.03slougic + c++ + python + $
00:38.14slougi= objective-c++ then ;)
00:38.24brucehoultpretty much
00:39.37brucehoultbut s/python/ruby/ and it's closer, since both Obj-C and Ruby take a *lot* from SmallTalk
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00:40.17slougiheh, it's sad that the only one of those languages i have ever used is python
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00:40.32slougii keep on hearing smalltalk is great though, should look into that
00:40.37slougior was
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00:42.32brucehoultslougi: *is*.  Download "squeak" and play with it
00:42.41MrGrimbrucehoult: you think maybe your enthusiam for C++ skewed your ultimate judgement of it... something similar to what I call "sequel syndrom" with movies?
00:42.42miqorzyes play it with
00:42.45miqorzbut not too much
00:42.48miqorzit might squirt
00:43.02ScytheBlade1anyone here use kdevelop on gentoo with the SVN plugin? because I can't get it to work
00:43.05ScytheBlade1or do much anything
00:43.14slougimiqorz: ...
00:43.17miqorzEmacs is my IDE of choice. :D
00:43.22miqorzslougi: :P
00:43.25ScytheBlade1well you're useful ;)
00:43.37miqorzScytheBlade1: I must spread the word of the all mighty RMS!
00:43.43MrGrimScytheBlade1: ok this might be a dumb question, but you did emerge subversion before kdevelop?
00:43.45slougiScytheBlade1: can't get the SVN plugin to work, or kdevelop?
00:43.47ScytheBlade1yeah I did
00:43.49ScytheBlade1SVN plugin
00:43.57ScytheBlade1SVN and then kdevelop
00:44.14brucehoultMrGrim: hmm .. I don't think so.  It was my 4th or 5th programming language, and I've learned another half dozen (at least)  since then
00:44.20ScytheBlade1from there, I made a new project, checked the SVN plugin and...
00:44.37ScytheBlade1I can't find *anything* related to SVN, other than the plugin info, and that's just a bunch of checkboxes
00:44.41ScytheBlade1no place to configure server, etc
00:44.59brucehoultMrGrim: don't get me wrong .. C++ is very powerfual and is one of the best all-round langugaes out there.  In the hands of a real expert it can do very great things.
00:45.16brucehoultBUt it's so *hard* to be an expert, and it's dangerious in the hands of a non-expert
00:45.21MrGrimI've never actually used the SVN plugin.. I just remember reading what was said at the end of the kdevelop emerge :P
00:45.27*** part/#kde lysek (
00:45.33ScytheBlade1plus my Import Existing Project, the "Fetch From" is grayed out when I try to import it
00:45.38ScytheBlade1MrGrim, heh, yeah me too ;)
00:45.52MrGrimbrucehoult: I would say something, but I don't trust anyone but me to judge who is an expert :P
00:46.10MrGrimso my idea wouldn't work
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00:47.24MrGrimheck, I'm not an expert yet.. at least not with C++
00:47.27miqorzis there a way to disable the most used applications thing?
00:48.24chavomiqorz, I'm not sure, I set mine to 0 and it's still showing 2 there
00:48.55miqorzchavo: Interesting.
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00:49.44chavomight need to restart kicker
00:50.36chavoyup, that did it
00:50.46miqorzwhere are the settings for that at?
00:51.14chavocontrol center -> desktop -> panels, or right click panel and Configure
00:51.25chavogo to menus tab.
00:52.37chavono problem
00:53.17*** part/#kde joredg1 (~joed@
00:53.36chavoWell, by the time I get Control Center completely memorized they'll be coming out with a new one.
00:57.49*** join/#kde FinalStrike (
01:00.20*** join/#kde Cerulean (~cerulean@giannaros.developer.kde)
01:00.24miqorzneom: dork
01:00.42miqorztime for some paul van dyk methinks
01:00.58neomI put some surround in my bedroom last weekend.
01:01.06miqorzim moving in with you
01:01.19miqorzill sleep in your floor with my computer
01:01.54*** join/#kde tmorton (~taj@
01:02.55*** join/#kde nollie (
01:02.56neomAnd the company I work for has an audio division. So I had them install a thing where when my phone rings, I have speaker phone via my surround and a mic just next to my desk that picks up my voice, it's quite nice.
01:03.04*** join/#kde FrostByte (
01:07.13miqorztechno pisses me off
01:15.10*** join/#kde oguz28 (~sdf@
01:15.17oguz28hi all
01:15.27oguz28which Linux? or UNIX?
01:15.41oguz28I am a home user
01:15.55oguz28I like WinXP very much
01:16.06oguz28advise me a Linux or UNIX
01:23.17*** join/#kde Underlord (
01:23.18*** join/#kde StevenR (
01:24.24Underlordim trying to use the kde rdc client, it complains i need rdesktop 1.3.2 (even though that version seems to not exist yet), it mentions finding a patch in  the kde cvs, where in the cvs would that be and how would i apply it?
01:25.10miqorzis that windows?
01:25.35neom@ w0rk
01:26.19*** join/#kde slackd00d (
01:27.09miqorzWhat an annoying nick and address.
01:30.43slackd00dahh too bad  =P
01:30.48*** join/#kde jorgp_ (
01:37.04*** join/#kde gregday_ (
01:37.29*** join/#kde K3VN[cloned] (
01:37.56neomI mean, what in the context of the host does it stand for?
01:40.12*** join/#kde slackd00d (
01:43.09neomShould be mandrake.
01:50.34*** join/#kde HuntsMan (
01:50.44*** join/#kde notroot (
01:51.20notrootwhat about kontact and kumula? what's better fot bussines contact database?
01:51.30miqorzDon't run X as root!!!
01:53.43notrooti'm not running X as root :)
01:54.36notrooti can't run X because I have no X
01:55.10miqorzDONT RUN IRC AS ROOT
01:55.24notrooti'm not running IRC client as root
01:55.41miqorzdont make me stab you in the face.
01:55.56notrootstab my mask! :D
01:56.47notrootI'm now on gentoo install environment, don't worry about irssi uid
01:57.36*** join/#kde infodroid (
01:58.02neomWhat's the kde tool to view all the machines on a network called?
01:58.25notrootmiqorz :O
01:58.29notrootneom, lisa daemon?
01:58.59*** join/#kde Ireul ([
02:00.37hitukdebase is installed
02:00.43notrootDo you know any tool as Visio? to build diagrams?
02:00.44hitunow what kdegraphics or kdenetwork
02:00.57neomlisa daemon?
02:00.58infodroidnotroot: kivio
02:01.05notrootthz infodroid :)
02:01.14miqorzneom: you're asking for a samba browser, I just forgot the name. lol
02:01.15infodroidnotroot: kivio, also dia (the gnome competition)
02:01.27notrooti know dia :)
02:01.42notrootbut i dont like gtk at all
02:02.03miqorzi hate all that "gtk sucks" "qt sucks" bullshit.
02:02.05infodroidnotroot: its a crap app but its got a lot of features
02:02.06*** part/#kde Ireul ([
02:02.39notrootmiqorz, I don't hate anything :)
02:02.39infodroidmiqorz: well i am not deliberately biased, i have good reasons for believing that gtk is a flawed api
02:03.02miqorzall toolkits suck
02:03.05miqorzmotif owns them all
02:03.24infodroidhehe compared to motif anything looks good
02:03.25AlethesI like the look of gnome/gtk, but I want the functionality of kde/qt
02:03.48infodroidAlethes: you can theme your kde to look like gnome, not that i would do that
02:03.51miqorzAlethes: Yeah. I'm kind of like that.
02:03.55Alethesinfodroid: I do :)
02:04.01notrootdo you know qt-qtk-engine (or similar)? :)
02:04.05Alethes for instance
02:04.13miqorzAlethes: have you tried the gartoo icon set?
02:04.13notrootit's cool to use gtk tools on qt environment
02:04.21Alethesmiqorz: no thanks
02:04.33miqorzIt reminds me of gnome
02:04.34AlethesI'm in the process of completing the bluecurve icon set for kde
02:04.44*** join/#kde miloc (1000@
02:05.14Aletheswrong kontact shot
02:05.30Alethesthat one's better
02:06.50slackd00ddoesnt kde all ready have bluecurve icons?
02:07.00Aletheswell, kinda
02:07.04milochey guys... i upgraded slackware from 10.0 to 10.1, but it's still running kde 3.2... any help?
02:07.04Alethesit's horribly incomplete
02:07.19Alethesand it clashes with crystal, which it imports
02:07.21neomman, I just switched to kde from gnome about a week ago, having problems finding all the stuff, hah.
02:07.22slackd00dmiloc, then you didnt upgrade
02:07.43slackd00dAlethes: very true, i forgot about that
02:07.56milocbut i followed Pat's Instructions in upgrade.txt????
02:08.08slackd00dif you didd then it would of upgraded
02:08.17slackd00dwhere did you get the 10.1?
02:08.44slackd00dcd's or did you download
02:09.09miloci downloaded *.iso
02:09.29slackd00dwhats the output of  "kde-config --version"
02:09.51*** join/#kde orangey (
02:09.57orangeyhey all!
02:10.10anisXheya too =)
02:10.45orangeyI was wondering if someone could help a smidge with hunting down bug reports for kmail.. I have been using 3.4b2 and writing down all the stuff I've found, but I'm not sure how I could make sure they're not dupes.
02:10.57milockde-config 1.0
02:11.24slackd00dwhat does your   /etc/slackware-version or whaatever say?
02:11.42miloci have kernel *.29
02:12.24slackd00dopen /etc/slackware-version (i think thats the name) with pico or whatever andd tell what it says
02:12.47miqorzjust cat /etc/slackware-release
02:12.55slackd00dok, thats easier
02:13.48slackd00dmiloc: do this  mount the slackware cd2, the one wiith gnome and kde, and cd into /mnt/cdrom/slackware/kde/   and do "upgradepkg --install-new *.tgz"
02:14.57*** join/#kde Osk (~Osk@
02:16.12neompkg, best command ever!
02:16.14*** join/#kde Blissex (
02:17.13miqorznice wallpaper
02:17.15milocslackd00d do i have to typt telinit?
02:17.27anisXneom: water and fire!
02:17.48neomyup. :)
02:17.57slackd00dmiloc: let me know if you need more help
02:20.01milocok thaks, just a second to do this first part
02:20.44*** join/#kde KnamoR (
02:21.45milocslackd00d, is it necessary to remove old files after the upgrade??
02:22.41neomI just mounted my windows drives using smb4k
02:23.00milocok, just thinking, is there a problem doing the upgrade inside kde???
02:23.10miqorzneom: samba is great
02:23.56slackd00dmiloc: not really....but avoid it if possable
02:24.21slackd00djust restart afterward.....but also do it in consolle if you can
02:24.35miloci already did it inside it, ups!!
02:24.54*** join/#kde frans (
02:24.54slackd00dits ok then
02:25.34notrootdoes anybody use kompose? does it work faster than older versions?
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02:32.09milocslackd00d, kde3.3 running! thanks a lot!
02:32.17neomHow do I edit "links" in the kde menu system bar thinger?
02:32.19slackd00dno problem
02:34.12slackd00dmiloc: enjoy
02:35.38*** part/#kde infodroid (
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02:41.31slackd00dneom: what do you mean
02:42.53neomWell basically there is an application I always want to run using sudo.
02:43.12neomSo when I click it on the start menu thinger, I want to add sudo to the start of the path.
02:43.34JThundleykdesu program
02:43.41slackd00dchange it to run as a difrent user
02:44.36neomERROR: Communication problem with kmenuedit, it probably crashed.
02:44.59JThundleyis there a way to suggest a window position for a newly started program using bash?
02:45.18*** join/#kde mrbrightside (~robert@
02:45.24slackd00dgoto the menu then settings then menu editor
02:46.10neomalt + f3
02:49.08grepperJThundley: -geometry
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02:58.04JThundleygrepper: but doesn't the program that I'm running have to support that?
02:58.27JThundleyholy crap, it does support it
02:58.29JThundleyI was googling first
02:58.35JThundleyand google told me it didn't support it!
02:58.46JThundleysonofabitch! Thank you grepper!
03:00.50*** join/#kde sh0n (
03:01.06sh0nwith konsole, can you stop the menu from popping up when you want to paste?
03:01.08JThundleyfrickin awesome, thanks dude!
03:01.16sh0ni just want to select text, then right click to paste it
03:01.18JThundleysh0n: yes, it's the klipper that does that though
03:01.21sh0nNOT have a pop up menu
03:01.24JThundleyright click on klipper
03:01.33JThundleyand uncheck "Enable Actions"
03:01.40sh0ni need klipper running?
03:02.18JThundleyit's like a cache for your clipboard
03:02.18sh0nits not selected
03:02.24JThundleyremembers the last 5 things you had selected
03:02.39sh0nkonsole is still popping up for a menu when i want to paste
03:03.08*** join/#kde nollie (
03:03.28sh0ni want to paste directly not have to select a menu option
03:03.37sh0nputty does this
03:04.33can|zzZZzWhy don't you just use normal X clipboard
03:04.36FransEHi all :)
03:04.45FransEAnyone, do you reach this page?
03:04.51can|zzZZzHighlight with mouse, click by middle click or emulate 3 buttons
03:04.54*** join/#kde marcusU (
03:05.02FransE(Mozilla based browser required)
03:05.03AlethesFransE: So, this is the start page. This greeting message is very interesting.
03:05.09FransEAlethes: thanks
03:05.11can|zzZZzAlethes: ?
03:05.14AlethesI'm using konq
03:05.16Alethesheya can|zzZZz  :)
03:05.25marcusUhi canllaith
03:05.30FransEAlethes: try with Moz
03:05.34FransEor firefox
03:05.51Alethesmozilla seems so painful now that I have konq
03:06.12canllaithheh it just took me like 20 seconds to load mozilla .. :\
03:06.14canllaithlooks good
03:06.42AlethesI see a white page with some links and some text
03:06.54FransEAlethes, ok, thansk
03:08.22sh0nim a touchpad
03:08.45sh0ni want right mouse button for paste in KDE
03:08.48sh0nnot menu popups
03:09.18canllaithWhy can't you just use normal X paste
03:09.25canllaithClick both buttons at once
03:09.32Alethesor click your scrollwheel
03:10.25*** join/#kde Borg^Queen (~Borg^
03:10.50sh0nthere isn't one in a touchpad ;)
03:11.06Alethesoh yeah
03:11.10canllaithI use a touchpad for about wow, 10 hours a day
03:11.20canllaithyou can emulate3buttons and click both buttons.
03:11.21AlethesI hate laptops
03:11.22Borg^Queenglide point
03:12.18puetzkcanllaith: a lot of touchpads can do multiple-finger touches too
03:12.25puetzkI actually rather like that approach :-)
03:12.33puetzktouch with 2 or 3 buttons
03:12.36puetzkerr fingers :-)
03:13.22canllaithmaybe not :P
03:13.37puetzkwell, that's why you do a corner tap or something for drag lock :-)
03:13.46puetzksynaptics touchpads are rather configurable beasts :-)
03:13.51canllaithI just don't have that kind of precision working on a touchpad
03:13.58sh0nsynaptics rule
03:14.08sh0nthe kde tool to manipulate them is amazing
03:14.14canllaithMight work for people who don't have bad hands :)
03:16.55Alethescanllaith: any ideas for the kopete and konversation icons?
03:17.02Alethesfor bluecurve that is
03:17.11canllaiththe systray icons, or like the buddy type icons?
03:17.23Alethesthe ones that indicate status
03:17.29Alethesonline, away, etc
03:17.42AlethesI'm ok with the different service logos
03:17.56Borg^QueenIs there  away to get a symlink to an app to shutdown one app before starting up the other?
