irclog2html for #bzflag on 20030206

00:00.01Patlabor221you allways lose money on the hardware
00:00.31Cellyes, but the licence fees for the games will reward you
00:00.44Cellif enough
00:00.56Patlabor221exaclty, sega is still geting those fees but dosnt' have to pay for the hardware.
00:02.17Cellthey should port more games to pc, since htey seem to be in contract with MS it should be not that diff to port from x-box to pc
00:02.26Patlabor221it is.
00:02.44Patlabor221with the PC you never know what the exact hardware on the target machine is.
00:02.55Patlabor221it's not hard to port from PC -> XBox
00:03.00Patlabor221but harder to go the other way
00:03.12Cellhmm, possible
00:03.19Patlabor221since you have to support a larger and crapyer set of hardware
00:03.33Patlabor221with consoles you know EVERYONE has the exact same hardware.
00:03.51Patlabor221and the x-box has a lot of stuff that PCS don't have
00:04.08Cellbut doesn it use nvidia geforce3
00:04.17Patlabor221it's modified
00:04.33Patlabor221and it's shader API is more like the raw NVIDIA API
00:04.39Patlabor221not the generic Direct X one
00:04.59Patlabor221and it shares memeory with the CPU
00:05.09Patlabor221so there is a LOT of trick you do there to get speed.
00:05.16Celli see
00:05.26Patlabor221consoles in general have faster buses then PCS
00:06.04Celland why dont PC's have faster buses?
00:06.28Patlabor221too many hardware vendors
00:06.37Patlabor221takes too long to get them to agree on a standard
00:06.48Patlabor221and they there are people who need legacy support
00:07.11Celllot of bottlenecks
00:07.18Patlabor221thats why some people still have mobos with ISA ports
00:07.31Patlabor221and your software has to run on all of them
00:07.40Patlabor221so it goes to the least common denomiator.
00:08.10Patlabor221but also PCS get upgraded more then consoles so it dosnt' realy matter
00:08.36Patlabor221a console has to have the best and fastest whatever when it comes out, because it's gonna stay the same for 5 years
00:08.39Cellits time for a pc where you have all your data and apps on a smart card that you can carry with you and plug into a terminal station and it loads your environment in no time, but that would require a general virtual machine or abstraction layears
00:09.00Patlabor221and very fast smart cards
00:09.08Celloh, yes
00:09.19Patlabor221then it would be realy easy fro me to steal your computer woulnd't it?
00:09.41Patlabor221one card and I have it all
00:09.53Cellis it easy for you to sttel ma money i have in the pocket
00:10.01Cellor my car
00:10.06Cellor my watch
00:10.21Celland what about password protection?
00:10.29Patlabor221yes but if I get your computer with all your stuff, I could get access to a lot more stuff, you've just made that as easy to steal as your watch.
00:10.58Cellyes thats an issue
00:10.59Patlabor221locked in my house with remote access is much safer
00:13.38*** join/#bzflag bzgirl (
00:16.51Patlabor221that colliding pyrmaid thing is gonna bust a lot of maps that are based on bugs.
00:17.55Celloh the VM has to have high level interfaces to quaranttee to stay unchanged for many years
00:20.30Cellthis would first of all slow down all the apps that run on the VM, but the VM could discover the presence of hardware and optimize the code at runtime for hardware, or make runtime optimazations the best c compiler can not make
00:22.18Patlabor221VMs are just ways for lazy progrmaers to be able to make bad code and blame it on something elese
00:23.15CellJava VM is an example but does not go far enough considering hardware acceleration and code runtime optimazation
00:24.42Cellit has to first analyze what is the applications intention, and if it knows for sure it can run it the fastest way possible, faster than C
00:26.54*** join/#bzflag ireallyhatecheat (~d80880f0@
00:27.06Cellfor example if it knows that a while llop is called exactly 100 times at runtime it can repeat the assembly code of the while llop 10 times and remove the unneccessary jumps in assbler code
00:27.21*** join/#bzflag paul (
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00:28.56Cellyes but thats why some ppl say that managed code will be faster when cpu's go better than unmanaged code
00:29.22Patlabor221well we shall see won't we
00:29.41Jormungandrit's freezing at work.
00:29.45Cellyou have to you hav a job
00:30.02Patlabor221they tie you to your desk, and turn down the heat?
00:30.20Jormungandrpretty much.
00:30.24Jormungandrcan't really leave.
00:31.10Celloh i know
00:31.21Jormungandrthat's why I am working on starting this colo business, and shared hosting.
00:31.56Patlabor221got a firm date for quiting the current job?
00:32.13Jormungandrstill building the new business, so, no.
00:32.51Celli saw on tv that some sell successfuly stuff via ebay
00:33.16Cellbut dont think that its really that easy
00:33.26Jormungandrhopefully < 3 months
00:33.40Patlabor221well at leas your not doing what my friend did, and bail out of his good job before he was able to fully start his new one.
00:34.24Cellthey pretend to be pretty successful, for example a mother was selling clothes for kids and making photgrophs of her daughter wearing the stuff
00:34.39*** join/#bzflag Patlabor221 (~jeffm@
00:34.51Jormungandreek.. what happened?  (excess flood)
00:35.01Patlabor221tried to paste a line
00:35.10Patlabor221but i copied the entire doc
00:35.40Jormungandranyway... I am the kind of person to build and move.  I can't just ditch stuff.
00:35.53Patlabor221I realy should swap my monitor cables then I can run xchat instead of MIRC
00:35.53JormungandrI can't do it right without an income.
00:36.08JormungandrI still use epic.
00:36.39Jormungandrnot really fond of it, but I can't use a graphical client and stay connected continually without using something like ezbounce.
00:37.16Jormungandrback in a few...
00:37.31*** join/#bzflag UIYTGZELU (
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00:37.47Patlabor221cell having fun with your flood bot?
00:38.04Patlabor221it was klined last time
00:38.10Celli know
00:38.50Patlabor221awww they died, how sad
00:38.57Patlabor221you know the server is flood protected right?
00:39.09Cellsure i know
00:39.17*** join/#bzflag misato (misato@jstraw.staff.freenode)
00:39.43Patlabor221so why do you keep trying to flood us?
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00:40.23misatoCell: clonebots are not permitted on freenode
00:40.25methinks ibot is a blootbot now, no longer an infobot. run by BZFlag (TimRiker) on his server. see blootbot also it uses SQLite but can use MySQL or other SQL for storage.
00:40.51Patlabor221cell never learns
00:41.15Patlabor221this would be his third time doing it.
00:41.28misatoCell: please remove the clonebots, and keep them off the network
00:42.51misatoif you have problems with that again, please head over to #freenode
00:42.57Patlabor221ok thanks
00:43.02*** part/#bzflag misato (misato@jstraw.staff.freenode)
00:43.35Patlabor221proactive admins, that's allways a nice thing.
00:43.56[dmp]that sure didnt happen at undernet
00:44.09Patlabor221well I think that's a LOT larget
00:44.19Patlabor221and run by less scrupulous people
00:46.18[dmp]I guess. I had trouble with some people frmo "c-service anti-hack service" which wasnt related with undernet/cservice. But htey wanted me to replace my bot with their imrpoved bot. Undernet-staff didnt see why that could be a problem.. I didnt get it. They used their gfx (same layout as they main page) .. Guess what. I didnt replace my bot..
00:46.50[dmp]Not that this is related to bzflag at all :)
00:46.53ireallyhatecheati think theres a cheater @bzflag.tupone
00:47.07ireallyhatecheatcan a bzflag cop boot him
00:47.17Patlabor221arn't you a cop now?
00:47.28ireallyhatecheatidont  know  how
00:48.08Patlabor221so a /password
00:48.14Patlabor221then a /playerlist
00:48.16Patlabor221get his IP
00:48.37Patlabor221then a /ban hisIP
00:48.42Patlabor221but you should warn him first
00:48.53Patlabor221proably twice
00:48.59Patlabor221or just kick him first
00:49.24Patlabor221I would think it woudl be warn, warn, kick, warn, ban
00:49.58JormungandrI still have cell on ignore.
