IRC log for #bzflag on 20091022

00:10.20*** join/#bzflag CBG (n=CBG@about/essy/fan/CBG)
00:15.30temporalDheya CBG
00:15.50CBGhi temporalD
00:25.06*** join/#bzflag Landon_ (n=chatzill@
01:15.17*** join/#bzflag allejo (
01:19.56*** join/#bzflag jcp (n=jw@unaffiliated/javawizard2539)
02:19.54*** join/#bzflag jcp (n=jw@unaffiliated/javawizard2539)
02:22.24*** join/#bzflag AAA_awright_ (
02:32.45*** join/#bzflag Swigg (n=Default@bzflag/player/Swigg)
02:35.00*** join/#bzflag Bambino (
02:46.31*** join/#bzflag Wreckage (
04:03.21*** join/#bzflag WarPig__ (n=WarPig@
04:07.30*** join/#bzflag WarPig_ (n=WarPig@
04:51.31*** join/#bzflag matelich (n=tom@
04:54.14*** join/#bzflag temporalD (n=temporal@bzflag/serverop/TemporalDistraction)
06:56.04*** join/#bzflag Snapdeus (n=Snapdeus@
07:33.04*** join/#bzflag Upsetter (n=ups@
07:39.46*** join/#bzflag TutTankAhmon (n=olivier@about/essy/MobileTarget/LePoulpe303)
07:54.51*** join/#bzflag L4m3r (n=l4m3r@bzflag/developer/L4m3r)
07:54.51*** mode/#bzflag [+v L4m3r] by ChanServ
09:03.49*** join/#bzflag tupone (n=alfredo@gentoo/developer/tupone)
09:03.49*** mode/#bzflag [+v tupone] by ChanServ
10:06.44*** join/#bzflag QuantumT1m (n=tim@
10:15.45ruskie <-- so someone is offering a 1kg of swiss chocolate if anyone wants to get bzflag running on the maemo devices(n800, n810, n900) ;)
10:20.03CIA-32BZFlag: 03134.109.185.167 07 * r6749 10/w/Category:Leagues: /* 1vs1 League */
10:46.54*** join/#bzflag kierra (n=jolie@unaffiliated/kierra)
11:15.52cygalruskie: bzflag is too big for that
11:16.22ruskiecygal, why?
11:16.26ruskiecygal, it runs Q3 just fine
11:16.35ruskiemultiplayer at that even
11:34.48cygalinteresting, where can I look at that?
11:37.34ruskielemme find you the link
11:38.32ruskie <-- enjoy
11:38.38ruskiethere's probably others as well
11:38.48ruskieN900 has OpenGLES 2.0
11:39.20*** join/#bzflag _anomaly_ (
11:43.56cygalI mean a link where we can see what they did to port it, or even the code source?
11:45.57ruskiewill try to dig it up
11:46.02ruskienot sure if they released the source yet
11:46.31ruskieit was done in-house by a few people of the maemo core team
11:51.37cygalI did not find anything
11:51.46cygalI wonder how much work it was, and how different bzflag is
11:54.05ruskie <-- their presentation...
11:54.14ruskieand the source is the second link
11:54.26ruskiethey claim a modest effort for the port in the presentation
11:58.55*** part/#bzflag kierra (n=jolie@unaffiliated/kierra)
12:34.41ruskieso changed your opinion?
12:39.32cygalsomeone else actually typed those "yeah", just looking at your pages now
12:42.20cygalindeed, the code does not seem to have changed that much for the maemo port
12:42.35ruskiewhy should it... only stuff that needed changing was GL -> GLES
12:42.36cygalbut there are gl calls everywhere in bzflag, so we can't really use the "same technique"
12:42.38ruskieerm GL ES
12:43.08ruskieI guess it would require a bit more effort
12:43.17cygalbzflag code is not quite well separated
12:43.26ruskieI won't comment on that
12:43.31ruskieI'm no coder
13:15.57*** join/#bzflag Upsetter (n=ups@
13:21.31CIA-32BZFlag: 0396.2.127.11 07 * r6750 10/w/Jargon: /* Acronyms */
13:41.55*** join/#bzflag Swigg (n=Default@bzflag/player/Swigg)
14:35.35*** join/#bzflag spldart (
14:35.36*** mode/#bzflag [+v spldart] by ChanServ
15:23.12*** join/#bzflag DTRemenak (n=DTRemena@about/essy/CrazyCoder/DTRemenak)