03:18.01AlethesI don't like having an icon next to each user on irc, that's for sure
03:18.08AlethesI might just make it a transparent pixel :)
03:18.23canllaithfor gaim to indicate status I have the icon I use at 60% opacity for away
03:18.26canllaithand greyscale for offline
03:18.46Alethesyeah, the logo for the service does that in kopete
03:18.55AlethesPLUS it does its own icon too, which doesn't make sense
03:19.19canllaithit doesn't in cvs head
03:19.24Alethesit does its own icon to the left, then say, the msn or aim logo on the right
03:19.27Alethesboth indicating the status
03:19.35canllaithit's already changed lol
03:19.48Alethesjust the msn, aim, etc logos?
03:20.16*** part/#kde marcusU (
03:20.47canllaithI've been gaiming until someone in particular (looks firmly at mattr) unbreaks typing notifications
03:21.19*** part/#kde JThundley (
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03:24.30Alethesso kopete's icons make more sense now?
03:24.47AlethesI'd like to see the service's icon aligned on the left side of the user's name
03:24.54Alethesof course that's not an option
03:25.14canllaithWell in the view I use
03:27.02canllaithThat's the view I used and they removed a completely redundant icon which is nice
03:27.16brucehoultpretty cumulus clouds!
03:27.21canllaithIt used to have -ANOTHER- icon to the right :|
03:27.30canllaithbrucehoult: awwwww I wonder who that would be with pretty cumulus? :)
03:27.32Alethesthat's what's bugging me about it now
03:27.46Alethesit's totally redundant
03:27.54AlethesI wonder if I can hack it up just to fix it for now
03:27.58Alethesjust to not show that icon at all
03:28.28Alethesyou're using that burgandy scheme?
03:28.46canllaithNot right now, I just changed to plastik. I was up until 30 seconds ago :)
03:28.55Alethesah heh
03:29.09AlethesI was kinda surprised since you liked that other one so much
03:29.39*** part/#kde Borg^Queen (~Borg^
03:29.52canllaithI tend to change them a lot
03:30.28AlethesI bet you could change'em with a cron job and dcop :)
03:31.21canllaithI'm very fussy though
03:31.32canllaitha particular colour scheme needs particular icons needs particular wallpaper .. ;)
03:31.58Alethesis that what the Themes are for in kde?
03:32.28Alethesit is it is :D
03:34.00Aletheshow about this
03:34.15Aletheshow about we do a theme changer that picks that stuff for you based on the data from kweather and the time of day?
03:34.23Alethesthat'd be interesting, huh?
03:34.35canllaithand takes a blood sample for me to analyse factors influencing my mood?
03:34.59Aletheswhat's that app called? klot?
03:37.47*** join/#kde NamShub (
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04:03.59vladdoes anyone know what the command is to lock session?  like what i would run from the console?
04:05.49vladnm, kdesktop_lock
04:06.27jakollaschdoes KDE (3.3) use fontconfig? (basicly do i need to change my entire font to get certian glyphs)
04:11.25*** join/#kde orangey (
04:11.29orangeyhey all!
04:11.41orangeyis it possible to get kopete to flash the system tray whenever a person sends a new message?
04:11.59orangeyit appears to do so at the moment on the FIRST message (i.e., before a window is open)
04:13.07*** join/#kde jorgp (
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04:35.05marcusUHmmm. When I'm viewing a PDF in Konqueror using the KPDF part, and I go to Settings -> Configure PDF View to open the configuration dialog, shouldn't the "HELP" button open KPDF's help rather than Konquerors' help?
04:37.40*** join/#kde CyrusPY (~Cyrus@
04:37.45marcusUcanllaith: Is there someplace I should report misspellings in the Help?, product docs :)
04:38.03CyrusPYproblem with kjobviewer (print job manager), can anybody help?
04:38.07marcusUcanllaith: Okay.
04:38.28CyrusPYSuse Pro 8.2, have cups working fine, i can send jobs and manage them with cups' web interface, but i would like to manage the queue with kjobviewer
04:39.15CyrusPYi started kjobviewer, can select de printers, but the jobs doesn't apper (current or past)
04:39.20marcusUCyrusPY: I'm not sure, but I remember one of those versions of SuSE highly recommended using YaST2 and not other configurators because of some SuSE customizations.
04:39.58marcusUI'm using SuSE 9.0 and used to use 8.2, but I don't recall all the details (nor the details about KDE 3.1.x).
04:40.33CyrusPYmarcusU: the printer is working, indeed i configured it with yast. Now i want to manage print jobs and spools with kjobviewer
04:46.05*** join/#kde rwilco (
04:47.24marcusUWhy is Konqueror so slow when typing/editing text in a multi-line textbox?
04:48.12jakollaschmarcusU: good question
04:48.21marcusUjakollasch: Have you noticed it, too?
04:48.53marcusUI'm talking about like on the KDE bug report "long description", or in web-based email pages.
04:48.54*** join/#kde canllaith (~canllaith@jhall.developer.kde)
04:52.01marcusUKonqueror is almost unusable in this respect.
04:52.10*** join/#kde somekool (
04:52.33marcusUhi somekool
04:52.36somekooldoes kde has any service on RendezVous ? yet ?
04:53.02somekooltalking about 3.4cvs latest
04:58.08*** join/#kde PaT- (
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05:18.30aseigosomekool: yes ... but it'll take another release to get it into everything..
05:19.04*** join/#kde bsdb0xen (
05:19.44bsdb0xenCan somebody tell me why K3B would say "Unable to handle the following files due to an unsupported format" when I try to add working MP3s to an audio project to burn?
05:20.48*** join/#kde arrummzen (
05:21.09aseigobsdb0xen: because you don't have the transcoding tools to turn them into .wav?
05:21.17aseigoomg becky. look at her BOOK.
05:21.37canllaithkpdf remembers what page I was up to!!!!!
05:21.46aseigoyeah. kpdf kicks ass.
05:22.16canllaithok that's very cool
05:22.26canllaithno longer do i have to have a zillion sticky notes with the names of books and what page I'm up to
05:22.52brucehoulthopefully it remembers the zoom and scroll settings too then
05:22.55rwilcoa really nice app listed on the site. Ktoon, a 2d cartoon animation tool.
05:23.08canllaithIt didn't remember the zoom no
05:23.23canllaithbut given that my preferred level of zoom depends on how much sleep I've had that's ok
05:24.17PaT-hi guys! do any of you have used the lipstik style? If so, what do you think should be better or changed or added or removed? i dont have any ideas about what to do with it...
05:24.51miqorzcanllaith: lol
05:24.54miqorzlong time no see.
05:25.05canllaithmiqorz: jesus christ, don't pop up like that and scare me
05:25.23PaT-nah... be cruel :) i need motivation :)
05:26.11miqorzi need some drugs
05:26.46canllaith'ludes ?
05:26.47brucehoultsorry -- wrong decade
05:26.54miqorzfuckin' ludes man!
05:27.08*** join/#kde eean (
05:27.24miqorzUsing irssi and mutt in konsole makes it kind of like a KDE app, right? ;)
05:27.35brucehoultcanllaith: quaaludes
05:28.09canllaithmmm ok
05:28.11miqorzKMFDM is a drug against war!
05:28.28*** join/#kde Simkin (
05:29.38canllaithaseigo: man, no comment on the title of my latest blog? I'm disappointed.
05:30.02miqorzYou have a blog?
05:30.15brucehoultpheer her blog.
05:30.26miqorzi fear any woman
05:30.29canllaithI was forced into it, all negative feedback can be piped directly to aseigo
05:30.29miqorzthey're pure evil
05:31.09canllaithOH NO
05:31.14canllaithcan you get schoc in australia, brucehoult ?
05:31.26brucehoultno, I'm afraid not
05:31.32canllaithok so
05:31.35canllaithwe set up a smuggling ring
05:31.44canllaithyou send me parcels of schoc concealed in knitted socks, k?
05:31.51brucehoultsure, ok then
05:31.59brucehoultoh no!
05:32.04brucehoultyou mean I have to knit socks?
05:32.10canllaithYup, fraid so.
05:32.24canllaithhang on
05:32.27canllaithhang on hang on
05:32.46brucehoultbvtw I was just kidding...
05:33.13canllaith"selection of Schoc tablets at Essential Ingredient, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia."
05:34.26miqorzI wish there was a real way for me to date ledbians.
05:34.40bsdb0xenmiqorz, I'm a lesbian trapped in a mans body.
05:34.43miqorzslackd00d: You have a bowel control problem.
05:34.52miqorzbsdb0xen: Works for me, I'm bi.
05:35.07slackd00dheh...either that or because the dev's did such a great job perfectting their code and ideas
05:35.07bsdb0xenSo you're strong enough for a man but pH balanced for a woman?
05:35.12brucehoultso you could date bi girls then and pretend?
05:35.30miqorzNo.. lesbians are awesome.
05:35.38miqorzThey're SO themselves.
05:35.39slackd00dya like the 400 butch ones
05:35.44canllaithlast I checked, this wasn't #smut :)
05:35.44miqorzUnlike normal women.
05:35.45slackd00d400 pound
05:36.02miqorzSexuality isn't just about sex.
05:36.31miqorzFlowing Glower
05:37.23aseigocanllaith: yeah, i caught the title... =P
05:37.45canllaith* break me shake me hate me take me over... *
05:38.16canllaithok, this is is nice, using amarok playlists in noatun
05:38.29*** join/#kde sugoi (
05:38.51sugoiim looking for how to get kdevelop on mac
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05:39.12miqorzsavagae garden
05:39.18canllaithI think that's about what the neighbours are saying, yes
05:39.35canllaithsugoi: iirc there is a qtmac port of KDE 3.2 something
05:39.42canllaithis there a kdevelop package in that ?
05:41.52aseigosugoi: install linux on it =)
05:42.25*** join/#kde wolffc (
05:44.25miqorzI'm bored..
05:46.24*** join/#kde eean (
05:50.43canllaithSo when did you start using KDE miqorz ?
05:51.21miqorzthis morning.
05:51.24somekoolaseigo which RendezVous service can I enable and test ?
05:53.05*** join/#kde jorgp (
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05:55.39miqorzcanllaith: I still use Mozilla though, I hacked the source to get the old file selector back.
05:56.19canllaithand qtfirefox, sometimes.
05:56.31miqorzI use Mozilla CVS
05:56.40*** join/#kde lilo (lilo@levin-pdpc.staff.freenode)
05:56.41canllaithThat's where one gets qtfirefox from, yup :)
05:57.39eeanis qtfirefox coming along?
05:57.54miqorzit's coming along about as good as ron jeremy I suppose
05:57.57canllaithIt's not quite usable yet
05:58.09canllaithIt wasn't quite usable the last time I checked it out, which was before Christmas since I've barely been home since.
05:58.20*** join/#kde jmh (
05:58.41eeannow that there's qt for windows
05:58.46canllaithkmozilla (gecko rendering engine in konqi) is amazingly broken, there are no words to describe.
05:58.49canllaithThere always was qt for windows.
05:58.55eeanwell, for GPL
05:59.00eeanthough I suppose Mozilla is MPL
05:59.01canllaithThat's not happening till qt4 :)
05:59.05eeanso thats irrelevant
05:59.52eeanI'd rather have gecko rendering in konq then mozilla in qt
06:00.22jmhwould you say the activity in their freenode channel is a way to judge the popularity of major open source prodcuts? :)
06:00.39eeanjmh: not really
06:00.49miqorzjmh: look at #windowmaker then tell me.
06:01.05eeansome open source projects aren't very IRC-oriented
06:01.17miqorzdesktop goodness.
06:01.19jmhmiqorz: well, looks about right, right? :)
06:01.34miqorzWindowMaker is VERY popular.
06:01.54eeanmaybe its only a positive indicator... an active IRC channel is a sign of a active project, but an inactive channel doesn't mean anything.
06:02.09jmhI'm just a bit confused that there are only 48 people in #gnome and nobody said somethign there for about 30 minutes now
06:02.32miqorzSomeone is using kde3.4beta2 with exessive composite
06:02.34jmhmiqorz: oh, didn't know that, so that's a real good indicator my proposed indicator is no indicator at all, right :)
06:02.39canllaithNo, it's not beta 2
06:02.44eeanhehe, there's often twice as many people in #amarok
06:02.59canllaithYes, 'beta 2' implies a certain stability that I just haven't encountered.
06:03.12canllaithcvs head. Hopefully it will get less insane after release.
06:03.20miqorzcanllaith: yay, a fellow emacs user
06:03.39eeanat this point in the game, CVS going to be more stable then a beta
06:04.00*** join/#kde somekool (
06:04.05canllaithlol no I'm afraid it's not.
06:04.08miqorzIm just using 3.3.2 because Im lazy.
06:04.14eeanheh, really?
06:04.27eeanmy cvs is a couple of weeks old I guess
06:05.45canllaithThere are some annoying brokeness with writing out to configuration files
06:05.58canllaithSo unless you periodically say, make screenshots for documentation with a clean user account....
06:05.59miqorzkonverdation doesn't look like it offers me ANYTHING irssi in konsole doesn't
06:06.14canllaithYou might not notice that the bloody bouncing cursor refuses to turn off, and kwallet is broken :P
06:06.19canllaithmiqorz: so don't use it :)
06:06.35jmhmiqorz: where can I get this wallpaper of yours? it looks really nice.
06:06.51miqorzjmh: No clue. I found it on deviantART one night.
06:07.12miqorzI like communism art
06:07.33jmhmiqorz: min gicing me the name so i get a chance to find it myself? or better yet, mind safting or dccing it to me? :)
06:07.48miqorzill fire up lftp
06:07.50miqorzhold on
06:08.00jmhallthough I'm not sure dcc works here, for I am not at home
06:08.20miqorzhold on
06:08.23jmhlftp? I can only offer saft/dcc/mail
06:09.02jmhah, perfect, thanks a lot :)
06:09.12miqorzlftp is just what i use for ftp upload to my webspace
06:09.24jmhah, ok :)
06:09.31miqorzgui ftp clients suck
06:10.47jmhack, I also like lftp in particular but I just thought you thought I would offer you an upload facility on a ftp server of mine :)
06:11.18miqorzi use mutt. irssi and lftp. im soooo leet
06:11.47jmhu r teh leetness!!11eleven
06:11.54miqorzomgod wtf penis1111
06:12.07miqorzi didnt
06:12.12miqorzand it looks fine
06:12.22*** join/#kde slackd00d (
06:12.28jmhwell everything's just black&white right now
06:12.52jmhwent well with the old wallpaper but hurts the eyes with the new one ;)
06:12.56miqorzslackd00d: still looking for that slackchix0r to share the /dev/null that is your heart?
06:13.03miqorzjmh: ;P
06:13.26jmhmight i quote you on :)
06:13.28slackd00dyes i am
06:13.31miqorzjmh: sure
06:14.05miqorzive become so insanely good at faking being romantic it's not even cool.
06:14.24miqorzNo wonder women get pregnant so much, it's too easy to manipulate them.
06:14.44miqorzSpit off some cheesey lines about how wonderful they are and maybe you're better for knowing them. BAM.
06:14.47miqorzShe's yours
06:14.55*** join/#kde NOthsouth (~asdf23f2@
06:15.08NOthsouthHii.. can anyone help me to install ktouch please ?
06:15.27NOthsouthi just do everythings.. bus I'm still receiving error ..
06:15.56NOthsouthhUAHUHA.. humm can you download it?
06:16.10miqorzwhat is it?
06:16.44*** part/#kde sugoi (
06:17.06slackd00dman i couldnt figure out why my screen and kde desktop was going so slowwwww...i installed the real nvidia  drivers, not the nv one, and now it hauls ass
06:17.08jmhis there a way to apply a new color scheme to kicker without restarting kde?