00:50.03Patlabor221he's gone
00:50.30ireallyhatecheati dont  know  the servers password
00:50.31Patlabor221jor how hard is it to set up FTP on a redhat system?
00:50.44Patlabor221it's the bzcop password
00:50.54Patlabor221how do I do so?
00:51.00Jormungandrwhat version of redhat?
00:51.14Patlabor221I didn't see what RPM to get to get ftpd
00:51.15Jormungandrls /xinitd.d | grep ftp
00:51.28Jormungandris there an ftp in there?
00:51.54Patlabor221loging into it now
00:52.28Jormungandractually it's /etc/xinetd.d
00:52.32JormungandrI can't spell today.
00:52.53Patlabor221nope no ftp
00:53.13Jormungandrokie.. hang on...
00:54.14Jormungandrvsftpd-1.1.0-1   is the package you need.
00:54.33Jormungandrthat's the standard rh8 ftp
00:54.41Patlabor221I saw like 3 of them
00:54.52Patlabor221I'll get that in there
00:54.55Jormungandrthat's the one that it installs if you choose "ftp server" in configs.
00:55.06Jormungandryou know how to turn it on in xinetd.d?
00:55.16Patlabor221nope :)
00:55.25Jormungandronce it's installed...
00:55.57Jormungandredit /etc/xinetd.d/fsftpd and chaange disabled = yes to no, then "service xinetd restart"
00:56.09Jormungandrerr vsftpd
00:56.20Patlabor221sounds simple enough
00:56.43Jormungandrno problem.
01:01.50Patlabor221cool, works local, now to see if it works remote
01:03.50Patlabor221and it does
01:04.05Jormungandrmake a user for ftp
01:04.12Jormungandrmake shell /sbin/nologin
01:04.21Jormungandrand only ftp as that username
01:04.50Patlabor221it dosn't let anon on, it's just for some users to get to the website
01:05.05Patlabor221what advatige does that give?
01:05.26Jormungandrokay.. if you have ssh on machine, then someone who sniffs password can get on locally via ssh
01:05.44Patlabor221but if they can't via FTP they can't get files
01:05.45Jormungandrand they are likely to be able to exploit local root holes.
01:05.59Jormungandrare they only going to do ftp?
01:06.09Patlabor221no ssh and FTP posibly
01:06.19Jormungandrthen make them use sftp
01:06.31Patlabor221what is that?
01:06.45Jormungandrit's ftp that uses ssh as it's transport
01:06.52Jormungandrdata and auth are encrypted.
01:07.04Patlabor221I wonder if windows FTP clients can do that
01:07.10Jormungandrsome can.
01:07.17Jormungandrummm.. here's what I do...
01:07.23JormungandrI have a user with a website...
01:07.55JormungandrI give her shell access, but also create a new user with /sbin/nologin for ftp where homedir is /var/www/virtual/
01:08.44Patlabor221ok so they each use a slightly difrent user
01:08.54Jormungandrchances are you are safe with ftp/ssh, but if you are on a shared network or cable, then you can expect some sniffing.
01:09.07Patlabor221what prevents the shell user from logining into FTP?
01:09.16Patlabor221I'm on my own T1
01:09.33Patlabor221well the companys T1
01:09.43Jormungandryou can prevent users from logging in on ftp with the ftp configs in /etc
01:10.16Patlabor221ok I will see what I can set up, thanks.
01:10.27Patlabor221I'm not doing virtual hosting or anything
01:10.33Patlabor221it's just a 1 site web serv
01:10.41Patlabor221that 2 people need to get to
01:10.47Jormungandranyone in there can't ftp
01:11.02Jormungandrhere's what you do.
01:11.08Jormungandrcreate webadmin login
01:11.14Jormungandrwith /sbin/nologin
01:11.18Jormungandrand let them ftp with that.
01:13.55Patlabor221done, thanks.
01:15.12Patlabor221now only 1 more thing to put on that server and it's done
01:15.40Patlabor221sadly it's the thing I'm scared of installing
01:15.54Patlabor221ether CVS or Subversion
01:16.03Patlabor221been reading there manuals and I don't get it
01:16.10Jormungandryou want to run cvs server or just use cvs client?
01:16.25Jormungandrdid you install the rpm?
01:16.26Patlabor221want my own repositorys
01:16.45Patlabor221I have the only RPM that says CVS installed
01:16.54Patlabor221and the client is in.
01:17.02Jormungandrthen the server should be there as well.
01:17.19Patlabor221that's what I gather
01:17.31Patlabor221but the manuals I have seen are rather confusing.
01:17.42Patlabor221just need to spend more time with it I guess
01:17.51Patlabor221the subversion manuals are realy nasty
01:17.55JormungandrI don't use the server.
01:17.58Patlabor221tho I hear it's easy to set up
01:18.03JormungandrI did, but I had someone else admin it. :)
01:18.21Jormungandryou can force cvs over ssh
01:18.29Jormungandrnot sure how, but I know it's possible.
01:18.52Patlabor221that's what sourceforge does I beileve.
01:19.04Jormungandrhas to be pretty straight forward.
01:19.28Patlabor221I like Subversion but there seems to be more clients for CVS
01:19.51Jormungandrdoes cvs chroot to the dirs it uses?
01:19.51Patlabor221I have this realy cool windows client that hooks into the right mouse menu in the system UI
01:20.00Jormungandrwow. cool.
01:20.08Patlabor221I can checkin/checkout with justa click
01:20.28Patlabor221and it shows the icons for the files colored based on there clean/dirty status.
01:20.31Patlabor221it's realy slick
01:20.40Patlabor221lacks some of the reporting features
01:20.44JormungandrI am so glued to the command line.
01:20.54JormungandrI need to diversify :)
01:21.38JormungandrI only use xwindows because I can have more shells running in screen and xterm. :)
01:22.14*** join/#bzflag ireallyhatecheat (~d80880f0@
01:24.17captain_protoncell tried to floodbot again?
01:24.25Jormungandrwhat a dork
01:24.28Patlabor221and misato came in
01:24.30Patlabor221it was great
01:24.41Patlabor221can you just please ban him
01:25.17Patlabor221wana know something else funny cap?
01:25.38Patlabor221Doug is making people bzcops
01:26.01captain_protonas in j random person who asks him?
01:26.41Patlabor221see all that wonderfull mail from creeperZ from SF
01:26.56Patlabor221doug made him one
01:27.18Patlabor221guy dosn't even know how to use the server commands.
01:27.37JormungandrI should consider the bzcop thing, but if people are getting bzcopped willy nilly, I'm not sure I want to open my server to that.
01:28.11Patlabor221BZCOp is a good idea but it needs more structure
01:28.22Patlabor221there needs to be a set of lutenats and a captan
01:28.25captain_protonJormungandr: i never bzcopped my server because i disagree with the "rules" of some of the bzcops
01:28.31Jormungandrtim suggested I become bzcop, so I can use bzcop pass on my server.
01:28.36Jormungandrwhich rules?
01:28.46Patlabor221the one where you can ban people for shooting you.
01:28.54Jormungandrthat's not good. moves to new datacenter tomorrow.
01:29.06captain_protonor you can ban people for taunting you
01:29.08Jormungandrsometime in the afternoon.
01:29.12Patlabor221a number of the cops are just kids on power trips
01:29.21Jormungandrsounds like irc ops
01:29.26Jormungandrat least on some nets
01:29.33Patlabor221hence why it needs more levels of controll
01:29.44Patlabor221well bzfs needs more levels of controll too
01:30.16Jormungandrlike I was saying yesterday... you need admins and ops.  admin is like server admin in irc and ops can basically kick and ban and make others ops.
01:30.35Patlabor221I think it should have a set of users and passwords
01:30.40Patlabor221not just passwords
01:30.56Patlabor221then you can give each user express premisions to each server admin fiunction
01:31.04Patlabor221kick/ ban/ reset/ what ever
01:31.22Patlabor221then it could be used by reffs too
01:31.31Patlabor221and something like a nickserv ghost thing
01:31.52Patlabor221keep it local as a start
01:32.04Patlabor221then maybe make it pull from a centeral database later
01:32.22Patlabor221as MAC would say Bitesized chunks.