15:23.12*** mode/#bzflag [+v DTRemenak] by ChanServ
15:36.53*** join/#bzflag bryjen (n=bryjen@
15:36.53*** mode/#bzflag [+v bryjen] by ChanServ
16:28.44*** join/#bzflag Pimpi (
17:10.38*** join/#bzflag temporalD (n=temporal@bzflag/serverop/TemporalDistraction)
17:35.32*** join/#bzflag Erroneous (
17:35.37*** mode/#bzflag [+v Erroneous] by ChanServ
18:17.09*** join/#bzflag Landon_ (n=chatzill@
18:39.09*** join/#bzflag MrDudle_ (
18:47.32CIA-32BZFlag: 03Mmrtnt 07 * r6751 10/w/Compiling: /* Other build systems */
18:49.26CIA-32BZFlag: 03Mmrtnt 07 * r6752 10/w/Compiling: /* Solaris 10 (Oct, 2009) */
18:50.08CIA-32BZFlag: 03Mmrtnt 07 * r6753 10/w/Compiling: /* Solaris 10 (Oct, 2009) */
18:51.10CIA-32BZFlag: 03Mmrtnt 07 * r6754 10/w/Compiling: /* Solaris 10 (Oct, 2009) */
18:52.13CIA-32BZFlag: 03Mmrtnt 07 * r6755 10/w/Compiling: /* Solaris 10 (Oct, 2009) */
18:55.05CIA-32BZFlag: 03Mmrtnt 07 * r6756 10/w/Compiling: /* Solaris 10 (Oct, 2009) */
18:56.57*** join/#bzflag Upsetter1 (n=ups@
18:59.00*** join/#bzflag MrDudle_ (
19:23.20CIA-32BZFlag: 03Mmrtnt 07 * r6757 10/w/Talk:Compiling:
19:25.38CIA-32BZFlag: 03Mmrtnt 07 * r6758 10/w/Talk:Compiling:
19:36.16*** join/#bzflag Landon_ (n=chatzill@
19:37.11*** join/#bzflag bier|tp_ (
19:52.10CIA-32BZFlag: 03Mmrtnt 07 * r6759 10/w/Compiling: /* Solaris 10 (Oct, 2009) */
19:55.23*** join/#bzflag SpazzyMcGee (n=SpazzyMc@bzflag/contributor/SpazzyMcGee)
19:57.22*** join/#bzflag jcp (n=jw@unaffiliated/javawizard2539)
20:12.41CIA-32BZFlag: 03Mmrtnt 07 * r6760 10/w/Compiling: /* Solaris 10 (Oct, 2009) */
20:16.03*** join/#bzflag Think_Differentl (
20:41.01CIA-32BZFlag: 03Mmrtnt 07 * r6761 10/w/Compiling: /* Solaris 10 (Oct, 2009) */
20:41.31CIA-32BZFlag: 03Mmrtnt 07 * r6762 10/w/Compiling: /* Solaris 10 (Oct, 2009) */
20:49.37*** join/#bzflag R0b0t1 (n=Enigma@unaffiliated/r0b0t1)
20:55.32*** join/#bzflag Wits (
20:59.25*** join/#bzflag Landon_ (n=chatzill@
21:25.39*** join/#bzflag me1 (n=ausom@bzflag/player/Me1)
21:43.24*** join/#bzflag hobbsc (
22:00.47*** join/#bzflag R0b0t1 (n=Enigma@unaffiliated/r0b0t1)
22:05.13*** part/#bzflag bryjen (n=bryjen@
22:07.52CIA-32BZFlag: 03Mmrtnt 07 * r6763 10/w/Compiling: /* Solaris 10 (Oct, 2009) */
22:08.43CIA-32BZFlag: 03Mmrtnt 07 * r6764 10/w/Compiling: /* Solaris 10 (Oct, 2009) */
22:11.09*** join/#bzflag fatass (
22:25.07*** join/#bzflag bryjen (n=bryjen@
22:25.07*** mode/#bzflag [+v bryjen] by ChanServ
22:26.47CIA-32BZFlag: 03Mmrtnt 07 * r6765 10/w/Compiling: /* Solaris 10 (Oct, 2009) */
22:29.42*** join/#bzflag jcp (n=jw@unaffiliated/javawizard2539)
22:33.12*** join/#bzflag MrDudle (n=MrDudle@unaffiliated/mrdudle)
22:39.30*** join/#bzflag AAA_awright (
22:50.08CIA-32BZFlag: 03Mmrtnt 07 * r6766 10/w/Compiling: /* Solaris 10 (Oct, 2009) */
22:52.55CIA-32BZFlag: 03Mmrtnt 07 * r6767 10/w/Compiling: /* Solaris 10 (Oct, 2009) */
22:53.50CIA-32BZFlag: 03Mmrtnt 07 * r6768 10/w/Compiling: /* Solaris 10 (Oct, 2009) */
22:57.23CIA-32BZFlag: 03Mmrtnt 07 * r6769 10/w/Compiling: /* Solaris 10 (Oct, 2009) */
23:16.50SpazzyMcGee~seen trepan
23:16.53ibottrepan <n=trepan@unaffiliated/trepan> was last seen on IRC in channel #bzflag, 14d 9h 10m 29s ago, saying: '"major effort", heh'.
23:35.16*** join/#bzflag Landon_ (n=chatzill@
23:42.50*** join/#bzflag BZ_Win (n=iWinny@bzflag/contributor/Winny)
23:53.59*** join/#bzflag Swigg (n=Default@bzflag/player/Swigg)

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