06:17.10miqorzit's like a mario teaches typing for kde
06:17.11miqorzexcept less fun
06:17.21miqorzjmh: mine did instantly
06:17.37slackd00dmine too
06:17.43jmhmiqorz: you're using 3.4 leetness, right?
06:17.53*** join/#kde anisX (~gen@
06:17.58miqorzjmh: Nope.
06:18.05jmhme too
06:18.08miqorzim too lazy to build 3.4
06:18.15jmhwhat could be broken here?
06:18.34jmhapplying a new color scheme leaves kicker (and only kicker) untouched
06:18.34miqorzAre you using a panel background?
06:18.46jmhthe panel background is transparent
06:18.51miqorzkill kicker
06:18.54miqorzit wil restart
06:18.57*** join/#kde Simkin (
06:19.24jmhit doesn't
06:19.39miqorzkillall -9 kicker && kicker &
06:19.52jmhyeah, manually restarting it worked fine
06:20.02canllaithdcop kicker kicker restart is far cleaner
06:20.05jmhand now the new color scheme's applied, too \o/
06:20.10miqorzi havent used kde since whatever came with Mandrake 9.1
06:20.21canllaithgiven that kill -9 may cause you to lose settings
06:20.33jmhI sent SIGINT, not SIGKILL
06:20.43jmhso I gave kicker a chance to save its settings :)
06:21.02canllaithmmm this monteiths summer ale is almost drinkable
06:21.04miqorzi just took a picture of me
06:21.06miqorzmy haid is big
06:21.37miqorznot to mention i look like shit due to being sick
06:21.48miqorzWanna see? :D
06:22.39miqorzlook! it's the famous mirror trick.
06:22.43miqorzI'm SO original
06:22.53jmhyou look quite happy... 8)
06:23.01miqorzim sick.. very sick
06:23.58miqorzim fitting into a size smaller of shirts
06:24.02NOthsouthcan anyopne make an RPM file of ktouch to me pleasseee ??
06:24.23miqorzNOthsouth: Ask in #fedora
06:24.37NOthsouthok i do that
06:24.41miqorzI'd do it but I haven't used an RPM distro in ages.
06:25.08brucehoultsomehow I don't think that's going to make it into ishotmyself
06:25.40CyrusPYany cups saavy?
06:25.49miqorzmy cup protects my balls
06:25.53miqorzi dont know about yours
06:27.06CyrusPYerr, wrong windows
06:31.14*** join/#kde Bill` (
06:32.35miqorzPeople still use BitchX
06:38.07canllaithdamn I can't concentrate on writing -anything- :(
06:38.14*** join/#kde Ripe_ (
06:38.21Ripe_Hello guys, Do you know if exist a opensource tool like Visual Chart? :)
06:39.53miqorzwhat IS visual chart?
06:40.22jmhif there is more than one kicker panel, is there a way to make only one transparent?
06:41.34miqorzI wonder what they did with Regular K
06:41.49jmhand: is there a way to show the tooltips on system tray icons but not on launcher icons?
06:42.09miqorzi mean you got 'Special K' so there MUST be regular K right?
06:42.24brucehoultmiqorz: yes, we already got it, ok?
06:42.35miqorzbrucehoult: I'm still wondering.
06:43.03brucehoultd'oh .. it's made by Kellogs.  You never heard of Kellogs' Cornflakes?
06:43.12miqorzGood point.
06:43.44miqorzi just ate a bowl of Special K
06:43.47miqorzit was delicious
06:46.25brucehoultdo let us know if it makes you slim
06:47.45canllaithjmh: easily on the tooltips
06:47.57canllaithjmh: just disable tooltips on the panel, the systray icons are controlled by kdeglobals
06:48.19jmhcanllaith: oh, perfect, thanks and sorry for the dumbness :)
06:48.27canllaithlol that's ok it's not obviously apparant
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06:48.35canllaitherm apparent**
06:49.03miqorzyou're austrialian. it comes naturally
06:49.24miqorzim sick, i have a real excuse. ;)
06:59.14NOthsouthwhat files I realy need to upgrade my kde?
06:59.37NOthsouthjust SRPMS ?
06:59.48canllaithbest to ask #yourdistro about their packages :)
07:00.23canllaithThey might have changed the structure in ways we don't know about unless we happen to use that distro.
07:00.57NOthsouthi use fedora core3
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07:07.22npxHi, I'm using 3.3.2, and when I activate a menu item in any KDE app and move the mouse across the menubar, the menu items I move the mouse over become active
07:07.36npxand when I'm running apps over X on a dialup it sorta sucks
07:07.55npxso I was wondering if there was a way to turn it off that I haven't been able to find
07:09.27npxI spend about a week writing out my site using CSS as much as possible when I do a site
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07:40.17NOthsouthfor install kde 3.3.2 i just give rpm -ivh packages??
07:45.38slackd00dfor what distro?
07:45.54NOthsouthfedora core 3
07:46.14slackd00ddoesnt it come with 3.3 ?
07:46.40IlpoI think that Fedora contains KDE
07:47.23*** join/#kde lilo (lilo@levin-pdpc.staff.freenode)
07:47.53slackd00dit does
07:48.25slackd00dit comes with 3.3.0, dont know why yoou dont just use that
07:48.34slackd00dtheres no major diffrance
07:48.44Ilpoand you can update kde with yum
07:48.51slackd00dand if you dont know how to update it properly why bother
07:49.05slackd00dya, thats the besst way
07:49.29IlpoThus you should user force option to install new KDE when there is older version
07:49.49Ilpoand maybe you get depedency problems in future
07:53.30*** join/#kde chavo (
07:55.15slackd00dwhy do people ask for help then ignore you?
07:55.25chimaerawow, the current cvs-digest hold's wuite some information on kde's next steps..
07:56.16slackd00dheh, thanks
07:57.35slackd00dwindows port?
07:57.41slackd00dfor kde?
07:58.17chimaeraslackd00d: old news ;)
07:58.52slackd00dbut i dont get it
07:59.05brucehoultqueue aseigo rant :-)
07:59.15slackd00dkde will run on windows or what? like litestep?
07:59.20brucehoult.. or counter rant
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08:00.52chimaeraslackd00d: porting the whole de wouldn't make sense, imho, but makeing the applications work..
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08:02.11slackd00dthe applications would be cool
08:02.16slackd00dlike k3b  =)
08:02.30slackd00dbut i dont use windows so i guess it doesnt affect me
08:03.43Ripe_I neew a tool that does not exist :(
08:05.23Ripe_tar cjf file.tar.bz2 directory
08:05.31Ripe_ops, not here
08:05.50slackd00dchimaera: thatt article had some good points...if windows has everything linux has and linux doesnt have what windows has then why would people switch to linux from windows?
08:06.09canllaithI think he's up to a counter-counter rant, eh brucehoult ?
08:06.23Ripe_I need some tool like "Visual Chart"
08:06.27Ripe_but it does not work :(
08:06.31canllaithWhat is 'visual chart' ?
08:06.43chavoI've been running KDE on my Windows laptop, but it runs under cygwin.
08:06.44canllaithWhat do you need the tool to actually -do- ?
08:06.50brucehoultcanllaith: anything for a good slashdotting I guess
08:07.00canllaithbrucehoult: ooh that's harsh
08:07.19chimaeraslackd00d: thatS' short-eyed. i don't use linux becasue i think wintendo's ui sucks. i don't use it becasue i don't like it'S philosophy, lots of it'S mechanisms, insecurity and so on..
08:07.36brucehoultcanllaith: harsh about Locke?  really?
08:08.08Ripe_Visual Chart is a technical analysis and charting software which provides you with everything you ever wanted in such a program:  
08:08.12Ripe_RealTime, automatic trading systems, indicators, studies, quotes, different chart types, alerts...
08:08.16chimaerawell, i screwed that sentence up..
08:08.34brucehoultcanllaith: I assume you'll take on the mantle of D ?
08:08.54canllaithyou may assume what you wish, I wont stop you.
08:09.02chimaerai should either get some coffee or back to bed.
08:09.43*** join/#kde aseigo (~aseigo@aseigo.kde)
08:09.55slayerbobwell that was fortunate :)
08:11.00canllaithWhat was fortunate ?
08:11.14slayerbobaseigo missing the rant opportunity...
08:11.16aseigome coming in. duh
08:11.21aseigooh. damn. i missed it?
08:11.30aseigosomeone set me up the log paste
08:11.33canllaithaseigo: if you go out then come back in we can time it better
08:11.40aseigohahhaa... ok.
08:11.42canllaithand talk about you just as you walk in the door instead of just before
08:12.02canllaithyay kdelibs done lets see
08:12.08canllaithaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah sod
08:12.16aseigoand here i was going to share pictures and stuff. well stuff you all.
08:12.30canllaithusr/lib/qt/include/qvaluelist.h:561: internal compiler error: Segmentation fault
08:12.34canllaithI HATE HAL
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08:12.47brucehoultcanllaith: temp, you think?
08:12.53canllaithstupid me
08:12.57canllaithnot running teh sensor
08:13.57aseigocanllaith: wanna see a big ass icicle?
08:16.23aseigohrm. it fecked u pmy layout.
08:16.53canllaithcan you sent peyton over here with the big ass chunk of COLD please?
08:16.59canllaithhe can stand on my pc and stop my gcc segfaulting
08:17.25canllaithand um, I respecfully point out 'and yes, it's taller than my son' isn't much of a measurement ;)
08:18.42canllaithand, I love the little drama that kicker & xembed are playing out there
08:18.46chavoyou've been compiling KDE everyday, your processor just needs a break
08:18.54canllaithNo, not every day
08:19.08brucehoultI remember wandering around Chicago for the first time in March '94 and looking up at the tall buildings and going ... fuuuuuck ... do those things ever break off?  They would *kill* someone
08:20.10slayerbobso you migrated to nz after that then brucehoult ?
08:20.32aseigoyeah, i got hit on the shoulder by a softball sized ice ball that slid off an office building some 5 years ago here
08:20.32brucehoultslayerbob: you might care to visit the northern parts of the country sometime...
08:20.55slayerbobwait... you went to the us before travelling around the rest of nz ?
08:21.23canllaithdamn, I have kdelibs/base/network/pim to update, koffice to build and then qtmozilla (tryin it again)
08:21.25canllaithpoor hal :(
08:21.34brucehoultslayerbob: I've been all over the South Island. Many times.  But, curiosuly enough, never between .. oh .. Easter and Labout Day
08:21.38canllaithand I'm not going to get it done before dave goes to bed ......
08:21.59slayerbobi am sure he can put up with a bit of noise from hal :P
08:22.05aseigocanllaith: heh.. i figured you'd comment on the size thing =P
08:22.08canllaithno he wanted him shut down last night
08:22.22canllaithaseigo: good to know I'm predictable
08:22.25slayerbobprolly just need to put more vodka in him
08:22.36chavocanllaith, have you built qt mozilla before?
08:22.43canllaithlol - hal or dave? I want my kde to RUN! :P
08:22.50canllaithchavo: more than once
08:22.57kendrickanyone here tried it?
08:23.16brucehoultcanllaith: you just *have* to program your computer to say...
08:23.22brucehoult"I'm sorry Dave, ..."
08:23.24chavohmm, I've only tried it once, but it wouldn't compile.
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08:23.28canllaithat like 3am
08:23.29aseigocanllaith: btw, i used one of your screenies to make a mac friend die
08:23.33brucehoult".. but I can't do that"
08:23.34kendrickcanllaith: ooh!
08:23.36aseigocanllaith: i had him on the ropes with a demo of amarok
08:23.37canllaithaseigo: oooooooooooooh  do tell doo telllllllllll :):)
08:23.46aseigocanllaith: and then knocked him out with the translucency picture
08:23.50kendricki'd tell my wife to use that, since she uses ffox, but i think she likes her ffox themes :^P
08:24.01canllaithThat was the screenshot my possibly future boss said 'You're missing your calling, you should be selling KDE to mac users for the asthetics'
08:24.21canllaithlol unless your wife likes beating her head against mozilla and kde cvs, it's not a good idea
08:24.23kendrickwhat's the pager at the top, OOC?
08:24.31kendrickcanllaith: no, she does not ;)
08:24.52canllaithThat is really boring stock standard kde 3.3.1, before I got corrupted by phil & lauri
08:24.53kendrickah, just w/o window title/borders
08:24.54kendrickgot it
08:25.23canllaithAlthough, you do nothing but whine about it!
08:25.30canllaith(Well ok, I lie. You have said you liked it a few times)
08:25.32kendrickmy wife gets pissed when i apt-get upgrade
08:25.40kendrickcuz crap kept breaking in debian/testing >:^P
08:25.42canllaithmy boyfriend gets no choice
08:25.49canllaithhe has 'magical upgrade pixies'
08:25.52kendrickmy wife gets no choice :)
08:25.58kendrickshe did pick her own laptop though
08:25.59kendrickgot it off ebay
08:26.01canllaithdoesn't he slayerbob ?:P
08:26.03kendrickshe loves her laptop :)
08:26.17kendrickokay, time to actually LOOk at ktoon...
08:26.18brucehoultok, so now that I've copied my 14 GB of mp3s from my iPod to the Linux box's hard disk ... what program do you recommend I run there?
08:26.24canllaithto do what?
08:26.25canllaithoh baby
08:26.27aseigowell, b-time for bonzo.. g'nite peeps. love you all.
08:26.32canllaithNite aseigo :)
08:26.34brucehoultdo I have it?
08:26.37canllaithbrucehoult: maybe
08:26.42kendrickcya aseigo
08:26.49canllaithif not, I can send you a bin for your glibc/kde version
08:27.12kendrickdamn this has a crazy UI
08:27.28kendrickno!  MDI!!!!!!
08:27.59brucehoult"sorry the requested engien could nto be loaded" :-(
08:28.06brucehoultwants OSS by the look :-(
08:28.08canllaithgo look in engins
08:28.13canllaithand see what it loaded.
08:28.31canllaithyou prolly want arts, until I set up dmix for you
08:28.47CyrusPYkjobviewer, anyone?
08:28.51brucehoultit doesn't do alsa?
08:28.52canllaith* erase and rewind... cause I've been changing my mind... erase and rewind... *
08:29.10canllaithbrucehoult: ultimately, everything on your system is 'doing' alsa
08:29.17canllaithIt can do gstreamer, xine or arts
08:29.22brucehoultum .. and I don't see any "engines" thing
08:29.24brucehoultwhere si that?
08:29.24canllaithYou probably want to use arts.
08:29.29*** join/#kde shevegen (
08:29.33canllaithummm Settings -> configure amarok
08:30.03brucehoulthave a choice of xine or GStreamer
08:30.25canllaithinteresting you should have arts
08:30.37canllaithok I'll rebuild your amarok, can you IM me your ip again? :):)
08:30.40kendrickshit this thing uses opengl so it's SLOW
08:30.45canllaithfor now try juk
08:30.51canllaithit's itunish
08:31.06canllaithDo you have juk? I don't recall
08:31.15canllaithpoke about in Kmenu->Multimedia
08:31.30*** join/#kde Simkin (
08:31.31brucehoultjuk not in path
08:31.40kendrickapt-get install juk :)
08:31.51shevegenheya, is is possible /are there  keybindings for a window, to quickly switch whether it is always in foreground, or not?  reason: I have a small console window open, and want to copy/paste stuff into it, but right now i have to move with the mouse cursor to sessions, then select this foreground, and deselect it again with mouse... would rather like to use key-bindings for this. sorry for the long note
08:31.51canllaiththat doesn't work on slackware
08:31.53canllaithand it doesn't work on cvs head
08:32.06canllaithhang on bruce I'll poke aorund and tell you what you have
08:32.29*** join/#kde Flendor (Flendor@
08:32.51kendrickshevegen: 'always in foreground' as in 'always on top'?