01:32.24JormungandrI like the idea of teleport moving you to another map :)
01:32.38Patlabor221what would happen to shots?
01:32.56Patlabor221I like my idea of servers having multiple rooms, where each room is a gamestate
01:32.57Jormungandrgood question... maybe have 2 possible settings.
01:33.27Patlabor221and you could link rooms across servers, so that the servers would comunicate and have a truly large scale game.
01:33.28Jormungandrhave a client setting for "allow teleport to change maps", and the ones that do, the shots go nowhere.
01:33.48Jormungandrand if you have it turned off, it sends you to a different teleport on same map.
01:33.49Patlabor221you would not want shots to go thur TPS at all
01:33.56Patlabor221what if they go a kill on the other server
01:34.02Patlabor221and you never went over there
01:34.08Patlabor221that would be wierd
01:34.28Jormungandrit's turned off if you have "allow teleporters to change maps"
01:34.28Patlabor221I would make a new type of TP, or a client command to take you to a server loby or something
01:34.46Jormungandrthat might be cool
01:35.05Patlabor221like a graphical in game versiono of the list serv
01:36.37Patlabor221but I see that a seperate feature from server spanning.
01:37.45Jormungandrservers could have connections to other servers on it's own virtual network... pass scores and stuff back and forth with specific encryptions to keep users from faking scores to servers.
01:37.51Patlabor221I would love to see a group of servers that have fast conects to each other, be able to host a truly large game, with each player connecting to a server that is closest to them
01:38.21JormungandrI really want to be able to contribute with my new connection. it's darned fast.
01:39.28Patlabor221see, image if you could do this, define 2 rooms as FFA, 1 room that's on a CTF shared game, and have refs have the ability to create local "private" rooms and are both going to be on it. is on it now, but people aren't terribly excited about spirals map.
01:39.53Patlabor221spirals does kinda suck
01:39.54Jormungandrcool idea.
01:39.58Patlabor221you could go rotating.
01:40.06Jormungandrnod.. need to decide on a handful of maps.
01:40.34JormungandrI think what I'm going to do is start my own private mailing list for regulars on my servers, and hand out admin password on the list.
01:40.41Patlabor221just remember Jeffs Rule of Thumb #26, never use map where boxes spell words
01:41.27Jormungandrthat's the list server?
01:41.39Patlabor221sorry meant bzfs
01:41.48Jormungandrwhat sort of user list?
01:41.52Patlabor221since it's all message text based it woudn't bust any protocoll
01:42.07Patlabor221like you localy put in a set of users and passwords in a lit
01:42.15Jormungandrsmart idea
01:42.18Patlabor221and that lists tells bzfs what they can access
01:42.27Jormungandrand you can remove individual users without screwing it all up.
01:42.32Patlabor221and when they do a /pass, it looks at there current handle
01:42.47Jormungandrmake it not read users list once... make it read every time, so you can do changes to the list on the fly
01:42.50Patlabor221or they could do a /ghost there nick there pass
01:43.09Jormungandrthat would be helfpul.
01:43.27Patlabor221then you could give people kick rights but not ban, or server shutdown
01:43.40Jormungandrthat can't be too hard to do.
01:43.47Patlabor221have to look
01:45.02JormungandrI am finished with all my server move prep except for my irc c/n lines.
01:45.20Patlabor221would be simple to let users register too, there nics at least
01:45.27Patlabor221they wouln't have any rights
01:45.44Patlabor221but they could use the /ghost feature
01:45.54Patlabor221work just like IRC
01:45.56Jormungandroh... you can do callsign reg/pass and people who use other's callsign could get rejected.
01:47.23Patlabor221server could send them a message that there nick is registerd and they should do a /login there pass
01:47.32Patlabor221or be booted or someting
01:47.40Jormungandrgood idea.
01:48.08Jormungandryou COULD tie that all to or the list server somehow, and have callsigns registered system-wide.
01:48.23Patlabor221bite sized at first
01:48.45Patlabor221once it's working local then it would be simple to replace the file read API with soething elese.
01:49.11*** join/#bzflag newbzcop (~d80880f0@
01:50.07Patlabor221take a guess
01:50.51JormungandrI need to make a rule that all of my server admins are over 18 and are on non-modem connections. :)
01:51.04Patlabor221and pass some simple tests
01:51.15Patlabor221need a rookie tour or something
01:51.23Patlabor221cop academy
01:51.26Jormungandr30 day trial.
01:51.36Patlabor221I'd even say a week
01:51.55JormungandrI want to have the extra time.  people can force themselves to behave for a week.
01:52.06Jormungandrbut in 30 days, if they are gunna let their guard down, it'll happen.
01:52.16Patlabor221well if I can hook up the login thing, you can do what ever you wanted.
01:52.45Patlabor221bwahahahah another excuse to sue OSFile in bzfs :)
01:52.57Jormungandruse even ;)
01:54.10Patlabor221when I get home I look into it.
01:54.26Jormungandrvery cool :) thanks.
01:55.10JormungandrI know what to expect for bandwidth on a 10 shot server with about 20 people now.
01:55.24dougheckahow about a 100 shot?
01:55.31Jormungandrnot happening :)
01:55.36Jormungandrnot for a while.
01:55.45Jormungandrdude, I'm running your map.
01:55.47Jormungandr10 is fine.
01:55.54JormungandrI need to recompile to get more.
01:56.09Jormungandrand I haven't researched what I need to do yet.
01:56.10dougheckaand also make the world 1600 units big
01:56.25Jormungandrmy connection is precious.
01:56.40Patlabor221proalbly be a good idea to keep a log of admin actions as well
01:56.42Jormungandr20 users at 10 shots is 811Kbps
01:56.54Patlabor221doug each shot is sent TCP
01:56.57Patlabor221it's gets slow
01:56.58Jormungandryou know what I would like?
01:57.09dougheckaJormungandr: costom world sizes
01:57.14Jormungandra log of all connections/conversations/etc.
01:57.19Jormungandrand kick/etc/
01:57.24Patlabor221I would split them
01:57.31Patlabor221an "admin" log
01:57.34Patlabor221and a convo log
01:57.46Jormungandrbecause... I get an email "whaaaah! your admin kicked me for no reason".
01:57.49Patlabor221problaby a convo/usage log
01:57.59JormungandrI want to be able to decide quickly what to do based on fact.
01:58.13Patlabor221could have an option to have both of them together
01:58.28Patlabor221hmm perhaps ban also take a "reason"
01:58.30Jormungandrall together would be okay.
01:58.53Jormungandranother thing... logged bans are handy so you can add to config file later.
01:59.00Jormungandrso ban is perm.
01:59.12Patlabor221banfile is needed
01:59.15Jormungandrwhen ban happens, it goes into separate file.
01:59.19Jormungandrand stays
01:59.26Jormungandrbans can be timed
01:59.45newbzcopthey can
01:59.49Patlabor221still in the file with a the time of the ban and the duration
01:59.56Patlabor221then whenit's up auto pull
02:00.13Patlabor221basicly the file is just like the state in mem
02:00.30Patlabor221just have it update the file everytime it changes the banlist
02:00.54dougheckawe need some sort of admin bot
02:00.55Patlabor221id like to see /ban 15 "being an ass"
02:01.05Jormungandryes... I have said that, too doug.
02:01.05dougheckaso people could vote others to be kicked
02:01.08Jormungandror console.
02:01.15dougheckaweb admin
02:01.21Jormungandrmy purpose would be different.
02:01.22Patlabor221doug read what we are talking about before you comment.
02:01.39Patlabor221hmmm /page
02:01.40dougheckabut still, web admin would be cool
02:01.49Patlabor221that would be more work
02:01.53Patlabor221you are welcome to try it.