08:33.30slayerbobhiya Flendor
08:33.37kendrick"Keyboard Shortcuts" under the Control Center (aka Preferences, if you have it as a menu in the K menu) might help
08:33.42kendrickIt's under "Regional & Accessibility"
08:33.45shevegenyes i think so
08:34.08FlendorHey there Bob, how goes? :)
08:34.18kendrick"Keep Window Above Others" is the action then, I guess...
08:34.24kendrickjust give it a keyboard shortuct :)
08:35.37shevegenokies thanks
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08:42.45Selecterkonqueror --font Arial returns: QFont::setRawName(): Invalid XLFD: "Arial"
08:42.53SelecterWhat syntax?
08:44.21solsTiCei have set specific settings for a window. in which are these per-window settings stored ? I got konversation changing is size all alone every time a launch it. I don't know if it is a bug of konversation or kwin. ui just want to read the file were the settings are stored, just to look and eventualy erase old settings unused ...  
08:44.33solsTiCehumm.. firstly hello
08:44.56solsTiCein which +file+
08:45.47*** join/#kde Celestar (
08:46.13Celestarhi peops
08:46.15CelestarI'm running KDE 3.4b1
08:46.17Celestarer ..
08:46.45Celestarnow when my system starts, kdm is loaded by default. It starts up, but doesn't take any keyboard input whatsoever
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08:47.12Celestarhowever the mouse is working. Then I select "Restart Computer" twice, which causes the kdm to shut down and enter CLI mode.
08:47.32Celestarthere I log in as root, do "init 3 && init 5", kdm fires up again and is fully operational.
08:47.40Celestarhow do I find the source of that problem?
08:48.26*** join/#kde sredna (~anders@alund.developer.kde)
08:49.02PieDCelestar: wait for the next KDE 3.4 release :(
08:49.06FlendorHello anders :)
08:49.14CelestarPieD: is that a known problem?
08:49.34srednaHi Flendor , all :)
08:49.55FlendorHow'S it going?
08:50.03srednaFine, thanks
08:50.05PieDI think that it is
08:50.14srednaAnd you?
08:50.15solsTiCeCelestar: ay be check the keyboard config in xorg.conf (or XFree86.conf) or the keyboard config for root in kde control center (?)
08:50.16PieDbecause one of my friends had it
08:50.19PieDI had it too
08:50.40PieDand since a recent update of KDE it works
08:50.55PieD(we are using suse 9.2 => KDE CVS snapshot)
08:51.16CelestarsolsTiCe: PieD: thanks
08:51.26CelestarPieD: I'm using SuSE 9.2 as well, but just the KDE rpms
08:51.32solsTiCeCelestar: or go ask some suse folks :-)
08:51.33Celestarpossibly I'll do a CVS checkout later
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08:52.51PieDCelestar: they are available with APT4RPM
08:53.38FlendorI'm pretty fine :)
08:53.45FlendorSorry, I missed that line of yours..
08:53.52CelestarPieD: ah ok
08:54.00Flendor..I'm using a client that doesn't highlight when your name is mentioned
08:54.06Celestar.oO(how would I disassemble/decompile a program?)
08:54.38*** join/#kde radiohead (~dev_loop@
08:56.44PieDOne month to wait and KDE 3.4 will be released :)
08:59.02Celestarno b3 meanwhile? ;)
09:00.21IlpoDo you know if extragears programs are released with KDE or not?
09:00.44srednaThey are meant to be released seperatepy
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09:01.57IlpoI localized krecipes... and hope that it comes with KDE or is available as rpm.
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09:05.44srednaIlpo: I'm not sure how localizations of those apps are distributed
09:09.18srednaIlpo: But judging from the just released version of KMPlayer ( part of a release ofr an app is to update the localizations (look at the changelog)
09:09.33chimaeradrrr, is there a channel where i might get help regarding udev/usb issues?
09:09.53sredna#linux I'd say
09:12.30NOthsouthhow did I install KDE 3.2.2 on fedora core 3, I just download i386 folder fill w/ rpms ..
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09:22.01chimaerasredna: i'll try, thanks.
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09:26.20canllaithmmm I think amarok has gotten a wee bit less cpu hoggy
09:28.11grepperI feel like such a moron, I can't figure out how to get this Slot 1 processor and hs/fan out of this box
09:29.02chimaeragrepper: a hammer?
09:29.03slayerbobgrepper: chainsaw :)
09:29.21shevegeni am happy. the keybindings work :)
09:29.22greppermay have to use money
09:29.39chimaeraslayerbob: well, i think that's oversized. :-p
09:29.47srednaHi canllaith
09:29.54canllaithHey there sredna :)
09:30.05srednaHow are yuo doing?
09:30.27grepperI'd prefer not to also be pulling out ic's at the same time :P
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09:34.49brucehoultok, so this amaroK is quite nice:
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09:37.16ServerCrashi have installed kde on fc3
09:37.23ServerCrasheverything is working fine
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09:37.38ServerCrashonly problem is that when i do logout, it lands up in blank page
09:37.56ServerCrashi mean it doesnt go back to gdm/ login manager
09:38.05ServerCrashwhere as gnome works fine
09:38.12ServerCrashany idea what could be causing this
09:38.26Stofgdm is buggy ?
09:38.58ServerCrashwell didnt had any problem with gnome
09:39.03ServerCrasheasy login and logout
09:39.09ServerCrashits only with kde
09:39.11canllaithI'd look at how you set up gdm perhaps ?
09:39.38ServerCrashdid nothing to gdm its the default one
09:39.47ServerCrashthe fc3 default
09:39.56ServerCrashall i do is select the sesion as kde and do a login
09:40.09ServerCrashand when i try to logout it lands up into a blank screen
09:40.34ServerCrashthen if i do ctl+ backspace the x server restarts and gets back the login page
09:42.12canllaithI wanted to export my amarok collection to another pc and it's behaving a bit strangely
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09:45.26ServerCrashhow to get shutdown option in kde
09:45.29ServerCrashall i get is logout
09:50.26ServerCrashother thing is how to setup kde as default option on fc3 instead of gnome
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09:53.00pontoServerCrash:  when kdm is your  login manager, you will get a shutdown option
09:53.31ServerCrashhow to set kdm as login manager
09:53.47pontoYou might ask the Fedora peopel
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10:01.58canllaithoh! tag editing in amarok seems to actually work now
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10:06.01brucehoult.. especially since iTunes already has them right anyway
10:07.56canllaithSome of mine I haven't ripped from cs :$ so the tags aren't very good
10:08.11canllaitherm, cds
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10:14.29LinuxNIThey guys i am useing fedora core and i just installed the rpm for a new kde theme. how do i load use that them now?
10:15.17LinuxNITlet me restate the question. How do i use the theme i just installed?
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10:21.25srednaThe taskbar is misbehaved -- if I click on the task for a window that is not on top, it is minimized
10:21.54srednaIf the task is in a group
10:22.18sredna@since some days ago
10:24.12grepperyes !
10:24.51grepperthis processor I rescued from scrap just more than doubled my processor speed
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10:29.40shevegendoes one of you know where the keybindings are stored per default?
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10:32.38cocozzHi, where is the Trash of Konqueror ?
10:32.53_ceruleancocozz: trash:/
10:33.31srednashevegen: Standard keys are in the code
10:33.33cocozzprotocol not supported
10:34.03srednacocozz: Then it is in the trash directory, you can find the path in the control center
10:34.05shevegenhmm yeah well what if i overrule some of them, and add my own keycuts? want to back only these up and put them on another pc
10:34.57srednashevegen: Modifications are stored in a local copy (under ~/.kde/share/apps/<app>) the applicatins ui xml file
10:35.53srednashevegen: I'm not sure where modifications to the standard keys goes
10:36.15shevegenyeah... cant find them... well i will keep on searching anyway, thanks :)
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10:45.14chimaerathe media:/ protocol only shows me optical-drives (if a cd is inserted). can i convice it to also show storage-devices (usb/iee1394) somehow?
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10:49.39guerbyhi, I'm trying to use knx to connect to a freenx server (all under suse 9.2), after setting things up on server and client, connect says starting remote session then nothing happens
10:49.44guerbywhat do I do wrong?
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10:59.55Noldois there a way to integrate subversion in to kdevelop?
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11:04.02srednaIt's allready done, afaik
11:04.26srednaNoldo: But you're better off asking in #kdevelop
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11:04.54canllaithNice, I love this new kde 3.4 splash screen (although, the 'freeze' one was pretty too)
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11:05.55karunakarhello all is there a kde-i18n channel?
11:07.48srednakarunakar: The closest you get is #kde-doc I think
11:10.50karunakarsredna: hmm, no one around there
11:11.07srednakarunakar: Sorry, #kde-docs
11:11.20srednaList claims there are 7 people in there
11:11.32karunakari basically wanted to ask - where do translation for 3.4 go , in HEAD or KDE_3_4_BETA_2 ?
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11:12.30canllaithheya lippel :)
11:12.57lippelhi canllaith. they do not?
11:13.02canllaithNo :(
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11:15.41karunakarsredna: thanks, i hav already chekd in there
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11:32.53*** join/#kde Flendor (Flendor@
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11:33.34PieDA riddle : what is the name of the program which need more time than KDE to compile and do less things ?
11:33.47PieDAnswer :
11:33.50PieDmozilla :p
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11:34.00canllaithPieD: heh
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11:34.12canllaithmmm, this is a nice new splash
11:34.22canllaithI like it the best of all the ones I have seen I think
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11:34.36PieDthe new splash is nice, yes !
11:34.49srednaYay, sporting the new K logo :)
11:34.55canllaith:) yep
11:34.56FlendorNew K logo?
11:35.46rich_Bhmm, nice:-0
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11:36.54canllaithYep so new kmenu button, splash screen, new K logo everywhere
11:36.59canllaithin the documentation all the heaters
11:37.25FlendorLet me see what it looks like..
11:37.35FlendorOoh, looks cool :)
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11:38.07sredna2D is becomming cool, after a long period of 3D ... funny, right ;P
11:38.22FlendorHeh, I dunno, I like simplicity
11:38.29canllaithHere we go :)
11:38.48Flendorsredna - are there long-term plans to make KDE 3-d ?
11:39.02PieDwhich kernel ?
11:39.02canllaithPieD: yes? :)
11:39.08canllaith2.4..... sod
11:39.12canllaith2.4.24 I think
11:39.28PieDFlendor: no plan for 3D in KDE
11:39.38canllaithIt has been upgraded now and rebooted
11:39.50canllaithThat was taken the night before we rebooted it into new kernel ;)
11:39.50Flendor..but what are we going to do if every OS gets a 3-D GUI in the future? :/
11:40.02canllaithI don't see any other OS getting a 3d gui by default :P
11:40.05PieDno plan doesn't mean nothing !
11:40.18PieDthe only true 3D GUI I know is Looking Glass
11:40.24srednaFlendor: In kde 17.0, text in kate will be represented by a virtual ballet performing a dance that visualizes the meaning of your text
11:40.26PieDYou can see looking glass on my website :
11:40.27FlendorWell Windows wil get one I think..
11:40.35rich_B3D seems less intuative than 2D:)
11:40.37canllaithsredna: LOL I am quoting you on that
11:40.57Flendor(The \o/ was to the ballet)
11:41.00srednaIt will simply rock for programming...
11:41.23FlendorHmm..why not give Konqi a ballerine costume..(Damnit there was a name for this fluffy skirt thingy :/ )
11:41.26*** join/#kde lilo (lilo@levin-pdpc.staff.freenode)
11:41.46canllaithSome more examples of new K !
11:41.47nhFlendor: If you're talking about Longhorn, that isn't 3D, it's using 3D acceleration primitives for 2D rendering, and that's something that you'll (or can already see, actually) in X windows today
11:42.02FlendorOh, yes, Tutu! :D
11:42.06FlendorThanks canny :)
11:42.21FlendorOh, nice.
11:42.43CeruleanPieD: How is looking glass with ATI cards?
11:42.44Flendornh - Well I've never seen a Longhorn video or anything...
11:42.52FlendorI just hope KDE doesn't fall behind :/
11:43.07nhI'm pretty sure that as soon as we actually know that going 3D on the desktop makes sense, KDE deelopers will be all over it :)
11:43.15CeruleanPieD: I was intending to give it a go but I hear scattered information about the support being bad
11:43.17*** join/#kde PieD_ (
11:43.38PieD_[12:40:27] <PieD> You can see looking glass on my website :
11:43.40PieD_[12:40:41] <PieD>
11:43.44PieD_[12:41:02] <PieD> Flendor: windows will get a 3D interface for marketing !
11:44.00FlendorOoh :) So this new KDE logo will be in 3,4, right?
11:44.10canllaithYep yep
11:44.10PieDthe marketing people will say : "3D interface"
11:44.10FlendorNice thing I just installed Slack 10.1 then :)
11:44.21PieDbut it is not 3D, I don't agree
11:44.29FlendorPieD - LOL, I just hate marketing people :)
11:44.45PieDI think that there are plans for KDE 4 to use more and more the new X technologies like Composite
11:44.48canllaithoh wow that looks so cool
11:44.57PieDthis could allow nice effects
11:45.02PieDwhat looks so cool ?
11:45.11Flendor...a computer shop's marketer tells to one friend that wants to buy 128 MB GF 6800 to choose a 256 MB GF Fx 5700 over it :)
11:45.27nh <-- are these images scaled? I don't like that the fonts look blurry :/
11:45.30PieDhey, it is my graphic card !
11:45.33*** join/#kde lilo (lilo@levin-pdpc.staff.freenode)
11:45.38canllaithAlthough I am too messy
11:45.40PieDnh : this is only a demo
11:45.50PieDit is not planned to be usable
11:45.53canllaithI would throw windows all over the desktop
11:45.55PieDespecially that demo-app
11:45.57Flendor:0 the 256 MB GF 5700?
11:46.06PieDthat "help window" is not, and won't be usable !
11:46.09*** join/#kde clusty (
11:46.11PieDthe clock is usable :)
11:46.26FlendorHello klusty :)
11:46.28*** join/#kde pjv (~pjv@
11:46.34PieDthey will do a true help system later
11:46.39FlendorMine is 128 MB too...and I think my next one will be 128 as well.
11:46.40canllaithbut later this year I am getting a nice 256MB one for my desktop and hopefully upgrading to laptop that will have 128MB
11:46.42clustywhat does this error message mean "Unknown protocol:file"
11:46.45canllaithrich_B: heh I have 4MB in my laptop
11:46.45PieDcanllaith: GeForce FX with 256 Mb :)
11:46.59clustyI get it whenever i try to run some kde related stuff
11:46.59FlendorCanllaith - Get a 6600GT, I'd say
11:47.10rich_Bcanllaith:rage mobility thing here-mach64 heh
11:47.11FlendorOr a 6800 (but it's kinda expensive :( )
11:47.13canllaithmm what was I looking at
11:47.21canllaithrich_B: mine is far worse :( neomagic 256zx
11:47.58rich_Bcanllaith: I get a DRM driver with exploits in it though ^^
11:48.13FlendorHeey, PieD is a Francophone :)
11:48.20rich_BAlthough I think they fixed that
11:48.21PieDand ?
11:48.24canllaithwhich was I looking at
11:48.27pjvhi is there a way i can disable kwrited, cause it always pops up with Message from syslogd@prime at Sat Feb 19 22:47:24 2005 prime kernel: CPU0: Running in modulated clock mode.
11:48.28canllaithThis one I think
11:48.37PieDjoin me at #kde-fr
11:48.38canllaithFX5700 256MB
11:48.40PieDI'm a bit alone
11:48.55canllaithpjv: Kcontrol -> KDE Components -> Services
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11:49.27clustywell guyz. anybody?
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11:49.48Flendorand.. well, nothing, it's just that I want to learn more French :)
11:50.10Flendor(Note: I'm not asking you to teach or anything ;) )
11:51.02pjvcanllaith: thank you ;)
11:52.39canllaithok update kdenetwork/kopete then I think I will build koffice
11:52.55canllaithand I am not touching amarok now tag editing is workin :P
11:53.01canllaithit can stay frozen in version forever
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11:58.14FlendorI think I have to learn grub sometime..
11:58.24FlendorI just don't understand a bit of it :/
12:00.10canllaithWhat's wrong Flendor ?
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12:00.51FlendorWell, it's not wrong..but one day Slack might turn to grub
12:01.23FlendorAnd I don't want to caught unprepared :/ Well, I guess there's still time.
12:01.25canllaithWell, you never know. Probably when people are saying 'Gosh, that grub bootloader is getting old....'
12:02.02FlendorHey, how's it going over there? What's Slayer doing?
12:02.32canllaithHe's experimenting with squid on one of our servers
12:02.33canllaithoh dear :|
12:02.41FlendorHey, that's a nice quote:
12:02.42*** join/#kde RomanK (
12:03.02Flendor"Remember my child: Without innocence, the cross is only iron..Hope is only illusion."
12:03.11canllaithWhat song is that ?
12:03.21FlendorHey, something went wrong?
12:03.26FlendorNightwish - Bless the Child
12:03.35FlendorIt might be part of a Christian ritual, I don't know :/
12:04.02guerbyhi, I'm trying to use knx to connect to a freenx server (all under suse 9.2), after setting things up on server and client, connect says auth ok, starting remote session then nothing happens
12:04.08guerbyany idea?
12:04.13FlendorHehe...whenever I see "squid" I don't think of the program, but the soft, wet, tentacly thing :/
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12:08.59Flendorhmm..seems like there's quite a bit of religious reference.
12:09.15FlendorBTW, how are you Mr. Hoult? How was the latest flight?
12:10.32slayerbobthere's a tentacly thing named after squid ?
12:11.07FlendorIsn't squid a small octopus? *confused*
12:11.29brucehoultFlendor: I am well.  But I haven't flown since last Sunday :-(
12:11.34FlendorOh. :/
12:11.47slayerbobbrucehoult: otoh, it is sunday now :D
12:12.06brucehoultslayerbob: yes, but not *last* SUnday.  Rather it is *this* Sunday
12:12.31*** part/#kde pjv (~pjv@
12:12.31slayerbobbrucehoult: ah but are the flights not a weekly occurrence ?
12:12.54brucehoultthey can be.  It depends on the weather and on whether I have anything else I really should do
12:13.26slayerbobgliding > other things :P
12:13.44brucehoultslayerbob: I didn't know you cared :-)
12:14.14*** join/#kde Dachaz (~Dachaz@
12:24.22*** join/#kde m0ns00n (
12:24.33m0ns00nI have a question regarding kwin
12:24.45m0ns00nIs it possible to prevent windows from being moved outside the screen space?
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12:26.00m0ns00nWould be great if this was possible
12:27.27robinyou can lock a window to a position at least
12:27.34m0ns00nWell, I mean
12:27.52m0ns00nMy desktop is 1280x1024, and I don't want the windows to move out of the screen
12:27.59m0ns00nTo constrain them within the view
12:28.09m0ns00nLike the desktop pager acts
12:28.32m0ns00nThe desktop pages stays onscreen, except for the bottom of the screen
12:29.01FlendorI wish I could help you, m0ns00n, but I never tried that.
12:29.15m0ns00nKinda missed the functionality which were in AmigaOS
12:29.41m0ns00nMakes it much easier to move windows next to each other and get everything placed.
12:30.40*** join/#kde StevenR (
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12:33.24srednam0ns00n: Kwin has a snappy mode, which means that windows will snap to each other as welll as screen borders when moved or resized
12:33.42robinI was just going to suggest that...
12:33.44srednam0ns00n: It's not a constraint, but an aid
12:33.53robinset upp the zone to a huge value
12:34.02m0ns00nsredna: I have that on 20 pixels
12:34.15m0ns00nIt works great
12:34.20robin100 pixels will make the window make a short pause before going offscreen
12:34.33m0ns00nrobin: It does that even with 10 pixels
12:35.08robinit is more apparent with 100 pixels
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13:10.09chimaerathe media:/ protocol only shows me optical-drives (if a cd is inserted). can i convice it to also show storage-devices (usb/iee1394) somehow?
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13:19.53nsarto have everything under my control and restrict the users of what are able to do i need the kiosk tool?
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13:31.12ataxicI'm looking how to change the kmenu button to a rectangle shaped one, I have seen some sort of patch in the paste but I can't find it on the web anymore, is something like his already buildin or do I have to patch and recompile (kde3.3.2)
13:31.35canllaithYou'll have to patch and recompile, and for the life of me I cannot find the patch anymore.
13:32.24ataxicdamn, I think i saw it on some italian site who was providing that winxp style plus hacks
13:36.36srednaHow about using a rectangular icon?
13:38.19ataxicwell if that does the trick
13:38.58ataxichavent tried that because I'm assuming its not working because of the patching stuff I have seen
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13:43.33PaT-ataxic : something like this?
13:44.14PaT-i hope not... because now i that i think of it... i cant remember where i put that patch...
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13:47.58ataxiclet me check
13:48.07ataxici found the hack i think
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13:49.18ataxicPaT-: yeh
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13:49.44ataxicI want a QNX like button, or atleast something close to it
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13:53.02ataxicPaT-: that one?
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13:54.41PaT-ataxic, yeah i used this... im starting to remember now... brb
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13:55.11PaT-ataxic, what version of kde do you use?
13:55.30ataxiccomes with slack 10.1
13:55.36ataxici dont mind recompiling
13:55.56PaT-ataxic, i understand you, takes three damn days :)
13:56.12FlendorFolks, what do I do to use the 2.6 kernel that comes with Slack 10.1 CD 2? Just point lilo to it?
13:56.17ataxicnah its a day for me
13:56.40ataxicFlendor: i tried on an older box but it didn't work, but that should do the trick
13:56.43*** join/#kde richmoore (
13:56.52FlendorOK, will try.
13:57.12FlendorAlso, I just installed Slack 10.1..However chickened out of the post-install configuration and under Win now.
13:57.35FlendorI only have to create a new user, install the new kernel, then configure xorg, and install nvidia drivers, no?
13:57.49Flendor(And then customization, but it changes for everyone..)
13:58.02ataxicyeh adduser
13:58.19ataxicand add video drivers if needed
13:58.31ataxicjust 'startx' first maybe it work out of the box
13:58.42FlendorI don't like configurinh XOrg.. :/
13:58.46FlendorI'll try.
13:59.02ataxicPaT-: its for : kdebase-3.2.1
13:59.08FlendorNow downloading NForce drivers.
13:59.21ataxici'll try anyway
13:59.27PaT-Flendor,  when you install the new kernel package, also dont forget to also install the alsa modules package for kernel 2.6
14:00.34FlendorOh..Is that on the CD's, PaT?
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14:00.55PaT-its in the testing dir along with the kernel 2.6 packages
14:01.01FlendorOK, thanks.
14:01.16PaT-dont install kernel-header-2.6.10 pack though... not recommended
14:01.55PaT-and one last thing... try upgradepkg
14:02.51FlendorHmmm.. So I'll use "upgradepkg" instead of "installpkg"..OK.
14:03.04*** join/#kde DexterF (
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14:03.39DexterFhi. kopete problem: entered new contact in kabc. now kopete keeps crashing when that user comes online. uses icq5
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14:09.19srednaDexterF: File a BR
14:11.34FlendorHey PaT
14:12.43FlendorI'm going to boot under Slack..
14:12.50FlendorDo some modifications, like add user..
14:12.57FlendorThen install the new kernel.
14:12.59*** join/#kde lewnidas_ (
14:13.26FlendorAfter the compulsory reboot, I'll install alsa drivers, NVidia and NForce drivers and configure X.
14:13.37FlendorI guess I'll be able to get in KDE within an hour, hopefully. :/
14:13.40FlendorSee you!
14:13.54PaT-Flendor, when you add a new user (use the adduser command) dont forget to add audio,video,cdrom,floppy when it asks you about additionnal groups.
14:14.12FlendorOK, I will. (LOL, I'm not saying I will forget, but I will add ;) )
14:14.37FlendorBTW, I guess I'll ask for a second opinion in ##slack on whether just pointing lilo to new kern el will work.
14:14.54PaT-recommended :)
14:16.45*** join/#kde rich_B (
14:18.06PaT-ataxic : check out tonight (check for Lispstik) I will update it and will put a patch for the rectangular kmenu button (even though its an horrible hack).
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14:20.26DexterFsredna: what do you know, it's already a know bug, but the solution makes me hurl: "fixed in kde 3.4". great.
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14:20.41srednaDexterF: Cool then :)
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14:26.27DexterFsredna: there's absolutely nothing cool about that - i need a fix for my stable release 3.3.2
14:26.35DexterFnot for some soon to be released beta version
14:27.34DexterF"bugfix for the current release? nah, wait til kingdom come for the next version, til then your production system lies bare or use other software"
14:27.40ataxicow missed pats msg
14:27.50ataxicah well I'll try his when this one fails
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14:33.37DekanyZHi! I try to use Kdevelop 3, and don't know where can i set up the libs, what i want to be linked!
14:33.43DekanyZDo anyone know this?
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14:36.32srednalauri_: Is there a way to make formatted markup in docbook, for examplifying purposes?
14:37.04srednalauri_: I ask on behalf on dh_
14:37.40srednaDekanyZ: You may have more luck asking in #kdevelop
14:41.22lippelDekanyZ: check the "automake manager"
14:41.24DekanyZYeah...but they are sleeping! :(((
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14:54.09shurikIt's quiet here today
14:54.26shurikcanllaith did you buy yourself some vodka for this weekend?
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14:59.23bietchgreetings =)
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15:05.27slayerbobit's only quiet if you don
15:05.32slayerbobt know where the noise is
15:05.34shurikAbout the other day, those 3 <censored> whom I had argument with complaint to my admin :))
15:05.46anisXslayerbob: where is your honey money ?
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15:06.04shurikAs if channel operators could not metigate the problem
15:06.07slayerbobalready spent it on the honey
15:06.20anisXaha :p
15:06.32anisXslayerbob: kiss her for me pls!!!
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15:06.45slayerbobkiss the jar of honey ?
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15:06.59anisXslayerbob: your "honey"!
15:07.03anisXnot the jar of honey
15:07.11canllaithyour kasih!
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15:07.13canllaithyour sayang!
15:07.15canllaithme, you goose!
15:07.25anisXahaks canllaith !
15:07.25slayerboboh right
15:07.27shurikslayerbob have you notced that I arued only with 2-3 reghulars on this channel and not anybody else?
15:07.29slayerbobbut i already did that
15:07.36canllaithahaks ! adik gila :p
15:07.47anisXcanllaith: yer kakak busuk!
15:07.51slayerbobshurik: can't say i ever noticed that you existed, let alone argued with someone...
15:08.11shurikslay oki doki
15:08.11anisXcanllaith: what are u doing ? fire up the kde ?
15:08.41wolffcHi, can someone tell me, where mime-type/application associations are stored in KDE3.3?
15:09.48slayerbob(8) out of the tree of life i just picked me a plum (8)
15:10.10slayerbobso how is the python programming coming along anisX ?
15:10.51anisXslayerbob: ah..i dont start yet with coding
15:11.02anisXi just install wxpython modules in my fc3
15:11.22anisXslayerbob: im not expert like ya..takes time to code program in py
15:11.34slayerbobi thought you started with it a few months ago
15:11.57anisXslayerbob: yes..i already start it..but coding in the design/implementation
15:12.07anisXand now im doing planning and analysis
15:12.09slayerboboh right
15:12.37anisXslayerbob: wanna help me ? :p
15:12.43*** join/#kde r00tsh3ll (~r00tsh3ll@
15:12.47slayerbobi don't know python :(
15:13.01anisXslayerbob: same here..we can learn it together ;)
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15:13.22anisXslayerbob: you are good and know just nothing..but maybe on september i fly to NZ!
15:13.27slayerbobbut it's so much work to learn a new language :(
15:13.53slayerbobyou're going to fly to nz just to kick canllaith ?
15:13.56anisXslayerbob: so what are u doing right now ? fire up the physics thingy ?
15:14.04anisXslayerbob: yes..i think so
15:14.06slayerbobfire up the physics thingy ?
15:14.12shurikif you know how to program in one or two langauges , 3rd one is easy pick up
15:14.21anisXor u want me to kick you too ?
15:14.26canllaith:O want kick me?
15:14.34canllaithbut maybe I not be in NZ anymore adik ;)
15:14.45anisXwhere r u going sista ?
15:14.51canllaithmaybe Sydney :)
15:15.03shurikRecently, I read an article that NZ official caught Isreali spies:)
15:15.13anisXah okey..i still have uncle slayer and uncle Renze :p
15:15.18shurikI would ever be interested in going to NZ in first place:))
15:15.22slayerbobi won
15:15.33slayerbob*i won't be in NZ either if canllaith is not here
15:15.51anisXuncle slayer and sista leave me :(
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15:16.09slayerbobwell there is a good chance we could be back by around september anyways :P
15:16.16slayerbobdepends on how things turn out :P
15:16.24anisXslayerbob: i want pizza!
15:16.30slayerbobme too :(
15:16.38anisXslayerbob: maybe i bring my pc there
15:16.44anisXinstall gentoo for me!
15:16.44slayerbobthere are no pizza restaurants here :(
15:16.51slayerbobgentoo ???
15:17.00canllaithlol I would install gentoo if you wanted it
15:17.12anisXslayerbob: nah..we can find pizza restaurants at NZ
15:17.27anisXcanllaith: install is not enough for me though..teach me also
15:17.28shurikcanllaith would make pizza for you two
15:17.40anisXshurik: i hope so ;)
15:17.57shuriklet's see if she's agreeing
15:18.21canllaithof course I would :P
15:18.57anisXcanllaith: u dont like pizza ?
15:18.59slayerbobwe have lots of mushrooms
15:19.06slayerboband there is probably chicken in the freezer
15:19.14slayerbob-> chicken + mushroom pizza :D:D:D
15:19.14anisXslayerbob: cheese pizza is very good for me
15:19.28slayerbobwell it would not be pizza if it did not have cheese :P
15:19.33shurikI don't think if you two get together will learn any python programming
15:19.50canllaiththose mushrooms were for soup
15:19.56anisXslayerbob: just mushroom..just put chicken over it
15:19.57canllaithmushroom & thyme soup with white wine
15:20.07anisXngaa :D
15:20.13anisXi dont drink *wine*
15:20.13slayerbobokie soup it is then
15:20.20slayerbobi do :D
15:20.20anisXcoke coke!
15:20.33slayerbobi do not drink coke though
15:20.36anisXok..i fly to NZ now
15:21.35anisXslayerbob: your pizza and soup thingy make me hungry!
15:21.37shurikDo kiwis make good barbeque there?
15:21.47shurikin NZ
15:22.00shurikway better than chicken pizza, imho
15:22.42anisXshurik: where are u come from ?
15:23.05shurikrom cyberspace
15:23.18anisXrom cyberspace ?
15:23.31shurikwell, *from
15:23.36anisXi dont understand it..i found my english is very to communicate here
15:23.47anisX*very had
15:24.09slayerbobyou seem to be doing well enough with the english :P
15:24.22shurikYour English is fine, beides, communication skills is what counts on irc
15:24.22anisX[genetics@owned azureus]$ ./azureus <-- how to edit the KMENU with this command ?
15:24.48anisXjust dont use extreme english with
15:24.59slayerbobextreme english ?