02:02.00dougheckapatches welcome
02:02.15Patlabor221votes can get ugly if you have a team of greefers
02:02.27Patlabor221they can kick out anyone who comes in
02:02.30doughecka3/4 vote
02:02.41Patlabor221say there are 3 assholes
02:02.41JormungandrI can't play from home, but it'd be nice to be able to console and at least listen in on the chat, and watch the kills/kicks/bans
02:02.44Patlabor221and you joing
02:02.48Patlabor221they can kick you.
02:03.03Jormungandryou need a /op system
02:03.05Patlabor221if I log it, you could read the log from php
02:03.09Patlabor221and parse it all up
02:03.10JormungandrI am on, and /admin
02:03.17Jormungandryou come on.  I trust you.  I /op you.
02:03.27Jormungandryou can kick and ban
02:03.31Jormungandrnothing else.
02:03.43dougheckalike that?
02:03.51Patlabor221yes you would be able to edit the premisions file from in game
02:03.52dougheckacan ops /op other people?
02:04.00dougheckaor only admins?
02:04.00Patlabor221if your account had admin premisions
02:04.03Jormungandrdepends on server setting
02:04.11Patlabor221doug none of this exists yet
02:04.19Jormungandrwe are dreaming ;)
02:04.24dougheckawe all dream
02:04.41Patlabor221but this is do able in a bite sised chunk
02:04.58Jormungandrtighter server control is important.
02:04.59Patlabor221without busting protp
02:05.11Patlabor221that's the nice thing
02:05.17Patlabor221ok time to get home
02:05.23Patlabor221or at least to the store
02:05.27Patlabor221time for more meds
02:05.29dougheckaraw fish?
02:05.33Patlabor221and that = can't feel legs
02:05.53Patlabor221I do dislike begin sick
02:06.13dougheckasick = something to dislike
02:07.16dougheckahardwire: there?
02:12.22Jormungandrcompany that runs comdex filed for protection from creditors
02:12.46Jormungandrcomdex may be no more
02:18.40*** join/#bzflag MrCooper_ (
02:25.24*** join/#bzflag MrAC (
02:25.56MrACcool found another cgi:irc client
02:26.33MrACsince went down to dos
02:30.50dougheckaMrAC: hmm, your mrapathycream?
02:31.07doughecka~country .ca
02:31.08[country .ca] canada
02:31.18dougheckawhere is this client?
02:32.08MrApathyCreamnot as good as was, but oh well
02:32.24JormungandrI have a flash based chat I am using.
02:32.26*** join/#bzflag fontenot_ (
02:32.27dougheckathere is one on too
02:32.34Jormungandrfor my portal site.
02:32.47Jormungandrit requires nexusserver though.
02:32.49MrApathyCreamah ok, lemmee check
02:33.00MrApathyCreamThere's another one at
02:33.12MrApathyCreamIt takes you to a #bzflag chat room, but not this one :)
02:33.29MrApathyCreamparallel universes
02:34.26*** join/#bzflag MrAC-dougo (~d8b24432@
02:34.35MrApathyCreamah yours looks better
02:34.48dougheckathat aint me
02:35.01dougheckaoh, the one?
02:35.05MrApathyCreamit at least lets you see who's logged in, which this one doesn't
02:35.14dougheckathats nice
02:35.17MrApathyCreamyes MrAC-dougo is on stats
02:35.25MrApathyCreamleaving here
02:36.43MrApathyCreamah, shellshock, i see
02:44.02*** join/#bzflag MrApathyCream (~d8b24432@
02:45.23*** join/#bzflag ireallydohateche (~d8088296@
02:49.30*** join/#bzflag MrAC (~d8b24432@
02:50.44MrApathyCreamer, shouldn't
03:08.48*** join/#bzflag Patlabor221 (
03:13.44*** join/#bzflag MrApathyCream (~d8b24432@
03:14.11MrApathyCreamheh session time outs
03:15.51MrApathyCreamcapture the cow?
03:16.06Jormungandrbuk buk buk
03:16.36Patlabor221actualy it's a well developed game type
03:16.39Patlabor221and rather fun
03:16.46Jormungandrthe chicken moves, and you chase it, and when you catch it, it sits on top of your tank and thrashes.
03:17.04Patlabor221variation of "kill the guy with the ball"
03:17.10Patlabor221one guy has "the chciken"
03:17.29Patlabor221shows up rather large on the radar and the hud
03:17.38Patlabor221gets points for how long he has it
03:17.47Patlabor221kill the chicken, get the chicken
03:18.04Patlabor221if you don't have the chicken you are ni'invulnurable.
03:18.13Patlabor221hillarity ensues
03:18.21Patlabor221he with the chicken can't fire ether
03:18.42Patlabor221was an old quake 2 mode
03:18.59Patlabor221actualy replaced your visiable wep and your screen wep with a chicken
03:20.56Patlabor221hmm jor this dosn't look like it would be that hard to implemetn, the server stuff I mean
03:21.53Patlabor221really just need to replace the Admin bool on each player with a struct of options, and some commands to get and set them
03:22.34Patlabor221and /password would still set all the items for that user true so it would work the same
03:24.23Patlabor221hmmm chestal may like this too
03:24.47Patlabor221wouldn't have to give someone admin pass just to start a countdown
03:25.43Patlabor221it's a link to the code
03:31.09Patlabor221jor how does this look for a rights list
03:33.33Patlabor221what the hell does /up do?
03:33.37Patlabor221or /show?
03:33.53dougheckaon the tanks
03:34.07Patlabor221like everyone drops there flag?
03:34.40dougheckaI dont see a /up
03:34.43dougheckaonly /flag up
03:34.53Patlabor221I'm looking in code
03:34.54dougheckaand /flag show
03:34.59dougheckathose match
03:35.11Patlabor221LOL you could put /shit up and it would work
03:35.27dougheckathrow up
03:35.34Patlabor221no has to be 4 char
03:35.45Patlabor221rather lame
03:35.49Patlabor221I will fix
03:35.52dougheckaheav up
03:36.36Patlabor221wonder if this is something tim would want in CVS
03:37.09Patlabor221this could be hooked into his karam system too
03:37.24dougheckais there a karma system in the works for 1.7 yet?
03:37.29Patlabor221hmm need to add a /register
03:37.48Patlabor221and a /addOp
03:37.53Patlabor221like nick serv
03:37.59Patlabor221you register your nick
03:38.05Patlabor221and then can do a /gost
03:38.07dougheckawhen they connect?
03:38.10dougheckaah, cool
03:38.17dougheckawhat if someone used my name?
03:38.22dougheckawould it have ip filters?
03:38.31dougheckaof /identify
03:38.47Patlabor221:    /addOp would let you set someones access permisions
03:39.13Patlabor221if a nick is in the list it will send you a message saying that the nic is used
03:39.26Patlabor221and you need to /identify within x min or be kicked.
03:39.31dougheckaah, cool
03:39.36Patlabor221if the server admin wants it to do that
03:39.40dougheckathat would help with imposters
03:39.58Patlabor221if someone was using your name, you could also /ghost them
03:40.14Patlabor221if you have /ghost rights
03:40.50Patlabor221just /register
03:40.59Patlabor221it will use your current nick
03:41.05dougheckaand pass?
03:41.12Patlabor221: /register mydumbpassword
03:41.34Patlabor221prevents people from regestering an assload of passwords
03:41.36Patlabor221or nicks
03:41.52Patlabor221need to add /remove too
03:42.15Patlabor221so you could say you are done with a nick, or an admin could forece kill one
03:42.27Patlabor221I am going to try it local
03:42.42Patlabor221once that works perhaps work could be done to make it get it all from a centeral database
03:43.02Patlabor221it will also save the banlist
03:43.08Patlabor221as it's updated
03:46.29Patlabor221Jormungandr you here?
04:02.24*** join/#bzflag MrApathyCream (dbrosius@
04:02.53Patlabor221he returns
04:04.56Patlabor221get the code ok?