15:25.19anisXslayerbob: sigh..see..u dont understand what i said
15:25.19shurikI'd teach eXtreme programming
15:25.25shurikonce I know it myself:)
15:25.47anisXshurik: what kind of prog language do you exTreme ?
15:25.47slayerbobanisX: i understand just fine - i just do not know what extreme english is :P
15:25.51shurikCan you believe she's complaing about her English skills?
15:26.10shurikMy English is far worst than yours, anisX
15:26.22anisXslayerbob: maybe weird english words dear
15:26.58shurikanisX eXtreme is well known among programmers
15:27.07anisXwahh..azureus rawks..downloading constantine right now
15:27.13shurikhit the search eggine and you'd find millions of queries on it
15:27.38anisXif i were good on search engine..i will not come here
15:28.38slayerbobah so we're not good enough for you then ? you only come here for the help ? :P
15:29.05anisXhaha slayerbob
15:29.27anisXi come here just not for help..i come here to slap you!
15:29.30shurikIt's very theoritcal but it's always good to know different ideas
15:30.08anisXcries is good..i always cries when something wrong happened to my computer
15:30.14*** join/#kde Flendor (Flendor@
15:30.25infodroidanisX: no no, just reinstall everything, no need to cry
15:30.30anisXwelcome back Flendor !!!
15:30.39FlendorThanks anis
15:31.06anisXinfodroid: reinstall means i lost everything..but at least i can make backup the files into another hdd
15:31.32anisXmany people dont like fedora..but i started linux with it about 6 months ago...
15:32.42shurikdon't listen to them all linux distributions about 90& the same
15:32.56shuriksame software with different setup and policies
15:33.20*** join/#kde h3lios (
15:33.28anisXshurik: i should listem to them..because "them" teach me how to handle linux dude
15:33.41h3liosi am trying to compile kdebase-3.3.2 on ppc, but the uic doesn't properly add includes for the kdewidgets in the auto-generated cpp-files. adding them by hand works, but i don't want to add hundreds of includes myself. any ideas?
15:33.43anisXheya h3lios =)
15:33.51h3lioshi anisX
15:34.12shurikanisX I see
15:35.03anisXshurik: i dont know nothing linux at first..but now at least i know how to use terminal :p
15:35.49shurikThat's quite an ahcievment, anisX :)
15:36.07anisXshurik: yes i guess so ;)
15:36.29anisXi dont switch to windows for several months..that is pretty cool!
15:36.44shurikI depednds, do y uwant to be an adminsitrator, testing and supporting linux distrubtions or just to use desktop appliciations\
15:37.01*** join/#kde mg_ (
15:37.16shurikIf you want to know linux inside out build a distrubtion yourself, eventually . This will help to understand a lot about linux
15:37.18mg_I have a error when running amarok: GStreamer-ERROR **: No default scheduler name - do you have a registry ?
15:37.27mg_After this, amarok crashes. Any tips ?
15:37.44chavomg_, run gst-register
15:38.19anisXshurik: yeah..thanks a lot for that information
15:38.28StevenRmg_: could try #amarok
15:39.00mg_chavo, it helped, thx
15:39.09mg_StevenR, will remember.
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15:39.56shurikanisX provides excellent documations o how linux distros are built
15:40.17shurikbut it's boring , python programming would be more interesting:)
15:40.30anisXahh python..
15:40.38shurikand then there's ruby
15:40.43anisXi learned python with someone grateful!
15:40.47*** join/#kde Alethes (pennywise@alethes.user)
15:40.53shurikvery elegant, everybody loves it
15:42.35Stofshurik: not everybody, there are still some who find Ruby syntax weird and too close to Perl :)
15:44.06shuriktoo close to Perl?
15:44.15shurikyou must be kidding
15:45.01shurikwell, I don't think this channel is appropriate for such argument go to the relelvant channels and ask the guys who hang around there
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15:46.08infidelanyone here familiar with kradio
15:47.02*** join/#kde Cerulean (~Cerulean@giannaros.developer.kde)
15:47.15infodroidinfidel: never used it, what is that
15:47.42infidelit's a radio program for my radio card
15:48.49shurikquiet again
15:49.00shurikeveryone has gone about his/her bussiness:)
15:49.18shurikcanllaith is making a chicken pizza?:)
15:49.49canllaithbut konversation flashes a popup when someone calls my name
15:49.57CeruleanWhy does Konsole not respond to the --noframe option?
15:50.04CeruleanIs it a bug?
15:50.15*** join/#kde Roey (
15:50.18canllaithNo, it does respond to --noframe - it just doesn't make it -entirely- frameless
15:50.22canllaithwell assuming yours does the same as mine
15:50.26RoeyFrom code, how do you get a list of a Konqueror session's open tabs?
15:50.34Ceruleancanllaith: It use to
15:50.50Roeycanllaith: hello (I'm still having trouble getting KDE's translucency working)
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15:52.15CeruleanActually no, it has asolutely no effect
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15:56.06shurikwhere are those three *$&%$& who were shouting the other day?
15:56.18canllaithshurik: don't start again
15:56.20canllaithjust don't
15:56.27shurikMust have gone to taker their computers out for a walk
15:56.39shurikcanllaith I don't start it  and I never did
15:57.09canllaithif you want to pick a fight, may I suggest #gentoo? :)
15:57.41shurikwhy do I want to pick up a fight?
15:57.52shurik#gentoo is not place to go either:)
15:58.01shurikdont' know anything about it
15:58.15*** join/#kde Washuu (
15:58.38shurikI may just leave in peace here guys:)
15:59.02shurikIt looks like it's boring get together for 5-6 people
15:59.19shuriksee ya canllaith and everyone else:)
15:59.24*** part/#kde shurik (
15:59.25anisXbubye shurik
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16:02.26Ceruleancanllaith: The active konsole has been started with --noframe
16:02.32CeruleanLooks exactly the same to me.
16:03.13canllaiththat colour scheme is cute, and I should redownload nuvola
16:03.53canllaithI can't see any bloody difference either on my machine
16:04.01canllaithlaunch konsole, use it to launch konsole --noframe
16:04.04*** part/#kde ovirrede (
16:04.06canllaithcan't tell any difference - I'm using cvs head
16:04.25Ceruleanbeta2 here
16:04.46canllaithlooks so clean and crisp on your screenie
16:05.28Ceruleannuvola is pretty cool
16:06.45PhilOut--noframe doesn't work here either, although --noscrollbar and --notabbar do
16:07.33CeruleanYeah - I usually go for the transparent borderless Konsole look
16:07.43Ceruleanbut upgraded to 3.4-beta2 and saw it doesn't work anymore
16:07.55PhilRodyou can probably get rid of it with 'kstart' or the window menu
16:08.03CeruleanNo, already tried
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16:13.58PhilRodI can get that much - is that what you want?
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16:14.49CeruleanI can get that far, it's just the frame :-)
16:15.44PhilRodoh, that little remaining bit of frame? I see
16:16.07PhilRodso that's what the --noframe option should remove
16:16.21chavo--noframe isn't working here either
16:17.32CeruleanI'll file a bug report and see if I can write a quick patch
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16:28.47nsari am using the kiosktool of waldo bastian and i am trying to lockdown completly the icons on the screen so users cannot change any icons but it seems that the option for locking down the icons do nothing
16:28.52nsarany idea why?
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16:36.21canllaithoh man, that's really awkward
16:36.29canllaithdamn where is aseigo when you want him
16:36.41nsarcanllaith: you have addressed to me?
16:36.57nsarah ok
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16:42.26charolastracan i somehow define a key shortcut which inserts smilies (i.e. a defined string) on the cursor position?
16:43.23PieDcharolastra: it is possible with khotkeys
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16:44.36PhilRodhrm, does khotkeys have any docs?
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16:44.54PhilRodit looks like something really cool that could do with promotion
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16:45.19rabaukeDoes anybody know whether the new Logitech mouse module is already available in beta2?
16:45.24s3m10si thought you had to use konversation to get in here
16:45.26rabaukeI cannot find it in kcontrol
16:45.34s3m10sit is. but its a pain in the ass to get it to work
16:46.09s3m10syou have to install libusb and libusb-devel to get it to compile
16:46.44minahdI'm trying to konstruct 3.4b2 and i'm getting the following error: /bin/sh: ./configure: /bin/sh: bad interpreter: Permission denied
16:46.48s3m10sand unless you use a really newer model, it doesn't do much
16:46.53minahdis this common? or am i just special in some way
16:47.14canllaithif you're on a linux it's damn near impossible
16:47.20s3m10sI never saw it
16:47.31richmoore has some docs
16:47.37minahdhmm, konstruct hates me
16:47.39PieDminahd: which distribution ???
16:47.52canllaithDo you have sh installed?
16:48.02minahdmy /bin/sh is -s to /bin/bash
16:48.08canllaithand are you being some strange user or using chroot or something?
16:48.13canllaithYeah that's cool
16:48.24minahdnope, i'm just in my normal shell
16:48.27minahdas me
16:48.44rabaukes3m10s: At least the battery status would help a lot
16:48.49canllaithtry just popping a little shell script in your home dir that does
16:48.58s3m10swell, that's about what works.
16:49.00canllaithecho 'This is working!'
16:49.04canllaithand then sh shellscript
16:49.11s3m10sI think its not even at beta status yet. its just too much a pain
16:49.22canllaithIf that doesn't work I'd suggest ls -lah /bin/sh to make sure the symlink isn't broken or the permissions aren't dodgy
16:49.31minahdthat worked
16:49.35rabaukeI use the suse packages and it's not in there, shold it be an extra tab in the mouse kcontrol module?
16:49.59rabaukes3m10s: It has green status on the feature plan
16:50.04minahdcanllaith: that worked for me just fine
16:50.17canllaithminahd: iiiiiinteresting. In that case
16:50.25canllaithis the script sh is trying to execute in that dir?
16:50.25minahdcanllaith: declare war on konstruct?
16:50.40minahdi'm just following the instructions
16:50.45s3m10sit just took me an hour to get it to install
16:50.46canllaithJust have a look
16:50.48minahdcd meta/kde;make
16:51.03s3m10sit wou.d be more usefull with a applet i think
16:51.05canllaith'bad interpreter' that's bizzare
16:51.30minahdthere is no configure in meta/kde
16:51.53minahdand there isn't one in the konstruct main dir, either
16:52.13canllaithGive me a moment, I'll look at the source tree
16:52.28minahdi just did: find | grep configure
16:52.40canllaithThat wont do much :)
16:52.49minahdi know, i'm just trying to find any occurence of it
16:53.03minahdthere's on in kdebase and kdelibs, arts and glib
16:53.04minahdbut that's it
16:53.28s3m10si got bad interpreter like that when I was compiling something in single user mode
16:53.58canllaithSo you've downloaded
16:53.58minahdi did google searches on it, but none that i found seemed to help
16:54.36rabaukeCould it be that features got removed from the 3.4 feature plan?
16:54.51minahdunstable might be the keyword, here
16:55.10rabaukeI cannot find: make login manager themeable anymore
16:55.34s3m10ssometimes your menu editor botches that stuff up.
16:55.48s3m10sdelete ~/.config/* and then restart
16:56.00canllaithDon't delete anything please
16:56.07canllaithJust move the directory to dirname-bak
16:56.10s3m10sback it up first
16:56.13canllaithThen you don't lose data
16:56.35s3m10stheoretically deleting that configrc shouldn't loose anything.
16:56.54canllaithExcept any custom menu modifications someone might have slaved over ;) It's possible.
16:57.30minahdmaybe i'll just wait until 3.4 gets released
16:58.29s3m10sthe worst problem with beta 2 is  kompmgr. its going to be killer, but its pretty bugginf right now
16:58.44canllaithCheck that all the configure scripts have execute permission on them
16:58.52canllaithfind . | grep configure | xargs chmod +x
16:58.59canllaith:) that might help, we can hope
16:59.10minahdthat'll make my's +x?
16:59.12minahdi guess it don't matter
16:59.23canllaithIt wont hurt them and I'm lazy at 5:50 am :P
17:01.36minahdand they are owned by my user
17:02.07minahdaw, well. i think i'll just wait for 3.4 release. it's not too far away anyway, right?
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17:02.16canllaithmid march
17:02.21canllaithno gentoo ebuild of the beta 2 ?
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17:03.32minahdi can't find it, but probably not, since portage would install it globally unlike konstruct which would just install it for my user
17:03.45canllaithTrue, but they get different slots
17:03.50canllaiththere was an ebuild for beta 1 iirc
17:04.28minahdbah, only a month to wait. and then however long for KDE4 :p which is what i'm waiting for.
17:04.42s3m10sI'm running the beta as my main system. I don't think i have another window manager
17:04.45canllaithheh a little while.
17:04.54canllaithI'm running current CVS head
17:04.59PieDCVS too
17:05.01canllaithI think I have xfce on here for emergencies
17:05.04PieDcompiled by suse folks
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17:05.36canllaithI noticed on cvs up'ing today the cvs freeze splashscreen was replaced by a nice new shiney one
17:05.48minahdi tried to do CVS head, but i couldn't find instructions that told me exactly what to type.
17:06.02canllaithlol it's pretty trivial and the instructions are there.
17:06.04minahdi'm not a newbie, but i'm not familiar with some of this stuff
17:06.21minahdhmm, lemme look again
17:06.24s3m10sactually I have windowmaker for emergencies.
17:06.44canllaithI wonder if the bot knows about it
17:06.46canllaithapt: cvs
17:06.47aptcvs stands for concurrent versions systems. more info here  The asterisk CVS can be found at
17:06.54canllaithok ignore the bot
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17:07.28canllaithThat's what you'd want, and then compile KDE is just generic for cvs sources
17:07.40canllaithmake -f Makefile.cvs; ./configure --options; make; make install etc.
17:08.22s3m10sgotta love american ginger snaps
17:08.22minahdas root, i imagine
17:08.35canllaithDepends if the prefix or any other option requires it
17:08.49*** part/#kde Venson (
17:08.52canllaithI tend to make DESTDIR=/pkgroot install then tar it up as a user and ship it off to other machines
17:09.07s3m10sI use destdir=/opt/kde
17:09.10canllaithrather cute new splash screen. At least, I think so :)
17:09.20minahdoh, i saw that on kde-look
17:09.25canllaith--prefix and DESTDIR are rather different.....
17:09.26s3m10sthan copy it to other machines
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17:09.32canllaithfair enough s3m10s :)
17:09.40s3m10s, i use prefix, your right.
17:09.52s3m10shell, what do I know. I havent' been messing with linux that long
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17:10.13s3m10sI don't even know how to use cvs. but I do learn fast. I'm an evil geniuus
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17:10.51canllaithmmm I probably should remove things like my shopping list etc from the webserver
17:11.50apollo2011Is anyone here familiar with Captive NTFS? I am trying to use it get write access to my NTFS partitions but I can't get them mounted
17:12.07s3m10sit is kinda screwy
17:12.19s3m10sI'm running it but it is really good at letting you loose all changes
17:12.32s3m10sit can't hadnle more than 1 gig files either
17:14.17s3m10sdoes it give you an error while trying to mount them?
17:14.34minahdi like your screenshots
17:14.38minahdof beta2
17:14.49canllaithmmmm ?
17:14.52s3m10smount -t captive-static /dev/hda2 /mnt/captive-data ?
17:15.59minahdoh man, i love the transluscency and shadows
17:17.07canllaithAlethes is finishing up bluecurve icon set for KDE since it's not very complete
17:17.47canllaith( grep canllaith /var/log/httpd/access | tail )
17:18.49s3m10sthere are some kewl icon sets on kde-look.
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17:22.51minahdyes, i'm being snoopy
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17:23.05EzoNaanHello.. I need some help with KCheckGmail.. I enter my password in it, close the config dialog down, and when i open it up again.. my password appears as 3 ***, but its actually much longer.
17:23.07canllaithand you're using w2k ? :\
17:23.10*** part/#kde rabauke (
17:23.14minahdi most certainly am not
17:23.25minahdmaybe i set my browser identification to win2k
17:23.30canllaithoh of course heh
17:23.32*** join/#kde IceRAM (~iceram@
17:23.32minahdi was trying to do some workarounds
17:24.31canllaithhowever, the 'about' dialog and the uptime most definitely are.
17:24.41canllaithMe on a mac? Never, you're hallucinating.
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17:25.24rich_Bonly 40 days on my router:( hehe
17:25.30s3m10si was surprised what underneath all that mac spiffy stuff.  a good ole linux base
17:25.44canllaiththat screenie reminds me
17:25.46minahdyou didn't know that?
17:25.48canllaithI should finish documenting konstruct
17:25.55canllaithand it's actually BSD and not linux :)
17:25.55rich_Bbig loads:)
17:26.03s3m10sI did when i started setting up cups and samba!
17:26.32s3m10sI thought it was darwin
17:26.38rich_Bcanllaith: which bsd ?
17:26.40canllaithdarwin is not linux
17:27.06canllaithDarwin is a BSD style unix :)
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17:27.09s3m10swell, I'll concede you that. :>
17:27.11rich_Bcanllaith: 5.3 freebsd here, tried it on my laptop, but it didnt get on:0
17:27.39canllaithrich_B: I use Slackware linux myself, and occasionally am forced to use Darwin/BSD through no fault of my own
17:27.48canllaithand there are a few redhat and freebsd boxes lying around the place
17:28.25rich_Bcanllaith: using arch on my laptop, compiling is painfull for it:)
17:28.42canllaithAll I build by hand are kernels, qtmozilla and KDE cvs head
17:28.49canllaithI don't have TIME for anything else heh
17:29.02s3m10sI run the same distro on mydesktop and laptop, so I can compile on the fast machine and then install with out losing time or melting the laptop
17:29.09canllaithI use slackware current packages or do with out.
17:29.21canllaiths3m10s: indeed, although I'm lazy with upgrading
17:29.28rich_BWell on freebsd 5.3 it took 23 hours to build a kde package
17:29.43canllaithSo we have a slack 9.1 desktop, a slack 10 laptop, a slack 10 desktop and a slack 10.1 laptop
17:29.46s3m10swow. that's slow. what cpu is that?
17:30.02rich_Bp3 600 is a little underpowered;) I should upgrade but I like this laptop:)
17:30.05s3m10sI have a mdk 10.1 htpc, a 10.0 server, a 10.1 desktop and a 10.1 laptop
17:31.01canllaithFrom a 166Mhz to a 2.4GHz and everything in between heh
17:31.02rich_BNever really tried slackware:)
17:31.14canllaithI think we estimated we have 7 machines over 1GHz and that we were too lazy to count the ones under
17:31.27s3m10swhere do you work ?
17:31.32canllaithhahaha this is at home
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17:31.40canllaithbut I currently work at
17:32.10canllaithHopefully not much longer :)
17:33.29s3m10sa page on the ndiswrapper .  
17:33.55canllaithIt is a wee bit out of date
17:34.06canllaithI need to fix it
17:34.17s3m10sits pretty easy to use now days. except stupid mandrake includes the module without the utils
17:34.38s3m10sso you can't load the ndis driver! ha
17:34.43canllaithYup, although I'm still using 0.11 since any later version simply refuses to work with my card.
17:34.48minahdtake care guys
17:35.03s3m10sreally? i'm using 10 and it works great. can't turn if off though!
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17:35.22canllaithThis version occasionally wakes my pc up from suspend
17:35.38canllaithwhich is a wee bit annoying since I often suspend when I'm low on battery and I don't want it to wake up by itself in the back of the car! :P
17:35.51s3m10smy supsend to disk finally works under kernel, so I don't suspend to ram
17:36.00rabaukeis the X config file /etc/X11/XF86config, even for
17:36.04canllaithSuspend to ram is so fast I rather like it
17:36.09canllaithrabauke: no it is /etc/X11/xorg.conf
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17:36.51rabaukecanllaith: that one points to the former
17:36.55s3m10sme too, but it has malfunctioned a couple times recently.  I just close the lid and let it suspend to disk now though. the wake up is fast enough, and I don't loose all the battery time
17:36.56rabaukeis linked
17:37.04canllaithrabauke: ok, then it does not matter which you use eh? :)
17:37.20canllaithI use about 2 - 3 % of my battery suspending overnight
17:37.25canllaithSo that's acceptable to me
17:37.27rabaukeso why does translicency not work for me? :'(
17:37.44jjazzDoes k3b rip CDs to MP3 or Ogg? If not, what ripper has a nice KDE interface?
17:37.48s3m10show?! mine would use alot more than that
17:38.06canllaithjjazz: there is an audiocd ioslave that lets you rip by drag and drop
17:38.07Theoryjjazz: there's kaudiocreator
17:38.08canllaithtry audiocd:/
17:38.11s3m10syou have to have xorg 6.8.2? is that right?
17:38.15canllaithin the konqueror titlebar
17:38.31rabaukes3m10s:: It says >= 6.8
17:38.43jjazzcanllaith,  Theory:  I'll try them both.  Thanks.
17:38.48canllaiths3m10s: I have no idea, what is your normal battery life? mine is 3.5 hours
17:38.52s3m10swith 6.8.1, mine wouldn't work.
17:39.04rabaukethat would be an explanation
17:39.12s3m10summ, right around 2 hours
17:39.18jjazzcanllaith:  audiocd protocol not supported. :(
17:39.24s3m10syou must have funcitonal speedsetep
17:39.27canllaithMine worked with 6.8.0 but that was using xcompmgr and not kompmgr
17:39.34canllaiths3m10s: not at all, I have a 500MHz processor
17:39.51canllaithit is the last model that does not support speedstep!
17:40.07canllaithSo I use APM rather than ACPI, perhaps this has a difference too ?
17:40.13s3m10swell, my celeron doesn't support it. got a bad stepping i htink
17:40.20s3m10smaybe so. this uses acpi
17:40.31canllaithThe acpi laptop I don't have suspend working on
17:40.42canllaithbelongs to my b/f and he's very fussy
17:40.58canllaithIf things do not work -perfectly- *rolls eyes*
17:41.10canllaithso he has no suspend, because if it panicked once he would be whinging.
17:42.03s3m10ssounds like my mom!
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17:48.06hituplays Title: ( Klopfgeister - Sweet Compromise ) Time: ( 0:03/5:19 (0%) ) BitRate: ( 256 kbit/s - 44100 Hz )
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17:49.49hituthe file was named "copying" in my sources folder
17:50.04hitujust renamed it to caps and nows it working
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18:01.54PieDgrrr, firefox ;)
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18:09.49kapdeHi, anyone knows how to override global language setting in order to test translations?
18:10.19kapdee.g in order to launch the app from command line
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18:11.20LinuxMafiaall : any one knows how can i make default session in kde whitout any program start at login?
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18:12.56ataxiclike knotify and klipper you mean?
18:13.58LinuxMafiaataxic: no i found it , i have to go to control center
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18:14.09LinuxMafiaataxic: and session manager
18:14.22LinuxMafiathanks all
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18:15.09bogigihi all, i have a very strange problem, my konqueror crashes after any action from mouse 'right click' menu. where is the problem? :)
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18:15.22CapNemois there a way to restart the mediamanager in kde ???
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18:23.17StevenRbogigi: what platform?
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18:28.21_poisonhi ^^
18:30.50_poisonI have a question about kdevelop ... since there is already rough support for code completion, is it possible to have it parse the included libraries as well to have completion support for them ?
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18:33.54bogigiStevenR: debian testing/unstable
18:34.39StevenRbogigi: which would be what version of kde?
18:34.51thiago_poison: libraries aren't included
18:34.54thiagoheaders are included
18:35.01bogigiStevenR: 3.3
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18:35.23StevenRbogigi: which 3.3?
18:36.39bogigikdebase        3.3.2-1
18:36.42_poisonthiago: sorry for my wording, still is it possible to get completion  ?
18:37.28StevenRbogigi: maybe a problem with the debain packages being compiled wrongly? have you checked with oterh debian users?
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18:38.17bogigii looked in google for info, but didn't find anything about this
18:39.48hituStevenR: wanna check out my konqueror crash log :)
18:39.51hituam on debian too
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18:40.13minuxYou guys know of any really really boring black n' white icons?
18:40.16StevenRhitu: are you suffering the same issue as bogigi ?
18:40.28minuxI haven't found anything on k-l.o
18:40.44hituno but somethin like it
18:41.05StevenRhitu: pastebin the log, so we can look
18:41.07hituwhen i try to change the default application for a program to run with
18:41.09thiago_poison: no idea
18:41.13hitukonq. crashes
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18:41.42bogigimy konqueror crashes for example after creating file from "rigth click" menu
18:42.02bogigiif file is created from konq menu, it's all fine
18:42.11hitudoesn happen to me .. bogigi
18:42.38StevenRhitu: well it might be useful to a developer, but I dont know what most of that means sorry
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18:43.26scotepiits been so long since i have done this, how do i get it so i have to double click stuff to open it?
18:43.43hituheh .. it didn crash now.
18:44.19hituscotepi: i think its somewhere in Control Center
18:45.32scotepithanks ;)
18:45.36scotepiany more specific?
18:46.08c-101scotepi, control center
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18:47.15ThisBulletanyone know where i can find some different backgrounds for the taskbar.
18:47.21ThisBulletnice gradient ones?
18:47.23scotepihow do i get my forward and back buttons working? i have logitech mx 700 ?
18:48.00ThisBulletcan i have yer mouse lol :D
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18:49.35hituforward  backward
18:49.36hitusounds cool
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19:08.11oneforallhi when are they goingf to make the left tree in konq showthe hidden dir(be able to enable it) sicks of having to open 2 konq just to drag and drop between 2 hidden dirs. was a long time ago whenit worked
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19:08.51c-101oneforall, why don't you split the konqueror window?
19:09.28oneforallwell why do that all the time thats as annoying as opening another , have it enabled and ti allways there a lot simpler
19:10.07c-101well..... i woudln't like  to have hidden dirs showed in the tree all the time (too much dirs) but... maybe it should be an option
19:10.48oneforallit small enough looking in dirs with out making it samller too
19:11.11oneforallyeah to enable it just liek you do witht he right a wish in
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19:16.34ThisBulletanyone know where i can find some different backgrounds for the taskbar.
19:17.15LinuxNIT-sleepshey guys i am useing fedora core and i just installed the rpm for a new kde theme. How do i use the theme i just installed?
19:18.17BlissexLinuxNIT-sleeps: if it was installed right, just use the Control Center to select the new theme. You may have to logout and login again...
19:18.32LinuxNIT-sleepsok ill try that
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19:19.22terra1hello guys
19:19.55terra1may someone answer me a kind of stupid question... what is the default font for kde that is set up the first time you start kde?
19:20.43Blissexterra1: that may depend on the distribution... I think that's usually Helvetica.
19:21.09srednaI think we lost him, to either bad connection or patience
19:21.20srednaLack of patience I mean
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19:28.55estelis there a script that is executed before kde starts or that starts very soon after loading?
19:29.32pontoestel: thert
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19:29.39pontothere is an autostart folder
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19:30.37richmoorestartkde is the earliest script - it starts all the components of the desktop
19:31.08estelponto: my problem is: i'm using kiosk to forbid the user almost anything, but he can still delete the .DCOP... file, and that's not good if you want to start konqueror afterwards...
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19:31.56estelso I'm looking for a possibility to forbid writing this file - but if i do it before kde starts it can't touch that file and that's also bad :)
19:33.31Blissexestel: you can always change the permissions on the directory containing the file in an autostart script.
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19:34.03srednaestel: You can put scripts in KDEDIR/env/*.sh which will be sourced but startkde, or put a script in the KDEDIR/share/autostart folder which is run by kdesktop when started
19:34.25pontowhen a user deletes his .DCOP... he does not deserve a working konqueror.
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19:35.22PhilRodestel: scripts in ~/.kde/env are run by startkde
19:35.30PhilRodapt: autostart
19:35.31aptautostart is probably question 9.10
19:35.35PhilRodestel: ^^ see there
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19:36.01PhilRodyou could also modify the startkde script
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19:37.20estelwhen is .DCOP touched?
19:37.47thiagowhen dcopserver starts
19:38.04estelwhen starts dcopserver?
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19:38.19thiagowhen the first KDE application starts
19:41.04srednaBut why on earth would anyone want to delete that file?
19:41.18esteli replace dcopserver by script; that gives everyone the right to write .DCOP..., then starts the 'real' dcopserver (that i've renamed) and then run chmod a-w... ?
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19:41.37estelsredna: because some idiots like to ruin your system, because it is not their ...
19:43.13PieDDoes somebody know something about plans for a search system (like Beagle) for KDE ?
19:44.23PhilRodit's called klink, or see a recent message on the kde-devel list
19:44.36PhilRodactually, klink may be something slightly different
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19:44.52PhilRodbut there's a message on the -devel list about something similar
19:45.51PieDthanks, yet google works to find informations :)
19:46.07srednaKlink looks not like beagle
19:46.23srednaBeagle in the principle indexes file meta information + a text index
19:47.03srednaKlink looks like it will log more esoteric connections
19:47.30srednaPieD: It's allmost on idea level, nothing you can actually use yet
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19:49.02PieDI saw that on google :)
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19:52.28PieDkill gnome, kill gnome !!
19:53.01PieDsorry :/ I told it because it is too natural :)
19:55.33BlissexPieD: GNOME is a wonderful project, it makes KDE look even better :-)
19:56.29PieDyes :)
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19:58.14kendrickBlissex: haha
20:00.39PieDwhy did they do gconf ?
20:00.42PieDit is horrible !
20:01.00Blissexthis could apply to GNOME (or Gentoo):
20:01.52BlissexPieD: as to GConf, I recently had a terrible moment with it:
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20:06.02kendrickhehe, nice
20:06.11kendricki think i saw this with something recently:  The GTK 2 per-user theme file is called .gtkrc-2.0 even in the 2.2 and 2.4 released of GTK 2.
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20:11.29UyCaRumBakonqueror: ERROR: Error in BrowserExtension::actionSlotMap(), unknown action : searchProvider
20:11.40SadEagleUyCaRumBa: just ignore that
20:13.18UyCaRumBaSadEagle,  but that is that message?
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20:14.22MrGrimrofl UyCaRumBa
20:14.27MrGrimthat's an awesome nick
20:14.46SadEagleUyCaRumBa: dunno.
20:15.14MrGrimUyCaRumBa: thank you sir for a good morning laugh
20:15.23illogic-ali don't get it...
20:16.06MrGrimjust the spelling mixed with the way it's capitalized and that I haven't heard that term since TMNT
20:16.08MrGrimI found it funny
20:16.08UyCaRumBajjejeje ok MrGrim
20:16.17UyCaRumBaalguien aqui habla espaniol
20:17.05UyCaRumBaSadEagle, but that error is normal?
20:17.33SadEagleI think so
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20:31.57moijkWhat is the preffered irc client for use with KDE?
20:32.37PhilRodksirc or konversation
20:32.44Slackmanmoijk, ksirc or konversation
20:32.57rich_Birssi is nice for console too
20:33.01moijkoh, have to try konversation
20:33.04Slackmanmoijk, don't think konversation is in by default is it?
20:33.07moijkthanks for the imput
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20:33.35moijki apt'ed it so. just ran chatzilla and it's a bit laggy on kde.