04:11.45MrApathyCreamhaven't tried yet
04:11.48MrApathyCreamwill in alil bit
04:11.58MrApathyCreamgot wifepoo duties now
04:14.37Patlabor221I now say this "AWWW HELL YEAH"
04:37.33dougheckaI am on APRS network now
04:42.48Patlabor221whoot one access rights API
04:43.07Patlabor221jor how is this look
04:43.19Patlabor221it's C
04:43.27Patlabor221but Its a list of the access rights
04:43.29Patlabor221typedef enum
04:43.29JormungandrI just spent over 1.5 hours with a customer on the phone. :/
04:43.29Patlabor221idleStats = 0,
04:44.14Patlabor221lastRights,// just so we know how many rights there are this dosn't do anything realy, just make sure it's the last real right
04:44.19Patlabor221// higher level groups of rights
04:44.23Patlabor221didlySquat = 100,// no rights
04:44.25Patlabor221superAdmin = 101,// all rights
04:44.25dougheckahaha, I found a balloon on APRS, its reached 570 feet so far
04:44.27Patlabor221normalPlayer = 110,// ghost,idle, lag, removeSelf, selfRights, flagHistory,
04:44.29Patlabor221refAdmin = 120,// player + flagUp, flagShow, lagWarn, Countdown, endGame, playerList, info
04:44.33Patlabor221copAdmin = 130,// ref + Kick,ban, banlist, unban, removeOther, otherRights
04:44.35Patlabor221trustedAdmin = 140// copAdmin + setRights
04:44.39Patlabor221now lets see if I don't flood
04:44.41Patlabor221ooo that's a long time
04:44.43Patlabor221I did 8 hours onece
04:44.49Patlabor221ok so maybe my flood wait is a bit too long
04:44.56Patlabor221that's a list of the rights
04:45.04Patlabor221then a set of common higher level rights
04:45.17Patlabor221and the stuff after the // is what those igher level rights entail
04:45.26Patlabor221that look right?
04:45.32Jormungandrlooks good.
04:45.51Jormungandrmy brain hurts.
04:45.59Jormungandrat least it was a nice customer.
04:46.01Patlabor221then I'm gonna make it read it in from a file, and let that file define what the default rights are
04:46.23Patlabor221the /password will give you super admin
04:46.32Patlabor221but with this, realy we could phase that out.
04:47.02Patlabor221since the server now knows who you are
04:47.14Patlabor221and if somone takes your nick, ghost em
04:47.22*** join/#bzflag doughecka (SteveJobs@
04:48.44Patlabor221are those right sets ok for the "normal user"?
04:49.33Jormungandrcan they do flaghistory now?
04:50.15Patlabor221I don't know what they can do now
04:50.24Patlabor221I just thought of what would be nice for them to do.
04:50.35Patlabor221basicly non harmfull stuff
04:50.42Patlabor221I also added "info"
04:50.52Patlabor221gives you the IP and info for a single player
04:50.56Patlabor221instead of geting the list
04:50.59Jormungandryou can also adjust it easily enough later, if someone brings up a point.
04:51.07Patlabor221and posibly screweing up on a ban
04:51.10Patlabor221yes it can be changed
04:51.21Patlabor221I think I'll also make ban take a player name
04:51.24Jormungandrinfo might be a privacy issue.
04:51.33Jormungandrnot that I care, but some might
04:51.36Patlabor221that's why it's only for ref or higher
04:51.46Jormungandrthat works for me.
04:52.14Patlabor221tho like if you wanted to give all normal usersers info to you could add both as the defualt
04:52.16Jormungandralmost time to go home.
04:52.45Jormungandryou know... what would be cool.
04:52.59Jormungandrsay you are in @observer mode and /passworded.
04:53.21dougheckaI found someones home control system
04:53.31Jormungandrto have some sort of overview, to have a toggle for a userlist, etc. in the radar window.
04:53.54Jormungandrto have the score stats also be able to toggle for ip, etc.
04:55.02Jormungandrwhen I get home I need to double check to make sure I am ready for server move tomorrow
04:55.16Jormungandrstill no response from my uplink for irc.
04:55.36Jormungandrbut that's dealable cuz his girlfriend has access to his ircd.conf and we are good friends. :)
04:56.04Patlabor221that would take more work
04:56.13Jormungandrjust dreaming.
04:56.22Patlabor221but it could be done, perhaps leting the client parse the messages
04:56.27Patlabor221that come from the server
04:56.39Jormungandrit'd definitely take client changes.
04:56.52Jormungandrthe other thing might be doable completely on server side.
04:57.18Patlabor221hmmm looks like all the "flag" commands are grouped
04:57.27Jormungandrdoes the client check any of the /commands that are entered, or does it pass right to the server?
04:57.39Patlabor221I'm gonna take reset, up, and show and put them in one "flag" command
04:57.51Patlabor221looks like it just passes them as messages
04:58.17Jormungandrmakes it easier.
04:59.11Patlabor221now it's "FlagMod"
04:59.13*** join/#bzflag TimRiker (
04:59.14*** mode/#bzflag [+o TimRiker] by ChanServ
04:59.29Patlabor221see now I wonder if he'll like it :)
04:59.45Patlabor221it could work fine with his karma system
04:59.58Jormungandrthat's true.
05:00.07Jormungandrvery good point.
05:01.03JormungandrI have to drive home, fill him in on the ideas, pat. :)
05:01.23TimRiker&? you backgrounding us? ;-)
05:03.01Patlabor221I'm seperating out all the server side commands to look at more then just the "admin" flag
05:03.28Patlabor221basicly I'm implementing something like chanServ and nickServ for the bzfs
05:03.54Patlabor221and it's all done with / messages so no protocool breaking
05:04.32Patlabor221Jorm was was woried about his servers, he wanted some people to have kick/ban rights, but not be able to shutdown the server
05:04.52TimRikersounds messy.
05:04.59Patlabor221actualy it's not
05:05.13Patlabor221looking thru it now, the code is set up nice for it
05:05.22TimRikerdifferent people will want different levels of access for different commands.
05:05.23Patlabor221I'm gonna make it as a patch first so people can play with it
05:05.47TimRikerso how do you plan to handle that?
05:05.49Patlabor221if someone does a /password with the right password it works for them
05:06.03Patlabor221yes there will be a local database of users and there passwords
05:06.11Patlabor221like nickservs identify
05:06.20Patlabor221initaly I'm doing it all with files
05:06.32Patlabor221could be made to look at a central db later
05:06.36Patlabor221once it works
05:06.52Patlabor221basicly you go in and can /register your nic
05:06.55TimRikerso all commands would then be available?
05:07.08Patlabor221depends on how the server is set up
05:07.27Patlabor221you register you get the default command that the server has set ( defaluts from a file for now ).
05:07.52Patlabor221you ask an admin for more rights, like the abiltity to do a count down
05:07.52TimRiker"the default command" ?
05:07.58Patlabor221no defalut command set
05:08.02Patlabor221like lagstats
05:08.08Patlabor221flag history
05:08.12Patlabor221the stuff anyone can do now
05:08.43TimRikerwill it require this file? ie: what happens if you don't have one?
05:08.59Patlabor221if it's not there it defaluts to current behavor
05:09.04Patlabor221everyone gets the stuff they can do now
05:09.28Patlabor221so it works just like it does now, if you don't set anything up
05:09.45Patlabor221if you want to set up difrent users you can.
05:10.06TimRikercould work. good luck. ;-)
05:10.10Patlabor221it all needs to be tested in the real workd
05:10.23Patlabor221I thing Jorm will test it on his servers at first for me
05:11.09Patlabor221I also plan a /ghost type command if you have registerd your nick to help prevent impostors
05:11.27Patlabor221tho it won't realy be usefull for that untill there is some sort of centeral database.
05:11.42Patlabor221but as MAC keeps telling me, do it in babby steps.
05:13.07Patlabor221I'm also looking at being able to save and load the banlins
05:13.46Patlabor221and log "admin" type items to there own log. so the cops can have acountability.
05:19.32Patlabor221is there a max handle name?