20:33.56moijktried ksirc now but looks more like an amiga irc client than anything else
20:34.03Slackmanmoijk, xchat isn't kde but its pretty good too
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20:48.14DhraakellianI just turned off "mousewheel over background changes desktop"
20:49.18DhraakellianI'm wanting to see if I'd actually be doing things more efficiently by using the taskbar to switch desktops
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20:53.07anisXheya Dhraakellian
20:53.18illogic-alanisX: hi.
20:53.36anisXnah illogic-al !
20:53.37Dhraakellianheh... this could take some getting used to
20:53.56anisXorville : i still cant play mp3 with amarok!
20:54.06illogic-alanisX: how come?
20:54.12illogic-alit built right?
20:54.27anisXillogic-al: yes it built..but i cant play mp3 with arts or xine engine
20:56.08illogic-alanisX: join me in #amarok
20:56.32Dhraakellianor maybe my problems have something to do with all these amarokrc.lock<randomstring>.tmp files in ~/.kde/share/config
20:56.38anisXokie smallville
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20:57.57CapNemowhat is the component which create the thumbnails of video files in konqueror 3.4 ???
20:58.25srednaCapNemo: Kio_thumb
20:59.28CapNemosredna: do you know is there a way to configure it ? because when it try to create a thumbnail of big video file (> 250Mo) it try to copy it to /tmp then /tmp is full then it stops ... pretty stupid
20:59.57srednaCapNemo: File a bug report
21:01.48srednaCapNemo: ... and keep a bit of space in yout 7tmp too :)
21:02.28CapNemosredna: it's a ram tmp :)
21:02.42CapNemosredna: all the space are take by the thumbnail process
21:02.50Dhraakellianmight as well have it right up in the corner if I'm going to be using it more
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21:14.38hituhow do i get back the navigation bar on Konqueror ?
21:15.37srednahitu: Settings->Toollbars->Location Toolbar
21:15.52juztinwhat's the command to view a jpg from the cmd line?
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21:16.21srednajuztin: To get KDE to run it, use 'kfmclient exec <file>'
21:16.49|QuaD|is there a way to change the background color on konsole?
21:16.57srednajuztin: If you want to use a specific view, the command is usually '<app> <file>', e.g. 'kview my.jpg'
21:17.06|QuaD|never mind, found it :)
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21:17.58hitunaa sredna not that one..
21:18.05hituthe one thats on the left side
21:18.18hitunavigation panel ?
21:18.21srednahitu: Ah.. window->show navigation panel
21:18.40srednahitu: Or press F9 - at least that is the default
21:18.40hituoh found a shortcut
21:18.49hituyah thanks
21:21.26hitui like that Image Gallery option
21:23.59markeyguys you have the chance to test the new amaroK LIVE cd
21:24.11markeytest it
21:24.26markeyand send feedback to us
21:24.34chimaeramedia:/ only works for optical-devices, is there a way to convince it to work with storage devices (usb/ieee1394), too?
21:25.18c-101i think media:/ works based in fstab
21:25.30Theoryworks fine for my usbstick here
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21:26.58chimaerac-101: i have those devices in my fstab..
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21:27.20chimaeraTheory: neither my flash.stick, mp3player or ieee1394 hd is displayed.
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21:28.30PhilRoddo they have entries in fstab
21:28.42apollo2011anyone know of a DVD Decrypter and DVD Shrink equivalent for Linux so I can backup 8.xGB movie to a 4.7GB DVD?
21:28.46chimaeraPhilRod: like i siad, they do.
21:29.07Theoryare they marked as user mountable?
21:29.17chimaera/dev/ihp1201    /media/ihp120           auto    rw,noauto,user,sync  
21:29.23chimaera..for example
21:30.44chimaeraapollo2011: afaik there'S a toll to do this on (german publisher)
21:32.47Slackmanapollo2011, i think mplayer can do that..not sure though
21:33.23apollo2011I would like to keep the menus and everything and the people on the mplayer channel didn't think I could do that
21:34.03Slackmanapollo2011, not sure sorry..i don't even have a dvd player.
21:34.05chimaeraapollo2011: iirc that'S not possible with the tool i'm refering to.
21:34.30apollo2011I don't speak German either lol
21:34.37Theoryanyone else having juk issues with latest head?
21:34.49apollo2011I should just do it with DVD Shrink in Windows
21:35.29chimaeraapollo2011: try running dvd-shring with wine.
21:35.45*** join/#kde K3VN[cloned] (
21:35.46apollo2011I have to figure out how to use that...
21:35.53apollo2011I can't get WINE to run anything
21:36.28apollo2011it complains that it hasn't been configured
21:36.48chimaerano ideas why my storage devices aren't displayed?
21:36.51Slackmanapollo2011, i'm sure there is something to do it, but a lot of OSS developers are going to be less inclined to breach copyright
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21:37.14Slackmanapollo2011, it just may be in CLI form
21:37.22chimaeraapollo2011: so configure it.. there's a gui to do it: winesetuptk(?).
21:37.39apollo2011where in usr/bin?
21:37.41Slackmanapollo2011, or Cross Over Office is worth it
21:37.49Slackmanapollo2011, makes wine easy
21:37.56apollo2011what does it do?
21:38.35Slackmanapollo2011, its really quite good
21:38.47Slackmanwe use it to run Photoshop at work
21:39.12chimaerawell, actually i had good results with winehq, using winesetuptk.
21:39.43Slackmanchimaera, i'm was easier to get the boss to buy crossover :)
21:40.10chimaeraSlackman: well, no boss at home to give me the budget ;)
21:40.14*** join/#kde IceRAM (~iceram@
21:40.30apollo2011same here
21:40.54chimaeraapollo2011: there are quite some hotos around..
21:41.19*** join/#kde PieD (
21:43.38apollo2011I got it configed...
21:44.29*** join/#kde rootleak (
21:44.58rootleakCan someone help me, I removed the kicker icons to switch the desktops, how do I get it back?
21:45.17chimaerarootleak: add the pager applet
21:45.35rootleakahh, awesome, thanks chimaera
21:45.42chimaerarootleak: np
21:46.42chimaeraPhilRod: Theory: what do your fstab entries for usb-storage devices look like?
21:46.58Theory/dev/sda1       /mnt/usbdisk    auto    users,noauto    0       0
21:47.38hitui got a better line
21:48.02chimaeraTheory: no sync?
21:48.04ThisBulletis there a way to download more gradients for the kde taskbar.  i like the default one but i want some more spice :)
21:48.19PhilRodchimaera: I don't have any (usb storage devices)
21:48.34TheoryI unmount before removing
21:48.45ThisBulletalso. i emerged kde 3.3.2 a while ago.  i wish to upgrade to the meta.  thats seperate in portage from kde-base/kde and kde-base/kde-meta.  so i dont know how to upgrade.
21:48.51PhilRodThisBullet: if there are, they'll be on . If not, you can probably create your own
21:49.17chimaerahitu: well, i don't use exec / umask..
21:49.18PhilRodand for the second one, ask in #gentoo or some other gentoo forum
21:49.29hituchimaera :P
21:50.05apollo2011I can't get wine working....
21:50.18chimaerahitu: never been that desperate to execute anything from a vfat formated usb-stick. :-P
21:50.37*** part/#kde rootleak (
21:50.39hituyah i wonder why i added that too .. i cant run .sis files in here anyway
21:51.20chimaeramhh, i wish device:/ back.
21:51.55chimaeraanyhow, any idea how i can fix icons at the desktop? everytime i restart kde, the line-up is screwed up.
21:52.31hituyah same thing for me
21:52.45hituhappens in konqueror sometimes too
21:53.56chimaerahitu: within konqi, only the toolbars get mixed up here.
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22:34.38anisXkde keeps going and going!
22:34.42anisXi need to sleep
22:35.02PhilRodheh, g'night anisX
22:35.18anisXgood night Uncle Phil
22:35.31rich_Bhmm composite isnt quite as slow as I remembered on my laptop
22:35.39*** part/#kde anisX (
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22:35.51*** join/#kde thr1ce (
22:38.02*** join/#kde Borg^Queen (~Borg^
22:38.26PhilRodheya Borg^Queen
22:38.27Borg^QueenHey people
22:38.45Borg^QueenI have what will hopefully be an easy problem to fix. I just downloaded the latest bit defender frontend, and it needs
22:38.45Borg^QueenIf I understand correctly that's part of gcc
22:38.51Borg^QueenHey PhilRod
22:40.24Borg^Queenbrushed theme?
22:43.16thr1ceOS X theme
22:43.22thr1cebaghira doesn't work very well here
22:43.28strawrpm -qf /usr/lib/
22:43.30Borg^QueenAye, I made one.
22:43.45thr1ceBorg^Queen, screenshots?
22:43.46Borg^QueenThanks straw downloading now.
22:44.12Borg^QueenOne sec thr1ce
22:44.14strawwhee :)
22:46.36Dhraakellianwould that be a strawman attack?
22:47.02Borg^QueenI'm going to beat the hey out of him
22:47.10Borg^QueenOoop hay
22:47.15Borg^Queeneither way,
22:48.10strawhit me baby, one more time
22:48.25Borg^QueenNever mind
22:48.39thr1ceBorg^Queen, what does your theme look like?
22:49.18Borg^QueenOne sec thr1ce I'm uploading to screenshots for you to look at
22:49.45Borg^QueenMind you, I'm maxing out my bandwidth. I'm downloading about a gig of stuff
22:51.27Borg^Queenone more minute
22:52.52Borg^Queenstraw: that rpm doesn't work, it breaks about a dozen apps if I install it.
22:52.56Borg^QueenDep hell, DEP HELL!
22:53.32strawerr... don't install the exact pkg i gave
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22:54.00strawinstall the rpm for the distro rev you've got
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22:55.45Borg^Queenthr1ce: ?
22:57.29*** join/#kde Blissex (
22:58.08rich_Bnice theme:-)
22:58.22Borg^QueenTanks, I assilmilated about 10 themes to do it
22:58.32Borg^QueenThen made my own wallpaper
22:58.33*** join/#kde borndbad_ (
22:59.04thr1cei like it
22:59.21thr1ceI really want one that has only metal look, with the buttons built in; like, you can't tell where the window b order starts
22:59.33thr1ceif that makes any sense
22:59.46*** join/#kde AchiestDragon (
23:00.03*** part/#kde AchiestDragon (
23:00.12Borg^QueenI think so. You want metal buttons that blend in with the background
23:00.16*** join/#kde AchiestDragon (
23:00.38*** part/#kde AchiestDragon (, where you have blue-ish borders, I want that the same as the metal background of your window
23:01.07thr1celike your xmms skin, where there it all blends together
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23:02.27Borg^QueenWell you can take what I have to create you own clear buttons
23:03.09thr1cei'm very bad at theming...I"ll keep lookin' around
23:03.11thr1cevery nice though!
23:03.35Borg^QueenLook, I'm an UBER NOOB and I did it.
23:04.04Borg^QueenAll you do is make your own buttons using sodi podi, save them and pngs and rename them to replace the ones aready there.
23:04.09Borg^QueenThank you
23:04.39*** join/#kde slackd00d (
23:05.31Borg^QueenAsk anyone in here, I don't know what I'm doing!
23:05.54Blissexwith the defaul, GNOME-style :-) font selection dialog, does one select X fonts, or Fontconfig fonts? If either, which one has priority?
23:06.26SadEagle[18:05:17] <lypanov> SadEagle: python ain't bad :)
23:06.26SadEagle[18:05:29] <lypanov> SadEagle: ugly :) lots of stuff in the stdlib that should be in the base. but its not bad :)
23:06.38pontoBlissex: imho both.
23:06.49SadEaglegrr, sorry
23:07.00lippeldoes anybody here use lilypond or something similar?
23:07.07Blissexponto: yes, that's my impression too. But if a font is available in both, which one gets selected? The X11 one or the Fontconfig one?
23:07.56pontoBlissex:  i don't know
23:08.27Blissexponto: but I hope you see my point :-). So if you meet a KDE developer, pester him to make it less sucky.
23:08.44pontoBlissex:  what point?
23:09.25PhilRodBlissex: if you have a particular problem with the font handling, report it as a bug/wishlist on
23:10.44*** join/#kde amth (
23:10.56PhilRodlippel: I've used lilypond a tiny amount
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23:12.08Linux-addictis msn down?
23:12.52lippelPhilRod: i used it years ago, just wondered which version to install... there are _two_ "stable" versions, a "development" and an "old" one.
23:12.54s3m10sdoesn't look like it
23:13.10lippeland the ebuild is the "old" one (2.0.3) and doesn't compile.
23:13.12amthIs there any way to cram multiple pdf files to single file? kpdf (and others like kghostview) doesn't seem to be able to do it, could they even do it?
23:13.38Blissexponto: that the KDE font selection dialog is missing some vital details, like selecting fonts from only one of the two fonts systems.
23:13.47s3m10sanyone have problems with smb and 2.6.8 kernels?
23:14.24pontoBlissex:  the font system is not essential.  imho one of them should vanish. preferably the old X one.
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23:14.40Blissexs3m10s: not quite the right channel, try #samba or #linuxhelp.
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23:15.02Blissexponto: no, Fontconfig should vanish, it is appallingly designed and implemented.
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23:15.13s3m10sBLissex just wondering, I'm not really researching it.
23:15.18lippelPhilRod: so i wondered if it's worth the hassle or if i should go for something else, e.g. musictex
23:15.56Blissexponto: in any case, if one has two font system that ender things quite differently, one should be able to select which rendering one prefers, or at leat _know_ which one the D.E. one uses will prefer...
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23:18.28PhilRodlippel: I think I used the 'development' one without problems
23:18.38PhilRodalthough I didn't do anything particularly advanced wit it
23:18.45PhilRods/particularly/at all/
23:19.39lippelhmm, i will try the 2.4 branch...
23:22.37s3m10swhere do I find a list of freenode channels?
23:22.52PhilRods3m10s: msg chanserv list *
23:22.59PhilRodor something like that
23:23.06s3m10smsg chanserv list
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23:23.34PhilRodlippel: as for musixtex, afaict it's more advanced but also a lot more difficult than lilypond
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23:24.04PhilRodand probably only really designed for TeXperts, but I didn't use it, so I could be wrong
23:24.15amthFound pdftk (pdf toolkit) that can combine/split/decrypt/encrypt/repair and other cool things to pdf files, could kpdf start to use it if it's available? It's even GPL <>.
23:25.27lippelPhilRod: yeah, i think lilypond will suffice. iirc it's powerful yet easy to use. and i don't want to layout symphonies.
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23:29.17MrGrim <- script to mute/unmute JuK if you have a mute button on your keyboard and wanna map it
23:29.19Ripe_Do you know any contact web tool that allow to get info from CVF file?
23:29.38Ripe_and allowme to send mail to all contacts to compleat their information
23:30.24PhilRodMrGrim: doesn't juk already have an option for that? IIRC it's mapped to Ctrl+Alt+M here
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23:30.35PhilRodor at least it was
23:30.35BlissexRipe_: «contact web tool»? This channel is about KDE, which is not a web hosted suite...
23:32.37PhilRodMrGrim: oh, actually, it's not mapped to anything, but it's there in settings->configure shortcuts
23:34.30Ripe_Blissex, yes i know :)
23:34.45Ripe_but since kontact support some web tools...
23:35.27Ripe_I wanna complete my contacts information from kontact
23:35.57Ripe_sending a mail to all contacts with a URL that allow to edit his/her info
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23:47.03MrGrimin response to PhilRod, even tho he isn't here, I prefer to use khotkeys with dcop fo rkeyboard shortcuts so they are all kept in one location
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23:49.37miqorzAnyone here listen to LUG Radio?
23:49.43miqorzits the only linux radio show i know of
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23:57.31_poison_=/ how can I make the sidebar display hidden folders ?
23:58.22_poison_( in konqi of course ^^)
23:59.59miqorzAsk nicely?

Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.