05:20.11Patlabor221sorry a max nickname size?
05:21.20JormungandrI've seen some long ones.
05:22.09Patlabor221I'm goin with 128
05:22.14Patlabor221well 127
05:22.19Patlabor221that should be long enough
05:22.29Jormungandryes, I will help test it out.
05:22.41Jormungandrwe will set as the test server.
05:22.41Patlabor221I thought you might :)
05:22.57Jormungandrand I can even give you an account to log in and play when I am not around to test stuff.
05:23.07Patlabor221I've got all the old commands seperated out now
05:23.17Patlabor221and the /pass command sets all your right to on.
05:23.26Patlabor221making the database loading class now
05:24.05Patlabor221odd, this is one place where BZ was designed well for expansion :)
05:24.32Jormungandrthat's handy
05:25.39JormungandrI need to find a way to settle down after work.  I'm off tomorrow and friday, though.
05:26.08Jormungandrtomorrow is server move *YAY!*
05:27.42JormungandrI can safely run 2 bzfs instances on each of the 2 servers.
05:27.51Jormungandrnot sure if I will, but I can.
05:27.57Jormungandrit doesn't take much resources.
05:28.26JormungandrI did find, however, that a bzfs invites people to poke around to see what you are running on. :)
05:34.31TimRiker./include/global.h:const int            CallSignLen = 32;       // including terminating NUL
05:34.56Jormungandr32  cool :)
05:35.18TimRikereven that is probably longer than we should allow. ;-)
05:35.20Patlabor221that's nice
05:35.36Jormungandrsome people get a little crazy
05:35.40Patlabor22116-20 is probably enough
05:37.31Patlabor221anyone have any aversions to std::map ? I've seen vectors, but not a map in bz?
05:37.59TimRikerbe ready for possible SGI/Mac issues cause we've not tested it yet.
05:38.08TimRikerwhat are you planning to map?
05:38.51Patlabor221map of player names to database data
05:39.00Patlabor221that's what I'm curious about
05:39.10Patlabor221map does a nice binary search
05:39.31Patlabor221if they have vector you would think they have map
05:39.36Patlabor221I'm sure the mac does
05:40.24Patlabor221or I could use a some more mem and do a hashTale
05:40.28Patlabor221hash table
05:43.44Patlabor221tho it'll be in a class, could do a liniar serch on those OSs that don't have map.
05:48.00TimRikerhmm. xmission had 40 open handles and was not accepting new connections. though there were open player slots.
05:48.57TimRikertry map, just get the mac/sgi folks to test the patch.
05:50.22Patlabor221I have a mac at work so I can try that, and cappy has an SGI I can probalby con him into it :)
05:50.28*** join/#bzflag MrApathyCream (
05:52.01Patlabor221done with the wifepoo MAC?
05:53.34MrApathyCreamdownloading now
05:55.39Patlabor221can nics have spaces in them?
05:55.42Patlabor221yeah they can
06:06.49*** join/#bzflag M_A_C (
06:06.59TimRikercourse you can limit the chars in the nicks in the same patch. ;-) but I think folks like having spaces.
06:07.33TimRikerLong Nick That Works In BZFlag.
06:07.50Patlabor221yeah just makes parsing the file more fun
06:07.56Patlabor221quotes and all
06:08.19Patlabor221too bad humans can't read binary that easy :)
06:08.33Patlabor221well that's enough fun for me for one day
06:08.45Patlabor221must let the meds kick in a take me to dreamland
06:09.04TimRiker"@Long Nick That Works In BZFlag" <- just used that one. ;-)
06:09.28Patlabor221jorm I'll work more on this tomorow, and probably post an overview in the bzbb or on a page somwhere
06:09.34Patlabor221that is long
06:09.42TimRikerlooks like bzfs did not want to open > 40 handles. hmm.
06:16.20*** join/#bzflag captain_proton (~jupiter@aden2-23-dhcp.resnet.Colorado.EDU)
06:21.08*** join/#bzflag rob (
06:24.39HPPHrmmm..  After upgrading from Debian Sarge to Sid, BZ is no longer working
06:25.12HPPI was already running g0 from sid in sarge without issue, but, something's broken now
06:25.30HPPBZ launches fine, but, I get a black screen -- nothing more
06:25.39HPPI can use F12 and exit
06:25.47HPP-echo doesn't report any errors
06:25.59Jormungandrvid card?
06:26.01HPPI'm wondering if it's something to do with Xfree
06:26.06HPPATI Radeon LE
06:26.15Jormungandryou have drivers from ATI?
06:26.35Jormungandrthat helped me.
06:26.38HPPI'm using the ones shipped with Xfree
06:26.40Jormungandrbut I was using redhat
06:26.46Jormungandrget ATI ones.
06:26.48HPPWill the ATI drivers work with my Radeon LE?
06:27.03JormungandrI think they have version. don't quote me, but it's worth checking.
06:27.15HPPThis is the old, original Radeon LE --
06:27.31Jormungandrstill.. might check
06:27.34HPPBut, BZ was working up till this upgrade
06:27.38HPPI will :)
06:27.54JormungandrI don't know debian, so I don't know the difference between sid and sarge. :)
06:28.09Jormungandrmmm... first martini in about 4 months.
06:29.08HPPNope -- No ATI-made drivers for my card
06:29.21Jormungandrno errors.
06:29.24HPPSid is Debian's "unstable" branch -- Sarge is the testing version
06:29.28Jormungandris it loading agpgart?
06:29.34Jormungandrit should
06:29.39Jormungandrthen exit x
06:29.43HPPEr -- No error
06:29.45Jormungandrthen lsmod
06:29.50HPPIt is loading agpgart
06:30.23HPPAGPgart is compiled statically
06:30.30HPPI should fix that next time I recompile
06:30.32Jormungandrso it's automatically in the kernel.
06:30.50Jormungandrwell, if you use it, there's no real reason to module it.
06:31.01HPPSometimes reloading modules and reset things :
06:31.09Jormungandrwhat processor?
06:31.13HPPAMD Tbird
06:31.33JormungandrI know that someone suggested the mem=nopentium option.
06:31.38HPPOnly thing I can think of -- libmesa was upgraded
06:31.49Jormungandrfor me, it cause my machine to reboot when it loaded the gart
06:32.07HPPWell, All was running fine before this upgrade
06:32.10JormungandrI have athlon 2100+ and radeon 9700 pro.
06:32.21HPPAnd, it seems as though BZ is the only thing *not* working
06:32.33Jormungandrdo you compile your own bz?
06:32.47HPPNope -- It's a Debian binary
06:33.00HPPBut, it was not upgraded this last time
06:33.15Jormungandrdo you have newest version?
06:33.52JormungandrI wish I had more suggestions. if it's not giving clues, then I'm kinda lost.
06:35.19HPPYeah, everything is up to date
06:36.09Jormungandrmaybe post on the sourceforge support thing?
06:36.22HPPIf I can't get it figured out, I'll try that :)
06:36.27HPPI have a feeling it's mesa
06:36.40HPPlibmesa3, to be exact
06:36.44HPPxlibmesa3, to be exact
06:36.50Jormungandrmy gin froze my pickled onions almost solid.
06:37.13Jormungandrthat's what I get for now using ice to warm up the gin :)
06:37.25Jormungandrgin gets stored in the freezer.
06:41.55HPPAs I thought -- glxgears is also a black screen
06:42.05HPPIt's not bzflag, it's something in X
06:43.17HPP[00:41:39][david@david:~]$ glxgears
06:43.18HPP9719 frames in 5.0 seconds = 1943.800 FPS
06:43.18HPP16925 frames in 5.0 seconds = 3385.000 FPS
06:43.18HPP16962 frames in 5.0 seconds = 3392.400 FPS
06:43.19HPP18542 frames in 5.0 seconds = 3708.400 FPS
06:43.22HPP17839 frames in 5.0 seconds = 3567.800 FPS
06:43.24HPP....It's running, but, I see nothing
06:44.05Jormungandrdefinitely not bzflag
06:44.09jacquesive seen that behavior
06:44.19HPPjacques: Know of a fix?
06:44.27jacquessomething to do with not syncing
06:44.32HPPsyncing what? :P
06:44.35jacqueseverything's gettin buffered
06:44.52HPPStill running over my head :P
06:45.00HPPWhat can I do to fix it? :)
06:45.18jacqueswhat's your video hardware and driver?
06:45.26HPPATI Radeon LE
06:45.29HPPati driver
06:45.49jacqueswhat did you change to make it not work?
06:46.07HPPUpgraded to Debian Sid, From Sarge
06:46.15HPP...Which upgraded XFree
06:46.38jacquesoh :-( sounds major
06:46.46HPPFrom 4.2.1-3 to 4.2.1-5
06:47.11HPPI guess I should file a bug report, but, I'm not sure where the problem exists
06:47.21jacquesdid it screw with your XF86Config-4 ?
06:47.46jacquesI dont know then
06:47.46HPPExactly :P
06:48.00HPPThe Debian X maintainer tests many patches
06:48.11HPP...Perhaps one of them broke opengl for me
06:48.32jacquesit's possible
06:48.50HPPI think I'll try #debian, but, I don't think it will accomplish anything
06:49.00jacquessorry I could not help you
06:49.10HPPNo problem :)
06:57.52robJormungandr: since when does ati supply drivers for linux?
07:01.48TimRikerHPP: check your X logs
07:01.49Jormungandrrob, they have for a while.
07:02.06JormungandrI downloaded for my card and it really helped with some issues I was having.
07:02.07TimRikermight want dri and not be able to find a kernel module etc.
07:02.26Jormungandrgood point.
07:03.12JormungandrATI has been wierd for me... love/hate relationship, etc.
07:03.40Jormungandrsome things they do are cool.. but they release the bleeding edge while it's still hemoraging.
07:04.24HPPTimRiker: No errors, nope.  However, it's a common problem:
07:04.35Jormungandrah. interesting.
07:04.43Jormungandrglad that you aren't the only one with the problem.
07:04.47HPPMe too :)
07:04.55Jormungandrthere is hope! :)
07:05.23JormungandrI am so nervous about server move tomorrow.
07:05.34Jormungandrthis server has had same ip for almost 2 years now.
07:05.58Jormungandrwell, not THIS server, but server.
07:06.09Jormungandrthis server has been up for a week. :)
07:13.36HPPDowngrading to xlibsmesa3 version 4.2.1-3 fixes it :)
07:13.49Jormungandrmost excellent. :)
07:13.54HPPYup :)
07:13.59HPPNow I can sleep! :P
07:14.43Jormungandrsleep well :)
07:15.03JormungandrI am still stressing about server move tomorrow.
07:15.20JormungandrI THINK I covered everything, but the move will tell.
07:17.00JormungandrI only stress because my average uptime over the last 10 years is about 240 days. ;)
07:22.41Jormungandrwhere? :)
07:22.47captain_protonbzbb general discussion
07:23.02JormungandrI'll peek in a bit. :)
07:23.17JormungandrI'm in the middle of getting a foot rub
07:23.21captain_protoni'm just saying bzcops suck for importing someone who didn't know the admin commands
07:23.38Jormungandrah thanks
07:28.13TimRikeryou mean doug is a bzcop now? ;-)
07:28.23captain_protonTimRiker: worse - doug is *adding* bzcops
07:37.21jacquesi think they are going to have to change the English language
07:37.57jacqueswhen even professional jounalists and copywriters are using "it's" when they mean "its" what are we to do?
11:01.42*** join/#bzflag bomber (
11:10.38*** join/#bzflag doughecka (SteveJobs@
11:33.54*** join/#bzflag MrCooper (
12:03.41*** join/#bzflag prodan (
12:04.03prodancheater on ducati, bzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz, please kick
12:06.23prodanibot seen bomber
12:06.27bomber is currently on #bzflag (1h 4m 45s).  Has said a total of 1 messages.  Is idling for 1h 4m 35s
12:15.58bomberich bin wieder daaa
12:23.25prodannwer hat alles admin auf ducati
12:47.52*** join/#bzflag ak|ra (
13:19.53*** join/#bzflag prodan (
13:34.29*** join/#bzflag bzgirl (
13:35.39bzgirldoug you there?
13:37.13*** join/#bzflag DART (~d94d8b76@
14:23.53prodanteamkiller noi on ducati
14:25.00bzgirlches is there
14:28.23*** join/#bzflag ISFry (~Fry@
14:39.12dougheckanow I am
14:39.18dougheckabzgirl: now I am
14:43.45bzgirldoughecka: LTD you know him?
14:44.01bzgirldoughecka: ive kicked him before for cheating
14:44.08dougheckais he being bad?
14:44.29*** join/#bzflag paul (
14:44.29dougheckahe "hates" cheaters....
14:46.56bzgirlwell anyway, i do remember kicking him for cheating
14:47.47dougheckahmm, well, if he does anything bad when hes a cop, I am removing his bzcop status, but I havent heard anything bad lately
14:48.04bzgirli just told you something bad :)
14:52.13dougheckaNever hit your grandmother with a shovel, for it leaves a bad impression on her mind...
14:52.26*** join/#bzflag MrApathyCream (
15:02.23dougheckabzgirl: if you want, you can remove him as a bzcop... if your bzcop...
15:03.14bzgirldoug i just dont think a guy thats cheated and been kicked before, should be one thats all
15:07.01bzgirldoes anyone else know this guy besides you?
15:07.10bzgirlbzcops i mean?
15:18.46dougheckanobody is here...
15:27.05*** join/#bzflag M_A_C (dbrosius@
15:36.40*** join/#bzflag rob__ (
16:08.35*** join/#bzflag [TeA|TrEE] (
16:15.56*** join/#bzflag [dmp] (
16:32.49*** join/#bzflag ak|ra (
16:35.59*** join/#bzflag [TeA|TrEE]_ (
17:35.17*** join/#bzflag MrCooper (
17:39.36*** join/#bzflag Cell (
17:39.40Cellpower up
17:40.20Cellim doing short intro for KI III
17:45.01*** join/#bzflag lurgyman (~lurgyman@aden2-123-dhcp.resnet.Colorado.EDU)
18:27.34*** join/#bzflag sn0w_m0nkey (
18:27.47sn0w_m0nkeymornin all
18:30.33[dmp]sn0w_m0nkey: When can you guys play matches? AT what hour?
18:32.21sn0w_m0nkeyhi []dmp and ches
18:32.39sn0w_m0nkeylooking to play around 5 hours from this time..
18:32.51sn0w_m0nkeywhat time utc is it now?
18:33.25bzgirlbamf made it
18:33.49sn0w_m0nkeyisn't that the shirt he wears?
18:34.08bzgirlhe borrowed one of mine :)
18:34.23[dmp]sn0w_m0nkey: its 18:30 utc
18:35.42[dmp]sn0w_m0nkey: i'll try to have a team ready aroudn that time.
18:39.11sn0w_m0nkey[dmp] unfortunetly my other teammie is on vacation till next week
18:39.30[dmp]sn0w_m0nkey: ah. Darn. Well, next week then :-)
18:39.34sn0w_m0nkeyso no action for NNN till next week.
18:39.55sn0w_m0nkeyyou have first rights on our initiation match [dmp]
18:40.04sn0w_m0nkeybe kind with us :)))
18:40.13[dmp]ah, i think you're a strong team
18:40.23[dmp]abit worried :-)
18:40.40sn0w_m0nkeytnx, but your team is very much storng also from what i hear
18:41.07*** join/#bzflag Patlabor221 (~jeffm@
18:43.06sn0w_m0nkeyoff to lunch
18:43.08[dmp]Yeah, i think we arent that good at tactics. But at least now we begin to do somethign about it :-)
18:43.10sn0w_m0nkeyciao chow
18:43.23[dmp]bon appetité
18:43.26sn0w_m0nkeyyour team is the talk of the league dmp
18:54.31*** join/#bzflag Cell (
18:54.39Patlabor221humans are funny
18:55.08Cellmath++ today
18:56.25Cellbut have a really good book
18:56.38Patlabor221everyone is ignoring you flood monkey
18:56.42Cellthat comes to the point quickly
18:57.12Celloh, that doesnt matter
18:58.07Celltomorrow i make a new KI III intro image
18:58.29Celljust for fun
18:59.06Cellfun fun fun
18:59.37Cellhow is unreal2
19:01.12CellHD 3GB free is a joke
19:02.34Celldont like the game
19:03.16Cellthe characters dont look organic but rather stiff
19:05.09Cellerr: it lokks crazy damn fantastic
19:08.18Cellbut is a piece of shit
19:08.50Celljust got a headache by watching the intro
19:10.54Celli really deplore the developers who have to watch the flashing lights all the day, what a pain
19:11.02*** join/#bzflag iLLf8d (
19:11.17iLLf8dmorning all
19:11.29iLLf8dcan anyone tell me whose shot shell shocked is?
19:11.38iLLf8ds/shot/site hmm
19:11.46iLLf8ddunno what happened there must still be asleep
19:11.58iLLf8dah he's not on atm hmm
19:12.14Patlabor221he rarely comes here
19:12.24iLLf8dgotcha heh
19:12.36iLLf8dI had a javascript question for him
19:12.55iLLf8dI notice he's got an interesting mapover script was wondering how it handled older browsers
19:13.18iLLf8dah well =)
19:17.55*** part/#bzflag iLLf8d (
19:20.00*** join/#bzflag FantaZee (
19:26.34*** join/#bzflag MrCooper (
20:07.07*** join/#bzflag lurgyman (~lurgyman@aden2-123-dhcp.resnet.Colorado.EDU)
20:07.08*** join/#bzflag TimRiker (
20:07.08*** mode/#bzflag [+o TimRiker] by ChanServ
20:11.52Chestalhi Tim
20:15.17TimRikerk you win* users (you know who you are)... what's the drive size limitation for win98 and others? what is needed to handle a 200G drive?
20:29.26*** join/#bzflag Cell (
20:30.51Cellu  know there are  so crap software(ActiveX components for MS IE) that dial expensive numbers... Oh i think it does not function with DSL?
20:32.52Cellplz put the damn looking award off the bzflag page
20:34.09captain_protonuh, why?
20:35.18Celli think im on a cheap shampoo site after itysped
20:37.13*** join/#bzflag Eduard (~508034fb@
20:40.14*** part/#bzflag FantaZee (
20:55.57*** join/#bzflag Patlabor221 (~jeffm@
21:14.01*** part/#bzflag [TeA|TrEE]_ (
22:08.16*** join/#bzflag freelancer (
22:39.39Patlabor221now that is funny
22:42.12*** join/#bzflag michaelh20 (
22:42.29michaelh20deleting the system image list is not cool....
22:46.21Patlabor221spif telling cap to grow up. that's funny
22:49.19Patlabor221it is just a clup of little kids with badges
22:49.45Patlabor221the cops
22:51.57Patlabor221hmm I should proably add a /warn to the server too
22:53.04michaelh20I deleted my system image list -- it was fun
22:53.19Patlabor221what is that?
22:53.46michaelh20If you get the icons for all different types of files and you set an imagelist to the system imagelist
22:54.02michaelh20for a control for example, then if you don't take care you can
22:54.09michaelh20delete all the icons from your computer
22:54.13michaelh20and have to reboot
22:54.19Patlabor221how fun
22:54.33michaelh20But explorer seems imune, but they are all deleted off the desktop
22:55.49michaelh20I also add some system icons manually and my program's icon is now a folder icon
22:55.55michaelh20that is interesting
22:56.11Patlabor221of what?
22:56.14michaelh20Wher'd the heck my program go? -- whoops it's a folder
22:56.22captain_protonmonitoring data from our wireless network
22:56.43Patlabor221cap you see they are working on tourticeSVN :)
22:56.50captain_protonsome students in a random class need it for a project they're doing for the professor
22:57.01captain_protoni think they're going to get more than they bargained for :)
22:57.23Patlabor221that must be an assload of data
22:57.52captain_protonover 100,000 rows
22:57.55Patlabor221dood the new admin is freakin crepperZ, he's an idiot
22:58.42captain_protonohh they're grad students
22:58.55Patlabor221says he's gonna be a full adult soon, he'll be 15
22:58.57captain_protonthey should know how to handle assloads of data
22:59.03Patlabor221that they should
22:59.25michaelh20Small little bits at a time?
22:59.51Patlabor221small little bits of time = cronons
23:00.20michaelh20I mean how big is a butt load ? :)
23:00.41Patlabor221more then an asspinch
23:00.54captain_protonmichaelh20: i think 100k rows of a 3-column table qualifies as an assload
23:01.04Patlabor221but less then a king kong khamaehameaha load
23:01.34michaelh20Sooo what are the rows?
23:01.42michaelh20... columns I mean
23:02.39captain_protonbase station IP address, timestamp, MAC address of client
23:02.57captain_protontwo weeks of data at 5 minute intervals
23:02.59Patlabor221they gonna map it or someting?
23:03.07captain_protoni think so
23:03.10michaelh20Gonna print it out?
23:03.17Patlabor221like over the campus?
23:03.21Patlabor221that would be cool
23:03.32michaelh20Hmmm large print job here.....
23:04.00captain_protonPatlabor221: over the computer science wing of the engineering building
23:04.17captain_protonwe have about 15 base stations at strategic locations
23:04.22Patlabor221see who has the largest porn fetich
23:05.30captain_protoni don't log sniffer data
23:05.35captain_protonthough i could :)
23:05.48captain_protonits got a big disk
23:15.07dougheckaI would like to have call signs limited to 5 letters
23:15.11dougheckalike a REAL callsign
23:15.24michaelh20like "HELO"
23:15.46dougheckalike ham radio
23:15.49michaelh20only caps and _ perhaps too :)
23:15.59dougheckamy name is ______
23:17.51Patlabor221it's 31 charcers now
23:21.29Patlabor221I may shorten it with this patch
23:21.33Patlabor221to 16-20
23:22.01dougheckaI was a callsign like W2QED
23:22.17Patlabor221sounds like a bot name
23:22.30Patlabor221and this patch will make people want to keep the same name.
23:22.45Patlabor221since there permisions will be tied to it.
23:24.29Patlabor221and they can be registerd.
23:24.41dougheckawoo, I got packet radio over
23:30.42Patlabor221interesting how someone who dosn't seem to play BZ or talk about BZ,can make people cops.
23:30.59dougheckaI wonder who that is
23:31.02dougheckaI play bzflag
23:31.35Patlabor221seems more often you are here talking about other things
23:34.31Patlabor221hmm I could log the total time played for each registerd user too, that would be neat.
23:34.57dougheckahmm, and then one would have to play X amount to get to a higher level server
23:35.02doughecka"with the karma system"
23:35.23Patlabor221karma can be exploited too easy
23:35.34Patlabor221realy it's just a gimic
23:35.46Patlabor221sure I create 300 users, give you bad reports
23:35.51Patlabor221boom you are bad now.
23:36.26dougheckamaybe only people with higher karma can karma people up
23:36.42Patlabor221then you have the "karma" elete
23:36.54Patlabor221how does anyone get up in the first place when you all start at 1
23:37.08Patlabor221what does karma realy tell you?
23:37.22Patlabor221how popular you are? or how well you work the system?
23:37.23dougheckawe start out with people with high karma
23:37.50Patlabor221if you don't know what it tells you what good it for?
23:37.57Patlabor221what does it do?
23:38.14patlabor221 has neutral karma
23:38.21Patlabor221see how often it's used here
23:38.24Patlabor221it's a toy
23:38.50Patlabor221something like AIM"s warning level would be better used.
23:39.29Jormungandrokay... back later after rebooting server.
23:39.36Patlabor221how did the move go?
23:40.41Patlabor221parsing text sucks

Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.